2019., I am forgotten

2019., I am forgotten.

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he was in ghost recon wildlands. though it is sad that that too has become forgotten. maybe people just dont care for tom clancey anymore

I was talking about Double Agent specifically, since it is fairly underrated in the franchise and was the last true SC game.

I wanted to play it, but the ps3 version was broken

I enjoyed the ps2 version

>PS2/Xbox/Gamecube/wii versions feel like extensions of Chaos Theory
>PC/360/PS3 versions are some overproduced shit in comparison
What happen?

>double agent

What about it?

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Play it on PC, the way God intended it.

Same, then I played it on PC and realized just how better it is due to not suffering from the restraints of that console.

Loved playing this game with my neighbor.

Some cross-gen games are just the same game with the newer versions having a bit nicer graphics. Here, the next-gen versions of Double Agent are different because they were trying to take advantage of the more capable hardware, while last-gen versions couldn't be pushed much beyond what Chaos Theory could do. Turns out this wasn't a bad thing, because most people basically wanted more of CT's style. Compare this with what happened with AC Rogue and Unity; instead of trying to make two differing games with the same title, Ubisoft differentiated them into two distinct products.

>Play it on PC, the way God intended it.
the pc version is also fucked and needs lots of community fixes/patches

I played the mobile version. It was ok.

And? That takes a couple of minutes at best.

also the controls fucking suck

No idea. PC version felt....off. All the menus were noticeably glossy shit.Then I found out there were good versions of the game, and that they were developed separately. That's when I went 200% mad. This was the last time I had high hopes for a game before it came out.

Fuck that release. That one and Ghost Recon: Advanced Warfighter. They pull the same exact shit there too and PC got the trash version. Or maybe it was R6: Vegas.

It was surprisingly good.

The best Splinter Cell game, not even memeing it was better than Chaos Theory

Attached: Let me guess, three alarms and it's over.jpg (960x1280, 243K)

I have played both versions, I still think the 6th gen version was better, though it has been a while...
I remember that the 6th gen still had the noise/visibility meter present, while the 7th gen removed it for some odd reason.
I could just replay them both back to back and see how I like them now, I just replayed CT on PC anyway, just as good

Is the PS2 version playable in emulators?

It was such a shitty middle of the road game. I even prefer Conviction, at least that one knew what it wanted to be.
In Double Agent (next gen version) they dumbed down the stealth metres, the narrative, added pointless decisions that amounted to nothing, had action setpieces for no real reason. It was a fucking mess, no wonder why they decided to change the formula in the next game.
What's an even bigger shame is that the actual sequel to Chaos Theory was only released on the original xbox, then ported shittily to PS2 and gamecube.

Is Splinter Cell really that good? Does it play as good as Hitman or MGS?

Why why why did they port the 360 version to PC instead of the Xbox 1 version?!

I use to think that was snake in the back, feel silly now

Rainbow 6 Vegas on PC is the same as the console version. Advanced Warfighter 1 and 2 on PC were entirely separate from the console version, being first person and having entirely different missions.

I actually appreciate what they *tried* to do in emulating the feel of the original games, but it fell flat with clunkiness and shit AI - making the console version largely superior.

Only the first 3 games... or 4 if you can find old-gen Double Agent. Everything goes to shit after that.

First two games need some fixes for lighting on modern PC hardware to be playable though. The 2nd also isn't on Steam, presumably because it suffers from that issue much more severely and it's allegedly banned in Israel.

is the game any good?, came with a bundle i bought a few years back

Personally Chaos Theory is much better but the gamecube/ps2 version of double agent is much better because it's like chaos theory.

Attached: D1VtlfCWkAAahuv.jpg (631x658, 53K)

>while the 7th gen removed it for some odd reason.
They turned it from a spectrum for light and another for noise to red, yellow, green on Sam's back. It was some stupid bullshit, but mostly because the lighting engine wasn't up for it. People give Conviction shit for streamlining the gameplay, but it all started on DA 7th gen.
