Yea Forums's Official Ranking of Significant Nintendo Switch Platform/Console Exclusives

Yoshi's Crafted World has been added to low tier. Sorry, Yoshi bros. Maybe the next one will be better.

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op is a fag

Remove roller coaster tycoon

This is fucking worthless

>enhanced ports are god tier
>pokken is top tier
>lets go eevee and pikachu are in separate tiers
>star allies is low tier
holy shit op is mentally deficient

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Move Tetris 99 and Octopath Traveler up a tier
Move Tropical Freeze down a tier

I'm assuming FE:W is lower than Hyrule Warriors despite having significantly better gameplay because ew no yucky fire emblem

>roller coaster tycoon
Oh shit, that's my jam. Is it actually trash?

Shut up faggot

no original switch game has topped Tropical Freeze yet.

Odyssey belongs in Mid-Tier

Star Allies is mid-tier at best, im assuming it's placed low by frustrated anons due to it's shitty content update practices

Disagree with most of his stuff but Star Allies is low tier, at most mid tier

BOTW > Odyssey

tropical freeze is great, but odyssey is definitely more fun and lets you do more in it.

Pretty spot on desu imo
t. Switch owner who plays Tetris, Souls, MH and Smash

> FE:W is lower than Hyrule Warriors despite having significantly better gameplay
I heard the opposite, so I skipped out on both. Is FE:W really better than H:W?

Odyssey's difficulty is shit in comparison.

>Eevee above pikachu
When will people realize pikachu is much more interesting and cute than eevee?

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It's been over 2 years and botw haters are still seething as us, non-contrarian, laugh in delight and drink their tears.

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>Pokemon LGBT in anything but shit tier

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Ayyyy, im just glad Fitness Boxing is getting some recognition. It's pretty under rated and not talked about around here.

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not OP, but Pokken's absolutely top tier as a fighting game.

To begin with, yes, it is a legit fighting game with multiple attack buttons, an attack height system, cancel, just frames, etc. It's got a stupidly well balanced roster, even the bottom half of low tier is viable in high level play and can make top 8's at majors; and in general most top 8's have likre 3-4 mid or low tiers making it; The characters all play extremely differently, some with anime-fighter levels of gimmicks. it's got a lot of systems and mechanics that reward good fundamentals, neutral play, and adaption: The whole 2d-3d phase shift system means that on top of of frame data, damage, etc, each move has a phase point value, and you need to weigh if you want to shift phases faster or stay in the current phase (certain characters and matchjups favor one or the other, and shifting gives meter) and change up what moves you are using and your combo composition accordingly.

Pokken's attack height system also functions differently from other fighting games in that there's way more height categories, and height interactions occur between moves (IE, for a move to pass over or under other moves based on their height values) rather then on block/to bypass blocks, which also does a lot to encourage a wider use of your characters tools; and that + the phase shift system means Pokken is actually more mechanically depending then a lot or other mainstream fighting games.

The problem (other then people incorrectly assume it's a casualized 3d arena fighter like the naruto games when it's not) is just that as a casual/single player experience, it doesn't have anything to offer so unless you are gonna spend time actually gitting gud and playing online, getting intoi the community (, oir going to locals, it's not worth it.

t. comp


Code of Princess X is big fun, and should at least be in mid tier.

Where are the two Blaster Master Zero games, and Baba is You?

Fuck off. Yea Forums’s opinion doesn’t mean shit for if a game is “good” or not. If you had fun with it and enjoyed the experience, it was good.

FE:W is one of the few musous that isn't a DW reskin.

>If you had fun with it and enjoyed the experience, it was good
Bluepilled statement, "good" (and "bad") games don't even exist.

>Pokken's attack height system also functions differently from other fighting games
No it doesn't, it's Tekken

Sales prove that it is. It's literally the result of a franchise that mastered it's craft.

You have no idea what you are talking about, Tekken is a plane based 3d fighter, Pokken's 2d phase (what the game is designed around)is a traditional 2d fighter

tfw still no W102/W101 ala bayonetta 2 treatment

That mid tier is literally asking for trouble in every possible sense.

Pokken is fucking garbage mate. It's tekken but for mentally defective smashbabies

Why are nintendo switch ports 60 dollars?
Why is Tropical Freeze, a 20$ Wii U game, now 60$?

Star Allies was legitimately terrible.

>ARMS lower then Pokken
Is this a fucking joke?

>Both “God tier” Switch games are ports

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Super Mario Odyssey and Breath of the Wild belong in god tier.

Drop NMH to shit tier, move BOTW up to top

BOTW deserves to be at least top tier, and no amount of Snoy shitposting will ever change that fact.

Starter Eevee gets a truckload of moves with all sort of types and broken secondary effects. Starter Pikachu gets electric aqua jet and can't even take advantage of light ball because lol no held items.

Your taste belongs in shit tier. Odyssey was such a disappointment and BotW definitely isn't God Tier.

Yoshi's Crafted World is a good game too. It's great as just a relaxing title.

That fucking Gameexplain review sounded so jaded.

What's that weeb-looking game in shit tier?

>god tier is just ports

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Your existence belongs in faggot tier, faggot

You've obviously never played it, stop commenting on shit you don't understand at all. I challenge you to come up with 3 actual pieces of criticism as far as issues with pokken's gameplay systems or mechanics, I'd be willing to bet you can't.

Also we hate smash as much as the rest of the FGC does, at CEO in 2017 we got stuck in the same room as melee and the entire melee half of the room fucking stunk and they all acted like obnoxious shitheads and almost got the pokken stream shut down due to shouting expletives and shit.

I haven't played that much ARMS so I could be wrong, but IIRC ARMS doesn't have that much more casual content then Pokken, and from a competitive perspesctive there's way more going on in Pokken in terms of systems, mechanics, and potential interactions, combinmed with more stags/characters

You're the fag that would raid all the ARMS threads spamming Pokken propaganda aren't you

Imagine how I feel about getting it free from Club Nintendo

Code of Princess? I played it on 3DS and it was alright, definitely not shit, just decent / meh. I'd imagine it runs better on switch, but apparently it also doesn't have the dub which some people apparently like.

>and from a competitive perspesctive there's way more going on in Pokken
Lol no. ARMS shits on it comp-wise.

What is wrong with 1 2 switch that it's shit tier?

I always got accused of that but I never actually did that.

Mind clarifying on that then? Could you explain a bit about the actual specific merits of high level play in it, the meta, etc like I did in

Nothing in god tier. Only like bayonetta and maybe odyssey in top tier. Everything else in mid tier except botw, yoshi, kirby, octopath, travis and pokemon. Those belong in absolute shit tier.

Hardly counts as a videogame, full price despite similar kind of games having come with the console for free in the past.

>Yea Forums suddenly hates odyssey

what happened?


it's kind of repetitive

Kirby Star Allies would certainly be at mid-tier if NSMBU Deluxe is there.

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I think Odyssey should be mid-tier but I agree with your sentiment. Nintendo games don't have the potential to get very good because they are made for children.

There are more options besides "amazing" and "fucking garbage" you know. Odyssey is somewhere in between, probably slightly closer to amazing.

overpriced party game that makes you look like a fucking idiot, and for some reason they didn't make it a pack-in game even though the amount of content is on par with wii sports, actually maybe even less than that

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>Mid tier

Stop being a contrarian and put it on top.

> TWEWY - low tier
> Xen2 - Top tier

Am I missing something here? I'm playing Xeno 2 and dear God the gameplay is an absolute slog to go through. I had more control and more fun climbing up the learning curve of TWEWY all over again than what I'm dealing with now in Xeno 2.

How is LGP lower it's the same game as Eevee

It's okay everyone, after 1000 hours on MS Paint I fixed OP's shit taste.

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Waifu fags are mentally disabled

>LGBT still not in shit tier
>two ARMS
>Torna lower than main game

I need to fucking finish Frozen Dong
Is April a quiet month for games? I don’t really like Days Gone or zombie games so I should be good to play catch up, yes?

>>two ARMS
Of course user. Everyone has 2 arms.

What you some kind of fucking armlet man? Either way it's fixed for real now.

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Forget the WiiU ports, why are Code of Princess, TWEWY and fucking Street Fighter II on this list to begin with?

Cuphead is coming to Nintendo Switch on April 18th. And the Phoenix Wright Ace Attorney Trilogy is getting ported in early April too. Aside from those it seems like a somewhat quiet month.

The final remix version of TWEWY is Switch exclusive and plays different from the DS version since it's all one screen now and shit.

Isn't it basically Solo Remix with joycons? Granted, it does have that extra bit of content to it I suppose.