this pretty much sums the game up
Sekiro is trash
>homing arrows
every souls game had curving arrows.
>homing attacks
every souls game after dark souls had hyper tracking
>level design is trash
You can dodge projectiles wtf, just don't dodge when the arrow is shot and just wait for the missile to get close fucking shitter
I'm pretty sure we can all agree that anyone complaining about dragonrot is a complete shitter and hasn't played more than a couple hours. I used maybe 3 dragonrot cures the entire game and have 10+ sitting in my storage.
>homing arrows
Dark Souls has homing arrows
remember to sage
yeah game cheating shit but u still defending it... wtf?
read my OP.. why do you defend bad design?
The level design is good, you retard.
you can also block projectiles
>yeah game cheating shit but you still defending it
Do you mean: "yeah the game cheats but you're still defending it"?
what ever, so rude
I legitimately don't understand, I actually want you to clarify
>no iframes
parry you fucking faggot
>dragonrot my npc dying
npcs can't die from it you fucking faggot
>not possible to grind levels
lmfao shitter
>no online
mwaaah I can't summon
Imagine being such a terrible player that you complain about lack of iframes, when the game provides you with two new ways of avoiding damage. The absolute state of casuals
He's right about the dragonrot being shit, but for the wrong reason. It's such a non-issue that it shouldn't even have been included in the game.
He's right about the horizontal attacks tracking. You should be able to jump over a stab, but the game forces you into mikiri/sidestep.
He's right about the build variety.
Everything else he's a moron.
There fucking are iframes on both your dodge and jump, dodge literally any random mob's attack and gaze in wonder as you phase through their sword
oh no, an action game is an action game
Anyone else loving how mad Sekiro makes Soulsbabbies?
>He's right about the build variety.
i disagree. its an action game, not RPG. what do you want, the possibility to wear heavy shit and heavu weapons that make you too slow to fight anything in the game?
>watching friend play it on steam
>dodging and blocking everything
>posture getting fucked and dying
>dood this game is trash, the bosses aren't shit
>they're only hard because they have phases
>from are out of ideas
fucking lmao
>homing arrows
already done in souls
>no iframes
entire death blows animations have iframes
>homing attacks
done in souls
>counter mechanism unreliable
git gud shitter
>level design is trash
insanely better than any previous souls
>penalty for dying
you never lose more than one bar of xp and money can be farmed
didn't even understand this complaint, retarded
>no build variety
it's not an rpg but the prosthetics/skills make up for a lot of different ways you can approach enemies
>not possible to grind for levels
lies, you can farm xp
>overpowered minibosses
git gud scrub
>too many one hit attacks
just like any other souls
>not enough healing items
don't get hit kiddo
>homing missiles
same as previous souls
you're a fucking shinobi dumbass
>camera gets stuck
souls in a nutshell
>enemies can hit you while in air with a horizontal attack
why are you jumping attacks that can be blocked/parried? did you read the fucking tutorial?
>no online
thank God
Now go back to playing fortnite, OP.
I'm loving it
Not at all. I would've liked to have more than 1 main weapon that's all. They could've given you a bit of variety without going fume ultra greatsword. They could've had shit like spears, sickles, chains, etc... You know, classic ninja/nippon shit. Doesn't make the game bad that they didn't, just would've made it a bit more fun on subsequent plays.
If you can't beat this game and literally came to this board to whine and cry about it being too hard you literally do not belong here, go back to resetera.
Normal dodge have i-frames too is just kinda short.
The roll that you do when you hit the ground as a shit ton of i-frames just like dork souls.
I like seeing the salt on boards and on discord but I cringe too much watching people rage on stream or on video playing the game
Sekiro is literally 'Pleb zoommer baby shitter filter: The Game'
>No iframes
Except there fucking are. Why are people pushing this shit?
the level design is trash, but the world design is really good. Not sure if you can see Ashina castle from all the areas besides the mountain valleys, but that would make it better than DS1 world design.
>the level design is trash
t. pokeman player
>no iframes
If these supposed Soulsborne fans are such huge fans of crushing difficulty, shouldn't that be a good thing?
Why is every game not on a basedtendo machine relentlessly trashed on Yea Forums?
It is, it's disturbingly linear all things considered, they give you a few directions to go but all but one dead end repeatedly. Each zone also only seems to have a single entrance and exit. This is the same shit Dark Souls 3 did and that was just as awful.
I'm still kicking it with the big dick OG Nioh players laughing at literally everyone.
Can we have one thread without consolewars, please?
>Each zone also only seems to have a single entrance and exit
Which youtube walkthrough did you watch?
Not sure who's the bigger loser. The Steam whiner or the idiot OP who posted this shit.
Worst mechanic ever. Substitute for skill. Literally kill yourself.
It’s a linear game what do you expect why do you keep comparing it to souls when it’s a tenchu copy
>insanely better than any previous souls
this is bait
>penalty for dying
I don't know if I should laugh or cry. These retards really do want movies with a movable camera and nothing else.
I think because combat is just parry and poise focus it's throwing everyone off. I really don't think it's as hard as people give it credit for but it's not just "learn iframe window" like previous games. Stealth abuse and takedowns trivialize many encounters, mikri counter is overpowered, many bosses are just "find the exploit/prosthetic to win".
What even is the penalty? With how nearly every boss is right behind a bonfire it feels way less punishing than DaS where you have to run past all these assholes to go fight the boss again.
Honestly felt this way until I figured out how the game worked. Spam R1 until your attack is deflected. Deflect the enemy’s retaliation and respond according to the boss/miniboss youre fighting. Its so simple that I that felt stupid for taking so long to figure it out.
THIS is the real crime.
>buy game full price
>get digital artbook
>some of the art is just compressed screenshots
why is this allowed? This would be a kickass wallpaper if it weren't so grainy
are there any crazy speedruns out there yet
>no iframes
Not only you can iframe dodge everything like in a souls game, but it also makes it way easier than if you try to parry and actually try to play as it was designed.
>comparing to souls series
Retarded fallacy right from the start, invalidates entire post.
>arrows home
Very slightly? Much less pronounced than in literally every souls game, that's for sure. Most ranged enemies also use muskets, rather than arrows, so I've never noticed.
>no iframes
Blatantly false.
>homing attacks
Repetition of early point but made more vague. Needs to be expouded upon to even come close to being a real point.
>lag makes my high-action, skill based game difficult to play
Get a better PC, Sekiro is ridiculously well-optimized. I made an upper-middle-quality rig 6 years ago and it plays Sekiro on ultra settings, no frame drops
>penalty for dying
Explain why this is a bad thing? You can't lose skill points, only the intermediate exp you get on the way to the next one. Makes you much more cautious when you have a lot of exp, but makes it extremely guilt-free if you face a hard boss prepared (money spent and skill points earned) because you aren't losing anything.
Doesn't kill npcs. This point implies you've played the game for about 2 hours since you haven't found the cure mechanic yet.
>no build variety
It isn't dark souls, don't know why you expect this. And even still this isn't entirely true since you can prioritize different prosthetic tools and skill upgrades.
>not possible to grind
If you mean you can't grind stats to facetank bosses, then holy shit ahahahahahahahaha
>overpower minibosses oneshot you
It's not a one-hit if you're low on health.
>too many one-hit attacks
>not enough healing items
Use pellets and stop engaging groups head-on, play like a ninja and utilize stealth kills to thin the enemies, if not killing them all outside of combat.
>no online
See first point.
>0% in common with souls
See first point.
>Even Dark Souls 2 is better than this
See first point.
What the hell did you think the game was about?
the WR is like 40-50 minutes atm
Like in Dark Souls, most areas are contingent and you can do crazy OOB skips from one side of the world to the other, skipping entire regions
>not possible to grind for levels to give you that % chance to win vs a boss
Are soulsfags confirmed for casuls?
>homing arrows are common in all Souls and not a problem
>there are iframes, but the number is far smaller cause the game prioritizes parry, not dodge. learn how to play
>counter mechanism is reliable, polished and works perfectly. You are just shit at it cause you are relying on dodging instead of learning how to parry
>level design is more linear, but it still has a lot of side areas, secrets and short cuts to find. level design is good and the grappling hook adds versatility to exploration
>penalty for dying is balanced. You get an extra life and you never lose your skill points. only a percentage of the exp and half the money, which you can save if you buy money bags. Game penalty isn't bad or unfair
>dragonroot barely has any weigh on the game and can be easily controlled
>this game needs no build variety. it's a character action game with stealth mechanics. not a rpg
>not grinding for levels isn't bad. again this isn't a rpg. The game is balanced so it can be beaten by anyone on the same ground. No way to be under or overleveled. Everyone is on the same plain field and the game is built and balanced with that in mind
>all enemies are hard in this game. mini bosses, bosses, normal enemies. You just need to get good at them. they aren't unfair or cheap.
>there aren't one hit attacks. unless you are progressing to later parts of the game without upgrading your vitality
>there is enough healing items. your "estus flask" can be upgraded to 10 and you have pellets and other items to help your out, buffing health, strength, resistance to damage
>homing missiles? like arros? already checked
>stealth is optional in the game and saying stealth is bad is an opinion
>camera does have issues i give you that
>enemies attack you vertically cause their swing movement isn't always a straight line. it goes in various angles
>no online isn't a bad thing. this is a single player game like REmake 2. There isn't online cause this isn't an online game
Not him but what he means is that combat is too easy once you figure it out
It's obvious from the Lady Butterfly tutorial that the game doesn't play out the way the developers quite wanted it too, there needs to be an actual penalty for being deflected, being stance broken, and for L1 spamming, and there needs to be more incentive for dodging and counterattacking instead of just baiting for deflections. Grabs and low sweeps are the only attacks that really pose a threat to the player.
I was playing it like a souls game. Wait for the boss to swing, go in, get out, rinse and repeat. While deflecting whenever I couldnt run away. I didnt realize the game was endless aggression.
>Yea Forums can't recognize bait
You all sicken me.
lose half your currency and xp toward next level. also dragonrot, but people say that it doesnt actually matter with the abundance of cure items
Basically this. Lady B forced me to learn how to the system worked. Genichiro forced me how to get good at parrying. Ever since then the game has been a breeze.
I really like the atmosphere and maps, but the combat is sadly just lacking a small amount of polish to be really good. Remove tracking from midair attacks for example. Why can enemies change direction AFTER jumping at you?
Also, lockon system could use some work. Countless times I click lockon while an enemy is in my screen, yet my screen just pops off somewhere else. Bad.
>it's disturbingly linear all things considered
It's literally less linear than Bloodborne lol. Did you even play the game?
We know OP is baiting us, but that steam post isn't bait. Some people really think that way
>there needs to be an actual penalty for being deflected
Why? That would be awful. I'm pretty sure you get posture damage when you get deflected, just like the enemies are? Why would you need to be more punished than them? Especially when there's nothing you can do about deflection?
L1 spamming doesn't always work (because your gauge rise a lot with a block) and stance break can still fuck you over
Just look it up you lazy piece of scum.
No, the Steam post is bait. He mentions the homing attacks several times and keeps saying "wtf? fu" and even lists problems all the Souls games have, complains he can't grind for xp, and then finishes his complaint by saying it's not similar to Dark Souls enough.
I don't know, there's plenty mentally defunct people on the internet nowadays. And steamdrones are generally a high slice of that demographic.
charging R1s to poke through guards from a safe distance makes it too easy to cheese non-boss enemies, the downside to doing this is supposed to be that you can easily be deflected this way, but again, deflections don't matter
If you get a bonus for countering an unblockable attack that you could see coming from a mile away then so should enemies
I don't understand why you faggots care so much about people making the game easier or more fun. I'm up to the Owl and though I'm loving the game it sucks there's no community around it with co-op and online and interesting builds.
Heavy weapons would be more interesting. Hyper armor to poise through attacks would be an engaging change of pace. And there could be other weapons too, like naginatas or axes.
He's not even right about grinding, you can grind skill XP all you want for more attack, defense, and techniques. It's also pretty obvious that he hasn't found nearly enough gourd seeds, he's just shit and is venting
How dumb can you get? Noise / grain =/= compression. It's often used in art, games, movies. You can also easily remove noise from an image but you'd rather just complain about something trivial instead of looking up how to do so.
>It's often used
To make things look like trash. And I'm not gonna blur it with some shitty photoshop filter either.
Yesterday I've watched a clip from twitch posted here where a so-called "souls veteran" broke his controller out of frustration after dying to that first shinobi hunter on the Hirata Estate, he basically blamed it all on the game and not on his inability to learn how to play it correctly.
>homing arrows
They slightly curve towards you. It's weird, but not homing.
>no iframes
There sure is with dodges, it's just not as forgiving as other souls games with you passing though weapons like a ghost
>homing attacks
What the fuck? Enemies can pivot like they should
>counter mechanisms unreliable to due lag spikes
Works on my machine, never experienced this and my friends with various builds havent either
>level design is trash
Without explanation as to why this is a meaningless statement
>penalty for dying, no way to get stuff back
Yeah it's called curing the dragon rot and even then you have at least a 10% chance of getting stuff back
>dragon rot
See above. You get at least 8 (maybe more) opportunities to completely cure it. Also, no NPC dies.
>build variety
There's three skill trees unlocked in the first three hours of gameplay
>not possible to grind levels
There's dozens of items that make you stronger, albeit temporarily, that assist in earning skill points that can trivialize bosses.
>mini bosses that one shot you
Never encountered this, and even then you get a free revive
>too many one hit attacks
See above
>not enough healing items
You can make your gourd extremely strong and enemies shit out healing pellets like hot cakes
>homing missiles
Again see above
>fucking stealth
Isn't the forefront of gameplay and works pretty well
>camera gets stuck in walls/environment
Only issue I had with this was fighting granny and it unlocking from her
>enemies hit you mid air even swinging horizontal
Never had this happen
>no online
That's because it's a fucking single player game
Was mad at first but I stuck with it, beat it in a few days
Doing better than half this board
>Le epic false flag
kill yourself
God I can't imagine people that actually unironically think like this. It's this weird fucking mentality that people only play dark souls to stroke their ego and that its SOOOO HARD only some basement neet could beat it by spending hours autistically learning patterns that causes normies to give up because they think the game is fucking impossible.
the level design is actually masterpiece-tier
kys shitter
What it sums up is that it's very clearly not a souls game, and not meant to be played like one.
I saw a vid of some youtube fag playing it like a straight stealth game, and he had no troubles at all. Even put down one of those "impossible" sub bosses in a few minutes by using all the tools at his disposal.
Meanwhile, the half starved souls fags all struggle, because yhe same ild, tires souls fag tactics won't work in a stealth game.
Stay mad, souls babies.
We seriously need a video games journalist difficulty, but for Amerimutts.
Most inbred retards "criticizing" the game are actually just grasping straws trying to think of anything they considered marginally bad in order to defend their ego after getting destroyed by easy bosses like the Shinobi Hunter.
the camera really is shit
gee eye tee
gee you dee
bee ayy ess eee dee
>hurr I can't memorize the attack patterns hence the game is bad durr
git gud, souls casuals