Imagine still caring about Platinum Games after DMC5 showed just how mediocre their game output really is.
Imagine still caring about Platinum Games after DMC5 showed just how mediocre their game output really is
I like DMC more than any Platinum game, but why can you not like both?
DMC5 doesn't even have good AI
What if I don't want to be in the air for 10 minutes and I like time slowing down when I dodge
Why would you like an inferior product?
Don't start flamewars you fucking faggot. Cuhrayzees should unite us not divide.
But their games have way more aerial focus.
Astral Chain will end DMC5's career
Don't lower your standards just because P* were the only people doing decent action games till now.
Revengeance has way more aerial focus than DMC5?
Bayonetta is still funner as a GAME rather than a combo video software, and Vanquish was awesome but beyond that I really don't care about Platinum. And these days they're making action RPG trash it seems so even less reason to care.
>platinum games
focus on timing instead of having 1 gazillion different moves that makes you literally invincible
you're basically invincible with 2 out of the 3 characters and your moveset is so huge that you can cheese pretty much any enemy in the game by just spamming 1 or 2 attacks
I like both, but platinum games definitely makes their games harder.
Bullshit, let's see Capcom step it up and produce something on the level of this bad boy.
i like both companies' games and there's nothing you can do about it. in fact i'm gonna play mgr again AND i'm gonna play some dmc again
AND i'm gonna have fun fun with both games.
what now OP?
>you can cheese pretty much any enemy in the game by just spamming 1 or 2 attacks
Yeah but you wouldn't be stylish. You wouldn't be stylish at all, or smoking sexy. You disgust me.
Whats this a dance club, I want to play an action game rather than being anxious about my appearance
Because it provides things other games don't.
One is capable of enjoying both. Time to cope kiddo.
Fuck off faggot. I'll like what I'll like. DMC might be my favorite but this doesn't mean I'm gonna hate on Bayo or NG, you turbo nigger. I fucking hate nu-Yea Forums and this world where everything has to be a fucking war of two things. Have you ever heard of enjoying life you pathetic loser? Jesus fucking christ.
Well, you still have to dodge. The lizard things, the knights, the insect queens and so on, otherwise spamming two attacks does nothing. Also the objective of the game is being stylish you rapist.
Jokes on you, nigger bitch, I like all of these fucking games.
Go back to Discord with your bullshit hugbox garbage.
>how mediocre their game output really is.
how many games like dmc5 has capcom made in the past decade? Just DmC and dmc4se. Platinum made bayo1 2, transformers, nier automata, and MGR. I like dmc more then any of those but plat's output is still better. Not many people make and buy stylish character action games anymore, we're lucky to play what we get.
RE6 Mercs
not being a shitposting nigger means youre a discordfag now, alright.
>go back to _____
this lost all meaning like cuck, incel and cringe.
Can't believe I fell for this meme and tried it out, it's mediocre and the scoring system sucks
Stop trying to push shitposting wars between DMC and Platinum fans, I bet you don't even play any of either games
I like RE6 mercs well enough, but you have never played Vanquish, have you?
it's not even a month and everyone but pic related forgot dmc5
By your logic, you can only like the number 1 best game in the world, because every other game is an "inferior product." Same goes for songs, movies, etc. Would you be bored only playing one game, listening to one song, and watching one movie for the rest of your life? Inferior doesn't automatically mean bad, it just means less good. Honestly, you sound really fucking stupid.
No, you look for things that are as good. It's just that PG can't provide that level of quality.
>solely made the company to create hardcore action games
>souls developer BTFO them with one game only meanwhile platinum make casual babby shit like Nier now
But ANY game other than the literal best game ever is, by definition, inferior. So nothing is as good as it.
Get fucked buckaroo.
Your points are shit, your tastes are shit. You arent trolling anyone. You're a failure, your father is disappointed in you.
DMC and Platinum fans overlap a lot. What do you get out of trying to divide them? Is it that hard to cope with the fact people like things you don't like?
This but unironically
Why do you keep spamming fags like these? Are you gay?
>Why would you like an inferior product?
Good question, why play anything other than Ninja Gaiden?
Tenchu is better than Sekiro.
>platinum fans
You don't have to pretend you played Tenchu sir
people only circlejerk over this game since is cheap
I mean is fun but frustratingly incomplete
I played the first four. Never owned a 360 and the handheld ones looked awful.
That's nonsense, you're a retarded child. The game has been praised since it came out on consoles at full price.
>Starts meaningless wars between two things without an ounce of irony
>Tells people to go to an even worse place as if that means you've won the argument
>Calls not hating all but one thing a "hugbox"
I'm glad faggots like you are getting called out more often.
What, like the first one for PS1? No, it's not. It was groundbreaking when it came out but it's very rough around the edges, especially when compared to other stealth games. You have never touched a Tenchu game in your life, maybe not even Shinobido.
Also they're different genres so they don't compare very well.
I always thought Platinum games were dogshit before I ever even touched a DMC game. I wish I could get back the time and money I spent on MGR.
Wait until MGR2 you doofus
A game like Bayonetta offers a different experience from DMC. Some aspects of the game I actually like more than DMC. While think DMC has better combat overall I like fighting Bayo enemies more because the enemies feel more involved due to the flow of combat in the game. Dodging the barrage of a Gracious and Glorious pair is very satisfying,.
I still care because Platinum still made two of the best action games I've ever played and several 8/10s. Astral Chain looks really interesting and fresh in its mechanics, and if Babylon's Fall turns out to be directed by Saito then it has the potential to be God Tier.
Mother fucker sometimes I wanna watch the Wire sometimes I wanna watch the Simpsons.
Thanks for making another Yea Forums approved thread, friend.
As long as Kamiya is there I have faith in them
Sorry zoomer but I've played all of the PS1 and PS2 games. Tenchu games are a different genre from Sekiro but so is Automata or other platinum stuff, so if you're going to compare Sekiro to one there's nothing wrong with comparing it to other stuff. Tenchu games, especially 2 and 3, are better than Sekiro no contest.
Saito is the best director in the company right now. I say that even though W101 is my favorite game of all time. Saito just has a slightly stronger grasp of how to make a great game than Kamiya, and he lacks some of the vitriol he has that can seep into his design decisions (for example, making Operation 009-A an excessively long Space Harrier sequence specifically because people complained about Bayonetta's Afterburner sequence being too long).
Thank God no one sane actually thinks this.
Will it also be an unfinished turd only noteworthy for a few decent bosses?
>Tenchu 2
That's how I know you've never touched them. Tenchu 2 was an awful, broken game, the worst one in the series. Stop pretending, kid, you're impressing no-one with your bullshit.
Bullshit. It was a an improvement in many ways, especially mission design, PLUS it had the custom mission creator.
>he thinks dmc games are about completing the missions
>ai in a DMC game
why would they even have ai if you're doing air combos on them 99% of the time? just make them walk towards the player.
I don't like watching creepy dudes with fedoras and pink scarfs dancing like pedophiles so no
DMC5 is so fucking boring, it's just you spamming combos on floating punching bags
>wow lookit the letter going up mommy!!!!!!
I hate this kind of post because it's just lazy. If you're going to shit on the game, do some research. The enemy roster is built around needing to be approached in certain ways and having certain weaknesses to exploit while having defenses of their own in some cases, at least on Son of Sparda and up.
Yes the game is built around letting you combo the enemies, but it's designed so that getting those combos and that damage is a reward for knowing how to fight that enemy. Nobody who posts shit like this has played the game for very long, since they've never faced shit like Judeccas, Furies, Lusachias when in rooms full of DT'd enemies, Proto Angelos, Hellbats, etc. on SoS or DMD. That's before you get to bosses who generally can't even be comboed, and the ones that can be break free after a moment.
>le epic words popping on screen make up for the mediocre game
how lame can you get? jesus christ
stop defending easy games just because you're shit at them, I can't even imagine how can you fail at spamming attacks, I pirated the game and never felt challenged by it, guess it's fair if you're in some sort of handicap
What words? It's just fun to fuck around and do combo's dude why are you so mad?
Inferior doesn't necessarily mean bad?
A 9/10 is worse than a 10/10, but the 9/10 is still enjoyable
Are people in this thread acting like DMC games are somehow more braindead than Platinum titles? I can literally mash my way through every single Platinum game I played and at least in DMC, you have to work to do cool shit. In Platinum garbage all the cool things happen in a fucking QTE
>Well if you're mashing play a higher difficulty!
All this does is make you use the game's parry more often and changes literally nothing else, it's still a masher
>Well you should be getting good ranks!
Oh, that argument that people are criticizing DMC fans for using ITT?
i miss the emo/scene fad
I'm talking about the difficulties above Devil Hunter, the ones designed for people who aren't new to the series. Devil Hunter has much easier enemy placement, simpler boss patterns and lets you do significantly more damage. If you only beat the game once I can see why you thought it was easy. I know that probably sounds like an excuse to you but these kinds of games, both DMC and Platinum's as well as other similar action games, are made with replay value in mind. Son of Sparda probably should've been available from the start, but I get why it wasn't (mostly so that the enemies could be introduced in a specific order and at specific times while SoS throws lategame enemies at you early).
Because in Platinum games the goal is to get through the encounter without taking damage or dropping your combo, not to look at epic flashing colors on the screen
>Because in Platinum games the goal is to get through the encounter without taking damage or dropping your combo
To think that this isn't also exactly what DMC is is unbelievably thick-headed.
>Because in Platinum games the goal is to get through the encounter without taking damage or dropping your combo
Literally the same shit as in DMC you turbo dumbass. Jesus. And you should not be pretending that DMC is about "looking at the epic flashing colors on screen" when half of any given Platinum game is a fucking QTE for people who want the digital equivalent of a pop-up book.
Then why are talking about "cool shit" like it matters?
Fuck you. MGR is great!
>So there's this little pizza fella right
The point of all these games is:
1. Defeat enemies while being hit as little as possible or not at all.
2. Keep your combo up (using whatever mechanics the game implements) by not being hit, knowing your movelist, and not running away from enemies.
3. Experiment with your character's abilities and use them in whatever way you enjoy the most to fulfill those first two conditions.
That's DMC, Platinum, NG, and all sorts of other action games in the same mold. The design philosophies of each game vary but they're all built around overcoming enemies in ways that are both efficient and interesting using an ever-growing number of tools. They're defined by giving you more than you need to beat the game and letting you choose what you want to use.
Keep trying to save face, lad, you're only incriminating yourself. Not only were the mechanics pretty much the same as in silent assassins, the level design went to shit and the detection was broken. Try not to discuss games you've never touched, you're always going to end up looking like an idiot.
I was never a big fan of Bayonetta, I'd rather input a bunch of tinier inputs to make one big combo like in DMC5 than needing to remember the whole slew of different punch and kick inputs for the combos in Bayo. I love Vanquish and W101 though.
dmc would be better if the ranking decayed at lower rate and was a dynamic difficulty like in god hand
DMC and Bayonetta are not even remotely the same.