Ah, the dense tropical jungles of Russia

Ah, the dense tropical jungles of Russia...

Attached: Dremuchij.jpg (640x480, 52K)

Other urls found in this thread:


I remember playing this trash on my PSP.

>He doesn't know geography

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I hate to tell you this user but Russia, especially in the 60's when it was the soviet union, covers a fucking LOT of ground, some might say more than one biome even.

Attached: cold-war-map.gif (803x561, 85K)

That's the campy bit that makes it so special. Best game of all time possibly. Some will criticize the controls, but as they are, they require a certain amount of precision and skill to overcome. Game gets a 10/10. A standard for story-driven action games and the campy nature of it just makes it fresh if you've never played it.

>umh... what should i eat?

Attached: file.png (1280x720, 606K)

Based opinion

Russias a big fucking country with parts that border east Asia, you dip


Beware the contrarians, for posts like this one attract them in great numbers.

Based good taste poster

>tropical jungle

It's forests

>Amerifats think anywhere with foliage is a "dense tropical jungle"

Based. I agree wholeheartedly. One of the best games of all time to replay as well, due to there being so many hidden mechanics that are actually useful.


100% correct. At the very bare minimum it's the best stealth game ever. One of those games where just booting it up to fuck around with the systems for a bit is fun.

Care to show us tropical jungles here?

>he doesn't know russia is actually small and that midway into the country there's a portal that leads to the amazon rainforest.

What are you, retarded? It's a swamp, dipshit, not a fucking jungle

Absolutely utterly and completely correct. There will never be another game quite like it. Masterpiece.

Do anacondas live in russian swamps?

no but snakes do

its siberia dumbass

What is Sochi.

No, hey live in South America
I have no idea what an Anaconda is doing in Russia

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3 didn't have a PSP version.
PO and PW were the native PSP titles.

call paramedic

based and tastepilled

They even talk about Godzilla movie and stuff, telling you to shut the hell up and stop nitpicking because it ruins the fun. Based and self aware.

Didn't they say in a codec call that a lot of animals that you find non-native and were brought there?


That'd make sense, invasive species and shit. Maybe they got loose from the Russians, I don't know

All of the reply to this post(except mine) are retarded Kojima dick sucking wank fest that never played another game in their lives and should have sex to fix their retarded and low-taste opinion. This is the only sane and truly based itt.


Big Boss ate them all, its in the title

W-what's going on?

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It checks out

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MGS3 is one of Yea Forumss favorite games. Whenever theres been a top 100 games of all time vote MGS3 is always in top 10.

Have you not played MGS3 my child? It is a beautiful game, just excellent.

You're not used to people liking video games, eh?

There is a leak in the wall separating Yea Forums from Yea Forums.

Funny, i just finished replayung mgs2, and started replaying this one today. Fantastic game, never gets old.

MGS3 is just an all around good game
It has some issues, more if you're anal about realism, but overall it's just so fucking fun to play and has a pretty good story too

b-but muh thief...

It's not tropical. There are no tropical trees. There are some tropical animals but the game explains that the Russian government tests on animals in the labs you come across but many of them have gotten loose across the entire Tselinoyarsk area.

Attached: Desktop Screenshot 2018.09.13 - (1920x1200, 3.6M)

Not sure why a separate series is relevant to the issue of a game being enjoyable.

Rare case of Yea Forums anticontrarians convening in one thread.

I'm the guy who got all the responses. MGS3 is just good a game. Another thing I like to bring up is Resident Evil 7. I think it's a really underrated game not only on this board but by casuals too. RE7 is another 10/10 camp masterpiece. The graphics are good and run at 60fps on console, so it's mechanically sound. It has a good story with a nice twist similar to MGS3. It's actually a somewhat goofy and campy game, and I think most scaredy-cats miss the point of it. You get your hand cut off by your estranged lover with a chainsaw, only to find a gun to take her down with, and as you stun her she manages to croak out that she loves you, and then a goofy hillbilly knocks you out and says, "welcome to the family, son," as if you're just another crazy person he's letting in on a joke. Then there's the line said by a big bloated abomination: "Zoe, get yo ass back to the house. I will deal with you later." Amazingly over-the-top and hilarious.

RE7 is a 10/10 homage to horror camp. Absolute masterclass

God what an awesome title screen it was, BB just taking down some niggas. Here's the video fucking game you're about to play and it's badass.

come on man, it's Kojima. He just saw a movie that had jungle stuff which he liked, and decided that his movie had to have those elements too. Any convenient bullshit needed to justify the story was A-Okay.

MGS has shitty gameplay.

MGS3 is Yea Forumscore as fuck, it's one of the most popular games on this board and has been for at least a decade if not more

Something tells me you didn't play it at release.

Yeah I did

its just a rip on thiefags for having a holierthanthou attitude about their games and failing to understanding the philosophy of japanese game design

That fucking music too. It's too fucking good.

Is it worth playing Subsistence but in the original Snake Eater camera? Do you miss out on anything or vice versa? I've never actually seen what the original played like all these years.

I also played MGS2 at release and absolutely hated it. Not only because of Raiden but for the boring location of Big Shell and the smelly bomb shit. I yawn and turn it off at that point every time I attempt to play it.

Yea Forums confirming their garbage taste.

The HD Collection's release maybe.

The hornets obviously

I like MGS2 better. MGS3is my second favorite better

It's not even close. Thief and Chaos Theory shit on it, as does MGS2. 3Fags are almost as bad as 4Fags, cut from the same retarded cloth

No. I didn't like 3 at all until I played Subsistence. It's like Japanese Spyro. It just doesn't work.

based and kino

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Dem titties

>Quicksand/mud is real

Literally the silliest way to game over in the game.

>it's not tropical
>crocodiles all over the place
You're a dumb cunt mate, come to Canada this is what a non tropical forest looks like

Attached: IMG_7160.jpg (2048x1221, 1.52M)

Oh, so is Louisiana also a tropical fucking jungle?

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It's still a forest, dum dum, not a jungle
It's just swampy

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I didn't say it was a jungle
I just answered a question that you asked

Yeah, look at those trees and it's a swamp Canada has no swamps

It is a jungle, anything south of Pittsburgh is jungle because it's tropical

holy fuck who invited the geographical society to Yea Forums

5 let's you be the titties. It's a crime that 3 and 4 aren't on PC, and 1 and 2 are near impossible to make run these days.

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But it does?
Maybe you know them as "Wetlands" but they're still classified as swamps
A swamp isn't a biome specific feature

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>Best game of all time possibly
*blocks your path*

Attached: mgs2.jpg (800x1140, 198K)

That's not a swamp you dumb cunt

>"Snake, did I ever tell you about Foxhound? After the death of the boss I left the U.S. government, disgusted by their betrayal, to form my own nation. I operated it for twenty years because of how much I hated the way the United States treated us soldiers. Eventually I decided to leave my military complex for fuck all reason to go back to working for the United States government under Foxhound. There I met the bosses from MGS1 as was meticulously described in each and every one of their cutscenes. Snake, after three whole games you would have thought Hideo Kojima would have explained my sudden and erratic change in heart, but he never did. He was a good friend."

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MGS3 is almost proud of how few fucks it gives, it's so great.

It's the worst MGS game, 3/10.

I hate it. Every time I get to the bomb defusal part I turn it off. It's just boring with dull muted grey colors throughout. Big Shell might be the most uninspired location in a video game. It needed something. To me, MGS2 is the definitive 5.5-6/10 game. It's average.

What would you call this then?
Canada has swamps

Attached: IMG_3962.jpg (816x535, 110K)

The last 3 hours of the game is the best part, you missed out

Certainly. Going through MGS3 on a hard difficulty and not using the tranq is the most fun I have ever had with a video game, the shit you think of on the spot that turns out to work is mind-blowing. One of my fondest gaming memories is playing it on PS2 trying to infiltrate the labs. I didn't know there was a place to crawl inside, so I was trying to figure out how to get past the locked door. I thought to myself "if this was real life I would just knock" and that's what I did, and it worked. It blew my mind.

It's a forest, beavers don't live in swamps
I've travelled all over southern Ontario and even went to Montreal there's no fucking swamps here

>someday you'll feed on a tree frog
Get it together user.

The actual game itself is shit, it's just the ending that people look fondly back on, they forget the rest. It's not even intentionally bad, like Raiden, it's just actually terrible. Everything with Dead Cell, Emma, the bombs, it's all really shit. The sneaking isn't even good, Big Shell as a map takes like five minutes to traverse in it's entirety.

>No swamps
It literally has one of the largest swamps in Canada, dude

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That's not a swamp, that's water with trees growing in it that's literally how Toronto got its name, you think Lake Ontario is a swamp?

>Leaf cannot distinguish what wetlands are and thinks they’re the same as swamps

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Wetlands are your mums pussy when she sees my Big Canadian Cock

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>beavers don't live in swamps

you re pretty good
kept you WAITING huh

basics OF CQC

This is a forest in Kazakhstan, which believe it or not was part of the Soviet Union where MGS3 takes place. Central Asia is filled with places like this.

Attached: sunken-forest-kaindy-lake-kazakhstan-12.jpg (1000x667, 427K)

Did I ever say that? No, but it's there, it exists
The Minesing Wetlands are a swamp, end of fucking discussion

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I’m sorry user my mom isn’t a canine.

They don't there's no swamps in Toronto but I saw a beaver once
Okay that's a wetland not a swamp
Im Canadian not Scandinavian

No difference. Roody Poody Treudau made it legal to fuck animals in Canada

>some chink gets his clit sucked by a dog
>BC courts (the most liberal and non white province in Canada) decides that's not against the law since penetration didn't occur
Meanwhile penetrating your dog is legal in half of Europe and America

Are we safe from faggy MGS2 fans in this thread?

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>That's a wetland not a swamp
It contains swamps within it. As well as bogs and marshes

>hive of pain hornets
What the fuck is that? I didn't know that was in the game and I've beaten it 10 times

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>Some will criticize the controls, but as they are, they require a certain amount of precision and skill to overcome.
Most of us beat this game when we were ten fucking years old. Le ebin "the clunkiness is a skill filter" argument is not and never has been valid.

That doesn't look tropical at all

Shut your retarded ass up.

4fags are the worst by far, it's not even a good game

Waterfall in Sochi, not quite like the one seen in the game, but the vegetation and coloring is close.

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Making choking someone out pressure sensitive is one of the shittiest ideas Kojima has ever had. Maybe I'm doing it wrong, but it's so hard to mash O without accidentally pressing down a little to hard and cutting the guards throat. It's so much nicer on an emulator where you can just set O to register as being lightly pressed.


Dats not a swamp, THIS IS A SWAAAMP

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>"Pripyat swamps" (German: "Pripiatsee"), also "Pripyat march" was the codename of the punitive operation conducted by German forces in July and August 1941. The operation was aimed at the mass murder of the local Jewish population from the territories of nine raions of Byelorussian SSR and three raions of Ukrainian SSR in the region of the Pripyat swamps and Pripyat River.
>The operation is considered to be the first planned mass extermination operation conducted by Nazi Germany. In the course of the operation, at least 13,788 people were killed in Phase One and 3,500 Jewish men were killed in Phase Two. The villages of Dvarets, Khochan', Azyarany, Starazhowtsy, Kremna, were completely destroyed by burning and Turaw was partially destroyed. The principal means of execution employed was mass shootings, after the local populace had been rounded up. Other methods were also tried, including driving people into the swamp and drowning them.

Here's a painting of the locale.

It's unrelated to the city of Pripyat where the Chernobyl disaster happened btw. The name is a reference to the Pripyat River that runs through the region.

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They explain that a lot of them got loose from various laboratories.

This. There's so much attention to detail, so much depth to the mechanics and so much hidden shit.

MGS4 was a massive letdown after that.

Couldn't have handed it to him any easier right? Fucking hand holding these days.

>the flowers turning red
>the horse dying
>the scars slithering away
>snake refusing to shake the hands of those faggots

Pure kino. No contrarian faggot here can say otherwise

I fucking love the final act of MGS4
but yeah fuck everything before that

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I mean I still loved the sequels but nothing will ever be as meta as MGS2 or as functional as MGS3. That's just the way it is.

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My minor gripe with MGS3 is that I think how snake loses his eye is fucking stupid. the boss should've done it

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MGS3 is the best game of all time. And it has the highest ratio of gameplay compared to cutscenes of all the MGS games.

>ywn be as boss as Big Saru

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Old Snake will never not make me angry, and I know that's the point, but it's such an asspull. If Kojima wanted his old man Snake game he could have just said he was 40-something in MGS1, he was already retired by then.

It's a research facility, that's why the player finds the XM16E1 and the M63 in there, it's to imply the Russians had captured it in Vietnam and were researching it to produce the AK-74 chambered in 5.45x45mm round. Which is technically historically accurate.

Throughout the research facility the player can see many Soviet prototypes such as the 4-tracked Objekt 279, the aircraft that Eva pilots at the end is the Bartini Beriev VVA-14 another prototype that was never mass produced and yet in the game there are many of them. The entire place is supposed to be filled with unique stuff, the alligators included, the Shagohod was just the ultimate project because it's MGS. If we take MGSV into account, we can assume The Cobras were there to be research on as well to create Soviet supersoldiers.

Neck yourself

To be fair, MGS2 was a simulation and more an experiment to vidya medium than anything else. And the future dystopia it describes in the final codec conversation is by the far, the most frightening and real thing to ever have struck gamers almost 20 years after it was released.

>Everything with Dead Cell, Emma, the bombs, it's all really shit. The sneaking isn't even good,
Kill yourself retard


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There are a lot of retarded anons here

Name a good game

Get hive
Drop hive when bees swarm
Congrats, your normal bee hive now has pain hornets in it, you denied an attack and you get extra good food

I know, but the non-simulation Big Shell stuff is bad. I mean, look at all that botched melodrama with Emma and Fortune, it's some of Kojima's worst writing. Even when the game gets to the good stuff it's still a bit spotty. All of the "No, Raiden *I* am your father!" shit with Solidus is abyssmal, and only serves to dillute the games otherwise perfect ending. It's a big enough bummer that Raiden is being blackmailed into killing the only chance the world has of escaping dystopian hell under the patriots and S3, Solidus didn't need to be related to Raiden.

>Solidus didn't need to be related to Raiden
but he isn't lmao, he killed his parents

When's the last time you actually sat down and PLAYED MGS2. Mechanically it's all sound (the VR missions play well) but functionally it sucks dick. It's paced like a march through hell and isn't at all enjoyable.

Not blood related, obviously, I just meant that their connection felt kind of forced

>When's the last time you actually sat down and PLAYED MGS2
About a year ago? I've played through it many times, and I find the gameplay more enjoyable than MGS3

>Way To Fall was chosen by accident
>it fits perfectly

how does he do it lads

MGS3 would be my all time favourite game if it wasn't for the Tranquilizer Gun breaking the game. Apart from that, it's one of those sandbox games that I'm incredibly fond of, but are all to rare in the industry. Only the Hitman series matches it in terms of being able to dick around in a sandbox.

I actually agree with you, the VR missions are the most fun I've had with metal gear, but the way the big shell is laid out and all the awful setpieces (the c4, the underwater section) makes it a really unenjoyable experience.

The game takes places in former USSR countries like tajikstan or Kyrgyzstan, not Russia. At least that's what few people say.

Solidus and Raiden's relationship juxtaposed Big Boss and Snake's relationship albeit in a memetic form. Much like Snake sought to escape from Big Boss' nature of war and destruction for the sake of its existence (and Snake himself openly embraces this raison d'être as a battlefield reaper in MGS1) Kojima was intending to do the same with Raiden - and by extension, the player.

Got no answers for 1, but look up V's Fix for 2.

1 runs perfectly on emulator

Sure, but it isn't set up well enough to work. It happens right after the series high that is the codec call with AI Colonel and directly before the last boss fight. I'll play devil's advocate and say MGS1 does the exact same thing, but I think that works a little better because Snake and Liquid's relationship is hinted at throughout the whole game.

There's a fanmade pc port of MGS1 Integral that has native controller support. Only downside is that it crashes before the end credits, so no tuxedo runs.

>hinted at
Yeah, with the subtlety of a brick to the face.

I highly doubt that

It's because in the beginning the air control dudes say they're in the Wakhan corridor.

Most Soviet research facilities were in Kazakhstan, but considering Volgin is supposed to be shady as hell, it would make sense he would build his secret evil base in the middle of nowhere, it can be supplied by the airport anyway.

Theory is that it's in Kyrgyzstan. But for me it still somewhere in Kazakhstan or Southern Russia, the name "Groznygrad" shows that they researched about Southern Russia, they wouldn't know the word "Grozny" without hearing about Chechnya.


Well, that's Kojumbo for you. But it doesn't really explain it to the end. I was talking about the characters remarking on Snake's resemblance to Liquid tho.

Post your favorite
>moment in the series
Liquid's reveal as Miller
>favorite non-vocal song from the series
i think he means the shitty pc port

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Everything in MGS feels forced.

If Solidus didn't go "oh by the way i killed your parents" on Raiden, Raiden wouldn't have any reason to attack him, because the AIs went crazy and spilled everything to him anyway, without that simple fact, Raiden could just turn his back and go home.

>favorite moment
Either "Why do you continue to follow your orders while your superiors betray you?" for the hamminess of it or Grey Fox's last speech to Snake
>favorite song

For me, its the Calorie Mate.

Attached: CALORIE-MATE-chocolate.jpg (1000x1000, 185K)

Olga's child would have been killed, which I always thought was a small price to pay for saving all of humanity but Jack is just too nice a guy I guess

>MGS3 would be my all time favourite game if it wasn't for the Tranquilizer Gun breaking the game
I just ignore it whenever I play it honestly. Without the tranq gun it turns into one of the most engaging stealth games ever made. Every area turns into a puzzle practically and you have so many interesting tools to solve them with.

>>moment in the series
Big boss refusing to shake the hands of the CIA
>>favorite non-vocal song from the series

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>HD version changed it to some gay pink color
Made me very upset

tasteless faggot

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The last 3 hours is almost all cutscenes and practically no stealth.

MGS3 is for people who like videogames, MGS2 is for people who like movies.

>Drop hive when bees swarm
I'm still finding out shit 10+ years after I played MGS3.

Attention to detail. Fucking amazing.

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I remember scanning over maps of russia wondering where this setting could potentially be.

best was summer in he russian far east.

Why do people act like MGS3's ending is the saddest thing ever? It's really well done and melancholy but it has never made me actually cry.

>moment in the series
>favorite non-vocal song from the series

It killed the tension of that scene to know that she had the knife held up to the wrong eye.

MGS4's ending fight almost made up for the rest of the game. Almost.

The Meryl romantic subplot will never not make me mad, or all that stupid fucking bullshit with Vamp. I fucking hate that game. But it was also pretty decent. Fuck, I'm so torn.

Now imagine how great 5 could have been with that engine and kojima having actual free reign.


The very very end is great, but overexplaining the Patriots almost deflates touching heart to heart with Big Boss. Also the Otacon ending should have been the cannon one.

Liquid Ocelot fight is literally peak vidya kino, only rivaling The Boss in 3

Would be cool if they had just made Groznygrad on those disputed island north of Japan that Russia got during WW2. They could put old Japanese shrines and stuff like that, the faune is the same as in Hokkaido.

I hate when people act like V wouldn't have been shit if Kojima just had more time. It would have stayed shit, there would just be more poorly written story on top of all that shit. The bean counters at Konami saw that Kojima was spinning his wheels and burning their money and rightly pulled the plug.

>be teenager
>hop in for a bit of mgs2
>finally beat the game
>have homework and chores and shit to do

Small details like that are simply amazing. MGS3 still impressive with how detailed it is, every small thing has some effect in some form.

>more time
He said actual free reign, not more time.

what's with americans and corporate bootlicking

Here, argue about this.
Or not.

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I've beaten the game several times and last month I was watching a video and found out that guards can cure their injuries.

I KNOW. DUDE. It's so fucking infuriating.

I was getting set to blubber like a big baby seeing BB at the end and how he hugged snake. My heartstrings were being plucked. Then he starts on this mindbendingly awfully paced monologue about the stupidest zero to zero or whatever shit.

REALLY. REALLY? You're going to tell me that the patriots were formed from the remnants of the crew in mgs3? some of those people were so corny they could barely tie their shoes without talking about godzilla or james bond. You're just going to throw that shit out there when you could have thought of ANYTHING ELSE. COME ON.

I was invested. I wanted to see where this went.. Now I just kinda want to forget.

Konami is a Japanese business conglomerate, that's about as evil as you can get, but to think they had any part in why V was terrible is insane. I don't think Kojima has another good game in him.

God I hate predestinameme

Only thing I remember about MGS2 is that I played it right around when it came out. Rented it at Blockbuster, beat it in a day, forgot about it, parents had to pay a late fee to Blockbuster. In fact, I think it may be one of the last games I ever rented from there.

Oh and I remember being pissed that you had to play as Raiden and spent like 20 minutes looking on Gamefaqs for a hidden option or some sort of cheat to switch to Snake.

I don't think Kojima cared about the series the same way after making 4. I mean, yeah there's always the chance he could have delivered again. But I just don't see it personally. He was tired of this shit.

>but to think they had any part in why V was terrible is insane
you don't think that the fact that he was locked in a room with no internet connection might have hindered the developpment of the game

>locked in a room with no internet connection
Honestly, that's genius. the further you get Kojima from Madsposting ad infinitum on Twitter the fucking better

Yeah, I agree. The game is full of stuff like that. The premise in general is bad, old snake is a complete plot-contrivance that is there just because of Kojima's contempt for fans

Probably not, no. Konami are evil, but V was always going to be bad because of 1. Kojima not wanting to make any more Metal Gear games and 2. Big Boss becoming a walking plothole because of Peace Walker.

Well, I mean, feel comfort in knowing that you saw where it went. MGS 1-3 function as a perfect trilogy about war and how it has effected 3 different player characters. Just pretend anything after 3 never happened.

Outright ignorance and indifference count for rejection.
Hatred counts for reflection.

I've cracked the code. TL;DR both Big Bosses are assholes who took the fall in different ways. One is just a conformist loyalist who accepted his demon and one is an outright psychopathic asshole who is okay with being a hypocritical denialist. John takes the gold prize for being the most asshole of both.

Attached: Truth mission.jpg (1280x720, 106K)

they didnt lock him up till a long while in development after they got sick of him using his position to jerk off to celebrities and posting food on twitter just wasting the budget instead of doing his job

I want to fuck Big Boss!

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Adding my upvote to the pile.

This reminds me, wasn't Bibo's name Jack, not John? When he tells Ocelot his name is John at the end of 3 he's lying to him (like he did jokingly to Paramedic in the virtuous mission) but by V they've been working for, what, twenty, thirty years and Ocelot still calls him John. What are the fucking odds that after being comrades for decades he never told Ocelot his real name once. Am I missing something?

Yeah jack is a nickname for john. They are interchangeable.

What was Kojima's obsession with the name 'Jack'?

>MG2 sprite edit that also removes eyepatch
>MG1 sprite edit that removes eyepatch
>TPP BiBo in GZ
>GZ BiBo in TPP
>all with two eyes
What did user mean by this

BBs name is John Doe
jack is just a nickname

He watches to many movies

Stop saying "Bibo" you fucking niggers

He likes to jack it.

"John Doe" is a name for kicks because of the 'anonymous person' trope.
Want to know why David's last name was never revealed? Why was Eli's last name never revealed? Why was George's last name ever revealed?

They're all anonymous fuckers, their real names aren't important in the MGS universe.

Is too bad, because the engine is peak metal gear solid

How is the Big Boss shit now more convoluted than MGS2

It's way better than idiotically calling a human a fucking reptile.

It's pretty gay sounding but there's no way I'm typing out "Big Boss" everytime I want to say it

Attached: Everyone wants to fuck Big Boss.png (650x806, 1.03M)

I don't know why people think 2 was convoluted, the AI pretty much spells it out completely. "hahahaha, you thought you were the big bad soldier man but you're really just a little faggot playing a game" only they were talking about you too

Sure, but there is a lot more moving parts there than "Soldier man was tricked and now hates the US" but the Big Boss stuff makes no sense at all when you think about it for more than not at all

Do those look like tropical plants?

imo a little this. I like the theory that 4 was his way of being done with the series

It's a fucking fantastic engine, yeah

So type BB.

>Okay that's a wetland not a swamp
The literal definition of swamp is a wetland that is forested. The definition of swamp has nothing to do with the tropics and there are swamps everywhere on earth except Antarctica.

Oh... shit

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Have a sad cum Big Boss

Japs consider it the American hero name. Jack and John.

It was never complicated.
>Man loses a friend
>Man realizes that war is his life after fighting for so long
>Man no longer cares
>Man becomes psychopath
>Man becomes an asshole to other people because all he can think about is war
>Man manipulates other people, including his "other best friend" to die for him
>"Other best friend" is a fucking body double who used to be a combat medic until he was brainwashed without consent
>"Other best friend" gets trapped in war so long that he accepts it and also becomes violent
>Said man discussed earlier turns his genetic clone violent as well after he gits killed
>Man pretty much makes all of his followers violent in some way
>And so does his "other best friend" as well

I know that BiBo is supposed to be old as shit in MGSV, but why did they make him look like a hobo?

>tfw my life has revolved around video games and yet i have never played Metal Gear Solid 3 and other great games like DMC, any Final Fantasy, Deus Ex, any Atlus game, any Bethesda game, Marvel vs Capcom 2, Chrono Trigger, Earthbound, any classic Nintendo game...

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Yeah but when in there does he start foxhound, the single most important thing Big Boss does in his entire life as far as the cannon is concerned. Don't try to tell me it was before Peace Walker, MGS1 makes it very clear that he knew every member of foxhound on a personal level.

You missed the point entirely. They wanted it, every step of the way. They're not some tragic, beset upon innocent little faggot sitting in a vacuum sucked up by muh big bad war machine, BB was SOF before SOF was a thing, he literally trained under "the mother of special forces". He is the template for the archetype you're describing, and he worked goddamn hard to get there from the codec conversations pertinent to it. He wanted to be the man who could do anything, he just didn't want to be told what to do any more.

never too late, just emulate the classics and you're golden

They're? Who the fuck are you talking about?
Who is this THEY?

The most important thing that Big Boss does is start Outer Heaven if I forgot? Please refresh my fuzzy memory.

The guy who fucked off to make his own nation after his boss told him to kill his momfu and the guy who willingly followed him. Don't pretend Venom is some brainwashed punk, people who run around with guns know they're gonna die getting shot one day. Occasionally this takes the form of a sexy assassin trying to murder you after the US government pushed your shit in

That is the only other thing Big Boss did before MGS3. This and Foxhound are the only notes the prequel games had to hit and MGS3 had enough of an explanation of both, but the other prequel games kind of retconned the after credit's fairly simple explanation because they needed conflict enough for a plot.

I cried and instantly called GOAT when I played it. It just meets all the requirements and feels like a masterfully developed package
The weirdest thing is, it's really formulaic. I don't understand why shit like MGS3 isn't done that often (and perhaps even better)

Because its the best name.
I should know.

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That's what I'm exactly saying. He, or they know what they're doing and they know that they're going to get shot one day.
"They" accept it. They wanted it to happen to them.

Russia has everything

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>They wanted it
Ocelot pls go home the Medic had this forced upon him
He died for Big Boss sure but he wasn't expecting to be stuck with a shitty plot and a Saturday Morning Cartoon character.

>They wanted it
Big Boss wanted to be a warmonger that was in charge of everything, sure.
But Medic is still the brainwashed punk that does everything Big Boss tells him to, N313 was all Big Boss' job and Medic just simply tried to carry it on. He was an ultimately complicit conformist.

I shed a tear when I had to kill the Boss not because it was a sad moment in a video game but because it made me pull the trigger.

Then don't frame it like he's been browbeaten into his position in life, the only real set back he had to deal with was the events after GZ. The only thing that shooting the Boss did to him was make him go freelance. Straight up, unnamed medic man isn't important, so I don't give a fuck about hearing his personal story along the same parallels when the important part is that all BB did was become the guy telling people to die for shit they "believe in

His story is literally the exact same as BB's only 3x as fast and half as subtle. The only message the game has to offer in the state we got it is that your individual identity doesn't actually fucking matter if you're not thinking for yourself. In 3, our protagonist decides to. In PP, he shakes the president's hand instead

Starts Outer Heaven, helps create Gery Fox by pitting Frank against Snake. Also kickstarts Solid posthumously because Liquid wanted his body (Fuck knows why, to verify if he'd actually died or not?)

>The only thing that shooting the Boss did to him was make him go freelance.
Did you not play PW
Did you not watch the ending of MGS4
BB constantly spergs about The Boss and she's been shoved into the MGS lore as THE WOMAN RESPONSIBLE FOR ABSOLUTELY EVERYTHING.

it's a good game, user.

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It was to understand his genes better, liquid explains this to Ocelot before the Rex fight

Almost undoubtedly more than you, nigga. That's literally the only thing she did, convince him to rethink what he was doing as a cog in the machine. Everything else that happened is kind of on him and Zero. You know, since she's fucking dead.

yeah but Snake putting the cigar back into big boss's mouth so he can get one last drag before he drops it and dies on an unnamed soldier's grave is pretty lit.
(probably the boss, bc of the autistic fanservice salute beforehand, but we're ignoring most of that scene).

parts of MGS4 worked so well, but other parts are such a drag and there are feature-length cutscenes that alternate between shitty and good at such a pace that it's really hard to deal with.

I actually like the game and played it a lot, but boy, is it flawed from trying to do too much

mgs3 is one of my favorite games of all time, but the controls are downright retarded.

>the campy nature of it just makes it fresh
that's what every mouthbreathing retard says about cringeworthy japanese games
it's not bad, it's 'campy'

I agree 100%

how is it tropical? u can argue about some animals (which got justified as le escapees from labs) but trees look like normal russian stuff. a huge chunk of russian territory is dense as fuck forests thousands of kilometers wide and basically untouched by man
t. russian

BB isn't a walking plothole because of peace walker he is a terrorist who is leading a terrorist mercenary army. who then passes off his terrorist mercenary army to Ocelot and Miller to train someone else to become a terrorist mercenary while Ocelot, Miller, and BB reintegrate themselves into American politics and the military so they can let the terrorist mercenary in training develop a terrorist mercenary base in Africa.

Ocelot is the only person who tries to recapture the 'will of the Boss' that isn't perverted by Big Boss's autistic inability to get a hobby that isn't killing people.

>Special ops man gets sent on task
>Man experiences loss
>Gets named Big Boss although accepts it later
>Man decides to fuck around and be the boss

>Special ops man gets sent on task
>Finally accepts being Big Boss
>Apparently develops ASPD and uses his mastermind abilities for the wrong intentions

Special ops man gets sent on task
>Man experiences loss
>Gets named Big Boss and accepts it later
>Decides to suck Big Boss' dick instead and do everything in favor of Big Boss
>Has the skills to be a leader, even has a fortress but all of it is just for Big Boss

MGSV is exactly MGS3 with open world and an inversed ending where you actually chose to shake his hand.

Campy is not bad, you window-licking cro-magnon. Evil Dead 2 is an incredibly campy film despite being one of the best ever made. Campy does not represent a lack in technical proficiency on the behalf of the creator, it's a deliberate use of excess to achieve an artistic end.




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are you pretending 5 didn't have autistic small details?

The end of 3 says he starts foxhound in such and such year out of respect for the boss and Zero, implying that he was working for the US until MG1. Peace Walker has him directly after the events of three being an independent war monger. It makes no sense that he would go BACK to the U.S. after that, but he would have had to because he's still in charge of Foxhound when Snake infiltrates Outer-Heaven.

Not one of those areas has anything even remotely resembling a jungle excpet maybe dense forest in the caucases but we all know forests are nothing like jungles.

City boys never saw a forest. Forgive them.

Tselinoyarsk is fictitious though. Russia does have jungles though in the east apparently.

kinda makes me excited for ds desu

There is literally nothing wrong with MGS controls, only brainlets who don't want to learn or appreciate say this shit.

Some people are good at catching balls really well, others have steady hands and a desire to stitch people, there are some who dream in C++ and some dudes were only put on this earth to hurt other people. He's just a pure soul, that's all

It's a great game, but MGS 3 is superior

You're incredibly wrong. MGS2 is the best in the series and one of the best games ever, the entire thing is a thrilling, interesting, and it's extremely unique. It has deep themes, great characters, and it's pretty fucking profound for a video game. Bomb defusal part is not that difficult. MGS2 is the patricians choice.

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i don't care what anyone says, i love that venom 100% accepts being big boss. i love that the ending is just kojima thanking you for all the support over decades, and giving us the title of big boss.


>ruins the entire game in your path

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>campy nature of it just makes it fresh if you've never played it
This is kind of most of the MGS series. The dialogue is so goofy but presented with such confidence it's engaging and fun at the same time.

MGS2 is the contrarion's choice.

Emma's story was good though, the melodrama hits hard. If you felt nothing during all that you probably have no soul, also clearly Solidus isn't the only chance of escaping dystopian hell when you tear down the system in 4. Plus regardless of his intentions he was still a murderous asshole. Though I love his character.

>it isn't set up well enough to work because I say so

Please stop, it's set up just fine and works well. It's hinted at from the first time Solidus meets Raiden that they have some other connection.

Raiden is a fantastic character honestly
No, it's been highly rated and critically acclaimed since it came out. Also you spelt "contrarian" wrong brainlet.

Otacon's delivery is what killed Emma's story. I try to disregard 4 entirely, it ruins a lot of what I like about 2, namely Raiden.

>Raiden is a fantastic character honestly

yeah, in mgs4 and mgr. literally no one likes him 2.

It's great but it is very deeply flawed. People say it's their favorite because it's the "smart" metal gear

He's more interesting in 2 than he is in 4. 4 kind of shits on Raiden. MGR did a good job of making MGS4 Raiden interesting again though.

Wrong. Plenty of people like Raiden, it's just a loud minority of idiots screeching about him mostly. Raiden is a fine character with flaws, he gets the mission done, he has great development through the game, responds to everything well, he learns a lesson and it changes him at the end. That's what makes him such a great character, MGS4 and MGR are fun games but they almost completely ruin that development. MGS2 has a beautiful story.

But Raiden doesn't work on a meta level if the audience likes him. You can appreciate Raiden without liking him, which I think is where the majority lies.

George Sears.

All I want to say is that I really like your post.

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I disagree, I don't need to hate Raiden for that meta level to work. Maybe at one point I may have disliked him when he resembled myself a little more (unsure of himself, confused, angry, alone, etc.). But these days I'm not any of those things, I've grown past my insecurities for the most part. So now when I play it I just see Raiden, and I don't hate him at all. I actually love his character these days, it works perfectly. And at the end of the day he's still a badass.

But Kojima wanted to frustrate his audience. It's no secret that he wanted people who bought the game to think they were playing as the legendary badass Solid Snake. You don't have to have much in common (even though that was half the point) with Raiden to dislike his constant whining and wish you were playing as Snake, that's what makes his appearance on arsenal gear so effective.

You're genuinely fucking retarded.
The entire game is about treating ideas like genes, and the major debate about genetics is whether or not they're the sole thing responsible for who you are. Nature vs nurture.
Solidus is raiden's nurture.
kill yourself if shit like this isn't immediately obvious to you

Nigga I get the point thematically, but it was presented well to the audience.

You dumb nigger Solidus literally recognizes Jack on the connecting bridge
fuck off. MGS2 has problems, but I've never seen a monkey adress them in their paragraph long rants about an almost 20 year old game

What is MGS2's problems then

lmao figure it out for yourself bitch boy

No, it doesn't. Plus MGS3 took place in Syberia region.
Taк чтo иди ты нaхyй co cвoими aллигaтopaми.

Of course. How about for starters it's a video game that is not fun to play. The Big Shell is so bafflingly shitty in it's design that it's hilarious. V has the same problem, handles like a dream but none of the enviornments are designed for sneaking.

But Raiden isn't even that whiney. I hate when people say this, he's very similar to how Snake was in MGS1. He is very forward in completing his mission, but gets frustrated when he learns he is being kept in the dark about certain details. Besides that he's just a little fucked up from what he went through as a child, which gives him a host of issues he struggles with later in the game. But even then, he attempts to move on rather quickly and change for the better talking about high ideals. I love that about Raiden, I understand he pretty much falls short in 4 and MGR and reverts back to his normal self (as most do) but his character and arc in 2 is fine to me. I think people don't like Raiden because they don't completely understand him, they just see his long hair and hear his voice and don't like him. But when I really think about it and replay the game I see not much wrong besides his obvious character flaws.

mgs3 is set in "not veitnam".

impressed by the amount of retards trying to defind kojimbo when he admitted he only made it a jungle because harry gregson williams would only go back if it was set in a jungle.

I mostly say that because of his codec conversations with Rose, although I could just be projecting my hatred for Rose's poor voice-acting onto Raiden

When I was a ten year old kid with an eggshell brain I thought it WAS set in Vietnam for the entirety of the Virtuous Mission.

>MGS2 is the patrician choice
>Look how highly the plebs rate it

>handles like a dream
Was gonna give you an actual response but fuck your reddit shit

I really think that's the case, and it's understandable. I remember playing the game and being annoyed by Rose too, just the voice would turn me off and I would always skip through it. But when I took the time to listen to it all, and take everything in it actually hit me quite hard. I guess it can be a tad cringe at times but I think it pays off, and not everything she says is cringey. Raiden's last conversation with her in New York was beautiful too.

lmao, every mgs2fag has their head seven meters up their own ass. It's a shame that such a great game is defended on here by obnoxious fragile ego'd faggots almost exclusively.

Imagine how much hundred years it took Russians to grow that forest for test poligon.
I guess someone predict the cold war 400 years ago.

Understandable, makes more sence than people thinking any part of Russia has tropical jungle/rainforest.

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I never liked that because I've always had a hard time understanding what was really Rose and what was AI, which I don't think was intentional. On Rose's poor voice acting, she's not the only one. Next time you play the game pay special attention to Otacon's voice acting, it's laughably bad. Twin Snakes has the same problem, which is funny because in the original he handles the emotional moments pretty well.

I've always thought the foliage could be feasible in the black sea region

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Adding: I've always liked the conversation about Raiden's bedroom, regardless of Rose, and consider it to be one of the series' best moments.

Good, but not the best

I guess topographically it makes sense but there's like an hour of cutscenes before Virtuous Mission hammering home the point that it's set it Russia. You don't need to make excuses for me, I was just a dumb kid.

A jack is an empty piece of hardware meant to take all input from someone else.

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For me, it's the Ford Focus SE

Fitting for Raiden, not Big Boss. I think Big Boss was just named Jack for the funny cutscene at the beginning mocking people who didn't like 2

I actually do think that's intentional, the whole part with Raiden at the end not knowing what to think of Rose being real or not works with what you've said in mind. He clearly expresses being torn on this, and Snake offers reassurance about it. When Raiden gets blown away by the AIs his first thoughts are "what is real?, "has rose been an AI the whole mission?", "who am I?". So for you to not be sure is fine, pay close attention to Snakes words at the end, and also Raiden's. I'll keep that in mind for Otacon though, his crying over EE does sound a little forced I'll admit. But I give it a pass, Emma's dying words, admitting she did it all to get closer to him, and the parrot parroting her words always gets me in the feels. The bro shake with Snake, yet still carrying the mission on because it needs to be done. Fucking pure kino.

MGS1 emotional moments are okay, Meryl laying on the ground dying from being shot was a little cringe too though. I like the part where he tells Naomi about Big Boss, but dislike how he's like "I have no family. Wait, no wait there was a man". Clearly that shit was already on his mind.