Are video games causing young men to stop having sex?

>For most of the past three decades, 20-something men and women reported similar rates of sexlessness. But that has changed in recent years. Since 2008, the share of men younger than 30 reporting no sex has nearly tripled, to 28 percent. That’s a much steeper increase than the 8 percentage point increase reported among their female peers.

1 in 10 young guys weren't having sex a decade ago, but now it's roughly 3 in 10. How much of this increase can be attributed to video games?

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Other urls found in this thread:

Very little. It's just another symptom of today's culture. Dating apps are what is causing this, not videogames.

Nah, it's roasties
Fuck off

Remember that video about the mice utopia? Yeah.

who even cares man

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>How much of this increase can be attributed to video games?
Pretty much none. It's just a symptom.
The real cause is hypergamy.

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I’ve had sex with like 20 girls and still feel like a virgin.. quality over quantity kids . Better to fuck one hot bitch than bag a few randoms. I see nothing wrong with guys waiting

what are you trying to say? consumerism? working jobs? drugs? those have been around for a long time

Nope, if this were true the girls side would also be increasing. Reality of the situation is the 9s and 10s are getting more sex because of dating and hook up apps. There’s also a lot less settling for uglier but richer men because women can sell nudes or use patreon to make money without men.

to top things off the porn industry is pumping out absolutely high levels of degeneracy so you end up with these sex addicts that masturbate all day instead of going out and talking to girls.

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And that's just in 10 years, it will take 10 more to replace the age cohort that still had sex

If you watch the video you know exactly what I am trying to say.

It's much more logical things. Like more people living with their parents. Fucking with your parents nearby is just kinda weird. Less people with jobs too, so less money so less desire to go out and fuck and possibly make babies. Also people in general are just waiting later to have kids.

There's more reasons too but that's for the articles about the study OP is talking about to go into depth about.

Hmmmm did women become society-hating activists more since 2008?

>instead of going out and talking to girls
Even if they did it probably wouldn't make much of a difference unless they're above average.

I'm not avoiding women because I masturbate. Women avoid me.

Video games are just a result of the cause, not the cause themselves.
The "connectivity" of Social media has rapidly accelerated and aggravated social elements that develop insular cliques, mob rule and an elite few reaping the most rewards due to virtually infinite social reach. Also a few decades of "girl power" making most women literally retarded with a massively inflated sense of worth.

Didn't you post this on /pol/ and got a thousand incels claiming it was fucking women like those brainlets always do

Oh no! You mean to tell me that almost 30% of young men are incels and therefore terrorists?

No, I just found out about this by Googling "have sex."

A lot of the jobs that were lost back then were jobs that predominantly men did. Women don't look at you for long term relationships if you don't have money. Love is hollywood bullshit.

don't want to believe in the "99% of the women are sleeping with 10% of the men" thing because it reaks of incel but i can tell there's some truth to it

social media and tinder caused this.

I guess you took those posters to heart.

Damn dude, 2008 is a very suspicious year for the sudden increase in no sex males. That's when the great recession happened.

theyve always been this way
its in their nature

Like clockwork

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Over two thousand years of history have records of women being given power and society falling apart quickly afterwards, such as the Ecclesiazusae.

Nah, effect of games is minuscule at best.

>give women exact same goals, routes of achieving success, exact same skills by education and double down on opinions contrary to that
>wonder why people don't partner together now that you've lowered added value of being together is zero.

Great, two grumbling people after a day of work that want to sit down and relax.

Social media and dating apps are way stronger impacts now that people can browse partners with a click, makes standards scale to higher level.

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>the symptom is the cause

If men try to express any sort of sexual interest they are labeled monsters.

Have sex.

>guys are starting to realize that modern women are primarily backstabbing whores that fuck countless chads in high school/college, cheat on them, use them as ATMs, and then divorce them for half their shit when they outlive their usefulness
>instead of buying into that bullshit they would rather just jerk off and play video games
yeah, no shit genius

shut up goy, that's merely a coincidence
cut it with the anti-semitism okay?

No. But I saw this recently and it's sad.I would blame technology all together.

The collapse of western civilization my friends. We're in for a ride

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this line of thinking seems reasonable on the surface but there's something a bit specious about it

we have never lived in a more sexually liberated, open point in history and there are lots of social attitude/technology changes that have streamlined the process for hooking up. this should, at an absolute minimum, offset the issues you've brought up, but instead they seem to have exacerbated them

material analysis is important but it's hard not to look at modern society and see that there's something wrong on a deeper level (don't want to use the world spiritual but i can't think think of a better one), you only need to take a look at social media to see the politically veiled nihilism and open resentment people have towards each other not to think something is up

masturbation is better than sex with a condom.

>some stat pops out of median range over the past 7 years

yeah, that's the one variable with direct influence

I saw that happen a few times. Guy gets dumped by his gf a few week after losing his job. It makes getting married pretty scary when you think about it. What if you lose your job and you have trouble finding another one?

>you only need to take a look at social media to see the politically veiled nihilism and open resentment people have towards each other not to think something is up
What is up? Civil war?

>women goes up a bit but largely stays average
>men skyrocket

really makes you think. its almost like bitches have no values.

Numbers don't hold up.

How can, in equal numbers, women had MORE SEX than MAN ?




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>Sufjan Stevens
but Sufjan makes me happy

yes, any activity people can do alone at home instead of engaging in human interactions make people do less sex. I blame mobile games more desu (and smartphones in general), when I was younger it was common to talk with strangers on the bus or when you wait for stuff, today everyone stuck on their little screens and there's zero interaction. looks kinda sad to watch.

i-is the Internet going to survive?

No it's women
Women are the reason less men have sex

If most women were nice, caring, understanding, and generally good human beings then maybe most dudes would have a reason to even try.

This is why the argument
>if we were back then you'd still be single
Doesn't work because they'd have more reason back then to put effort than they do today

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I welcome the beautiful ones.

Literal high IQ post

Isn't this how its always been? we value women more than males.

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The same few men.

they are fucking men just more of them are fucking the same ones

How to get a mars argo gf?

Are you serious?
It means women fuck a smaller subset of men.

1. Women having sex with men in older age brackets
2. A small group of young men having sex with many different women

>fucking retards
might as well fuck a wild animal

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the women fuck the same guys, idiot.

Women and men are only counted one time. They aren't counting times they've had sex, they're counting unique people who have had sex in the last x amount of time. So many girls are fucking a smaller pool of guys basically is what I'm getting here

but male privilege, user

What kind of pathetic beta male fucks used up bitches?
Certainly Chadwick & co. have higher standards.

feminism is what's causing it
you dont see this problem in countries without feminism

I can promise you user that if i stopped watching lesbian porn altogether my amount of time spent talking to women would go up 0%

No. It's social media. People interact less and less with each other due to social media filling the need to socialize. I mean why go out and talk with that cute girl next door when you can retweet some Antifa bullshit and get 2000 likes on that?

Socially awkward people will always be socially awkward, with or without games.

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Women are more free than ever. They have access to an unlimited supply of men who will have sex with them and settle for them. This has caused standards to heavily skew, hence the 80/20 rule. I know it sounds like a copout blaming women entirely, but that really is the reason almost 1/3 of young men had no sex at all last year.

How much of an incel do you have to be make shit like that?

This. My adventures in dating apps have left me with absolutely zero matches, despite having met and got together with girls in real life. In reality you can get away with being a bit strange looking, on apps you might as well have leprosy.

t. furry (probably a PC gamer)


Don't be a brainlet, son. Either more women are having sex with the same few men or those women are having sex with older men. Given widely understood societal standards of attractiveness, it's probably the former.
>I'M GAY ?
No, I'm a lolicon

Probably. Can't blame men though.
Getting to have sex takes a lot of effort even if you're married. You have to both be in the mood, at the right time of the month, right time of the day, all that kind of bullshit.
You can turn video games on and off as you please. You have all sorts of porn available for free anytime.

Today you only need a partner if you feel lonely. Company is the only thing you'll get that it's actually worth it.

refer to this graphFeminism has made women entitled and they've collectively raised their standards. They all believe they deserve the chad with a 6 figure salary and an 8 inch cock. So yes, women are still having the same amount of sex, if not more than ever considering how hookup culture has normalized promiscuity, they are just doing it with a smaller pool of men.

It's another case of evolution/biology not catching up with techonology. We only value women more due to infant mortality rate, which was the bottleneck of our reproduction. With the discovery of antibiotics and recognition of the germ theory (thus practicing hygiene) infant morality is all, but a thing of the past, and human populations have exploded everywhere. When evolution, culture, and biology catch up to our technology, women will not be so insanely overvalued, but that's not happening in our life time obviously.

Women fuck the same men.

The actual theory that the study proposes is that men are living at home with their parents longer and working more hours, the combination of which just makes getting laid too daunting.

Because Yea Forums are just SJWs on the opposite end of the spectrum though, it ignores that the study also shows that women are waiting longer to have sex too. The average age that western women lose their virginity is higher now then at any other point since we started taking records.

It’s the porn







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I wish I wasn't attracted to women, I really do

Ha only the yellow cube applies to me fuck face

They don't lol. This is where you get "femcels" who are some homely bitches used by Chad and Brad for a booty call and then promptly ghosted. 5/10+ women all fuck the same 8/10+ guys.

>Certainly Chadwick & co. have higher standards.
Just think of it as going to an all you can eat buffet. Why limit yourself?

At least you're not an asian male

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As much as people like to talk about sex really isn't that great of a thing...especially considering the entire dating shit that comes with it
This and , in the past people had to group together to survive and prosper, today even raising a kid is something that you can do alone...without any financial incentive why would you want to share your life?

It's the ugly genocide.

We see this shift everywhere.

Even in places they don't have the living standard to have video games.

Culture used to be 1:1 female-male. This is how the vast majority of civilizations out there decided to settle for peace. To stop infighting thats a waste of resources when living in highly social and communal groups. It's not a fluke that Christianity/Islam/Judeism share the same family type structures as far east religions of Buddhism, Confucianism, Taoism/Daoism. The same can be found in tribal africa and in native american cultures, same with the Aborigines.

Our patriarchal culture balanced nature out, as monkeys usually don't mate 1:1 but the alpha male bangs a lot of females. This simply doesn't work in modern society hell it doesn't work in neolithic Aboriginal society.

For the vast majority of history marriage was not about love or chemical attraction it was about practical things, family politics, sharing a pool of resources, not inbreeding with ones clan but sending and accepting other clan members, and so on...

Sure if the couple loved eachother it's a big plus but that was mainly a secondary concern.

Biology is like this. A man would bang mostly any woman. Woman on the other hand avoid the "incel" types at all costs. They used to be forced to deal with it and the incel types and the incels in turn would slowly gain responsibility and get more social and more attractive once they've proven to indeed be able to take care of the kids and get some money home.

Now videogames, porn, internet did the opposite things to the genders.

For men it's escapism. We play video games, we escape our mundane lives to a better life. You can see this by the pattern of internet usage.

The vast majority of men do entertainment online.

The vast majority of females do social interaction online. They go on tinder, they go on facbook, they go on instagram and here they can build social networks and pick the best mates.

And they do.

Chad has no standards you fucking retard m8 I've seen chads who live in fucked up lookin houses and drive banged up dirty trucks
Yes it's true Chad won't settle with a slut
But it doesn't mean he won't fuck one

Because some fat kid stuck his fingers in like 5 of the trays, dude.

>girls are virgins after 16
Nice try roastie.

Vidya has nothing to do with it, look how mainstream its become

Its got to do with the way men and woman interact with each other and the fact that dating applications exist and cause problems solely for existing

Either way it's good news that those numbers are sky rocketing because overpopulation is a huge issue so the less of you shits reproduce the better

Getting a hole nowadays is too much of a hassle.

I'm surprised the Japanese birth rate is higher than the Korean or Chinese ones, since they're the most beta people I've come across. I'm intrigued to know if the majority know what sex is anyway.

How is this even a cohesive pack, some of this stuff is straight-up contradictory
>Uses reddit but watches MDE
>drinks onions but watches Murdoch Murdoch
>Stirner AND Dostoevsky together

Just go out and bang some chicks?
It worked for me a decade ago.
Internet Dating is like a job application; that's not the way things actually are bros.

>Chad has no standards you fucking retard
You're thinking of a Brad, the wanna be Chad.


He right

Won't stop someone from eating around it or just ignoring the fat prick from before though, user.


i have no idea when i had sex last, its gonna be close to 10 years now - frankly.. i've given up on the whole thing. it is just not worth the problems that come with it.
in short, yes. i use video games to escape RL.

>people start pointing fingers and organizing against bankers
>suddenly protest breaking feminist groups get a fuckton of money and start fucking up everything and making normal people hate each other while forgettting bankers as the source of the problem
Yeah, very strange indeed. It is almost like...

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Surely Japanese men have a different non-english ticket and they want to keep out the Korean/Chinese? I mean surely that's it right!?

Vidya has nothing to do with this. It's fucking boomers fucking our entire generation. Why the fuck would I get a baby when I can barely pay my rent for a shitty ass 1 room "flat" even though I'm in the top 10% salaries of my country.

Fuck boomers.

>and an 8 inch cock
At least I've got that covered.

*tip fedora*

Shit has honestly changed a lot in that decade though user.

I have my trust in nerdy, incel, bald scientists.

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Maybe you guys should go outside and talk to people? Maybe try to find a hobby that doesn't involve sitting at your computer?

Dating apps on smartphones.

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>Yea Forums are just SJWs on the opposite
Fucking retard

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You're stating the obvious, monogamy was the price for the beta's productiveness. Now the question is, how will modern society get/force that productiveness out of betas once a sufficient number of them drops out? My guess is we'll be seeing something like "a singles tax" aimed primarily at men refusing to marry used up roasties. Asking anything of women will never happen, as even nations which have it much, MUCH worse (Japan) are still insanely gynocentric. It's only a matter of time until the governments inrerest in having future tax payers/debt collectors, and the male interest in having a (semi)guarantee of mating come to a clash, and things might actually get violent, because neither of them will force women to change their standards until actual wars. This is literally ancient history, and has happened before countless times.

Video games aren't the problem but they could be the solution.
It seems unavoidable that more and more men won't be able to compete dating-wise for a lot of reasons.
We need to start taking the need for virtual waifus seriously.

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Yes we definitely need less first-worlders. Bring on Mbumbu, Mohammed, Mtuku, Mohamed, Ping, and Ali.

The ratio is 80/20

and yes, it's real and it's not a made up thing by "incels"

>projecting this hard


Why bother dating a girl if you can just play vidya all day and maybe fuck a hooker once a month?

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>tfw a girl likes you

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>fails to mention that babies have more than adults.
Lol, so what is the conclusion to this meme? That men are more like babies?

Alt right sjw detected, have sex

>overpopulation is a huge issue
Not in the west.
We're importing people like crazy.

Is sex really as good as my H mangos depict it?

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Normalfags and their normalfag problems bore me.

All they had to do was listen

why didn't they listen?

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How will Yea Forums EVER recover from this?

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nope, don't know that feel

Boys, keep the phone away from your crotch

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You're a fool, it's biology. Men are expendable reproduction wise. Women can afford to be picky because 1 man can impregnate a million women.

>tfw she is fat

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No. It's fun, slightly better than masturbation when it's good, but you won't be ahegaoing any time soon. Maybe if you fuck while on drugs, but I haven't experienced that.

Nowhere near. The emotional bonding in some of the sweeter ones can be pretty accurate if you got a good partner though.

Thanks for proving him right, white knight incel.

Only if you're a girl, otherwise it's just like masturbating except wetter and more intimate.

>he doesn't know how to budget
>probably chose to live in a shitty state
>"it's your fault boomers!"
Sure thing M8

t. discord tranny

And by shits I would mean people in general, any that feel the need to create a little Hell spawn

So both your autistic ass as well as Ahmed his rabbit breeding ass

why the fuck would I want to have children

>as my H mangos depict it?
Of course not you retarded child

The yellow vests in France seem smart enough to resist the subversion so far.

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Gosh you're dumb

It's not videogames, it's the destruction of family values with the loss of mens rights in the house and courtroom, as well as the intentional destruction of moral values in western society causing men, and especially women not to value true and loving relationships.

tl;dr, pussy loses value the more its ho'd out, stop bein whores women and go for that guy who you're ignoring for chad thunder dick, and you'd have a man

t.married to a great man (not a man myself)

Sex without intimacy is masturbation

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If you find someone who actually know's what they are doing.

So if you fuck a slut, yes.

stop posting this

Had this happen at work, worse still she was very hairy. Actually had 1-2 long hairs poking out of her chin whenever she forgot to pluck them.

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The only reason Mbumbu, Mohammed, Mtuku, Mohamed, Ping, and Ali are coming here is exactly, because most of them are experiencing this in their own corrupt shitholes. Except instead of hyerpgamy and women dictating the sexual market, it's their ruling class and polygamy. We (as in everyone alive) need to go through. Those who don't learn from history are doomed to repeat it, every single successful civilization was monogamous for a reason, and great ones crumbled once they strayed from what works time and time again.

no its liberals

men these days are low quality, bitter incels and no one wants them

yes. it makes your body think you are fulfilling your primary biological function. makes you very happy. for a while.

Because wanting to pass on your genes is a natural instinct? Look up Mouse Utopian Experiment and see that you're not as bright as you think.

Sex is only good if you're doing it with someone you truly love, otherwise just stick to 2D

Yes, don't listen to normalfags and wannabes tell you otherwise. They crave it just as much as you if not more. Its why we're alive, its why people try, its why people do anything.

if you want to add age to the equation then also add genders back and compare male vs female, be consequent

It's called hegelian dialectic it works

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>She's ugly and/or insufferable

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>using the phone aka keeping it away from your crotch = less sperm

Online I find pictures of women more attractive but IRL men are more attractive.

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>This is literally ancient history, and has happened before countless times.
site a few examples of this occurring.

>you BELIEVE a girl likes you

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i mentioned gender and age in my post, are you ESL?

Have better sex.

God I hope they bring out the guillotines again. That would truly kino for France's redemption arc.

Based frogs.

Thanks leafman.

I didn't say use it less brainlet. I meant keep it out of your pocket.

>he doesn't know how to budget
I have 130K€ earned buy my work, carefully invested in bonds and stocks, I know how to budget. Almost half my salary goes in savings each months. I rather eat rice and pasta everyday than eat up at a restaurant and shit. Sadly, I can't rent more than 30m2 because fucking boomers owners ask you ear the salaries of the top 1%. I could buy, but why would I buy inflated shit that's 3x the price it should be when we're in a huge housing bubble?

only anal

>lmao dude look at this dodgy experiment performed on creatures with slug-tier brains from the 60's I'm so smart because I watched a youtube video on it once

Should I carry a bag?

I'm not sure its safe on the side pockets or ass pockets either.
Judging from that chart the shirt pocket is probably even worse. That would probably cause a heart attack one day.

this cracka know what's up

So basically I don’t gotta wear condoms now? Sweet

What an epic le contradictory boogeyman le starter pack, comrade!

So you can actually be happy instead of pretending to be

I don't give a shit. I don't want children and anyone who does is a pathetic cuck wasting their time and effort on something of no benefit to themselves.

Read Sex and Culture by J.D. Unwin

cant relate, i find women more attractive in every single way
i like men too honestly, but not as much

It's just natural selection, nothing wrong with that

/pol/ is so fucking stupid I swear to god, was this post made by a 50 year old?
>implying women weren't that since the dawn of time
>implying Chad and his harem are hiding behind their phones being afraid
>muh phones

>shes autistic and didnt tell me

>dude children make you happy just believe me! i've slept 3 hours a night for four years now and it's great!
pathetic coping

Eat fucking vegetables if you're tired.

>It worked for me a decade ago.
When the sexless rate for young men was 10% as opposed to the current 28%.

That's the whole point of a barnum statement - type thing like this. Shotgun a bunch of generalizations and some are bound to stick

>children make you happy
Trailer park single parent detected.

Yes, but only when you're in love.

Video games have existed since the early 80s. Your charge bounces between 10%-20% until 2008. Then it starts creeping up.
We elected Obama in 2008 and that is when you really saw the SJW outrage culture begin to take off.

I faliled to see your male vs female pre-teenage comparison of neuron count compared to the adult one, it follows the same pattern, cope femaloid apologist

this. and she'd be cute if she wasn't fat. such a shame.

Cool story boomer

And that only last a few weeks

>Wanting to have sex and procreate in 2019 when you're poor, depressed, have no social skills from having been raised by the internet, and are a general disappointment to the boomers who fucked up the economy for you

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women genuinely are mannipulative theiving cunts thouhg

this was either made by a bot or a late-stage schizo

>down syndrome retard fucking by horny niggers and has the government raise her spawn
>virgin averageson can't get a date
Yep, the system working as intended. This is completely natural!

Demoralized loser millennial detected

Didn't feminists try to infiltrate, only to get laughed out by other women?

yeah? i'm saying what is the point of the meme, it's claiming "Men have more X!" like it's a good thing when literally babies have more X than adults. So is the point of the meme that men are more like babies than women?

Yes. Got a problem?

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>muh appeal to nature

t. butthurt NPC

You gotta try fucking while on weed man

It's lefty men that aren't having sex, women hate male feminists.

50 years ago every man was a mysogynist and almost all of them got their dick wet

>tfw 5'8 manlet with skinnyfat body, but have a pretty attractive face
>almost exclusively match with fat/chubby chicks on dating apps
80/20 is real. At least I'm not a Yea Forumsirgin anymore.

>burgeoning segment of the population is dropping out of relationships, education, work, the economy, housing, insurance, Social Security, and taxes
>basically just coasting by until they get old/sick and die, or commit suicide/go on a rampage
People are take this shit a whole lot more seriously when the USD and their Social Security work credits both crash worse than shitcoin. This is economic disaster in the making.

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t. beautiful one

>trying this hard to guilt trip people into your idea of happiness
you're regretting something or what?

>based on dating apps
There's only two kind of people who use dating apps: desperate autists and the kind of whores who are too lazy to even leave the bar.

If you think people who use dating apps represent the majority you are a fool.
Something has to go wrong in your life to use them.

If you're a virgin you're a freak, not a average person.

Thank god we aren't mice

Obsessed tourist.

He wasn't even the first person to mention it in this very damn thread.

Taking a passing fancy to someone because you're tired of feeling alone is not love.

In my life I've had 2 "transcendent orgasms" and both were through masturbation.

I hope one day I will achieve it again.

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They die as often as they reproduce so it's fine.

>he believes in pop-psychology from the 60's

niggers would be long gone then

Everyone laughs at the frogs, until the guillotines come out that is.

it's not my fault that I don't want to fuck a 20-year-old non-binary feminist

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If you honestly believe that children will just magically make your life happier then you're nowhere near mature enough both emotionally and mentally to properly take care of them.

t. beautiful one

>actually believing that people behave like that

No wonder you’re depressed

I doubt many down syndrom have sex
And if you're a virgin it means you're undesirable and that's natural

>Why would I want to have sex when I'll just get FALSELY ACCUSED rape?!

>Women are the problem, fucking ROASTIES, shit is better when MEN have ALL the power instead of just MOST of it!

I don't even need to read the thread to know this constitutes half the responses.

Yes, it's the average response by a brainlet. Referencing popular "science" they've seen in a shitty history channel documentary or youtube is how they try to appear smart.

dont worry boys ww3 will fix everything

I hate women

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This thread was moved to