Why is this game so loved on Yea Forums, but seemingly hated everywhere else on the Internet?

Why is this game so loved on Yea Forums, but seemingly hated everywhere else on the Internet?

Attached: Twilight Princess.jpg (776x960, 368K)

It was extremely mediocre, with some very awful parts (eg, blurry and unfun wolf sections)

Definitely better than Wind Waker's "jank and stop sailing every 6 seconds" "gameplay", though

This is the third time I see this thread. Face it WWcuck, TP is better than WW.

Actually nobody has ever agreed with you TPfag, not even Yea Forums

Attached: 4chan Over the years.jpg (2056x4944, 2.08M)

I've yet to meet a single person IRL or on Yea Forums who likes TP. OP is a faggot.

Contrarians and zoomers. Having said that, it’s not a bad game. Just lacking in quality relative to the previous generation

Instead it's stop every 6 seconds for some slow dialogue box with useless descriptions of items or cutscenes pointing out exactly what to do to advance the sequence or even more filler dialogues with shitty pointless characters. The parts of TP that you actually get to play are decent, but it's much more disjointed than WW which expressed it's style and concept much more appropriately.

I thought Yea Forums generally disliked TP. I thought it was alright but nothing to write home about. Still had the best soundtrack of all the 3D zeldas

TP is the only Zelda game I like.

TP was a great game, true successor to OoT
The only glaring flaw it has, which turns off a lot of people (inclunding me) is the stupid bug-hunting wolf segments. Shit is too grindy

waifufags glorify it here

>Twilight Princess
>loved on Yea Forums


Anyway it's the only good Zelda game.

This, instead of listening to subhuman westerners, Nintendo should have went with their original plans for the Zelda series
> 2003 - Wind Waker
> 2006 - Wind Waker 2
> 2011 - Twilight Princess
> 2017 - Twilight Princess 2
This would have been much better then were we are right now

TP is a very flawed game and one of the weakest Zelda titles. Nobody on here even defends this game except zoomers who first played this shit when they were 5

Hopefully they stop dicking around with art styles and focus on a direct to BoTW so the series can finally get back on track.

>Why is this game so loved on Yea Forums

This is definitely not loved on Yea Forums.

*direct sequel to BoTW


Because the intro is too fucking slow and long so brainlets gave up on it. Also too much forced wolf in the first few hours.

Secretly the Second best zelda

I hope so. BotW was a great game but there’s a lot of areas it could improve. Unfortunately, the media and public has sung such high praise for the game it may not be obvious to the folks at Nintendo and monolith soft where those improvements can be made.

It's one of my top 3 zeldas. It gave the dark atmosphere everyone was bitching at one point. Great designs and dungeons. One of the better stories. Would take a tp 2 over botw 2 anyday.

what are you talking about
Yea Forums hates this game

Who knows. Nintendo was definitely aware of the criticisms to Skyward Sword despite all the blind praise. I think even they have to realize by now that throwing the baby out with the bathwater is no longer sustainable for the series. Their work on BoTW's physics and engine is too valuable to just abandon again.

It's not, didn't you fucking see all of the shitposting when TP zelda was replaced with ALBW Zelda in Smash?