Are you guys hyped for Indivisible?
Are you guys hyped for Indivisible?
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This shit is still unrealesed?
I'm going to like the porn and the music but I'm not sure on the other aspects. I saw a choppy animation of the trap ninja which was probably animated by some tranny with nepotism
name 3 games that were developed in less than 3 years
Is that the one with a girl named after Anita? Fuck no.
I mean I liked the demo a lot when i played it like 3-4 years ago so yeah i guess but i wish it was out already
Ajna is Hindu shit
No, because niggas don't know how to spell invisible.
Sonic 1
Sonic 2
Sonic 3
Sonic & Knuckles
Sonic Adventure
Sonic Adventure 2
Sonic Heroes
Shadow the Hedgehog
Sonic 06
Sonic Unleashed
Sonic Colors
Sonic Generations
Sonic Lost World
Sonic Forces
Mega Man X6
Mega Man 3
no, cause its most likely going to be shit
too many party members in game with drawn animation
its almost guarantee that everything else is going to be mediocre to shit because they are dedicating all their time to the animations
don't forget that there's a bunch of monsters too
Taking real long so the excitement died out for me. I'm happy with the final designs of the characters and the prototype was. I especially liked some of the music.
>SJW shit
hope it flops, really
They hired Zone, and this is what they make.
megaman 7 was made in 4 months
>Out of battles is a fast paced platformer
>Battles are turn based fights
>Neither flow well together
MC is ugly so no.
This game would've been way better if it was a normal straight forward beat em up/metroidvania like guacamelee where your incarnates just granted you special abilities instead of having this weird ass convoluted TURN BASED combat.
it's active time battle, not turn based
Honestly the incarnates are unmemorable as fuck and the actually interesting looking ones where all cut off. Most characters just feel like special snowflakes deviantart artists going "look at my origonal oc go donut steel"
It's not actually fun though. This game would've been 100 times better if it had normal action game with autocombos
This game has been in development for almost a decade, I{ve seen porn of it since preproduction
What's the probability this would have a good story ? At least VP had that going for it
Shin Megami Tensei IV & Apocalypse
Pokemon Diamond and Pearl
Tell Mike Z to stop playing guilty gear and finish his fucking game
The Legend of Zelda Majora's Mask. Donkey Kong Country 2, Donkey Kong Country 3, most Call of Duty games, Madden, FIFA, NHL, NBA, Just Dance sequels...
I am cautiously optimistic.
>Brown Ryuko
I cannot unsee this
The gameplay doesn't look very good to me, honestly.
When the fuck is this shit finally going to come out? How is anyone supposed to be hyped when they still don't have a release date set?
Literally has animation by Trigger too. Akko's on the box as well!
It's coming out this year, man
Alex Ahad is my hero so yes I'm hyped
Is it even going to have half the characters they promised during development?
demo wasn't that fun
They cut like 7 I think
I will always mourn the loss of Voodoo nigga
What even is this game?
I lost interest as soon as it wasn't Skullgirls 2.
I just want more lewds of Ajna
... Wait, they delet Jellyfisher?
>when you spend so long making a game Neptunia beats you to the punch
it's super metroid but with upgraded valkyrie profile combat
The entire time I played the demo I just wanted to play Valkyrie Profile instead so not really
the fuck is with her left hand
Yes, very. This and N1RV Ann-A are probably the most hype I've been for an indie release actually. Super excited.
What's sjw in the game?
Alright, Yea Forums, humor me for a second:
Say this game does somehow come out within all our lifetimes; what are the chances if it actually good, like, on the same level as Skullgirls in terms of overall quality?
It has a brown female MC, which is unthinkable for the /pol/tards.
>Snowflakes complaining about sjw boogeyman again
Yandere simulator
I'll be more hyped ONCE WE GET A RELEASE DATE
It comes out this year, user. They're shooting for summer. And I don't know, if you like Alex Ahad's art style and valkyrie profile and metroidvanias, you'll enjoy it.
>Valkyrie profile combat
It has brown people and they changed that white dude to black. That's the only "argument" these retards have
they decided to reference underused nonwhite myths, religion and culture instead of overused white myths, religion and culture
>Say this game does somehow come out within all our lifetimes
You say that like there's something weird about the time frame. It's a crowdfunded title, it's perfectly normal for them to be publicly known extremely early in development. That's kind of the point - the developer is getting the costs of development from the audience instead of a publisher.
>what are the chances if it actually good, like, on the same level as Skullgirls in terms of overall quality?
The prototypes and backer demos have been very fun to me and seem well designed, and there's no reason to believe the final game won't be based on them. I can't speak for you though.
any indication of a good story in there ?
I played the demo at PAX and didn't really like how it played. Maybe it was just the weird pacing of the demo. I love the brown cutie though.
Literally started at the same time as Bloodstained which has a release date in a few months.
Haven't seen shit in regards to Individed. No demo or anything since the campaign.
BS is also much larger in scope with a huger budget.
They did some reworking of Ajna's character, and the general plot is "Ajna's village is destroyed or something, so she hunts down the guys who did it while becoming a strong spirit person"
The protos/demos are purely gameplay focused, at least as far as I remember from them.
I want to cum inside Brown Ryuko and also over her cute brown soles!
Who is this literal fluid druid
Shittily ripping off underused and less known shit is smart because if they ripped off good, known shit, their shitty rip off skills would be more noticeable
>No demo yet
There's been two
>that titty bounce
I hate sjw shit but I don't mind brown people or nonwhite mythology.
As long as it doesn't have trannies or forced-feeling gay shit.
>Literally started at the same time as Bloodstained which has a release date in a few months.
And Indivisible is set for this year.
>Haven't seen shit in regards to Individed. No demo or anything since the campaign.
They have been giving regular updates, have constant social media interaction, and there was a backer preview/demo about a year ago. They're also very clearly winding towards release now they're asking for finalised things from backers like how they want to be credited, confirming backerkit payments, showing the physical releases cover art (OP pic) etc.
It's really fucking dumb to complain about a lack of updates about a game you clearly have not been following updates on.
>they changed that white dude to black
definition of SJW
If by forced feeling gay shit you mean homoeroticism I have some bad news
Is that build updated from the demo available on the PSN?
They replaced this guy...
...with this guy.
He's still an NPC, though.
Great design, would conquer south america with.
>physical releases of indie crap
And then people tell me that the Nintendo fanbase isn't the most toxic. Do you faggots seriously need to pollute the world with even more plastic just for a few mb of information?
Listen, this is fine. It's not only what we need, but what we WANT. Think about this critically.
>Why are people always trying to change well established characters/lore/games? Instead of whining for change in a medium they don't care about, they should just make they're own game!
They've done it. They've gone off and made there own game. Now as for how well it does, we'll just see. But better this than them strong arming some other indie into changing on their behalf.
Not as bad as I was expecting.
But to properly answer its largely the social media postings of the various artists / writers. Many of the people making this are full socjus. While I hope the game is not, history has not been favorable to left politics entering their work
>no cowboy boots
fuck that
there surely was a better way to mix conquistadors with cowboys
But I can resell it when Im done, thus only paying like 5 bucks for a new title.
I won't forgive the butchering of pirate lady's design
Why are you hyped when you can't see it? It's indivisible.
Ren makes me feel weird feelings
What do I do about this
Only reason I'm interested in this is because I can make a team solely of guest characters that I like
At least this dynamic art looks miles ahead of the trash concept piece for this guy.
Isn't that still in development?
We both know the screaming for forced change wont stop.
Its not the mythos that upsets people its what said. The creators and artist being politically loud.
Indian lore is ripe for potential, it just depends how its used and the intent behind it. Ausra's wrath was awesome.
black people have the most SOUL
You're thinking of Invisible.
Indivisible describes something that absolutely cannot be overcome
he still has no personality.
thats some choppy animation
Also why when making a faggot character do they make them walking pride parade faggots?
Star Wars Battlefront by Pandemic
Armored Core Games
Ace Combat 4
Oh, thanks for clearing that up.
You can't look at this guy and tell me he's NOT gay.
Because a guy that acts like a seductive femme fatale is really disturbing and occasionally funny to laugh at, that's the point.
Not memeing.
It's not yet final, so it'll supposedly look better in the final game.
>Forgot the gif
No, that's Insurmountable.
Indivisible is something that cannot be harmed in any way, shape or form
No see, I get that and it can be done well. Like Slyvando from DQ11. Funnily I dont think he is even canonically gay, just camp as hell.
But even his 'parade' garb was less faggy than this shit.
from way down town
This character looks like they literally just stole Axle from Guilty Gear.
They're just doubling down on it. The top is basically the male version of something that shows a lot of cleavage.
I don't know what you're talking about
Mike Z and Alex Ahad have a compulsory need to reference every fighting game ever made, so I wouldn't at all be surprised if he was apart of the inspiration for Ren
Did they fix the camera constantly changing angles?
I like him
He's pretty cool, yeah
For those wondering, her concept art went from this...
...To this
Gonna post some of her animations
Oh, and this was also drawn of her
Jackie Chan
Jackie Chan
Jackie Chan
Easy Pete, is that you?
Look at em go!
No, not really. The art looks nice but nothing about the actual game I've seen so far aside from that seems interesting. I'll probably give it a chance if people are positive about it.
Turns out 2D animation takes a long time, shitbag.
Don't mind me.
Just posting the only girl that matters.
Razmi is tall
The pelt stays on
>they changed that white dude to black
Didn't they promise to put them both in after backlash? Is Vasco still cut?
Naga Rider is pretty damn cool. Wish Ahad had thought of him back during Skullgirls.
Which ones?
tfw pic related is her canon body type because Mariel liked it so much
I have created a helpful MSPaint chart to demonstrate
Leilani and Sangmu are in the game
Her voice make my peepee go up
>most of the cool characters got cut
What the fuck did I pay you for Alex you fucking lazy jew.
Shit, updating chart
You know, I don't know how I didn't know that, but knew that Antoine and George got merged
They cut all the cool looking ones, what the fuck.
>Well, we had to make room for all those guest characters that don't fit the game's setting user! Gotta honor those stretch goals!
The biggest Losses are Kogi, Tatanka, and Narssus
Prove me wrong
At least we still have Naga Rider
I don't even mind brown girls in general as long if they don't go out of their way to make them look unappealing or obnoxious as fuck for the sake of brownie points.
I wanted Hassam, alchemy is the tits.
There are women and niggers.
Also there is a Mauretanian with a French name because people forget that France exists outside of Europe.
Won't be in at launch, they're coming later.
all three ninja gaiden games were made in 3 years
>Annie finally playable
Feels great, doesn't it?
They took out Toko.
Thank god I didn't back this.
>Game launches.
>It's actually Beowulf.
the creators are retard liberals. They had a meltdown when Trump won. That's a red flag.
>Showel Knight
He is everywhere.
Oh nooooo
How dare they not like Truuuuump
I can't find any post officially deconfirming Narssus.
This is technically one of the earlier guest appearances.
>all of those games were developed by teams of 40+ people with a higher budget and a shorter playtime
>this game is being developed by a team of 20~ people in a small upstart in San Fran with a crowdsourced budget
yeah, okay.
I disappointed we didn't get a questing St. George, or flamethrower Hassam. I still think Latigo's pistol sword is dumb. Then there's even some in the Indiegogo trailer that weren't fully revealed, like the Crusty Whistler. I'm actually surprised Narcissus is getting some love in this thread, he always seemed get "firmly grasp it" and muppet nose syndrome jokes. Haitian voodoo could have been cool though.
I'm cautiously optimistic; I don't think the game itself will make huge waves, but I expect screaming matches from both sides when the game releases.
I'm disappointed that her outfit does not reveal delicious brown midriff.
Lol no. It looks like shit.
at least it wasn't as bad as the LISA dev's meltdown
It's an action rpg-ish type of battle system.
Pokémon Gold was made by 4 people in a year.
Hipsters nowadays have all this technology and are lazy as fuck.
All the recent demos are backer exclusive
Post the actual image you're referencing because it's not as bad as you're making it out
They moped for like a day
>asks for games
>gets responses
>"acckchually those don't count"
Supergiant Games, under 20 people:
Bastion (2011)
Transistor (2014)
Pyre (2017)
Hades (early access, 2018)
Is a dumbass, but for different reasons than what everyone else is saying
I'd say Lab Zero taking so long can be chalked up to animation on the scale they're doing it taking a long time
how can you blame these devs for believing in what the media tells them? these guys are just game devs who make shit all day and don't go to redpilled, based /pol/
She goes full Zug Zug when she transforms, though
This game isn't going to come out. Crowdfunded communists from San Fran don't know how to work within a budget.
early access doesn't count
Supergiant Games, under 20 people:
Bastion (2011)
Transistor (2014)
Pyre (2017)
To polfags like you, any dissent against or dislike of Donald Trump is "AHH TRUMP WON THE ELECTION THE SKY IS FALLING BLAH BLAH BLAH"
Why the hell do their politics matter this much to you? I'd bet my bank account that you wouldn't care as much if they were "LEL FUCK THE LIBRUHLS GOD EMPEROR TRUMP WON HAHAH FUCK MEXICANS TIME TO KILL ALL THE BROWNIES KEKEKEKEKEK" Pro trump
How many demos have there been of the two? I only have one backer and one prototype of the both of them.
risk of rain 2 was just released and took somewhere in the ballpark of 3 years to release. only two guys making it
Fuck supporting these dumb libs
Let's support the best anti-SJW, YandereDev, and his game, Yandere Simulator, where you can take panty shots and use it for currency!
i love ror 2 but it's in early access, not released
still missing a final boss, a few areas, characters, and lots of items
So basically there are no playable white males
Nice falseflag tranny.
The final boss looks like a white female
I actually really like that boxart.
What if space jin drew Ajna
Why does Alex have to put titties on all of his monsters
ugly cat
They also head deadlines, couldn't make their own budgets, and had to abide by a lot of things indie games do not.
In the some DLC that won't come out, because the devs are a bunch of retards who don't know how to plan.
The typical kind of devs who crowdfund their games.
yeah, I think you are right.
whining on public for not winning is not a way adults behave, user.
Why aren't the Indivisible devs based /pol/lacks like YandereDev?
YandereDev used to idolize the Indivisible devs. What happened?
It's supposed to be disturbing?
YandereDev is doing a psyop, he is jewish he is gold pilled.
>lil indie studio
>get Hiroki Kikuta to do your music
>and Trigger to do your animation
Hassam and Toko are gone? Damn those where some of my favorite designs.
oops wrong image
>gameboy game with limited animation that can be beaten in 5 hours
That's nice, too bad they used up all that crowfunded money to get it.
But hey, chopping out half of the promised cast is worth it for a minute long opening.
>"Full Socjus"
Bullshit. "Left of center" doesn't fucking mean SJW. The only person clsoe to being SJW is mike.
>toko, hassan, kogi
>Some of the ones that remained like ren and baozhai look worse off
Was tenoch redesigned into another character or scrapped? Also who's george's merger
Who wouldn't
George merged with Antoine. It looks a lot better than it sounds.
SMT4 and 4A are like 80 hour games on initial run.
Was he already posted ITT or you got a name/image
Tenoch performed mitosis and then became Mayan instead of Aztec
>Took out toko.
>The Christian samurai waifu based on those who died during the purge.
Hope there's a permanent transformation unlock
Isn't this the game that removed a character for being white?
Wait a minute is that a...?
Isn’t he a boss and not a party member? I think they’re using a design by Plague too.
That's pretty cool
I see.
Yes it is.
They got a lot of backlash for it, and banned people whenever it is brought up.
The game itself is not coming out anyways, whenever a update comes out, they are cutting out more and more characters.
What was the inventory system change
white people are only background npcs and enemies in this game
God Curses & Chaos is garbage
>this game
>Kill la Kill If
Can we please stop wasting great character design on garbage game genres
literally who are all these characters, this didn't age well
Bring back George or Tatanka or Vasco instead of some faggy dinosaur from a 2013 game noone played
If Kisaragi isn't confirmed for IF, I'm gonna fuckign lose it
>we got cucked out of the first decent vidya adaption of Tenochtitlan due to them re-tooling Tenoch and his area to be primarily Maya rather then primarily Aztec themed
I'm still mad
As someone who browses GameFAQs and YouTube's Alt-Right clickbait channels looking for Anti-SJW/Alt-Right audiences to debate with, I know about them all too well. These people have always been in our society but seek solace in gaming. Gaming is a fantasy lands that, in their eyes, should be a reflection of everything they've always wanted but can't get out of life. It was made with white men in mind, and now that it's starting to change to better reflect its audience, they feel like they're being attacked. Western gaming is taking steps to diversify their protagonists, diversify their developers, and create female characters that aren't grossly sexualized, and they hate it. So they move on to Eastern gaming while condemning Western gaming for its themes of progress.
What's interesting that I noticed about GameFAQs topics and stuff on Yea Forums, and how they align with the Alt-Right, is that you see this pro-Japan agenda theme frequently. It first takes the form of "Japan makes better games" or "JRPGs are superior." But then, it starts evolving into the fetishization of Eastern women, which is a common theme with the Alt-Right, due to fantasizing the submissive stereotypes of Japanese women. They then start talking about how Japanese gamers hate progressives in America due to censorship, and how their culture is really traditional is what makes it superior. Slowly, but surely, it evolves into a "this is why homogenous societies are better" argument, because the themes fill every checkbox in what interests them. Women, traditionalism, homogeny, white, etc..
I'm not sure what can be done about these people, honestly. To me, they're in the same category as the Alt-Right It's really hard to get into an honest conversation with some of them. Some of them have no intention of ever changing their views, even if they acknowledge they're in the wrong.
Nope. The very core concept of the game is just bad. It won't excel as a platformer, it won't excel as a turn based games. It's going to be a crappy hybrid, where no aspect is truly satisfying. They're in over their head, they don't have what it takes to pull this off. The only thing it will have going for it, is some nice animation.
Why would a liberal move to Japan?
Does If even count, though? How many original designs were made for it?
Last time I checked I was heavily disappointed with all the changes they made to their original designs, which were fantastic.
Did they went with the changes in the end?
By the way things are going, we might just get a female only cast. The majority of the characters cut or turned into a NPC have been male.
>As someone who browses GameFAQs and YouTube's Alt-Right clickbait channels looking for Anti-SJW/Alt-Right audiences to debate with
This is the saddest thing I've ever read.
>I checked this thread again for a shitty copypasta
>there are people who backed this crap
>tfw you remember they got backstabbed on characters redesigns
They don't necessarily have to be original, the designs are appearing in a game for the first time and it's in a trash genre, that's disappointment enough
I backed it and I'm very happy with it.
Not since they went and butchered almost all the characters during the redesign phase.
>Mariel thinks his opinion is worth anything
Literally nobody likes you, and it's not just because you have bad taste
you're a supreme faggot who eats his steak with Ketchup
I like how the only insult you can throw is something that is completely unrelated to me.
shut the fuck up tripfag
Pretty much every Classic, X, and Zero game was made in less than 6 months.
>creators of skullgirls
Can't you people just go watch slice of life anime or something?
>San Fran
Imagine what they could do with that budget if they lived anywhere else.
hype for those sweaty spats to be on my face
bRO, i just dont have the time to dedicate to K-On! anymore.
So this is a porn game right? If it is I'll buy it otherwise I'm completely uninterested.
How are those two things related
hype for those sweaty spats to be on my face
>is something that is completely unrelated to me.
Look at this denial right here
>Fixed Phoebe
Only redesign that matters desu
Phoebe is the only one they improved, literally everyone else got worse.
Don't fucking say it user!
Baozhai is better now. Fight me.
>Toko removed
The hell. For what fucking purpose?
I don't believe you are sincere about this obviously incorrect opinion.
A Christian nun samuari is probably offensive to Japanense people
well at that point its tongue in cheek and fun
No and I genuinely regret backing it. Anyone wanting this is better off just playing Valkyrie Profile
because they have no real understanding of japan society outside anime and youtube
Two cannons is better than one cannon. It's simple math.
There are active shrines to the feudal familys who had their men kill them rather than commit the sin of suicide during hideyoshi's autistic christian purge.
The gay CEO hates Christians
Gonna look into it real quick
based Mariel
>no toko, but phoede is okay
>no Hassam, but Dhar is fine.
>made Vasco black and less armored
>no Kogi, but Nuna the main character look alike loli is completely fine.
What the fuck were they thinking?
>Shitting on Phoebe and Dhar
Fuck you nigga I'll kick your ass
>No Kogi
Fuck this gay planet, he was my favorite from the getgo next to Naga Rider
She was originally going to be named Anita. You can Google it.
Alright bro.
Ones a token large women and the other is too generic compared to the rest of the cast, but also brown.
Hollow Knight, with two developers and a musician, gets $57,000, releases 3 years later, receives fourfree DLCs, and and upcoming sequel (which is a full game).
Indivisible, with $2mil budget and a larger team, isn't even out yet.
>What did the comapny that removed frames from a fucking fighting game years after it's release because of a panty shot think when removing characters with good designs and replacing others with horrible redesigns
Geez I don't know, couldn't possibly be the studio is filled with fucking idiots or anything,
>half the shafted characters are male
Kogi does more things for me than Ren does, a shame
Guess I'll do Razmi, Lanshi, and Sangmu
alright I'm sold
You are selling them both dangerously short and I don't appreciate it.
wait that was a legit patch?
I always thought that was some censorship bullshit they had to do for events.
>muh 1 frame of Cerebella panties
It's what happens when "idea people" get a bunch of gullible retards to give them money, without presenting a single plan of development.
Oh well, maybe idiots shouldn't give money to people who don't say when it will be finished, except when it is done.
I like giant dildo man
I will give you Dhar could be a cool character in a different game or even his own. Here is is the guy with the normal(ish) sword in a crew of weirdos. He has that main character look to him, but here the only reason he was not cut was because he was brown.
Phoebe is clearly based on amazon myths, and yet looks akin to a russian bodybuilder. These do not mix. Wanted archer girl? Cool, scythians used them. Greeks, when the city was under direct threat, would arm women. Go full Athena and it would be cool. This odd mix just dose not work,
I like how no one gives a shit about Kaldi
>all of these characters from games that came out years ago
really puts it into perspective
How do retards still fucking use this argument when it's been said time and again that the animation was changed because it didn't animate right and not because they wanted less pantyshots
Literally every other panty shot was left in the game
Never give into crowdfund unless you know EXACTLY who is making it and their history.
What said aswell
Keep Shovel, Skull girl, Shantae, Transistor, and Guacamelee.
The others are dated and feel forced. Especially the dino.
>inb4 delayed again
>the only reason he was not cut was because he was brown.
You don't even know that for certain. They kept him probably because he's integral to the story.
Huh, I could actually see that. Kind of a 'too late now' situation.
Boy, can you imagine people actually backing this piece of shit? Most probably don't even know what the fuck Indivisible is if you told them these days.
It's definitely the case.
From the official website
>The newest of Ravannavar’s Generals, Dhar was recently promoted from Commander for his outstanding service. Dhar’s duty is to purge the heretics that Ravannavar believes stand in the way of world enlightenment, a brutal task he excels at., a brutal task he excels at.
>This bloody campaign ultimately lead him to Ashwat, where he encountered Ajna. However, during their battle Ajna’s mysterious ability awakened, and Dhar unwillingly became the first “Incarnation” she absorbed.
>Trapped within Ajna’s mind, Dhar reluctantly agrees to join Ajna on her quest for justice. But does he have ulterior motives?
I don't think there's enough sexy to counteract all the cute this game has
Cute>Sexy, so it works out
Yea dude i cant wait
Are they keeping the weird skin color?
looks like it
How do you feel about Yan
Yeah I'm excited when it comes out in 20 years
Hoe does she put her clothes on?
cool concept but no arms takes away a lot
Leggy aint bad, But thats stupid leggy.
Also how dose she dress?
Amputees creep me out and her face looks dumb
Understanding anime should be enough to trigger them.
Nice gear bby
holy shit is this game still not out
I clothe her every day
I completely forgot about this.
Clearly she has someone else do it
Yeah, two hands and ten fingers!
he's in
What's it like having horrible taste
All of them minus Time Force have Switch ports and sequels.
Nuna, Bonzai and chinese lute girl all look way cuter.
This kinda looks too hectic to appreciate the animation.
>presents it as a way to have a more inclusive and diverse cast
>it's in fact just a way to save on animations
can't fool me Mike
Extremely. The backer beta was good and I want to see what the game is like with a full cast and full movesets.
>she could have been thicc
I can't trust someone I can't see the face of
It should be called Invisible because no one even remembered this piece of shit existed.
It's visible for at least one animation
may as well put in the headless guy from Dead Cells
Imagine waking and thinking to yourself "Yeah, the game being made by lazy San Fran communists that keeps dropping more and more content with each dev update will not only release, but will, by the time it's released will be worth playing or in a playable state when it does." I hope you feel real fuckin silly if you do.
god I hope not.
I hope he fell for the retarded misinfo and /pol/ shitposts from here
How do you feel about Alex Ahad's waifu, Thorani?
post yfw Indivisible got funded
old hag, droplet motif looks stupid
We must critically support Indivisible in order to fulfill our quest of pissing off YandereDev
I don't know what that is, so I guess no. Should I be?
Mike, legit question, why are you already shilling the game when it's obviously not anywhere close its release?
>this Cuphead rage was mostly from his bottled up anger from Indivisible still getting funded despite all of his efforts into staying up days straight too many times during the campaign so he can shitpost spam and falseflag on this board
>hand drawn animation for every single character
cool, I can appreciate that but don't overdo it since the game has to be released sometime
>the absolute trashfire that is the character designs
Practically the only good one is naga rider because it doesn't focus too hard on making him """unique""" in retarded thematic ways and instead goes for a tried and true silhouette/theme
Maybe it's just someone that has a legitimate interest in the game and wants a thread about it
Can you maybe elaborate on which designs are bad and why
>he might set his house on fire if Indivisible is a comercial and critical success
fingers crossed
She's in
>his zoomer fanbase knows he'll kill himself if Indivisible is a success but that's a problem because they want him to finish his Hitman rip-off first so they shitpost these threads hoping it'll turn enough people off
And yandev will never finish it because that will end his endless supply of e-welfare
First of all, I dislike the designer's art style so I'm already biased against them in the first place. For a lot of these there's a weird balance between practicality and cartoonishness that I can't really seem to place, i.e. mega-oversized weapons that look out of place alongside other characters with no accessories or normal sized ones or overdetailed outfits that are trying way too hard to differentiate them culturally.
Looking at there are so few that actually look interesting or fun, and ir's even more difficult to look at them from a gameplay perspective because the designer doesn't really know how to differentiate them in that way either outside of showing their weapon. Razmi is the only one with a half decent action shot, Tatanka is the only one with a decent pose (and they're cut). Basically the only ones I like are razmi, tungar, kushi, and naga rider and the rest are cut or redesigned worse.
Also, the fact that a lot of decent designs weren't thought through and were cut down to a more simplified/less interesting version is not a good sign for the rest of the game.
>if you don't like my hyped indie shit, you are alt-right
yes if she has good frames that show off her ass
>remember the days when people didn't leak the backer demo
>backers now wait for another year and a half for an unfinished game.
no. Just an oversized gauntlet loli. Predictable and not unique
Zahra is best girl and I WILL fight you
imagine begging for an hour long prototype of game and getting asshurt that he didn't get it
>everyone is either a faggot or a nigger
Nice diversity
Is this animated on 2s or 3s?
>getting triggered there isn't a character with your skin color in it
where have I heard something like this before?
I honestly think it looks pretty neat and will probably try it. I'm not actively hyped at the moment but I'll probably get it and enjoy it.
lemme help you with that bud
to all my fellow backers
Well poo niggers.
Also, indians are not all fucking tan. Why is this never shown?
Southern indians are white skinned.
Same as the persians and original afgans (not the turkish / arabic incest rape babys they have now.
Whoa whoa hol' up niggers. Are you telling me if Indivisible is a success financially and commercially, YandereDev will likely go fucking nuclear and burn everything he owns to the ground knowing that game got finished before his?
did you not see Yandev's Cuphead rage? That was all because Indivisible got funded
are the the different characters going to be interchangeable, or will some be more op than others?
any reasons as to why he hates it so much?
JoyMasher is a company made up of a whopping 2 people - a married BR couple. In their few years' existence, they've made Oniken in 2012, Odallus in 2015, and will be releasing Blazing Chrome by the end of May 2019 even though development for that one started in 2017.
Envy. The same reason Yea Forums shits on Toby. Because he wishes he were that successful.
shit boxart
The character designs are just so fucking funny. I cant help but snort when I see them.
MikeZ aka wippler-wrokn. You ever see those posts that shit on MikeZ? Those are all mostly YandereDev
There's going to be so much crossdressing porn of him if this game gets popular.
Also this. Fuck them.
I'm hyped for more porn of ajna
If shes indivisible how come I can see her?
she covered herself in mud
Jesus, that anime character in his update videos is being a bit too generous to how he actually looks
He wasn't removed for being white you kneejerk reaction loon
I've been all the way around the horn with Indivisible.
I tried the campaign preview on PS4, the backer preview on XB1, and I'm asking for the Switch version as my final game.
and you felt the need to reply to that old post with no information of your own... why?
Love that box art.
I just got here, and the information I added was that he wasn't demoted from playability for being white.
>gunblade revolver.
Nigga, that's an instant upgrade alone