This feels like an insult to the Legend of Zelda

This feels like an insult to the Legend of Zelda.

Attached: 12345678.jpg (1038x575, 126K)

Nintendo can do no wrong.

Why? They get to be in a good game for once :^)

More soul than LA remake

This thread feels like an insult

I'm excited for it.

hey op..your gay

Link got to be at the center of the franchise for decades, it was time for him to step aside and let in some representation, why is that scary?

With how shit BotW is and how gay the game boy Zelda remake looks, I’m actually unironically looking forward to this.
So I find these spinoffs like Hyrule Warriors more enjoyable that what Nintendo themselves are shitting out.

>tumblrshit designs
Looks like CDI kino is back on the menu, boys.

Sadly this

Either way, necrodancer is a god tier game and I'm happy to see it get more content

This post feels like an insult

The generic OoT design is so lame. Especially now it's in some pretend flash anime.

That's not the OoT design

Why would they trust TLOZ to some rando indie shitter?

They already paired Rabbids up with Mario so it was inevitable that Zelda would be crossing over with another IP.

>This feels like an insult to the Legend of Zelda.
go back to Yea Forums

Because rando indie shitter made one of the best rhythm games of century

M8, it's just a crossover. And with two good IPs, too.

Zelda enemies translate well into Necrodancer visually because they're distinct and have L O R E that the devs can play on. Plus the natural variety of weapons/attacks that come from a weaponsmaster like Link, a skill monkey like Aria and a spellcaster like Zelda can fill out the gameplay well.

Tingle better be in this shit, or that’s going to be a huge missed opportunity.

That's fucking ALBW Link retard

This feels like an insult to the Legend of Zelda.

Attached: botw.jpg (400x652, 62K)

100% fucking this

cool story bro

Attached: SI_GCN_TheLegendOfZeldaTheWindWaker_image1600w.jpg (1600x800, 219K)

t. Ocarinababy

You're an insult to LoZ fans.

>attempting to be a Link to the Past style
>Link doesn't have pink hair
you'd think a tumblr artist would be glad to use pink hair