Why does Yea Forums hate Sony so much?
Why does Yea Forums hate Sony so much?
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Yea Forums hates whatever is popular
they prioritize trannies and cutscenes over actual gameplay
Nobody hates Sony
People hate the shitposting spamming and flooding by the Jabrony with their stupid wojak
>Shit up the place with consolewar faggotry
>bro why do they hate us
Oh jeez oh man
>why do you hate cancer
Yea Forums hates Sony as much as they hate Nintendo. Both has child-like fandoms who worship them while refusing to any criticisms to their glorious multi-million dollar companies. Stop trying to claim martyrdom.
*triggers incels*
I always see more shitposts shitting on Sony, than I see Sony shitting on anyone else.
They censor games and alienate people like me.
Because it's a successful company.
Because they're not Nintendo.
It's been proven time and again how biased this place is. Autism, Nintendo and Yea Forums all go hand in hand.
They started censoring games a few months ago and instantly went from based to worse than EA.
Because I wanna play the games without supporting an agenda
Nintendo, PC = Yea Forums
PlayStation = Resetera
Xbox = Reddit
Maybe try taking your snoy fanboyism tinted glasses off then.
>tries to engage with shitposters who are not being serious
That makes you the retard, autist. Arguing online is for bottom feeder retards.
I personally hate them because I loved what video games were before 1995. Beautiful 2D, sprite-based games that gave the player a good challenge and didn't focus on some garbage story. But then Sony came along and made gaming for casuals. Things got better after Sony's grip on the industry loosened. But still, fuck Sony and their scheme to turn gaming into movies.
yep, there are no real reasons.
This board shitposts all the companies in their worst or whenever a shitposter wants to spam
It’s not Sony specific unless you had fucking amnesia and missed the giant massive shot posting from 2012-2016 for the Wii U and Microsoft fucking up with the Xbone
>people trying to brag about knack again
take some pills schizo, there's plenty of clicky zoomy indie pixelshit trash for you to play on PC
Killed Sega and Microsoft
Success breeds jealousy
I don't need pills. My pure hatred for Sony and desire to see that shitty company decay into dust is all I need to keep me going.
Not them but to be fair, there have always been story based games even before Sony came along. All the RPGs made before 1995 are proof and examples of that.
Now post the handhelds
This is an ACTUAL screencap from the PS4 version of a game. Not shopped, this is what they put on their system because seeing partial nudity (no nipples or vag) was too spicy for the fucking HOMOS running their Californian HQ.
>Comparing consoles to fisher price tablets
Might aswell post the Sony phones
Because Yea Forums is a tendy infested shithole and tendies are legit autistic.
Pic related is a mod on Yea Forums.
Good, fuck pedos and fuck weebshit.
>I have no idea what fisher price is but ill call it that anyway because i saw some shitposter call it a few days ago
Yeah whatever fag.
You are a complete fucking cuck, you don't get to use pepe.
But most indie shit uses simple, ugly sprites and is filled with pretentious storyshit.
no ape escape 4
Reminder that if your reasoning also applies to Xbox then it's clearly wrong.
handheld gaming is dead
Success breeds jealousy.
>VR shit
>cinematic experiences
>capeshit out the wazoo
>worst controller with pathetic battery life this gen
>censors EVERYTHING harder than even fucking nintendo
>hates backwards compability, literally asked "why would anyone play old games?"
>worst fanbase by far
Need any other reasons?
dumb weeb
>Famitsu: First, please tell us the whole story about why you decided to leave Marvelous.
>Kenichiro Takaki: “The biggest reason was the change in restrictions for depicting sexuality in video games, which has been a topic since sometime last year. Up until now there’s been parts that changed here and there, but as of late it’s been ‘Can’t do that, or that, and probably not that either,’ and basically everything is no good. I never imagined leaving Marvelous, or even changing the style of my work, but due to a certain timing last year, I felt as though some kind of string inside me just snapped.”
>posts anime gif
>has retarded opinions
This image will never not be true.
There is literally nothing wrong with censorship and I don't understand why Yea Forums needs to throw such a tantrum over it.
Why should I play multiplats on PS4?
btfoing weeb nonces is by far the most based thing sony ever did
>Why does Yea Forums hate Sony so much?
Cause Sony is pretentious and its fans are cancerous.
>Why play multiplats on consoles
>Astro Bot, amazing VR game
>MeaningleS buzzword
>Meaningless buzzword
>Worst controller goes to JoyCons
>Nobody cares about 12yo girls in shit games not being naked
>Switch has less backwards compability than Ps4
>Worst fanbase goes to braindead Nintendr*nes who will defend absolutely everything
Buying a game only to find out you have to pay more to play online. Greedy bastards!
maybe try taking yours off first
how Yea Forums is*
Everything he said is true except worst fanbase (Nintendo has that locked down forever).
>Bloodborne 2
Why is Sonyman yellow? Is it because Sony is an Asian company? If so, then why isn't Nintendoman yellow too?
>Mods aren't biased
Daily reminder
it's supposed to be gold
No-one embodies the boring, orthodox, sickeningly prudish "clean streets" side of Japan quite like Sony does. Yea Forums wants to imagine Japan as an exciting place. But in reality, it's not exciting. It's the place that invented the Playstation.
Okay but three of those threads are making fun of Nintendo so that means Yea Forums is actually pro-Sony and anti-Nintendo
i don't care
as long as consolecucks pay for my games who gives a shit
he absorb he own piss like a giant man made of spong e
Delivering a subpar console and being the most powerful pro-censorship entity in the industry.
I always imagined his name to be Pea-Ass
You know, like PS. And his ass kinda looks like a peanut. It seemed clever when I was still high on opium and came up with it
Pffffhahahhahahahahaha also reminder modcucks had a sticky planned but got a Sony logo instead
>Switch and Wii U in same generations
Switch and Wii U are the same generation though.
I've played SSB ever since the first one came out but I have no idea how anyone can be that excited about it
>d-d-d-doesn't count
No, they aren't.
>he thinks he's special
Yea Forums hates everything fuck off
Everyone else seems to disagree.
But hey, you do you.
>Nintendo needs the Wii U, the Switch and all FIVE 3Ds versions to barely beat the Ps4 in sales
Glad you admit you were wrong. I can only hope you think twice before spouting something as retarded again.
You still lost though :)
oh nonononono
>Why does Yea Forums hate Sony so much?
Because they have constantly BTFO the competition
PS1 rekt the pitiful N64
PS2 obliterated the Gamecube and Xbox
PS3 despite having a troubled launch, it sold 87 million consoles, compare that to Wii U sales (13 million)
PS4 is poised to sell over 115 million consoles
PSP sold more than 80 million systems, it sold more than 3DS
Vita kinda flopped but lasted longer than Wii U
Doesn't look like it, user. Sorry for your loss.
>net worth
How is that fair? Then Microsoft is obviously more successful?
Because they are extremely anti consumer as of late? Why would I like them if they constantly try to fuck me over as a customer?
Same reason people hate the Patriots and the Yankees.
>Because they are extremely anti consumer as of late?
How? Censoring anime tiddies? Muh Crossplay?
Not so much sony, just their faggy fanbase.
Because of their fanbase.
Look at this thread. Look how cringe they are.
People still play on consoles? PC is winning the competition globally right now
Because ever since the PS3 they've failed to return to the standards set by the PS2. Today's Sony isn't the one that made the PS2.
They destroyed video games with their bullshit after the PS2, the last good console with actual good games and no censorship was the PSP.
ps4 needed an upgraded version and psvita to even compete.
The Ps4 alone sold almost as much as 7 Nintendo "consoles"
>destroys your PC market
n-no GAMES!
>conveniently skipping the wii and just comparing the ps3 to the wii u
>conveniently skipping the original ds and just comparing the psp to the 3ds
Marketing their shit with misleading terms like "Only on Playstation" just so it gets ported a few months later, charging for online, not allowing basic features like name changes, denying crossplay, shutting down online servers for games that I played, charging 5 times the market price of micro SD cards for their shit, censoring games I want to play, constantly rise the fucking price of PS+ while also delivering 4 less games per month now, no backwards compability, console revisions that are dead fucking last in terms of power.
Tell me again why they deserve my money when all they do is spit in my face and tell me to deal with it. Especially after their last E3 was such a fucking disaster and they canceled that shit to show me a fucking 20 minute VR ad. I am NOT going to buy a PS5 and not only will I miss out on absolutely nothing thanks to them not funding third party exclusives anymore, I will also have a better time overall because other platforms perform better.
As a customer I would have to be mentally handicapped to further support a company like this when I basically pay for a lesser experience than everyone else just because of a brand name.
*pretends the wii and ds don't exist
>>conveniently skipping the wii and just comparing the ps3 to the wii u
Wii barely sold 15 million more than PS3 and that's because Wii was created for soccer moms and a casual audience
>conveniently skipping the original ds and just comparing the psp to the 3ds
But PSP still sold well compared to DS, DS (like Wii) had the casua audience meanwhile PS3 and PSP was aimed for a core audience.
>barely 15 million more
>15 million
do you ever like, read what you post?
Most of Yea Forums is underage and can't afford a PC.
how the fuck was psp any more "hardcore" than the ds, you fucking retard?
>b-b-but it doesn't count b-because da audience...
cry more, you little bitch, ps4 is the most casual system next to the wii right now with it's non-gameplay cinematic experiences
>inb4 nincel
I grew up with playstation.
Everyone that was born before the year 2000 and played real games should hate Sony and what she turned into after the PS3 era. They love to sabotage weeb franchises and westernize everything because they are just a carbon copy of Microsoft after the stupid X360 success. I really hope they go full Sega and bankrupt with the PS5.
Theres no audience for handheld games. The Vita proved that.
>Marketing their shit with misleading terms like "Only on Playstation" just so it gets ported a few months later
Blame third party companies doing this, also, outside of Dragon Quest Heroes, i don't see any other company doing this
>charging for online
Nintendo and MS do this too, and their service is way inferior than PS4
>not allowing basic features like name changes
They are already working on this, not a deal breaker, you can create another account if your stupid name bothers you too much
>denying crossplay
LOL, Sony has more crossplay games with PC than Xbox has with Switch or PC, fun fact, FF XIV hasn't arrived to Xbox because MS doesn't allow crossplay with PC
>shutting down online servers for games that I played
Which ones? Only Gravity Rush 2 and Driveclub, and i am sure that you don't even play those anymore, Gravity Daze 2 servers are assymetrical.
>charging 5 times the market price of micro SD cards for their shit
Valid complain
>censoring games I want to play
Do you want to play shitty VN? just get a PC or a Switch, incel
> constantly rise the fucking price of PS+ while also delivering 4 less games per month now
But you are a retard if you buy a PS+ at full price, Sony has constant sales for it, you can even get PS+ for $40 a year or even less, also Sony has been giving PS3 and Vita for years.
>no backwards compability,
PS Now, also the company has several remasters of their games, Switch doesn't have BC too
>console revisions that are dead fucking last in terms of power.
PS4 pro is still pretty powerful and games looks incredible for them
You only had 1 valid complain
No, only because you defend a company and don't take issue with the same things I do doesn't mean that my complaints are not valid. You can do with your money what you want, it's pretty obvious that you care more about the brand than about yourself. I don't. I will not buy another sony product, just like you recommended I will buy other platforms instead. Thanks
Are you gonna deny that DS and Wii weren't aimed for soccer moms and casuals?
That's why Nintendo is still getting motion controllers because Nintendo can't and won't abandon what made Wii sell so good.
Theres like 3 console war threads right now, all of which are sony related
Why do Snoyboys have the biggest victim complex on Yea Forums despite being literally even worse perpetrators in consolewar faggotry than Nintendofags?
WHen you're constantly under attack by Nin10yearolds, it's a little understandable to be slightly annoyed.
>No, only because you defend a company and don't take issue with the same things I do doesn't mean that my complaints are not valid. You can do with your money what you want, it's pretty obvious that you care more about the brand than about yourself. I don't. I will not buy another sony product, just like you recommended I will buy other platforms instead. Thanks
You can do what you want, that won't stop Sony for being the best current console in the market.
>You can do what you want, that won't stop Sony for being the best current console in the market.
Yeah. So what? That has literally nothing to do with me. It's like saying you shitposting on Yea Forums won't change who is president of uganda.
Sony shouldn't even be in the console war discussion since they don't even make video games anymore. Sony threads should be relegated to Yea Forums and banned from Yea Forums
You must be new here
Cuz censorship.
Killed the studio I care about
Joke hardwares
Stopped giving a fuck about 3rd parties
Woke and afraid of boobs
Long story short, Xbots memed for years about Sony going third party after the PS3. Instead Xbox is going the way of Sega.
Because they will never admit Nintendo do the same things Sony does
The near constant wilful ignorance of every single thing Nintendo does wrong is insanity.
There's multiple Xbox consoles on the way + a streaming solution, while Snoy only has a playstation and will never try handhelds ever again.
>nintendo localizers start having a discussion with nips
>localizers get redpilled
>Nintendo now stopped censoring games en,tirely
>New Fire Emblem has you fucking your student
you will always notice shitposting against your side over anything else, it's basic confirmation bias, just how fucking stupid and oblivious are you people
Because Yea Forums was made to contain weeaboo pedophiles and most of them are nintendo dick suckers.
It's not rocket science.
It's just perplexing that Yea Forums hates Sony too much but don't even bother to criticize Switch:
>No major third party games, only Bethesda kusoge
>Only two shitty background themes
>Avatars are just Nintendo shitty characters and Miis
>You can't share videos of every game, only with a few selected ones
>No folders or way to organize your software
>No media apps like Netflix or CR, which is ironic because it has Hulu and Youtube
>Third party games need additional download because Jewtendo can't create bigger Switch cards
>Most of the current Nintendo games are just Wii U ports or shovelware like Snipperclips
>Third party games like Resident Evil or Wolfenstein are way more expensive than the other consoles and run worse.
>Horrible online service, only shitty NES roms, some games don't even support Cloud saves, terrible lag and latency.
They never seem to try
Bear in mind that Yea Forums is largely based around the late sixth and early 7th gen onward.
>Late Gen 6:
Sony is the big star with fuckloads of money, but certain shitty practices like the multitap persist. General opinion is good despite admissions of shitty practices.
>Gen 7
Sony makes the PS3. It's too expensive and true exclusives are comparatively sparse for most of the gen. The nogaems meme persists despite eventual titles. Sony has some underdog support for niche titles as well as their online service being free for offering roughly equitable service compared to XBL. Acceptance starts to set in near the end of the gen.
>Gen 8
Sony makes a great show of quashing Microsoft's obviously shit ideas at E3. Following a quick gain to dominance in the early gen, Sony goes towards policies that are excessive and exorbitant e.g. charging for online when they're objectively worse than Xbox Live, no crossplay, holding off on the usual timed price drops, etc.
>Yea Forums doesn't hate the Switch
I constantly see the picture of Spongebob eating shit and the shit is labelled "ports" and he's labelled "Nintendo fans."
Even on other consoles physical games require you download most of it. It's just that Nintendo shows mercy with their own games being all on the cartridge.
Because the pic is true
Most of the games that Switch gets are old ports
>Even on other consoles physical games require you download most of it.
False, this is only true for Spyro and The Division 2
Most of the games are on the disc.
Snoy is great when they feel threatened by Microsoft and are trying to catch up to Xbox, they are fucking dire when they're in the lead though.
>threatened by MS
Since when? They weren't threatened in the Xbox era.
>They weren't threatened when they cut the price of the PS3 by $200
What was the PS3 at launch.
PS3 still sold more than 360, MS is a joke now since they basically retired from consoles.
Sony abandoned creativity in favor of realism. Say goodbye to games like Ape Escape and Gravity Rush and say hello to more The Last of Us and Days Gone.
Just because the Shit is shit too doesn't mean Sony is free of criticism. Especially when some of the shit they started doing is completely unnecessary
I hate the switch but at least Nintendo somehow managed to do what Sony always tried and failed to do with their PSP or Vita.
They sold more world wide due to japan. In the US it was actually more popular by a wide margin.
I should specify that xbox was more popular in the US.
>I hate the switch but at least Nintendo somehow managed to do what Sony always tried and failed to do with their PSP or Vita.
Sony is more anti-consumer than Nintendo and Microsoft are. Yes, Microsoft basically invented paid online for games and Nintendo is that weird uncle, but Sony keeps making one bad move after another.
Concrete Genie, Astrobot, Dreams, and The Last Guardian says otherwise.
every kid gets at least one nintendo from his mom, they're like toys.
Americans are stupid, who would have thought?
I don't hate Sony, but I really fucking disagree with their censorship policies. Fuck that mess.
America wasn't the one who passed articles 11 and 13.
Yeah. And? It's still a handheld that runs basically console quality games, what Sony always wanted. It's also still a console with bad gimmick controllers for soibabies and a bad screen with a bad battery and it's only exclusives are bing bing wahoo stuff.
So why are you doing it nigger
>Yeah. And? It's still a handheld that runs basically console quality games, what Sony always wanted.
PSP and Vita run console quality games
Undisputed winners of the current gen. So much so that Yea Forums denies PS5, as if PS4 will stick around around decade while Switch and Lockheart reign. Sony are silently prepping for the next gen like Nintendo did with Switch.
Nice work proving his point
Bet you get mad when loli skirts get elongated during localization.
>these Nintendo devices don't count because Sony didn't make them
>The Last Guardian
>not realism
The transition from Ico > SotC > TLG really does do well to describe the 'evolution' of Sony as a company. It got a little worse but it was okay because it was much prettier, and then it got only a little prettier and much worse.
Destroyed the competition
Sold to south American and eastern European 3rd world darkies
7-3 in case you weren't counting
>Sold to south American and eastern European 3rd world darkies
I think you're thinking of PC
Not really. The PSP needed dedicated games. Couldn't run ports and couldn't match any PS2 or PS3 games
The Vita could run PS3 and even PS4 games but only stuff that weren't technically demanding in the first place.
Meanwhile, the Shit runs fucking Doom and Wolfenstein. 2 trash westcuck games at a glorious 360p resolution, but they're still the exact same games as what you would play on PS4 or PC.
What's that?
I used to like Sony. I mean, I pretty much own all of their consoles ever since the PS1 (and I also believe that the PS1 and/or 2 is the best console ever). However, I don't like their current status these days.
-I have no idea why they have to censor things. If Nintendo, a company that I always believe to mainly please kids and families as much as possible, has games that shows sexiness, you fucking know something's wrong.
-Their game presentations are a joke. Their previous E3 and their recent presentation was baffling. Who the fuck thought that their presentation was good?
-I don't like the direction of their games. Politics aside, they all look familiar both in visuals and gameplay. It's like all these guys play nothing but Uncharted.
-They have many good IPs like Twisted Metal, Gravity Rush, Little Big Planet, Ape Escape, and etc. but like Nintendo, they don't often touch them. At least with Nintendo, they touch their IPs more often than Sony.
If their crap keeps on going, I'm not surprised if I won't get their next consoles and transfer to somewhere else like the Xbox if they manage to add more good exclusive and not sharing them with other companies.
Still not planning to get a Switch though. Don't like the hardware and controllers.
PSP and Vita were pretty powerful when they were released
Vita can run console games like Catherine
Sure, Switch can run those games but the experience is so bad that you are better off playing them on real consoles.
WTF happened to Sony? They use to have some really creative games and now they're like a shell of their former selves. The games they put out this gen are some of the least creative I've seen in a long while. It's a shame that they will continue to go down this road with the PS5....
If you think that's rough, imagine the number of kids whose parents buy DVD players.
>i-it's not a dvd player, its a console!
nice attachment rates, buddy. 1.3 games per ps2 is a fucking beautiful statistic.
Yea Forums would take a bullet for Sony if it meant they could shit on Nintendo for it.
Gee, it's not like Nintendo has more consoles and handhelds in the market than Sony
Still, Sony BTFO Nintendo with PS1, PS2 and PS4.
The british government banned a breast expansion dungeon crawler because it had a little girl with a teddy bear as a character in the game.
Upon Pqube trying to publish the game anyways, people at Sony that could care less about games got a first hand look at all the Japanese weeb shit coming over and implemented new content guidelines.
/vpol/ immediately pointed to American left wing politics and the company being located in California as the only reasons a game would be changed.
Three backwards compatibility patents filed by lead architect, Mark Cerny. One of these patents where filed in conjunction with Naughty Dog. Developers known for pushing the cell to its limit. The mere mention of b/c is enough to win Sony the next gen, and Yea Forums knows this.
>it's not like Nintendo has more consoles and handhelds in the market than Sony
Sony will always be my console of choice (though I will always have whatever generation's Nintendo console as well)
But their last 3 years have been tone deaf as fuck and forget they're making "video games".
>their last three E3 presentations have been "spectacles" and "experiences" with dumb shit like actors hanging upside down during a conference
>The STATE of Play being poorly handled and didn't try to rightly set expectations prior to it being played
>the Playstation Mini being a just disaster of poor game choices and running the much worse PAL variants
I still like some of the games they put out and I even own the PSVR, but what the fuck are they doing?
That's what i said?
Nintendo entered the game market in the 80's, Sony around mid 90's
If the PS5 has full backwards compatibility and is priced at $400 Sony already won next generation. Nintendo, Microsoft, and Google couldn't compete with such a massive backlog plus PS5 games.
I just miss the old Sony. They used to make really fun games that didn't sell like Nintendo games but they were still really good (Sly, Jak, Twisted Metal, Ape Escape etc. Even if Ratchet is still alive hes a shell of his formal self). I don't even hate the "movie games" that much I just wish it wasn't dominate and Japan studio wasn't the only one at Sony make cool games. And I really want them to bounce back but there's literally no reason to buy a PS4 outside of Bloodborne and that just makes me sad.
>but what the fuck are they doing?
They are making the best games.
They genuinely became unlikable since the last few years desu
bloodborne was released over 4 years ago, user
Sony barely even make games anymore though
Rockstar, Capcom, and Nintendo exist
Great Yea Forums memes, but they aren't true
Not an argument
What is a better PS4 exclusive than Bloodborne?
What good games are they making right now? Days Gone and TLOU 2 are movies, and GoT is Bamham with a Japan skin. Capcom and Nintendo have been killing it with the games recently.
A lot of people on Yea Forums are nintendo fanboys and they see any other company doing well as being some sort of loss for nintendo.
It's sad. If you aren't an Idort you don't actually like video games.
Based. Console warriors are retarded.
What? Most of Yea Forums loves Sony.
The Wii was lightning in a bottle. Nintendo knows deep down they will never recapture the apparent magic behind it ever again.
Also your a fucking fag for bitching about ">muh normalfags and casuals" even moreso considering the PlayStation brand is one of the most normalfag video game things I can think of.
Anyone else think last gen aged really fucking badly? A shitload of games were going for realism, but the tech wasn't quite there so everything looked like shit and the performance was often 30fps or less. Even PC ports were mostly terrible.
You weren't around for State of Play, were you?
Prior to the ps1 rpgs always prioritised gameplay over story user.
Not anymore, things changed and Sony fucked with something that Yea Forums consider sacred
Not really.
It aged better than the two prior generations easy.
Whoever wrote this probably wasn't even alive in 1995.
Wow, sonyfanboys really can't take criticism huh.
Also there was a larger defence force and mods deleting threads on sight.
>5th gen
Fair enough.
>6th gen
nigga pls
>Company does something retarded (This time being Sony doing a mediocre rip off of Nintendo Direct)
>Yea Forums unifies in mocks it then goes back to hating everything and everyone to try and avoid talking about video games
What's not to hate? Censorship, walking simulators, etc. 9 months of silence only to reveal they have nothing coming up
>Also there was a larger defence force
It was literally just half of Yea Forums acting like this was supposed to be an e3 tier presentation and then the other half of Yea Forums that actually read the stream announcement and knew it wasn't a big deal.
>Studios not games
>It was literally just half of Yea Forums
Yeah no. It was literally just the same handful of people trying to talk about it but not being able to because mods were deleting threads over and over again.
>but not being able to because mods were deleting threads over and over again.
I was on Yea Forums that night. There were tons of threads and they weren't getting deleted.
There is a shitstorm on Yea Forums after every direct
Were we supposed to ignore that Sony gave up on e3 and instead released a stinking pile of shit? Were we supposed to feel bad and pity them instead of laughing?
>acting like this was supposed to be an e3 tier presentation
No shit, with how they were hyping it no one expected it to be such trash with 90% of the games being VR trash.
t. retarded fat neet with no job who doesn't even know what the definition of an argument is
No one is paying for your games, people is paying for theirs but nice mental gymnastic
>Valid complain
but outdated at this point
>with how they were hyping it
They didn't hype it. They just made simple press announcements that there would be a stream, that it would be one of several, and that was it.
Yea Forums did more to hype that thing than sony did.
I wouldn't have even known about the state of play stream if not for like the 3 threads I saw on Yea Forums earlier that day.
The 5th, 6th and 8th generation are much better than the 7th. The Wii had too much motion controls, the PS3 was overpriced with no games, and the Xbox 360 had the red ring.
>They just made simple press announcements
That isn't what a direct is
>That isn't what a direct is
I'm talking about the hype for the stream. Did you read what you responded to?
>There were tons of threads and they weren't getting deleted.
Which is why the archive for that day is filled with deleted State of Play threads right?
>I literally posted in tons of those threads that weren't deleted
You're a baby.
This, but unironically
True patricians
>hype for a spontaneous event
Are you a retard?
Any that were getting deleted was from when you guys essentially started spamming the same threads there were already like 3+ threads for at the same time.
At one point there were probably at least 6 or 7 of the same thread up.
>They didn't hype it.
It was all over their social media accounts, YouTube and here.
>>hype for a spontaneous event
The stream wasn't spontaneous, it was announced in advance.
Is that what's going on? Now you're angry because you didn't read what you responded to?
Fuck off. If nothing's wrong with censoreship then I hope that you get permabanned from this site for being suck fucking retarded.
This is what pretty much any mention of the stream looked like on their social media.
>Hey, stream at this time.
Anyone who thought this was crazy overhyped was retarded.
Censorship is contrary to freedom of expression. Also Sony Pictures alone warrants a pogrom.
You do realise you can post in threads before the delete them right? >Any that were getting deleted was from when you guys essentially started spamming the same threads there were already like 3+ threads for at the same time.
user, they were "spamming" because they were being deleted not the other way around.
Mods even immediately removed the sticky rather than letting it linger like they usually do to contain post show shitposting.
>wonders why a Japanese culture website would have a bone to pick with a "Japanese" company that sold out its national and cultural integrity to a global hemisphere consumed by an anti-gaming agenda
Yeah man I just don't follow.
Sony is legitimately shit
Cinematic pseudo-games with an sjw focus, a shit expensive online system, shit flimsy, controller, a low tech vr headset, online games that dont stay online long, censorship, blocking crossplay etc
The ps4 only succeded because the xbox and wii u were such clusterfucks. Next gen will be a wakeup up call for these big lipped apes
>user, they were "spamming" because they were being deleted not the other way around.
user, there are a bunch of those threads in the archive that hit bump limit.
They were spammed because average Yea Forums users are retarded. Same reason anything gets spammed on Yea Forums.
>people hate popular things
Imagine my shock
Success breeds jealously
This board is Nintendo oriented and was infested by reddit tier kids a while ago.
>user, there are a bunch of those threads in the archive that hit bump limit
There aren't. In fact you can count the ones that did on your hand
You can throw PC in the reddit category where it belongs
>1990s: console wars
>2000s: console vs. pc
>2010s: east vs. west
Wonder what the big e-gamerwar of the 2020s will be.
Imagine being this delusional that they need to reference 2007 data. Sony's online revenue alone makes more than the entirety of Nintendo.
>The mods are defending sony! It wasn't that my shitty low effort spam was shitty low effort spam!
Funny how they haven't deleted this thread, then.
>Xbox = Reddit
It's more like
PC = Yea Forums
PlayStation = Resetera
Nintendo = Reddit
Xbox = Facebook
Because you'd then have one $400 box that does everything.
Literally the most accurate depiction. Even I, as a Switch owner, agree with it. It's a useless console.
Facebook is still relevant. MySpace would be a far better Xbox equivalent.
>buys japanese console, hates on weebs
>Sony is more anti-consumer than Nintendo and Microsoft are.
How exactly? What is Sony doing that others aren't that constitutes as anti-consumer? In fact, I would argue their pricing is much better than Nintendo's ever was.
>This is what pretty much any mention of the stream looked like on their social media
And they made multiple versions of said tweet and the initial announcement tweet as well as several posts on Facebook and their own blog.
That's hyping it up as something significant.
Hell, that's hype than Nintendo does for their direct.
And there was hype. We were supposed to get Iceborne and Bloodborne 2, remember?
>in 2019
God of War was great and won GOTY. You being contrarian doesn't change that.
It was console wars in all 3.
90s had SNES vs Genesis and PlayStation vs N64.
2000s had PS2 vs GameCube vs Xbox and Xbox 360 vs PS3 vs Wii..
2010s has Switch vs PS4 vs Xbox One.
Damage control
lol, just in the last few years nintendo put out the worst paid online service consoles has ever seen, locked the only way to back up save data behind it, and normalized disc locked paywalled content you have to buy toys to get access to.
So did MW2. The people in charge of the awards are just another random asshole with an opinion, no different from me or you.
>We were supposed to get Iceborne and Bloodborne 2, remember?
If you believe everything you read on Yea Forums, you are going to have a really bad time.
You remind me of those people that continually tell themselves something is true, but has no idea why that may be the case because it isn't even an opinion based on personal knowledge.
Look how pathetic you are. You posted this countless times, always in defense of Nintendo or baiting console wars.
>Announce that that stream is happening on our various social media pages
It's based on polling and scores retard.
It's the official tranny console. Not even soi like Nintendo, but full on chop off your dick, put on some lipstick and take it up the ass tranny propaganda.
Sony charges an online fee when they don't even make online games.
Yes they do.
Even Uncharted 4 has MP.
They also have the largest online install based out of every other platform.
I don't hate Sony. I hate their absolutely shit-tier following. Hell, even when I'm not browsing this site during Spiderman's release I would hear shit like "Rip Xbox" "Rip Switch"
>locked the only way to back up save data
SD card
Evidence seems to point to the contrary, most well known trannies are Nintendo fans. Cosmo, Miles, etc.
sony decided to stop making good games and focus on capeshit and LGBT faggotry instead
also, post the webms
>y-y-you actually believed the hype? Lmao that wasn't real hype. There wasn't hype
Massive damage control.
because they sold out to commiefornia and the jews
i have no idea why they did it
People who vote in the polls and write reviews are just a random asshole with an opinion. How dumb are you if you can't figure this out?
It's shapping up to be SJWs vs Normal people.
>list of how many times that pic has destroyed a snoy argument
Thanks for the reminder!
why do you say that?
user, that's EA and Activision, not Sony
>made vidya popular and look where we are now
>focus on graphix and not gameplay
>leading censorship in the industry
>movie games
what's there to like ?
Literally proved his point
Yeah post the sponsored event you do in every thread as if it matters towards anything. Christ, you babies are hilarious.
Its public polling.
You have autism, and are further proof Switch fanboys are cancerous on this board.
Video games were popular before PlayStation, but I'll give you everything else.
This webm has already been debunked as pure retardation, that smoke shit has very limited uses and he just wasted them all on cannon fodder.
Same reason as Epic Games Store
Buys exclusive
Forces you to pay $400 for a console you don't want just to play the game on an inferior platform.
Except Epic Games Store just forces you to use shitty software that doesn't support Linux or respect your privacy.
>overly expensive sub price for the poor service and security you're getting
>expensive hardware for poor build quality
>currently trying to remove their dedicated fanbase
>can't do rest mode downloads without a sub
>increasing their sub prices when nothing has improved
>holding fortnite accounts hostage and preventing general crossplay
>ignoring fan demand and questioning them on matters such as backwards compatibility while selling ps1 and ps2 ports
>limiting Bethesda's mod support
I've heard things about denying third party gaming services as well but I can't be bothered to do the research into that.
If they don't focus on gameplay, why does God of War have better combat than anything NIntendo has made in the last 5+ years?
Nintendo made their combat cinematic slow mo spam shit, with easy as fuck enemies.
The people who vote in the polls have an opinion, and that opinion doesn't magically any mean more or less because they voted in a public poll. Popularity does not determine the quality of a game.
>Switch fanboys
I'm an idort. Why do snoys always project their corporate cock sucking?
>FIFA, Battlefield, CoD don't exist
I hate them cause they censor Japanese games, shit they dont like and push their political ideologies into their business practice and games.
Also they lowered the quality of gameplay particularly with infamous and r&c for more 'grafix'.
They had an amazing library before but now it's all cinematic shit.
I'm never buying a ps5. Ps4 was the last piece of shit I'm ever buy from that company.
Fuck snoy.
funny considering the combat system of GoW is more intricate than anything from nintendo's catalog
All their notable exclusives are pretentious garbage with the exceptions of Spider-Man and Bloodborne. They're pretty much the kings of the movie game meme with garbage like Uncharted and TLOU. Sony, much like EA and Epic, has actual marketers here that spam identical "hype" threads constantly in the three weeks before and after any of their exclusives release.
>X doesn't exist because strawman
Snoy logic
I agree its expensive, but its more than Nintendo is offering by a long shot
>expensive hardware for poor build quality
Wrong, its well priced. Selling a tablet in 2017 with last gen specs is a rip off for the same price however.
>currently trying to remove their dedicated fanbase
What the fuck are you talking about? With what?
>can't do rest mode downloads without a sub
True, this is stupid. I don't see how this is anti-consumer.
>increasing their sub prices when nothing has improved
Upkeep costs
>holding fortnite accounts hostage and preventing general crossplay
This is enabled, also who the FUCK would want to crossplay with Xbox? Switch owners were taken out of crossplay because it performs like shit on their platform
>ignoring fan demand and questioning them on matters such as backwards compatibility while selling ps1 and ps2 ports
True, what company has done this? In fact, you claim Nintendo is LESS anti-consumer despite reselling roms and old games every gen and not tying them to accounts.
>limiting Bethesda's mod support
LMAO what the fuck is wrong with you.
Because they can't comprehend people liking the games without caring about the company.
>Emblems are limited
Smash has better combat. Literally isn't even close
Yeah, source that they are the majority of services being paid for by those companies?
>why does God of War have better combat than anything NIntendo has made in the last 5+ years?
That's the dumbest thing I've ever read. Even older GoW had better gameplay the nuGoW
>movies instead of games
>I'm an idort
>Literally enter countless threads on a daily basis to shit talk Sony and support the Switch
I mean good for you, does it make you less of a fanboy? No, not at all. You type as if you have autism. ALL of the posts you make are in support of Nintendo. You have mental health issues kiddo.
That's not true at all, even objectively speaking. You can prefer the original, but the new one has way more options and movesets. That being said, my point still stands, God of War has better gameplay/combat than every Nintendo title produced in years.
>the worst paid online service consoles has ever seen
what did they do, let people crack their poorly defended servers and steal your credit card number tied with your name *three times* instead of just twice?
While success does indeed breed jealously, it also breeds contempt and arrogance which then breeds stupidity.
At this point, Sony has gone way past stupdity.
>If you own a Sony console that means you must defend it
Stop projecting, poorfag. I own a PS4, that why I know how shit sony is for gaming
I literally mainly game on PC, spent $2000 on an upgrade recently, and own every console. You are a fucking retarded fanboy and speak like an Autistic kid that gets bullied on a daily basis. Are you ugly too?
>God of War has better gameplay/combat than every Nintendo title produced in years.
>but the new one has way more options and movesets
there's block, dodge, throw, light attacks, and forty tree nodes of suboptimal deeps that get you killed on valk
>Good combat
Its not even good by fighting game standards. LMAO
>I'm an idort
>Literally enter countless threads on a daily basis to shit talk Nintendo and support the Sony
I mean good for you, does it make you less of a fanboy? No, not at all. You type as if you have autism. ALL of the posts you make are in support of Sony. You have mental health issues kiddo
It's not so much PS necessarily, but the huge population of nintenbros here who fall for basically every bait post under the sun and are stupidly easy to troll. Because it's so easy to provoke them, a lot of people do it, and so the nintenbros assume this is because they're sony fans. The truth is, it's actually a huge range of people from all sides of Yea Forums that participate in this, but because it's all anonymous, there is no way to tell.
>good combat
Its not even good by GoW standards
Yeah definitely autistic, I'm flattered though. Usually a trait of kids with mental health issues.
Keep telling yourself that.
melee sure, everything else not even close
>I'm flattered though. Usually a trait of kids with mental health issues.
I definately agree
Nope. Daily tourneys world wide. Can't say the same for GoW
Will do
almost all these points are present and worse on switch than ps4, your argument for sony being more anti-consumer than nintendo is fucking shit. At least sony doesn't rabidly go about nuking emulator/rom sites like nintendo because they know they can't offer a proper service, unlike shitendo with its joke of a retro program
There are no daily tournaments for DMCV or Sekiro, doesn't change the fact that their combat systems are miles better than anythng nintendo has
>fighting against NPCs is hard
Keep telling yourself that, toddler
Yea Forums brought this upon themselves with the god of s.oy posting, don't blame sonygro
the eternal deflecting nintendie
>action games versus CPU have complex and interesting systems
Is this like the people who say that the true test of skill in an RTS is completing campaign missions on hard mode?
>but its more than Nintendo is offering by a long shot
Not really no, especially since they rarely put any good games out anymore. Basically it's the same shit but for an extra $40.
>Wrong, its well priced
It's not. The DS4s in particular cost less than half of their original price to make which is well below the cost of any other controller. On top of that there's a fault in the left analog which is why it's common to hear about jittery movements or incorrect inputs.
>With what?
Censorship and denying weeb games. That's been their dedicated audience for years and they're stepping on them and developers of said games.
>I don't see how this is anti-consumer.
user, it's a basic feature on any system and if I remember right even the vita had it.
>Upkeep costs
For what exactly?
PSN still frequently goes down more than the other two and the security hasn't improved. On top of that it still uses P2P.
>Switch owners were taken out of crossplay because it performs like shit on their platform
They haven't. Random matchmaking pairs them with phone players but you can still form a party with xbox/pc/ps4 players.
Also it was only enabled later on because of the account debacle Sony caused in the first place.
>LMAO what the fuck is wrong with you.
user, those mods are user created content. Whatever you think of Bethesda is irrelevant because it's affecting the players as Sony have denied mods that add assets to the games. So that's a hard no on user created models, music, skins, etc.
Enjoy your baby SJW movies!
>almost all these points are present and worse on switch than ps4
The only one that even comes close is the first one and Nintendo currently have the cheapest sub service. The rest aren't applicable in the slightest.
>Why does a board full of drones, westcucks, PC keks, poorfags, and contrarians of all sorts hate Sony?
>tribalism in LITERALLY everything
anyone else sick of this old tired game?
Westcucks love LGBT propaganda movies though.
>cheapest online
nintendo's online should be free given what it gives (you can't even message friends, jesus christ). It's by far the most overpriced of the consoles. You more than make up the cost of entry with ps4/xbox with the games they give out each month, never mind the fact that nintendo's online is garbage in comparison as well
This board is filled with Pc false flaggers that love watching you retards dance the console war dance.
>its ok that its $60 because I sent a message to Xx_DarkLord_xX
PC is free. Sony and Microsoft is a scam
Yes, from a consumer perspective Sony sales are better. Objectively.
>The DS4s in particular cost less than half of their original price to make which is well below the cost of any other controller.
The Switch controllers are shit and cost more, what the fuck are you talking about? The Pro controller doesnt even support every game.
>Censorship and denying weeb games. That's been their dedicated audience for years and they're stepping on them and developers of said games.
Games with shitty gameplay and underage kid fondling isnt the main audience. Its the niche 1% of retards.
>For what exactly?
PSN still frequently goes down more than the other two and the security hasn't improved. On top of that it still uses P2P.
Services, many of which the Switch doesnt have like party chat, content sharing, streaming etc.
>They haven't. Random matchmaking pairs them with phone players but you can still form a party with xbox/pc/ps4 players.
Also it was only enabled later on because of the account debacle Sony caused in the first place.
Nope, they were removed. And again, how is this anti-consumer? This only effects retards getting dead platforms.
>user, those mods are user created content.
user, you are a fucking idiot for playing any Bethesda game on a non-PC platform and expecting mods. No one fucking cares.
>enemy has obviously scripted attacks
>you press A when they target redman
>you press B when they target greenman
>if you mistime you take damage, sometimes you take damage if you mispress too
>it's considered a decent RPG mechanic
>people on Yea Forums joke about timed hits
>seikiro, GoW, literally every western action game
>enemy has obviously scripted attacks
>you press A to if they have a red symbol above their head
>you press B if they don't
>if you mistime you take damage, if you mispress you also sometimes take damage
>it's considered a legendary arpg mechanic
>people on Yea Forums orgasm at the thought of timed parrys
why are 3d gamers universally shit?
Nintendo is a scam too. Imagine lagging on a fucking NES game.
If you want to believe that your shitbox get more flack than any other shitbox that's on you, but it wouldn't change that your emotionally attached yourself to a fucking brand and that will always be sad.
>you can't even message friends, jesus christ
user, that's not a part of any online service as you don't have to pay for that.
>You more than make up the cost of entry with ps4/xbox with the games they give out each month
With xbox it's somewhat easier to justify because they frequently have good games. In the case of Sony its a gamble on whether or not that month will give you something good that you don't already own especially since most of the games that go for free are indies. Not to mention if you miss the time frame for whatever reason you won't have access to said game.
With that said so you have any arguments for the rest of the points or did you realise you can't defend Sony?
Oh and another one I forgot, no name changes because of their incompetency and whatever they have in the works comes with a risk of data loss.
I hate nu-Yea Forums
>claiming a mario RPG game has better gameplay
LMAO, god damn, always getting lower and lower here. How can you be so fucking retarded and blinded?
>I was offended by people questioning the design of the redesigned main character in my favorite trailer for an unreleased game that I did not know whether or not it was good or even a faithful remake to the original
>It made me so angry that I was forced to spam threads once the game came out and was determined to be a faithful remake despite the questionable main character redesign
>It's not my fault, its theirs
>play online with somebody with shit internet and get latency issues
Happens all the time on my switch and PS4
>sonynormy thinks "le autism" is an argument here
>Nintendo fanboys playing games and knowing what they speak of
You wish. They don't play most of the games they shit talk because they are too casual.
good job ignoring the rest of my post because you know I'm right you deluded faggot
they have the same quality of games, just look at april's for both sony and microsoft. That said, every year has multiple games that pay off the cost
>Not to mention if you miss the time frame for whatever reason you won't have access to said game.
you have a month, not sony/microsoft's fault
Nope, both of these people were local and had great connections. Nice try though.
It's not that Yea Forums hates Sony, it's that Yea Forums hates Sony fanboys.
[spoilers]Sony could fucking calm down with the censorship tho[/spoiler]
Anything that isn't full on Ninja Gaiden Black might as well be Western to wannabe oldfaggot fedoraboomers.
>activision games
laughing at your life
No, I hate Sony and their movieshit.
I ignored the rest of your post because you are non idort a snoy cock worshiper
Go away before you literally embarrass yourself to death, WRPG-kun.
Then why didn't I see latency issues?
What the fuck is it with people putting [spoilers] instead of doing it properly? Are newfags showing much more than before?
Allow me to interject
>Games with shitty gameplay and underage kid fondling isnt the main audience. Its the niche 1% of retards.
Pissing off one of your more loyal fanbases ins't exactly the smartest business decision since they gain ABSOLUTELY NOTHING from this since their fellow SJWs don't play video games at all.
Censoring Japanese games is a retarded decision, no matter how you spin it.
By then SJW will have fully become the new normal, though.
Honestly, it's fucking wrong how they censor shit, but all I have heard have been complaints about the censorship, and not a single person supporting it. Are there people like that?
oh I guess I'll handle the other points, just wanted to focus on the online aspect because the audacity and hypocrisy regarding that and nintendo was too wild to ignore. Remember that all these points are in relation to competition, while not making them right the point was that sony somehow does them worse
>overly expensive sub price for the poor service and security you're getting
already covered, you'd have to be insanely deluded to think nintendo offers a better system
>expensive hardware for poor build quality
the ps4 is 200 while being several fold more powerful than the switch which is $300, inb4 portability as an excuse
>currently trying to remove their dedicated fanbase
what does this even mean? non-argument
>increasing their sub prices when nothing has improved
so like nintendo's system when it was free versus 20 bucks?
>holding fortnite accounts hostage and preventing general crossplay
fortnite is crossplay now, and histerically nintendo got kicked out of the console club and shit fit in with mobile
>can't do rest mode downloads without a sub
this sucks, but it's not as bad as the competition (no free games on xbox unless you pay for online, unlike ps4)
>ignoring fan demand and questioning them on matters such as backwards compatibility while selling ps1 and ps2 ports
there have been multiple patents with cerny as the leak architect released, have some fucking patience till the ps5 is revealed
>limiting Bethesda's mod support
huh? anyway not like switch has this
bonus: sony doesn't hunt down emulators/ROMs like nintendo does
don't ever bother shitting on sony's "anti-consumerism" if you're going to defend nintendo in the same breath. Don't bother trying to bullshit me, I'm an idort who's sick of nintendo's hardware and online, despite them putting out good games
>post a nude pic here
anyway, here's a snoyboi. I have another pic showing his micropenis.
They don't click the spoiler box
Ninja Gaiden Black was targeted at western audiences to the point that the working title of an in-development action game made by the makers of DoA was changed by Tecmo to "Ninja Gaiden" in order to appeal to western audiences.
>b-b-but nintendo!
yes, that's the point of the argument. Sony is less anti-consumer than Nintendo and in some categories microsoft
based and redpilled
>inb4 portability as an excuse
>this small car can drive on land and water why is it more expensive than this larger car
>several fold more powerful
Lol, nice try
>best console
>best sonic zone
>Ice Cap
>best resident evil
>Resident Evil 4
What the fuck.
how exactly are you confused by any of that?
Saying an opinion is objective didn't justify it user. By the same logic I could say they're bad because they don't appeal to me.
That's your argument.
>The Switch controllers are shit and cost more, what the fuck are you talking about?
Why is it always about Nintendo with you lot?
Regardless I'm talking about manufacturing costs, the ds4 cost a fraction of their RRP to make at any $25 while most other controllers usually get within a 10-20 range of it.
And because you're probably curious the joycon costs about $45 for one. And that's not one pair but one side. If I remember right Nintendo takes a loss on the dual joycon pack.
>Games with shitty gameplay and underage kid fondling isnt the main audience
Bias aside you're confusing the casual audience with their dedicated fanbase. What exactly will they do if the casual audience moves to xbox or Nintendo next gen? They won't have those guaranteed consumers who would buy their systems for jrpgs and such.
>many of which the Switch doesnt have like party chat, content sharing, streaming etc.
These aren't even part of the online service you pay for. Hell, streaming is an entirely different service.
You people don't know a thing about what we're talking about.
>And again, how is this anti-consumer?
You do realise you're defending them essentially stealing the accounts of their consumers, correct?
That's pretty much the definition of anti consumer.
>user, you are a fucking idiot for playing any Bethesda game on a non-PC platform and expecting mods
Says the person defending Sony. Not even Microsoft has such strict restrictions on mods.
Take a read of this.
This person had to gut their mod, which is also on xbox, of most of its unique content.
Again, regardless of how you feel about Bethesda and their games it is irrelevant, this is affecting the consumers.
censor station 4
>Main character redesign
He wasn't redesigned that much. He got pants, an axe and a shoulderpad and thats it
>Bully v Red Redemption
>Red Redemption
And this is how you know people here are absolutely retarded.
I'm not confused, retard. Those opinions are really shitty.
for someone who harped on me for ignoring a majority of the points, you sure are doing the same you baboon
This is just pathetic. You didn't even try to argue those points and just answered "but Nintendo" or something false like switch being booted from console crossplay.
>don't ever bother shitting on sony's "anti-consumerism" if you're going to defend nintendo in the same breath.
Literally no one was defending them in this conversation. Until you and the other user mentioned Nintendo this reply chain was just about Sony.
>I'm an idort
Sure you are, because we totally haven't heard that before from people trying to defend Sony.
opps wrong pic. here's the correct one. See the filename
>it's ok when nintendo spams the board with shitposting
>that's the point of the argument
The fuck are you talking about?
No one was talking about Nintendo but you.
>You didn't even try to argue those points and just answered "but Nintendo"
the entire point of this comment string is that sony is supposedly more anti-consumer than the competition, not that they're completely for the consumer you fucking idiot its in the same post you replied to. Try to follow along you troglodyte
The reason the 2007 date is referenced is to show how much of a financial blunder the PS3 was.
Blowing all the money you made from your previous two consoles combined IS a bad thing.
Oh, really? here's the original post that kicked off the comment string>Sony is more anti-consumer than Nintendo and Microsoft are.
>How exactly?
Now crawl back into your hole
Sony has always been the place for anime waifus. For that reason, I've bought every Sony console to date.
Sony is now the enemy of anime waifus. For that reason, I won't be buying another Sony product until California isn't calling the shots anymore.
Imagine talking about Japanese vidya on an Ainu radioactive whale harpooning forum.
I got a PS3 in 2007 because I wanted to play JRPGs and the online didn't cost money, also there wasn't a lot of ads yet unlike the 360, then Sony lost all JRPGs to the DS, PSP and 360. During this drought I got into fighitng games and they became my new favorite genre. I got a PS4 in 2014 and then the online needed a subscription and they started forcing ads on people. A few years later all of the fighting games I play get ported over to the pc. Now I don't have a reason to have a Playstation console anymore; I pay a lot in online subscriptions, there aren't any exclusives for me, there's no benefits to owning a Playstation console.
video games were always mainly a PC thing, and the only good japanese games are PC exclusive
There's a reason this place has gotten noticeably more libtarded since the "-nel" was added.
>he thinks Yea Forums has been actually contrarian in years
Meant for
user an argument like this requires you to compare without bias. Your posts basically consist of "but Nintendo is even worse!" without even telling us why or neglecting to mention factors on Sony's side.
Let's take this one for example
>the ps4 is 200 while being several fold more powerful than the switch which is $300, inb4 portability as an excuse
You're comparing several post launch discounts to a launch price rather than comparing the launch price of both systems. In other words it should be something more like
>the ps4 launched at $400 while being several fold more powerful than the switch which launched at $300
Now that we're on the right lines lets add more information this time in regards to parts. Now the parts in the Switch itself were about 2 to 3 years old at the time of launch while the ps4 used parts that were almost five years old.
So you have
>the ps4 launched at $400 despite using older parts than the switch which launched at $300 but the ps4 was much more powerful
I shouldn't have to teach you how to talk without brand loyalty.
People have been fucking up spoiler tags since before the site had a native extension.
It's a trash company that makes bad consoles. I regret buying a PS4
>Nintendo faggots proclaim they’ll buy third party
>Both Ys8 and Tales of Vesperia release on the switch
>Both sell so poorly on Nintendo’s platform that future releases are now strictly Sony only for consoles
>95% of sales came from Playstation
Why do Nintendofags keep shooting themselves in the fucking feet?
Because they said they think anime SUCKS
>hates Sony
Nigger were you around before Demon Souls got released?
Yea Forums loves Sony, honestly there some of the only on topic threads.
You know Vesperia sold more on the Switch world wide, right?
>Your posts basically consist of "but Nintendo is even worse!"
YES THAT'S THE ENTIRE POINT OF THE ARGUMENT HERE, sony isn't any worse than the competition which is the argument being provided. I even state that the shit sony does isn't good
If it’s not a character in Smash brothers it doesn’t exist. Just watch them kill Panzer Dragoon when nobody buys the remasters. There’s a reason why Sakura Wars is coming as a PS4 exclusive it will actually sell on PlayStation
Please, Yea Forums is horribly biased with Sony. They get away with jewing customers while their competition is mocked for doing pro consumer steps.
Yeah no worldwide figures don’t fucking help America. The last great Nintendo system is still the N64 and if Nintendo wants to do well in America they need that N64 magic
So what you're saying is that you can disregard sales numbers when they don't suit your argument.
Imagine actually believing this
America is the only market that fucking matter pleb. Being #1 in Japan is like winning the special olympics.
Imagine not believing this
>Handheld gaming is dead
>There's no audience
What about the Switch?
Yea Forums is becoming more and more sony niggers every passing day. it's the most popular board, flooded with underagefags and reddit tourists falsefagging and spamming cancerous garbage 24/7. they deserve all the hate they get and still need more of it until they get a containment board or fuck off entirely.
shit happened in 2005 and had nothing to do with playstation. get over it.
Imagine actually believing this
what did the snoynegroids do to make you platinum mad like this?
Just like when you faggots flood the catalog with "I'm SeLlInG mY SwItCh!111!!1!" and "ThIs Is ShIt!1!1a1!1" when you don't even own a switch.
what the fuck kind of reddit formatting is this
>Sells only matter when they agree with me!
Imagine thinking this shit.
You should fuck off back to there.
Its so frustrating dealing with Nintendo fans
>game has black character
>game has non-sexy female
>game doesn't have a Switch port
>"indie pixel shit"
The problem with Sony is that as soon as they get a modicum of success they get arrogant and they make the same mistakes as the xbox brand.
this has only ever happened with the ps3's first few years, don't pretend it's a common pattern when the ps2 smashed the competition even harder after the ps1 did
>ITT: I'm such a victim! I can't take the shit that I dish out to other people! POOR ME!
LMAO Y'all are crybabies
Nice victim complex, snoy
Or when the PS4 came out and they made online subscriptions mandatory. This used to be free on the PS3. So you see why it's so hard to support Sony when you know they're gonna screw you over in the end.
Both Sony and Nintendo have a cancerous fanbase and a large amount of shit games. But at least Nintendo has less cinematic games and doesn't go full politics with their business model.
true, I don't support any corporation because they all did this. Just stating facts
I wonder why?
>yfw you like both Sony and Nintendo equally
>Nobody hates Sony
snoy nigger
nice falseflagging
also >getting mad over pictures
Me, too. Hell I have a PS4, Vita, 3DS, and Switch.
I personally don't hate Sony.
Hell, the PS4 was the first console I owned since the gamecube/ps2.
It's just such a shame to see them go down this road of pissing off a large segment of their japanese fanbase but fucking over smaller japanese publishers/developers in the process with this forced compliance of these "global standards".
no, i simply hate censorship.
and you should hate it too, it doesnt matter if they censor things you dont like, i personally dislike dumb waifu ero shit games myself, but whetever you like it or not.
censorship is even censorship if its about things you dont like.
it can only get worse from this point.
i fucking remember having to buy quake from the "black market", or getting all my animes removed from the tv due to censorship.
im was happy it over, and now snoy starts with this shit again for exact same stupid nonexistent reasons.
>Midnight Club LA
>not Midnight Club 3
shit poll
The console is fine its the shitposts
People here hate happiness.
>nice falseflagging
Okay make a thread just like that and tell me how it goes snoyfag.
There has not been a single console exclusive that has made me want to buy a console for said exclusive.