I have never played a single JRPG in my life (except souls). Recommend me a good starting point...

I have never played a single JRPG in my life (except souls). Recommend me a good starting point, I already know about ff7, but would also like some newer titles 2008+. Don't care about story, I value fun single player experience with replayability.

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earthbound and mother 3
if you enjoy those games then you could play mother 1, but its a bit more gindy than earthbound and mother 3
the pokemon games are also pretty comfy and are a good beginners jrpg (just dont play xy, oras, lgpe, sm, or usum)

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>Don't care about story
JRPGs aren't for you, the main draw is the story.
>I value fun single player experience with replayability
Xenoblade X

Shin Megami Tensei 3: Nocturne.

i bought ffx on steam, ill let you know how it is

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Shin Megami Tensei 4

Eternal Sonata

meaning that I don't care if it's shit, if there's one i'll obvciously follow it, but if the main draw is the story then maybe you're right

Persona 5's breddy gud

hey i need the picture of this paw with the wario face edited on it please
i know one of you has it

Dragon Quest V

>Don't care about story, I value fun single player experience with replayability.
Boy do I have the series for you

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What kind of single player games come to mind when you think of something with "a fun experience" and "replayability"? Your answer to that question will be helpful.

Jrpgs are garbage.

>Don't care about story, I value fun single player experience with replayability.
I can recommend some
>Etrian Odyssey
>Xenoblade X
>Monster Hunter


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lets say fallout nv, plenty of builds and a few different paths , but mostly care about builds

Mother 3


Sure it was Japanese-developed RPG but it doesn't have any of the trappings of traditional JRPGs. It's more Western RPG influenced than anything else.

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>Monster Hunter
Stop this

P5 or DQ 11

Nothing except gameplay ever matters for video games.

When will you westerncucks ever stop trying to get good games under your pathetic umbrella?
I know it's hard to accept that you have nothing of value among your FPS with stats and ultima clones, but you need to accept that.

I wanna kiss those little paws, so cute. MUAHH ^_^


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ok I said I don't care about story but if there's one I'll follow it, no matter how bad it is, do I need to play previous DQ games before the newest one?

No, they are separated stories most of the time and DQ 11 is one of those

Try trials in the sky, it's a good visual novel
Just be aware that it gets good after the first 2 games, halway trough the last chapter in the series

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might as well kissing the sole of a shoe, its's dirty as hell.

go big or go home
if you choose dds2, you have to play dds1 first

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>DDS 2
Just the fact that the game was rushed eliminates that

Unlimited SaGA
Just listen to that battle theme, it can't be a bad game right?

The holy trinity of babbies' first JRPGs you mean

>Not even the best Megami tensei, DQ or FF games

There are no great 2008+ jrpgs. The genre died with the ps3's launch.

Chrono Trigger

Unlimited would be exactly what OP asks for, we have to see whether he'll be yet another casual or not though.

Hey I don't care what side you like best, it's just an objective fact. Souls games might "technically" be JRPGs by they don't play or feel like them in the slightest.

Also, ignore people telling you to play Dragon Quest or Mother. Those games are boring as fuck and never had any popularity in the West.

>DDS over Nocturne

this but swap DQVIII with Golden Sun

>Nocturne over DDS
Hell no

I'm adding everything to my backlog and i'll probably start next week, trying something completely different from what I normally play so I don't get burned out

>it's just an objective fact.
Sure my man, whatever you say.

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TWEWY has a shit ton of replayability and a unique gameplay style. I’ve even seen people who don’t even like JRPGs like it here.

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Not him but is it playable on emulators ? i don't remember how much touching it used

Nocturne is just a beta test for DDS. Play a real game, squirt.

Atelier Arland DX trilogy
games are light on plot and are made for replayability due to complex crafting, playthrough routing, countless event flags and more.

>JRPGs aren't for you, the main draw is the story.
Read a book. Holy shit.

Llylgamyn Saga
SMT 1/2
Labyrinth of Touhou

Nothing else is worth playing.

Google will tell you the same thing. Also OP if you have a PS2 or can emulate one look up Tri-Ace's games from that era, notably Star Ocean, Valkyrie Profile 2, and Radiata Stories. I think Star Ocean was re-released on PS4 but I'd look it up first as it has some jank that has not aged well.

The gameplay is very heavily reliant on the touchscreen for Neku's end. Not sure about how well that translates on emulators.

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>Google will tell you the same thing.
Google can choke on my fat, hairy metadata dick for all I care.

Reminder that JRPG is not a subgenre and the only reason the term exists at all is because otherwise most 'JRPGs' would not even be classified as games, let alone RPGs.

>Babbie's first
It's not Zill O'll or Tsuganai Atonement or anything really obscure like that, but I think it's a stretch to call it entry level, especially in a metaseries that includes Persona and SMT 3/4

Remember to post it here if you ever manage that.

squish squish

Thanks, i will do some more researching

Its more so western shit can call itself RPG, you need to be some retarded mutt to like western trash over nip games

>mostly care about builds
In general JRPGs are a bad choice for that sort of mechanic. You need to look in WRPGs instead.
That being said Dragon Quest XI has character customization with skills.

>JRPGs are a bad choice for that sort of mechanic

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Resonance of Fate

Exceptions exist, yeah

>You need to look in WRPGs instead.
Kek, yeah, just look at masterpieces like Witcher games.

IIRC it's not so bad with the mouse after getting used to it, but it's been years since I played it so I might be wrong.
I did complete it on an emulator though.

Yeah, the beginning of the end of FF is far from flawless.

Sell me on this game, what's good about it

Suikoden 2 is fun. Epica Stella is fun. Parasite Eve is amazing. Maybe also play Xenogears undub.

i wanted to do the same but jrpgs may as well be called gayrpgs because all the mc's look like stupid teenagers

Old hag loving faggot. Younger = better looking. Younger girls = sexier. Mutts just have grandma fucking fetish.

Which FF should i play first?

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not an argument

7 or 9.

golden sun 1 and 2
child of light
all of the kingdom hearts games if you like action jrpgs

>I value fun single player experience with replayability.

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>Trying to pass french shit as jrpg.
Also what a shit taste you have.

don't use lain's image for such a dumb question

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golden sun games are easy to get into if you're new to jrpgs
child of light is basically a jrpg made by quebecois
kingdom hearts is fun and The Story So Far is on PS4 which is 5 and a half games and 3 movies for like $50

Enjoy having literally nowhere to grind for the post game bosses