*ding ding ding*

*ding ding ding*
Excuse me, everyone!
I would just like to say...
Thank you!

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Other urls found in this thread:



We’re going home, bros

Boys... It will be so goddamn good.

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Sure. Where can I get one?

>inb4 Xiao shits up the thread with “WHY PLAY THIS WHEN U CAN PLAY MY PRIVATE SERVER FOR FREE”
>inb4 pic related shits up the thread with “IT’S JUST NOSTALGIA! YOU’RE NOT GOING BACK TO 2004! PEOPLE CAN’T ENJOY OLDER GAMES!”
>inb4 manlet tears shits up the thread with his tripfagging

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inb4 people saying "its only nostalgia" while i have been playing vanilla private servers for the last fucking decade on shithole machines and never got tired of it

i've already played vanilla for like 7 years at this point, i may roll a toon but i can't get hyped for classic

Bros, a fresh private vanilla server got opened up, and I'm really fucking tempted. How many more fucking months do I have to wait?

It’s still gonna be at the very least 3 months. Don’t spoil yourself early, and especially not with elysium. They’re super well known for selling gold/characters/account info

haha guys, just imagine if tomorrows april fools joke would be blizzard admitting that classic was just a late april fools joke and that they will never abondon retail
haha just imagine

Manleytears is still around?

its not worth it. It's just a few months.
Regarding that particular server, it's notorious for cheating, even by pserver standards.
What are your goals from even playing right now? Nostalgia? Testing things out for classic?
If it's just testing things out, you can do that on other servers. Retrowow has instant 60, you can use the kronos ptr to generate character and levels/items/whatever. You can also use the classic wowhead viewer to look at animations if that's something you need to see to influence your classic choices.
If you just want to level a little bit - it's stlil a bad idea but i can see where you're coming from. Make sure you're using throwaway info (duh) and throwaway email - your account info WILL be sold to someone eventually. And don't invest too much into that character as it will all be a waste of time. Even if you somehow fell in love and wanted to stay there forever, this summer it will be a ghost town of chinese and russians and that's it.

Based and Vanillapilled

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But I like flying. It's fun.


Anyone know what Alexensual is up to these days?

I remember watching one of his streams and he was raging at tradechat threatening to sue her for slander or put a restraining order on her.

Then when I watched it again a few weeks later he had the definition of sharding on a google search on display raging about something again.

Based and nelfpilled

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See you on the IF bridge, trannies.


Contrarians on Yea Forums can hate on night elves all they want but the fact is that if deep in your secret heart you don't think this race has the finest bitches you're gay as fuck son.

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because you're autistic

What do you guys think the optimal level professions are? I'd like to level a crafting profession as I go because they suck to level retroactively, but I'm afraid that without skinning and before any proper economy forms it'll be nearly impossible to get the gold required for an epic mount in a reasonable amount of time.

Dammit user don't let investors know we're aware of the nigger cattle

Wish I had a nelf mommy...

>All these rectally ravaged retail paypigs

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>tfw cant roll my female bloodelf priest on classic
>considered rolling night elf
>rolling anything but dwarf on alliance is just retarded
guess i wont get to play a qt priest

Create the economy friend.

Farm materials and horde as much as you can.

there's zero reason to level as anything but skinning + another gathering profession

built for troll cock

Well yeah and over time that will happen- but you can't create an economy when no one in the game has money to spend. It's going to take a long time before enough money has been farmed from mobs/vendors to fully fund a healthy auction house.

be strong bro
just another month or two

I dunno, I'd like to have a useful crafting profession on my main. I get that you can just have profession alts and send all of the materials to them but that always felt so fucking tedious and unfun to me. It's autistic I know but I like having them in the same place.

dont you fucking dare to play on that server

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you ditch skinning at 60 unless it's a farming alt and take whatever you want, crafting is useless while leveling

>playing on Elysium
pls kys if you do decide to play there

There a story here?

I just want to marry a cute nelf, is that too much to ask?

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Gotchas, this is kind of what I was getting at then. I just always hated leveling a crafting profession at 60, felt like it would be smoother to do during the leveling experience and it's nice getting to use the things you make at their appropriate level. But I'll probably just do the skinning/herbalism route and save every gold until 60.

draenei are better than elves

uses donation money for vacations
insta 60 rank 14 for money
and many more disgusting things
just watch these

they got caught taking chinese money and every good player left, server died overnight, they tried getting their scam going again with a tbc server, now they're doing (another) vanilla server

Skipped worgen and dranaei. Are they considered cool? Just the pandas are a no no? How bout them Gobs?

Chat won't be what it was but other than that, I'm excited


>pleb nelf
>patrician nightborne

the choice is clear

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Human/Nelf would be fine too, people over-estimate how useful Dwarf Priests are.
You only need 2-3 to keep Fear Ward up 100% of the time, and they’ll be 6-7 spots for priests in a 40man.
Your only going to be slightly lower priority for a raid slot if they have a glut of priests to choose from. And that is easily made up with skill and dedication.

Come on man. Nightborne are night elves that like the color blue more than the color green, that's basically it.

I'm gonna play a Troll Fury Warrior and there's nothing you can do to stop me.

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Sounds fun, hope you enjoy it

No nightborne are the only remnants of the highborne elf royalty, the rest got turned into naga, the night elves are inferior peasant untermensch

I unsubbed and left his discord. Theres no positive vibes at all and Im used to being around assholes. He doesnt even want to play classic it seems, I cant imagine him running a guild or something. He wants to inform and discuss but he would be better off sharing ingame knowledge through videos than bitching about blizz.

But yeah lately he has been quiet.

>troll warrior
hands down the best race for both tanking and dpsing. troll berserking racial is the absolute best racial

>as little as a few months ago the general attitude was “I’ll enjoy it unless/until they find a way to fuck it up”
>now cautious optimism has gone to full blown hope
>all from a few posts confirming that they’ve been taking feedback on board
It’s amazing what PR you can get out of not being completely fucking retarded and actually listening to people

>But yeah lately he has been quiet.
he doesn't have enough to bitch about. You know the well is dry when he's ranting about SJWs, Captain Marvel, and borderline MGTOW stuff.
His main talking points re: sharding, loot trading, and right click report aren't getting him anywhere and he needs drama to be relevant. The last loot trading blue post eliminated 99% of the issues with it, and if sharding remains only in the starter zones then it's a non issue. And reddit doesn't fully understand right click reporting enough to go whole hog crusade on it.
He's also still very bitter about being irrelevant when his former colleagues are paid attention to. Obviously the biggest reason is they don't sperg out and promote conspiracy theories or feuds but he's not clever enough to understand that. And it's unfortunate since the people he hates have just as little vanilla experience as he does, yet he gets singled out as being a fake vanilla veteran far more often.
If Alex could take some nootropics or something and consult with a shrink, he'd have potential. Trannies love him due to his gayface, and he's active enough on reddit/etc to promote himself. But he's not smart, not even close, and that walls him off. Others with arguably even less experience, like Tipsout, don't have nearly the amount of baggage while offering similarly useless content.

is he gonna say it?

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He’s been training all his life to say it

>all his life

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i dont really care about raids, mostly interested in pvp. the sad thing is we are in a timeline where the majority of the community is either minmax autists or scrubs that follow them. back in the day im sure nobody really cared what race you played but i can guarantee that today people will very much care

What is the chillest place to hearthstone in as Alliance? I don't mind walking a bit to get to the important stuff.

probably getting ripped in the gym

both factions should have HS at bootybay tbqh


The Pig and Whistle in Old Town


The TAUREN male is the epitome of male dominance and masculinity.

Let's start by looking at his body. His body is large. His domineering size makes his presence known without him even needing to point himself out. He is muscular, as a result of his high levels of testosterone. This gives him the appearance of health and strength. He is then covered by his thick hide. This hide reminds us of his ruggedness, a feature that developed due to being exposed to the harsh ecosystem of Mulgore , made to withstand such an extreme condition. It also has a psychological effect on the observer. The thick hide reminds us of our dark, deep desires that emerge from our primal subconscious past.

The TAUREN male's demeanor is one of alphaness. He is dominant, assertive, and can be explosively aggressive. His behaviour strikes fear into the more timid, cowardly races of man and elf

The summit of expression of his masculinity on his body is his penis. The TAUREN penis is largest of all the races. As the penis is the penultimate symbol of manhood, this alone would suffice to make the TAUREN the most masculine of races. This large penis is able fulfill the desire of the neediest of women, being able to more than fill all the recesses of the vagina. Its length ensures that when it ejaculates, the potent african seed will immediately enter the womb of the woman the TAUREN males impregnates.

In total, the TAUREN male expresses this masculinity in a most exemplary manner in bed. When he fucks, he unleashes the entirety of his lusts and desires upon his partner without any restraint.

All this is the reason why the TAUREN male is the epitome of masculinity

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If you pay for Classic you're a Retailfag.

There's no fucking arguing against this. You are giving money directly to modern Blizzard to funnel into Overwatch eSports.

If people genuinely think they're fucking Blizzard over by paying for classic they're more retarded than people that thinking paying for their sub with gold are fucking Blizzard over.

Paying with gold means you personally are not giving them money, regardless of someone else buying the token, at least.

Can't wait for the WoW Store to be in Classic as well and for Tokens to be a thing in it too.


>Can't wait for the WoW Store to be in Classic as well and for Tokens to be a thing in it too.
that wouldnt be vanilla-like though

They're indirectly getting $20 of your purchase regardless. Rationalizing it is just making delusional excuses for addiction, the only way to stick it to Blizzard is to not play any version of WoW provided by them.

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It's already not fucking Vanilla-like from the beginning

They're running a fake "Patch 1.13" built off of Legion's 7.3.5.

you still create a demand for the tokens and have an impact on their market value depending on how much gold you buy them for, which directly contributes to whether or not people will buy them with real money if they think it's worth it to sell them on said market.

>*ding ding ding*

The idea is that blizzard will get to see classic dwarf retail in playerbase, and every disenfranchised player’s sentiments about current WoW being shit and blizzard having no clue about what’s good for the game will be vindicated.

is this BBC cuck pasta?

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>classic servers will run patch 7.3.5
Wrong, we wont have any content after Vanilla.

You mongoloid, classic is L I T E R A L L Y built off the legion client. The developers even said it in the water cooler update, and they’re calling it patch 1.13.

He's referring to the fact that it's build in the engine as it was in 7.3.5 so there will be a lot of subtle difference on that fact alone. Granted they seem to be doing a good job of recreating the old look and feel, things like bright nights and the water and everything will be updated.

yes but the servers wont have patch 7.3.5 applied. there will be no legion content at all.

That's not what he meant, the actual version of WoW being run is the modern client that has back-end adjustments made to be like 1.12

no, he said the servers will be legion 7.3.5 and implied that all content up through legion will be available, which is wrong.

It’s still 7.3.5, not 1.12. I don’t care what content isn’t in it, the engine is still wrong. That’s like making Mario 64 in unity and calling it the same exact game.

>mfw I can buy a WoW Token with one of my many gold-hoarding characters in BfA and play Vanilla for free while Classicucks have to ask their mom for their credit card

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>potent african seed

Neck yourself cuck

>It’s still 7.3.5
no its absolutely not going to be 7.3.5 you fucking idiot. all abilities, content, and everything in the fucking game will stop where 1.12 ended. there will not be ANY legion content, races, spells or zones at all

what do you think DM ZG AQ20 are retard

Right, but a lot of engine changes will be present. They are reverting a handful, spell batching for instance is a really promising change. But still, some changes made between proper 1.12 and 7.3.5 will undoubtedly be present. Some will be positive but others will clearly show that the game is not exactly the same. This isn't necessarily a bad thing, but people will notice it and some are going to complain that it's not exactly 1:1.

>Don't know if I want to go Horde for nostalgia's sake or go Alliance for maximum comfy

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To be fair those are way better catch up mechanics than things like dailies and piss easy heroics that toss out high ilvl epics like candy. Vanilla most certainly had catch-up mechanics but they weren't welfare by any means.

Nigger, what part of ENGINE do you not understand?

Try classes up to level 20 to find what you like. Burn out will only happen at level 30

Go where your friends go.

I just wanna go home already bros

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the original user i responded to said the classic servers would be running legion with patch 7.3.5 applied

but vanilla had catch up mechanics in form of zg and aq20

>ZG and AQ20
>anywhere near as bad as being able to skip multiple tiers in retail
ZG and AQ20 give you gear that’s slightly worse or slightly better than MC gear depending on slots and class, and even then you still want to farm MC for shit like benediction, perdition, onslaught girdle, accuria, mageblade, quick strike ring, and thunderfury

ZG and AQ wont be open at the start anyway

Reminder that increasing the level cap was WoW's biggest mistake ever, no matter how much you enjoy TBC.

wrong. the arena system was the biggest mistake. BGs severely fucked world pvp up but the arena system killed it by making HKs worthless to all but the most casual scrubs

I've always felt similarly to this, but can never figure out what a good alternative would be. Obviously you could just keep releasing new raids/locations/gear but then gear progress starts to get all fucked up. Plus increasing the level opens the door to push players through entire new leveling zones start to finish rather than just dipping in to get whats relevant. Just seems like the safest way to deliver large chunks of content.

Arenas, resilience and flying all but destroyed the feel of pvp in WoW. I enjoyed BC a lot, but these three things on top of forcing dailies and introducing true welfare epics are what really started the death spiral for me personally.

Too bad they’re shaped like refrigerators in-game.

PvP was fucked the moment the OG honor system was implemented. It only rewarded poopsocking.

Increasing the level cap however invalidates each expansion's content. You play BFA right now, and you're fucking bored. Why though? It's a 15 year old game on its seventh expansion. Oh, but wait, all those previous expansions are pointless and just transmog fodder now.

whats wrong with the honor system? at least it gave a reason to actually pvp against other players instead of just ganking scrubs in STV. Until BGs came out it was a pretty fine system

Horizontal raid progression would be for the best. Vanilla almost sort of had this with its use of resistances. You need to farm X in order to be viable in Y. They release a new fire-themed raid, so you better hit up the water themed one to get gear.

Also there's the potential to focus on increasing the range of capabilities for each class. Imagine creating gear and a spec for a warrior who wears cloth. How does it work? Maybe rapid rage regeneration? I dunno, but say you need that spec to handle bosses in the newest raid. They could essentially build raids into being almost like puzzles, where you're required to have roles and items to complete them.

Zones are another problem all together that Blizzard still fumbles with today. They have all these beautifully hand-crafted areas, but what do they use them for? They just plop a bunch of fucking world quests in.

It was the honor system on top of how ranking worked. I'm sure you've seen, but in order to rank high you basically had to play nonstop, especially if you ever dreamed of hitting r14. People would account share and basically PVP nonstop in order to even stand a chance.

That's not really how it worked. It was more like a new fire raid releasing so you had to farm that new fire raid for fire resistance gear that you only need for one boss.

I dunno, adding in meme specs for gimmick fights and raids seems like it would be a novelty that would wear off pretty fast. People already complained about respec costs going between PVP, raids and farming, adding more on top of that would just get silly. Increasing the level cap at least gives you a way to logically add in new abilities and class mechanics in a way people are familiar with. Not saying it's impossible, I just think it would require a lot of redesign that people would find more annoying than engaging.

You needed to be grinding 12+ hours a day with likely multiple people on your account in order to be viable and not lose your rank. The degradation in the system mixed with the numbers being based around player output throughout the week rewarded time invested more than anything, as well as just plain cheesing the system, like coordinating with opposite factions on Vent to trade BGs.

It got repetitive as shit just spending all day in AB and WSG, doing the exact same thing over and over again, but you can't back out, cause oh god, you already hit Rank 11, and stopping now would mean it's all a waste. The honor system is built around a sunk cost fallacy.

It wasn't that bad for most servers. Lots of servers had groups for high warlord and you just rotated people through each week.

I'm saying that's something you could do, and would be a way to keep old raid relevant. The resistance types in old raids, or maybe specific niche gear from them because key in the new content.

Increasing the level camp becomes meaningless up to a point. It's a fact that you become weaker from 110 to 120. It's all a pointless numbers game to incentivize you to spend money on a new expansion.

Yes it was. At minimum, 12 hours a day for at least a month was normal.

Thats why in my post i said BGs severely ruined the system. Without BGs it would have been pretty good

>and you just rotated people through each week.

That's not how it worked at all. You were spending months on end getting to Rank 14. Period. The OG PvP system was the most hardcore thing in WoW.

Blood elves are the most sissyfag thing to ever be implemented into a game period.

>lol dude just pvp for a week and you'll get r14
ok good luck with that

but i liked playing my female blood elf, she was super cute

lmao you forgetting about DKs? That shit alone is the quickest way to shut up any argument about the OG system being good. Your entire week of progression lost cause some guy killed the mushroom vendor in Tarren Mill. I can't even imagine the bullshit cheesing people would do if WPvP was the only way to gain rank in Vanilla.

Catch up raids killed modern wow. Followed by welfare epix and the for the killing blow lfg/lfr.

Giving too much choice in difficulty hurts the content and fractures the playerbase. Classic worked in the sense that there was only raiding in one difficulty and while not nearly as difficult as modern raids only had one metric success and loot or failure and nothing. There is no flex normal shit that hands out near the same gear.

the ranking system is one of the worst aspects of vanilla WoW, I can't imagine even the most hardcore nochanges autist honestly care for it
if they actually defend it they're mentally ill

no he was saying that servers had groups and would throw games on purpose to organize who would get r14. every week it would rotate who was allowed to get it because you only needed it once to be able to use the gear forever

I wonder what troll poop smells like lol prolly filed with mojo.


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Can't wait for the eventual tbc split and all the trannies fuck off to goats and elves.

>because you only needed it once to be able to use the gear forever

Wanna know something funny? That wasn't true at first. Very early on you needed to be Rank 14 to even use those weapons.

DHKs werent in the game for very long user, but i do agree that was an absolutely shit implementation

good private server to try fags?


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Is Yea Forums gonna use Dungeon Dan?


Uh, they were in for all of Vanilla, dude. Any serious PvPer avoided WPvP because they could literally destroy your entire progression.

inb4 I shit up the thread by posting a feral druid

How good were the weapons? It seems like pvp was the harder way of getting good gear.

yes but it was soon changed to where you only needed to gain the rank once and you could wear the gear without currently having the rank. After that on most servers the top guilds would rotate who would earn the title weekly


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>lol dude just win trade for a few months without getting caught

umm but thats wrong, sweetie? honor system was added in 1.4 and DHKs and WSG were added in 1.5. im sorry, did you even play during vanilla? or are you just a wrathbabby pretending?

>Zones are another problem all together that Blizzard still fumbles with today. They have all these beautifully hand-crafted areas, but what do they use them for? They just plop a bunch of fucking world quests in.
Make it so you do quests to gain reputation to some faction(s), and when you gain revered, you get some essential gear to the upcoming raid in that new area + mounts, vanity pets, etc..

Question, how big of a disadvantage will I be at if I decide not to roll any professions at all?

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Dwarf Bros, Nelf fags

Orc Bros, Undead fags

Which one do I pick?

Orc Shaman reporting in

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enjoy having no money for your mount at level 40

>uses Night elf image
Are you still mad that all the based Nightborne left your cucked civilization and favor make a far superior empire on land of the troll empire? Stay asleep cucks, Silvermoon will always be better than your shitty hippie commune

My class gives me a free mount so that's not an issue.

Male Draenei are unironically the coolest characters in game

Why the fuck would you do that? If you "don't want to do any professions" just pick up mining and herbalism for money.

you'll have a pretty serious lack of money, and almost all of them make levelling, dungeons and PvP easier
herb/alchemy is good for money and levelling, skinning/leatherworking is good for money, armor and bags etc
you'd have to be pretty retarded

it's only free because you spend way more money on spells and other shit as a warlock or paladin, and you have to complete a very lengthy quest for it too which will cost a lot of money and effort

>Retailfags this thread is about retail

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you still have to pay for your epic mount

Depends on the class and intended style of play. Most professions generate some income and sometimes gear you can use.

If you want to world pvp you'll want engineering. And a large fun part of the game is leveling up your professions. It's a pain in the ass to do it at max level, but thats also an option.

At the very least pick up 2 gathering professions for the money.

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Meant to say Highborne

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>Tfw picking both Mining and Herbalism during leveling.
Gonna pick that epic mount moment i hit 60lvl

this is proof that the only people who defend the honor system are people who don't know how it works.

>doesn't even have the spell he was famous for in WC3
>can't use stormstrike in raids due to debuff limit
>stuck as a shitty chainheal bitch
>threat reduction totem is the same as windfury

Face it shamans were hot garbage until these paladin elves joined the horde and fixed all the shaman problems.

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I hope you understand there wont be much of an economy right away. You probably wont be selling very much for at least the first month or two.

>want to be an alliance plate-user so I can wear the iconic gold eagle armor
>paladins are forced to heal since ret is a joke and warriors are garbage unless you have a friend with you all the time

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There is a small economy for things like the low level wands enchanting makes and bags. As well as good green items.

Whats wrong with healing pallys?
How noob are you to think Warrior is crap.

you can't track herbs and veins at the same time though. pretty inconvenient imo.

>want to play Classic
>even willing to pay for it
>don't want to give Nu-Blizz/Activision the money
Goddammit, I don't want to fund retail.

Basically this. It might take even longer for a proper economy to get going, too. I wouldn't expect a healthy auction house for a long while. It takes a lot of time to farm gold from mobs and vendor trash and it's going to take even longer before people have enough excess to start spending any of it on the auction house.

You're probably used to joining servers that are already established. People at those low levels wont have any money to spend on those things, they'll be mostly broke from learning spells and paying for shit like flight points and repairs.

>using the term noob in 2019


Ret is the undisputed king of the bgs. The secret is to snag a good 2h from a raid as an offspec weapon and get the blue ret pvp set while playing holy for awhile. Once you got your gear ready you swap to ret and dominate since ret paladins are gear based like warriors. Ret paladins shutdown a lot of burst dps based classes like shadow priests and mages.

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The only way for a market to change is to show it where demand is and what you're willing to spend money on. It's a bit idealistic, but showing Blizzard that there is money to be made on providing Classic and Classic-like content might just inform their business.

Pic unrelated since that's clearly a Warrior

why does that even matter, who gives a shit about what happens to retail

>you can't track herbs and veins at the same time though. pretty inconvenient imo.

It's literally just a 1 second press to track the other one. He hasn't already memorised all the spawns by this point on

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Think of it as voting for more classic. Hopefully the retail team gets laid off in masse when the game blizzard made in 2005 does better than their current game.

Can confirm that, as a rogue at least, Paladins were 1 of only 2 classes that I avoided in pvp. Shame that they get totally just down by ranged. Even with HoF they can't keep up long enough to kill a decent hunter or front mage.

Paladins basically have 3 health bars

Things sell pretty fast since everyone is leveling profs. They're just priced lower because people have little gold.

I wanna Warlock

They don't really need to though. Paladins exist as a force multiplier for other people. Everyone knows a paladin warrior duo is going to absolutely destroy anyone they come across. A geared ret paladin with a good T1+ weapon can absolutely kill other people.

Yeah and if ranged couldn't kill them would that mean they would become unstopable?

party like a warlock?

>not playing what you want because of minmaxing retardation in a 15 year old games with hardly any mechanics

You're fucking retarded.

Female Gnome Warlock for Male Tauren Warrior?

Which one is more fun, I was level 58 when BC hit so I missed out on the endgame in vanilla.

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This is fair, I guess I was just thinking 1v1

Yeah parties love warlocks

curses, soulstones, portals, CC

Good stuff

forever hordefag here. debating rolling alliance to try something new. what's the best race/class combo to get the most authentic alliance experience?

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Either way you'll basically always have a slot in raids. Maybe Warlock just because you'll have less competition. The nice thing about Warrior is that you can always switch in to some tank gear and run instances literally any time you want. Warrior also does a fuckton more dps later in the raid circuit, but Warlocks offer enough utility that they are always needed.



night elf cumrag

Have fun wearing a dress and healing every raid until you're guild gets all the gear they need and you're finally allowed to roll for off spec scraps.

come on man, do you really think even the flithy scrubs who follow minmaxers will take a non dwarf alliance priest seriously?


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dp or missionary spec?

Alliance Paladin obviously.
>slow as shit leveling
>un-killable most of the time
>can heal and "tank" along with medicore dps
>best looking sets T1 aside
>the best looking mount blizzard ever made to this day
>bgs are fucking fun as shit as a paladin

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male dwarf priest

living scat toilet

Human Male Prot Paladin, dabbling a bit into all 3 specs and tanking dungeons until 60, then building a guild of friends you made from all the countless dungeon runs through sheer charisma and becoming the main tank.

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Warrior if you want cool mechanics, warlock for huge crits and burst. Personally I find every class boring after playing warrior a lot constantly switching stances reacting to dodge, execute, managing rage and things like that. It's brilliant.

Dwarf priest/warrior or Human paladin are about as Alliance you can get

only rolled panda to shitpost and annoy kiddies

>playing with friends
I want casuals to leave.

not him, but dhks lasted until 2.0, didn't they?

my body is ready


If you have two people co-operate as a Healer + Tank team, you can pick up 3 random DPS and farm Stratholme Live for the enchanting materials.

>and you have to complete a very lengthy quest for it too which will cost a lot of money and effort
no one was talking about the level 60 mount.
the level 40 mount quest is a pretend quest called "click the trainer, click the spell".

>retail version

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should I join some elitest guild or just chill with some old school veterans that raid twice a week or so?

Depending on how much time is in between the content patches it might not even matter too much however Classic is a one time thing.

So im picking Alliance because I did Horde back in the classic days. I played an Undead Warlock and Orc Shaman in Classic. Made a Belf Paladin in BC. My question is what fucking class should I roll. Should I do something I know or struggle through making a warrior or something. I've never rolled a rogue ever but i'm worried there'll be a million rogues.

How did people find guilds in vanilla without LFG?


elitist guild only if you want to rush through leveling and focus only on doing raids as fast as possible. it is a viable option although most people will say vanilla isnt so much about the end game as it is leveling and PVP

Regional chats, friends, random people you meet. Here's the thing about vanilla, you had to actually communicate and meet people and you actually used your friends list. You'd do a quest with a random dude and become best friends and then you'd find other people to try some early dungeons with and then you'd say hi to people around and eventually join a guild and hang out with those people.

In-game chat
bnet forum
outside forums like mmo champion (forget when that was first around to be honest), wowhead, etc

The most obvious way people found each other is by pugging and discovering other players who are active when your guild is active. Then inviting them.

>Implying the release date isn't July 16th


>You will not like this game
>But I have been enjoying it all this time
You're such an embarrassing faggot user holy shit lmao

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I'm betting we get a concrete date very soon.

"SwoleBenji". Filter it out when you see him.

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>main tank
Nice joke, user! Now put on that dress and heal me.

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nightborne are mutant dick-sucking junkies just like the belves

>I’m worried there will be a million rogues
user, there are going to be even more warriors.

>The Defias plotline that starts in fucking Elwynn Forest continues all the way up to Blackwing Lair
That was pretty cool

Tfw i wanna progress in to TBC and Main Tank TBC.

Yeah but at least they're useful and i'll be a Chad DPS tank

I thought WoD would be the worst it could get.
I was wrong. Oh, so so wrong.
Legion was getting it back on the right track, but BfA has done so much damage to this game and driven away so many people idk if it can even recover.

The irony is despite showering you in epics nonstop, the game is extremely unrewarding.

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oh hey thats my birday

Elitist guilds actually end up spending less time raiding because they can clear content very quick. My current private server guild is pretty good and we only raid for 2 nights a week, about 3 hours each because we clear content really fast. If you join a shitty guild, that just means you’ll be spending more time wiping on already easy bosses.
>but vanilla raids are super easy compared to retail! It’ll be a walk in the park!
They are easy, but that doesn’t stop retards from taking forever in them. One of the guilds on my server - notorious for being full of retailfags and boomers - wiped on Gehennas so many times they disbanded. It’s going to happen in classic, too.

If everything is epic nothing is.

>implying most of those warriors won't say "i dont have a shield" when asked to tank

>wiped on Gehennas so many times they disbanded.
How the fuck is that possible? It's basically a trash mob.

>Be levelling up on nost as a resto shaman
>Ask for a warrior tank
>Guy shows up for Straholme
>Start pulling shit
>He has a level 20 shield
>He's getting fucking annihilated
Had to kick the faggot and go looking for another warrior and in the mean time it caused DPS to drop off. The """tank"""" was melting faster than a DPS would.

they were retailfags and normies

Shamans CAN tank dungeons

Technically but I was already rolling around with dps and healer gear.

It's possible if you have zero mob control, dogshit healers and retards that stand in Rain of Fire.

Does horde have anything similar?

I love nelfs. Wish I could play Pala as them though

Yeah I could possibly join this one group on release its mostly boomer veterans. But many years of mmo experience has taught me that past experience from the good days means shit compared to active people practicing their craft on private servers.

have 2 issues
1] I know how to play well but I dont have experience with vanilla bosses. Although I have seen plenty videos on it.
2] I dont know anybody on pserver scene.

Horde has mudhuts.

Nothing wrong with achievements.

and this is why alliance is the correct option in vanilla

I really want to mix it up maybe try a mage this time around instead of a rogue. But man I am gonna miss being top DPS in raids.

Fuck WoW classic. I hope you classicfags get put in camps.

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So what's the likelyhood of them tweaking the Tauren melee range so it doesn't cuck hunters for no good reason

Leveling is so fucking boring, I can't imagine people are going to love vanilla leveling which is even more tedious. I never even made it to level 60 when the game was new because I would rather dick around than try and seriously level.

>"dude naxx was so hard it took 3 months for a world first and only 1% of players even saw it!"
>look at world firsts
>2 of those 3 months were guilds being bottlenecked by 4 horsemen's 8 tank requirement
>KT was killed in 5 days
>look up aq40 world firsts
>the only bosses that weren't killed in the first week were optional bosses (because people were too busy attempting c'thun) and c'thun himself (who was literally impossible no matter what you did)
Really gets the noggin joggin.

You have autism. Leveling was one of the best parts about Vanilla. The world was rich and full of great areas to explore and some awesome quest chains. Pretty sure there was even undiscovered quests by the end of classic WoW.

>Pretty sure there was even undiscovered quests by the end of classic WoW.
do you know what datamining is

Yeah, but once you're done there's nothing but the shallow endgame stuff. Then you level alts that you'll never touch because unless you have absolutely no life you'll never touch them again.

Can't fucking help it bros I'm playing on retrowow

To be fair it's a miracle any bosses ever died considering most people were just clicking their abilities and keyboard turning

Didn't exist at that time because classic came out forever ago. IIRC there was a quest or two you needed to be a ghost to actually accept.

So? The Level 1-60 process can take weeks of time and running to get some preraid BiS gear can take another month or two. That's more time than you get out of most games. Then just dick around in PvP until you're bored and quit

>pretends to have played vanilla
>doesn't know what fucking thottbot is
Big yikes.

>LFM BRD link achiev

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Based nelf mommy.

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I mean we originally literally didn't even have quest markers. Thottbot didn't have accurate information about every quest

But when you actually think about it, there's no real reward for it. You spend hours grinding only to be able to play endgame content, you can't actually beat the game, you just make it so you can play more of it. It's pointless then, and it's even more pointless today. You could get the same kind of endorphins from classic that you could Diablo 2, or any other skinnerbox. Except Diablo 2 is a game that actually ends.

Thottbot was data mining, there wasn't some maniac just fucking manually typing it in.
And the vanilla world wasn't even touched until cata, that excuse wouldn't work even if thottbot didn't exist in vanilla.

The reward is the journey itself. Each level up, each new spell, each new quest, new regions and friends you make along the way are all rewards. I mean there is literally no point to anything if you break it down that way.

So unless you never experienced the journey, this will be a complete waste of time. But the majority of people who want to play already played and experienced everything the game has to offer, there's no mystery to it. So it'll just be a reworked WoW skinnerbox for people who think BfA isn't good, but will still play WoW regardless.

Unequivocally based and Nelfpilled

I mean I will just place a race and class I never got to experience in Vanilla and then go have fun with some 5 mans and maybe get a bit into PvP

I want to marry and impregnate a Night Elf, bros

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The cow people are in vanilla, right? That could be some fun.

I wonder when classic is successful enough if Blizzard will try making an expansion for it in a different direction than BC.

That sounds like it's really worth the $15 a month.


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>50 cents a day
It really is user

I mean video game companies are literally selling game for 70$ now and trying to shove DLC that costs more than 15$ down everyones throat. 15$ a month for what will probably be 100 hours or more of playtime is nothing because im not poor

I guess I'll just never understand the mindset of people who are still willing to play a themepark MMO in 2019. We should have progressed.

>demonology warlock
I'm not really designed to dps or tank!

We've literally regressed user. Look at the state of video games today

But you're supporting one of those companies, one who even puts paid microtransactions in said $15 monthly game. People act like they won't put the in-game store in classic, but for character services they absolutely will.

My ideal is after they finish Naxx, they open up a set of servers that allow for progression into a hypothetical 1.13.

Who gives a shit I just want to experience vanilla and I'll get to do that. I'm not buying their other shit so it doesn't matter

you mean nights will be finally as dark as they should be?

I guess some people just have stronger moral fiber.

>scrubs on here actually want to NOT minxmax, rush to 60, and do hardcore raid progression. raids are the only thing that matters in WoW

Was it ever confirmed that we get a toggle for updated race models? That is the only change I want
.t troll male

>Blizzard has been kicking their fanbase in the balls for a decade
>But I gotta have my WoW

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>We should have progressed.

how? what's the alternative? playing online with other people isn't a novelty anymore like it was when earlier mmos first dropped.

>High Elf stops using magic
>Turns into a Gollum looking hunch back
>Blood Elf stops using magic
>Turns into a Gollum looking hunch back
>Nightborne stops using magic
>Turns into the bastard child of a Mudokon vampire and a strip of overcooked bacon, before mutating beyond repair into a goul.
>Void Elf doesn't monitor daily magic use and maintain absolute perfect control at all times
>Gets consumed by the void and their asshole turns into a fissure that unleashes void abominations on Azeroth.
>Night Elf stops using magic
>Night Elf is fine and nothing bad happens to them.

Night Elves are, for all intents and purposes, the only "Pure" elves on Azeroth.
Nightborne, just like High Elves and all of their iterations, are just mutants that get the sakes because they abused magic and now can't live without it as an entire species.

Night Elves are quite literally peak evolution molded by a moon goddess and the the blood of the planet itself. All other elves are devolved and flawed from centuries of using fake magic.

it's a video game company, they aren't running sweatshops.

Something that has actual substance and doesn't rely on gimmicks like online play. The Witcher 3 is everything WoW SHOULD be today.

No, they're just running excessive crunch time on overworked employees to deliver a rushed and unfinished product at full price.

imagine having a low enough iq to still play wow

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This isn't north korea, all those developers have the skills and experience to leave and go elsewhere. Nobody is holding a gun to their head. Stop being such a cuck

You talk like a Boomer.
>Nobody is holding a gun to their head
There's this thing called blacklisting that's held over their heads if they don't cooperate. I bet you think you're going to be able to retire.


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>No point to playing WoW anymore when it offers nothing new but rinsing and repeating every element it has
>Might as well start putting your monthly sub towards artists who will fulfill your faction rape-and-gangbang fetish

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lol you aren't getting blacklisted from literally every major tech company because you decided to pursue a different job.

Go play Elysium. People here are going to be disappointed when Classic is even more corrupt with Blizzard's SJW's handling the community. Think you're going to be able to type [the knicker] jokes in chat again? You're not.

>anime poster
big yikes
probably plays ffxiv too rofl

fuck off retard

It's like upcoming expansion threads, nobody ever listens.

axed and voodoopilled

Maybe you shouldn't join tranny Yea Forums guilds if you're worried about someone reporting you for making underage tier jokes.

You think Blizzard's current community policing will be limited to Overwatch and Retail?

>want to RP in classic
>can't decide between being an investigator trying to figure out what the fuck is going on in Duskwood
>or enjoy Horde RP in the wilderness before blood elves ruined it

>what the fuck is going on in Duskwood
Night Elf retards let werewolves loose on the world. That's it.

Gimme a quick rundown on hunters in vanilla.
Are they particularly desirable in endgame content?

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every class serves a purpose

>misses the point of RP
It also doesn't explain why there's undead, or how things went to shit before the worgen showed up. Keeping in-character knowledge separate from out-of-character knowledge is important for RP.

Learning how to kite will be essential if you want to be useful, as will be using Eyes of the Beast to pull, and having Tranquilizing Shot.

Hunters are high iq with the potential shit they can do, but don't expect top dps in raids.