>Yea Forums in one picture
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Anonymous 03/31/19(Sun)18:40:46 No.456702153▶
>Yea Forums in one picture
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Why are you turning up the volume to Yea Forums?
Is the phonepost included?
>no bluetooth headphone icon
OP in one image
couldn’t hear it
>About • Feed
Sounds about right.
it really is Yea Forums in 2019 summed up in one picture amazing
now heres 2003
that's 2005 though
>/g/ being technology instead of guro
Get with the times, grandpa (who reproduced via artificial insemination and is thus still an incel).
You forgot the part where your phone is at less than 10% battery life
Now that Yea Forums and 4channel are separated for the advertisers do you think there's a chance we'll get /l/ back?
newer iphones use both the power button and volume button to screenshot
Yea Forums was 4 months old at that point and only had 40,000 posts. Damn.
I wish that was the most annoying change, but the removal of the headphone jack takes that spot.
No. Most mods hate lolis and would hate coming there to moderate it, and without mods the board would become a pedo hideout.
Yea Forums in one picture
Epic for the win brooooo
Holy cringe