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Watch people shitpost about and delude themselves into thinking he's a girl

Not only are they literal pedophiles but they're closeted gay as well!


Attached: me on the right.gif (336x248, 1.98M)


rub feet of

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I don't get it, why does everyone want to fuck this little girl so badly?

because lonely and horny

>[chair cluttering]

Why do pedos want to spread their pedophilia so bad? Aren't they afraid of hurting real life children by encouraging their predatory lifestyle?

People who jack off to shota and loli know they're hurting real life children. It's just that they're twisted enough to get turned on by it.

dont know what you're on about, that stuff is legal here in japan

That's disgusting. Pedos should be shot.

Attached: pedo1.jpg (662x677, 72K)


Attached: sekiro-shadows-die-twice-ps4-review-2.jpg (1920x1080, 216K)

this, I fap to children strictly because I know it hurts them
making normalfags seethe is just a nice bonus


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Knowing that I literally murder a real-life baby every time I jack off to cartoons makes my dick so hard you wouldn't even believe it.

You better believe in white genocide, because it's happening right here in my pants.

Attached: I want to protect it.jpg (400x290, 21K)

Why go through the trouble when Rice Loli exists?

>All these triggered resetera trannies and /pol/tards in threads like these
I hate pedos as well but I hate faggots that get triggered by this shit even more

I'm stuck on Owl(Father), if I do Divine Dragon can I still go back to Hirata?

Why do you want to spread your retardation so bad?


age is just as fluid as gender is

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My dad told me not to associate with that guy

thrust inside

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protect from parasites

Honestly , if you push this retarded thought enough you'd eliminate 99% of the degeneracy, fighting degeneracy with cute kawaii lolis one at a time.

Is pederasty, dare I say it, redpilled?

What is this

Return Ending, Kuro becomes trans.

>Sengoku-era demon-infested Japan
>Orphan cursed with a form of immortality
>Becomes a prosthetically enhanced ninja
>Fights against a general who is willing to sacrifice everything for power
>Fights against his own father
>Teams up with an androgynous shotaloli and swears to protect them
>Game has clunky mechanics and a unique progression system
>Majority of the bosses can be skipped and most are recycled

I swear to god I've played this fucking game before

Attached: A Sekiro by Any Other Name.jpg (220x315, 19K)


Your obsession with trannies is worrying.

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>Male soul sharing a female body
>Not trans

Thread should've ended here.

post his feet now

>a pregnant mother is trans

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Give me the sauce, user

We all know all the art would be like this if Kuro was female.

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Reminder that Tomoe is a jobber.

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My dick wont hurt it's not sharp or anything it's just big and rubbery, I bet you'd like it

>ywn rip his soul out of his asshole and then shove it up your own asshole

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>it's this easy to troll lolifags

Eat out those delicious rice balls made by

made with his feet

p-pls no. i no want a boner rn

Attached: Reply to my own post.jpg (348x268, 27K)

sure user

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pop that boipussy

I guess Genichiro learned well


Go away degenerate.

Attached: Footfags.png (1026x1500, 495K)

i want to touch his feet

pesos need to be executed.

Attached: PTAS.png (800x600, 249K)