Yea Forums may pretend they don't like oblivion, but it is truly the pinnacle of SOUL

Yea Forums may pretend they don't like oblivion, but it is truly the pinnacle of SOUL

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things in oblivion that please me:
>the soundtrack
>the UI, the menus and item icons
>the voice acting
>the quests
>the dlc

>it is truly the pinnacle of SOULE

why were the characters so ugly in oblivion when they looked good in morrowind?

I unironically enjoy every single Elder Scrolls except for Arena. Oblivion is my favorite but I won't pretend it's the best.

they're fine. its the oblivion aesthetic. they dont look worse than psychonauts

This is a good response.

Man of taste. Except acrobatics was retarded and voice acting was too serious for those facial animations.

Came here to post this.
It had its moments, but Oblivion is still shit though.

>acrobatics was retarded
having peak acrobatics and athletes and zooming around the map is amazing

i'm actually playing oblivion for the first time with tons of mods and i realize how much i missed this soulful feeling.

No spears, 6/10.

Hell yeah, I fucking love the look and feel of the menus, they fit the game perfectly. The Skyrim came along and replaced it with minimalism with a nordic touch. I fucking hate minimalism and it needs to die. Soulless as fuck, not even memeing

In a dream from your childhood you remember playing hiding games with your young friends on a warm summer afternoon. You hide in your parents' barn, sure you will not be found. Soon, the sweet smell of hay is replaced by a darker, sickly smell. You move deeper into the barn, only to stumble on the rotting corpses of your parents, their throats ripped out. You try to scream as your parents rise and pull you into an embrace.

This was the last game to have viable unarmed. So it's much better than Skyrimjob.

Athletes is understandable. But jumping a lot doesn't somehow make you jump so high that you defy the laws of physics. That being said i still enjoyed the quest were you have to borrow the boots to sneak into the imperial tower.

>But jumping a lot doesn't somehow make you jump so high that you defy the laws of physics
Nirn has it's own laws of physics.

oh you

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I think the last game I really remember having a good looking stylized UI was Kingdom Come: Deliverance. Fit the aesthetic to a T.

Fuck Tamriel I want to go to Akavir.
>Hah no here's another European Tolkien-esque province of Tamriel

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Honestly, Kingdom Come: Deliverance seemed to borrow a lot from Oblivion minus the fantasy elements. The UI in menus alone makes me instantly think of Oblivion.

Oblivion had great sidequests, OST, and atmosphere but lets not forget the stuff that made it shit (bland main quest, bland copy+paste dungeons, weed whacker combat, potato faced characters, 5 VAs for every NPC, the introduction of "essential" NPCs, the subtraction of certain skills and elements from Morrowind, level scaling, etc.)

Skyrim fixed some of this shit but at the same time still wound up repeating sins and dumbing down certain features even further from Oblivion. The gameplay and dungeons were at least better in Skyrim and the level scaling isn't as intense.

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