nuBattlefront 2 has put a new mode called "Capital Supremacy".
Is it worth a shit?
cliff notes:
>20v20 with 8 respawning AI squadmates on each side.
>first objective is to capture 5 command posts, gaining reinforcement points for each post
>the side that gains enough points first is transported into the enemy capital ship and can try to destroy it while opponent defends it
>if attackers fail to destroy ship both sides fight over command posts again
>rinse repeat
NuBattlefront 2 has put a new mode called "Capital Supremacy"
Not worth it
why this game failed so hard? It has the look
OP here, it came out with anemic as fuck content and the standard modes were really unfun. Old BF2 was much more fun even if it looked worse.
The looks aren't the problem, its that they took a vehicle based battlefield clone series and turned it into a basic FPS with no vehicles outside of killstreaks on tiny maps.
There actually think dog fighting in space is a legitimate replacement for the space battles from BF2
>20v20 with 8 respawning AI
>Capital Supremacy
makes you think...
Isn't that just a shittier, scripted version of the main gamemode of 2142?
they should just make a clone wars-only battlefield with bf3/bf4 style gameplay
Frostbite Engine is shit, getting stuck on literally everything. EA having Star Wars was a mistake.
Cause it's unfun to play
Yeah sort of. 2142 was all on one big map, you fly to the enemy ship any time, and spawn at yours any time. In the starwars one, you fight on a ground map, then the game pulls you out, loads for a second, and now you spawn on the ship. Its like someone tried to mod the 2142 mode into it.
T. Actually played both
>both battlefronts were bundled together on psn for 7.50
>go for it becuase i wanted a mindless shooter
>so little content on 2, no one is playing 1
>bot ai are non existant and just follow map nodes in a circle
We will never get a fun bot game like bf2 again
I played only one match
I don't even understand why they call it a new mode, it's just the same shit as before
>complete one objective
>get another objective
>end of the match
>phase-based because DICE still hasn't remembered how to make flyable transport aircraft like they ones they've had in Battlefield for over a decade
>still 20v20 for no apparent reason
>can't spawn at command posts even though that's the whole fucking point
>Anakin's only hard counter, Iden, isn't available so he dominates
>ARC Troopers drastically out-perform commando droids
>ARC Troopers only added over Clone Commandos so they could reuse assets
>Republic doesn't have a tank
>map is tiny
>AI is hackey and can shoot in the middle of a roll with high projectile magnetism
>no aircraft
>tiny, uninteresting map
>no minimap terrain outlines makes the ship phases a pain to navigate... another missing feature from the original games
This is the power of a year of AAA development.
OP here, these are my sentiments as well. Even worse, the game fucking crashed after we successfully repelled the first boarding action and it tried to teleport us back to the surface.
>another shitty multiplayer mode
>Capture points
>Fly up to a ship
>Fight on that ship
>If you lose you have the capture the points again
>You can't respawn at command posts
>Command posts don't spawn vehicles
How fucking hard is it for them to just add the original gamemode of the series. Neither of their games has had it, it is ridiculous.
They alternate between these two excuses:
>We don't want to just copy another game.
>We don't want to make a game that's too much like Battlefield.
From the seemingly impossible quantity of bugs and drip feed of content, I think pure incompetence is the real reason.
Would be nice, but even the simplest task is a barrier for EA
>They got the cartoon narrator to narrate their trailer
>people only focus on the negatives of the new mode despite it being really fun and easily the best mode
I got the game for 6$ when it was on sale 2 weeks ago. It's not the worst thing I've played, the menus and unlock system are retarded though
capture the outpost isn't fun
I would play it more if it had more than one map.
I'll play with you if its free otherwise suck my cock
>Is it worth a shit?
>literally 1 map
>lightsaber combat changes are total garbage and dont fix any of the game's issues
>literally 1 map
>not even in a new planet
>constant cutscenes in the middle of the match between phases that you cant fucking skip
>no droidekas
Because if people say "good enough" then the flaws will never improve
Maybe they should make a good game next time.
>lightsaber combat changes
Saber combat in this game is unironically worse than BF2 2005. Being able to move mid-swing is drastically better than lunging and missing 50% of the time because someone is walking backwards.
what's the purpose of the AI squadmates?
The game can be a fun at times, i'd say it's worth the 5$ it costs to play it
>ARC Troopers so strong compared to literally everything else it's never a fair match
>Lmao Anakin
>No Commandoes or Droidekas, yet
>Only one map
>Map is medium sized at best, most of it just open plains with some rocks and pillars strewn about, and is buggy as fuck anyway
That said the new Clone customization is pretty good. Shame the rest of the update is just plain bad.
>is it worth a shit?
>Not 32V32.
Why do devs adamantly refuse to give players what they want?
I'm now realizing the next BF game will be futuristic and they'll use this mode as a limp dicked version of Titan
>no droidekas or clone commandos
Also, I assume that with the new Infiltrator class, we'll see the same for the other eras, right?
Wonder how they'll do the Bothan.
>instead of 28 v 28 just gives AI team mates
>instead of flying a drop ship into a capital ship its a cutscene because they think players are to retarded
>vehicles still do not spawn on map
>still no pilot class
For the last time the game at the base is flawed you can't fucking remove vehicles from the game and then make them some stupid reward.
>use the garbage battlefield games as foundation
>wonder why the games end up being shit
they can not even give vehicles you expect drodiekas
i dont get why they dont just copy the game mode from battlefield v and make it 64 players
That actually sounds good. AI squad mates never would have thought if that. That’s genius.
Shame the best is still trash
what's good about it? why not just 8 more humans?
This actually looks really fun, and I would probably buy it if not for the 20v20 and dead playerbase.
32 v 32
the OP is a fucking moron, it's 12 AI on each side, like Starfighter Assault but on the ground
they removed vehicles from the map due to camping, but yet now people camp on the class select screen waiting for heroes so it did nothing, why not just have them cost points but be on the map that way people still have to do stuff and even bring back multiple seats in vehicles and bring back stealing vehicles
I would honestly prefer 20v20 pure players vs 32v32 but with 12 AI. AI teammates just ruins the game
I played a few matches since there was triple xp this weekend. It was good causal fun. Too bad it's only one map
are the bots just there so the shitters can get kills?
>bots in online multiplayer
terrible. wish devs let this shit go already. Titanfall, Quake Champions and now this. just stop.
>dead playerbase
Where are the player counts, anyway? I play on PC and the actual game modes always have people playing.
Nobody gives a shit about Ewok Hunt
You say that, but at least the AI plays the fucking objective
to try and make it feel like its not an empty, hollow "battlefield"
Anakin is hilariously strong, knowing he's going to get nerfed is disappointing. It's really funny watching his passive AoE Force Choke go off and watch him choke Maul, Grievous, and half a dozen droids to death.
AI just dillutes the experience. It sucked in Titanfall, it sucked in Red Orchestra, and it most definitely sucks in this game.
the new mode is awful, one map becomes boring extremely quickly, also you cant even spawn on the command posts lol
arc trooper is stupid op and kinda boring to play but at least the droid commando is fun
i also love how the game still has some bugs which have been there since launch
The gameplay is boring shit. Shooting anything at anyone is an instant kill basically. So don't expect to have tense shootouts.
The maps don't give you any real options as to where to go or what to do. Especially since vehicles are power ups you need to unlock. Just run to the one place where the fight is and throw grenades or something.
And that's just in-game. The progression is entirely lootboxes, so you probably won't get whatever you want in any reasonable amount of time. Meanwhile you get straight up more powerful through that lootbox stuff so have fun getting shit on in space battles because you don't have the +30% damage boost that everyone else has.
The game is just completely devoid of fun. There is just no fun to be had there. The visuals and audio being amazing does absolutely nothing to lessen this.
1/10, You might as well "play" a hardware test software.
>the people who grew up playing BF1 and BF2 vehemently complain about the lack of AI enemies removing a sense from the conflicts
>zoomers vehemently complain about the presence of AI in their MP games
really makes you think
>sense of scale
>The progression is entirely lootboxes
It literally hasn't been for over a year.
The new mode is shit. So disappointed but what can you expect from Dice and EA. They can't even make a proper conquest. I Had false hopes that the game would get better but it is time to give up finally.
Progression was changed over a year ago lol, still bad but not random lootbox shit
>vehemently complain about the lack of AI enemies removing a sense from the conflicts
yeah that never happened, go fuck yourself
EA murdered this game, as they do every game.
It actually got really good after some tweaking, but then the DLC heroes came out and they’re such a fucking grind again.
Fucking EA. Fuck.
a year and a half*
loot boxes didn't even make it to launch. leave it to this shithole to get all it's arguments from /r/gaming, though
loot boxes didn't even make it to launch
Yes they did, you just couldn't buy them with real money.
doesn't matter
the game was never pay to win
Sorry for not keeping up with shit games.
The progression being less of an issue doesn't help that the gameplay is terrible either way though.
It's Disney's fault as much as it is EA's
>Disney won't let them monetize cosmetics, which is exactly what they did in Battlefield 1
>EA makes them do loot boxes still, and the only thing they can really put in them then is the ability system
Being grind-to-win is still pretty terrible in a game where everyone is put on a supposedly level playing field.
Unlocks in online shooters should always be more or less side grades.
They shouldn't be straight upgrades.
Okay, and none of the trooper cards are actual upgrades.
Only heroes and starfighters get flat stat increases through cards. Heroes are still strong without any cards, and starfighters are only pilotable in situations where there's a shit ton of AI regardless so you're never in a 1v1 dogfight against someone.
wtf are you smoking?
its literally a loading screen tip that each and every trooper ability can be upgraded with cards, they all have DIRECT upgrades
to stock abilities, not health or damage output
oh wow an impact grenade has a slightly bigger blast radius what a fucking pay to win piece of garbage game
arent you tired from moving the goalpost so much?
As bad as it is it's nowhere near as bad as 2015
>launches with FOUR MAPS TOTAL
>season pass costs as much as the game
>said season pass includes contracts to unlock literally the same weapons heroes use
>season pass also divides the playerbase between the people who bought it, the people who only bought the game, and the people who only bought specific content
and yet it still sold over 12 million copies
When it was first announced I thought it was going to be like BF2142's Titan Mode but with Ion Cannons and Flyable Transports. Instead, it's just Conquest and Rush mashed together into separate stages..
>Flyable transports
>Guy who bumrushes the LAAT/Whatever the fuck the droid thing is called doesn't fly it to the ship or crashes it on purpose
AT-TEs not being on rails in GA is a fucking mistake, people either don't get in them at all or sit back 500 feet
When's that Respawn game supposed to come out anyway? They're one of the few EA devs who manage to put out decent games still somehow
Aye. I guess they could have streamlined it like BF4's Carrier Assault where you could spawn above the capital ship with a Jetpack and fly into the Hangar a-la Battle Royale style.
As with most modern failures, it stems from a botched launch. Remember all the micro-transaction shit they pushed? The '90 hours+ to unlock vader'? There was alot of outrage.
The stigmas of EA and being in the shadow of the classic game did it no favors.
Its probably unironically decent by now, but its long dead.
>90 hours to unlock Vader
Where did this come from, anyway? I played the game at launch. I had every hero who was locked unlocked within the first 50 hours.