Is this the most cringey and edgy game out there?
Is this the most cringey and edgy game out there?
Other urls found in this thread:
Cause Yea Forums needed another wojak thread
t. jesus
enter the gungeon is already better, and with the FREE (that's right steakmund niggers, free)expansion next week it's gonna be even better
Ed mcmuffin is just made that his mom mad him go to church on sundays until he was 16 and this was his way of venting. Theres no need to get this upset over a LITERAL fat neckbeard's game user
I find it amusing that edward tones down the anti-fundamentalism shtick and goes for a more generic cathedrals and hellfire theme later on.
It's pretty damn edgy, and religion is pretty fucking dumb.
if it was a game about stupid and evil trannies, I bet you'd love it user ;)
where's the lie? as a believer myself, organized religion is a sham and always has been. takes something that should be pure and distorts it with human greed.
Basically every JRPG is like this and you all eat it up anyways, why care now?
I thought it was reconned that he killed himself by suffocation in his toy chest because he was a schizophrenic that couldn't handle his parents divorce.
true, god not real
true, taking away individual rights because of said god
wheres the lie
The game is cool but the story and premise are painfully cringe
>I feel this depiction of one person who holds such a fiercely wrong ideal of god's love is a representative of all Christians. I must defend any monster that pays lip service to Him.
>oof ouch owie my worldview
get fucked cunt
Isaac has gender identity issues and they make fun of him constantly until he dies.
I agree I really hate the story of isaac. DUDE IT HAS 27 ENDINGS all 5 seconds each
you know that videogames aren't real, right virgin?
Reminds me of that one Newgrounds series where there would always be a Jesus enemy that the edgy protagonist ends up shooting
I think you can be critical of certain parts of Christianity without being critical of the entire thing. I don't think anybody is supposed to see Isaac's mom as a representation of all Christians, she's shown as an evangelical nutjob and an extremist.
Besides it's just a silly indy game made by some guy, I really don't see what the big deal is.
>being this new
Christianity is the Islam for white people. Both are radical sects but cristianity has go full casual, but you can find passages about killing people in both of them.
Aren't you tired of making the same exact bait thread every day?
Is getting (you)s the only way you can feel like you have friends?
>Discriminate against people's sexual preference
>Believes supernatural miracles
yeah fuck off Christianity is shit. The sad thing about GamerGate was that only right wing journalists picked it up. I liked MIlo Yianoppouluses's and Mike Cernovitch's defence of gamergate but in the end these guys were rightwing nutjob losers.
I wish the left sided with us during gamergate, because the result is a bunch of gamers who think being rightwing is edgy. The natural allies of gamers are the left and just because a small but vocal subset of them condemned us doesn't mean we should give up on them.
Reminder: You can be left wing AND against SJWs
Yeah why would anyone think the number one child fucking organization in the world is evil? I just don't understand. Oh well, time to donate money they can give to their lawyers and let them try to dominate politics so they can force their will on the unwilling.
No one recognized the spam yet.
When you make a post, in the option section if you write down "sage" I think it makes your post not bump the thread, now I'm not saying that I did it but its probably a good idea to do it it you don't want to fully support spam and still reply
>fundamentalists christians dont want gays to get married
>funamentalist muslims literally throw gay people off tall buildings to their deaths
All religion is stupid. I just hate hypocrites on the left that don't hold Islam to the same standard as Christianity.
I don't care what this game is about but your post is turbo cringe, triggered christiancuck
People who defend Christianity are just as cringy as those who dismiss it.
Based? maybe
Redpilled? definitely
Seethe more, christcuck.
Lets get serious, religion is a fucking evil backwards idea from the stone age and it has no place in our society.
Nah, Christian conservatives are what we really need to talk about...
Have your (you)
wow haven't seen these threads in some time. it's just a joke you moron. cliche tv trope
I saw this same thread a hundred times already. Stop, dude.
I agree, fellow goyim.
I'm going to give you the benefit of the doubt and assume you aren't posting the same bait over and over and over and over FOR FUCKING YEARS because you're an attention whoring faggot, but because you think it's a good way to start a BoI thread.
It's not. It's makes the entire thread about your stupid fucking bait post, and not about the game.
All religions are stupid
Except of course islam, buddhism and judaism
My parents took me to a Pentecostal church every Sunday growing up.
That game's depiction of religious zealots aren't very far off from the truth. You can't tell my i'm edgy for thinking it's total lunacy because I've seen it all with my own eyes.
Rabbi. I feel pretty bad these people are going to get swamped by non-whites and muslims within our lifetime. As much as I would like to pin it on you, that's not going to do any good but just waste time. I feel that they've only got themselves to blame.
Im fucking sick of the same shitty threads with the same images and text, fuck off negro
>cringe and edgy
Also all religion is stupid and evil. It's not even up for argument, and even though the game uses a fat religious retard as a foil I don't actually remember this as explicitly in the game, seemed more about mental illness. Anyways religion is at best escapism from the reality that is death and at worst bombing opposition, or telling children to not take drugs, or don't wear condoms. Extremist are bad but general religious population is just as much a cancer on society, and you are worse off believing in it, only religion can get people to believe cutting off boys penises is A-ok.
Thinking Christianity is evil isn't even edgy anymore.
>newfags replying to a copypasta religion bait thread
>You can be left wing AND against SJWs
Friendly reminder that SJWs and the rest of western liberal clique belong in the enlightened centrist camp and are equally hated by both Left and Right
What are some games abouty Islam?
>best itens in the game are angel itens and you literaly kill satan in the end
Religion is way more important to the history of the world than mentally ill men dressing in drag
>dude I'm so above it all, everyone is dumb ahah
>the same exact bait thread posted in the same exact way with the same exact people making the same exact replies, arguments, and ad hominem attacks
Huh, not used to seeing frogposters paired with legitimate statements.
Both religions are anti gay and any pro gay catholic or Muslim isn't doing their faith correctly.
Which is the majority of them.
every religions are stupid and evil
What's OP's endgame?
Spoken like a true nutjob
>christcucks being annoying faggots who get their panties in a twist when someone criticises them yet parade around glorifying killings and other shit when it involves a party they don't like
I'm going to do an Azazel run and hit R until I get proptosis or some shit and then say I'm good at Isaac when I win and no one can stop me!
You made this thread last week, and I'm going to pretty much respond the same way
You don't create a game like The Binding of Isaac without having an intimate knowledge of the religion itself.
Yes, the bible and Christianity is pretty fucked up sometimes, and still is. American loves shitting on other religions, but then middle America is pretty much covered in religious zealots.
Yes, it's a bit edgy sometimes, but then so are half the games Yea Forums rant and raves about sometimes.
seething christfag
holy shit op you are pathetic
Fixed that for you.
>Don't pay taxes
>Get a ton of benefits from the state aka the tax payers
>Get to be an international pedophile ring operating out of a sovereign pirate nation
>Move known sex offenders from parish to parish
>Despite this there isn't any massive investigation into them
>In many states the religious vote is the deciding factor
Help we are being oppressed!
>This thread again
Yes it is cringe and embarrassing
Would you defend the same point if the game was about islam/hindu/scientologists/pagans etc?
>pagans and islam
That's been done.
I like chik fil a remember when you could still say merry christmas now it's racism against christnians
show christian shit
show some eastern religious shit
Not OP, but frankly most religions are pretty dumb
Even 'peaceful' religions have had their moments.
Pretty much the best religions out there are the ones you can passively follow
Hell, Japan is covered in Shinto shrines, yet I bet most citizens don't readily identify as being Shinto or even religious.
Taoism is also pretty chill
The gist is
>Be a good person
>Don't be an asshole
>If your environment doesn't permit either, just be a better person than your neighbor
There, that's it. That pretty much sums every other sane religion.
>Be less of an asshole than your neighbor
Eastern shit is exotic, Christianity was what I had to waste my childhood weekends on.
retards stop bumping this thread
>some white guy: be nice to others
>some indian guy: be nice to others
Lol this
>muh crusades! DEUS VULT MUH LORD *tips* anyone up for a LARP
>some white guy: be nice to others
Yeah it was more about don't have sex and give us money.
Jesus fucking Christ, calm the shit down Christfags. The entire point of the game is that it's about a child misinterpreting God wanting to kill him because his mum's slightly off her rocker after his dad left. Holy items are treated as well as possible in the game, The Bible kills your Mom, fucking christ how many times do we have to have this thread?
At least Buddhism/Confucianism/Hinduism/Shintoism never force itself to everyone's throat
>some white guy: dont have sex before marriage
>some indian guy: dont have sex before marriage
>Christian is about be nice to others
Tell that to the Crusaders
Isn't Isaac saved by a Bible falling on her head though? Isn't that more pro-Christianity than anything?
>being religious in 2019
I remember one user from this exact kind of thread who talked about how his mom would religiously watch the scene from Passion of The Christ where Jesus gets whipped every night.
>>some white guy: dont have sex before marriage
>>some indian guy: dont have sex before marriage
Got the actual version for you.
>he's religious because /pol/ brainwashed him
Maybe in the west. Most Muslims within their own countries have radical views and are against faggotry.
So this is one of those religious threads?
Best pantheon coming through.
Being Christian is like post-2016 version of being an atheist
Fuck /pol/ and the alt-right meme and FUCK Trump
as someone who's got nearly 2000 hours in this stupid game, you don't even notice after the first few playthroughs
Why doesn't celtic mythology get any love? That shit is wild.
*tipping my fedora* yes my friend i shall after rewatching all seasons of rick and morty to build a time machine to go back time and enlighten them with science
You can make games out of greek and norse myth, but not christian myth? gtfo cuckold. Also faith is displayed ambiguously in this game.
wheres the lie
lol @ the triggered christcuck
how do you do fellow underage satanist?
this but unironically
>cucks being annoying faggots
wow you just summed up atheist and edgy anti-religion retard everywhere
like clockwork
enter the gungeon is shallower in unexpected ways
i wanted to like it i really did.
so basically being atheist is cool again?
epic. i knew i shouldnt have sold my fedora.
>hurr durr we must le separate le state and the religion
>wtf church pay tax now!
>triggered christcuck
Truly like clockwork.
>Claims that the game says christianity is evil
>God saves Isaac in the end
Not evil, just stupid.
>some white guy: my values are the one and only truth
>some indian guy: my values are the one and only truth
>some atheists: my values are the one and only truth
Wow such difference!
is pathetic
>cucks being annoying faggots
>triggered christcuck
wow it seems my mere response and existence literally rumpled up some godless butt itt.
What item on the first floor always makes you know that the rest of the run is going to be great?
>mfw ipecac
These threads are made by one guy promoting his anti christian views and getting people to buy his game instead. Now why has the op made it clear he wants people to buy enter the gungeon and getting people to hate on isaac which is a direct competitor to gungeon. Also the shitspam he has been making is awful.
3 out of the 4 atheists I know are too busy sticking money in the stock market while banging their boyfriend or girlfriend.
>true, god not real
Where's the proof?
>he's a tranny because /lgbt/ told him to
Stop doing this daily thread faggot
It's a bot you fucking bigots, jesus how could you niggers even reply to this shit
Burden of proof is on you idiot,
This is now an Isaac thread
Post hopes for repentance
>implying most "atheist" arent sad incels
i get more dick than you
Fuck off, retard. God's a fag and so are you.
>Thinking four people is a valid sample size.
>because the result is a bunch of gamers who think being rightwing is edgy.
Till this day I will never understand this, why the fuck would you side with the party that has been trying to get games banned for years and thinks we're all basement dwelling losers?
Individual rights are derived from deontological christian tenets you mouthbreathing retard.
Look at yourself
no u
>we're all basement dwelling losers?
they're not wrong on this one though.
Shut up. I am not a gay. Shut up.
I know 4channel has an obsession with having a prosecution-complex but imagine LARPing as a christcuck
good joke user
>All this pent up frustration and faggotry
Its OK user, going to church and confessing your sin is as easy as being a faggot who avatarfag anime characters. Take the first step and renounce faggotry today!
>Burden of Proof is on you
Correct but I did not made the claim that god doesn't exist.
I while back the republicans shut down the government (not the recent one), people specifically referenced the shutdown for why they weren't buying form me so I couldn't make my sales quota, lost my job got crippled a few weeks later and had a huge employment gap so now getting a job is hard as fuck.
Fuck the republicans forever.
Transformations other than Guppy or Spun that are actually worth a shit.
>mfw conjoined
It cleanses the soul and will made your vidya experience THAT much better.
>says the guy who got asshurt and posted
I think you should take the log out of your own eye, before trying to pick the splinters out of someone else.
*a while back
>The virgin indie game.
>The Chad Jap scrap.
brainlets cant figure out that the ironic shitpost in the OP is just a excuse to get BOI thread going.
>n-n-no you!
ahh the typical response of any butthurt atheist. You can't stop responding to me and you will continue to do so after this. Its not healthy to hate on religion user.
>"Christianity is bad!"
And Islam?
user you are not very bright are you
>Christianity is bad!
>hurr durr every single religion and every single degenerate behavior is welcomed anyway.
yeah no better way to talk about video games than to post political bait
>tfw there are so many things that give you flight it isn't even exciting any longer
What were they even thinking with seraphim and leviathan
They don't want to get blown up.
As much as I understand that you're just baiting for (You)'s, it's still kinda worrisome to think that there might out there be a christfag who is unironically as mentally ill as you're right now parodying.
how is this thread still up
it's been spammed multiple times over the past week
that was clever, here take this
ah yes fellow godless senpai, we are more sane than those religious people
>*shoves bananas in ass*
>*cut dick off*
>*import more religious people*
what was the lore?
isaac was playing these characters in his head while he was dying in a chest?
>describes a typical americuck
>a person who grew up in a highly religious society
Makes me think.
Evil doesn't exist since objective morality doesn't exist.
semen demon
Is there even any games that play on all religion not as a way for monsters to apears, but just to have dicks being dicks by using people for whatever?
Yeah basically
It's just an altered version of the usual 'main character's in a coma lol'
>hey I know your Christian neighbors can and have voted on policies that directly affect you but LOOK AT WHAT'S GOING ON IN THIS MICRO-STATE
Too many of the weapons are just "shoot in general direction of enemy and the bullet does the rest". It hits a point where the guns can easily be categorized into one group of "bad" guns that are less reliable than your starter and a ladder of good guns where each is slightly better average damage than the last. Nothing that really creates a build path, just bad/good/better. Not enough items that actually effect the basic gameplay loop, just more dakka.
Because the be nice to others is what people criticize Christianity for...
So... now Christianity is the new contra culture?
What was the reason you made this thread? The real reason.
I'm sick and I need help
>I wish the left sided with us during gamergate.
I agree with this completely. Instead the left has practically united against us on this front. Well mostly the journalists, but youd be surprised how many fucking niggers still read journalistic articles.
Unlike us eh christcucks!:
>gives money to random charlatan
>helps missionaries get more immigrants here
>gets bitten by poisonous snakes because holy spirit
>helps keep pedophiles in churches and rapists on the streets because God forgives them ;)
Sure is great to be an NPC-I-i mean christian!
I only have one achievement left
I thought that fucking Jumper Cable was the last one (find 3 items that are shop exclusive or some trinkets that don't have a concrete way to drop instead, haha fuck you), but apparently I've never picked up a Delirium outside of challenges so now I'm stuck repeatedly running through early levels with Azazel trying to get angel rooms (on average 2 each run) so I can fill out the last space in the item gallery
I'll probably keep playing for dailies, but fuck me I hate these stupid achievements that rely solely on literal RNG
Seeing this thread gives me nostalgia for all the dozen plus times it got was over the years.
this is true, Gungeon has better gameplay but the item possibilities and the fact every run truly feels different makes BoI far more replayable.
Christians are pussies and Muslims actually blow up people who insult them.
isaac > nuclear throne >>>>>>>>>> gungeon
gungeon alright though
What are the Crusades?
I hope you're catholic you fucking slut.
American """""""people"""""" have yet to realize they're the only on still believing in christianity in modern times
Nothing compared to the islamic conquests
Unfortunately slavs and HUEHUEs are still on it but yeah, only third world countries do that.
>this same thread again
I've never even played this game but I like it for the sole fact that it makes christfags this mad
Same here for me, the game has such a dumb artstyle tho that I can't imagine anyone truly taking it seriously, like you fucking cry to hit enemies, why should the story not be stupid as well.
why are christians so beta?
muslims behead people for even daring to insult islam
OP is proof that christcucks are just as obnoxious as atheists.
No wonder church attendance rates are down. YIKES
Stop posting the same shit, nigger.
It's almost like the fedorashit is ackshuhually window dressing and that the game really isn't all that anti-religion (or at least anti-Christian) once more and more of the lore elements are revealed.
lol what
Just by posting in Yea Forums you automatically go to hell, I can't believe the amount of christian larpers in the site right now.
how is hell real if mirrors arent real
same post from last week, huh
you're really trying too hard
>still living in the boomer-spawned fantasy bubble where all non-liberals are twirly mustache cartoon villians
I can't wait for these dinosaurs to finally die off.
Literally what I thought the thumbnail of above quote would be.
>they're lowering the dps cap on bosses and adding the Gunslinger as a playable character
Forgotten is better proof that the right fans have more sense developing a game than Edmund. Prove me wrong.
>game about shooting at moving targets while being on the move yourself
>the superior input device for this would be a mouse, but mouse control is disabled by default and there's no way to enable it in the options menu
>the only way to enable it is through an ini edit where you simply have to edit "MouseControl=0" to "MouseControl=1", meaning the developers deliberately went out of their way to disable mouse control
His previous game:
>Super Meat Boy originally started out as a flash game. Flash games obviously don't have controller support and can only be played with keyboard)
>Despite that, the startup screen makes fun of players who prefer to play with keyboard
>unlike literally every other PC game, you can't natively rebind keys
Why does this developer hate PC gaming?
You're literally mentally ill
Where is the proof that unicorns aren't real?
Why don't you belive in unicorns user?
True, modern liberals are very much Abrahamic evangelists in nature when you think about it.
>gives money to random charlatan
Ahhahaha let me donate more to the Amazing atheist amazing banana performance. that will show them our superior morality to those Christians!
>helps missionaries get more immigrants here
haha here's more money to those NGOs who will bring in more diverse religious immigrant to fuck my society but fuck those Christian anyway!
>gets bitten by poisonous snakes because holy spirit
>helps keep pedophiles in churches and rapists on the streets because God forgives them ;)
ugh racist and homophobic Christians, don't you know that molesting boys and raping and stoning women are part of their culture?
sasuga atheist for being the most moronic hypocritical group.
buttmad chrstfag
Because he's based and PC gamers are usually greasy bastards that honestly have it coming
>only 3rd world country do that
>uniroically he himself posting in an unironic 3rd world country
Oh those cute little atheist retard.
Hahaha i love when the bible says that slavery is ok
>I have no argument but I must be an edgy retard from the 2000s
If you're offended by how they depict an evangelical nut then you may be an evangelical nut
Thanks for reminding me to buy this game on my switch, user. Have a good day :)
god not real
>don't have sex and give us money
Ah yes, the calling card of a highly renowned Christian made famous back in 2012.
You are aware of what the "a-" prefix represents, yes?
is because muslims don't let woman be in control
I guarantee you every God is for everyone overinclusive christcuck is a woman
hell look who are the """"feminist muslims"""" is just women butchering establishments again
>one-hit knockout with the Bible
be nice to others or else*
>Till this day I will never understand this, why the fuck would you side with the party that has been trying to get games banned for years and thinks we're all basement dwelling losers?
Agreed. Why would you said with any dominant Western political party?
>le burden of proof.jpg
>tfw i remember when religioncucks were ignored or bullied to death
>now you even get warnings if you say mean things to some faggot
nice fucking shithole you got there amerilards
god not real
If you need a religion to have morals or values then you may be a psychopath
I've seen this exact same thread god knows how many times.
>>now you even get warnings if you say mean things to some faggot
That's what you get for ignoring religion in the first place. The utterly cucked and depraved takes the league and destroy any sense of sanity left.
Christianty is practiced very differently in Murica and in the rest of the world. Most of the shit that makes christianty looks fucking retarded is actually because of muricans trying to justify being bigoted or wasting all their money on a phony pastor who use that money to get gay hookers and coke while saying drugs and gay sex is bad.
0 times because god not real
>gay hookers and coke while saying drugs and gay sex is bad.
Pretty sure that happens in vatican as well
>hurr durr everyone but me is a psychopath
>*shoves banana in ass*
I love to hear your retarded version of true(tm) Christianity then
This will be posted every day by a troll until it gets everyone on Yea Forums even though it's explained every time it's not anti-christian, it's a little boy suffocating in a box.
Do you guys unironically believe in a man in the sky
The real question: is it only one guy or is it copycat shitposting now? In any case, it's one of the more pathetic things I've seen today.
>helps keep pedophiles in churches and rapists on the streets because God forgives them ;)
Well judging by pop cultural perception, Oprah is god and Weinstein is essentially (((exonerated))) so you are at least mostly correct.
>>*shoves banana in ass*
i dont get it
>I'm going to read something in the post that wasn't there so I can pretend to have an argument
Funny how you are offended by this but take no offense to the Vidya edits of the Christchurch Shooting.
He's saying that atheists don't have values, are you going to deny that?
Without. Absence. There is no presence of anything implied at all in the term "atheism". It quite literally means "absence of theism and what follows from it" which means you can't have ascribe anything like moral values since you're literally associating positives to a negative term.
>say that individual rights are derived from deontological christian tenets
>get told that christianity promotes slavery
>you have n-no argument you stupid edgy perma virgin teen
Why are religious people so stupid.
big brain post
That's not what I got from the game. God literally drops a bible on her head to save him.
For God sake, this board really are full of leftist newfag now. How the fuck can't any of you remember the Amazing(lel) Atheist?
You already posted this thread, and no one cares about you being butthurt because a video game made fun of your cult.
Fuck off to Reddit.
>one person represents everyone
i dont get it
This, being an agnostic is the only accept answer. Whether you're a theist or atheist will depend on how blackpilled you are, though.
>haha do you get my reference
neck yourself
>253 replies
holy shit are you fucking retarded guys? this is a retard spamming the same thread over and over again
just fucking report the thread you stupid autistic dumb fucks
>about a dozen enlightened western Yuropean countries = the rest of the world
How to spot the underageb&. I bet you think everything outside "Murrica" is a democratic socialist utopian paradise, too.
God made bananas perfect to use as a sex toy.
Get fucked atheists
you're such a badass dude
I like arguing with children though
>You magically can't create the modern concept of individual rights based on the bible when the bible also says its OK to have slavery
Why can't atheist retard read, form an argument or open a simple history book? There's a reason why the Founding Father was still fervently religious.
stop flooding the board with children shitposts then miserable piece of shit
yes, it is
but it's also one of the best games of all time
I'm sorry why do you think I'm here?
To argue with children
>atheism in itself does not and cannot pertain values by virtue of definition
>this means people who happen to be atheist cannot have values regardless
>yes, this is exactly what the big bad user said
Keep digging that hole in your head deeper and deeper friendo.
ah yes, because we wouldnt want to draw attention from yet another smash thread.
kill yourself faggot
Jesus Christ and they say /pol/ and Yea Forums is the most newfag board when the retards at Yea Forums doesn't even know common board knowledge.
>this thread
>these many replies
>on religion thread #756912
I can feel the anger
>smash thread
based brainless retard
>all he can post is *tip*
Get an argument.
why are you just seething there instead of making real arguments
i dont get it
the fact that you took an idiotic stance just to be a contrarian makes you look pretty bad not gonna lie
>There's a reason why the Founding Father was still fervently religious.
Compared to your typical 2000s YouTuber maybe, but I'm pretty fucking sure they themselves were said typical 2000s YouTubers by the standards of both their time and the "traditionalist" politicians that would succeed them.
>You magically can't create the modern concept of individual rights based on the bible
That's correct
>There's a reason why the Founding Father was still fervently religious.
Beacuse everyone was religious then
If you aren't killing doctors for working sundays then you aren't what your god tells you to do.
this entire thread is proof that Yea Forums should stay far far away from religion
far too many faggots for that
You're not making arguments though
You just made a shitty strawman argument using a reference and now you're mad that people didn't get it
At least Smash makes some sense being discussed on Yea Forums, seeing as it's Japanese and all as opposed to The Binding of Reddit.
OP is what happens when you cross autism with religion, nothing good can come of it.
People want to tear down to their level that which they do not understand. Who knew?
But all of the angelic/holy/bible things in the game are good and help you kill Satan. A bible drops on his mom's head and kills her.
I think the point is that the overbearing suburban crazy mom Christianity is not the real Christianity.
Ironic coming from an atheist
>autism with religion
Billy Corgan seems pretty based tbqhfamilyman.
what's your non-argument going to be this time? replying with just *tip* or something about bananas going in asses?
why was this thread ever made
I know coping is a legitimate tool of defense for newfags who doesn't know board culture but please lurk more before you typed.
Tell me why I should follow a religion.
Tell me why I should follow (You).
>Compared to your typical 2000s YouTuber maybe
>That's correct
Its only correct in your retarded atheist bubble. History shows otherwise which is why you didn't even try to debunk>Because everyone was religious then
And everyone is not surprised when modern individual rights directly come from these religious men who based their policies and belief on the bible. You atheist claim to be better at arguing, why don't you put your money where your mouth is.
you shouldn't because I am not a leader
What would Jesus think if he knew the kinds of people who would use his name to justify their depravity?
Why do you need to be told to do something? If you think religion would enrich your life than do research into them. If not then read the Greeks.
>which is why you didn't even try to debunk
>History shows otherwise.
History shows that christians burned and tortured countless innocent people for being witches you retard.
>based their policies and belief on the bible
Then why do their policies contradict what the bible comands you retard?
Why aren't americans killing doctors for working sundays??
I thought that individual rights came from the bible, but it looks like nobody considers owning non jewish slaves as a right anymore.
>Inb4 old testament doesn't count
>which means you can't have ascribe anything like moral values
Since when is morality a theist specific thing?
This would be hilarious if it weren't so pathetic that so many people genuinely believe it.
fuck fundamentalists. Western countries are not harassing all christians, just the idiots that walk around screaming hot garbage. They are far too ignorant to understand how to differentiate islamic denominations, much less brown people in general.
why are christcucks making a comeback? It's so interesting seeing counter-culture loop back. Like an ouroboros.
Do you believe that there were no laws before the Hebrews fled Egypt?
>or telling children to not take drugs
Islam is objectively worse than Christianity at this point if only because Christianity has adapted to modern times and 1st world countries have decent laws that relegate extremists to sitting on street corners waving signs around if they don't want to get their asses plowed in prison.
But at their core they're both fundamentally fucked.
There are more christians than islamic strawmen to deal with in America
Cool /pol/post, though
>History shows that christians burned and tortured countless innocent people for being witches you retard.
funny considering that accusations of witchcraftery have been forbidden in the 7th century already since its a inherent pagan belief.
Kings & Peasants actions /= Religion
if i recall correctly wasn't the real plot to the binding of isaac about isaac retreating more and more to a fantasy world because his parents got divorced ?
Jesus Christ, this is the ultimate retard atheism mode in action
great job proving my point
>History shows that christians burned and tortured countless innocent people for being witches you retard.
And history also shows Christian created modern individual rights, create the modern scientific process today, and abolish slavery globally. Your argument didn't even try to debunk the original argument that Christianity teaching created the modern individual rights we know today which is why your post and the post after that will be devoid of anything resembling proof of the contrary.
>Then why do their policies contradict what the bible comands you retard?
Which contradiction you massive retard?
>Why aren't americans killing doctors for working sundays??
What the fuck are you talking about retard? That doctors go to hell for not attending church on sunday? fucking retard if you think that's the case.
>I thought that individual rights came from the bible, but it looks like nobody considers owning non jewish slaves as a right anymore.
There you go by making up shitty argument again. Again, how does owning slave contradicts in any way that the concept of modern individual human rights come from Christian doctrines? I know the bible is acid to you but by looking at your post you're allergic to every single book.
depends on which kinds of people you're talking about. I think ideally, Jesus would strive to piss off everyone.
>There are more christians than islamic strawmen to deal with in America
No they are not you utter retard, Islam is a huge thing everywhere.
They get the sword.
>Europe is one country
Depends on what aspects you're dismissing. Religion can serve a beneficial purpose, but the religion itself is all too often asinine and does far more harm than help.
>islamic strawmen
how does it feel to literally prove his point?
islam is mostly brown people
>the religion I was raised with is the real one
>Papal Rome had no influence over the kings it crowned and bishops all of Latin Europe it appointed and thus on their policies
t. Atheist imbecile
>stupid Zionist boomers who worship the market
>evil progressive Jews who worship diversity
Both parties in the US are shit, because both of them are liberal. Liberalism is a cancer upon the earth and no party that participates in it should be identified with inshallah
No but Christianity is.
wtf I'm a low church Protestant now
This has always been my main problem with people believing in a religion
>why are christcucks making a comeback?
Trump validates them and an equally obnoxious leftist movement pushes people to their cause out of pure spite.
reminder that Buddhism is the most based religion out there, so long as you stick to the actual original teachings
Are they actually? Churches are still having record low attendance most places.
Nobody is a Christian because of orange man you fucking idiot
White people who take up Buddhism are usually gay af
I'd much prefer a slightly annoying Buddhist than a self-obsessed metrosexual piece of New York trash
I just wish there was a "follow the golden rule" religion without all the magic D&D shit
But then I guess it would be more of an ideology and wouldn't soothe pain over death and injustices so it wouldn't be adopted
They always seem to be a way to cope with the horror of mortality
Which is worse, believing in the religion your parents had or one the internet memes on you?
Ah, Is the Republican party not racist and extreme enough or you eh my nazi friend?
well do you really think an aggressive alpha male would make for an authentic buddhist?
Isn't that the exact kind of faggot that gets into Buddhism?
I doubt anyone is unironically a christian because of pol memes or whatever
I'm not saying they converted to Christianity because of Trump I'm saying they're louder because of Trump.
>And history also shows Christian created modern individual rights, create the modern scientific process today, and abolish slavery globally.
Thats despite christianity, not beacuse of it. The church literally tried to force the "earth is the center of the universe" bullshit
>Which contradiction you massive retard?
You know the "kill women for trying to stop a fight between men" shit that your retarded book pushes
I don't think they agreed with that
>fucking retard if you think that's the case
The bible says that you have to stone people for working on sundays you absolute related
You would know this if you had read it
But you wouldn't be a braindead christfag if you did.
>Again, how does owning slave contradicts in any way that the concept of modern individual human rights come from Christian doctrines?
Beacue Christian doctrines promote slavery?
Unless you mean that human rights and slavery aren't opposed to each other, but not even a christian can be that stupid.
I mean there are whole countries that are Buddhist.
Yeah p much, call me when Trump actually does anything he said he would do instead of tweets about it
I mean you could make that argument against "turn the other cheek"
There are Buddhists doing a (based) genocide right now
>worshiping any kind of god
>not making your own fate
I honestly can't tell whos being serious and whos just memeing anymore. They're identical
>call me when Trump actually does anything he said he would do
Yeah, not going to happen, he used you white nationalist cucks to get votes and it worked, cope.
>tfw modern governments make decisions based on millennia-old fairy tales created to control illiterate sand people
what a world
Hyperreality, or in modern parlance: Clownworld.
So in other words he's not extreme enough to actually fix the problem, which is what I was saying.
Fuck Trump, we Yang gang now.
I've been skipping the cutscenes for so long because it's retarded but the gameplay is super fun. Every now and then I watch someone else play and am forcefully reminded of how cringey the premise actually is.
>Pope said it so everyone did it.
Holy sit you are so stupid.
Here a 18th century witch-trial
Those people sure were thankfull for their "individual rights" that christianity got them
What "change" what would be that "change" that you're looking for that Yang would incur?
Imagine giving a fuck one way or the other lmao
>Broke: Christianity isn't liberal enough
>Joke: But it CREATED liberalism
>Woke: And that was a mistake
Uh Yang will do nothing for me except give me free shit, which is an upgrade over the current way things go where other people get free shit and I don't. Trump was a salvage attempt, Yang is looting, simple as
>someone created a bot to convince people not to buy a 7 year old game
Well I like both so I don't really care
you want the bill and ted religion?
you utter fucking drooling imbecile.
It was a fucking CIVIL trial conducted by CIVIL polish authorities. The point is that the belief in witchcraftery has been forbidden since the 7th century what some peasants believed is insignificant especially since Church institutions, especially the Inquisition worked against it. Peoples Actions /= Christianity fault
>Peoples Actions /= Christianity fault
You're next line is : "This doesn't apply to Muslims!"
imagine investing this much energy and passion into an anime messageboard filled with virgins
I think it's stupid not evil, it's the people drawn to dogma who are evil.
>Uh Yang will do nothing for me except give me free shit
You are a very annoying person.
The only evil major religion is judaism
The rest are just poor and misguided people who must be helped
not an argument. considering that core of both faiths and development and thus its teaching and philosophy are inherently differnt. Islam is way more violent by its very nature.
Not understanding cultures and societies of the Mideast of the BC time period: the post
Can't argue with $1000
Those actions were caused by christianity and what the bible teaches you retard
If christianity didn't exist they wouldn't have done this you retarded christfag.
Enjoy your materialist senseless life atheist animal
Nice argument fag
I shun materialism and focus on learning and discovery
In acts of the apostles and the council of Jerusalem, there was a reconciliation of the misunderstandings and confusion regarding mosaic law. But I wouldn’t expect you to actual do research, that would be far too much effort on your part.
Explain? What would change besides going to church?
No. Witchcraftery is an inherent Pagan belief that survived in commoners folklore. You are the retard. There has never been any teaching be it from the New Testament or Christian theoligians that endorsed witch burnings. Believing into witches was said to go against any truly Christian mind.
People who either despise or adore Christianity often know very little about it.
Jesus christ I bet you're American
Why can't the sand niggers be invading your land
Thats good then, through learning and knowledge one comes closer to god.
Belonging to a Religion is more then attending its religious ceremonies.
It's based on a Biblical story about child sacrifice so I really don't see how it's saying that.
No lol, hahaha those are stupid too.
>Thats good then, through learning and knowledge one comes closer to god.
This is a nice thing some religious people like to say, but it is literally opposite of the truth.
Learning and knowledge scare religious leaders the most.
>is actually real
>source of all life
>source of all our light and energy
>without it everything would literally die
>on fire constantly
>doesn't get pissy and cause apocalypses because someone says something mean about it
>doesn't care if you like it or not, will give you its life-sustaining power and heat regardless, absolutely free
Why aren't you worshiping the Sun?
Introspection and a willingness to break from institutionalized dogmas leads to becoming closer to "God". If you're not constantly questioning your faith and finding your own answers you're wasting the only inherently divine aspect of life.
He gives us cancer for basking in His glory.
yeah no. Atleast not from a Roman Catholic standpoint, interpretation and discussion of tenets of the faith and even the bible go back to Paulus and Petrus.
The Church is also the only reason we have any texts from antiquity left even if they were written by Pagans. Hell Christisnity itself has lot of Platonic influence.
I wholehardly agree. Discussion about faith is important, without it (Theology) Religion is a simple static dogma
Jesus is an allegory of the Sun
>gives white people cancer for existing
Sign me up
No, jesus was an allegory for the moon, the false opposite of the sun
White people should worship rain or something, seems very Celtic
Rain is pretty good when you think about it
Why am I feeling Deja Vu
I've seen this exact thread before I swear
i was thinking the exact same thing
fuck off steakmund. you only start advertising your dumb shit when you run low on money
religion is good because people need moral guidence. I think we just need to make something more up to date
It really makes me think
The same guy appears to fixate on different games over time.
Believing in Christianity after 9/11,Paris Attacks, Hurricane Katrina,Sandy,Irma,Maria and Harvey, and the other countless mass murders every year.
I mean floods are kind of his specialty
Which has nothing to do with the middle east having high risk flooding regions of course
this fucking thread again
Not everyone who pulls the whole anti-christian shtick is doing so out of spite for the west. It's not like Steakmund thinks islam is "ok" or anything.