Why do grown men play games for children?
Why do grown men play games for children?
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i see your reflection you pasty toothpick
Cause kids can't afford to.
They're mentally stunted
Why do grown men shitpost about others on an imageboard dedicated to a hobby made for children?
Imagine all the grown ass women disgusted that a faggot like you is out in public
Because they're fun
OP thinks Call of Dookie is for adults when nothing but high pitch voiced milk drinkers with a bed time are 90% of people playing online.
Based Sony
God I'm such a mature intellectual individual for siding with Sony
Literally never met a "normal" Nintendo gamer.
All are pedos, pimple monsters, neckbeard weebs, and trannies.
Nintendo is disgusting.
>Retarded strawman to cope
Like clockwork.
Lol, it doesnt matter whay kond of game you are playing, whether is Yoshi or uncharted. You are just sitting there staring at a flashing screen tapping buttons. No girl's panties are soaked watching you play either one....
Same argument can be made with books and TV.
In both those mediums you get rightfully mocked for consuming media for children.
This image is inaccurate. Nin10yearoldiddlers aren't capable of putting together 2 sentences during an argument. They take the lowest hanging shitpost response and stick to it. Not that they're alone in that but with other varieties of shill you'll at least get a little more to work with. Adult Nintendo fans are almost all low iq mongoloids.
Because Nintendo treat their consumers like children and they have found from thirty years of experience they're fine with that.
Because I have children
What the fuck is with those prices
Because they don't subscribe to repressive Abrahamic ideologies like you Murrimutt normies do. Now back to your "enlightened" QTE films, westacuck.
All video games are for children
All games are for children*, the only difference between most games is the wrapper around that child-level gameplay.
*strategy games not included
Walmart undercuts competition by 20 cents. "Savings"
Pokemon is literally the only Nintendo franchise I play and the only reason I buy their consoles
Why do poor people go to Walmart?
>basic-bitch third person shooting game with some basic resource management elements
>Game for Adults(tm)
>Literally never met a "normal" Nintendo gamer.
>All are pedos, pimple monsters, neckbeard weebs, and trannies.
Try going outside you antisocial shut in.
Better question
Why do grown men play games at all?
That's funny because Sony doesn't allow Adult Only game on their platforms.
Because if they spend the time and effort required to play video games "for grown men," then they are paradoxically being children. 2 hours of bing bing wahoo each week for a married man is a lot less childish than 30 hours a week of Dota or Eve Online for someone the same age.
Because you can get laid with other children that are tighter.
Well, we are the lazy generation. So good at wasting our time.
Arms is a 60 dollar tech demo, which should have been included as part of a WiiSports type deal. Though surprisingly has better competitive and matchmaking than Smash Ultimate. Arms is fun and gimmicky for like a few days, buts it's pretty shallow as a fighting game. To it's credit the dev team seemed to really care, going as far as including being able to watch tourney matches in-game.
Cool, so why do they have to censor games if their platform is for adults?
I tried playing Mario 3DS but the constant Woopie Wahoo YahHaaa every time you jump was intolerable. And Pokemon is boring as shit but kinda comfy, probably just nostalgia talking though
You fags watch/read harry potter. A CHILDREN'S bedtime story series.
>mature games for a mature gamer
The fuck is a 'mature' gamer? A gamer who plays dirty, brown depressing games? 40K is dirty, brown and depressing in a way last of shit couldn't help to match. I guess fa/tg/uys are the most mature gamers then.
>not being an idort
what are you, fucking poor?
Do you have ZERO friends or get togethers? Or parties of any kind? I can't count the number of times my old Gamecube used to get used at a party for stuff like throw together Smash games, or Mario Party, or Mario Kart. Are they easy to play and childish? Absolutely, but everyone can join in easily and it's fun. That's the entire point. I say this as someone who owns a high end PC, PS4 Pro, Switch, and 2DS (gotta catch up on them pokemon and Zelda titles).
Zelda and Pokémon don't need a catch up, just play what you think you'd like and feel free to skip the rest.
Grandpa people play online with each other.
Coach play with multiple people is dead
>couch play with multiple people is dead
So I'll take it as a yes that you're alone with no friends or parties/get togethers. Online play is great for stuff like COD, Royale shooters, and so on. But it doesn't hold a candle to couch play with friends. Nintendo is very good at making fun, easier to pick up games, and bringing people together.
true. I have a soft spot for stuff like older pokemon games and zeldas now though. As a kid I couldn't afford any of it and I had to watch all the other kids have a blast. Now that I'm older and make plenty of money, I want what all the kids who were better off had.
>imagine inviting friends over to play videos games
I've seen you people in your natural environment before and This is how I know you're a fat neckbeard. I cant tell you how many times I've heard there was a party going on, show up and there's a bunch of nerds playing video games. Its so fucking boring we usually stay for 15 minutes and end up leaving. When me and my friends hangout we drink throw some shit on the grill and chat (maybe jump in the pool) and then we go out drink some more and try to get some pussy. And its always 1000× funner than mario trust me. Video games are strictly for your own free time. Because video games are frankly NOT THAT FUN. Real life is way more enjoyable.
>being this salty
How sad is it that you have to "go out and try to get some pussy"? You have no women in your social circle? Or even a guy with a gf who has single friends of her own to invite? When I host a get together, it's just a chill time for everyone and people stay over 99% of the time. The games aren't the center piece of the party either your sperg.
woah, so cool, so mature, man you're awesome. I really wish i was able to eat, drink, and talk while playing games. Oh wait, that's right, I can. I'll give you the pool though. Wish I had one.
Because of the dystopia we now live in, the only real option most of us have is to just consume, consume, consume.
Why are fun games considered kid games? Why am I not allowed to enjoy my game? Why does it have to a grimdark cutscene compilation or shitty titty blob girls with no gameplay?
I got my hands on a Switch yesterday and holy shit, the controls are so small. The whole thing felt like it could break apart if I applied enough pressure.
Violence is okay, nuidity isn't.
Tis' the American Evangelical/Puritan way of morality.
Valve treats their pigs far worse, if they didn't then they would have never launched Steam
Who is this? She's cute.
why are switch users such neckbeards? how much food do you have to eat each day to be so fat that you probably couldnt get out of your car without rocking back and forth.
my friends bought me a switch and smash for my bday, i'll probably buy the new pokemon when it comes out. other than that, nintendo is pretty fucking weebshit
Yea Forums just wants to be shitty elitist and to also make bait threads because they have nothing better to do. It’s ehy a BOTW gets brought up at least twice a week as if the game is horrible when in reality it isn’t at all. They’re just bored retards with nothing better to do
honestly, i don't see a problem with this guys weight, he's built like a football player, probably doesn't even waddle. and there's no way that's a fedora.
Do you ever play it without your friends? If so do you find it fun playing alone. I actually don’t like playing that game anymore since the single player content is boring as sin
Why do grown men watch cartoons?
Why do grown men read Dr. Seuss?
Who do grown men play with trainsets for children?
Fair enough but
>implying you can lose in a Sony Triple A game
Why do grown men (Snoys) get so butthurt at people who play these called 'kids games' that they feel the need to make hundreds of edits making fun of them, trying to derail threads, and making a bunch of shitty consolewar threads
>Do you ever play it without your friends?
not really, playing online is ass because the connections are sometimes wack, people playing campy to boost their GSP, people picking weird rulesets, etc.
Name ONE (1) challenging modern rated M game
Someone post that guy whose wife's boyfriend bought him a Switch for getting a vasectomy.
It's never the wrong time for Cuck Man. He's the hero Nintendo deserves
This is the cope losers tell themselves and their parents to justify having no real life friends
Western prejudice against the genre, see
Yea it’s ruined the game for me. People would rather spam all game to get free gsp then actually play for fun. It sucks that the onlinenis so bad because if I actually want to have fun with an ffa I can’t move due to peoples shitty favela internet
Dark Souls.
I do what I want, idiot.
>literally "mature games for mature gamers such as myself"
How fucking bland. There are actually people that try to act superior on this board by playing this shit? That's like bragging about watching soap operas.
I played The Last of Us and it's literally the most boring game I've ever played, not memeing.
Why is America the only country that thinks you can't have visual flare in an adult product?
user because pedos,soys,fags and....autistics.
Does Nintendo shitty console has games in the first place anyway.
Did you just have a stroke?
Probably politically correctness...
>Why do grown men play games for children?
>games for children
citation needed. My money, my time, my fun online and fuck off
Seething pedosnoys
>caring about what women think
beta detected - chads don't give a shit about what others think - girls game too BTW
nah I was actually busting a nut user.
I remember that thread.
top kek, fucking tendies
They're fucking fun. Cope, faggot.
It's really not. The game is as cheesy as you can get
this nigger is gay...GTFO
>hobby made for children?
citation needed
I'm amazed how people can look at the Switch lineup and be okay with it. I've owned one now for close to what, 2 years? And BARELY fucking use it. I go online and check for new games and its all fucking garbage, even worse off than the Wii was.
What the fuck are people playing outside of old ass ports? I'm convinced retards only buy Nintendo consoles all their life to pretend games are new.
Why would grown men even care about this?
dumb frogposter
>casually playing a guitar over a corpse
>wow this is really mature
Reminds me of that writer from Enslaved: Odyssey to the West who had to actively fight Tameem from adding unneccesary edgy shit into the game because he thought it was cool and grown up
The switch is pretty niche imo. It’s a shitty indie machine but I enjoy Kirby and a few other games. I have a job and a fiancé anyway so I don’t have time to just play tons of games. Also my ps4 is broke and I’m to cheap to fix it
Snoys are unironically more childish then nintendbros, they're probably the same people who played Call of Duty 24/7 when they were 12 and called Nintendo baby games
I spend $50 on a game, I'm gonna play it no matter who it's for.
>nintendo adults today were the bullied nintendo kids
This. They are merely projecting their underage mentality and homosexuality onto everything.
>tfw he was right about everything
>102.5 million sold vs. 33 million sold
>nintendo still hasn't fully recovered from the n64's catastrophic failure
Were you bullied as a kid? Are you an ugly kid without a sense of belonging?
You seem kinda angry there kiddo. What the fuck is a Snoy? Legit, does anyone else want to line up and see what Nintendo fanboys on this board look like? I bet they look like walking abortions and have zero prospects in life.
the internet was never good
>thinking that mattered in the end
Why the fuck is a Wii game still being sold???
it did. nintendo got demoted from industry leader to everyone's secondary console overnight, and that literally hasn't changed even now.
I literally can't see the person at all.
The switch has one game
sorry but the graphs and numbers literally say the literal opposite
It did considering Sony online makes more than the entire Nintendo operation.
nogames Shitch
Yes, on top of owning an insurance company bigger than all of Nintendo.
they don't let you walk around Macy's with pants full of shit
reality backs me up. only zoomers think nintendo is anything close to their nes/snes glory days anymore.
were those taken at a NAMBLA event?
The issue stems from our options being limited.
>sony only wants games to be "mature artistic cinematic experiences"
>Nintendo hasn't put out a challenging game in 10 years, and they're all basically walking simulators
I have to pray that indie gaming will take us out of this rut, since AAA's aren't going to.
why do grown men like tits so much? they are literally for babies.
>Gameplay holding back games
lol I remember that. The writer said something like "this doesn't make the character badass, just makes him a cunt"
Why do children post on image boards for grown men?
Reminds me of that Sony fag who took a photo of a little kid playing Xbox.
Why do grown men post shitty bait threads like these?
>Do you have ZERO friends or get togethers? Or parties of any kind?
Imagine going all the way down to your local Walmart just to capture a pic of the Nintendo display case so you can slink back to your basement to post this thread on Yea Forums.
>One c-copy of The Last of Us 2, please
>A-and c-can I ring up my tendies from the deli here, as well.
fucking normalfags reeeeee etc etc