If you unironically think this is better than V you're retarded

If you unironically think this is better than V you're retarded.
V is infinitely superior on graphics, mission design, storytelling, soundtrack. Yea Forums literally just praises it because it's old.

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in b4 zoomer


I'd rather be called retarded than publicly say I enjoyed V.

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Yikes. Stay with your old empty game, I rather stay with V, the literal epitome of sandbox design.
>Las Venturas desert on SA
Literally empty, useless waste of polygons. Now compare it with V's desert, faggot.

Age has nothing to do with it. For certain series, the best game is old, and in others, it's new. It's based on merit.

it achieved more for its age and set expectations so high for the next games that both IV and V couldn't live up to the hype

samp was shit tho
still had fun with it

V is 70% empty desert, dingus

Nobody wastes time outside the city unless they're doing missions.

V really has no explanation for not having more single player content, they could have made another 2 full games based on V's map and assets

Weak bait zoomer

You can crouch in SA and IV. You can't crouch in V. Therefore, V is shit.

>V has a massive map with literally nothing to do
>short story with shit plot
>online was fun for like a week


interesting how SA had such a small map which feels large, and the large V map feels small and lacking

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Let me ask you this, if this game was built on the new engine what would you rather play?

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somehow driving for 5 mins from ls to lv feels like you went on a long trip while taking 15 minutes to circle gta v map on highway just feels like a small drive
it's probably because there's only one big city

*blocks GTA fans path*

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The scale or illusion of scale felt fucked, going out into the woods in SA felt like you where out in the woods, but in reality you where always close to a road

There's few times in V where you can appreciate the scale

I blame the fact that you unlock the map a quarter of the way through the game and you spend the rest of the main storyline going up and down it constantly. San Andreas had much pacing in that regard.

>V is infinitely superior on graphics
no shit, you're comparing a game that came out in 2004 to one that came out in 2013.
having old as fuck graphics doesn't prevent a game from being better than a new one.

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yeah I remember crashing my car in the woods and feeling lost while in gta v you always feel like you're next to civilization even if the woods are actually bigger

*much better pacing

I can understand saying San Andreas is better than V, what I can't understand is saying that 4 was better than V. Regardless, Vice City is still the best.

Really hoping for a return to several different cities within the map in future GTA games, each with their own characteristics and cultural feel. I think SanAndreas had the best map layout of the entire series.

But is it superior in the fun?


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Spotted the retarded zoomer.


>soulless, zoomer trash
>better than san andreas

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