Yea Forumsalve fanboys BTFO

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Other urls found in this thread:

Fucking kek, maybe now they'll think before falling for such an obvious scam.

>That response
Fucking wow. Still, this is why you don't pre-order.

Imagine paying for games.

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>buy stolen code
>hur dur why does my key get removed
>haha epic wins again cuck!
go away tranny chinese

epic is still very big homo though

An employee with access to the key generator made a large number without permission and sold them to a reseller. Steam aren't taking away the copies ordered prior the exclusivity deal, only the generated keys.

Numb-nutted users are making a conspiracy theory that the keys were legit and Deep Silver are cancelling them to force people to EGS. Obviously not true as the reseller and customer would have cast-iron grounds for a lawsuit and criminal charges against them


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Epic deleted Detroit from my library.


It still says Install for me

No they didn't.


>No they didn't.

They did if he "bought" it during the brief period it was accidentally priced at $0.00 (google it)

thats what you get for buying shit from G2A

Yes they did. Epic accidentally put Detroit on their store for free earlier today and later deleted it from all the people who added it to their libraries without saying a word.

My source is (a) the many fucking articles you could find googling metro exodus steam keys (b) the fact people still have their pre-order copies and haven't changed their reviews to say the game has been taken, and (c) the Steam discussion posts with dummies saying "I legal buyed the key from are stealing to make me go to epic...there a name for this it fraud"

>valve fanboys btfo

I think you mean grey market cucks btfo


I can't believe Epic would literally steal a game from you like that, wow.

how the fuck do you steal a key

I always buy from keysites but you know the risks.
He should stop being a cuck and take it as a man

As if they couldn't get any fucking lower.
>Buy game
>Dev starts disabling keys
>You lose access to the game you PAID for

Thats what you get for being a retarded buying cheap keys from shady sites.

To add to this, Sweeny specifically said he would not remove games from people's accounts if there was a pricing error. Then he went and removed games from people's accounts because of a pricing error. Standard Operating Procedure for Epic games really.
See above.

"buyed" is a quote from a Steam user...that's why it was in "quote marks".

Also, I deleted the post as I accidentally cited myself, not the guy I meant to respond to.


Steamfag: fuck EPIC

So no source then?
Kys on the way back to redit.

>how the fuck do you steal a key


People are saying there was a planned physical copy and the factory was given the generator to print keys for it.

Makes me think twice about buying licenses to play games.

>buy stolen car from a crackhead
>it gets impounded
>you lose access to the car you PAID for

Here's a source that you get from googling what he said you retarded fucking neckbeard:

I'm not even the same guy. You are a legitimate brainlet though.

Grey market key sites are at your own risk. This has nothing to do with steam or epic.

>car analogy

Yes that's fair. Caveat emptor when it comes to buying stolen property.

>using Chinese key resellers
Never deal with the Chinese. Literally more underhanded than Jews

Here's the summary from last night:
>nigger works at factory
>deep silver uses factory to box their games
>deep silver send the message out that all the cardboard pieces that have the steam key are to be removed from the boxes, replaced with the epic store keys
>nigger takes pictures of the stacks of steam keys with his cracked possibly stolen iphone
>sells these to a online key reseller in order to buy more dope
>valve cucks buy the steam keys for a game they were "gonna pirate anyway" knowing that the game is no longer available on steam since they spent the last months shitting their diapers about it
>deep silver removes the legitimately stolen keys and gives no refunds or replacements because thats what you get for being fucking retarded
If you honestly believe that this is somehow "hard" to do, i want to remind you that a nigger stole multiple copies of Kingdom Hearts 3 off the production line and sold them on the Facebook Marketplace with his real name attached to it.

>inb4 hurr durr the key resellers are giving out epic store keys they got to replace these bad batches the boxes were sent out
This is the only "proof" that retarded valve cucks need to believe something, one persons steam fourm post with zero screenshots of the email they received or the key supplier they got it from

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Imagine eating a burger in a car when they take your virginity away and say look for the seller sweety

The part that pisses me off is the radio silence on it. I don't really expect to get a game for free just because of a honest mistake, but the fact that they say NOTHING about it and pretend it didn't happen is aggravating. Just say "we fucked up, sorry for the inconvenience" and we're done, no hard feelings. But they don't care even that much.

I personally think that there were probably Steam keys that were already made for the market prior to the switch to Epic and Epic didn't want these keys to be activated now that Metro is on their platform. Seems more likely that they just plain fucked up rather than the factory making the keys originally got leaked/stolen. I don't think we're getting the full story. What a clusterfuck of a launch, not including the Detroit fuck up. My point still stands, don't pre-order games and also don't buy from Epic.

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The fact that this mundane ocurrence has been posted twice within the last hour leads me to believe this happened to an user.

Another in a long line of blunders by Deep Silver.
I hope none of you actually buy any games published by them.

Thanks bitch.I was just being lazy but feel free to choke on my cock like your oneitis does.

>i personally think durr hurrr hddduurrrr durrr hurrrrrr
ftfy, no need to write down your retarded game theorys when you can just let everyone know you're retarded straight away.

>digital video game
It's alright you fucking shill I'll just pirate every single game that comes out of your dumpster fire of a studio now. Neck yourself you nigger kikes.

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>hurr durr
Jesus fuck go back to r*ddit you autistic teenager.

>digital video game
They keys were printed on a physical piece of cardboard, which were physically stolen from a factory. I honestly dont know how you valve cucks are too retarded to comprehend that.

>Defending epic this hard
>Believing everything you read online
>Believing Epic like it's the word of God
This is a place for video game discussion, I'm just giving my tencent.

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>he still censors reddit
you're free to take your retarded delusional theory back where you came from

Stfu KID

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>I personally think that there were probably Steam keys that were already made for the market prior to the switch to Epic and Epic didn't want these keys to be activated now that Metro is on their platform.

Whether or not the keys were made by Deep Silver doesn't matter as long as they didn't get around to selling them. Obviously they could make a million keys and keep them in the manager's desk next to his Patrick Rothfuss novels (or whatever gay shit he's into)

If they really had sold them to the reseler then there'd be a paper trail - corporations don't buy things without records. This evidence would get Deep Silver's management arrested as well as sued. So the reseller is lying with the claims outlined in the screenshot here