How can we make gaming safe again?

How can we make gaming safe again?

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Other urls found in this thread:'s_law_of_headlines

exterminate all non-whites and leftists, there you go, everything safe again and no need to worry about national socialism ever again

>Here's why that's not true

>let's make the world safe again by emulating the Third Reich
and you wonder why people hate whites

Strange post

You've got the causation backwards.
They hate us because we're successful.
We try to get along.
Then we find that they don't want to get along, they want to kill us and take our things.
So we fight back.


and you wonder why whites dont like you

>we're just protecting ourselves

But non-whites have done nothing to progress humankind the last 800 years

>Erik Kain still being /ourguy/

you can't really blame people for trying to protect themselves and their culture

>the article itself says its not true

Note how nobody actually said the thing in your post

>They hate us because we're successful.
Who's us? You're just some loser who posts on a Cambodian flower arrangement image board. Being proud of being the same race as actually successful people is pathetic.

And yet they do when Europeans try.

>when europeans made contact with sub saharan africans most of them hadnt even invented the wheel yet
>australian aborigines hadnt even figured out how to build shelter yet
We're all equal!

It’s ok when Israel does it

it's almost as if whites control the narrative, and are able to claim everything as their own

Wasn't Fortnite a game for Left Wing people, though? Epic Games belongs to China, therefore it is Left-Wing.
Alt-Righters can only be found playing Apex Legends or CS.

Without tribal identity, you are lost.
You are the weakness that destroys civilization.

The blood of both sides is upon your hands. For if the gate had not been opened by you, the barbarians would have headed elsewhere to steal.

>white people
>protecting themselves
whites are under no threat at all, try living in a country as a minority you stupid shit

The problem is, fascist ideologies are very attractive because they offer easy solutions to all the life problems, even when real life is far from easier or simpler. Why attacking the real sources of our society's misery or fixing the flaws withing ourselves when blaming non-whites is easier to do?

If they did like suggest, I can guarantee that a few years down the line they're going to paint the whites living on certain regions in the same light as they paint non-whites. They they would exterminate that people and the cycle would continue until no one is left.

And, many of those cultures keep their dead around the village to bathe and party with.

Then we have to go in and stop the newest death-plague they've unleashed.'s_law_of_headlines
>"Any headline that ends in a question mark can be answered by the word no."

Wait, I thought abos are actually not Homo sapiens

>Epic Games belongs to China, therefore it is Left-Wing.
That is some truly astounding logic.

>tribal identity, you are lost.
My tribe isn't ALL WHITES though, that's retarded.

Damn white people invented time machines are prevented written language from being invented in Africa?

>haha, it's not a dogwhistle or anything

>Every European country has thrown wide its doors to the African horde.
>Even America imports millions of Africans and Muslims.
>These groups are allowed to publicly call for the deaths and eradication of Europeans in their own countries, while any call to stop letting them in is seen as evil.
"But you're under no threat at all. Now stop paying attention as we publicly celebrate your coming extinction."

No, you are.
You're the one posting shit on an anonymous imageboard while the people you hate so much are having dozens of non-white kids.

If you guys actually had convictions you would marry a white woman, have six-eight white kids and raise them on your racist views. In three generations you would create the transformation you want so much. Instead you expect everyone else to do it for you.

Is this bait? Try living in a small Romanian village full of gypsies as white user :)

>he thinks whites invented written language
Oh I'm laffin

They're not humans
They're still a hybrid of Neanderthal/Homo Sapien

lol, whites really are paranoid, don't forget to take your meds

What are you doing in a country where you're a minority?

If Only Whites could have spawned in africa and done nothing för millenia in that harsh Environment without riches and natura resources. I

Necessity is the mother of invention. Maybe they were the smart ones for not trekking to a freezing hellscape where nothing edible grows.

>What happened to Erik Kai-
>"Here's why that's not true."
How is he still based

Kill all the white people
Then we will be free

Gilgamesh was white, Jamal

escaping a war that whites started

for what, pray tell

The problem is, progressive ideologies are very attractive because they offer easy solutions to all the life problems, even when real life is far from easier or simpler. Why attacking the real sources of our society's misery or fixing the flaws withing ourselves when blaming whites is easier to do?

>publicly celebrate your coming extinction."
Give me a law that says whites can't have kids.

DNA evidence suggests that's actually white Europeans

do you mean jews

>Gilgamesh was white
Just like Jesus.


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If an article's headline ends in a question mark, the answer to the question is always "no."

It is an interesting convergent evolution. Africa, Australia, South America...
Anywhere that humans existed in a jungle for any length of time, they became retarded.

>Without tribal identity, you are lost.
says who?

He never existed, Jamal

Notice how it's a strawman when you try to turn the tables but it's literally true for fascists?

>middle eastern people are white now
I wonder how long it will take for Asians to be considered white now.

Kill yourself you crackas and niggers alike.

You had to add "for any length of time" to preemptively save your ass and it shows.

Whiter than you, Sven J. Jamalson

Replace whites with niggers and jews and it's turns into your political stance.

Notice how it's a strawman when you try to turn the tables but it's literally true for progressivists?

I'm convinced America is a sectarian state that would rip itself apart if it didn't have a bogeyman to fight. It went from USSR -->Muslims-->White nationalists and I'm sure anti-Chinese sentiment will rev up in the next few years.

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The word is "progressives" you political ignoramus.

What exactly are whites claiming as their own?

Delete /pol/ for starters.

I'd welcome that much as they are big people.

This is laughably wrong. Even shared humanity doesn't really matter when it comes to the struggle of survival, men have killed men for countless eons simply due to the desire to live and thrive, even if it comes at the expense of other men. Ascribing universal value to a subset of human life is insane, because the worst enemy and threat is another of your own who happens to be competing against you.

That's fascism for you.

You know how men are having less sex, maybe it's because men are becoming more right leaning while women are becoming more left

/pol/ will just merge into /bant/ and /int/ or even worse back to Yea Forums

We're not discussing irrelevant countries

Except homogeneous white countries are the safest in the world with zero conflict such as Switzerland and Iceland

Aswell I never met a white nationalist or die hard racist that hates him iq Asians enough to want them dead

>We try to get along.
>Then we find that they don't want to get along, they want to kill us and take our things.

History has proven these two statements false.

So women are craving more dominate conservative chads?

wont it be better if we just exterminate all whites? much easier since there are very few of them and theyre wimpy as fuck.

>It's okay to kill people as long as they're not smart, unless they're White

But white countries are the most comprehensive in minority rights.

The word is "Alt-Write" you political ignoramus.

>how long it will take for Asians to be considered white
>he doesnt know

>He wants complete societal collapse in less than 1 year
No thanks

Kill yourself you shitskin. If you're too fucking dumb to see how utterly fucked minorities have made europe you don't even have a brain.

Who would fund the welfare state? The Chinese?

Shut up, you fucking faggots.

Okay reddit.

Kill dumb whites too

Eugenics is honestly non debatable

>Human rights meme is dead
>Most NGOs dead or severely weakened
>Liberalism stagnates without western thinkers
Sounds good to me.

If we had a leader who did pest control Yea Forums would cease to exist

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>muh freedom
>muh original chan
This site was never about that, stormie. I don't mind that you idiots get to play politics on your board, but moot recognised when it went overboard and what to do with it.

The further left those spastics go the more hitlers they see.

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Excuse me dicklet. 19cm bratwurst reporting in

the only people who like Israel are politicians fishing for donations and religious fundamentalists who think it's a necessary step for bringing about the rapture.