Will you buy it?
Will you buy it?
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fuck no
I feel like they deliberately made them unlikable looking. I just dont want, i dont feel like i will enjoy it. I love shooters, but honestly this is not one im looking for when there is Rage 2, for example.
Am I smelling some seethe my dear boy?
Maybe when it is heavily discounted
>but honestly this is not one im looking for when there is Rage 2
I didn't even know there was going to be a new wolfenstein, what a walking corpse of a franchise
god no
I don't see how that image is relevant to my post
nope, Trump will win in 2020 and mueller just got cucked
stop posting the headlines from this site jeez
also yes but primarily because my irl friend really likes wolfenstein and the arkane games and he seems really excited at the thought of playing it coop with me
you should murder your friend instead
Rolling for the fag developers to say "don't like it, don't buy it"
No. I'm not the target audience they want so I just won't buy it.
yes im not a outrage retard
>buying wolfenstein post-enemy territory
Not if it's as lame as New Colossus was and let's face it, it's an Interquel game meant to get ready for the Nu Wolfenstein 3 so it's already shit out the door.
I take it he's from Copenhagen.
Probably not. Bethesda games are double retail price around here.
I am reminded sometimes that some people have been mad every single day of their lives since the election. I sometimes go for days without even thinking of politics, but some people's entire livelihood revolves around writing the word "Trump" four thousand times a day. It sure is great to be able to speak and think thoughts not pre-approved by Trevor Noah or Jordan Peele.
Rise of the Triad>Wolfenstien
No. Didn't like the gameplay in the last ones. The movment felt a bit floaty and the guns unresponsive. They had no power behind them.
I don't like co-op
>Not just picking a default face so you can actually play the fucking game
Liberals are cancer.
"muh trannies"
when Yea Forums is confused and angered by something they don't like or understand they utter the phrase "muh trannies", they utter this phrase due to the fact that trannies have taken up residence in their head free of charge and have become the new boogyman.
No they're just fucking annoying
it's amazing how intimidated alt-righters feel about sex because they don't get any
PC and Switch versions
Trannies should be allowed to ruin women's sports so I don't have to pretend women's sports have merit.
literally what
I think about it, but I've been trying to think about it less and less. No point in getting mad about things that I can't and don't want to change.
If Wolfenstein is now Hilary Clinton, what game is Donald Trump?
>paying 60 dollars to have globalist cuck propaganda shoved down your throat
If you look into concrete you can see that there are 5 types of birds that inhabit the opposing realm.
Nop. The first game of the reboot was alright, I even got 100% on it but I only heard bad things about the second game. The third game seems to be just as shit of not worse.
thank you
Postal 2
I'm still not going to fuck you sweety
nah, not my style.
but I have a wife so this strawman doesn't really work here
Yeah, isn't it great. People are obsessed with politics and people from all sides are all seething constantly.
>Steam forums
>age: 300
>we'll never be able to tell what gender they were because there are endless genders but only two skeletal structures - even back then!
She has you well trained.
Nah, I never really liked Wolfenstein in the first place, was always more of a BLOOD kinda guy
No one is gonna fuck you lol
Do you think you're smart for figuring out that the people doing this are false flagging?
Eat shit tranny.
how do you go from this...
I really don't see a "SJW" agenda thus far in Wolftenstein Youngblood. Unless one makes the argument that its two women as player characters (which is no more fair then to suggest a co-op title is bad for having two male characters by nature) or the inclusion of a black girl with natural hair as a support character, I don't really see the issue.
Then again I didn't see the huge issue with The New Order or The New Colossus being "SJW" somehow simply because they focused on the tropes of "What groups of people would be focused on fighting the Nazis in the 60s". It all seemed to be asinine.
>all sides
The right and alt right have been far more vocal and "butthurt" this whole term. They were never this defensive during Bush. Something happened during Obama's 8 that made them all snap and I freaking love it lmao
>Criticize game for pushing an agenda
>Discussion gets shut down because it paints their agenda in a negative light
Last Wolfenstein game I played was Old Blood and that’s probably gonna be it until the social justice fad dies away
...to this?
Didn't the last entry not sell all that well?
....to THIS?
Why do you cut off your dicks and pretend it’s normal?
to this?
To this?
Your not missing anything Wolfenstein II somehow fucked up the things that made the first one fun. Forced stealth segments are retarded
>implying you have to cut it off
my boyfriend loves my clitty
Yeah it looks fun even though the dialogue and story are cringe as heck. Plus it’s thirty bucks and the story seems decent to me.
No, not really
>cucks make game filled to the brim with lefty propaganda
>shill game on Yea Forums
>get surprised and angry when no one wants to buy it
>spend the next 2 weeks shitting up the board with rage as their game sells like shit
How many times does this have to happen before they learn from it?
Yea I'm really glad Obama got them to snap. Finally, they are waking up. I can't imagine the shitty state we'd be in right now if the Clintons were back in the Whitehouse. I think the final straw was Obama's "He'd look like my son" comment while knowing nothing about the case and the dems and buzzfeed type journalism stoking racial tension back to 50's levels.
if it has 2 player coop, then yees
if it's single player only, then no
plus, skip all cutscenes
>Mueller wasn't anything other than a cleanup man for the Republican party and always has been
don't get me wrong, I never believed in the collusion conspiracy from day one. there was never any evidence presented and there was a ton of evidence trump was working against putin. but to suggest mueller was ever out to get trump is laughable. he has always been a GOP operative. he didn't get cucked. he did the job he was tasked with: investigate a baseless claim without exposing any of the president's actual corruption
>Forced stealth segments
Dodged like a bullet then
Before or after your bi hourly dilation?
"make your own games" screamed the fat neck beard
"fine" screamed the minority tranny
you faggots bought this on your selves
now its your turn, make your own games
Nah. I don't buy point-n-click adventures
It sold better than the first game for roughly the same development budget.
But Bethesda dropped a lot of money into advertising and so it didn't recoup those loses.
The best part about trannies is they kill themselves for you
>Mueller wasn't anything other than a cleanup man for the Republican party and always has been
lol the 180 from "All I want for Christmas is Mueller" to "Trump's personal cleaner"
lol what is this pick about
>he did the job he was tasked with: investigate a baseless claim without exposing any of the president's actual corruption
>any of the president’s actual corruption
And so long as retarded and baseless claims like the pee tapes or Orange his skin is are kept in the public eye we may never know if he actually did do anything wrong
ah yes, all trannies dilate
I’ll buy it for the low, low price of zero dollars on GazelleGames
>Buying anything from SJW Swedish cucks Machinegames
If you turned your outie into an innie then yeah. Otherwise the wound heals itself
>for someone that didn't chop it off
Keep dilating your brain you fucking retard
how much does a 9/10 and goty from ign cost?
UMMMM no sweaty but I will be buying the GOTY Doom Eternal
Not sure if trolling but I think it was more the resounding economic growth and turn around after W's "attempt" at liberating the ME that seemed to annoy a lot of old, white people. Like republicans couldn't believe that a "DEMOCRAT" did such a good job that even Fox News had to scrape the bottom of the barrel to say anything negative about him. I M H O the rightie tighties are just taking their pent up rage on everyone except their precious Tan In A Can mascot (not throwing shade at anyone who uses spray tan; just Trump)
nope but ill pirate it
Nah you just turned it inside out
This is a literal bot post gentlemen. Not NPC meme, this is an actual bot.
reading comprehension isn't your strong point. I said I never believed in collusion. I am not a democrat. I am glad trump won because it leaves 2020 open for Bernie, who would never be president if hillcunt won.
as for Mueller being the republican party cleanup man? just relaying what Colin Powell's Chief of Staff said m.youtube.com
Nah. I don't think they should've made a direct continuation of the first game. Throw on top of that the abysmal story of 2 and then you've guaranteed I won't touch anything from these guys again lmao.
I can’t wait until berniebros start shooting up rallies
>out of date music choice
>characters by checklist
>constant quippy human
>lol they swear!
yeah its those damn dirty misogynist gamers
>I never believed in the collusion conspiracy from day one
Here's the issue: over twenty people connected to Trump were indicted because of that conspiracy. Even Barr admitted the Mueller investigation process that Russia interfered with the election. The issue wasn't ever "Did it happen" but rather "Did Trump know?"
But Mueller is also a legal conservative who likely doesn't believe it's in anyone other than Congress' power to indict a sitting president. So it all comes to Congress to say whether Trump broke the law (with obstruction of justice, which Trump has all but admitted to in the past), but since Mitch McConnell is the best politician on the planet it will go the way of Iran Contra. Everyone knows it happened, everyone knows he's guilty, but the half of Congress that are good at politics will make it quiet forever.
It doesn't matter because he's going to get reelected anyway because Democrats are dumb as rocks. Unless they somehow nominate Sanders.
we know he colluded with Israel. we know he did favors for Saudia Arabia and Turkey. we know he violates the emoluments clause a dozen times before breakfast
It's actually free.
All they do is go
>If you give this game a bad review we'll stop giving you Fallout promotional material
>Here's the issue: over twenty people connected to Trump were indicted because of that conspiracy. Even Barr admitted the Mueller investigation process that Russia interfered with the election. The issue wasn't ever "Did it happen" but rather "Did Trump know?"
Schizophrenic post.
No, Wolfenstein 2 was fucking garbage with poor level design
And the funny thing is. Nothing can be done about it because people are more hung up on things that don’t matter. I look forward to 2020
... to this?
what evidence is there Russia interfered? would like to see some
>I am glad trump won because it leaves 2020 open for Bernie
lol fucking Elizabeth Warren has a better chance at being the chosen candidate than Bernie.
have sex dude
lose weight lady
Quit shitposting outside of Yea Forums. In fact, quit shitposting inside of Yea Forums.
The original is funnier, I hate how brainlets ruined it.
im sure you got some data to back that up right?
Sorry, I haven't looked into it in a while. I think there may have been some dudes who just were in contract with Trump's campaign manager and the head of how transition team.
You know, dudes who went to prison because they admitted they were in contract with Russian intelligence.
Don’t tell them
What the hells SJW about it? Are people pissing their pants just cause you play as BJ daughters?
Never even seen a single preview or trailer. I'm not going to acknowledge (((their))) games.
Take your medicine, Schizo. Before you shoot up a pizza place or whatever you tin foil fucks do.
nobody went to prison for that
Bernie is second behind Biden, but then everyone remembered that Biden is a creepy weirdo so I'm sure that number will change.
>over twenty people connected to Trump were indicted because of that conspiracy
Remind me what they were indicted for again?
>Even Barr admitted the Mueller investigation process that Russia interfered with the election.
Remind me what that interference entailed exactly?
id didn't make a single good game since the bethesda take over
The only game they made was D44M, which was good.
of all the games to imitate why pick trash like far cry
>"I'm gonna end the ME war"
>Bombs it, even more, the W for 8 straight years while sucking Saudi dick
>Blatantly uses the NSA for his own purposes, ushering in the era of "government spying on you is okay because I trust Obama"
k. Liberals spent 8 year afraid to question the government for fear of being called racist. Name 3 criticisms you have of Obama admin. You surely must have some differing ideas in the course of an 8-year long political body... right?
In what way is Wolfenstein like FC?
paypal @ me
here's a little fact for all you folks. what kicked off this whole thing was Trump saying he wished the Russians would hack Hillary's emails. then we had the dnc leak and everyone immediately blamed Russia and the claim was they did if Trump. here's an inconvenient fact. every intelligence agency including NSA said they had high confidence that the servers were hacked from Russia. high confidence. this alone tells you it's bullshit because the NSA has a tap on all communications coming in and going out. they would have evidence, which they have never shown or claimed to have. furthermore, NSA whistleblower Bill Binney PROVED the dnc servers were downloaded to thumbdrive on the local network. the timestamps on the files all ended in even numbers (fat systems round up to the nearest even number) and no internet connection outside of the US even comes close to being fast enough to reproduce the timestamps on the dnc files
It's a $30 budget title coming out in a dead month for games. It'll probably be six hours long (or less, counting cutscenes). Clearly they don't have much faith in it. After this and the VR spinoff, they're probably going to put the series on ice for a few years.
yearly releases alternating between $30 and $60
Wasted 4 years trying to work with republicans instead of just hanging them in the streets.
I'm pretty sure we used to call those expansion packs. In this case, a stand-alone expansion, like The Old Blood.