How did a game with arguably one of the worst melee combat systems of all time become one of the most highly praised...

How did a game with arguably one of the worst melee combat systems of all time become one of the most highly praised video games of all time? Do people really care that little about actual gameplay?

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>arguably one of the worst combat systems of all time
Then argue it. Melee was serviciable.
Also, more to 'gameplay' than just melee.
Enjoy the many (You)s to come

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>Do people really care that little about actual gameplay?
Do you really have to ask when its competition is Skyrim and DAI?

You guys name an RPG with less flaws.

>arguably one of the worst melee combat systems of all time
fuck off

Gameplay isn't just combat.

Yea Forums is literally the only place in all of the internets where you'll find a few people saying the game has the worst combat.

>Do people really care that little about actual gameplay?
It has "press a button and something awsome happens". That's all they need from a game to experience it.

the gameplay in Witcher is pretty shit in general tbqh. Witcher missions were a big disappointment for me I was really excited at the concept but it's literally just hold down the button to make every important object be highlighted and then Geralt tells you exactly what's happening. Combat it serviceable at best but it's fucking janky and gets really dull real quick especially for such a long game.

Attached: witcher hitbox.webm (900x506, 1.18M)

>one of the worst melee combat systems of all time
Are you one of those people who think Fallout 4 story was one of the best videogame stories told in recent times?

Also with the way the levels were designed you can be level 15 and a super dangerous mob will take you an hour of whacking away with perfect dodging to kill it and then get level 16 and the fight is completely trivialized. I'm not what math actually makes the game's stats balanced like this.

Combat is a bit shitty at times but it's not the worst. Everything else is top tier.

>one of the worst melee combat systems of all time
That’s not FFXV

>Wearing trash armor instead of Witcher Gear
>Rolling around like a retard instead of doing ANYTHING offensive
That's the essence of Yea Forums alright
That enemies with a skull "feature" was awful but there's at least a mod from the developer (former developer?) that fixes it.

yeah shitty hitbox, but maybe try not rolling into the fucking thing when its about to hit you

The combat is not that terrible but contrarians only have that to criticize the game. TW3 is the epitome of kino by itself but it has, on top of that, the best DLCs the industry has ever produced. Like it wasn't enough that the game was the best of the decade by itself, they decided to jump on the corpses of every other game by giving us free content (the free dlcs) and two absolute masterpieces. HoS is pure kino from beginning to end.

Attached: rwak6bixcedz.jpg (1920x1080, 146K)

Dodging and parrying in the Witcher 3 was fun if not too easy. The DLC bosses were legitimately interesting fights.

Attached: Witcher3Combat.webm (800x450, 3M)

>literally not even remotely in area of the enemy's attack
>still get hit
>Yea Forums will actually defend this

The combat was fine. Adequate, I'd say.

>Make it pretty to look at
>Already hooked the established fanbase, so don't need to worry about them, who gives a fuck
>Make it 90% open world fluff, including sidequests that have nothing to do with anything
>Make main storyline very short and shallow compared to Witcher 1 and 2
>Gut the alchemy system of any real depth
>Make the combat easily accessible and not punishing in the slightest via i-frames and fast animations
>Opening up the ability to speed through it if you have ADD or run around doing useless shit if you're a casual

Congrats, your game is now GOTY because it appealed to many different people. It's an alright game, but it's a horrible Witcher game.

Because Yea Forums is a fucked up bizzaro world where people can't have fun or enjoy objectively good games.
TW3 is an objectively good game no matter how much you desperate tools cry and gnash your teeth about it. You people are almost as bad as the degenerate troons and cat ladies in shitholes like reddit, resetera, or somethingawful.

Attached: bait.png (477x408, 205K)

In case you weren't aware, there's a mod that fixes most of the stuff that was shit in TW3. Combat is less crap, the stupid leveling system is removed (there are still perks, they're based on individual areas like light/heavy attacks, signs, potions and progress as you use the abilities associated with them), completely overhauls alchemy, rebalances the economy, and contains tons of minor fixes.

The combat fixes aren't just un-bamhamifying it either, it also makes the silver/steel distinction more akin to what it's in the books (so steel is what you use for most organic monsters, with silver being needed for things like wraiths and werewolves), makes the potions more lore-friendly so that they're best drunk before the battle in the preparation phase and last for 5-10 minutes, makes the oils make more sense, etc.

There's some slightly retarded stuff about it though, mostly because the author is an underageb& memespewing sperg who has an irrational hateboner for Dark Souls, so he's tried to delete reactionary dodging by implementing a system where you only get i-frames if you roll away from the enemy in a 90 degree angle. This leads to some infuriating situations thanks to the game's already janky hitboxes. Personally I've just edited the mod to increase the angle, which was pretty simple to do and helps quite a lot. Either way the good far outweighs the bad.

If you've been putting off replaying the game, you might want to take a look. Really helped me with my repeat playthrough, because the leveling and boring combat killed all my past attempts.

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>Make main storyline very short and shallow compared to Witcher 1 and 2

Nigger are you sure you played TW1?

not defending man, its a shit hitbox. all i'm saying is the guy playing is a legit retard.

Played it just before playing 3 for the first time, I suppose doing just the main storyline, they're roughly the same length, although the dialogue in 1 probably makes it feel longer. I feel like there was so fucking little dialogue in 3, I hated that.

>be me
>in Skellige
>grab a boat and sail out to sea for some loot
>This song plays /watch?v=NknjE2SBPxw
>sound of the sea, wind and music combined
>tear rolling down my face
This game is special to me.

Never had bad hitboxes in Witcher. Nice cherry pick of old version of game


I know that exact feeling, just wandering in the open sea was so relaxing. I did every question marks and i liked it.

Skellige is when I knew it was going to be one of my favorite games of all times. The fact that it can't be discussed on Yea Forums is evidence that this place has gone to complete shit.

Attached: i sleep.jpg (480x480, 34K)

this is literally the dumbest of takes
arguably one of the worst combat systems?
there is some much stuff way worse out there
it shits on 99% shitty game Yea Forums holds dear

>Do people really care that little about actual gameplay?
Yes, just look at Yea Forums.

fuck off.

gothic series have pretty shit combat but that doesn't stop them from being great, same with the witcher, specially 3, it's very fucking far from the worst, it's just simple.

combat fags need to kys.