Biggest mistake ever
Biggest mistake ever
Anime games? Tell me about it.
is it going to be ported to PC?
Bleach is a piece of shit when it comes to story, but the characters design is objectively not bad.
will it be ported to pc whats this game about?
people keep saying the new art is soulless, but it very clearly came from the heart
if it does we won't find out for at least a year
Why did they pick the worst artist for a reboot?
It can’t be cheap go hire someone so famous
The last one was pretty cringy and was more dating sim than strategy game, still felt like it had some potential. Hope it is good.
They all look like the bleach crew with different wigs
>more dating sim than strategy game
That's every Sakura Taisen game. If you think any of the ones not released in English have a heavier strategy element to them, you thought wrong.
Weebshit? Yeah I agree
At least he isn't in charge of backgrounds.
They went down the list
>we need someone with name recognition from popular shounen manga, that never did hentai, that is fairly cheap and available with no other arragements
And Kubo was clearly the first name on the list from the top to fit the criteria.
There's plenty samefaces within the same manga. Not even Dragon Ball was this bad.
its going to get censored
agreed, they should have pick chimbotsu or mogudan
I thought so.
It is kind of weird that the series went dead for a while, seems like this sort of thin would sell a lot considering Fire emblem's new games and all.
The REALLY weird thing is that I somehow have a collectors edition of this fucking game and I have no idea how I got it.
Based, but I dunno if he'll ever get truly mainstream work, his style is simultaneously too sexy and too out there in muscle and proportion.
I'd love to see Chinbotsu design for an anime though.
I love Sakura and her husband Segata Sanshiro!
but bleach characters are hot
that man must be in his 60s
Doesn't really shine let alone look like his art in three out of five characters: only Candice/Rangiku lookalike, Anastasia and Clarisse Orihime are sort of obvious.
If that's what their point, then good.
It was easier for me to tell it was Masakatsu Katsura on the Switch than fucking Kubo on this game.
If he is, I admire his dedication to drawing his pinup bimbos.
stop pushing your headcanon youtube faggot
Do you want to get beat up by Kamen Rider?
But character design is one of the few things Kubo is pretty good at.
Looks weird but also cute.
But yeah, the original designs were timeless, now it doesn't even look like a Sakura Wars game.
What mistake?
I for one embrace the Same Face Wars fully.
That's pre time skip. Before he lost his passion for the Manga.
It's the monkey paw curse, see retards asking for a VC without Raita, and we got that shit Revolution Jrpg.
Nobody fucking asked for this. Why.
I honestly thought Kubo had died, heart attack the year before last. I'm glad he's still alive
because he's talented and a top notch character designer
guess you missed out on the bleach continuation then?
the last page of burn the witch colors the title like this to spell "bleach"
>top notch character designer
In 2D art form, sure. But he's got one of those styles that don't easily translate over to 3D.
>guess you missed out on the bleach continuation then?
yes, yes I did
What the fuck is everyone's problem?
Kubo may have been a shitty writer and storyteller, but his character designs were top tier, as were his drawings when he didn't feel burnt out from weekly releases.
If anything, this is good news.
that image has more soul than the entirety of post soul society arc bleach
user, just progressively making a character's tits bigger and bigger with each chapter isn't top notch
I see same face everywhere
>can't go 1 (one) ps4 exclusive without pcfags portbegging
Yea Forums is tsundere
early hueco mundo was alright before the editors starting pushing him to make it longer and longer, I also think some of the espada like grimjow are super great designs. If you've read all of the manga you'll also know he gets some soul back in the 1000 year blood war.
one piece is the one where tits grow
You're thinking of oda
Fucking based.
Sega gave them blood to taste (Yakuza). It's not like it's their fault.
>Kubo's in charge of character design
this makes the lil pp into big pp
Well, given Sony's draconian censorship policies, there's a legitimate reason for it now.
check out old rukia compared to...
late rukia (yeah it's the light novel but kubo did the illutstrations)
Kubo is a tit man I think, most of japan is very oppai obsessed, need a butt mangaka if I'm being honest
>bleach fanboys still exist in this day and age
I actually didn't start reading bleach until 2019 so as full function adult who's tired and cynical and thinks anime is the worst, I see kubo is a talented artist and I love his page layouts. I think action is his strength.
Sega is going really hard on PC ports, that's why. Their 2019 investor preview said it's one of their main 3 focuses going into the future because even their most poorly selling titles still get solid profit margins, plus it's guaranteed, perpetual digital sales that can easily pay for itself.
>I see kubo is a talented artist and I love his page layouts
Personally, I love his backgrounds.
>yoruichi or rukia weren't endgame
>fucking orihime was
still galactic mad about his
They really have a lot of heart put into them.
She looks like that virtual youtuber. Probably done on purpose so they get some easy sales.
>but his character designs were top tier
There are four outfits in the entire series. Everyone wears uniforms in Bleach.
>as were his drawings
He went to the Trigun school of spilling ink all over the page.
You're mad about something you knew from the second episode/chapter?
>There are four outfits in the entire series. Everyone wears uniforms in Bleach.
You missed all of the color spreads in the manga that had everyone looking like fashion models?
spilling ink has it's place
I didn't "miss" them, I don't count them because they're not in the manga.
>shitting on Trigun
those are still his designs and design work even if they're not canon
but we're discussing character design. those are character designs.
Bleach is amazing because there's a girl to suit everyone's taste. Although a new bleach game would be nice too.
Yeah, a lot of those characters are in military organizations.
So what's the status on BTW? Is the oneshot going to get serialized?
Probably just a one shot but there's been a lot of Kubo so I think they may be building up to something. He gets the one shot, then the bleach art book gets released, and now he's doing character work for SEGA so I think he may end up doing something serialized eventually
I miss Bleach’s early aesthetic.
Nothing is wrong with Kubo's character designs. His women tend to be semen demons with the only flaw that the main love interest will be the worst girl.
Plus the sign saying they're Soul Society's other branch or something
Kubo somehow makes Semen Demon's and whatever the male equivalent is.
He's been dabbling and trying his hands at a number of different things, not too surprised that doing video game character designs is one of them. A lot of artists that finish a story usually do a one-shot after a major project that winds up turning into a weekly serial, but a lot of them also don't continue it. Whatever the case may be, he probably still wants to do a follow-up to Bleach.
>if 3D modelers are unable to translate his style it's his fault
mmm grayons
nice one. i laughed
Even better since that means he can appeal pretty equally to everyone, unlike some artists like that bitch doing 3H.
Kubo my nigger
I want Kubo to draw Space Dandy
Same, Rukia is top tier
In what way was the love interest of Zombie Powder the worst girl?
I hear ya
He was the only one of the big 3 to have a dedicated fujo audience for a reason.
Trigun IS shit though. It's like a Rorschach test put in manga format.
space dandy by kubo would be fucking great they'd have to include a soundtrack though so you can get the full space dandy experience
Kubo doesn't make worst girls, they're all best girl.
Man, I loved seeing this stuff.
Orihime is somehow more bland and useless than Mary Jane is to Spider-Man.
The two main characters look alright but the rest of them are fucking horrendous, what were they thinking?
I love the Cacao Society designs. Shame we'll never get a proper Bleach game with them available as alternate costumes.
Nah some are clearly inferior to others, like Orihime, the dumb bitch who was in love with Aizen and the blonde loli bitch.
as much as i love the gacha game the designs are going to waste on it when we could have all these amazing designs as costumes for a legit fully fleshed out game plus the inhouse musicians are actually pretty good too
>guaranteed replies: the post
there were some really interesting spreads
ah yes, the classic "now established, famous artist streamlines their style and aesthetic to save time in order to pump out weekly issues in a soul-crushing environment" effect
Imagine if they had hired the Rurouni Kenshin artist
we'd have a kenshin MC
But then we'd only have 7 year old girls to choose from
it's some of that but see
to see that his art style went that direction anyway and was really a mix of both
fuck off
>just noticed the skindentation of the holster on the left girl's thighs
Kubo is a man of taste, I see.
I really do think there was a sort of childishness (not a negative) to his early work
There is no world in which this is a good character design.
that's a good thing
they'd last for 7 sequels going by precedent
7 - 9 - 11 - 13 - 15 - 17 - 19 - 21
lmao okay yeah you got me
>notice fishnets on legs
that's fi-
>see neck
>it's a fishnet bodysuit + maid combo
That's a based from me
user, it's clearly an ugly duckling type of character that will look super fucking beautiful when her teammates fix her up and make her wear something cute
Not when this is what the sexy character looks like.
The outfit works, but he didn't make the girl enough of either a big girl or loli to pull it off
you don't want choccy milk designs?
The Heart
New art looks a lot better imo, especially for Ichigo
Yeah but you know Japan would prefer her because they are typically not fond of sexy women.
I fucking love zangetsu
don't see how that has anything to do with the other girl's character arc
Are you implying she's not sexy, or that the other character couldn't match her with just a makeover?
I agree. Making games for PS4 in this day and age means it's going to be censored to shit.
Man I feel bad for Kubo. The execs killed his interest in his own work because they kept asking for more. His art suffered, his stories suffered. It was so bad that the anime didnt even get to the final chapters of the manga.
What’s the vidya equivalent to Bleach?
Bioware Games
unironically Minecraft
I think he got a little fire back in thousand year blood war, just a bit
It's pretty telling when BTW was infinitely more focused and reminiscent of Bleach's high moments. A lot of people shit on him for not doing backgrounds, but not every one is an autist like Oda is, especially when you half the crew of assistants, no pun intended, he does.
Aesthetic wise, TWEWY and Jet Set Radio.
It's going to get censored to hell and back.
The character designs look pretty solid though. Definitely more reserved that the typical Titty Kubo designs.
so half the characters will look like clones?
Yeah no way these puppies survive unscathed.
>anime game on PS4
What are the odd that it's not censored for the west?
Best boy
If you notice, all the character are pretty consevatively designed, even for Kubo. They probably think this won't need any censoring.
all the girls have this kinda girl next door vibe except the brown tittymonster is not bad but not good , kinda baffling why did they picked kubo of all artist , kubo makes hoit guys more than girls , i would have went with raita or anyone not named kubo
Remember when Toriyama said he made Super Sayain blonde so he wouldn't have to draw the hair anymore and he can save time? Also don't forget if you don't draw a background then your manga is automatically shit.
but then again, we don't know yet if there'll be a 6th girl, kinda like a 6th ranger. And they haven't revealed any of the supporting cast girls and the sexy female villains
>started good when to shit
literally has to be MASSEFFECT
It's all bioware games post EA acquisition, the relationship of game developer to publisher is comparable to Kubo and his editors as well.
Kubo makes hot guys and hot girls. It's just that while hot guys are popular among the otome/fujo crowds, hot girls are typically less popular than the more generic girl-next-door types. You also missed the big tiddied resting bitchface girl.
I'm implying that her design is also shit.
Goddammit user
Bleach was great until the end of the Soul Society arc. Kubo just sucks at planning ahead.
he does but he started fighting with his editors too
this. first 60 episodes of the anime / 20 volumes of the manga are fucking great. It was my favourite of the Big Three.
I don't understand how Naruto got so popular. I lost interest after the Zabuza arc. I kept reading, but it didn't get any better
Sunk cost fallacy. Everyone fell in love with the bitchin first 50 or 60 episodes of Naruto and just didn't want to let go
This is basically Naruto, Bleach and One Piece in a nutshell, though Bleach lost a lot of popularity faster.
One Piece is the single most successful product to come out of the Anime and Manga industry, it's on track to surpass Batman and become the second largest comic book franchise of all time during 2019 where it will be second only to Superman. It's beloved globally and I understand it's flaws and the flaws present in most shounen manga, but One Piece is one of a kind. Dragonball was the primary inspiration but if anime and manga ended today and they decided to write a history book that book would be titled "The History of One Piece".
It was him or Tony “same face” Taka
They never animated that panel at all
that's a new picture post manga end, user
The fuck are you talking about
Kubo's character designs are far and away the best part of Bleach
Shit i think that was his first passion anyway judging by the inbetween pages he puts into his manga chapters
Square hired Oda Non for some gacha game and for that tank game (not sure I’d the second game is SE’s)
I like the brown girl, but she won't be as good as the black lawyer biker from the burger game. I laughed like a retard the instant I went to the bronx area and was accosted by gangsters at a basketball court.
What a fucking great game, the burger one was
is there a term for this blank, soulless expression?
cheerful innocence
>People like things
>They are dumb
>thing is dumb
>I am silly
hell yeah. i have this pic as a poster in my room
Best thing about Bleach was the art and style so absolutely not.
Imagine if they had hired kentaro miura. He finally could have been part of an idol master like game and it would let him pretend to be justified on the delay between Berserk chapters
the writer wouldn't be able to help but make the story grimdark if he was the artist, though
Jesus Christ. Know there's a time skip somewhere in there, but what kind of devil fruit did she fucking eat to grow that much?
Glad Kubo is doing what he likes best.
It really showed how little he cared about the story and just wanted to draw cool shit
always bet on Kubo.
>His legendary laziness on backgrounds is the stuff of memes
>Meanwhile he's fucking composing /fa/ as fuck outfits for all of his characters every other chapter
>was the progenitor of the BIG THREE, still the BIGGEST
>made his book the greatest manga in the history of the world
>rules Shonen Jump with an iron fist
>rich, detailed backgrounds and character expressions will be studied for centuries to come
>could walk to any movie or animation studio and he will get million dollar contracts
>entire schools of Japanese children would die for him
>married a girl who regularly cosplays as his waifu
>still going on strong 22 years later
>makes his assistants do all the work because he is a god
>only needs piracy, titties, and gold to make for good reading
>weakest of the Big 3, has to have his fans scream about Narutards and Wan Piss to feel relevant
>everyone remembers how embarrassing and dumb his manga was, dumbest manga in the world
>tries to be cool but has no chin to speak of, wears sunglasses to hide his ugliness
>bullied around by his superiors in Shonen Jump, has to agree to their demands in his cuckshed
>will forever be remembered as a failure
>has to beg low budget desperate studios to make movies of his manga, his anime never being finished because it was unprofitable
>no children remembers Bleach, just 20 year olds who have moved on
>has to beg for jobs after being run out of the mangaka business, freelances
>had to stop drawing backgrounds because he realized he became a hack and lost his heart
>stories about gay ghosts and retarded afterlife societies make for bad reading
Kubo gave us three god tier brownies and a rukia, can't hate on him
Tite Kubo is a good designer, complain about his writting if you hate him but he is just charge of the art here. I don't even think he handled the mechs and monsters neither.
She's the love interest. All she needs to do is make babies in the epilogue.
But that can't be true because you posted the apex girl from Bleach that is only somewhat on equal level with the cat girl and the tribal skull wearing girl
With how jack'd some of his woman are they wouldn't even need the kobu to fight the demons
Its different than Fire Emblem. Sakura has a way more dialogue it was one of the very first SRPG visual novel hybrid to exist also the ones being fully voiced in sega saturn no less. Fire Emblem only has short talk "1, 2, 3, etc" then the waifus never mattered in the main storyline but it doesn in Sakura Taisen, they also had their own endings.
But never had much gameplay. They might try to change that a little.
I like Chad and his newer look. Orihime is good too
I can respek that
>tfw RAITA was a character designer
>tfw Kubo is now
>tfw no Oda Non character designs in a vidya
>tfw loved all of the vizards, event he pink jew
>tfw they did absolutely nothing
Such a waste.
which OP is the best OP?
The first 3 are the best, making a top 3 from the first to the third
If they made a grim dark idol game it'd be amazing, though
>No Oda Non
But user
Okay, I mean a game with an actual budget then
Kek he didn't even bother with their capes
at least they didn't go with toriyama
kubo is good at character design tho, especially clothes part of the designs
he does suffer from same face but he is better than the average professional artist in nip land
A better example
also 2005 was peak
Kubo honestly isn't all that guilty of sameface, especially when you have offenders like fucking Toriyama running around.
I like how Renji stayed the same
Me too user ... me too
she cute. Now where the fuck is Gemini Sunrise?
Your pic says otherwise.
2004/05 was the best
Or you know, have Ichigo hook up with someone that he's had actual character development with to have babies?
Same. I didn't want rukia to win, I wanted useless female to lose.
metal max is quite comparable to sakura wars though
>t. irfag
The time of Rukia's execution...
The useless girl always wins though. I'd say the useless girl also won in Naruto, but then every girl is varying degrees of useless in Naruto.
new world has a higher amount of oxygen and CO2, so all the girls have bigger tits
Timeskip only happens when her hair gets longer so 3 out of 4 are same time period
>Almost three years since Bleach ended
>IRfags are STILL upset
Ichirukifags, it's time to let it go and move on already.
At least that was an interesting twist. Not going to lie, the amount of tears and salt coming from Sakurafags will always be a wonderful memory because she's one of my most hated characters in any manga ever.
Hinata wasn't that useless, she was just a side character. Orihime was everywhere and she was useless, Sakura was more useless than Hinata because of how much nothing she did even though they kept giving her power ups after the timeskip. Also Hinata is likeable and doesn't just start crying for Naruto, all Orihime does is basically moans and says ICHIGO.
I can feel the gravitational pull of your 600 pound body from here
>being a contrarian Orihimefag
jesus christ at least try when you're shitposting
I will never not be assblasted about this
The reason Bleach sucked wasn't because character designs you bandwagon fucks.
I'm ok with it. His character designs are decent and at least Kubo will have to think of an ending to the game before it releases.
Yeah they're called hollows.
Hinata was totally useless, but had less screen-time to be useless as compared to Orihime, who as you said had a ton. Also personally don't think Hinata is likeable, or rather, she wasn't a cunt like Sakura and instead was just unbearably bland and her only trait after jobbing to Neji was lusting after Naruto. But Orihime is definitely worse.
And no, I don't care about shipping nonsense. I can dislike both Sakura and Hinata thanks.
Say what you will about Kubo, but I've spilled enough seed to impregnate an entire continent of women to Rangiku and Yoruichi alone. God bless him.
one piece was never even remotely close to the global powerhouse naruto was and is, though. it's a good series but one piece doesn't hold a candle to naruto. n ot in games, not in ratings, not in viewtime, not in merch sales, nothing. Only in japan does it ever tie.
Gotta be pushing 50 by now at least.
It's fine, really.
One Piece is literally the 2nd largest comic book franchise of all time behind Superman what are you saying?
so what was that big dude who just fucking smashed stuff and looked like a punk reject's special sword thing? I remember the whole schtick was he was so strong he didn't have one, but surely they must have given him one at some point for fanservice, right?
i wonder how many lens flairs and bloom lines are going to be in this game
Who, Chad?
Like there's anything worth censoring over. Sideboob and panty shots should still be ok. I'm more worried about the localisation fucking up the dialogue or adding unnecessary bullshit to the game.
Miura must be SEETHING seeing that SJ rookie get his dream job.
>getting this triggered over being told to stop being so autistic over shipping
no no, the captain who had the bells in his hair.
I know chad was just a gigachad who got fists but stronger.
wasn't the new berserk supposed to come out in march? I thought he was back on a monthly schedule.
kenpachi got a big fackin sword
>Buy Ltd Ed of SW5 when it came out
>Fell on hard ties and had to sell a bunch of my games
>Thought I was slick by selling only the english disk
>End up having to sell the nip disk eventually
>Never finished the game
>Forgot about the series until yesterday
>Found the box, thinking the case might still be in there, but it was just the extras.
Guess it's time for me to break out my modded PS3.
The legend
> Well detailed titty
> no ass
> butt fucking retarded face that makes her look like she has downs
Kubo is a fucking hack
sounds about right. I need to go back and read the end of bleach, I stopped right after they beat aizen because that felt as much of a conclusion as there possibly could be for the series.
>we need someone with name recognition (...) that never did hentai
Sega doesn't give a shit about that, otherwise Shining wouldn't have Tony Taka as its current character design and Valkyria wouldn't have Raita.
>monthly schedule
Bleach objectively had the best character design of the big three. Search your heart you know this to be true.
what are those things behind the characters
Berserk must be followed on a yearly basis only. Imaging going for 358 and finding out it's more griffithshit.
This. Kubo sucks at a lot of things but character design wasn't one of them. I think the same face issues were slightly present in the final arc but it was minor.
Compared to say... One Piece where all the women have Nami face.
for a while it was, there were like 6 chapters released.
It's a tie for me. Jiraya is just too perfect
Meanwhile, whenever this fucking guy does art for a game you FAGGOTS eat it up. The 'it's ok when Atlus does it' shit never misses, huh?
Heart blocks.
why was the series called bleach at the end?
b/c kubo wanted ichigo to slam that yoruichi pussy but editors made him go for orishitte
If only. Sadly Orihime was Kubo's waifu.
Yes but with Denuvo
Boobs Lovers Embrace And Cherish The Heart
What's the problem here? All of them have different faces
can't believe some dude who never opens his eyes and some manlet smashed this
If he opened his eyes, he'd have never stopped smashing.
maybe he wouldn't have died
>some manlet smashed this
Who, ice shota? Since when?
Because the series was about ghosts that purified evil ghosts, bleach = purify.
Im suprised as not Hired Raita again
Why they dont hirted Kousuke Fujishima? Its just a trademark like like a Langrisser game with Urushihara.
because that's what Kubo did to the backgrounds
Cute Kizuna Ai
>Capcom bringing back DMC and Resident Evil
>Sega bringing back Sakura wars
Are we back in the Golden Ages bros?
Koonami just need to jump in and yeah, we'll be getting there.
He should have done the story/scenario instead, and it should have been a secret until the credits.
Onimusha and Dino Crisis next
I love Ai-chan
Resident Evil never went anywhere though.
They have a secret staff member they don't want to reveal yet
Anyone has any idea of where to find the Sakura Taisen V ps2 rom? Can't find a freaking torrent anywhere
The True Bleach Was The Friends We Made Along The Way.
Search for the emuparadise workaround, you can still download stuff from there.
Ichigo should've went for Nel
>just give her dark skin and big tits lmao
This design is so uninspired.
Didn't know about that, nice. Just installed and tried it, but apparently that's no longer working too. I just get a timeout, and other people seem to be getting the same by what I saw googling about it.
Weird, I downloaded a couple ps2 games yesterday and a lot of small roms too without issue.
Try downloding them again, seems to be a recent problem
>tite kubo
if the original Sakura Wars designs were being unveiled and shown for the first time right now, you'd be saying the same thing
>litteraly everyone talking about Sakura is because of Kubo
Actually you're right. I really only like the designs of the main girls in Sakura Wars. All the side girl designs are shit.
No. Gemini and Ratchet are solid 10/10 designs.
>creepy man face and not even a real man face but a creepy fujo BL edgelord man face
>creepy tite kubo full body fishnet fetish
>voice doesn't even match the character
Oh look it's Scherazard from Trails.
If Kanna were unveiled now by a western company she'd be called pandering to SJWs
as long as he's not responsible for the background or the storyline, it's fine
you implying dragonball z is not shit?
Where are those milkies from?
>dark skin
even a tan is darker
>the heart
Made me exhale hard, based kubo poster
Kubo's character design in Bleach is unironically the best out of the big three.
I like Kubo's art
Kubo is alright
Bambietta Basterbine is cute!
at least he's not writing story
Disliking Bleach is the most pleb taste
Kubo isn't actually that bad of an artist, he just got sick of making Bleach and stopped putting effort into it.
Pretty sure he wanted to continue Bleach but the editor wanted it to end.
Anything past the Aizen arc is dogshit. Literally made everybody that was still cool job.
it's not an interesting opinion to dislike bleach
>Naruto character designs
>le bleach bad!
Yea Forums just went full contrarian
Boruto on the other hand. Best boy and best dad/mom
man just realized something
God bless Kubo and his love of brown ladies and curves.
As long as he isnt involved in backgrounds we are fine
Alright. Guy does a pretty good job with character designs.
>that never did hentai
You've clearly never heard of Valkyria Chronicles
Naruto designs can be legitimately awful, Masashi has okay ideas and execution but he just goes full retard, especially when he's trying to make an edgy design. He's got some great stuff, but out of the big 3, he had possibly the worst feel for fashion and character design.
>tfw no game with designs by Shouji Satou
>tfw HSoTD is literally dead in more ways that one
At least Triage X is pretty okay.
I love Bleach and I love Kubo's designs, but these Sakura Wars designs aren't it chief.
These game just screams "budget japanese rpg"
Can't wait for characters standing directly in front of the camera to give me textbox dialogue to press X through instead of proper cutscenes before we go into "the other world" and have our persona/tokyo mirage sessions/akibas beat/blue reflection/every budget rpg under the sun's linear corridors with different colors of paint separated from the actual game world, all while being unable in OR out of the simplistic turn based combat against terrible enemy designs
here's a HQ wallpaper I put together
If they're gonna steal Ai-chan's design, they better hire her to do the voice over.
Is this canon? I stopped watching the anime when Rukia and Ichigo go ice skating before she vanishes. Isn't there only like 26 episodes after that?
fuck the manga