Now that most of the surrounding hype has died down, what are Yea Forums's thoughts on Red Dead Redemption 2?

Now that most of the surrounding hype has died down, what are Yea Forums's thoughts on Red Dead Redemption 2?

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MGS:V tier dissapointment

Excellent game otherwise bogged down by some unnecessary mechanics and systems and a hyper sensitive wanted system.
It's really not, cringey contrarian.

In super short, It tells a great story and offers fairly good game play on the side. It's without a doubt better than RDR1 in nearly every way.

I never tried online. I'm sure it's fun but likely as flawed as I hear it to be.

It's easily in my personal top games of all time.

Lmao stick to fortnite

I liked it for what it was, but looking back I really didn’t have fun playing the game.

The ideal closer to this generation of console RPG gaming. Kino story (WAY better than gta v), fun gameplay, heartful open world/graphics and a nice blend of simplified RPG elements with rockstar's style. This is R*'s first step towards the old days again.

great game, easy 8-9/10 in my book, however the uber-linear missions and clunky controls bog it down, aside from that, i was content and i was satisfied with the game, for the most part, it lived up to my expectations because for the stuff it gets wrong, it makes up for with a lot of its new mechanics.
also yeah, fucking kino story, fuck GTA v's mess of a plot


It was great. Good story, good characters, good gameplay, everything I wanted from a sequel and more.
Of course, you can find flaws or things not to like if you are looking for them, like every game, but I didn't mind or didn't agree with most of the criticism.

i love it really, i get where people got annoyed with the over the top simulation stuff, but its super immersive and ill play this shit for years. online is okay but im sure it will only get better like gta 5

really good game, so far it suffers from being limited by consoles, so either release it on PC or some next gen version like GTA V

dont care at all for the MP but the SP as it is (even if after the story is done there isnt that much appeal left) is a great involving story with plenty of memorable gameplay moments (kind of wished for an arcade mode of sorts where it would be much more focused on shootouts, you can replay the more combat focused missions but even then you have plenty of cutscenes and long segments out of action)

Only an idiot would think that R* isn't going to make people double dip, like they did with GTAV. It's coming.

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It's a 9/10 game

I still play it when I need that Wild West fix

Ikr. What's the logic of going "nah, we'll just skip doubling our profits".

they'd probably be selling twice the amount of PC versions compared to both console versions COMBINED

10/10 story
10/10 graphics
5/10 open world gameplay
seriously it feels the weakest sandbox experience rockstar has ever done. Traveling on horseback becomes a chore before you even finish main storyline
Undead nightmare 2 could fix all of the issues but I dont have hope in nu rockstar anymore

haha no
pcfags dont buy games

>10/10 story
hell no, its better than any JRPG story in existence, but its not a 10/10

>its better than any JRPG story in existence
That's not a particularly high bar.

Gunplay is subpar. Loved just about everything else
I found the long horse rides comfy as fuck

Gunplay would actually be pretty fun without the auto aim, if it weren't so cancer aiming on a controller.
The way the ragdoll responds to to your shots depending on where you hit is really satisfying. Too bad due to auto aim, you just headshot them every time and that's it. It really gets boring for sure.

Unironically this.

Attached: Red Dead Redemption 2 - Riding.webm (1280x720, 2.15M)

Horseback rides were long, but IMO with how they made the game they became comfy as fuck

still the game of the decade, nothing else comes close. And the more I think about it the more this statement becomes true.

I liked it more than the first. But I didn't think the first was the greatest like other people seem to.
The open world is a lot better, a lot more encounters and animals to kill.

>In super short
I just wish that chapters weren't so choppy narrative wise. Chapter 2 is by far the superior one.

absolute boomercore kino
not for zoomers

I love how there seems to be an endless amount of random encounters that happen while you travel or explore. I don't remember ever encountering a duplicate one, and they were still fairly frequent.

I would find the horse rides comfier if i didn't have to press X so fucking much

My only substantial complaint is the very restrictive mission design. They spent a ton of time creating all these mechanics only to arbitrarily strip them away from you during missions.

This game is so beautiful that it's disappointing to play it on a screen. It felt like playing a simulation more than other games. This game needs to be ported to VR or I won't be able to have fun

I would love to keep this conversation as much civilized as possible, but the open world aspect is by far the best thing in the game for me. Just because things and mechanics are subtle doesn't mean there are none. I can't really think of any open world game that comes close to it in regard to the open world portion of the game.
And I also wish for a more substantial dlc then a fucking zombie meme mod.

Strangely it never really bothered me. Maybe because it was exactly the same is in gta3, vice city, SA,4 and 5 (never played RDR1), so I never even expected anything else.
It was always like this with Rockstar games: outside missions - sandbox.
Once a mission starts, it is going to be heavily narrative driven, linear.

It needs to be ported to PC. RDR2 at 1080p, 120 FPS would be absolute kino. I do have to give R* credit, though, because no game should be able to look like that on a PS4.

It just seems a bit at odds with what the game is trying to be. The whole point of an open world game is player freedom, so it seems counterintuitive that a lot of that goes away during missions. RDR2 is one of the few games where I found most of the side content to be more enjoyable than the main story content.
It didn't kill the game for me or anything, but it's definitely my biggest complaint.

The framerate and input lag is really bad though, no wonder they offered to aim for you.
I also would like to try on PC, see if the gunplay feels better or not.

It undoubtedly would. Any shooting mechanics feels bad below 60 and the fact that you had to use a controller exacerbates it.

>The framerate
if anything it shows yet again that 60 fps for a single player game is a complete meme.
>input lag
there is none. arthur just ins't some caffeine fiend ninja and moves like a normal human.

well made game but frustratingly tedious due to abhorrent design choices such as the 3 second animations for actions that are quite common, gets in the way of how beautifully detailed the world is

>if anything it shows yet again that 60 fps for a single player game is a complete meme.
Yikes. If anything, it's the exact opposite of what you have said.

Attached: Why FPS is important.webm (1280x720, 2.86M)

It's shit
Never played it

I get confused, is this game pro-zoomer for the cinematics and visual or is it anti-zoomer since zoomers like twitch shooters so much?

which is it?

Thats a good point actually. I ended up killing a guy with limb shots from the varmint rifle fairly late in the game and was impressed at how visibly fucked up and limited in movement he was.
I hadnt seen anything like it in my playthrough up to that point because of how easy it was to pop heads

The story is the weakest part of the single player game

Maybe if you didn't play RDR1.

Obviously anti. This game requires patience

>Limited fast travel
>Zoomer core

The Rockstar Fanboy Checklist:
>go back to Fortnite
>you have ADD/ADHD
>I never had a problem/it's on you
>your opinion doesn't matter
>nobody complains about x
>the horses are better than RDR1
>the controls are better than RDR1
>muh realism
>muh immersion
>lol cope
>Rockstar sold x amount of copies
>angry PC gamer
>"stop liking what I don't like"
>online review scores
>reddit spacing
>it's only the beta
>it's not a twitch shooter
>it's a single player game
>regurgitated Dutch memes
And their personal favorite:
>you didn't play the game
If you think you're arguing with a fanboy, simply resort to this checklist, call him a fanboy, then ignore him. Watch him cower and recoil as he's been found out.

>the horses are better than RDR1
This is 100% true, though.

haven't posted in Yea Forums years

what is reddit spacing?

Am I the only one who thought the story was great from chapters 1-3 and then it took a HUGE shit? I didn't feel rewarded for doing anything, none of the characters respected me and you are forced to do a bunch of stupid ass shit that seems like Arthur just wouldn't do them but does anyway. Dutch very suddenly loses his mind and everyone in camp just arbitrarily decides which side to pick. Felt very forced.

Fuck rockstar for what they did to online. No incentive to play online, but they reduce hunting payouts and every other free way of generating money, but give you the option to chuck more money at them.. But for what? Theres no new missions no new content, what reason is there to spend money? They make so much fucking cash but constantly shit over their fanbase still. Just shows how they actually view their players.

No respect whatsoever

Not him, but how? For some reason they increased the amount you have to press X to maintain speed by several times, which is really fucking annoying. Its like they made the horse riding more tedious for no reason

Pro zoomer. Only children think graphics and flashy animations are more important than gameplay. RDR2/Rockstar apologists have a very effeminate perspective on videogames. It's sort of like how women always want islands with garbage disposals in their kitchen when the kitchen is too small. Whether we're talking about combat arts, firearms, business models, architecture, and even videogames, convenience should always come before aesthetics.

Yup, as a player we're given very little incentive to follow Arthur's blind loyalty to Dutch even with the 'muh 20 years' dialog. The story really needed to start on a happier note showing the golden years or some build up to the Blackwater heist to really show why Arthur never abandons Dutch's side through thick and thin.

That's what anyone would think if they weren't indoctrinated by the hype. The story in this game quickly turns ridiculous and unbelievable, and is some of the most unprofessional writing I have seen in a game of this magnitude. It really is that bad.

Go back to Fortnite

Not to mention it has ZERO respect for the setting and history. Hillbilly zombies? Really?

Basically consumed my life. What a fantastic game.

Rockstar games always have goofy shit in them.

>pro-zoomer for the cinematics and visual
these are the most viewed games on twitch right now. all gameplay heavy with little to no cinematics with sci-fi or fantasy aesthetic
you've been meme'd by the zoomers of Yea Forums into thinking good presentation is a bad thing

here's a newfag zoomer who thinks he's a adult for thinking attention to detail is bad and all that matters in a game is hopping between platforms

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Is this a joke?
Rockstar games are like the epitome of gameplay. Can pretty much go anywhere, do anything the fuck you want. There's systems governing shit that most other devs don't even dream of, or half-assedly copy years later.

This was my biggest problem. Really does a terrible job of capturing 1899 America.

That's a check! See

i hear apex legend got an update
why dont get on it and leave the thread

You're talking about map. I'm talking about the controls (gameplay).
Lel what the fuck?

Dropped after around 10 hours, just purposely makes everything too long to do and dumps a lot of information on you quite quickly on systems

>social justice the game
>unironically more pozzed than ubisoft games
I gave my money to kikes again. But aside from that, the game is completely mediocre anyway

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>self quoting yourself
how pathetic

Unironically GTA 3 was better because you could cheese missions. You can't do jack-shit in rdr2

If the horses really were better then people wouldnt feel the need to use cinematic mode.

never would've imagined a weaboo to be an autist and have shit taste
i'm truly schocked

I beat it twice. I mainly play the online. It's fun, but the controls are bad. They nerfed hunting and fishing as well.
The online, believe it or not, plays better contrary to what everyone is saying.
1. You're not forced to slow down on your horse.
2. You don't have sit through fast travel cinematics.
3. The AI is slightly more retarded than the single player.
4. A nitpick, but your character doesn't forcibly pet his horse every time you mount up, getting you killed.
I mean, if they put hunting and fishing back to the way it was, implement more missions and activities, and obviously fix the servers, it'd surpass GTA5.
Good point.
I play only GTA5 out of that list, kid. Learn something.

You cant do tons of stuff you would expect in the open world

I still want to fuck Arthur.

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masterpiece, excessive realism though

I work at a school. Kids were going crazy for it when it came out, all asking for it at Christmas. School holidays, come back, nobody is talking about it anymore. Everything is back to Fortnite and MineCraft. None of the adults I know talk about it, either. People realised it was kind of boring once the awe of the spectacular world wore off.

i liked when you shot someone up on a tower, they would fall off in the camp-y western way

You literally patrol every thread on Yea Forums and screech at anyone who doesn't kiss rdr2's ass. Jesus Christ man get a life.

my fav game of all time along with nier automata.

I only come to these threads for the screenshots.
I'm disappointed.

>posts a fucking blog
>never once mentions his own opinions or views of things
holy shit you must be a sad person user

>I'm talking about the controls (gameplay).
not him, but come on pleb.

it has the best horse riding mechanics by a long mile. No other game comes even close, it really feels like you're riding an animal, not just moving faster on a map.

My own thoughts aren't important because I never played it. I ain't gonna weigh in on a product I have no first hand experience with.

Attached: shrug99.png (800x600, 8K)

as oppose to what other games? First of all, 90% of the games are just pure escapism fantasies, rockstar are the only ones who stick to "realism" in a sense that there are no fantasy/sfi fi elements to their games. The few detailed such as zombies and vampires are more of a meme and are done tastefully.

well you should've mention that buddy. Here's hoping you do play it one day and you enjoy it!

Thanks, you too!

What do you want to see user?

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I kekked

I'll see what I have

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Appreciate it, user.

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Lol mad

Lmao stick to

How can you determine what realization people have come to if you haven't played it?

Money well spent for about 60 hours of entertainment. But online is boring once you get all the griefing out and single player has no repeatability.

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Good but disappointing. Clunky controls, some horribly cliched writing in places, repetitive mission design, stuff like repeatable bounties and liars dice removed for no reason.

Graphics and the map were pretty good.

they really shouldn't have made half of RDR1 the mexican desert when most of the US territory was already a desert

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I love Arthur.

The MGSV-comparison couldn't be more off. MGSV had excellent gameplay but turned out somewhat disappointing because of the world-building and narrative. RDR2 on the other hand has excellent narrative and world-building but repetitive, braindead gameplay. I wasn't particularly hyped for RDR2 and I still felt like I got my money, but all those constant shooting-gallery sections were really jarring when the story tried so hard to be serious.

If anything RDR2 reminds me the most of Witcher 3 with really strong characters and questlines but weak core gameplay

I know right

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Then write "people said they realised it was boring" instead of "realised it was boring" like it's some kind of fact

It's an okay game with some interesting characters. The world while being large and beautiful doesn't really use any of that. The game has a split down the center. I honestly wish that they focused either solely on the open world or solely on the on rails story game. I had fun with it, but I don't really have a desire to play any of it again.

>you've been meme'd by the zoomers of Yea Forums into thinking good presentation is a bad thing
no I just asked a question, dumbass oldhead

your question was gay

>photo mode

i never liked this fucking guy.

Attached: 382131-3.jpg (1280x720, 99K)

> carpal tunnel the game
Fuck that. I know they just wanted you to feel like you were still playing a game, but Christ stabbing the button a billion times to get to a destination only to have to do it again as soon as you get to your destination got old FAST.

Not even fucking close my dude. RDR2 surpassed the first one MGSV doesn't even surpass 4.

>they'd probably be selling twice the amount of PC versions compared to both console versions COMBINED

They really wouldn't

I thought it was really blurry only on 1080p with just a Ps4, but holy hell even on 4k it looks blurry as shit.

Is it the dithering they did? Upscaling? What the hell makes it look so damn blurry.

I really hope this comes to PC so we can see what this engine is truly capable of.

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I have never ridden a horse so I cannot really judge its quality based on realism. But I will say, it is not very satisfying from a fun factor perspective. In this game, it totally blows when you get on the horse, and you know that to go a decent speed you will have to press X so much, the whole time. It's really, really tedious. And they are very slow for such a large map. Even the fastest horse. I enjoy the horse riding mechanics in almost any other game with a horse, certainly the first RDR, but others too. This is the first Rockstar game in which I fast traveled all the time, because riding the horse is just so boring. It was just more fun to do in RDR1, even if it was less realistic. It really felt like you were riding hard on the horse

One of the 5 greatest games ive ever played.

Playing it in actual 4K res on One X was also amazing.


Well yeah it is blurry as shit on PS4 Pro, I think it even looks clearer on the standard PS4. I'm also being super lazy with my screenshots and saving them as JPEG/4K resolution to fit the 4MB filesize which makes the image look softer imo. If I resize to 1440p or less and keep it as a PNG they look a lot better but also takes a lot longer. If there is one game that makes owning an Xbox One X worth it then this is it, at least until it comes out on PC where you'll be able to turn off TAA.

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Is Dutch /ourguy/?

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You really think RDR2 has better horse mechanics than MGSV? It's really fun to ride D-Horse.


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only an idiot would think MGSVs were better

>good horse mechanics= top speed
there is no game where I enjoyed riding a horse more than in rdr2. If you learn to control the horse properly, you can go ride him in some off road steep hill forest and have a blast just traversing the terrain with this animal. I really think you missed the point of horses in the game user. You're meant the have a little style and flavor in riding your horse.

How so? Riding around in MGSV was fun as fuck and really satisfying. Meanwhile I think the horse riding in RDR2 is a bore.

although dhorse was pretty good, I think rdr2 takes it a notch further. I really like the hiding from enemies while riding in mgsv tho.

What was the most kino mission Yea Forums? for me it's Jim Milton rides again.

Attached: Jim milton.jpg (1280x720, 130K)

You can tell these are desperate, begging fatsos. It's not coming.

It was a slog. Hunting perfect pelts to bring to the trapper was the best part. Online is trash.

My favorite game from last year, and probably one of my top games ever.

It's a shame the online is so completely unplayable now besides doing random bullshit with your pals and bullying low levels with late game one shot builds

if there was no PC version then why would a takedown by R* be given to a video about a PC port leak.

I haven't got it yet. What i really wanna know honestly is if you guys think its better than the original. I know it looks better but i have a feeling rdr 1 is hard to top.

play the game again after you've graduated middle school you absolute fucking philistine

Reminder RDR2 Online wont be out of Beta until it's released on PC

Hopefully it will expand to 64 players as well there and when it inevitable gets ported to next gen

4 is shit

what game is this

I wasn't going to buy it until my boss, a ~65 year old man who collects classic guns and has been a game warden for decades, told me it was tons of fun shooting at every animal you see and running over people with horses

And so is V

both are good, it doesn't really matter which one is better. The fact that this game is even being considered by some folks to be better than the first rdr says how good it actually rdr2 is.

RDR2 is exactly what i wish RDR was
more realistic immersion and less GTA: Cowboys
in fact i wish RDR2 had a hardcore mode with really limited money, ammo and provisions like RDR had. it'd be the perfect game for me

people who are into arcadey gameplay will probably like 1 better, though. i just don't see the appeal when you can fuck around a lot more in GTA. I liked GTA4 better than RDR

the vast majority of the time you are not really riding in off road forests though. i mean i'd rather they make it fun just riding normally.

Genuinely enjoyed it for the most part but was kinda disappointed there wasn't much to do around camp or with any of the gang or but when there was it was comfy as shit

truly a game for boomers
did he get to fish in the game?

interesting. Another thing that I really loved about the first is the soundtrack. i still listen to it on yt now. Hows the music compare in 2. Does it draw you in the same way?

>the vast majority of the time you are not really riding in off road forests though.
that's maybe your experience if you were zooming through the map going from mission to mission.

This is probably going to make me sound retarded. But its totally different from what I imagined:
what i imagined:
>you riding with your gang, mostly a few other dudes and riding across the west, going from spot to spot, and robbing shit
what we got:
>a game that feels much more communal, settling down at a spot and having this big camp with a lot of people
...Anyone else? Or am I alone? I was imagining that John's former gang was moreso like a gang of desperados.

I really hope they approach the narrative in GTA6 with the same seriousness they did in RDR2. Im kinda tired of the quirky modern day parody style stories of the series

It was fuckin' amazing. Solid 10/10 and easily the best looking game I've seen to date. I wish the online was better, but that's like a bonus anyway. The singlenplayer was well worth the price. I'll probably go back to online after some big updates.

it's good but it's a lot more atmospheric and bland in 2

1's soundtrack kicked serious anus

I look forward to modding it on PC before playing it

i wouldnt hold my breath since the quirky shit makes R* serious bucks on online, but one can hope
i had no hopes of seeing an immersive RDR2 after GTA5's success but was blown away

>brings up one of the "narrative" songs as opposed to music that plays during free roam
every. fucking. time. the environmental music in rdr2 is ass.

Goddamn this soundtrack was incredible. Good post

this shit was great


logistics is a bitch even if youre a gangster
they probably were more of desperados 20 years before redemption now they were just desperate
also with the player shooting up every goddamn town the police should have caught the gang in like first week they let you out of camp


How feasible is it to play the story mode as my own created character? Can cutscenes be skipped? Can I turn of voices?

Almost impossible considering how much of it revolves around the main character and two certain side characters.