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Other urls found in this thread:

It goes like this:
Sekiro > Dark Souls 3 > Dark Souls 2 > Dark Souls 1 > Bloodborne > Demons' Souls

Fair hardest(so you suppose to git gut): Sekiro
Powercreep hardest(so you suppose to cheese/use phantoms/spam rolls): DS3

Your first soulsborne game > everything else

Sekiro isn’t a soulsborne game though

>somebody voted demon souls

This would be true of some games more than others. Dark Souls or BB are tough on beginners because they are full of beginners traps and new players will probably neglect their vitality.

Sekiro is just an action game without the RPG elements, so it doesn't fuck you over nearly as hard for allocating stats poorly.

Bumping for data

>First playthrough
-Sekiro: it's hard to drop the souls habits for the first few hours, that caused me to die quite alot
-Demon's souls:first souls game, it's really hard until you get used to the mechanics,upgrades and game flow
every other souls game from DS1 to bloodborne was relatively easier because mechanics weren't all that different
>Adittional playthroughs and new game+
-Dark souls 2: mainly due to shitboxes and general game jank, you get oneshot constantly
-Dark souls 3
-Dark souls
-Demon's Souls
-Sekiro: by the time i started new game+1 i was good at parrying, didn't die until the first spear general, after the only bosses that gave me issues were the hatred demon and true corrupted monk (didn't know how to cheese him)

Attached: 17y1tfrotp4l9jpg.jpg (960x540, 322K)

Dark Souls 2 is definitely harder than 3. 3 is unironically the easiest one because of its near-infinite stamina coupled with roll and R1 spam.

Attached: 1553805011062.jpg (1532x1324, 1.45M)

Dark Souls 2 also had CoC to make it harder. I disagree really hard on Demon's Souls, it's pretty easy if you come to it after other games. Everything has such a simple moveset.

SL1 CoC DaS2 > No Bead, NG, Kuro Charm, Demon Bell Sekiro > BL4 BB > SL1 DaS 3 > SL1 DeS > SL1 DaS

based on combat difficulty alone i'd say
Sekiro > Bloodborne > Dark Souls 2 > Demon's Souls > Dark Souls 1 > Dark Souls 3

the hardest thing about ds2 was trying to get motivation to get past the ass gameplay

You can say that about any game that had souls in the title though.

Sekiro/BB master race

Bloodborne is really easy for two reasons:
-great mobility/unlimited stamina
-20 blood vials that heal a proportion of your health
Until DLC bosses kill you with pseudo-combos, you can always back up and heal. Just level vitality and the game is a cakewalk.

>Sekiro>Dark Souls 3> the rest

Not even Orphan has killed me more than Raime has

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Honestly hate the idea that people deliberately cheese bosses.

I agree with all of this.

most of BB is easy, but the chalices and dlc bosses were harder than anything I had to do in souls

Seriously who the fuck is voting for bloodborne lol

Early game bosses, and especially the DLC and chalice dungeons were the hardest experiences in souls. And since you get acclimatized by BB's aggression and previous souls games, DaS3 and DaS2 feel relatively easier.

>Demons being voted on at all

I played Demon's after Dark and found it a lot harder.

demon had the hardest ng+ by far and world tendency could make everything worse

Then you’re just shit

I felt like OS was a bigger difficulty bottleneck than anything in DeS

Sekiro > Dark Souls > Bloodborne > Dark Souls 3 > Dark Souls 2 > Demon's Souls

150ish votes
30ish replies
didnt know Yea Forums had so many lurkers

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nah, the game just has a lot of janky bosses

>-Dark souls 2: mainly due to shitboxes and general game jank, you get oneshot constantly can people still defend DS2?

Im not sure if id say sekiros the hardest or not. Maybe in a years time or so i can make a better judgement as its still new and challenging to me atm. Id probably say Old hunters or DaS3.
The original Dark souls tho is absolutely the easiest.

Lurker here.

Lurk moar used to be a thing. People really should.

Sekiro is actually literally impossible

how is DS1 harder than DS3? you have poise ther e dumbass literally facetank everything

Explain this then.

Attached: DSP.png (1153x3787, 3.88M)

been here like 10 yrs and this is my 4th comment...
now back into the shadows i go

No man. Just adapt and stop doing the same thing over and over again like a psychopath


You're all drones and parrots anyway, so your opinions aren't real.

>b-but im different cause im here ironically

didn't this fag stop at the BB's DLC because he was getting filtered by Ludwig?

Attached: SmugLud.jpg (473x501, 78K)

All of humanity is pulling from the same pool of thoughts. Does that mean people should stop trying to form their own opinions based on their own mental framework? No.

Too early to ask
This test will be naturally biased towards Sekiro since it's still fresh

Ask again 1 year after the inevitable DLC

>people unironically think DeS, DaS, or DaS2 are hard

everybody wants to know your oppinion
it sounds faggy but its true

>assessing bloodborne difficulty off of retarded chalice bosses that you have to cheese
I really hope you guys don't do this

Do you think DS3 and BB are hard?
They are the easiest

Not voting in your redditpoll but for me Nioh was the hardest on a first playthrough.

On repeated playthroughs it's probably DS3 with both DLCs.

>he thinks BB and DaS3 are hard
>with massive amounts of stamina, roll spam being extremely viable, R1 spam being extremely viable and stunlocking many bosses, and unpunishable ranged parries in BB's case
Dear lord, what a shitter

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Yep. He even used the NPC summon many times. It wasn't enough. He didn't even count the deaths in the DLC with his total deaths in the main game kek.

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This user is correct. Ludwig rekt him so hard he absolutely refused to continue. I would wager that if he managed to stomach the death streak and continue on, he wouldve been in excess of 400 deaths by the time he downed lawrence.

Bloodborne, despite being my favorite, was unironically the EASIEST soulsborne game besides ds2 and demon souls. I feel like the only reason people are voting for it is because it is the only one they haven't played (ps4 exclusive) and they are only going based off footage.

They're objectively harder than the other 3.

None of that is true.

The enemies and bosses in 3 and BB are miles ahead of anything in the previous games in terms AI, speed, and the size and complexity of their movesets.

>he thinks infinite heal souls is hard
>he thinks poise souls is hard
>he thinks circle strafe souls is hard
keking in your direction

Attached: this is ds1 poise.webm (600x336, 2.94M)

Nah. DeS was my first and I stumbled into PWWT and got the DBS. Rest of the game was trivial.
Also, if DeS wasn't your first, you don't belong on Yea Forums. Fuck off normalfags.

I haven't played Sekiro yet but I did start playing the Souls games with Demon's Souls.
The difficulty goes like this
Dark Souls 3 > Bloodborne > Dark Souls 2 > Dark Souls 1 > Demon's Souls
This list is almost exactly the same if you include dlc except Dark Souls 2 would be harder than Bloodborne because of shitty fights like 2cats.

Every Souls game has been harder than the last. I think they kind of need to be to appease their fanbase. The old Souls games rewarded patient play while the new souls games only seem to reward reflexes.

made me sad/10

Idiots, all Souls games are piss easy, git gud. Now, where is my medal?

DaS3 has a lot of genuinely hard bosses. Dark Souls and Demons' just have a few difficulty bottlenecks alongside a lot of quirky bullshit and dumb ambushes.

The poll is for base game only. Bloodborne base game is really easy if you invest stats appropriately (unless you count chalice dungeons)

There are cheese strats in every Souls game, even Sekiro.

some of the early game bosses were pretty difficult, gascoigne was a bitch
then you have the chalice dungeons which is harder than anything in souls
then you have the DLC which has solid bosses, and were a nightmare in NG+

once you get used to the bb's aggressiveness and have played the previous souls games, DaS3 and DaS2 become a cake walk

No way Sekiro is the hardest game. I only struggled a bit with Ape, Demon of Hatred and Owl 2.0, but even then I was never stuck for more than an hour. Meanwhile, I was stuck for four hours on Dancer alone.

Was he playing ng+
Those dlc fights are far harder on ng+ than regular ng.

Cheesing Sekiro either takes a lot of googling or a lot of ingenuity. Cheesing every Dark Souls game before 3 just requires holding shield and circle strafing

Nah, just regular NG.

There's nothing you can do to completely and effortlessly shutdown a boss like that in any other Souls' game (aside from certain gimmick bosses).

>People are voting for it
Sekiro is only "hard" because you're treating it like a souls game. It's challenging, but half of it is not playing it like it's a Souls game.





Attached: Sekino.jpg (1280x720, 99K)

Dark souls 1 for sure the hardest

Nah it's still really hard because you get punished harder in Sekiro than the other games for the most part. At least until you get rolling on some vitality upgrades

wouldn't he get better after each game?

3 and BB give you tons of fast healing and nigh-infinite stamina at all times. Those games just give you different advantages to abuse.
>Midir with pestilent mercury
>tons of bosses in Sekiro with firecrackers, others like corrupted monk 1 and 2, headless, shichimen warriors, etc.
>tons of bosses in BB that can be easily parried with little consequence due to copious bullets and blood vials

Nah, he's the retarded exception.

Souls games are so fucking cheesable and unbalanced. But I guess that's part of the fun, it's cool that you can tune the difficulty to whatever way you desire.

A big part of the difficulty is learning how Sekiro is supposed to be played, but if you beat Isshin in fifteen minutes then you should get the fuck off of Yea Forums and be a fighter pilot.


What did /bbg/ and /dsg/ mean by this?

Holy kek.

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>Fair hardest(so you suppose to git gut): Sekiro
>DaS2 hitboxes on all grab moves
Do you have brain problems?

Sekiro is the hardest but not a souls game.
I want to say Dark Souls 3 is the hardest because I believe DSP died the most in that game out of all Soulsborne games

Attached: giphy.gif (320x180, 1M)

>not considering DLC

That's where all the hardest bosses are. Ludwig, Maria, Artorias, Midir etc.

Without DLC, DS2 I guess. That dragon is bullshit. No, BB is the hardest in both cases I guess. Though DS1 has it's moments.

The funniest part about this is the other games he has.
>Kingdom Hearts 3

>I want to say Dark Souls 3 is the hardest

Not that user, but you do. You can JUMP away from literally any grab move.

>dark souls 1 above dark souls 3
what the fuck

This le epic hard game xD shit is what killed these games. Being hard just for the sake of it is not good game design.

>>Midir with pestilent mercury
that's not even remotely comparable to ds1 cheese
it still takes and upwards of 10 minutes to kill him, you still have to avoid his attacks, and you cant just chug in his face.

trick question, the answer is SotfS. it's like a kaizo romhack

good thing that's not how the games were designed nor was it ever their intention to be designed that way

And when you still get grabbed while being 10 feet away? Let me guess, just git gud?

why isn't nioh considered soulsborne?

I voted for BB simply because endgame chalice bosses are a billion times harder than anything in any souls game

He's already proven that to be fact

If you go back to Dark Souls 1 or Demon Souls you will find them shockingly easy. Difficulty increased as difficulty became a marketing point. DaS3 is actually a hard game, if I played it again today I would still struggle a little bit with Storm King.

Never happened once in my playthrough. Source that shit

show me ONE example that isnt the dumb ogre that is literally ONE mini-boss fight that is over in like 20 seconds


Um no. If you're gonna keep adding bits to the fan name of the series then you're not missing out arguably the best fucking game in it.

Soulsborne is now Soulsbornkiro. Suck it.

I've only played BB, how screwed am I when I play Sekiro and DeS/DaS? On my first playthrough I died to BSB the most but I hardly died to any mobs/bosses on my 2nd playthrough (I will do the DLC on my next playthrough)

DS1 is easy to learn, but hard in practice because all of the level design aspects work against you (claustrophobic halls where enemies can attack you but you cant attack them, traps, darkness, ghosts, the entirety of sens fortress, enemies of equal firepower outnumbering you)
DS2 is flat out easy.
DS3 and BB are easy to learn (r1 spam and dodge) but hard to master (brutal fucking bosses that actually require decent timing)
Sekiro is hard to learn but easy to master (learning to time your parries is an AGONIZING process of trial & error + timing, but when you have that figured out the game becomes a cakewalk since your never really encouraged to move around

it's a reddit poll

I'd say Sekiro is hardest, but only because you can't summon or level up forever (I guess you can farm attack power, but that takes so goddamn long it's not even worth it). Without those outs, you're forced to play the game yourself and git gud.

Sekiro's gonna be literally impossible

For DeS/DaS, it's gonna be like going back to training wheels after already knowing how to ride a bike

Why are you making shit up? There's something to be criticized of how hard the grabs track your movement, but the hurtbox on it is perfectly fine.

it's a bootleg copycat like lords of the fallen

Literally any grab move. Ape is a great example.

because its combat is different from souls and everything else is closer to diablo than souls

Name's don't expand with every game in the genre you fucking faggot. Otherwise we'd be calling games HollowIconoCastleMetroidOriGauacaLaMulanaBloodstainedSteamWorldvanias.

>because its combat is different from souls
The combat is literally Souls with bigger movesets

Well I'll start Sekiro in a couple of days with the expectation that I'll die a lot.

>Sekiro is hard to learn but easy to master (learning to time your parries is an AGONIZING process of trial & error + timing, but when you have that figured out the game becomes a cakewalk since your never really encouraged to move around
Sekiro has a lot of really hard optional bosses, and its final boss is easily one of the most difficult bosses in the entire series. I could understand the "learn to parry and then you're good" mentality if it wasn't for Isshin.

It astonishes me how Bloodborne and Demon Souls are the only games that never had any hitbox issues. Even DS3 and Sekiro, despite coming out much later had the same BS that DS1 and DS2 had

>revisionist history
Kill yourself

i want to see proof. I never noticed any hitbox fuckery with ape grabs

just drop target and run towards and under the ape lol

If you find them exceptionally hard then you clearly haven't played enough games in general.

This is probably my tenth comment or so since 2013
Most times things I want to say are already said so I just lurk

>blocking over dodging
>ki pulsing
Nioh is closer to sekiro than sekiro is to souls games

Nioh is much worse than any Souls game and it's by a different studio

> DS3 and BB easy to learn, hard to master
> Sekiro hard to learn, easy to master
this literally makes zero sense. how can something be easy to master if it is hard to learn, if learning is a step in mastering something? Fuck off newfag

You'll probably do relatively well with DeS and DaS as they aren't too different mechanically. They follow the same/similar gameplay loop. Sekiro has a whole different flow of combat though, so even those who have even done SL1 and BL4 runs had trouble with the game, but that's because they have become so acclimatized to soulsborne that they can't adapt.

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Not sure which one is the hardest, but DeS is definitely by far the easiest.

Demon of Hatred charge/sweep attack. Even if you're nowhere near it on the ground, it can still hit you. The intention of course is to jump it, but if you're nowhere near the hitbox, you shouldn't have to jump at all. Also most grab moves have hitbox issues, not just Ogre.
You're probably right, I voted DaS but I'm probably biased due to playing it first. When it comes down to it, even though Sekiro has some cheese strats, the lack of summoning forces people to do the work themselves. Which on its own is enough difficulty to warrant it being the hardest.


this is the dumbest attempt i have ever seen someone make at trying to come up with an argument.


>If you find them exceptionally hard
I don't but you're a complete retard if you think they haven't used the "so hard" shit to get more sales.

>blocking over dodging
Blocking is very bad in Nioh, you want to block as few hits as possible. It's generally better to panic block than panic roll in a pinch, but that's it.

>ki pulsing
Probably the one thing that sets is apart from Souls the most.

It's basically just stamina but you get a ripe when they (or you) run out. Your goal is still to deplete their health.

DaS 2's biggest problems were the level design and absolutely asinine enemy placement in anything but Iron Keep.

flamelurker is harder than any DaS 1 boss

Sekiro is harder than any of the Souls games, but I wouldn't classify it as one.

Based on required bosses to beat the game DS3 is the hardest souls game.

They started that after the reception of Dark Souls 1 being "le hardest game ever", it's just clever marketing.

Are you serious? I thought sekiro was the easiest for me, simply because it's From Software' game with the least of input lag. Sekiro and Bloodborne are way more "fair" than souls games.

Flamelurker is literally an easier Manus.

Sekiro is the hardest but only if you disregard the fact that chalice dungeons exist.

>claims it never happened
>admits it happened but "it's just clever marketing

the vote is "without DLCs" user

Honestly I'd rank Demon Souls as first just because it was the first exposure to that style of gameplay/combat. Yeah DS1 was difficult but by the time DS2 came around I was so familiar with the base that getting over the difficulty curve wasn't an issue. Bloodborne and Sekiro would be up there only because they mix up the formula and make me go against my instincts/reflexes which causes me to fuck up and die a lot.
Demons>DS1>Sekiro>BB>DS3>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> DS2

which sekiro bosses will join the ranks of kino soulsborne Yea Forums?

Attached: greatbossespergame.png (1078x608, 1.16M)

I don't know about the hardest, but Bloodborne is by far the easiest. Also you should probably take into account the King's Field games as well.

as it turns out, marketing is completely different from design. you know there was a version of dark souls 1 before the "prepare to die" edition, right?

People are so bad at being objective its actually fucking hilarious. Like how small brained do you have to be to think DaS 1 is the hardest? Do you really not realize that if you play the same-ish game for 6 years then OF COURSE the newer games will SEEM easier?

Kino means movie theater, you underage shithead. Stop blabbering nonsense in my presence, fuckwad.

at this stage im not even sure if your baiting, posting ironically, or you are actually new here. but since neither bother me let me spoonfeed your braindead ass: "kino" on Yea Forums refers to anything that's good.

So far, Owl, Butterfly, Gyoubu (if Amelia is on there he deserves to be), Isshin, and Genichiro

Lady Butterfly
Guardian Ape
Corrupted Monk
Demon of Hatred
Divine Dragon

And I'd imagine DLC will add another 5-6

Some of the early bosses and optional ones were difficult. Gascoigne, amelia, martyr, and ebrietas were annoying and the fucking chalice dungeons were a nightmare. Loran nigger beast and defiled amygdala can go fuck themselves.

Attached: Amygdala_concept.jpg (1497x1060, 328K)

This picture is only correct if you think "if the boss has a cutscene then he's kino"

>that picture
old hero from DeS is more kino than half of these bosses

I prefer the shitty-gimmick bosses that nobody remembers and that are complete pushovers from Demon Souls. Matthewmatosis told me they are better than the actual fun duels of the other souls games, and that micolash is the best boss in Bloodborne. He says it, therefor this is also my own opinion

DLC bosses are pretty tough. Apart from that though you're right, i don't understand it either cause the base game is by far the easiest in the series. 20 bloodviles from the get go, limb staggers, rally system, it's just far more forgiving than the others

>flavor of the month game on PC is voted the best

Give it a few months OP, we all know Bloodborne has yet to be topped. This is nothing more than the DS3 of 2019, everyone swears by their mother that it's better than Bloodborne (because PCplebs are so desperate for a Bloodborne of their own) but in a month or two, it will be forgotten

Attached: 241214241.png (854x303, 99K)

Take off O'Rin, Juzou, and Divine Dragon

I've played DeS and all three DS games, and DS3 is probably the most difficult one for me solely because it's the fastest-paced one and my slug-tier reflexes can't keep up with some stuff. The three other games I can handle since they're rather slow, but DS3 still catches me offguard more often than I'd like.

If you aren't parrying Gascoigne, Amelia, and Martyr are all hard but I always found Ebrietas easy regardless of your level. All you have to do is walk behind her, then she cant hit you

Add Gwyn, Penetrator, Darklurker, and Flamelurker

Remove Amelia, Friede, and Ivory King

demon ape, spooky ape, 4 apes.
isshin and owl for humans

I'm not even sure you have anything working between those ears, lad. Stop trying to force incoherent lingo from Yea Forums that doesn't apply to video games in any way, shape or form. Fucking memespouting mouthbreather, do your parents a favor and kill yourself.

It's like they saw Artorias from DaS1 and replicated his fighting style into all the bosses in DaS3. It gets kinda boring seeing sword wielding anime man for the 100th time.

Attached: raquel-cornejo-artorias-the-abysswalker-raquelcornejo.jpg (1920x1040, 597K)

I mean DS2 does the exact same thing. The only difference is that in DS3 the artorius clones were actually fun and usually had a gimmick (pontiff cloning himself. Dragonslayer gaining dragon minions on the flanks).

DaS 3 had better presentation in terms of bosses but they all felt like shit we had seen before. They all felt like they were trying to recapture the feeling of one of the DaS 1 or BB bosses

>Remove Amelia, Friede, and Ivory King
Lmao no. Each one of them are great bosses. What are you smoking?

Played all plus all trophies except for Nioh

Spyro flying levels (All objectives) > Nioh > DS2 > Sekiro = Bloodborne -> Dark Souls 1 -> Dark Souls 3 -> Demon Souls

I voted darks souls III just to troll Yea Forums.

You guys need to make up your fucking minds already as to whether or not Sekiro is a Soulsborne game.

You're obviously underaged faggot. People call things kino because it places topics and objects at hand with high regard, enjoyed by patricians. For things to be "kino," it needs to be sophisticated, deep, and/or obscure.
It was started at Yea Forums for people with "tastes" so refined that commoners just can't understand, so they have lists with Kino ranked on top, trickling all the way down to "Flicks" geared for simplest of peasantry
You're a dirty plebeian who can't understand Chan culture. I hope you learned your lesson for today faggot.
Class is dismissed

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eh it kinda is tho

Sekiro is the hardest first play through, but after that it is really easy once you learn the bosses attack
DaS2 > BB > Sekiro > DaS > DeS=DaS3

Friede is fucking awful. Laughable phase 1, tedious phase 2, and the actually difficult phase 3 is hidden behind two phases that you will have to go through every time you want a redo. And Amelia is such a nothing fight, barely remember anything about her.

It's not. It's Japanese and not Western therefore not Soulsborne

That picture is dumb.
>watchers of the abyss is just a soulless artorias
>Pontiff is just a soulless King Allant
>dancer is just a soulless Wetnurse
>Friede is just a soulless Maria
>Midir is just a soulless kalameet
Most DaS 3 bosses were just higher budget versions of older bosses but with less originality. Proof that DaS 3 truly is just a "best of" game with no soul

This is a stupid post you made.

Amelia is unremarkable unless you're a furfag.
Friede is flawed for really complex reasons I don't want to go into.
Ivory King is just a Pursuer clone with a bunch of mooks

friede is just a badly designed maria ripoff with more tedium to make it feel hard


>Bloodborne third place

dark souls 2 is the hardest game because the combat was borderline broken, slow and weightless.
But all that said doesn't matter.
Ds2 is the hardest souls game because its boring

>ignores differences bc of autism
if you just want to shit on DS3 be more clever

Fuck I wish Ariandel was his own boss fight and Friede had 1 healthbar with a phase change in the middle like Gael

Where can I vote for Nioh DLC?
Easily beats Sekiro imo.


is it just me or once the combat clicks for sekiro you hardly ever fully die again.
After genchiro i think i first tried every boss except Ishinn in his final phase and demon of hatred

>proof that half of this board are PC gamers and disgusting PVP fags that never got to play the best soulsgame

He's easily cheesable.

>this game that just added 5 million powerlevels ontop to create artificial difficulty sure is hard
who cares? Souls is also hard if i give the enemies infinite damage with cheat engine.

lawrence is the hardest and most annoying boss in all the games

so are ALL souls bosses. Not an argument.

Can I kill Owl in Hirata and still get the rice girl ending?

voted for Dark Souls 2.
Shrine of Amana still makes me nervous.

so then your list shit then

how do you die in ds3 that much, you can basically jog and chug estus

Sekiro is the hardest. I cry every time.

Attached: 2611534910.jpg (1024x561, 57K)

yep, you can choose any of the 3 endings then

if you think a boss isnt kino because he is cheesable then there are exactly ZERO kino bosses in any souls game

Because you actually cant do that.

He's susceptible to cheese moreso than the ones you want to remove.

With DLCs:
Sekiro >>> DS2=Bloodborne > DS3 > DeS > DS1

Without DLCs Bloodborne is undoubtedly second hardest thanks to Chalice dungeons.

>no argument
Keep coping

>no "Your first one"
You fail.

Incapable of arguing and clearly upset

sorry, power walk and chug estus


Never get why he's difficult. Fucker is really abusable with cheese.

Can we go to 20%, DaSII Chads?

Attached: th.jpg (190x152, 7K)

Illuminatis are real

What? What does that .5 supposed to mean?

Based. I thought I was alone in thinking Friede was garbage.

show it happening faggot retard snoygoy

fucking cringe, souls is a meme series

BB is easily harder than DeS and DS1 & 2

In those games you can just play defensive and chip enemies down with relative safety, but BB strips that away

God damn was dark souls 3 wasted on retarded plebs like you. Probably went through the whole game running directly up to enemies and spamming r1 like a fucking donkey.

Somebody clearly has a proxy and is spamming the poll
DaS2 is one of the harder ones though

>transparent bloodborne pissbaby

Attached: 1544194406015.jpg (858x858, 142K)

He bruteforced the game rather than learning the mechanics. It really costed him a lot of wasted trying to speedrun the game

who the fuck thinks bloodborne is hard?

i remember having some trouble with KOSM but everything else only takes 2-3 attempts.

Why do you hate fun?

DaS3 > Sekiro > DaS1 > DaS2 > DeS
didn't play BB

You are the one trying to fit in, fag.

Amelia is pretty cool but easy, just use saw cleaver and fire as the game repeatedly tells you to.

Friede is a decent boss locked behind two phases that serve mostly as speedbumps preventing you from practicing her properly. And she is incredibly susceptible to staggerlocking with semi-RNG evasion jump, therefore you can just luck out and buttonmash her to death.

Vanilla only:
Sekiro > DaS3 > DaS2 > Bb > DaS > DeS

Considering DLC:
Bb > DaS3 > Sekiro(so far) > DaS2(not counting retarded co-op areas) > DaS > DeS

This image sums up how the fanbase killed the franchise.

Literally just artorias clones lmao.

Before spam:
>DaS 1, 2, and 3 each had 8%
>BB had 17%
>Sekiro had 54%
>Demon's had 5%

Who the fuck thinks DaS 2 is hard? How badly do i have to fuck up my build to find the game hard?
Is it just DaS2 fanboys voting for DaS 2 because they think Hard = Good, which is totally something that someone who is dumb enough to be a fan of DaS 2 would think.

Holy shit you're autistic.

>boss doesn’t move like a slug

>Dark Souls 2 that high
That explains why 90% of Yea Forums hates it and calls it the worst

people who only played SotfS which added meme enemies everywhere

DS2 is hardest after Sekiro? Really?

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Kino Sekiro bosses:
>Genichiro, Jober of Tomoe
>Monkey Trouble
>Emma and Isshin Ashida
>Divine Dragon
>Isshin, Sword Saint

The rest is meh (I'm only missing Owl(Father) so I can't tell, but I assume it's also kino)

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>DS3babby's delusions

The lists for other games may at least serve as a basis for discussion, but half the bosses from DS3's list are easy as shit outside of SL1 runs (in fact NK is the first on that list that took me more than three attempts) or downright badly designed.

Dark Souls 2 is mostly artificially difficult rather than challenging like other titles, but nu/v/ doesn't know the difference between hard and bullshit

I'll never understand why people think DaS2 is hard. The game is slow so you have plenty of time to plan ahead, the boss movesets are easy to dodge, and groups of enemies aren't really a problem if you have ranged weapon, the only hard part is SotFS Iron Keep
I unironically think DaS3 is the hardest and I played 1 and 2 multiple times before it, bosses are very fast, unpredictable and deal huge damage since armor does next to nothing in this game

>All these people are asking why ds2 is so high
because it was difficult for the most bullshit reasons.
it is the anti-thesis to sekiro.
Sekiro is fun, ds2 is not and has easily the most clunky and awkward looking combat in the series.

>vote says "without DLC"
>DaS 2 fans are too brainlet to read
not suprised desu

How do you define difficulty though?
Learning curve?
Required game knowledge?
How punishing failure is?

>if you have ranged weapon

Vanilla-wise, yes
Ancient Dragon and Darklurker are really hard bosses, and some areas are straight up bullshit (Shrine of Amana)

God, I hate DaS2

Bloodborne before DLC is a joke

Only big guy with sword who you beat by dodging can be good

he gave up halfawy through DaS1 and restarted the playthrough, so the DaS1 number is completely wrong. he also never did DaS2 dlc

nothing in DaS 3 is harder than isshin

Fact: the quality of souls games is directly tied to the quality of their casual filters

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>How do you define difficulty though?
It's how many times you've died.

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guess the kino meme was too... kino for you

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>kind of bored and tired of the game
>for some reason keep playing it
>wish it would just end so I can play something less tedious

At corrupted priest or whatever this purple fuck is named, how long is left? This game just feels like a series of chores and I want to stop, but for some reason I won't until it's over.

t. never faught loran darkbeast
you have no right to talk if you havent done the endgame chalices

Midir and Friede are harder, maybe Gael

the hardest is whatever one you played first

difficult = i like this game more, fuck your game
that's what Yea Forums taught me

can you actually kill the big crab ?

Every boss kills you in two hits in Sekiro.

>series of chores

You can but it's not worth it. 4 runs in and I still just ignore the fuckers.

>he doesn't know how to time deflects
>he is not finding prayer beads

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I'm kind of over the combat and learning enemy attack patterns. It doesn't feel rewarding anymore, just obnoxious and time consuming.

Why do you type like a retard?

Absolutely fucking not. I started with Das and find DaS3 much more difficult.

>muh sekrit club meme
get a life

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yeah I've 100%'d bloodborne

it gets a lot better with old hunters, nothing in the chalice dungeons took me longer than ludwig

the amigdala where you get -75% health (iirc) gave me the most trouble in the dungeons

>dark souls 2
Not hard, just heap and boring.

you might actually enjoy the game if you learned how to play it user instead of trying to brute-froce your way through

Bloodborne really wasn't that hard. Perfect difficulty level, aside from the parts near the end with constant passive madness damage and a couple parts in the chalice dungeons.

>Your first soulsborne game
Nah. My first was DaS and to me it's probably the easiest.

no. The game has checkpoints every 5 steps and the bosses, while hard, are nowhere near the bullshittery that are the DaS3 DLC bosses.


>learned how to play it

you parry

that's literally it

he literally has 4 attacks and not even his inflated healthpool can help him hit you
she's not even hard, she's just tedious because you have to avoid big guy in the second phase
gael is just a 3 phase artorias and you have to be honest you can dodge like 70% of his attacks the first time you ever see them because they're so predictably straight forward

How exactly is Dark Souls 2 hard? You just get the soul ass arrow spell and spam it to win. Wooow so hard

>Early game bosses

Cleric beast was literally one of the easiest starting bosses in souls. How anybody actually died to him is beyond me. Gascoigne also has a dedicated cheese item.

the vote said "no dlcs"
Fromsoft always bumps up the difficulty significantly in DLCs

>ITT people pretend to be really good at one style of video game for e-cred

cringe desu

yes, but their awfully large hp and huge dmg, makes them harder than isshin imo

what the fuck was hard in the ds3 dlc?
Frieda was kind of hard but only because of how long the fight was.
Midir was kind of hard but only because of how big his health pool was and how wide his fire aoes are.
Gael is about on-par with most of Sekiro's midgame bosses.

you're bad at the game aren't you.

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The game was hilariously abusable and you could farm healing grass really easily. But dying sets you back farther than it does in almost any other Souls game.

so block? its not souls, you're not supposed to roll in circles around the enemy

yes, that's why I said sekiro is harder than vanilla das3, go back to my first post

you deflect, dodge, jump.

now lets list what you do in other soulsgames:
you dodge.

>Sekiro 1st
>DaS2 2nd
Surely if sekiro is the harder game, it should be the one that's getting the most flak? DaS2 gets a bad rep way more, but I've yet to play it. I always assumed it was due to the "bullshit" difficulty, as stated by many here.

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idk maybe its just me but combat in sekiro seems "safer" than in previous From games
playing passively and deflecting seems easier and more reliable than dodging or blocking in say DS3
at the same time the game is somehow harder and more demanding than Souls


That's mostly because 99% of people faught them on NG+ or higher on their first run since its DLC

This was one of the biggest habits I needed to get out of in the early game. Everytime a big attack was about to land I had to instinctually dodge through it, and of course got killed because of it.

DaS2 gets the most flak because it's the shittest one, despite what all the contrarian faggots say. the level design, visual design, enemy design, boss design, boss placement, stat system, all of it is the worst in the series. The ONLY thing it has going for it is powerstancing.

> I always assumed it was due to the "bullshit" difficulty, as stated by many here.
it is. The dlc has some good hard fights, but the hard parts is vanilla is pure artificial difficulty, like corridors full of enemies right before a boss, bosses that will 1 hit kill you with shockwaves.
Hard things that aren't really fun

>danger kanji appears
>user dies

none of the souls games are anywhere above a 6.5/10 in terms of difficulty. The "souls is SO hard" shit is a complete meme fabricated by journalists. If you want proof just consider that literally millions of people actually finish these games.

the duality of man user.
essentially sekiro is high difficulty done right, ds2 is just boring,clunky, and artificial as fuck. Most of the difficulty comes from hitboxes, ganks, and ect. Also worst cast of bosses to boot.

DaS2 gets the most flak because of Muh team b. It's actually the best one

A game can be difficult without being bullshit. DS2 unfortunately failed to accomplish that.

What do I choose lads.

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>DS2 as number 2

Seriously? Just hold your shield up the whole time or use a greatsword. My first souls and also the easiest next to demon's souls.

I didn't even mention other souls games but even so what are you even trying to say here?

That a game where you spend 90% of your time doing 3 actions in combat with no variation is good because another game only has one?

You don't seem to be the sharpest knife in the drawer

>what the fuck was hard in the ds3 dlc?
Friede was horrendous with her 3 health bars and invisible bullshittery.
Twin Demons was just complete bullshit.
Midir was BS like you said
Gael was BS too. His shitboxes, his tracking, his speed, and his huge health pool on top of all of that.

>The "souls is SO hard" shit is a complete meme fabricated by journalists.
I don't believe it's just a made up meme. Games journalists are some of the most casual and incompetent players of video games so naturally they would suck at Dark Souls and think it's because it's exceedingly difficult.

some bosses it's better to dodge, some it's better to deflect. But almost all bosses in ds3 operate the same way. Roll and timing and spacing

>nobody mentioning Demon of Hatred despite how kino it is
You all disappoint me.

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Playing safe like how you described it in Sekiro is easy, yeah, but FAR less rewarding. If you're just running from a boss 100% of the time to bait out their attack with the largest opening, it'll take hours.
Whereas playing safe in souls allows you to spam spells at the boss, which is often also the highest source of damage available to players.

are you your own man or a pet

Dragon Shrine, Ancient dragon, Shrine of Amana, Dark Chasm of Old, Dark Lurker.

The hardest game is Dark Souls 2 for all the wrong reasons.

gael was kino you just suck

I found it pretty mediocre

A midgame Sekiro boss in a dark souls game. Just like how friede feels like a boss from BB.

Your movement is pretty limited in Dark Souls compared to those games

>invisible bullshittery.
wat lol
She tells you what direction she jumps in when she goes invisible; it's a move that just gives you a free backstab lmao

Twin Demons never provided any outstanding amount of challenge or difficulty. It was simple and fun to manage both of them in the dual phase, and just fun to fight the demon prince in second phase.

Gael's healthpool isn't even that large.
And as I stated, long, bulky bosses just makes the fights longer, which is only a minor difficulty factor. It makes them slightly harder, but not by much. And it's really the only difficulty factor in those dlc fights.

sekiro being number one is understandable but i just can't see myself voting for it, It's too much fun for me to say it's hard.

DaS 2 isnt bad because of its difficulty.
>terrible iframe mechanic
>floaty movement that doesnt fit to the character-animations
>terrible world-design compared to other souls games
>empty environments
>unnessecarily long with tons of bad filler bosses
>tons of multi-boss fights in an attempt to recapture the O&S popularity, but all of them are done badly
>60% of the game is "fight 5+ humanoids now"
>terrible enemy placement with no thought or care put into it
>lifeless NPCs that exist solely for the players profit without having any interesting progression events

>A midgame Sekiro boss in a dark souls game. Just like how friede feels like a boss from BB.

it's a given


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Sekiro, but I'm not sure how much of that is just me having to mentally recondition myself not to play it like souls.

For me it's not including DLC it's Sekiro > DS2 > DS3 > DeS > DS > Bloodborne

which it makes it technically the most difficult game to play through.

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DS3 DLC is much harder than older games.
Nearly sekiro level.

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i like how easy genchiro is in the final fight.

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FROM should honestly stop making sequels. They just do exceptionally well with new IPs.

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Just take the same bosses you already fought but make them one shot you now

literally artificial difficulty

also this is how you do a
>younger generation is replacing the older gen model boss fight
btfo gwyn
>still love gwyn

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if you think thats a good metric to judge the quality of a videogame by then you must think typeracer is the greatest game of our generation

Lady Maria. Not the hardest fight, but it's so fun and the clocktower setting is pure kino.

Can I be your pet?

>you will never go back to that first time when you had no idea what the fuck genichiro was doing
I never felt such a combination of confusion and hype to fight a vidya boss.

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Noone here can appriciate him because the only people in this thread that beat him used either whistle or fire umbrella cheese


i wanted to say sekiro but if you consider going blind demons is the hardest.

i don't understand how it's last

>no idea about world tendecy so you die and the game gets harder
>tendency spawns additional red enemies to fuck your shit up
>all your npcs disappear
>no checkpoints
>boss with a move that fucking delevels you

Eh, nothing personell. Dark souls 2 haters

i used the fire umbrella but only for his jump in the air and shockwave the entire arena cause i couldn't figure out how to not get hit by the wind blast that gives him time to recover.
How is that a cheese?

Allant or Storm King
Sif or Artorias
Soul of Cinder
Ludwig or Orphan
Isshin or Divine Dragon

How is dark souls 2 second? I thought it would be thought of as the easiest.

I quite like genichiro for being boss you can reflect with. Mainly because most peoples experience with him will be this:
>fight him in the tutorial
"holy shit wtf am i supposed t- *dies*"

>fight him in ashina castle
"fuck you i will overcome you"

>fight him at the end
"go sit on the bench genichiro, the big shinobi are trying to talk"

who would win out them all.
Also who winds, sekiro or good hunter?

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DLC was way harder than the base game


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because it's a chore to play, don't kid yourself

but he doesnt oneshot you? He just finally has enough health that you cannot cheese him with BS anymore

The poll says ignoring dlc though.

the bosses in sekiro is the only hard part, cleaning the areas are laughable

OP is a retard. He should've just stated which of these games were the hardest instead of labelling it soulsborne.

>jump when he jumps
>grapple onto him when he lands

>achievement for getting all skills
>need 59 skill points to get all of them
>it takes 50,000 EXP to level
Yup, not gonna 100% this game lads.

it is tho

Ah, I'm blind. Yeah DaS2 should be one of the easiest then. People go on about "DaS2-tier bullshit" but none of that really amounted to much difficulty. Like what exactly did people have trouble with besides shrine of amana?

Yeah and so is Armored Core.

sekiro wins because he can jump and hunter has no way to deal with it

jesus christ

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>shoots him
>i-frame dashes under his jump

literally need to finish NG+ ONCE. You need to do it anyways if you wanna do the other endings user or were you planning on doing all 4 endings on easy mode?


>the easiest of them all
>2nd place
You guys do realize that it is asking the hardest and not your favorite right? Almost every boss in the game uses the same strategy of 2 hits then dodge. Only boss I can recall dying to outside of DLC is the chariot boss due to the annoying skeletons that don't die till you kill all 3 summoners. DaS2 is almost as easy as clearing areas in Sekiro is. I mean damn...

>backstab oneshot

>struggle a little bit with Storm King.
wow you are terrible

>vitality at 4o
>survives the deathblow
>uses bone
>dash attacks with the pizza cutter

D3 is the easiest in my eyes, I did my first playthrough a week before sekiro came out and had very little problems getting through.

DS2 is the "second hardest" because it's designed like shit. It's not hard on purpose, it's hard because the B Team is fucking worthless.

More like Seksoulsborne

I have every other achievement user. I am on NG+5

you fucks need to realize that when people say dark souls 2 is hard, we mean it in a bad way

>tfw I'd put my summon for storm king for easy souls
I've never understood the problem people had with this guy. I personally found him to be one of the easiest bosses in the game. His attacks are one of the most telegraphed in the game, and he is easy as fuck to goad into specific attack patterns. This is coming from a guy who generally sucks at the game...

>watch clip the first time
>laugh my ass off at how mad he is
>rewatch it
>hes not even at the first boss

how are people so fucking garbage at video games?

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it's soulsborniro

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A toast to all my Soulskiroborne chads.

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why is he getting mad? he wasn't even close to winning

It is, it's the same formula except no i-frame rolls and a reliance and mastering parries

>it's the same formula
it's not

the ashen one of course

But it isn't hard... Even with its design flaws it is easy as fuck... Purpose or not, there is NOTHING hard about the game...

>we mean it in a bad way
It shouldn't be meant in a good or bad way. It shouldn't be considered hard because it takes 0 effort to kill almost all the bosses. Bad design or not, the game is fucking easy.

it has the same soul

Works though

Difficult to say, since none of them are actually hard. If anything I'd say DS2 since it's a broken mess and that adds a level of 'difficulty'

sekiros deathblows ignore vitality tho, they are always a oneshot. Checkmate hoonters.

>there is NOTHING hard about the game
That applies to every Fromsoft game, though.

shouldnt have wasted skillpoints on attack upgrades like a pleb

bad design makes it hard to slog through which makes it a difficult game. None of the souls games are hard, ds2 is easiest the "hardest" because it is not fun.

you can't back stab mid fight unless you break posture.
And good hunter doesn't block so checkmate

no shit, sherlock

Are we really going to keep calling these games Soulsbourne?

also fan prosthetic doesn't work on enemies that are not shit and min bosses, hell good hunter would be a main boss to some one like sekiro

Will there ever be a chance where we can have a harmonious soulsborne thread without autistic shit flinging?

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whats up with soulsborne and playing as malets

It's a name that is universally understood at this point like roguelike, even if it's deviated from it's original influence by a lot

>Demons Souls has yet to be topped
While I think Miyazaki peaked with Bloodborne, none of these games support their narrative with gameplay like Demons Souls.
When will we finally get a PS4 release so I can play online again?
Also is there any Boss fight in the series that has topped Lady Astraea?

>Dark Souls 3
user it was the easiest Souls, if only because the controls actually worked

>Also is there any Boss fight in the series that has topped Lady Astraea?
talk about living in the past

>The fans of this autistic game are autistic!
Gee whiz Todd where'd you come up with that hot take

>That applies to every Fromsoft game, though.
There is a bit of a difference though. The other games generally require you to fight bosses in a different way, while DaS2 is all about repeating the same god damn moves over and over for each boss you come across. It is to the point where you can beat bosses in DaS2 with your eyes closed. It isn't about the other games being hard or not, but rather that DaS2 finds some way to be exceedingly easier regardless of how easy the others may be. It would be like someone telling me that FFXII is harder than the other FF's. Sure the other FF's can be quite easy most of the time, but FFXII is the only one where you can set the controller down and get a platinum based on gambits you set up 30 hours ago in the game, with the exception of 1 or 2 fights that need gambits based around reverse damage.

The game was quick and easy to get through. It may not be worth multiple play throughs, but that is a different problem.

right, but why is it 'soulsborne' instead of just 'souls-like' or something?

Sekiro is a greater departure from souls and bloodborne gameplay than bloodborne was to souls. I just don't really get why the 'borne' part of soulsborne is a thing.

yea, it's "metroidvania"
get used to it

>Dark Souls 2 is second place

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I haven't played BB, but imo Sekiro is the only correct answer.
You can literally R1+parry and cheap out every single boss in the DS trilogy, something you cannot do in Sekiro, the game pretends that you git gud at something else than being a scrub.

CoC SL1 shit on all the other games INCLUDING sekiro because adp

i have been here for so many years but never bother to post because my english sucks

I only spent 20 points into attack ups. Thats only 4 attack upgrades. Are you going to just keep posting drivel pretending to know what you're talking about?

>everyone hyped up Sekiro's difficulty
>finally played it
>1 shot Genichiro, Monkeys, both apes, Owl, both Monks, and Dragon
Demon and Isshin were the only somewhat difficult fights in the entire game (Demon was only because of his bullshit hitboxes and tracking). you just kind of sit there and spam L1 and some R1s while occasionally jumping or dodging in, that's it. genuinely curious, what did you experience troubles with?

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>19 bosses in DaS3
>12 can be parried
>but all can literally be parried according to user
Anon, can you teach me the difference between a parry and a literal parry?

Found Sekiro initially very difficult, but once the mechanics to the combat clicks after getting past some early game filters, everything falls into place. It's pretty satisfying. There's a sense of momentum to the flow of combat not found in the other souls games. That said, NG+ is a bit too easy in sekiro, otherwise its pretty solid, with a few spikes in the latter half of the game (which was overall easier than the 1st half).

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this is about difficulty sony retard

I'd die to a new attack, learn it and then move on.

It wasn't hard just tedious.
I did a Demon Seed run my first playthrough so anything unfamiliar would instagib me.

Fun game. Nothing really cock blocked me for a significant time period like SL1 Lud and Zallen for DaS2

i only used the umbrella for his homing fireballs. is there a better way to avoid them? they take me out in two hits and DoH throws an entire volley of them.


I voted for it as a meme

>NG+ is a bit too easy in sekiro
Are you doing it charmless or with demon's bell?

>DS2 is 2nd because people think that not enjoying a game makes it hard

I don't know why, but I found DS3 to be the hardest, and Bloodborne the easiest it's still my favourite though. Sekiro would be in the middle

Sekiro is wonky. When you first start (especially as a vet of the soulsborne games) it may feel the hardest as its...well...not a soulsborne game. It was kicking my ass a good bit on the first playthrough

However once you have mastered the rhythm / mechanics and know the bosses you will fucking CRUSH Sekiro on future playthroughs and it will feel far easier than the soulsborne games on their NG+s. I'm on my third run now and just steamrolled through Genichiro without dying or reviving once yet.

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>someone says something is easy
>autist jump on their dick asking if they did an autistic challenge run where the limit/restrict themselves
Everytime with you souls faggots
I remember when I said Kos was easy and you cunts kept asking if i did it on BL4

I was just curious.

If you're honestly voting for anything other than sekiro you're obviously fucking lying and probably haven't even played the game yet.

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Probably because Bloodborne isn't different enough from Souls to consider it an entirely separate thing. It's more of a different flavor.

Sekiro has a terrible learning curve, however once you git gud, you get *really* fucking good. I beat St. Isshin yesterday for the first time, and today I cleared the whole game in like 5 hours or something. It felt super good dying like 3 times in the entire game and obliterating shit that wrecked me a week ago.

Souls games just don't have such a high skill ceiling like Sekiro, so even repeat playthroughs simply limit you mechanically, while this game just lets you be incredibly greedy if you can pull it off. So fucking good, 10/10

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Meh once you learn how sekiro works youre never challenged again
Path of Hardship, no upgrade, demon seed flawless runs are 100% identical to regular flawless runs
Whereas souls and BB sl1/bl4 runs play fundamentally different to regular play.

Sekiro is hard when you dont understand it.
But is pathetically easy when you do
There isnt any middle ground

>But is pathetically easy when you do
I'm tired of this meme. Isshin and Demon of Hatred are hard even once you start parrying and applying pressure.

If you beat Isshin on your third try because you knew you shouldn't dodge all the time unlike these dumb souls shitters, then you have phenomenal reactions and you should play video games competitively. Sekiro, even once you understand it, has difficulty spikes far higher than any other Souls game.

It's a nice change of pace for me to be honest. I like being able to kill a boss quickly if I'm capable enough. A lot of bosses in DS and BB felt like massive damage sponges that don't even fight the player, but just perform random moves that have a fairly high chance of hitting you.

Not to mention that most of the challenging fights in BB (my favorite game gameplay-wise in soulsborne) regularly fall apart when you figure out their "gimmick". For example just sidestepping maria makes her fight thin air for up to 10 seconds at a time. Similar story with Kos. I'd rather be fighting an honoraburu 1v1 in Sekiro for 40 hours than making my own fun in bb.

>bloodborne third
Bloordborne is by far the easiest FROM game. I didn't die to a single boss in the second half the game. There are maybe only a couple of bosses that are on the same level of most Sekiro bosses.

Demon of Hatred is really not hard when you know what to do. Drawn out fight sure but pretty easy

Owl 2 on the other hand is a little dicey

this seems to be it. I don't really think of any of the souls games to be that hard now though.

Sekiro only seems hard for me because I don't know how to really play it

Im tired of the Sword Saint is hard meme.
He has one phase you have to be concerned about (phase 2) and the phase is not about reaction times but spacing.
Demon of hatred is literally a souls fight and can be played as such.

Old man Isshin is a better fight than Sword Saint

Nothing in Sekiro requires god like reaction times. Fuck they even give you a visual and audio Kanji warning prior to shit you need to worry about.

>danger kanji appears
>cant actually see the enemy animation because of the danger kanji
>no idea what to do
>get hit
I'd honestly prefer it if enemy weapons just started glowing red or some other shit, the spider sense is just dumb.

Then he should have added the king's field and shadow tower series too
And those games straight up shit on every miyazaki game when it comes to difficulty

I only bothered with NG+DLC in Nioh but blocking was good with heavy armor for me. Unless that changes later on

>Sekiro is hard when you dont understand it.
>But is pathetically easy when you do
>There isnt any middle ground

Sekiro wasn't that hard. Just gotta learn to play aggressively. Most people are just to retarded to realize that letting the boss' posture bar recover is a bad thing.

He killed Rom but at the same time got hit by the meteors. So it was counted as .5

the red kanji alert is honestly annoying
you just can't anticipate what kind of attack is about to follow up
if anything, it's to the detriment of the player


My first DS playthrough was hell until I got gud

I'm finding Sword Saint really, really hard.
What's a hard fight if Isshin is easy? What's the appropriate spacing on his second phase?

>DaS3 is the easiest

un learning dodge to win

i havent played sekiro but theyre all easy

this, sekiro is only hard till it clicks, then you could basically see the fucking matrix. Sekiro is easily the most skilled based though, shame no dueling or pvp

With how parrying plays out in the other games, PvP would be quite difficult to implement with the posture / deflect system.


difficult maybe but nowhere near impossible.

mashing r1 is hard

>Also is there any Boss fight in the series that has topped Lady Astraea?

almost all of them.
Vinland Garl isn't even fun to fight, he only attacks when you attack

Lady Astraea is only important lorewise...

based lurker

le cheese :))) le cheese!! i love le cheesing a group of enemies because i'm too fucking retarded to parry or have any awarenessxdddd it's not a hard game bro just like abuse the system, git gud skrub :^)));) i lack any real skill yet i'm a pro at ''''action'''''((((games)))) and sekiro has complete freedom, just point to this designated grapple spot the devs have picked for you like a good goy and enjoy your '''''''seamless''''' gameplay:))))))))

Stray demon

>Dark Souls 2 without dlc
What the fuck?
Did you guys actually read the question?

The overall latency of p2p multiplayer would make it quite frustrating

Dark souls 2 because of bulshit mechanics

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Yea Forums doesn't level ADP

>no NioH

Poor form.

None of From’s games are particularly hard after the first one you play. Sekiro is unironically pretty easy to me so far. NioH still rapes me.

you could always just git gud

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probably but i'd still take it over no pvp at all

Then it shouldn’t be called Soulsborne in the first place you reddit faggot

“Souls” is good enough.

100% correct. Basically the game you "git gud" in was the hardest, after that everything is easy.

it's because bloodborne was too good but still similar so it gets to be part of the name, sekiro will likely be a part too.


sekiro is the easiest by far, are you people insane?

none of the other games are remotely as difficult as sekiro

this is really true about sekiro and why i like it. you actually become more skillful as you go on rather than relying on stats/cheesing shit.

You are right.

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this x100. literally press L1, not that hard

But Sekiro has the most cheese. You can run away from the boss forever and wait for him to do an easily punishable attack