why does Yea Forums hate BioShock?
I thought the first two were pretty good.
Why does Yea Forums hate BioShock?
because this board is full r/gaming refugees who are trying to fit in by hating everything that's popular
contrarians who claim linear sentry defense three was good
They prefer weeb shit where you play as a 8 year old cat girl
They have not had the opportunity to fully appreciate what an excellent game it is, and how the sequel managed to be just as engrossing and twice as fun.
I imagine a lot of these people post about system shock which is a clinically inferior game.
2 > 1 > infinite
This game has gotten some of the most retrospective backlash I've seen.
Kinda retarded, it was cool for the time and still one of the best settings in recent years.
BioShock: story>gameplay
BioShock 2: gameplay>story
two of my favorite games of all time. I hate having to acknowledge Infinite even exists.
We like to be contrarian here
Mechanically the first Bioshock is mediocre as fuck. The only genuinely great thing about it is the worldbuilding and the twist. Everything else was leagues better for Bioshock 2
Minerva's Den >>> Bioshock 2 > Bioshock >>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> Bioshock Infinite
Isn't it Zionist propaganda or something, otherwise solid 10/10 game.
reddit invasion is why
>differentiating between 2 and Minerva's Den for no reason
Bioshock 2 has some of the most dull and repetitive gameplay of all time. How anyone can play that game and enjoy it astounds me.
It has a lot of fundamental issues, and totally falls apart in the last quarter of the game.
Bioshock 2 as actually good though.
It is System Shock lite, no thanks.
Bioshock wants to be SS, but has no depth of that one.
Still has the best atmosphere in any fps
It's just that good
It does not.
>why does Yea Forums hate BioShock?
said no one ever
t. the splicer i drilled his head off for trying to mess with my daughter
You're wrong, but ok
Just finished replaying 1 and 2 Remastered and I agree. Lamb is a shit villain, but the level design in 2 is so much better than 1.
Play more games.
SS is inferior in every respect. A clunky, slow, monotonous, repetitive, insufferable experience held back by the technological limits of its time. Bioshock is the formula done right, by the same people trying and succeeding at making a better game. SS is an ugly thrust at the future, Bioshock was a discordant reverie for what was beautiful 2 generations removed. Do not attempt to out-articulate me you greentexting sea slug.
Since everyone is a newfag ill explain. BioShock comes from the System Shock series. These games are know as immersive sims. Games where player agency is a major part of both the gameplay and/or story. BioShock is technically an immersive sim but many old school System Shock and immersive sim fans consider it to be heavily dumbed down.How is it dumbed down? There are several reasons. First is level design, the original System Shock series had large sprawling dungeon crawler-esque levels while BioShock opted for more linear half-life style levels. Second, BioShock removed the inventory management system that System Shock 2 had. This removed a lot of the stress and tension from trying to juggle what you needed in System Shock 2. Third, System Shock 2 had a fully fledged RPG system, albeit a terribly balanced system, that allowed specing your character into different weapon classes and psionics. BioShock had the opportunity to fix the RPG system from System Shock 2 but, they instead created a more traditional FPS with a very simple upgrade system. This meant your second play though would be fairly similar to your last since you would have the same upgrades and weapons. There are other nitpicks likes objective markers, easy to find door codes and removing the need to hunt down the nearest re-spawn tube in a new area. Old school fans dislike this because it removes the pleasure from self discovery. People also complain the big twist was a rip off of System Shock 2's twist.
IMO BioShock 1-2 are fantastic, while I miss the old school mechanics from System Shock 2, the gameplay in BioShock is far FAR superior to System Shocks clunky shooting and broken RPG system. It's actually possible to make the game unbeatable by picking the wrong upgrades. My hope for system shock 3 is a mix of the smooth game play from BioShock with the inventory and sprawling level design of the original shock games.
>BioShock: story>gameplay
what a sad statement.
2 is the best
The first Bioshock game is god tier until the twist and then the last couple levels are fucking stupid.
The second Bioshock game is unambiguously better gameplay wise and has a story that, while lacking the bombast and spectacle of 1, is more human and has more likable and relatable characters and actual choices that hinge on your ETHICS and not the insanely binary choice of "would you murder a defeneseless child or not?" and it has, for me personally, one of my favorite endings in any video game, ever.
Infinite sucks. Burial at Sea sucks more but it's hilarious that Levine's refusal to acknowledge 2 at all means that Bioshock 2 is the only game in the series free of Infinite's taint.
SS2 is one of the most influential PC titles ever, while everyone remembers Bioshock just because of the cool twist.
Oh yeah and Minerva's Den is fucking incredible, has one of the most relatable, human protagonists in a modern video game and an ending that is probably the most satisfying in the series while still being tinged with a bittersweet edge that keeps it from feeling saccharine, like the good endings in BS1 and BS2. It fucking bends my mind like a pretzel that the people that came up with Minerva's Den went on to make Gone Home, a game with some of the worst characters and one of the most hilariously nothing endings I've ever seen in a video game. To this day, I just do not fucking get it.
You sound like a teenager who hasn't played any of the older system shock games.
System Shock 2 is beatable with any build configuration, it being unbeatable without hacking is a myth that someone who hasn't beaten the game would repeat.
There's no real inventory management in SS2 unless you're investing in two weapon branches, and even then you would normally invest enough STR points that you wouldn't have much of an issue. This isn't like Prey where you have too many crafting materials clogging up your inventory.
Also the gameplay in SS2 is actually much smoother if you calibrate your build correctly. The pace is much slower and enemies will usually go down in one or two hits as long as you are hitting them with a weapon that you've invested enough cyb modules in. Bioshock enemies suffer from health bloat and an excess in recoil.
You epitomize why I don't like talking about SS2 on this board. You just seem to repeat word gore and the opinions of other people. Also you prefer Bioshock, which is a horrible opinion to have. I hate people on this board who don't know what they're talking about, but still write paragraphs of garbage.
ss depth?
Literally the best thing in that game was maxing guns and just using the assualt rifle with special ammo Lol
name a shooter that has more atmosphere than bioshock 1
i will always bioshock for having the gene system and having the weapon upgrade visually which was just cool as fuck and one of the main reason infitine sucks dick for nixxing
gene system upsets me becuase its possibly the coolest rpg mechanic without being too "rpgy" that was just underused and half baked. It will never see its potential
How do you quantify atmosphere and what are your parameters of it? As far as immersive worlds go, the original Deus Ex definitely has my vote.
deus ex has style not atmosphere
The creaking of rapture and sounds in the distance with half of the lights working in and out
There is nothing like it in shooters let alone in gaming. even bioshock 2 my favorite of the franchise doesn't quite have the oomph bio1 has
I play it to satisfy my ancap fantasies
>deus ex has style not atmosphere
This is the stupidest thing I have read here in a while, congrats.
You can have an opinon but its wrong
deus ex does't have atmosphere, it has blank face npcs walking back and forth waiting to be crossbow'd in bright empty hallways.
I think DXHR has style and atmosphere. The black and gold aesthetic is used to unify the world and keep a consistent style which I think adds to the world building, showing the opulent interiors at Sarif and Tai Long and now it compares to the drab street level.
>Literally the best thing in that game was maxing guns and just using the assualt rifle with special ammo Lol
Adrenaline Overproduction, SOMA Transference, Invisibility + Localized Pyrokineses, Maxed out grenade launcher, and probably some others are way better than the souped up pistol that is the assault rifle. Assault rifle can be OP too, but you probably don't even know which psionic power you combine it with in order to clear rooms of enemies out.
You probably just followed a guide that recommended the assault rifle + hacking, if you even played the game at all.
I finished it only once, and i just naturally put my points into guns because yeah there is like 50 fucking abilties, and i didn't feel like restarting if it threw my points in a worthless ass abilty
The last level of that game is bullshit i had to load in an older save just to stock up on anti personal
But When you think about it why use 5 abilities with a max out gun that require knowledge on how to get and use when you can just press left click with the assault rifle?
i'm only talking about the the first deux ex
I actually never got around to playing revolution, is it any good? I Got Mankind divided from humble bundle and that was hot garbage, to the point i unistalled that shit by hour 2
>But When you think about it why use 5 abilities with a max out gun that require knowledge on how to get and use when you can just press left click with the assault rifle?
Because some people are not brainlets.
Because, sweetheart, maybe the reason you were having trouble with the last stretch of the game is because *ahem*
>maxing guns and just using the assault rifle
>LMAO just press left click with the assault rifle
isn't actually all that powerful.
There aren't any worthless abilities. Name one (one) psi ability that you think is worthless and I can instantly tell you which part of the game it is useful in or which build you could include it in to make it useful.
System Shock 2's RPG systems are actually MORE balanced than Bioshock or even games like Prey, Deus Ex, or VTMB. It's only people who follow guides for like one playthrough, or have never even played the game that bitch about it being poorly designed. The only "bad" decisions would be like maxing out repair to 6 or getting the OS upgrade that auto fills out the map.
Do you even know what the word atmosphere means?
or some people don't need or want to restart a game 50 time or look at a guide just to know which psy abilties are good and which are bad
Do you?
Because deus ex doesn't have it.
How come?
There aren't any bad psi abilities. Listen, I'm not going to attack you for not having literally 150 hours in the game like I do.
But if you barely know anything about the game, why are you trying to criticize it?
You're like a 10 year old who barely knows the moves of chess trying to explain to a grandmaster why the queen is the only good chess piece and everything else sucks.
Deus ex is a game with very little ambiance, about shooting blank face npc's with a crossbow patrolling tiny bright lit hallways.
Im honestly starting to think its not even boomers defending this old overrated shit, and its like 16 year olds trying to hard to fit in with hardcore gaming
because if you need 150 hours of restarting to know whats good and whats bad
Is that not worth criticism? Like your getting on my grill because i used a slighty less viable method that doesn't reading a fucking 50 page guide.
I completed the game thats better than 99% of the people who ever touched it, what more do you want to stop your sperging?
>Deus ex is a game with very little ambiance, about shooting blank face npc's with a crossbow patrolling tiny bright lit hallways.
Do yourself a favor and just stop, you have said too much of nonsense for one day.
also same user
No bad psys?
please sir i looked though them, and i can already tell a decent amount are shit
>hour 2
But that’s the whole game user
HR is pretty solid though, go in blind and it’s great.
Stop pretending man
like your not adding anything
I told you why and your only response is literally "SHUT UP SHUT UP YOUR WRONG"
Bioshock 2 was the first and last game I ever pre-ordered
>Yea Forums is one person
i love it, it is my favourite game ever