

Attached: 1554013941326.png (800x800, 230K)

i dent like this thred *sege*

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post clowns

why do i keep seeing doremi shit

s4s runs this board

I want to empty my balls down your throat.

This artist isn't funny desu.

i actually laughed

This is bad board

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its Yea Forums national treasure


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Attached: 1524168648020.gif (352x355, 30K)

fuck off s4s

Your fortune: Good

spikeman will win

*blocks you're path*

Attached: Spikeman.png (148x125, 1K)

esfoures is the only nice broad allowd!


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Attached: KoreanAbortion.jpg (1000x3758, 467K)

>autosage if you post LOL in OP

Attached: 03b.png (400x381, 108K)

Why the fuck do you people use the term "autosage"?


Attached: 1356023625993.jpg (1184x617, 191K)

If the thread didn't hit any kind of limit, sorry, it's an autosage.

please never post this shit again don't @ me i will not open this thread again

I miss him. He was shitty, but fun.

>thread gets bumped back to page 1

Attached: Won't forget.jpg (480x519, 27K)

Qualified it with "if." Gotcha.

fuck off newfag

>quoting luggage lag

Because it's a meme forced by the same guy who drew that comic

>almost 10 years ago
Holy fucking hell

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beste thread on vee

Attached: IMG_6390.jpg (500x495, 47K)

it's a term used at krautchan you newfag

porn pls

Op is a clown

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I miss serious discussion

IM LOLING!!!!![spoielr][/spoiler]

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Attached: mario-vs-sonic_o_542946.jpg (640x492, 70K)

It is a bannable offense to announce sage!

entering the [s4s] i n t e r f a c e

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heh.... nothing personale vee

Attached: 379a3b2c74666157a157ebce854d10f8d5982dd6e8354066cfbcda8c35974d69.png (605x716, 736K)

Get back to your containment board cretins

post handshake comics

based and abortpilled

tee hee

Attached: THAT'S OUR DOBBY.jpg (2326x1160, 511K)


how deviant!



Attached: Dobson_Gamestop.png (588x829, 127K)

Literally why did he even post that to her?
She wasn't outraged and spewing a massive rant, she was calmly expressing emotions about her fathers suicide in a way that would offend no one

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Yuji Sakai has won 1!!!!1!

what the fuck is going on in this thread?

He wanted it to blow up.

The best part about this is that he printed out the email and brought it with him, because he was expecting someone to try to stop him from walking out with the demo disk.

Fuck it.

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Was he in the right?


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Going for 9

2, 9, trips are the best. 5'd be up there if she lost the belly button piercing, shit just looks uncomfortable.

5 or 0 c'mon

here we go 6



Attached: video games.jpg (1102x797, 207K)

shes cute

please 8

Anyway, going for 8.

Attached: 202013E5-C482-4FE3-83BA-679D21FC50BC.jpg (618x589, 69K)

3 or 7 please

Please be 7

>s4s on Yea Forums
My brain hasnt switched to retard mode yet, can you give me a minute

>0 over her belly button

Attached: 1449042328405.jpg (900x644, 224K)

You didn't already prepare for Yea Forums?

Attached: 1447794638519.gif (450x525, 94K)

it's not bannable to announce sege

N-no nod rlly

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lol nice

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5, 7, 9, and trips are best girl


Attached: Same.png (625x605, 177K)

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banti bitttch

Gimme a 4!

what is this deep garbage ape lore

where does it lead

I think i watched a documentary on this.

ayy lmao

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Ah, I see you too are a man of culture.

Attached: 7E75E812-7F7F-4D5E-88AC-1BE8EBBB363C.jpg (512x384, 79K)

Fuck that's good

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Video Games.

Attached: 6dc.png (870x769, 1M)

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Sheep Heavenly girl doesnt deserve those quads. Now give me that delicious 4, 1, 7 or 6

where's the joke
who is this ape

what in gods name

Attached: 1524111217404.jpg (709x720, 176K)

I might need some help getting this one.

Because autosaging is a phenomenon that can occur separately from bump limit. Mods have historically used applied autosaging to politely remove off topic threads(more common before the invention of cross board thread transfer).

Autosage is an affect of bump limit.

Attached: tumblr_n9mtcinV0b1qkinreo1_400.gif (300x350, 65K)

Please, not Mutt

Attached: x1.jpg (858x1200, 393K)

Attached: 02_02_17_8dcfca9452e6e8eecf120d04dca8bb24.jpg (619x720, 137K)

reddit a few decades before there was reddit

Did he know that Robin Williams was her dad and that he died recently?

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I dislike feeling dread upon seeing Yotsuba dumps now. Why can't mods not delete threads when she gets posted?

based heathcliff

Attached: i130821heathcliff.jpg (498x580, 63K)

this is so kafkaesque

Attached: x3.jpg (858x1200, 462K)

Is this the same person who posted the clown comics and always called me their friend? And told other ppl to not bully me?

He meant to imply she is the female thor telling male thor (Robin Williams fans) to calm their tits and stop questioning his suicide.

Attached: 1495716397160.gif (450x544, 108K)

Heathcliff is currently ran by the creators son who has no idea how to make a Garfield comic.

I don't know why people still post her. They aren't funny or entertaining, they just get a pass because she's the mascot.

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Attached: i151125heath.jpg (497x580, 59K)

But she is funny, and she's also cute as heck. Yea Forums isn't Yea Forums without Yotsuba.

He was trying to flirt with her.

1, 4, 8, or QUADS

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Attached: x5.jpg (858x1200, 411K)

What does any of it mean?

garbage ape is making me lose my fucking mind

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Attached: x6.jpg (858x1200, 428K)

>t. watches seasonal anime

It's him!

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Attached: garbage ape lore.png (858x177, 81K)

*BAPs you*

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what the fuck is happening

Attached: wh.png (112x111, 26K)

I think the Garbage Ape is supposed to be a mythical figure to explain how trash cans always get knocked over during the night.

The cats want the Garbage Ape to come because that means they get free food.

Attached: x8.jpg (858x1200, 608K)


Yotsuba is actually an angel

>tfw you understand every heathcliff comic on the same level as the garfield pipe video

Attached: 1543592444937.gif (981x1152, 43K)

Thank you for posting Yotsuba.

It's one of the few things that brings me any genuine happiness these days.

*kills your lore*
nothing personell kid

>All this Heathcliff
I thought I was on Yea Forums for a moment.

explain it to the plebeians please

100% no

very lovecraftian

Attached: x9.jpg (858x1200, 433K)

holy fuck BASED

>it's one of the few things that brings me any genuine happiness these days
kys depressed fag

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