It's From's best game yet and Miyazaki's magnum opus
Dark Souls > Demon's Souls > Dark Souls 2 > Bloodborne > Dark Souls 3 > Sekiro
>7.7 user score on metacritic
>Dark Souls 2 above BB, DaS3 and Sekiro
Why would you even bother posting that when you must already know your opinion is not worth shit?
Pirated it and my computer had lag, fps drops and clunk. What I played was enjoyable so does the PS4 version have these issues? Might buy it there if it runs well.
Dark Souls 2 had the best online coop and messages
>It's just not my kind of game even if it's a good game hence you can't prove it's actually that good
I can prove you're a little bitch
PS4 runs awfully and has input lag and impossible to turn off blur.
KEK x2
>user score
>trusting a bunch of butthurt filtered plebs giving it a 1
>all those literally who websites
Sekiro isn't even on par with bloodborne
It's no masterpiece
But I like Sekiro. Its just my least favourite of the souls games.
It's definitely the most consistently enjoyable
Digital foundry says it even better than the X1X version, why lie?
Are you legit autistic? Why are you posting this everywhere?
Bloodborne still exists and Sekiro just ties with it. But it's certainly better than all of Dark and Demon Souls
What? I'm playing it on a fucking GTX 960 and it runs at constant 60 fps at 1080p with everything maxed out except for shadow quality. It runs better than Dark Souls 3, for some reason.
It's not a souls game.
>Game Informer
LiTeRaLLy WhO??/
Is Sekiro part of the dark souls 1-3 lore or the demon's souls and Bloodborne lore??
People need to grow out of Bloodborne.That game is legit cringe if you take into account the absolutely convoluted plot
Bloodborne. The Yamamura Set mentions an Eastern warrior, and it looks a lot like what Sekiro is wearing.
I don't see how you can play it and not think of it as a Souls game. It shares more than enough similarities to be considered a Souls.
Bloodborne is still better. It's quite good though.
What the fuck are you on about.
Sekiro is based on historical locations.all soulsborne games have referenced eastern warriors since demon souls,it's just japs self-inserting their country's stuff into the games.Bloodborne is not set in a real world
>I don't see how you can play it and not think of it as a Souls game.
Because I'm not a brainlet equating art style to genre.
Ds3 and BB i think had emotes you could add to messages so theyre better by default
I disagree but it is a fantastic game. I'm glad From is doing something other than Souls shit, Dark Souls 3 had so much series fatigue that it felt like a chore.
>expecting anything less from casual snoyboys
But there are multiple mechanics that are clearly taken from the Souls game. The animations, sound effects, items, the basic combat, it's all different but it's still directly descended from Souls. It has it's own estus flask.
I just want to wear a helmet, bros
>magnum opus
No way in hell. They laser-focused on the 1v1 combat but everything else was left in the dust. The best FROM game is a close competition between BB and DeS and the rest can fight for the remaining scraps.
Stop lying, I play with a GTX 960 and while it's fine in small areas, in Ashina castle there are 0.7 second freezes every 2 seconds on low settings.
I don't get the comparisons to souls games. They're not even in the same genre. Sekiro is a jrpg and Souls is a wrpg, totally different IMO
>fighting Corrupted Monk
>perfect parry his moves
>game still punishes me by taking away some of my Posture
Oh, so the game is flat-out cheating now?
It’s optimized very well, poor person.
>But there are multiple mechanics that are clearly taken from the Souls game
Name them.
>It has it's own estus flask.
Most combat focused action games have replenishable healing items. That is not a Souls staple.
You can't be posture broken by deflecting, even if it builds up a little bit of posture damage. You shouldn't find yourself being too pressured by posture damage unless you mess up and block a few attacks. If it happens, just use Ichimonji or hold block to regen it faster. Not being damaged helps a lot with this.
It’s a fantastic game, but DeS and DaS will still be tied for numero uno to me.
>hold block
I didn't know this did anything, I'll try it out. My tactic was to run and just stand there to recover.
You need to be careful when holding block because the enemy will attack you and you will block his attack and take further posture damage, but while holding block you recover posture 2x faster so basically use it at the same opening you'd use to just sit there doing nothing.