Why is Switch so bad?

It's just perplexing that Yea Forums hates Sony too much but don't even bother to criticize Switch:


>No major third party games, only Bethesda kusoge
>Only two shitty background themes
>Avatars are just Nintendo shitty characters and Miis
>You can't share videos of every game, only with a few selected ones
>No folders or way to organize your software
>No media apps like Netflix or CR, which is ironic because it has Hulu and Youtube
>No web browser even if the fucking system has one available.
>Third party games need additional download because Jewtendo can't create bigger Switch cards
>Most of the current Nintendo games are just Wii U ports or shovelware like Snipperclips
>Third party games like Resident Evil or Wolfenstein are way more expensive than the other consoles and run worse.
>Horrible online service, only shitty NES roms, some games don't even support Cloud saves, terrible lag and latency.


Attached: switch console.jpg (800x450, 27K)

Other urls found in this thread:


as always, nintendo management sucks


>it's perplexing that nintendo fanboys shit on sony so much
You're a fucking idiot.

at least it has exclusives

All emulated on PC

I wish that were true, user

don't forget:
>no backwards compatibility, which is apparently only bad when sony does it
>voice chat requires pic related in 2019 (it was built into the ds lite in 2006)

Attached: nintendo-switch-online-cords-100730493-large.jpg (700x525, 59K)

> Best Selling PS4 games
1. Grand Theft Auto V (19 Million) (MultiPlat)
2. Call of Duty: Black Ops 3 (15 Million) (MultiPlat)
3. Red Dead Redemption 2 (13 Million) (MultiPlat)
4. Call of Duty: WWII (13 Million) (MultiPlat)
5. FIFA 18 (11.8 Million) (MultiPlat)
6. FIFA 17 (10.9 Million) (MultiPlat)
7. Uncharted 4 (10.3 Million) (Exclusive)
8. Horizon Zero Dawn (10 Million) (Exclusive)
9. Spider-Man (9 Million) (Exclusive)
10. Call of Duty: Infinite Warfare (8.4 Million) (MultiPlat)
11. Fallout 4 (8.4 Million) (MultiPlat)
12. FIFA 16 (8.2 Million) (MultiPlat)
13. Star Wars Battlefront (8 Million) (MultiPlat)
14. Call of Duty: Advanced Warfare (7.5 Million) (MultiPlat)
15. Battlefield 1 (7.2 Million) (MultiPlat)
16. The Last of Us Remastered (6.7 Million) (MultiPlat)
17. MineCraft (6.3 Million) (MultiPlat)
18. FIFA 15 (6.3 Million) (MultiPlat)
19. God of War (6.1 Million) (Exclusive)
20. Destiny (5.7 Million) (MultiPlat)
21. Uncharted Collection (5.7 Million) (Port)
22. The Witcher 3: Wild Hunt (5.3 Million) (MultiPlat)
23. Final Fantasy XV (5 Million) (MultiPlat)
24. Crash Remastered Trilogy (4.8 Million) (MultiPlat)
25. Monster Hunter: World (4.6 Million) (MultiPlat)


>but don't even bother to criticize Switch:
This is a case of "I'm being intentionally dense for the sake of my victim complex"

what the heck are the near 100 million people playing if not even 1/5 of them own GTAV?

It is

What are you trying o prove here?

you forgot to mention

>2011 hardware


Attached: IMG_20190329_113053.jpg (309x176, 11K)

There aren't actually 100 million ps4 owners. There are alot of consoles returned used in gamestop warehouses.

it isn't, yuzu sucks

Attached: 1543730472210.png (367x381, 8K)

lmao April Fools OP, we get it. Nice try though.

It doesn't?

it does, it's basically an odyssey emulator and not a good one at that

Please jannies do your fucking job. Console way threads need to be instantly banned.

>there's an actually high chance Mario Kart 8 Switch outsells GTAV on PS4 by the end of this fiscal year

It can run perfectly BoTW, Odyssey, Xenoblade, etc

The only three games worth on Switfch

Are the splatoon joycons colors too much?

This is a huge mess. Can you just plug in headphones into the switch or what am I looking at here?

>It can run perfectly BoTW, Odyssey, Xenoblade, etc
that is a blatant lie

Haven't you seen all those people running BoTW at 4k with mods?

Switch has had a lull in releses lately, but it's got a far better lineup than PS4 and Xbone had in the same period. The last year or so has had pretty regular hot releases like Read Dead 2, RE make 2, DMCV and Sekiro, but let's not pretend these consoles have adiquate libraries for having just entered their sixth year on the market.

Attached: 1542150839582.gif (275x319, 1.79M)

That is only possible on the switch.

yeah, using cemu. Not yuzu.

> but it's got a far better lineup than PS4 and Xbone had in the same period.

Last year were Wii U ports only,


Yuzu is doing tremendous progress, just look at Odyssey, i am expecting a full native emulator by the end of this year.

refer to

What does that has to do with my post?

Odyssey runs pretty great on Yuzu, most Switch games will be fully emulatable in a few months.

>Last year were Wii U ports only,
Vs years of the other platforms getting nothing but AAA rehashes.

odyssey's full of graphical issues still, including basics like the shaders being completely off and missing models and animations. It is fully playable, but there's a slew of problems still - you barely have to glance at it to notice them. Yuzu is extremely inaccurate as an emulator right now, pretty much only odyssey runs with very little else even being bootable, that doesn't to me look like a sign that it'll most games will by fully emulatable in just a few months. Even cemu still doesn't play some major wii u games properly and that's been around for years.

>Emulator that is currently in progress isn't running games 100% accurately

WOAH, genius.

Still it's doing great progress


>Even cemu still doesn't play some major wii u games properly and that's been around for years.

This is true for most emulators, N64 emulators can't run N64 games perfectly, RPCS3 still has some problems as well.

>Still it's doing great progress
I agree, but earlier you claimed it "can run perfectly BoTW, Odyssey, Xenoblade" which is a complete lie.

People don't care about PS4 exclusives, it only sells because it's the only Platform worldwide for COD, GTA & Sports games. Which is why Sony fans don't have anything in common, since they have no dedicated fanbases that don't overlap with multiplatform ones
> Best Selling 3DS/Switch games
> 1. Mario Kart 7 (18 Million) (Exclusive)
> 2. Pokemon X/Y (16 Million) (Exclusive)
> 3. Pokemon S/M (16 Million) (Exclusive)
> 4. Mario Kart 8 Deluxe (15 Million) (Exclusive)
> 5. Pokemon OMARS (14 Million) (Exclusive)
> 6. Super Mario Odyssey (13 Million) (Exclusive)
> 7. New Super Mario Bros. 2 (13 Million) (Exclusive)
> 8. Super Mario 3D Land (12 Million) (Exclusive)
> 9. Animal Crossing: New Leaf (12 Million) (Exclusive)
> 10. Super Smash Bros Ultimate (12 Million) (Exclusive)
> 11. Breath of the Wild (11 Million) (Exclusive)
> 12. Pokemon LGP/Eevee (10 Million) (Exclusive)
> 13. Super Smash Bros 4 (9.5 Million) (Exclusive)
> 14. Pokemon US/UM (8.2 Million) (Exclusive)
> 15. Splatoon 2 (8.2 Million) (Exclusive)
> Switch Sales: 32 Million
> 3DS Sales: 73 Million
Nintendo consoles sell based on their exclusively developed games alone

BoTW is perfectly emulatable on CEMU
Odyssey is playable, some minor details
No idea about Xeno too

>People don't care about PS4 exclusives,

That's why Uncharted, God of War, Spider-Man, Horizon has sold over 10 million

>BoTW is perfectly emulatable on CEMU
then why bring it up in a yuzu discussion? did you really get confused between the two or what?
>Odyssey is playable, some minor details
yes, I already mentioned how it is fully playable (beginning to end) but calling it perfect is, at best, misleading.
>No idea about Xeno too
last I checked xeno doesn't even boot in yuzu yet

>Uncharted, God of War, Spider-Man, Horizon has sold over 10 million
all of those were games that had PS4 bundles

>then why bring it up in a yuzu discussion? did you really get confused between the two or what?

Yeah my mistake

>yes, I already mentioned how it is fully playable (beginning to end) but calling it perfect is, at best, misleading.

Last time i checked it run pretty well, outside of some graphical stuff

>last I checked xeno doesn't even boot in yuzu yet

It's a matter of time.

Wow, i didn't know that Sony sold 10 million bundles of each game.

I'm saying that part of those sales came from bundles, people who buy PS4s and just get the bundles, Spiderman's could've reasonably sold 10 million though

Most of those points are entirely irrelevant to me.
>No major third party games, only Bethesda kusoge
Most 3rd party games are multiplats (best on PC anyway) and 3rd party support hasn't helped PS4 or Xbone get an attractive library, so it's kind of meh
>Only two shitty background themes
>Avatars are just Nintendo shitty characters and Miis
>You can't share videos of every game, only with a few selected ones
>No folders or way to organize your software
>No media apps like Netflix or CR, which is ironic because it has Hulu and Youtube
>No web browser even if the fucking system has one available.
These are all entirely irrelevant to me
>Third party games need additional download because Jewtendo can't create bigger Switch cards
This is an issue, albeit a pretty minor one to me.
>Most of the current Nintendo games are just Wii U ports or shovelware like Snipperclips
Despite that it still seems to have more games in terms of attractive exclusives than PS4 or Xbone
>Third party games like Resident Evil or Wolfenstein are way more expensive than the other consoles and run worse.
I'd play these on PC anyway
>Horrible online service, only shitty NES roms, some games don't even support Cloud saves, terrible lag and latency.
Cloud saves are nice, otherwise I don't give a fuck about actually playing games online on consoles. I only really play MP with IRL friends, but nobody I know even owns a console.

I don't think Switch is looking amazing, but at least it seems to me to have a more appealing lineup of games than PS4. PS4 is nearing the end of its life and it only has 2-3 exclusives in its library which I even find interesting.

What does that even mean?
They don't count because they are in a bundle or they don't count because they aren't in one?
I swear tendies are T
THE most retarded fanbase.

Wow genius, people buy consoles with game bundles to make it more enticing? No shit sherlock

Nintendo also bundle their games like Mario Kart 8 or Super Mario 3D world

>It's a matter of time.
duh, but it'll be at least a year (likely more) since it doesn't even boot, yet alone run at all. It certainly won't be a 'couple months' you absolute goober.

>don't even bother to criticize Switch
This is your mind on Snoy

Why are people so fixated on exclusives?

When PS4 still sells more than Switch

Attached: ps4 best selling.jpg (969x619, 69K)

>>Only two shitty background themes
>>Avatars are just Nintendo shitty characters and Miis
>>You can't share videos of every game, only with a few selected ones
>>No folders or way to organize your software
>>No media apps like Netflix or CR, which is ironic because it has Hulu and Youtube
>>No web browser even if the fucking system has one available.
What a bunch of pointless bullshit to care about on a video game machine

That's PS4

Attached: P5R_03-22-19-1.jpg (600x337, 44K)

Not for long hehe

well, there you have it. mario kart really isn't popular after all.

Attached: 2A6D62E0-D5CE-43B6-A3EA-FD34C825F4B0.jpg (1635x986, 225K)

if sony had a service this bad and charges you for it they would be burned alive, but nintendo can do no wrong.

exclusives, user, plural.

>why are people so fixated on exclusives
It's literally all that matters for a console. If the exclusive games aren't good, there's no reason to buy it. That's because all multiplats are best on PC anyway.

I mean, exclusives are the only reason to buy a console, unless you're particularly interested in a console's gimmick, like portability for Switch. I don't care about portability though and the other current-gen consoles don't really have any gimmicks, they're just generic boxes which run games. The exclusives are the only real criterion to judge them by, since I'm going to play the best version of multiplats on PC anyway. What else is there to judge by?

>58 posts
>only 24 ips
jesus lol

user, I...

>It's just perplexing that Yea Forums hates Sony too much but don't even bother to criticize Switch
it does. And it criticizes XBone and PCfags too.

Yea Forums doesn’t like anything.

>your exclusives don't count
>bing bing wahoo 7
>bing bing wahoo race 5
>bing bing wahoo sport 4

This list has been confirmed false. Nintendo has been lying for years. I can't show my source for their safety but it's all been lies.

This is true only for you

The average normie don't give a shit

The console that wins is the ones who gets all third party games plus exclusives

Attached: playstation-4.jpg (1920x1080, 278K)

What about voice chat, do you think that is gimmick as well?

>Yea Forums doesn't hate the Switch
Sonyfags hate it for not being the PS4, PCfags hate all consoles, and in general it's criticized as an underpowered port machine made for toddlers.

>pretending Yea Forums isn't nintendogaf

To use voice chat on the Switch you have to use a use an App on your phone.


Attached: New-Sakura-Wars-PS4-Hatsuho-Shinonome-Feature-ds1-1340x1340.jpg (1280x720, 122K)

do you not know what 'plural' means?
I never said or even implied that P5 doesn't count.

>being this fucking dense
Poor tendie.

Why is it that switch gamers don't know a thing about games while the hardcore all are on ps4?

Cope & cry more

says the retard that spouts NEVER EVER at fucking anything, to the point of irrelevancy

This. Xbox, Nintendo, PlayStation and PC are all hated here.

If anything, of the 4 platforms, PC gets the least hate here, not the Switch.

>b-be nice to Sony please :(
Still shook from the state of play snoynigger

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Because Nintendo only puts out maybe 2 games a year. Still more than ps4 or shitbox though.