Name a more blatant and lazy crash-grab. I dare you.
Name a more blatant and lazy crash-grab. I dare you
Other urls found in this thread:
OP's mom
please explain
Resident Evil 3 Remake
Literally any game made in the west
angry weebfag who unironically plays visual novels detected
Dark Souls 3
What do I win?
Name a more blatent (you) b8 thread than this. I dare you.
Also OP is a massive faglord.
I just got the hand cannon in Leon A. Should I save it for bosses or is it a licker dispatcher?
>Fighting lickers
C'mon, man
You'll want to save your boolits but it's pretty good against lickers later on
It kills lickers in like two hits, shotgun is better for bosses.
The Dynasty Warriors franchise, especially since they re-use assets a lot.
I wouldn't go that far. It's not as good as 7, that's for sure. It's a solid 7.5-8/10 game. I mostly dock points because while the graphics are good and the game is mechanically sound, the story is virtually non-existent with no cool twist.
RE7 was good in all the right ways and incredibly memorable. I hold RE7 in high regard - right up there with another great homage to 60s spy thrillers: MGS3. And RE7 is an homage to cheesy goofy camp.
RE7 - 10/10
REmake 2 -7.5/10
RE4 - 9/10
About the only memorable part in REmake 2 is the Leon escape sequence with that amazing tense music. That was epic as fuuuuuuggg
Every single compile heart game.
This is #1. Good call
prepare your anuses
Use the knife to kill Lickers, because it stun locks them if you do it right. Also use the knife to kill bosses. Once you get the flamethrower, use it to stun bosses, then knife them.
The Kingdom Hearts franchise
It was a good call for them to make the knife have durability in the remake, it's way too good as it is.
Sucks that they allowed the infinite knife to be used for getting S+
Fallout 76
Any sequel ever. /thread