Why didn’t Leon or Claire call RPD before going into the city to work/find Chris? How did they not know anything about what was going on in the city?
Resident Evil 2
there wouldn't be a video game then
No one was answering. Leon, at least, went there because because the rpd went silent.
OP are you trying to logically analyze a Resident Evil story or am I developing Alzheimers
active subterfuge from umbrella within the city
Well since you wanna question video game logic, better question would be, why didn't Leon and Claire just drive back out of the city?
It was also pre cell phone zoomer. Sometimes you just couldn't get ahold of people back in the day
Why did you use this shitty screenshot for the opening post?
Why didn't Leon fill Claire's holes? Was he a fag?
No. Unfortunately, he's just Adasexual.
You still had house phones and pay phones (like what Claire used in the opening). Doesn’t make sense to drive into town for your first day without calling ahead to confirm your schedule or find out if your brother’s there.
Besides clear infrastructure breakdown there was efforts from umbrella is isolate the city. Know one outside knew what was happening and no one was getting out to tell them.
A lot of it had to do with the city almost entirely owned by umbrella. Mayor was for umbrella and the chief of police. They were actively working to make sure there were no survivors and had plans for how to do that.
>Foils your plans in court
Nothing personal Umbrella
Because Apple didn’t invent phones yet.
Is leon supposed to be a teenager in this pic?
It was Leon's first day of his new job, why would he not go and risk being fired?
I think Claire is perfect for breeding
Meh. The artist just made him look like one.
The thing with landlines is that they go down during zombie apocalypses. The very intro of RE2 remake shows the city's lights going out to form the Resident Evil 2 title. Damage to utility services is to be expected.
Claire's a cutie
Who was phone?
How many pictures of claire do you have user?
Don't be ridiculous
Claire is for _____
Leon's seed
Just beat Leon A/Claire A, is there any point in playing Leon B/Claire B?
How about the 4th Survivor?
Unless you care about playing 90% of the same game just to get the true and trophy, then no imo. 4th Survivor is a nice quick playthrough.
I meant true end
Landlines are often underground in cities. But yes, it is a possibility that Umbrella interferred with phone lines, but the chief is still able to call clair from the orphanage, so I’m not sure if that is really happening. Also, the power grids are still online in the city and on the outskirts.
Why did you do both A scenarios? The game is meant to be played A scenario then B scenario.
The B route is also more difficult than the A route and there are some remixed enemy locations and events. Also, the different primary weapons.
Not the user you’re asking, but I did both A routes first to know what happened on both stories and then play both B route after that. You are missing half the game by not playing both A and B routes.
>but the chief is still able to call clair from the orphanage, so I’m not sure if that is really happening.
The line he's calling is to an area he has exclusive access to. It's quite likely it had its own line that could have been left operational, as he needed it for contact between his office at the RPD and the orphanage he was the director of.
look at this dude
I know. Even the puzzle solutions are switched. I still wished it was done like the original desu. You can definitely tell 2nd Run was rushed.
>You are missing half the game by not playing both A and B routes.
Not in the remake you aren't.
The real question is why didn't Chris let his family know he was going on holiday?
Claire could have avoided the entire nightmare if she had just let her know he was going on holiday like a normal family member would?
Who leaves the country without alerting relatives?
I just assumed that he didn't want to be assassinated by Umbrella.
someone who's leaving abruptly and also going on a secret mission?
He was taking care of umbrella. He didn't want to endanger his family
Why not? They share similarities, but there are different bosses and cutscenes.
Claire went because she was worried about her brother and she has no one else besides close friends, he probably also told her nto to come which jsut made her more worried especially after teh comms went dead and a state of emergency was declared. Leon went because he didn't hear back from HQ and knew bad shit was going down.
The bosses are different for each character, not scenario. Even then, aside from G5, only the last boss changes at all. The only noteworthy cutscenes that are Character *and* Scenario dependent are the Marvin ones.
You pretty much get the entire experience in one A scenario and the opposing B scenario.
I hope you played Claire A Leon B for your first two runs
I think I may be misusing the terminology I did Leons run, then Claires "second run" now the game is giving me the option to do another run of Leons.
I did, I'll take Leons kit over Claires any day though
she looks like she fucks asian guys
oh wait...
these mods are getting ridiculous
you people need to be stopped
*improves your game*
> Why didn’t Leon or Claire call RPD before going into the city to work/find Chris
They did, but nobody answered.
In the novel Claire specifically went in because she couldn't get anyone in Raccoon on the phone.
>Nobody's responding. Guess I better head over.
Based Claire thread
She was irrelevant in RE1 and RE0 was trash. What has she improved?
just post the latest lewds of some shit mod that looks out of place
How’s the replayability in RE2 Remake? What about replayability in RE7? I’m thinking of picking one of them next month, along with Onimusha.
Reminder that Claire is sweet and wholesome and not for lewds
RE7 has a pretty slow start but overall they're both pretty replayable games if you are the type to replay RE games for better times.
Attitude of life was different, everyone was too cheap to use a payphone unless it was an emergency and there was a general adventurous fuck it attitude so you'd just show up to places, wouldn't check your map and go by sense of direction or memory, shit like that. It was like we were both more lazy and actually less lazy at the same time. Hell, we still wrote fucking letters despite the ability to just call folks.
Claire is wonderful
*sad mmmphf*
>pre cellphone
Found the 12 year old.
See kiddos, they had these things called flip phones back in the dark ages. They often had shit survice, but lots of people had them. Many of whom were people who traveled a lot, or simply got one "just in case my car breaks down and I need to call someone"
I got my very first flip phone in 2000. It even had a shitty prepaid plan.
My parents got their first flip phones in 1996. They had a contract though.
Fucking idiotic kids, man. Next they'll say 1998 was pre internet...
Hell, we even had the prehistoric version of social media. It was called "AIM" and there were many chat groups as well.
Claire is an amazing girl and I love her
I love how no one replied to it, well done.
Your head canon mods aren’t proving your point
>tfw you have faint memories of the world when it was like this
The way I remember it is that people weren't so worked up about not knowing everything. They lived life at their own pace, were content with what the world had to offer, often made big decisions on a whim and let it pan out however it may. I guess in a way they grew up faster.
Is that suppose to be Major Kusanagi?
What the fuck? Do you call other fucking towns that you are visiting to make sure they are still there?
No but if I was looking for my brother I'd try calling him first, you dribbling cretin.
RE7 is replayable. It's also a 10/10 camp masterpiece on par with Metal Gear Solid 3. RE7 is one of the most underrated games on this board. It just does over-the-top camp perfectly. It's so over-the-top it's hilarious at times as long as you're not a scaredy-cat. I could explain more.
REmake 2 - 7.5/10
RE4 - 9/10
RE7 - 10/10
please tell me it adds a low pass filter to her voice lines so she can only make muffled noises
What about Leon's case?
>Hello RPD, it's me Leon. Starting work tomorrow, just making sure everyone is not dead.
From what I gather canonically she tried several times, but couldn't get a hold of him, Jill, or anyone else who would know. It makes sense considering it's 1998 in game.
Who do you think is the guy giving orders to Mr. X over his communication bug in his head? I'd like to think every big name in Umbrella is busy doing damage control and hush work because of Raccoon City going to shit, so they just put an intern at a desk with a headset and told him to clean the place up.
>RE4 9/10
don’t know how to feel about your RE7 opinion now, considering I think RE4 aged poorly. I love replaying all RE games but RE4, 5 and 6.
I can get pretty worked up when playing games like Silent hill and the first Remake. Can anyone confirm if this game has any good scares? Are they jump scares or are they real scares that leave an impression? I'll be getting the game regardless.
Unfortunately no
RE4 did a lot of things that changed gaming and I mostly grade it a 9 for gameplay. It's really satisfying to use the rifle and get headshots. The combat feels crunchy. The story is ass, but I still get yearnings to replay it purely for the combat. It's a landmark game that changed gaming.
Now 7 is a story-driven game that does camp amazingly as long as you play it as a campy game and not as a horror one. It has plenty of memorable moments and quotable lines. It's borderline hilarious at times.
I don't know why, but Res 4 is one of the coziest games I've played. It's a must play for sure.
there are a few scares, the lickers made me the most uneasy.
Don’t get me wrong, it blew my mind at the time, but everytime I try to replay it since 2011 I feel like it didn’t age well, unlike PS1 RE games, Code Veronica and REmake, ironically.
It's not really scary and more tense, lickers can be kinda scary at first I guess, and there are a few jump scares but they don't overdo it or anything.
Requesting a walking loop of her nude butt please
I need this.
I played the Wii version (yeah yeah, easy mode, I know) for the first time back in 2016 and I loved it. I feel as though it does hold up today. I'd even go as far as to say that it's a timeless classic. I'll be picking up the switch version for sure and I already have it on PC.
Flip phones existed back then but were pretty uncommon. Most cell phone users were using chunky mini-bricks like this one. They also weren't as ubiquitous as today, though most adults probably would either have a cell or a beeper.
That said, none of this matters because what wrote doesn't matter. If Claire was a sane human being, she'd have tried calling Chris at home and at work, and getting no response from either, have tried calling the RPD's front desk to ask if he'd been showing up. Cell phones have nothing to do with it.
And of course I forget the fucking image.
Don't you bring that shit in here.
Thanks anons. I like to get as sucked into the games as much as possible, so I'm sure that my first play-through is going to be very tense. I often find that horror works best in games when it leaves everything to your imagination which I understand isn't something that res does.
Yeah, I got the PS4 version a month ago and I think I'm going to play it some more before bed. It'a classic, but I docked some points because it didn't really do the genre RE created justice. It felt too linear. I think RE7 does the survival horror thing well and throws in a good plot twist for good measure, along with excellent horror amp homages. RE7 just made a bigger impression on me, although it took me two playthroughs to really get the type ofexperience they were going for.
That's why I recommend anyone who plays RE7 to play it once to familiarize one's self with the puzzles and map layout, beat it, and then play it again once you know what to do and subsequently overcome your fear of the Bakers. RE7 is just full of great and memorable moments. It has an arena chainsaw showdown for God's sake
Who's Trent?? lol
The man who saved Wesker at the end of RE1
Claire loves her brother the most
Before I ask, let me make it clear that both original RE2 and REmake 2 are some of my most enjoyed games of all time. Not trying to nitpick a RE storyline (they're flimsy as fuck anyways) but just had one question/point that I never see people answer when talking about the events during the Racoon City incident.
Even if the town was controlled by Umbrella, even if all communication lines were cut and people couldn't call in / out of the city, even if Umbrella went to serious lengths to contain the outbreak and make sure nothing entered/left the city, why were Leon, Claire, and the trucker all just able to drive right into it? Also, if the roads were open, why weren't there a fuckton more people driving into and out of the city? Most major cities have heavy traffic flowing through them, so wouldn't it be safe to assume that the roads/highways going into and out of Racoon City would have a steady flow of cars even during the outbreak? At the very least, a steady flow of cars entering and getting trapped there.
Resident Evil 1, 2, 3, and CV got official novelizations, ranging in quality from tolerable to trash. They add in some extra shit, including Trent, an Umbrella executive sabotaging the company from the inside.
The game’s scares come more from the scenarios you have to overcome rather than a typical haunted house format.
>having to get past a zombie, but if you shoot, 3 other zombies nearby will come to you
>Mr. X constantly pushing you through RPD, forcing you to make tough amd quick decisions
>thinking you have a handle on the amount of enemies in a room only for more to come through windows or start reanimating
IIRC the military sealed things off pretty quickly, the T-Virus was in the water so shit hit the fan really quickly and infected thousands. The Outbreak series elaborates on this story quite a bit. It's assumed the characters in RE2 happened upon a way in that wasn't sealed off, wiped out, or just not manned at the time. They arrived about a week in to the incident so it's plausible enough.
Right, but wouldn't there be a steady flow of traffic through any way that wasn't sealed off, same as the characters? And we know that at some point in the lore, the military abandoned their checkpoints and stopped watching them. So why did no one else drive over into Racoon City is what I mean? How did the roads just magically happen to be empty for the exact few days of the incident that the military stopped guarding the checkpoints? And we can't say something like
>the military turned a few people away who spread the news and told people that they couldn't go that way
because there'd be no way of them getting that information out on a large enough scale, there'd still be people who would choose to drive through especially once the checkpoints went down. and they probably wouldn't broadcast that information anyways since the incident was supposed to be hush hush and covered up
It doesn’t make sense at all, but you just have to suspend your disbelief. Everything about Leon and Claire’s involvement in RE2 is contrived, but it’s still a good time.
What did you guys get?
I guess it can be assumed others did come and try to leave, but weren't as lucky so they turned to zombies. Also it wasn't a major city, at least not originally. RE3 mentions the population is more like a small city around 100,000 people so you can compare to real cities with that population to get an idea of how big it was supposed to be.
Of course there will probably still be a plot hole here and there, you shouldn't really think about it too much.
100,000 is actually really small
time to go pace outside an easily broken window
>So why did no one else drive over into Racoon City is what I mean?
We don't know that. Considering the RE2 intro it's easy to get overwhelmed out of nowhere, and if it wasn't for the trucker they would've been dead. There was also official evacuations, and there are canonical Raccoon City survivors that were never in any games. It's just assumed anyone who got out "normally" did so with military or Umbrella transportation.
IIRC Umbrella tried to cover it up on the news as rioting, but slowly the truth leaked out. Considering it's 1998 in game, most people were still getting their info through the TV. In one of the scenarios in Outbreak Alyssa uploaded images of the zombies to the internet.
>Not federal bureau of Instigation.
He missed a good chance.
Actually a she
RE7 is rated at about an 8/10 and Re2make is 9/10 by most people and I'd say that's fair.
RE7 is fun but it's crafting is worse, finding
items is annoying. There are basically 2 enemy types. It's not a bad game, but all in all Re2make is better in every regard from graphics, to location, characters, weapons, and enemies.
I'm glad the game 'spoke to you' personally, and you enjoyed it, but please try to be objective and not confuse people looking for game suggestions
>Girl does a mild lewd comic in these ages.
Hope restored.
She's a Chrisposter too. Check her Tw*tter
Well at least I get to instant kill.
whats the name of this mod? cant find it
whats the name of this mod?
Thanks, user. This sounds like it's going to drive me up the wall.
I actually really loved these books and reread them recently. I still like them but I can see why people don't, I always loved Trent though, it seemed like a neat idea when I was younger and still does. I also liked how it tied the RE1s story together because at the time Rebecca was just non existent on certain endings and I enjoyed the "behind the scenes" look at what Wesker was doing.
From what I recall from my RE canon, basically the military in conjunction with Umbrella sealed the city, however there were mountain roads leading into it all around, keep in mind Raccoon is based on Springfield which is in the Ozarks. A very difficult area to control and seal if there ever was one. Theres mention of the military checkpoints out of the city being overwhelmed and others forced to pull out from zombie and BOW attacks which led up to the US to make the decision to pull back, send in special forces teams, who were wiped out, which caused them to write the whole thing off. But from those special forces teams they recovered information about Umbrella and so on.
basically yeah checkpoints existed, however it was an extremely chaotic time, with said checkpoints getting overwhelmed, cut off, wiped out, or saying fuck this and getting the fuck out, there were also a multitude of mountain roads in or out of the city where it would be very hard to checkpoint all of them.
I managed to find the .json the site uses to generate what result you get, but I don't know where to go from there to get all the images (other than manually rerolling)
Any tips?
(open in a private window and it will keep on rerolling as long as it doesn't detect that you've rolled before
>lots of people had flip phones in 1998
>my parents
Why are kids with well-off parents always so disconnected from reality? I bet your house literally always smelled like new carpet growing up.
Guess I get to go about my day as normal
>cheating at an April Fool's random number generator
Seek employment
Ivy bros ww@?
Also, can Ivys be killed? I haven't looked into it
>Getting paid to sleep
>Majority of players will ignore you to save ammo
Easily the best job in the world
Hey, Carl
How's it hanging?
Why not? I just want to see what all the results are. I got protagonist on my first go.
Unfortunately fire can kill our ass.
I read them in high school. The ones based on RE1 and 2 were definitely the best, but I doubt they'd hold up if I read them today.
Leon tried and got no response outside of being told to stay away. He went there because that's the type of guy he is, in fact, according to some pieces of lore, he wanted to be stationed in Raccoon City because of the recent murders.
Claire wasn't planning to go to the RPD either, she went to the city because Chris wasn't writing her back.
Good luck I'm behind 7000 lickers
Serious? I figured a flame round would kill them, but when I shot it and one went down. It respawned/resurrected after picking up the wristband upgrade
Mostly for plot I think. I hit the ones in the hall with flame and they didn't get back up. Grenades can take them down too.
He literally said he got a call to stay away from the R.P.D.
>I hit the ones in the hall with flame and they didn't get back up
I hit them with flamethrower and got up after a few passes through the hall, they dont die permanently from flame
Wish me luck.
Hmm. That's interesting to know then.
>surprise this idiot one time then never again
>even though you successfully surprised that idiot, you never get up
Easiest job ever
A folder containing the first 26 results in both English and Japanese. I have no idea if it goes higher but I've rerolled around 150 times through the .json to get all of these. Funnily enough, #24 was the hardest to get.
If there's more than I won't bother updating the MEGA. It's a free account made with a 10minutemail and I CBA remembering its password