How does she do it? How does peach hide all of that fat under that small, tight dress?

How does she do it? How does peach hide all of that fat under that small, tight dress?

Attached: EE51B47F-7472-4CA0-BD4E-B7A464C2D32A.png (1955x3009, 3.77M)

she tucks

Fair point, but she weighs 400 pounds!

oh, I thought you said that fat dick

It’s alright, wonder what she looks like without her dress...

Like this

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Rollin for them dubs

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She uses a royalty-quality corset.

Doesn't matter, canonically only one woman has even had mario's heart. And it takes a true Italian woman to take a hero.

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What about Mario? I want know how peach hides all of her jiggly fat


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If you’re posting inflation, post good inflation

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user, you reposted it! It says do not repost!

Try another one.

Shit. I messed up, is that actually fat

I don’t have any inflation

Attached: CC494369-7C9C-4165-AD04-201B9BD36EA4.jpg (894x894, 119K)

>he doesn't have folders upon folders of inflation art

Attached: dcvxibn-b1070e8d-8590-458d-9c49-ab3e5aefe0a7.jpg (1280x1978, 201K)

>axel rosered

He's good when he's not drawing his disgusting tranny OCs. I unironically pirate all of his art.

Oh cool. A fat faggotry thread. My favorite.

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user, you know why people hate him

I'm so upset that I'll probably never die from being crushed by a morbidly obese woman.

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Why, because he's a money hungry faggot who lets his boyfriend dictate everything he draws?

Me too

Attached: 525CCC02-3BEF-4CCB-A135-21766D493AD4.jpg (894x894, 61K)

Wait, Axel's gay?

His stupid diapershit when people want him to draw fat

Considering how retardedly close to CutterInTheHouse he is, it's safe to assume they're fags or Cutter's his handler.
That's why you pirate. Axel unironically doesn't deserve a single cent for anything he does, especially cramming his stupid brap fetish into inflation packs.

She's lighter than Wii Fit Trainer and Inkling. Wtf you faggots talking about?

Attached: SmartSelect_20190331-175051_Chrome.jpg (1440x1894, 555K)

Attached: fat_daisy___super_mario_princess_obese_edition_by_plumpchu_dcjpdhe-pre.jpg (752x1063, 115K)

Then they're both fucking fat asses.

>That's why you pirate.
Can you sauce me up on some of his shit? I wanna know what's in the newer packs but I don't want to pay for the extra fartshit and diapershit.

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I want to feed a pretty pink princess.

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Don'y we all.

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Silly user, she's just bulking.


Wait, what. All jokes aside, what.

>nobody has drawn strongfat Wii Fit Trainer yet
The world is a cruel place.

Inklings are quite heavy.

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What the fuck, guys?

I'm not much into the strong part but I feel your pain when a certain character doesn't get the fetish art you want.

Attached: random___wii_fat_trainer_by_codenamebull_d7mpabq-pre.jpg (896x892, 61K)

Really woomies the goomies.

Just derail it with muscular girls or shapely girls and then pray for it to 404, IP-count suggests it's one guy responding to himself with fat-fetish images.

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Joke's in you, BBWs and musclegirls both fulfill my weight gain fetishes in different ways.

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>in you

What an odd typo for me to make.

>it's one guy responding to himself with fat-fetish images.
It seems to be this way. He always derails the Mario princess threads like that, although the guy from those threads always posts from his iPhone.

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oh no don't post muscle girls or bulky girls or anything haha

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