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Other urls found in this thread:


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It's a lost cause, OP. Comfy Bloodlines threads are dead. We had a good run, longer than most on Yea Forums. But it's over.

Wow. It's like he actually knows what the game is supposed to be about.

but we can bring back those times, the jannies are actually doing good deleting the retarded /pol/ posts


playing vtmb right now
how can this not be everyone's favorite game??

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> first person only


Nobody cares shill

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I hope Deb ends up joining the game even though its in Sanfran and not LA and she's based in LA

This was deconfirmed though? The actress outright said on twitter she wasn't involved.

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>can't play a game unless he's staring at his tranny character's ass

stick to le epic souls games

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They are extremely vague about whether you have attributes and skills to put points into, or if it's vampire Dishonored.

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I like telling myself that these people are just trolling.

You will never have your faggy "comfy" threads as long as I breath.

Chris Avellone is the most overrated cunt in the gaming idustry

Source on this or I will haunt you for the rest of your unlife.

2016 was a mistake.

I all wanted was to rip and tear with gangrel.

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This is funny because a Turkish magazine obviously isn't going to be in line with the progressive English-language media. Next they'll be quoting Iranian gamers.

just report and ignore

>no night confirmed
fuck, it would be better if you had to use sewers or take a nap in your coffin during the day

read the fucking OP


What's sad is people probably believe this is a legitimate page now. Also, the people behind Rudi and the "No Fascists Allowed" page have all been fired from White Wolf.

This was my first time seeing it. I assume then it's not form anything official?

Rudi: "I'm a strict materialist" I thought Yea Forums said he was a Muslim? Apart from being dark-skinned and Swedish how is he different to the gay rights vigilante from the 1993 Nosferatu clanbook?

No. It's from the mind on an user that wants to stir shit up in these threads. That's it.

it was, they just got fired after the publishing company realized the people whining about social justice don't actually play anything

Wrong the rudi team are the current v5 team paradox installed after getting rid of the old vtm guard.

why is /pol/ so butthurt over this?

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False and you fucking know it. Stop spreading disinfo.

THAT'S your fucking evidence? I will agree it's a better look that leading with gender sliders and concern for mentally ill people with malkavians, but that's fucking garbage.

I'm right though.

because they are special snowflakes

and to add to this

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>Also, the people behind Rudi and the "No Fascists Allowed" page have all been fired from White Wolf.

No they haven't, in fact the opposite happened. The corebook had an insensitive depiction of real-life homophobic Chechnyan death squads (they're actually vampires who want an excuse to abduct large numbers of people), Paradox assumed Direct Control and removed it from the pdf and future print versions and replaced the management.

genuine mental disorder
this is reaching 80s religious hysteria levels

he means the retards in the pics

if you can't even read her tweet correctly how can I trust anything else your attempting to parrot?

The old VTM guard pretty much went away when white wolf went BK. The new guys were the most obsessed fanboys, but not necessarily the best writers.

I thought those guys were relegated to being freelancers, and it was for not caring ENOUGH about LGBT issues....and of course creating a diplomatic incident in Chenhnya.


Rudi, in and of himself is a fine neonate, at least until he gets his ass blood bonded by a halfway clever female brown assamite. The problem is more that they turned the Camarilla into the patriarchy for rudi to fight, and the second inquisition into also the patriarchy to fight.

Rudi is also presumably a half ass ultra liberal urban muslim.

Redpill me on this game.

>wait all these years
>comes out during the height of sjw crap

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>ruined franchises such as

Torment, to not look far.

Perhaps OP is not actualy a fan and is actually a marketer?

>need epic store to run the game

You're setting yourself up for disappointment.

I used to think that too, but after 2016 not anymore.

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this quite honestly. Actually, just all of /pol/ was a mistake.

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So a DRM free physical release has been confirmed? Maybe I won't pirate it then

Because all they have to do is hear a few trigger words and they'll chimp out.

The second Source engine game ever created. Mechanics and combat are jank. Very good writing, possibly one of the best at atmosphere.

Based on the edgelord 90's pen and paper game, that was left as fuck, but inclusive. There were literally neo nazi bruja camarilla members in v2. There are evil nazi vampries who think that Caine was an aryan, and exploted by the semites. They had non gender binary shit out every asshole, and some additional ones with fleshcrafting.

At some point the PnP game went bankrupt, and then went nuts, resulting in an infamous "chechnya" incident that actually got the russian government threatening to sue under EU libel laws.

I actually wonder how many of the people, like the ones who tried to boycott catherine for being transphobic, are actual trolls, but there's enough real ones.

pol has been deleted several times. Really, you don't want to go through a US presidential election cycle without it.

>not morality-based

It will be released on gog.
Day 1 pirate.

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>there are "people" on this shit board right now who are hyped for a game praised by fucking RetardEra

Yea Forums is beyond saving, just fucking delete it.



Dude half of Yea Forums isn't even 18, this place was lost long ago. Imagine 18 year old mods who don't even know what the fuck 9/11 was or what it was like to live life without a cellphone

personally i think both sides are exaggerating and the developers themselves are leaving it vague on purpose

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We'll find out at E3 with g a m e p l a y

Why do you idiots keep on deluding yourselves into believing that Chris Avellone is a good writer?

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Because he just so happened to work on okay cult classics sometimes.

how the fuck are we going to play a game where we are this...aren't video games about power fantasies and shit

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>mfw this game is more cyberpunk than cyberpunk 2077

Why do you hate her Yea Forums? She doesn't hate men like the other dyed hair girls in gaming do.

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ITT: Autists who were 3 years old when the first game came out and only played it last year don't remember that the original game was political as fuck and made a ton of hypercritical remarks about the bush administration

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Kill yourself.

She does not like video games in the same way I like video games.


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Good thing she's not the designer / director and is just one of several writers.

did i hit a nerve there?

Addendum: Everyone complaining about Rudi in 5th edition is forgetting that 5th edition also literally had alt-right vampires described in it.

The game takes place in real life. Obviously some vampires are going to be sjw-types and some aren't.

actually she just wrote a few of the side quests and that's it

reminder: you're talking to a group of people that literally can't experience joy unless there is a group of innocent blacks or browns being shot to pieces by a neo-nazi

How does this fucker live without bitching about everything? Different things are different, more at 11. Not everything needs to appeal to everyone in the world, it just ends up appealing to nobody. Especially when the people bitching don't play games.

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>5th edition also literally had alt-right vampires described in it.

Post proofs.

Pronouns make them cry

I'm the person you responded to.

My post was saying that Vampire isn't an sjw property. Go back to fucking reddit if you think anyone here gives a fuck about muh suffering and muh innocent blacks.

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whatever you say speshul snowflake

I just made it to Hollywood, played many years ago and only got to Downtown. Am I supposed to get this geodude meme I keep seeing yet?

They show up im Hollywood
And by they I mean the most cancer enemy in the whole game

>Our systems aren't really morality-based
>completely contradicts himself in the next sentence

I'm willing to bet you're also one of the fools who just believed everything you read in this thread too, despite doing 0 research for yourself.

Oh well.

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>Different things are differeny
>Not everything needs to appeal to everyone
People don't understand that if they don't like something, they just don't like it. Instead they want to completely reinvent it beyond recognition to something that appeals only to them. And they'll bitch on twitter until it happens. Basically, if you don't like something, move on. Don't waste time bitching about it. It won't change it, and you certainly won't change the minds of everybody who does like it.

The description they give for the brujah is literally every identitarian group out there.

Essentially, the faggot nigger Muslim is a fleshed-out character that you're supposed to play while the alt-right gets a "by the way" mention with a heavy finger-wagging connotation, not to mention that the V5 book openly states that if you're a "fascist" (i.e. literally everyone who isn't a total SJW) you are not welcome to play.

Wow, great way to prove me wrong there, fucking retarded nigger. What grade were you when you dropped out of elementary school?

Daily reminder that mueller hurried and trump is gonna win again.

More proof

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Waste of oxygen and space is all these people are.

ITT: guy whose argument relies on others to post screenshots of a book because he didn't read it, calls someone else retarded.

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That's the problem. What she does is what literally anyone else on the team can do. Her position is not needed. She has no talent and probably just got in because of a friend or something.

ITT: Dumb faggot with no arguments trying to save face because he got BTFO.

>no gameplay

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The question was:
>22 de mar
>Can we have a statement on whether you are going to shove politics down our throats? Because the community is fairly riled up atm (As seen on steam) and it would be nice to know if you want all of us to play, or only those who agree on your political views.

They are clearly deflecting by saying something without saying. I'm worried, guys.

I love how deluded people are. They assume any criticism of the left simply MUST come entirely from far right nazis.

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>Her position is not needed.
That's a retarded assertion considering this is an RPG with many characters. Every additional perspective on the writing team helps. Plus, she seems like a cool girl, going by videos of her.

>She has no talent and probably just got in because of a friend or something.
Maybe. That shouldn't stop people with talent from pursuing and getting roles at the companies they want to work at, however.

>people still think avellone is good

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That's what happens when you let pinko commies indoctrinate your universities a d colleges

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>He mocks /pol/
>by posting a gif of an SJW having a meltdown because the clerk didn't address her with enough respect for being a woman
You should know about the sources of the images you post.


day 1 pirate


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when a sjw snowflake gets triggered she just bounces around like a retards

when one of you far right extremist snowflakes get triggered you mow down an entire church or mosque :^)

All the more reason not to fuck with them, bucko. ;^)

How about the engine? The writing is very important but the gameplay is what makes or breaks the game. They should strive to make something better than the original which was broken as fuck and relied too much on its characters and setting.
It's really worrisome, the way they've been handling this game, selling preorders before showing anything. We could have another Underworld Ascendant in our hands.

Because you haven't hit the unfinished parts yet.

have sex

Gotta love when 8gag comes in with their collected horseshit from faggotera to stop the videogame discussion and turn this into a gender politics diarrhea carnival. Kinda wish you'd stay on your webzone like you always pretend to do.

I'm going to bust into this shitshow and just ask

If I want a straight up melee combat class clan, what's the ideal clan to pick in Bloodlines? Brujah? Gangrel? Nos?

She's a senior writer for the game, she's gonna have her hands on more than a few side quests.

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Kek, Malkavias are funny people

White Wolf has become woke wolf like it or not
Telling people the developers and writers have no ideological axe to grind is lying people should know what they're buying into with the preorder

>hate speech specialists

>the gangs back together
>they all changed
will suck more than blood.

Gangral is stronger but more prone to frenzying

thats how the basement dwelling neo nazi /pol/sters are, just love shitposting about anything that's not related to video games

>making a good video game
pick one
only white guys with MAGA hats can make good video games like DOOM

yeah but sjw

it's on GOG and Steam as well

We posting Resetera caps now?

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It's UE4 and supposedly they'll have that nvidia meme technology.

Could pick the pot head history if you don't give a shit about wits or intelligence (forget which one Gangrel gets stunted in for that history)

Get over yourself.

he is a good writer, but recently games have been baiting people by hiring him on to write one character so they can say Chris Avellone was a writer for their game.

based pcbro

>Turkish Magazine
>Not in English
>Runs it through google translate
Can they fuck off with bitching about foreign media?


I mean I want to be hyped as well but these guys never made anything worthwhile before.

NAME 1 GAME made by SJWs that has been good
you can't
SJWs can't make games thats why all the good games are made by white guys


Always heard about the game but never tried it.
Is the first game and this one immersive sims?
I need Something similar to the work of Arkane studio, but i've already played all of their games to death...


not an argument
you can't even name ONE game made by SJWs
this is why you'll never win over true gamers

the first one is a fairly immersive RPG. The second one isn't out yet and we have no idea what it'll be.


Nuclear Throne and Cities Skylines were pretty good.
The newer Shadowrun games were also great.

We must rise, brother

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Don't forget the cuckolding audio clip.

If the gameplay and all is similar to Dishonored, Prey and other immersive sim, then that's a Fucking day one for me. Those games are more and more rare...it's quite sad.

not made by SJWs
SJWs taking credit for white mans work isn't doing something worthwhile

Nosferatu can be retards sometimes

What's the difference between SJWs and the Gen X anarchists / libertarians besides the age?


What? Vlambeer is literal SJW and Colossal Order is run by pink haired feminists. And everyone keeps bringing up how shit Harebrained Studios is for being SJWs.

vtmb was made by sjw
they make you cuckservatives look like the retards that you are

Gen X anarchists / libertarians made some of the best music of the decade. SJW's literally haven't created anything.

You're wrong on two counts. The first is that the straw that broke the camel's back wasn't them offending the gay community, it was them causing an international indecent with the Russian government that resulted in arrests made by the Russian government. The second is that it was the entire staff that was axed. WW was integrated into Paradox and all WW products after that point have been licensed out to external teams.

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sjw:s didn't exist back in 2004. it wasn't until around 2011 when left started going crazy.

I only played Dragonfall, because somebody on Yea Forums said it was the best of the three and had GREAT writing, and it was your classic SJW trash to the point of including a caricature white supremacist character and having your companions go GEE FINALLY WE GET TO KILL SOMEONE OBVIOUSLY AND UNDENIABLY EVIL. You're not allowed to pick sides anyway, and the only time you do, the game makes sure to communicate to you just how EVIL you are.

lmao keep being in denial trumpster

yes because we all know white supremacy is something that is not at all accurate in real life

kys pol kiddie

i'm not even american

Well I think V5 SUCKS

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the left is full of lies

>What's the difference between SJW and anarchists/libertarians

For one we don't forget that a company is a massive bloodsucking leech to the workers just because they released an add with two gay guys or supported some bourgeois gender dysphoric. They're fascists with slightly more dicksucking, who support the ruling global elite.

Third person, first person or both?

>They're fascists with slightly more dicksucking, who support the ruling global elite.

so the ultra right then?

SJWs are still just the late stage of that whole movement, motivated by different things but carrying the same basic mentalities. We're living in an age where millions of people grew up indoors playing video games and watching anime and many of the better known SJWs have all been to Japan at some point or at least worship their idea of it. This puts them in the same boat as the leftist fringe groups behind games like VtMB.

>third person

go back to your chink hack n slashers

I'm sorry you can't enjoy things because you get triggered by them, you fucking nigger.

>Mental health
Oh boy, I can't wait for them to say how awesome it is to have psychosis because you get to have a bunch of friends in your head. Why is fucking Ninja Theory of all devs the only one to portray mental illness in an actually realistic and respectable way?

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SJWs hate Japan with a passion, dude. It's the only non-western country they're allowed to be racist against. What the fuck are you smoking.

>ninja theory
Wut game my dood

Hellblade. It's pretty much the only piece of media I can think of outside of a few books that treat mental illness in a fair way, where it isn't glorified and isn't turned into DUDE IM CRAZY LMAO.

What is it with lefties and idolizing the criminally insane?

If this is the level of inquiry you expect in your cRPGs, you're of course entitled to your shit taste, but when I see retarded shit like that in games that dare claim any sort of quality of writing, I can't help but feel insulted.

How many KKK members are there in the US right now? 3000? That's what .0008% of the population?

Yes, and 99% of them are feds.

have sex.

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Most of the Kotaku staff lived in Japan at some point, Cara as well. I thought they were all SJWs?

You know feminism could be destroyed if we just allied with the trannies.

Why would you ally with a product of feminism? Why would you ally yourself with satan to fight a demon?

I'm fluent in many variations of the N word and know over a thousand slurs for Asians. I think I'd make a great hire for your Hate Speech Specialist position.

They can live and hate the place.

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He's telling the truth though. The rampant degeneracy just bubbling beneath the surface of Japan is a cultural problem. Just like their suicide rates.

Do you realize how MAD women would be if men openly accepted Trans woman as ACTUAL women?

God save cdpr and warhorse.

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To be fair, a lot of Japanese people hate it too. But if you read some of the articles on Japan that they write, not all of them hate it.

You literally have to intentionally look for that shit in Japan. This guy probably goes into the adults only section of anime stores then into the secluded corner and gets mad.

Anti-SJWs harassed someone I cared about until she committed suicide and then proceeded to mock her posthumously, so I don’t really give a shit if they’re upset.

But women aren't our enemies. 50% of them vote for Trump. Why would we want to piss them off even more?

SJW and Anti-SJW are both extremist faggots. Stay in the comfy center where both sides hate you yet have to be cordial to get you in their side.

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How is it a problem?

Eh there degeneracy hubs and expos that will have lolis on the windows and shit

>How is it a problem?
Because it shows that there's something not being fulfilled in the Japnese's "human" meter so they have to resort to degeneracy like some sort of mental deficient.

SJWs never killed anyone I cared about.

I'm not talking about rational women. I'm talking about FEMINISTS.

Not really, it's a safe outlet for natural human desires for a youthful partner. Since Japan has significantly lower rates of child abuse and rape I'd say the opposite is actually a problem.

>Stay in the comfy center where both sides hate you

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Feminists are eating themselves. Hell just about every decade now there's a new wave of them that come along even more deranged than the last .

neither of them are ever cordial, all they ever do is insult you

>The suicide rate for Japan is roughly 60 percent higher than the global average
Yeah I'm sure fapping to preteens is just what they need

The suicide rate is much more likely to be the result of their extreme work culture where working yourself into illness is considered a good thing.

>even Justin Achili is handing out hot takes now

Attached: Untitled 1.jpg (594x714, 284K)

>100% of Japanese people drink water
>Japan has a high suicide rate
CONFIRMED: drinking water makes you kill yourself. Stop drinking water right now user

>The suicide rate is much more likely to be the result of their...culture
>Because it shows that there's something not being fulfilled in the Japanese's "human" meter so they have to resort to degeneracy
Looks like we agree

Yes, and that thing is obviously not their more lax attitude towards loli content, since there are far more pressing factors that contribute to it rather than one that you claim does with zero evidence to support your claim. Keep defending raping real children though, you sick degenerate fucker.

user, ONE HUNDRED PERCENT of Japanese suicide victims drank water. It's CONFIREMD that drinking water makes you kill yourself, the numbers do not lie! Stop drinking water right now

Jesus Christ

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Secret to long life
Not dying

That's two sentences that completely contradict each other what the fuck

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if you're autistic, sure.

SJWs harassed my friend to the point of spice for wrong think. So there

Can you guys fuck off with your weak bait? This is actually a decent thread

If loli is such a problem than why is child rape so prevalent in all other western countries compared to japan.
The reason is because japan has a 98% native population, you shouldn't let tons of foreigners into countries where they don't assimilate and adapt to culture, If you let tons of foreigners in the rapes will severely increase. and yes that includes you.

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Transformers long to be accepted by women as women. Not by men

Did you see what Mac Walters did to Mass Effect 2/3? Having good writers kinda matters, a lot.

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>TFW mixed Japanese and German
>Goes to Japan
>Treated like Outlander
>Goes to Germany
>Treated like Outlander
I'll uh stay here in London.

Immortals dont need morals, but there are choices within the game(s) that allow to retain your humanity. If you guys knew what VtM was youd understand this

They'll come for you too.

Hey I'll take it. Way better that "masturbating to little girls makes you less likely to rape them"

Sound like you have a persecution complex. You do realize the average person isn't going to treat you like a long lost friend at the bus stop, right?

Why would there be one?

yeah, hellblade hit too close to home. beautiful game, but it's done too well for me.

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He did some decent work in pillars. Wrote some of the only good characters

Honestly they weren't that great.

>only kkk are white supremacists

lmao, by that same logic how many niggers are black panthers? 20?

I played VTM. I have the 3rd edition still in my shelf right next to me. Explain to me in detail how Humanity is not a morality-based system.

So you're saying the average white person and black person are supremacists? You know you're talkign about people that would get physically ill being around another race, right?

Durance is good, but Grieving Mother is complete fucking garbage. She's laughably bad.

Durance and Grieving Mother had like 99% of his content cut out minus the general background. Durance was supposed to full on rape GM and GM had a super mind delve dungeon for her quest. All of which were cut.

Of all games that could benefit from a day-night cycle as more than just a gimmick, you'd think a game that has you playing a creature that at worst dies and at best goes into frenzy at the sight of daylight would be it.

I fucking knew it. You faggots blow everything out of proportion. I've been telling you how retarded you all were from the start.
Push your agenda elsewhere and stop shitting up comfy vampire threads.


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Prince LaCroix betrays you
Taxi Driver may or may not be Cain
Jack put C4 inside the sarcophagus and it explodes in the two endings where somebody opens it

I feel the same way. There's actually a mechanical purpose to it in this type of setting, and they choose to ignore the opportunity completely.

Get this reddit shit out of here


Well obviously the fucking vampire game isn't going to have a day/night cycle. You're playing a fucking vampire game.

pics plz

>see guys, the Devs said not to worry and that the games going to be fabolous
Nothing to worry about then.

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>Durance was supposed to full on rape GM
That's kinda hot

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>we use the setting to talk about a lot of different issues
big yikes.
In fact, I hate Avellone. Just because he made a great game in the past, which was a fluke, now everyone in the industry sucks his dick. Now he always pulls his lame characters in every single game he's in.
cRPGs used to be my favorite genre of gaming, but hacks like him destroyed the genre.

keep digging and doubling down politic-niggger, I'm still buying this game

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Durance and GM were the best written by miles. Eder and hiravias were good, the rest were meh imo. You have some other order of quality? do tell.

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yeah it makes sense in example in the first game you can save a girl by making her your familiar/slave or not

both are morally wrong but one is more redeemable

Why would you even allow that in a game unless you just wanted to artificially lengthen a game?

>ally with the mentally insane
>to deal with the slightly less mentally insane
No thanks, all degenerates can fuck off.

It's going to be more like nu-Deus Ex mechanics where you get ebin 3rd person takedown animations that totally aren't going to get annoying after seeng it 50 times.


just call them what they are, neo nazi basement dwellers

a quick rundown for someone who doesn't give a shit about reading paragraphs of text by retards?

all the story and atmosphere stuff is goat.
gameplay is pretty bad though, have fun in the sewers with the geodudes boi.

I'll pirate it twice just to spite you

Durance and GM are grating after the first or second playthrough because they have so much dialogue and so many scripted bullshit triggers to do their quests compared to the others that they just become tedious to even be around. Just my two cents

As someone who browses GameFAQs and YouTube's Alt-Right clickbait channels looking for Anti-SJW/Alt-Right audiences to debate with, I know about them all too well. These people have always been in our society but seek solace in gaming. Gaming is a fantasy lands that, in their eyes, should be a reflection of everything they've always wanted but can't get out of life. It was made with white men in mind, and now that it's starting to change to better reflect its audience, they feel like they're being attacked. Western gaming is taking steps to diversify their protagonists, diversify their developers, and create female characters that aren't grossly sexualized, and they hate it. So they move on to Eastern gaming while condemning Western gaming for its themes of progress.

What's interesting that I noticed about GameFAQs topics and stuff on Yea Forums, and how they align with the Alt-Right, is that you see this pro-Japan agenda theme frequently. It first takes the form of "Japan makes better games" or "JRPGs are superior." But then, it starts evolving into the fetishization of Eastern women, which is a common theme with the Alt-Right, due to fantasizing the submissive stereotypes of Japanese women. They then start talking about how Japanese gamers hate progressives in America due to censorship, and how their culture is really traditional is what makes it superior. Slowly, but surely, it evolves into a "this is why homogenous societies are better" argument, because the themes fill every checkbox in what interests them. Women, traditionalism, homogeny, white, etc..

I'm not sure what can be done about these people, honestly. To me, they're in the same category as the Alt-Right It's really hard to get into an honest conversation with some of them. Some of them have no intention of ever changing their views, even if they acknowledge they're in the wrong.

imagine being far-right or far-left. the world laughs at you while we play the good games you cry about on Yea Forums

Attached: 1550168397220.png (494x507, 248K)

weak bait is posting your SJW garbage.

>mfw I'm regularly called both a commie tranny and a nazi incel on the internet

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It's going to be the best game of all time. Remember to pre-order the special edition for epic bonuses.
Buy several copies for your friends and family.

How are they good games if they're literally all left leaning?

So this game only comes out when there's a republican president?

>revealing you care how I spend my money
>implying I care how you spend your money

You mean normal people?

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>implying all the good games aren't made by the far-right
>implying the foundation of Yea Forums culture isn't far-right

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bad pasta-poster

Why is /pol/ so triggered over the mere mention they're adding politics in the game, VtMB had literally a commie vamp and she was actually right, chill the fuck out tards.

Repill me on V5

>/pol/ so triggered
Uh huh

>as long as I breath.

He's right, WoD was always like this.


>no day-night cycle
>you will never frantically look for a save place to crash in a race against the time while the first rays of sunlight creep up the horizon
>there will never be a mission where you have to slugglishly fight for your life because humans found your hideout
>you will never concoct a plan that will end one of your enemies meet the sun


It had some mechanical changes that were alright depending on personal preference, some that were good, and some that were shit. It was poorly laid out, and the plot was retarded but had some good ideas.

Like, the U.S Government found out about the vampires, and are eradicating them with extreme prejudice using everything from teams of government agents with white phosphorus grenades and M4 carbines with specialty ammo to straight drone striking cammie bases. Which is cool, but the Anarchs stepped up and are now the dominant faction, which is retarded because the government dosen't distinguish between the two and the Anarchs are twice as bad as the cammies when it comes to keeping hidden. They had an idea, but they implemented it in a way that negatively impacted one of their other ideas and then glossed it over, and that's emblematic of the whole book.

Yeah it is retarded. You would think the faction that was best at both staying hidden and at controlling and influencing goverments would fare best out of all Sects.


WoD was edgy in both ways and people forget this a little too much in favor of pushing a narrative that it was always woke or never political, but they're probably remembering White Wolf with Black Dog(?), where the stuff they didn't feel they could get away with was, and that involved a lot of LBTG stuff.

I'd rather ally with gay communist furry than a fucking tranny

I would take the feminists over the trannies, almost entirely because when some feminist goes TERF the resulting shit-fit is hilarious.

Why is nu-Yea Forums so butthurt over /pol/?
>conservatives and ethnonationalists qualify for narcissistically hyperindividualist slurs

Attached: What happens when you flip the truth.png (1756x453, 42K)

Feminism is already at war with trannys. Look up TERF, the leftist cannibalizing themselves

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>pseudo right-wing
Made me smirk a little bit.

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You first.

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My guess is that at some point during the brainstorming process someone said "Wouldn't it be cool if the government found out and was hunting vampires?" and months later someone else said "Wouldn't it be interesting of the Camerilla were on the back foot and the Anarchs starting exerting more influence." and never bothered to reconcile the two.

90% of people who actually get mad over their bait are other lefties false flagging. Their delusion has gone on long enough, it's time to put them down.

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>an overfuckingwhelmingly microscopic minority, like as in .00000000000000001%, of feminists, being at war with trannies means feminists are at war with trannies
I agree that feminism is ultimately a dumb shitfest of a philosophy but come the fuck on.

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>we are going to use a video game to push our far-left ideology


>>Behold! The disease plaguing BioWare. I present to you the BioWare creative development team.

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>vote against your best interests

It's unironically because they hear certain trigger words (feminism, gender, transexual, progressive) and then chimp the fuck out.
It's not like they're unique. SJWs, liberals, socialists, and, yes, centrists all do the same. But you don't see that on Yea Forums much, because /pol/ has a much larger presence.

>knowing anything about what they are shitposting about


nederland wordt meer en meer multicultureel

deal with it kankerkaaskop :^)

It can't be pushing leftism that hard since you still have clans like the Ventrue present.

>stick to actual games
Will do.

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that's what i'm saying yes

From a video game sense it would just boil down to putting the players on a time limit and whenever the sun comes up they'd just sit in one corner and wait it out if there isn't a TES style waiting system in place.

Because this is the man who set the golden standard for Western RPG writing in the 21st century.

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>lol this game has magazines with sophomoric humor, it is based and redpilled

imagine mindbreaking yourself to this extent.
the next thing you will do is call me a tranny.

Are you going to post pics of particular characters saying shit or the player having conversation options to appeal to them? Because by that logic Obsidian were the ultimate turbofascist antichrists and should have their works boycotted by good little liberals everywhere.

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PS:T is the one game beamdog didn't fuck up. or do you mean that other torment game?

>NAME 1 GAME made by SJWs that has been good

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Europeans problems is their unending empathy, too many people feel like its their responsibility to fix the world, but the truth is that not everybody should be helped and not every person asking for help truly needs/deserves it. I'm not even white or European but it is your guys fault you ended up like this. So I don't feel any sympathy for all your problems.

not him, but I've seen a lot of animosity towards MtF and bisexuals from feminists and lesbians online. just peek at /lgbt/ where they are at eachother's throats


Attached: Most-games-are-made-by-republicans.png (1873x1065, 59K)

>Anti-SJWs harassed someone I cared about until she committed suicide and then proceeded to mock her

Zoomers need to realize that VtM was always gynocentric, anarchist faggotry. I like Bloodlines enough but it doesn't hold a candle to any other first person RPGs or immersive sims that were coming out at the time / before.

How will antis ever recover?

These are the same autists that thought Far Cry 5 was whiteman killing simulator and flooded the catalog with threads complaining about it on announcement but lo and behold even SJW game reviewers were turned off it was apolitical but they BOTH threw the same kind of shitfit.

Pic related came out in 2004 and was an international bestseller. It was essentially a (((scientific))) version of the SCUM Manifesto.
Just because (You) didn't exist that year doesn't mean the pop culture proliferation of extreme anti-white/anti-male didn't either.

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>jew queer nigger

man what luck

Ah yes this user in this poorly made shit chain of responses is based and redpilled
+1 upvote

>sjw:s didn't exist back in 2004
One of them was among the most acclaimed filmmakers of the time you idiot.

Attached: Glenn Sacks Calling Out Michael Moore's Literal Sexism in 2004.png (781x5497, 305K)

hope they are paying you, bro

Deus Ex was a hundred times better and it came years before. I dont trust Troika in making a decent game at all

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heard the special edition comes with a dilator set
hyped as fuck

>Gen X anarchists / libertarians made some of the best music of the decade
I really, really hope you're not referring to grungeshit.

Attached: Kurt Cobain was a fucking faggot and disgrace to music as an art form.png (1870x373, 79K)

Seems like a sure fire way to get a fucking blood hunt called on you. Diablerie is one of the worst sins a Vampire can commit.

okay if you're going to be a political shitposter, at least make it as funny as this

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I'll wait for Cyberpunk thanks.

Attached: calledit.png (2513x131, 13K)

>sjw shit
>noob developer

thats three strikes for me

Vae victis

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Nigga your group gets their panties in a buch when they see a shade darker on any character. You're both retarded and living proof of the need of chemical castration.
Let me guess, you only listen to warbond songs from WW2.

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>Oi you got a loicense for that scredroivah? Don' wan' our trucks o' peace hav'n no problems enrichin' our dear pooblic cit'zens!

who /comrade/ here?

Not for long.

What happens with a tranny vampire's supernatural healing?

>implying press x to hate cybernewspapers doesn't also look trash

>Trans Exclusionary Radical Feminist
>animosity is now equivalent to exclusion
That's like saying every married couple divorces or murders the spouse the second they fight. Might want to into English or cultural gradients a bit more.

jesus christ you are sperg. don't reply to my posts


>No pre-order DLC or expansion packs
>No gender pronoun bullshit, just fun
>Been in development for 6+ years as opposed to VTMB2's maybe 4 if you're being generous and assume they started development as soon as Paradox acquired White Wolf

Top kek OP, this game will be eclipsed by Cyberpunk and they know it, which is why they're so desperate to release it ASAP, whereas CDPR is taking a "It's ready when it's ready" approach.

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>you are a monster


Not my fault you get all your knowledge of music from modern day (((Clearchannel))) radio.

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The game would be better off without either of those things.

Considering The Witcher 3 fucking sucks I don't have high hopes for Cyberpunk

>not being retarded is sperging now
Fuck your request, nigger.

Attached: sounding smart is bad.png (1555x404, 62K)

>Tries to act like a music snob
>posts manowar

Attached: DanKek.jpg (537x509, 52K)

By that logic VTMB2 will be a fucking trainwreck, have you looked at "Hardsuit Labs" track record?

>overly-fixating on diction makes you an intellectual
at best you're a pseud that's fooled himself into thinking he's making a point worthwhile

This is bait.

Cyberpunk has daylight, so it's guaranteed to be shit.

lol, but it also has gameplay.

Excuse me Sir, but how do you know the skin color of that anonymous poster?
Furthermore, it would appear that you did not capitalize the first letter of your first sentence. I'm afraid that you should refrain from posting here before you've acquired a better grasp of English literacy.
It would also seem that you are using photographic images of old arguments that are not relevant to the conversation. Please consider formulating your own ideas instead of mindlessly regurgitating what you believe was -- as they say-- "an epic win."

Attached: bong rip.jpg (720x888, 334K)

What track record? They made one game. I'm not even saying VtMB 2 will be a good game, but you can fuck off with your CDPR shilling.

>They made one game
no, they made many bad games, then rebranded so you'd think they just made the one

Attached: D2P66mGWoAAa_Gv.jpg (1166x1644, 271K)

Well to start, they made one game under the name "Hardsuit Labs" and it's a piece of shit, secondly they were previously known as "Zombie Studios" an infamously terrible developer, only changing their name to try and lose that awful reputation.


Do some research next time retard.

>Zombie Studios shut down in January 2015 with its owners' retirement. Former staffers of the company subsequently founded a new studio, Builder Box Games (now Hardsuit Labs), who acquired some of Zombie Studio's former IPs, including Blacklight: Retribution

It says right there the studio shut down and former staff opened a new one. It's LITERALLY not the same studio, retard.

I must interject and state that you appear unfamiliar with the linguistic patters of Yea Forums culture, as it has long been custom for satirically quoted, or "greentexted", material to be showcased uncapitalized.
I also find it surprising you have not double spaced your paragraphs from both each other and the Post ID link to further reveal your lack of familiarity with Yea Forums vis a vis that of Reddit, the place whose community you most resemble.

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>Builder Box Games (now Hardsuit Labs)

So they've changed their name twice? Fuckin lmao. Yeah definitely a better track record than CDPR who made games that were literally presented to the leaders of countries out of Polands pride in them and won countless GOTY awards.

>It's LITERALLY not the same studio, retard.
>It just has LITERALLY the same people running it

How much are they paying you?

lel made u proofread my shitpost

Attached: hits.jpg (275x261, 15K)

Just like the mortal Kombat threads these threads are filled with shills and outrage fags
Maybe of you're a newfag with shit taste in games

Feminism is like cancer cells. Every time two of them eat each other, the remaining one spawns into three.

>dig your head in the sand and pretend the shitslide won't get you.
Uh-huh. Can you say "Peace for our time" one more time, Mr. Chamberlain?

Attached: chamby and hitty.jpg (1280x853, 275K)

I bet it won't be goty. Unless the G stands for gay.

Shill this shit somewhere else. Vidya is a dead soulless corpse.

Who the fuck knows who they hired since funding the studio? Considering Mitsoda and Avellone are involved it's clearly not the same exact people. This isn't very hard to deduce, retard.

It's allowed in Japan to groom and fuck underage girls.

>muh goty awards
fucking yikes
only absolute retards care about this

lmao, yeah I'm sure Mitsoda and Avellone are full time employees working for them and weren't just contracted for this one game. Better give them the benefit of the doubt after two rebrandings and assume they'll be triple A quality now right? You should be careful throwing around words like retard when you're clearly a brainlet of the highest degree.

100% accurate.

When it's a studio that's closed down and rebranded multiple times vs a studio that proudly stamps their names on everything they release, it's definitely worth mentioning.

Without digging through much, there's first of all Sascha Vykos, but I doubt the LGBTQWERTY club on twitter is gonna like it much, special pronouns nonwithstanding. I can't even imagine what an uber-IiberaI video game writer would do with Vykos.

>implying the La Croix 2.0 won't be a thinly veiled Trump allegory.

At least I could side with La Croix

>triple A quality
Ah yes, if only all video games could reach the quality of Assassin's Creed
Every post you make gets dumber, it's hilarious

I don't know why you think /pol/ plays any video games let alone one that was released almost a decade and a half ago

Hi I'd just like everyone to know I'm not a poltard, I'm anti racist anti sexist I'm against misogyny I hate drumpf and alex jones THE FORCE IS FEMALE I voted for Hillary because it was her turn to make HERSTORY there needs to be more poc and women in media because representation is important feelings are valid and bigotry is uncomfy PLEASE FUCKING ACCEPT ME I hate fascism and crusty old white men are gross and gamers are toxic incels PLEASE FOR THE LOVE OF GOD I'LL LET YOU FUCK MY WIFE

this but unironically

Reach the quality of a series that was just a Prince of Persia offshoot that turned into a multi-billion dollar franchise? Yeah that would be nice. Yeah it's repetitive yearly release garbage now but if you didn't like AC at release you're just a contrarian faggot. It's successful for a reason. Unlike anything Hardlab Studios has released. But I'm sure your tranny simulator will prove me wrong. I mean you clearly know what you're talking about, defending some no-name studio that has never released anything even remotely good.

/pol/ is grown up Yea Forums


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Don't you people get tired of this faggotry?

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Post YFW videogame threads are now deleted and /pol/ and /h/ threads are left up on Yea Forums.

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whoever made that post is as mentally ill as you

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>It's successful for a reason
Your brainlet posts don't even warrant serious responses
>tranny simulator
Nice of you to expose yourself as an obnoxious /pol/tard that's only here to shitpost the game for political reasons
Good job getting all these (You)s from me

>Your brainlet posts don't even warrant serious responses

You meant so say "I have no counter-argument to offer so I will simply insult your intelligence" but close enough. Nice of you expose yourself as an obvious shill, defending some shit company that only wants our money. But don't worry! Your pre-order comes with a Smiling Jack costume, a Jeanette costume, and a Stop-Sign! Epic LoLz! Remember those? So randum XD Anyone who disagrees is just from /pol/ amirite?

little fun fact: it costs $0.00 to stop perpetuating ableist behavior!

Brainlet is a badge that says "I'm a zoomer and I'm attempting to troll"

but nutron is cool

>m-muh trannies!
>i-it has a pre-order bonus so it will be bad!
>t-this company wants profit SO EVIL
Absolutely cringeworthy post

Cringeworthy is defending some infamously awful developer just because they're making a sequel to a game you like. I can't believe you're doing this for free.

I dont know who's a troll anymore
But my name is user and I like jiggly tiddies and I hope you can swing the player model around and make the tiddies bounce in the new game

Only newfags are you SJWestacucks.

Attached: 1461847138186.png (1888x3748, 2.27M)

Then truly we are kin user.

>multi-billion dollar franchise
The shills just get more and more transparent.

Attached: The-truth-about-Western-video-games-vs,-Japanese-ones.png (1858x1066, 374K)

Japanese games don't even compare to AAA western releases and I hate moviegames

Pump up, faggot. SJWs are so militant that anyone left of communist thinks they’re retarded fuckwits. You don’t have to be a “Nazi alt right shitlord pissbaby” to hate SJWs.

I'm talking about the game that started this trend, and even mentioned how stale and shit it is today. But the fact remains AC1 was a smash hit and there's a reason Ubisoft has been emulating it ever since. Also AC1 had no dlc or sjw bullshit, but keep screaming "MUH SJW SHILL" at everyone. Also if you don't think it's multi-billion dollar franchise when Origins made $310 million on it's opening week you're beyond retarded, I'm not saying it's good, but it sure as fuck prints money.


So that means it'll take 10 hours. Pass

>Japanese games don't even compare to AAA western releases
You're right; they're actually video games.

Attached: 1506795225401.jpg (946x750, 211K)

>Sekiro and Devil May Cry don't compare to generic Western BR shooter.

Even Nintendo does BRs better.

This would be a terrible approach for designing an RPG. If it doesn't have a compelling story or characters, it's not worth playing.

>capcom and nintendo
>actually games
Sorry bud, making the same game for 20 years isn't a good thing

AC at release was just Prince of Persia but instead of challenge or replayability you had a big, empty open world and braindead stealth mechanics.

>designing an RPG
The image is about pitches. A story pitch that takes more than a page (and in fact much less) is a bad pitch. Pitch =/= design

and now it's one of the most successful franchises in gaming while Prince of Persia has been buried for years.

>Vampire, your next mission is to suck the blood of the president, Tonald Drump.
What did they mean by this?

Assasspains has been a meme for a decade now user.

Liked :)

Ah yes, the classic argumentum ad populum