We're officially a quarter into the year

>We're officially a quarter into the year
Any new games you've enjoyed so far? Any titles you're looking forward to later in the year?

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DMC 5 has been the highlight so far. I hope Borderlands 3 won't suck.

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Enjoyed DMC5. Looking forward to Super Dragon Ball Heroes: World Mission and Nioh 2.

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God damn time flies fast bros, another quarter being a peace of sheet ;_;

What vidya has this game feel?

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Really liked DMC5 and Sekiro.
Waiting on Sekiro and Samsho.

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Hnnnggg I love Ayeka

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I meant Nioh 2 and Samsho.

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I enjoyed Speed Brawl at PAX, super fun

This is day 90, 91 if you're farther east. We're not even 1/4th of the way through.

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Please don’t post my waifu.

It's been hit after hit since RE2make, with some notable exceptions like Anthem and Jump Force. Best year for vidya in a long time so far, and it's far from over.

Ion Maiden and Wrath. I'd also say Xenonauts 2 and Phoenix Point

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superior blue head waifu coming through

I'm really looking foward to what valve got in store this year, it's gonna change gaming forever

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botan best girl

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why not?

You heard me.

>Ace Combat 7
>REmake 2
>DMC 5
All fantastic games. Sucks that this year got frontloaded so hard because I have no anticipated games for the rest of the year.

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Deliquent Botan was best Botan.

Your waifu is a whore with many 3D husbandos.

She is a space pirate. Steals all the young men's hearts. Even mine :'(

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DMC5. And I didn't even know there was a 4th Tenchi Muyo OVA

Resident evil 2 remake was incredible

Waiting for animal crossing. Everything in between is bonus

Guys, we all know who the superior 90s wife is.

>Any titles you're looking forward to later in the year?
Looking forward to Astral Chain later this year, and maybe a new Monolith Soft announcement.
Bannerlord never ever.

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Really enjoyed Death End Re Quest. Don't care about any other game released so far.

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ryoko = sasami > ayeka = mihoshi = kiyone >>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> washu

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Resident Evil 2, DMC5, and Sekiro have all been great. I dunno what I'm looking forward to cause I have a massive backlog.

hmmm...there really isnt anything interesting for me.
RE and DMC5 are out.
Maybe Atomic Heart or Close to The Sun if they ever get released

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kuwabara is best girl, faggots

I liked Deep Rock Galactic and Hypnospace Outlaw.

I destroyed my meat to Ryoko as a kid.