We see this shift everywhere.
Even in places they don't have the living standard to have video games.
Culture used to be 1:1 female-male. This is how the vast majority of civilizations out there decided to settle for peace. To stop infighting thats a waste of resources when living in highly social and communal groups. It's not a fluke that Christianity/Islam/Judeism share the same family type structures as far east religions of Buddhism, Confucianism, Taoism/Daoism. The same can be found in tribal africa and in native american cultures, same with the Aborigines.
Our patriarchal culture balanced nature out, as monkeys usually don't mate 1:1 but the alpha male bangs a lot of females. This simply doesn't work in modern society hell it doesn't work in neolithic Aboriginal society.
For the vast majority of history marriage was not about love or chemical attraction it was about practical things, family politics, sharing a pool of resources, not inbreeding with ones clan but sending and accepting other clan members, and so on...
Sure if the couple loved eachother it's a big plus but that was mainly a secondary concern.
Biology is like this. A man would bang mostly any woman. Woman on the other hand avoid the "incel" types at all costs. They used to be forced to deal with it and the incel types and the incels in turn would slowly gain responsibility and get more social and more attractive once they've proven to indeed be able to take care of the kids and get some money home.
Now videogames, porn, internet did the opposite things to the genders.
For men it's escapism. We play video games, we escape our mundane lives to a better life. You can see this by the pattern of internet usage.
The vast majority of men do entertainment online.
The vast majority of females do social interaction online. They go on tinder, they go on facbook, they go on instagram and here they can build social networks and pick the best mates.
And they do.