Videogames are a waste of time

prove me wrong but you can't and I'm not even trolling, i want legit discussion going on that a man should not play videogames or at least 4 hours max / week and if you do more you are a manchildren who will truly regret wasting time in pixeland.

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there are probably esports players out there that make more than you and your family combined. is that a waste of time too?

Have sex.

Why do you care about what other people do? Get a life

lmao why would they have regretted it? What else would they have done? Have you looked at the world lately?

Lol you’re still here dude? Nobody cares about your shit threads

imagine getting mad that someone spends time doing things they enjoy lmao

How else am I supposed to pass hours until I finally die?

reading fantasy books is a waste of time, watching movies is a waste of time. by your definition literally everything you do solely for fun is a waste of time. going by your definition: i agree.
my definition differs from your though

Unironically why bother with society in 2019? Just play games and jack off. It's over.

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all those butthurt losers seething itt lmfao did op hit a nerve you pathetic shits? kys, literally no one would care.

Yes, esports is a joke just like you.

This guy gets it.

Especially since android wives will eventually be a thing.

Not true, my mom would, which is why I haven't off'd myself yet.

i hope the person who hurt you comes back around and is nice to you

your mom hates you

so is watching TV or watching a movie, yet people still do it.

everything is a waste of time if you are counting time itself, since time is always passing

Everything is a waste of time if you think about it. As long as people are enjoying what they're doing without harming others there shouldn't be an issue.

If only. Then I could kill myself guilt free. Unfortunately she loves me, unlike your mother.

Bait thread is bait so stop responding faggots
I play games and have a gf you just have to not have autism
Everything is waste of time because thats all we can do on is gay earth just kill time until we die you may not like it but thats thr truth

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>Books are a waste of time.
>prove me wrong but you can't and I'm not even trolling, i want legit discussion going on that a man should not read books or at least 4 hours max / week and if you do more you are a manchildren who will truly regret wasting time in paperland.

0.01 percent of people who have monetary gain for e"sports" does not somehow justify playing video games. I guess by that logic guys sucking old man cock is a-okay since there is money to be made.

>Complains about NEETs playing vidya
>As he browses Yea Forums

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prove me wrong but you can't and I'm not even trolling, i want legit discussion going on that a nigger should not drink 40 oz. Of malt liquor or rape 4 women max / week and if you do more you are a gig nigga who will truly regret wasting time in the federal penitentiary.

>complains about people having hobbies they enjoy.
Its no difference then people sitting down to watch sports, or shitposting on Yea Forums like your doing right now

I said stop responding to bait

I wonder why people always use this excuse? When you die your brain and personality ceases to exist. You will be dead and you do not have to worry or feel anyone mourning your pathetic existence. Life does not matter and most importantly YOU do not matter.

No one likes niggers, user. Nobody will disagree with you.

If video games are a waste of time so is any other hobby that doesn't improve your body, or one that you can't turn into a paying job. So fishing, rock climbing, swimming, movies, etc.

Chokers make me wanna choke her

my mom bought me a 1500 dollar computer to only play PUBG and CS:GO and you're not gonna stop me faggot

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if both your moms knew yall were this edge, they probably would reconsider the whole love thing

Time enjoyed wasted is not time truly wasted.
This applies to literally any hobby.

No you don't, all entertainment is a waste of time. That's the point.

It's called not being a sociopath, retard. Also, I'm not some retarded atheist.

because before offing yourself you know that your mom will be sad and you dont want that? not that hard a concept to grasp

Where is dude in pic now? Did he improve?

says the guy wasting his time shitposting on 4channel

Everything is getting automated, so I think that in the future everyone will work in entertainment industry and NEETs will be valued more.

>Life does not matter and most importantly YOU do not matter.
Then why haven't you killed yourself?

>this edge
Got nothing to do with edge, user. I'm in constant pain every day with no way of ever truly fixing my issues. It prevents me from having a normal life so I just wait until the end.

Didn't he post here? I remember him posting proof with timestamp at some point.

neets wont be valued more, there will just be a lot of people fucking starving to death

All entertainment is a waste of time, yet you need it for a healthy mind. That said, I have never met a person that asked a question like this that isn't a loser or a closed minded grandpa. It takes a certain amount of idiocy to think relaxation and entertainment are bad things. What do you waste your time on OP?
Not bumping this shit by the way.

Stop trying to change the subject.

Video games used to be a waste of time, when it was still a niche hobby.

But nowadays? It is essentially part of culture. You can find friends who like games, meet with them to play games, talk to them about games. Go to gaming events, find girls that are into games. Some people even have jobs related to games, and not just twitch streamers. But people like cosplayers/models, photographers, translators, animators, editors, artists, voice actors.

It's just dumb to say that video games are a waste of time, because it's like saying that celebrating the 4th of july is a waste of time, or partying is a waste of time.

I quit video games 2 weeks ago when I came to this conclusion. I still browse Yea Forums for the funnies but I think I'm going to quit this soon too.
Ultimately I'm doing this in a bid to not reach wizard status and if it doesn't work I'm going to neck. I will not spend the next 50 years playing video games alone in a dark room.
It's just not enjoyable anymore.

So is shitposting and yet here you are.

i make more money than you playing videogames. how does that make you feel?
you go to work every day for your jew boss, but thats a-ok since its not playing videogames! dont forget to cash your 60 dollar check, wagie


TFLer here, I only play because I'm living TFL and got nothing better to do.

People who say this will often sit and binge watch some dumb show on Hulu or netfux for a dozen hours. Or even worse, spend that same amount of time on social media. I dont see the difference. At least while gaming you are using your brain to problem solve or figure out puzzles or some shit.

>lying on an anonymous basket weaving forum


This. I met all my friends because I played vidya.

You replaced vidya with shitposting on the internet, wow what an upgrade. You need to find a different hobby or just go to school or something. Get a driving license if you dont have one.

I was already shitposting kek, I wouldn't say I replaced it with anything right now. I am searching for more meaningful hobbies.
I already drive / have a job. It's not like I am a complete shut in, but my social life beyond that is non-existent.

why would i regret doing things i like, shitpost-kun?

Yes he posted saying he was still a virgin and to leave him alone.

What video games would Korean girls play?

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Prostitution simulator