What is the first thing that comes to your mind when I say "Oblivion"

What is the first thing that comes to your mind when I say "Oblivion"

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Other urls found in this thread:


have you heard of the high elves

pummeling a horse's backside and healing him subsequently repeatedly to grind my weapon and restoration skills

Strange, he saw something in you.. trusted you.

Best game ever

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Comfy anvil

"At least it's not Skyrim"

potato faces

A game that is best reserved for nostalgia

You... I've seen you...


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Getting cucked by missed attribute points that the game never warned me about.

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Skyrim is better if you take the nostalgia glasses off

An RPG game.

Better time of my life

good times

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Near the city of Chorrol.
Near the city of Chorrol.

I get PTSD to the awful level scaling mechanics.
You can blame the Morrowind expansions for introducing that shit though.
I still love the game, top 10 even, but it falls lower than Morrowind and Skyrim because of the level scaling.

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Generic and boring fantasy

>Schw. Tr. d. Le.en.-W.
Krauts will know.

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the blue grass
everything about that game looked HORRIBLE
bloom everywhere, terrible normalmaps and specular, horrible animation and voice acting not to mention the fucking faces
but that because it was doing new things
but they had no excuse for the blue grass

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Wings of kynareth

Really good soundtrack

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>Wings of kynareth
Forgot about it completely.


Oblivion is the worst offender for this kind of grinding just because of how ridiculous it was. You could play through the entirety of the Fighter's guild and the main quest using Blades the whole time and still not get 100 in your Blades skill.

I got every one of my spell skills up in that game without ever actually using them in combat. The problem is that severity didn't affect experience. The following two spells would give you the exact same amount of Destruction experience when cast.

>Singe Self (Destruction)
Target: Self
Range: 0
Duration: 1 second
Damage: 1 Fire Damage
Cost: 1 Magicka

Target: Range
Range: 30 foot AoE
Duration: 12 seconds
Damage: 100 Fire Damage
Cost: 100 Magicka

Crushing disappointment.

Worst Elder Scrolls

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>leveling as a boy
>Oh cool, I can meditate and level up now! +2 Strength, +2 Constitution, +3 Personality

>leveling now
>can't rest now, my Oblivion leveling app says I need 3 more levels in Armorer and 7 more levels in Restoration then I can optimize my 5/5/1 leveling to reach max level at 42 to reduce the effect of scaling enemies later in the game while retaining the strongest power curve.

Honestly, just get a leveling mod. I've min/maxed out a modless game and it was the worst experience of my life.

The terrible face models.

"fuck, Oblivion was so much better than Basedrim"

"...with guns"

Fun fact about Oblivion. The music, is what I like to call "Death Touched." It cannot be replicated, it cannot be done again. For all of the positives, and flaws of this game, the soundtrack is something past the entire genre of a video game. It just happens, that Jeremy Soule, made this ost, for this piece of media, a video game.

Jeremey Soule, just when he was about to start writing and composing the music for Oblivion, was in a fateful, near death car crash. The doctor said to him that he doesn't realize HOW lucky he is, to be alive, and that he shouldn't be alive. He dodged death by inches.

After the accident, Jeremy said that he has never done this before, and just went into the room in which he makes music, and just put it down on paper. Exactly how he felt, exactly what he heard in his head, he just did it. He said "I just knew what I had to do." No second takes, not other attempts, he just allowed him self to make music, which reflected the beauty of life. All on his very FIRST take.





The music you hear in this game, is something that you won't hear in most pieces of other media. It is death touched, something only we can create.

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I also forgot to add one thing.

Apparently, Jeremy said on his facebook Bethesda haven't got to him about making the soundtrack for the new TES game, and he believes at this point, if he was involved, they would of told him about it. The new TES game, is quite literally


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I liked the world of warcraft soundtrack better. Sound in general is not one of oblivion's high points

Jeremy Soule is a goddamn musical genius when it comes to evoking feeling in a video game. I regularly use his music as background for my DnD games and have gotten a bunch of people asking if they can borrow my playlist for their games. 90% of it is his music.

morrowind had this too except you could also just use a trainer since there wasn't a cap per level on trained skills like oblivion

stop, using, a comma, like, it's, your hand, on a, friday, night

Blue grass? Are you blind?

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That's fucking disapointing Jeremy's music is the best part about these games.

Which is why it wasn't as absurd in Morrowind. In Morrowind you would just pop by a trainer whenever you had the money and wouldn't have to worry about it. In Oblivion you have to ration out training with your min/maxing so that you don't back yourself into a corner.



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the sword is blue, the grass looks green to me


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>blue grass

user, I agree with you, but the grass isn't blue, I think you may need to get your eyes checked, or you might be a little bit color blind

"Better than Skyirm"

The immediate thing that came to mind was

You... I've seen you.... Let me see your face. You are the one from my dreams. Then the stars are right, and this is the day.


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love hate relationship

why the FUCK are you posting a picture of Gridania
It is disappointing, with how long he's been with the series (since Morrowind, so over 15 years) but hopefully whoever else they use (presumably Inon Zur) manages to capture the ES spirit.

Best elder scrolls game that isn't Daggerfall

"For the Man Who Has Everything"

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throwback to when i was a kid and didnt know fast travel is a thing.
spent hours walking

Have you heard of the high elves?

patrick stewart is a legend no matter what he's in

The most soothing soundtrack ever

Came to post this. Played it a few years after release, heard all kinds of amazing shit about it, I fire it up and the game is pure fucking jank.

God's give me strength.

>Harvest Dawn


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Ambient music.


Comfy, but dumb.

When I was a kid I was introduced to the game by a friend's older brother who couldn't stand playing without cheating. He allowed me to play and I was just having fun leveling my Blade skill killing Rats. The brother said, "here, you'll have more fun like this" and then gave me max skills, max attributes, and all the spells through the console. Yeah it was neat to obliterate a zombie with a spell that I had no business knowing at that point in the game, but it felt hollow. He was super confused when I asked him to reverse it after two or so minutes.

Modded Oblivion is the comfiest TES game.

Prove me wrong.

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"casual trash"

>be me 9 years old
>get game magazine
>see pic in the magazine
>this is literally the greatest, best looking video game i have ever seen

good times men

Oblivion literally has only one single fault (the leveling system), barring that one flaw, it is the best Elder scrolls game hands down, no other game except maybe Daggerfall in the franchise has come that close to reaching the near RPG perfection Oblivion fell just short of achieving.

Prove me wrong, good luck because you can't

keep in mind Oblivion literally only needs one mod to make it one of the best RPG experiances. The other games need a laundries list of 100+ mods to fix their shortcomings and fuckups.

countless friends who would just lvl up skills and never complete the quests, then complain about how it's bullshit that videogames have stories and meaning because they're not supposed to be art, then continue to rip my shit apart after we graduated because I went back to play morrowind and daggerfall to learn the story

>Radiant AI

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morrowind is perfect

I always turn the music off when I play Oblivion. lol

very based

Horrible character creator

Super Vegeta’s Big Bang Attack



As with Morrowind, the horrible leveling system that put me off the game.

>no horses
>cant own property
>tiny as fuck game world no bigger then disnyland
>despite this manages to be even more of a walking simulator then the other games because you character moves at the pace of a slug

Morrowind is the most overrated game in the series, Skyrim had issues but at least it was still a fun experiance.

How do you get more healing spells? I've only got heal minor wounds and heal major wounds

game that i wish i could immerse myself with, but which is too silly for that

The assassin's guild and fighter's guild. And the grey prince quest line. But the dark brotherhood questing was some of the best kind of shit I expected from a game like this. And the daedric statues were a blast, too.
Of course I'm then reminded of the oblivion gates....

huge and dense forest

Mages guild

>blue grass

Rice farms

What if accessing Arcane University isn't an option?

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Just slowly put the difficulty down. Easy fix if you don't wanna abuse any of the absolutely broken parts of the system, like I didn't.

Buy them from mages, shops or get to the arcane university and craft your own spells

>blue grass
nigga I am legit going to need you to explain this one

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one of 2 good songs grimes has ever released

Chapels have NPCs that sell Restoration spells.

Turok 3 where you play as turoks spawn.

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Try asking from the priests in churches they usually sell some anvil in particular (if you dont have Knight's of the Nine dlc)

I don't understand why the amount of Experienced wasn't based on amount of magnitude of the effect. Dealing 100 damage should give 100 times the experience when compared to 1 damage Same with healing. Same with Charming.

this youtube.com/watch?v=mWLZ07U85h0

seriously I played it blind when I was a kid and distinctly remember starting at the highest difficulty setting and having to gradually lower it just because of how ridiculously outscaled I got
much later when I played morrowind for the first time I cautiously set the difficulty in the middle and actually had to do the opposite and increase it because of how exponentially stronger you get in that game, kek

Find this guy.


>Sneaking around a house in the imperial city
>Its all quiet
>Suddenly you hear the sound of heavy armor coming closer

>everything about that game looked HORRIBLE
it looked like the prettiest game ever to me back then

Incredibly boring and overrated game. Possibly one of the worst RPG's I've ever played, and I played a few.

Horse armor

The Khajiit highwayman on this bridge, for some reason

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Bondage mods

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I don't know you, and I don't care to know you.

That's kino atmosphere right there


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I started modding it again.

Going well so far

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is this mainly the ambient occlusion at work or are there other shaders involved? how is performance?

I want to go home

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What are the essential mods for a first playthrough? Anything that fixes the scaling issues?

Performance is great, solid 60 everywhere.

No ENB just yet. But planning on adding one soon.

Yeah. It's an anonymous board, dumbass.

Dipping down slightly to find Fingleam and fight slaughterfish. Oh and some of the best quests in any game I’ve ever played. Honestly can’t believe they put so much effort into the “radient” quest system in skyrim (making it work not quality assuarance) instead of having more well thought out questlines like in oblivion. Even the basegame was full of awesome pen and paper-y quests and then you have shit like Shivering Isles. Compare that shit to Skyrim DLC it’s appalling. Also no memeing about horse armor it’s completely irrelevant.

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The most beautiful jump in graphics I have ever seen and will ever see most likely in my lifetime

The fact that the king just sits in a fucking prison cell the entire time I’m gone. Also the guards were shit.

>Compare that shit to Skyrim DLC it’s appalling
What? Dragonborn is one of the best expansions to grace the series, and Dawnguard is fantastic as well.

Fine if you find it boring but I don’t think it’s overrated. Everyone agrees on its flaws in the fan community we just see the heart and charm past them. RPGs are often overrated but I don’t really think Oblivion is.

I don't know you, and I don't care to know you.

comfiest atmo ever period, skyrim was close but oblivion was way better

Man fair enough, they’re fleshed out and a return to form compared to most beth DLCs but the point I was making is that the questlines are less robust and the worlds the DLC take place in are far and away less interesting than SI. I was more thinking about DG, just not my thing.

Casualized garbage that hit it off with the console audience

"I disagree."

FCOM can be a bitch to install sometimes.

nickies black, these days

Oblivion is the best game to come out of Bethesda, some people claim that Daggerfall is better but I would not know, the people who claim that Morrowind is better are lairs, sure Morrowind is a fantastic game with incredible lore and world-building but Oblivion is a better game even with its flaws. Oblivion quest design outshines Morrowind massively and the Shivering isles are the best the series is ever going to be with more meaningful quests then we had ever seen before and since.
There are massive flaws,
The levelling issue (not as bad as people make out but it does limit what kind of characters you can make)
The lack of voice actors.
Item level scaling (this is a huge issue and people hardly ever talk about it, all the anti oblivion people don't seem to know about it, almost like they never played long enough.)
But taking it all in this was an incredible game, its the only elder scrolls game that can be fixed up and made wonderful with only a few mods.

stop right there criminal scum

>and Dawnguard is fantastic as well.
>"we need to use 500 Elder Scrolls or it wont feel EPIC enough" - the dlc

>one guy made all the dungeons in the whole game and it shows
>nothing in said dungeons except leveled listing loot so slogging all the way to the end isn't worthwhile after clearing your 5th animal cave, zombie tomb, whatever
>enemies reached absurd damage sponge ranges where a lich has 300HP and youre dealing 10-15 damage a hit after armor is factored in
>there's 3-4 liches in a room and there's 5-8 rooms
>bandits running around in full daedric
>most baseline fantasy trope world of trolls ogres and goblins straight from 1970s D&D
>oblivion gates are an absolute slog that lose all their charm after you've ran your first gate
>story is bad, even by normal beth standards

There's a whole laundry list of things that I could go on about but you're right a few mods can fix a lot of issues. I've sunk a lot of hours in Oblivion and it's a game I've never had the urge to go back to. The quests are pretty fun though.

>are lairs
what kind of lair are we talking about? are they like a villain's lair or like a lair from starcraft

My issue is that it forces Vamp-waifu on you no matter what. Sure, the average liberal fan will take her along because she seems nice, is pretty, is a cool vampire, and helps you. But anyone role-playing a vampire hunter is going to fucking annihilate her no matter what. The worst part is that she's not really necessary for the story either, she's just kinda shoe horned in.

The White race



That's more a problem with Skyrim itself, and while I think Skyrim is actually way better than Oblivion, I can understand why you think that 100%.
I think the concept of it is a lot more interesting than you really let on. Vyrthur somehow rewrites the prophecy of the Elder Scroll, and that's what incites Harkon's madness.


I don't know man its like 4AM, I should have used the word "Pedant" it would suit you better.
I adressed that shit and some of the stuff you mention is not a flaw at all its just a manor of taste, oh and your lich example is bullshit and I keep seeing it popping up so nice copypasta I suppose.

A potato face NPC standing in front of a castle wall with incredibly harsh bloom lighting, and their facial expression keeps changing every 10 seconds.

It's just a matter of tastes, and your tastes are shit.

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>solid 60 everywhere
is the game capped or are you using vsync? what if you uncap it?

are you referring to the jump from this to Crysis one year later?

I wish elder scrolls would have stayed something mystical you never get to see, or at least just as a prop you see when oob.
How many do you get in your inventory in skyrim, like 3, 4? that's dumb

They don't have to be something you never see, just something that are treated right. See: Oblivion's Elder Scroll.


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>Atrocious models
>Boneless rubber chicken combat
>"Speak quickly, outlander. Or go away"
>Play morrowind instead

Silly progression system. (But thank goodness for OblivionXP.)

Standing next to a bed, conjuring until i'm out of mana, sleeping and rinse and repeat for 3 hours until i'm a grossly over powered necromancer. Proceeding to play the game as an ARPG as a summoner class.

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Different user here. The Lich example is not a fucking exaggeration. If anything he undersold it. I min/maxed a 5/5/1 leveled character starting with Endurance for maximum HP. At 42 with 100 skill in everything, 100 attributes, and a max leveled Goldbrand over-reinforced to 125% durability you'll do around 30 or so physical damage per swing with an additional 22 points of Fire damage on top of that. So around 52 points of damage on your initial swing. This damage is lowered every time you swing your weapon due to durability being lowered. Additionally after 76 swings you lose 22 fire damage and have to recharge the weapon.

Now lets look at the most common enemy encountered at level 42. The Goblin Warlord. You'll encounter this one by far the most. A Goblin Warlord at level 42 unmodded has 1260 life not counting armor rating which would assuredly raise it's effective HP by more. Assuming the Goblin is paralyzed and not fighting back and you're only doing normal swings it will take your over-reinforced Goldbrand with 100 strength, 100 blade, and max charge 24 swings to kill. 24 swings! And that's assuming the Goldbrand stays at 125% durability the whole time, which it won't. Now consider that in the average Goblin cave you're encountering 2-3 goblins per room and there are approximately 4-6 rooms per Goblin cave. After killing 3 goblins you'll have to waste an entire Grand Soul Gem to refill your Goldbrand and use a repair hammer to get it back up.

The most efficient way to play the game and still kill things is to wear full magicka enchanted armor, be filled to the brim with either Magicka potions and use overtuned destruction spells that take like 300 magicka to cast after you've used a Magicka/Fire weakness spell on the target. Past that it's easier to just focus on killing important quest enemies or bosses and use invisibility to bypass the trash.

TL;DR - The game's scaling is wack and even a perfect character takes too long to kill things.


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Oblivion is nothing without the music and the lore, it's what makes me "buy" the world as a believable place to live in. Visually it's nothing impressive nowadays, but there are new games that look far better, whose worlds still feel like fake playgrounds because they lack these two elements. Hell even some of Beth's later games aren't as believable as Morrowind and Oblivion.

Standing a little ways away from an archery target that an Imperial Guard was shooting arrows at for practice. Running in every 5 arrows and stealing them for myself, then going back to my spot and waiting for another 5 shots. Game considered them wild loot, i.e. not theft, so the Guard never came after me. Got like 250 steel arrows this way.

Can you believe zoomers will call these glum sloglands "comfy" soon?

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yea OG Skyrim looked bleak and disgusting. It's why I would always install environment overhauls. Huge lush forests in the green areas, realistic snow and tons of sparse dead trees nearing the mountain rangers. However, Skyrim was the only Bethesda game I felt the absolute need to mod. Oblivion was just nice from the word go. So much more colorful and vibrant.

Honestly, probably the music. Ignoring that, the cool shit you can do messing around in it.

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>oh and your lich example is bullshit and I keep seeing it popping up so nice copypasta I suppose.
No, it's not. I'm so like I said, I fucking love the game enough to keep it in top 10, but level scaling brings it down so many points that it's very sad actually.
As detailed, unless you're playing "purposely broken character" you will just be sitting there whacking things for 2-5 minutes past level 25.
It isn't fun and NEEDS to either be modded out or ignored by never leveling up, unless you want to play broken infinite magicka mage, which I don't enjoy nearly as much as playing tons of varied playstyles.


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Compare this to vibrant as fuck oblivion and it's SWAYING TREES.


Well met

I wan't a fan of it either but I have to give them props for trying to go in a different direction

Pic related gameplay footage

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Oblivion had god tier RPG quests

I cant believe there are early 20 year olds that re nostalgic for oblivion. That shit appeals to faggots that don't even like rpgs

Annoying goblins screeching.

Better than Skyrim, shittier than Morrowind.

That's where Nick's mom lives

They basically just started making the game, I doubt he won't be in it



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A man of culture as well


Maam's BBB

He did the music for Guild Wars too
based man

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Maskars oblivion overhaul iirc. Anything else is up to taste as you discover things you don't like in the game like the crime system or combat or graphics

In 2016, Soule composed the soundtrack for virtual reality game The Gallery. Discussing the project on Facebook, Soule stated that he will "mostly will just work on VR from this point onward if it involves a game. Anything non-VR bores me."


In lots of vampire stories vampires and hunters are forced into at least a temporary truce

Like Blade 2 or Abraham Lincoln Vampire Hunter and his friend Henry (vampire)

>>story is bad, even by normal beth standards

I love that you're not the chosen one and you're just a regular dude who achieves greatness and in the end the heroes basically fail and the line of the emperor is gone

i hope you're still here so you can kill yourself. that user had a masterful use of the comma that was very organic and enjoyable to read.

it's even worse because desolate environments like these can be beautiful, look at the real life inspiration, and yet in game it's just murky trash

>That shit appeals to faggots that don't even like rpgs

Oblivion's quests are absolutely great rpg tier quests with things like choices and moral gray areas

It's a shame. I think the songs are fine, but Oblivion's not-so-great audio system had me bored and even annoyed at these songs, kind of like setting a song for an alarm on your phone. The sudden starts and stops weren't that fun, either.
Skyrim's audio system was much better, and overall I have better memories of the way the music felt during gameplay than Oblivion.

The first thing I think of when I see that image is
"Why the fuck did those retards make elder scrolls an in game item? Fuck, well at least it isn't completely generic fantasy with dragons and shit"

This would be fine in a JRPG, but the Elder Scrolls games are supposed to be about choice and choosing how you go about an adventure. I understand that you're railroaded a lot of the time with only a guise of freedom thrown over the adventure, but allying with the vampire felt particularly egregious. Especially because even when you bring her back to the Dawnguard everyone is cool with her including the Redguard who gets hard just thinking about vampires being ashed.

The issue is it wouldn't be too hard to count her out of the adventure, but still have an ally to bring around. Like maybe there's a vampire lore expert Breton who joined the Dawnguard, but isn't much of a combatant and joins you and gives you all the exposition that vamp-waifu does. I'm just saying there should have been a vampire and non-vampire ally to choose from in a DLC all about choosing between Vampires and the Dawnguard.

Hell, the Dragonborn DLC and Shivering Isles are just as railroady in my opinion, but they pull it off with a basic enough explanation that you don't feel like you're being jerked around by the writers.

But you ARE the chosen one. Uriel literally tells you he saw you in his dreams, not to mention the Elder Scrolls hold prophecies of EVERYTHING in the universe, literally spelling out "this prisoner will help end the oblivion crisis and become sheogorath."

Why don't you just custom enchant a stronger weapon?

An absolutely kino soundtrack is always the first thing that comes to mind

Ehh, all of the Elder Scrolls games suffer from Chosen One syndrome and Oblivion isn't completely innocent even if it's the least offensive. You're still somewhat of a chosen one. The divine influenced emperor is all over your dick from the first moment. Past that it's fine though.

In my opinion, despite the name, the Dawnguard side of things was thought of later, when they realized player choice is exactly why half of the players might not even do they DLC if it was vampires only.


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The weird way it zooms in on characters when you talk to them.

Well think of it like this, if I saw the future and told you that tomorrow you will stop a mugging in a chance encounter, does that mean that you were predestined by fate to be the hero who saves that one person? That no one else on earth could possibly have done that?

Whereas in something like skyrim it almost feels like your victory was directly handed to you by akatosh and you don't actually have any agency nor do you really deserve any credit. Same with most other chosen one stories

In oblivion it feels like the emperor told you that you will do something great, it could've been anyone else, but you will be the one who actually chooses to do it.

>create some mega enchant weapon that deals every damage with every magic weakness for one second on strike
>has like 10 charges before running out

Really to fix the broken leveling scale they should've removed item charges and the game would be almost balanced then

just put soul trap on it lol

Totally different from being a god-spirit with incredible power like skyrim

I actually miss that, although Fallout 3/NV handled it better. The new "cinematic" mode doesn't feel as personal.


You can do that, but I was using an item everyone has access to in order to illustrate a point. Even taking that into account however, the base physical damage will actually be lower even if the enchanted attack can be much stronger. The trade off is a horribly inefficient item that drains souls far more quickly than it takes in essentially leading you back to the most optimal way to play which is to create an invisibility, fortify speed, fortify athletics spell and zip through enemies until you get to one you actually have to kill.

However, you are right. A custom enchanted weapon is definitely stronger than Goldbrand and could more effectively kill monsters, but you'd be recharging it just as often, if not more often than a Goldbrand.

>uses up more charges with soul trap enchant effect
>gotta carry 100x soul gems
>gotta stop every fight to refill soul on weapon

dats gud combat

Soul Trap doesn't funnel the souls into the item. It funnels it into a soul gem which you can then dump into the item to recharge it. It essentially just adds more busy inventory work to combat.


didn't get the joke did you.

>what is Azura's Star

Also an Amber sword with a Drain Health / Weakness to Magic / Soul Trap enchant had like 30 charges IIRC, and it could kill anything in like 5.

Came here to post this

This image


I've never felt like that in Skyrim. In Skyrim it felt like everyone was telling me what to do despite my power, with the only people respecting me because of it being "other" dragons.

I would say Morrowind and Oblivion are about even in this regard in that both make you sort of a chosen one but at the same time you have actual agency rather than a guarantee of victory

Morrowind implies that the Nerevarine could be something like a title that's given to anyone who survives the trials or perhaps you become it by mantling Nerevar through the trials, rather than a clear cut "you're predestined to win and be the best" sort of thing.

Oblivion feels like if anyone else was in that cell they'd get the same opportunity as you did, and you chose to help and do everything you possibly could and through your actions you went from Zero to Hero

I remember an ost called oblivion lol

I love anvil, I can even hear the gulls and smell the salty sea air

that isn't how it works tho

>and smell the salty sea air
Who wants to tell him?

the tom cruise movie that was pretty cool

This is a fair point, although I did feel important and respected when you had to use your political clout to cause a truce in a civil war by asking nicely and getting the Jarl of Whiterun to host it iirc. Plus getting him to help you capture a dragon

But it infuriated me to no end when the blades dared give you an ultimatum on your friend Paarthurnax without ever helping you, doing anything useful or proving themselves valuable. Like how the fuck do you give your boss orders?

>this is your brain on TN panels
That or you're colorblind and don't know. Or you're retarded.

Tell him what?

Let's get to bashing butts, as well as DEEZ NUTS

and potato faces

I think that part was a great point of "you're a hero but it doesn't mean we're stopping our war just so you can be one"
It's only through the negotiations that you even manage to get it to happen, not because you're the great hero you are.
And about Paarthurnax, that's even more what I mean. The Blades saying outright "your'e the Dragonborn but do this for us"

I've fought mudcrabs more fearsome than you!
Good people, we have a winner! All hail the combatant from the blue team! Victor from the blue team, leave the arena now and rest. You've earned it.

>not todd howard's face

The blades literally say that they live to serve the dragonborn, yet they're ordering them around. Fucking prepostorous writing. At least let me kill them after they outlived their usefulness.

Oblivion was the first open world game I played and it blew my mind. Exiting the sewers for the first time, looking around the world and realizing that I could go anywhere was unforgettable. Without nostalgia clouding the game, its still got some great quest writing like the murderous dinner party, the creepy town with the secret sacrificial chamber, the anvil haunted house etc etc. The world was pretty small but had cool and fun little details, the kinda stuff that's sorta missing in the more realistic skyrim. also soundtrack is GOAT.

>The worst part is that she's not really necessary for the story either, she's just kinda shoe horned in
The whole story is about her. It's literally about her family and her blood that fuels the bow in the prophecy.

I was thinking about replaying Oblivion recently, what are some good mods for someone who has played the game to hell and back vanilla? And should I roll multiple characters for the specific guilds and their questlines?

GOAT soundtrack

Attached: 1537402421492.png (395x296, 187K)

Deadly Reflex
Oblivion character overhaul
Oblivion XP
Darn UI
The unofficial patches
Oblivion Script Extender
Natural Environments
Oblivion Graphics Extender
Weather - All Natural
Enhanced Camera

this, always this

Playing on a shitty laptop with the game modded to hell and back. Scarlet Monastary and Attack of the Droids with fuckloads of followers were the most fun I had.
I wanna go back, but I've gotten really used to Mod Organizer and Skyrim- is there anything out there that can automatically download and install mods like MO, or is it all manual? Anyone got the chart for races and classes?

>Implying Todd would want to shill Oblivion, not Skyrim

Do you have the time
To listen to me whine

Thanks m8

Attached: 1454891737580.jpg (301x267, 25K)

>Be me
>At a fancy cafe the other day with gf
>youtu.be/MnYnXwx9OfI starts playing over the cafe speakers
>think it's a joke for a second
>can't stop laughing as I imagine people in the cafe start talking to each other in shitty Oblivion dialogue
>gf doesn't understand because she's a pleb
>cafe plays a few other songs from movies and a skyrim song while we're there.

Pretty good experience/10


Don't die on me.


Attached: 1551095230186.gif (225x180, 1.25M)

It's a gift for the man who has everything

No, it was distracting and grammatically incorrect. Christ user, have you read a book recently?

Skooma, man I'm jonesing hard for some skoom.

Attached: Khajiit Merchant.jpg (1216x1191, 508K)

Is this thread because the games currently on sale on steam for cheap?

Better Cities
That one improved landscapes mod that I can't think of the name of
Full FCOM install

>skyrim better
it really isnt, it was your first game or u just like games with less rpg mechanics

the only elder scroll game that matters

Attached: 983094823094.jpg (1280x720, 188K)

>ost for oblivion isnt a high point
I think you may be the only person to ever say this


Lack of jungle.

Attached: tqngo3gw2on21.png (2380x1490, 34K)

>despite this manages to be even more of a walking simulator then the other games because you character moves at the pace of a slug
boots of blinding speed and a 1 sec resist magicka 100% spell, you fucking utter mongoloid. Seriously, kys

weird japanese mods

>you need to find one specific magic item and use an exploit to get around its downsides for the game to be playable
user, you are the mongoloid. I'm not even that fag, I think the movement speed is literally fine, but pretending BBS are a solution to that people should always find is just retarded.

>first time playing morrowind
>playing a dunmer because when in rome
>find the boots
>learn how to angle myself in straight lines and follow paths on the minimap
>find out about the resist magicka trick after 50 hours /played and having completed most of the game
>feel like an absolute chimp, but have mastered running around morrowind blind
Eventually I replayed the game and made my character into an immortal god chad with boots of blinding speed, levitate, and fortify speed potions. Morrowind has the worst start of the Elder Scrolls games, but the absolute best reward for playing to the end.

Wtf are you even talking about, im not the one crying the movement speed is too slow. Focus on training speed in the first few levels and use the transport links, silt strider, boats, guild teleport, propylon's and the movement is fine. But even if you did want to run everywhere like an idiot, you can get BBS IN 5 FUCKING MINUTES OFF THE BOAT! Rendering that other fucking retards point about slug movement utterly moot.

i started an unarmed character how fucked am i

Fucked, but not as fucked as you'd be if you made one in an unpatched Morrowind.

Skyrim is the only game where "unarmed" is even possible, and that's only if you enchant the fuck out of your armor.