Gabe said Yes

Valve's VR will be sold through different bundles, with our without lighthouse stations.

Attached: a33e6348e9p21.png (908x394, 29K)

Other urls found in this thread:

ask him if we can use steam trading card money to buy it

> our without lighthouse stations.

wow, i didn't know Yea Forums had a Without lighthouse station... what does it actually do?

You can't use it for other hardware so most likely not, how do you even have hundreds in steambux out of fucking cards?

What is it with billionaires like Gaben arbitrarily replying to emails sent to them by literal whos?
Don't they have better things to do?

Attached: 1541403038601.jpg (484x623, 32K)

Gaben doesn't. He sits on his pile of money all day, doing nothing.

let's be real, if a few billions suddenly popped up on your account, you'd stop shitposting here?

A ledditor also made a good compilation of Valve patents, there's a lot of interesting stuff including BCI, SDE mitigation, eye tracking and other visual quality-related stuff.

Attached: Valve patents_ speculation about the _ - https___www.reddit.com_r_virtualre.jpg (876x1408, 609K)

what are the specs of the headset

its probably not even him

We don't know much but we do know it has an IPD slider and the lenses are huge which implies a high field of view, UploadVR's "sources" claim that it's 135 degrees.

Attached: 0qFxITN.jpg (4032x1960, 305K)

it has been said by ex valve employeers reviewing the company that Gaben spends more than 50% of his time not leading the company but actually playing dota2 and shitposting in his office.

why do you think the company is missing everything recently? employees are just leeching money abusing their retarded corporate structure, which would require 1 leader that ensure stuff gets actually shipped successfully to work.

Neat, I already have a Vive so I guess I can just grab the headset.

There's also a frontal hole with some kind of USB slot inside which means it might have add-ons, these pics were leaked months ago but only now we got actual official confirmation that they're real and the design is very similar to the one in the teaser.

Attached: valve-mystery-headset-4-1.jpg (1199x583, 148K)

yeah I got a steamlink just from selling trading cards when it was on sale.

The biggest speculation going around is that the logo refers to having double lenses which will improve visual quality, and that Index refers to the Index of refraction of the lenses, noting that this feature will be a major point of the headset.

From a patent released a while ago by Valve:
>Systems and methods for providing optical systems which utilize double Fresnel lenses on curved surfaces for use with display systems ... used with head mounted display ( HMD ) systems . The optical systems disclosed herein may implement multiplexing or blending to provide a smooth profile transition and reduce aberrations between zones or fields ... An optical system for a micro display is provided which utilizes double Fresnel lenses on curved surfaces to shorten the focal length while maintaining a good shape factor for moldability and aberration control .

Some just do okay.

Attached: 64%chancetoGet.jpg (1296x183, 111K)

Even if there are different bundles, VR is still a meme gimmick fad I think...

Attached: 1529589522031.png (1000x1115, 239K)

my buzzwords alert is going off

another puzzlekino from the myst devs coming to (PC)VR

naysayers BTFO

it's not gonna make it because VR is a meme gimmick fad that is already over

Attached: laughing bitch.png (856x836, 931K)

fuck missclicked i meant to click

And the knuckle controllers.

Adorable poorfags.

Stop giving umineko a bad name, knuckles will be the next big step in VR.

Attached: lambda smug.png (200x200, 66K)

Attached: shinobi project VR.webm (960x720, 1.93M)

You can play Call of Duty just fine on Xbox, no need for Index+Knuckles, that's what like 1000 dollars?

Attached: 1553981337942.gif (500x408, 736K)

>that's what like 1000 dollars?
Yeah, if price is no object.

And this is why VR is a meme gimmick fad. I remember some faggot told me I could play Tetris in VR but I played Tetris just fine 30 years ago.

Why would anyone willingly play cod of doody?

And with a controller no less.

>with our without lighthouse stations

The game is more fun when it's more immersive, not sure why that's a hard concept to understand.

>call of duty of doody

Interested to see the price. Right now I have no real want to upgrade at the moment outside of the new controllers.

Attached: gaben VR.jpg (1330x530, 145K)

Attached: sairento flips.webm (852x480, 2.87M)

i've used a double lens headset before, it really didn't produce any artifacts whatsoever, and almost the entirety of my screen was equally usable, but at least to me, that alone is hardly a selling point, it would be great if i were to buy a headset anyway, and this implementation they have is probably a buffed version compared to what i had, but i am not upgrading based on that alone

and when you bring the screen next to your eyes the lenses start fogging so bad, right now i have a 6mm pad mod on my vive and i need a fan right next to my face every time i play to keep the lenses from fogging

lmfao, imagine being this retarded

This is worse than the inventor of VR jumping on the Time Magazine cover.

wow when did employees become entitled as fuck lol

This right here
I'm really hoping for a 400-500 price range
I doubt it though

Attached: Heartbreaker.webm (1280x720, 2.76M)

they have nothing done yet for that game

right now it is just a bad tech demo

It's more dignified by comparison.

Attached: Dodgeball.webm (700x442, 2.93M)

What about this game

Attached: spikes spikes spikes.webm (1280x720, 2.76M)

>making a waggle gesture to reload is immersive

>Tfw no one is talking about soon to be best game

Attached: ss_c663b8fdc3c692cd94375980b784750139a02dae.1920x1080.jpg (1920x1080, 244K)

>making it obvious that you've never even tried vr
at least research what you are trying to shitpost user

Attached: 1552339440903.png (720x717, 565K)

Attached: 1.jpg (1227x670, 59K)

Attached: Point Blank VR.webm (1920x1080, 2.9M)

that makes me very happy, big fov is what i was hoping for in next gen along with high res. the knuckles are already godlike.

Attached: Point Blank 2 VR.webm (900x506, 2.79M)

Ahh... the good old days. Now in VR.

i don't know about this one because i didn't buy it, but from what i can tell it is pretty early in development as well

i only bought bloodtrail because of the gore, but it was hardly worth it, they are asking full price and there are only like 4 small maps where you shoot the same looking guy over and over again, that's literally the whole game, i am not even launching that game again just in case i may need to refund it

>No netplay
Why even play point blank if you can't play vs some one

Attached: space channel 5 VR.webm (640x358, 1.75M)

Attached: Fist of the VR.webm (700x392, 2.92M)

you can buy steam controller (and could buy steam link) with gabe's funbux so if the headset is sold through steam (very likely) then yes, you should be able to buy it using cards money

What VR game is this?

>tfw no cute gf to play share vr with

New Retro Arcade Neon
It has no netplay, and theres a weird bug with the Oculus Rift they still haven't bothered to fix

Attached: 2.png (1146x638, 420K)

Attached: forceful space.webm (720x450, 2.82M)

Attached: In space no on can hear you scream no.webm (853x480, 2.45M)

Attached: Pirates VR.webm (1280x720, 676K)

I wish I could convince my gf to blow me while I play VR Kanojo.

Attached: When VR gets too immersive.webm (720x1280, 2.94M)

"just fine" or "meme gimmick fad that is already over"
who won?
who's next?
you decide

Attached: enhanced-12182-1393358651-23.jpg (624x352, 56K)

I like the "just fine" meme, it really puts things into perspective.

Attached: Future of gaming.png (963x900, 172K)

Vive owners will get some kind of promo, probably a discount for the Index.

Attached: nlxLZlf.png (349x88, 2K)

what game? looks fun. I would be tired after 30 seconds because I just sit around eating pizza and playing games

It's most likely a different deal that doesn't include the base stations

He literally doesn't work and just plays vidya all day.

Plus Valve is recently going through t=some hard times with Epic Store creating actual competition for once and Artifact being the companies biggest embarrassment and failure ever.

>Gabe said yes

Attached: 1511042823813.png (500x300, 29K)

People have figured out quite a bit from analyzing the PCB, also the sticker in front indicates what LCD panels their using too. Best outcome is they're using 1001ppi JDI panels that would make it the highest res HMD on the market. Beating HPs new Revive.

wheres this from?

Maybe a trade in? That would be such an amazing fuck you to HTC and god knows they need one.

Index's page source.

We are not ready for wireless VR

really? I cant see it there but I believe you, it's probably as some other user said a version without base stations cause you will be able to reuse them

what the fuck, you can just email gabe and he'll reply?

He's a pretty cool guy

Attached: racoon.png (822x262, 27K)


yeah lol
He literally has no job, he replies to all sorts of meme shit

Yea Forums has been shitspamming his mailbox for a decade

Hey fuck you Gabe Newell doesn't just play dota2 and shitpost, I also play tf2

That would be an overkill. Reverb already has min requirement of gtx1080
Doesn't make sense.. unless Valve have eye tracking with basic foveated rendering up their sleeve. Could they..?

yeah probably

that's patently false. Minimum for all headsets except pimax 8k is 970.
We have a thing called resolution scaling and re-projection.

Think about how many thousands of emails he gets daily. This is why his replies are so terse. I would hate to be in his position dealing with such a cluttered inbox.

It literally says Upgrade what did you think would happen?


Lone Echo.

Lone Echo



>Bought Oculus headset last September
>Holding onto it, having a good time, got a buddy into it too
>Have another buddy thinking about buying a headset
>See Oculus S, thought about pawning off my old Oculus to my buddy and sliding with that
>New Valve headset materializes
>Now I can pawn off my old headset for 350 to a buddy and get a valve headset.
I hope it's not crazy though, if it's 500 I'll be on that shit instantly but if it's more than that I don't know how I'd feel about it.
Honestly, I just want to get some full body tracking going on one of these days.

Attached: 1553575642800.gif (300x225, 625K)

what the fuck

is this real

fuck i remember really liking that show until it went downhill fast as fuck halfway through season 3

I hope your buddy dosent mind getting scammed with such an infierior headset at full price

Let him know about the index first and let him decide

Attached: catt.jpg (1124x1024, 129K)

meant for

Paris and the pagan religion stuff was neat
Ended up getting bored with it too though

>being a kike friend

Attached: 4986.png (294x256, 197K)

Well I have the headset, the controllers, and the 3 sensors and extender, but I've been thinking about that and think I'll let him go to 300.
But he knows about the Valve one and I think that might be a little too high end for what he's going for right now.
His computer isn't as high end as me and my other buddy, nor is he as into video games.
That is unless the headset comes out and it's already 300, 350 or in that range which I highly doubt.

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