
Bloody palace is coming soon. What else do you think they'll add?

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Other urls found in this thread:

Playable Vergil or we riot

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>people expecting playable Vergil with the BP update
What's it like setting yourself up for disappointment?

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I want to fuck that tv

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Hope is the last to die

>tfw could only find 3 secret missions on my own
>used a guide for rest

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can dante still distort?

4-player co-op and playable Vergil, Trish, Lady, Lucia, Jester, Mundus, Crewcut and Kyrie have already been confirmed

coop or we fucking riot

>No playable Nico or Morrison

>tfw found every collectible without using a guide
eh... nothing personal brainlet

Attached: chadFace.jpg (888x1024, 78K)

Search by Poem or Poet
Earth's Answer
Earth rais'd up her head,
From the darkness dread & drear.
Her light fled:
Stony dread!
And her locks cover'd with grey despair.

Prison'd on watry shore
Starry Jealousy does keep my den
Cold and hoar
Weeping o'er
I hear the Father of the ancient men

Selfish father of men
Cruel, jealous, selfish fear
Can delight
Chain'd in night
The virgins of youth and morning bear.

Does spring hide its joy
When buds and blossoms grow?
Does the sower?
Sow by night?
Or the plowman in darkness plow?

Break this heavy chain,
That does freeze my bones around
Selfish! vain!
Eternal bane!
That free Love with bondage bound.

Attached: 1553736555523.jpg (1024x732, 360K)

When's it coming out?

Realistically speaking, they'll probably add nothing, at best it'll probably end with a teaser for future DLC.

>#1 most hyped for/wanted feature in this game was being able to equip 2 weapons again as dante after how annoying it was in DMC3 to constantly swap between several weapons just to get the one move I want
>Every weapon in DMC5 is so good and multi use I end up keeping them all equipped anyway

strange feeling.

still unsure whats the point of irregular full custom is when
- you can turn dual missiles into the single missile with a button command
- sparda and rebellion are objectively worse than DSD in every way mechanically so you don't need both
- cavaliere R is objectively better than the regular version so you have no reason to take both

hopefully dante gets some DLC weapons from older games or something, I'd love nevan in a game with style switching so you always have the swordmaster moves

Went back to rebellion today for the first time since release because i want to be able to use both consistently
feel like im clogging my brain up with dmc muscle memory
wew lad



>Dante Vergil and Eva’s last names are Sparda

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they're saving them for DMC6

best girl coming by

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MPBP with a teaser at the end of the trailer for Vergil coming later. I don't believe Capcom will give him away for free.

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No one really believes it after the Dan AMA
Now all we really hope for is BP to have co-op

See ya

I hope playable Vergil has 3 mods. Standard Vergil, V, and Urizen.

Anyone had this where Vergil switches position in his aerial attack? also I know im a shitter but still, this is pretty annoying, im just going to stick to the middle of the arena in future.

Attached: vergil.webm (1200x674, 2.99M)

He got hit, you can see his style points at the end

From last thread-

how did this dude S rank this mission? correct me if I'm wrong but his no continues bonus * his style points wasn't enough for 6k so how did he end up getting 6k at the end? right around the 22:24 minute mark

very nice


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Yea Forums you told me BP would be out by now

first time beating him? he does that on his third flight

Thank you for your service

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I can see V being turned into a Style for Vergil since he's only got three real weapons throughout.

He pretty much always teleports to a different position on the third swoop down at you.


>end with a teaser for future DLC.
I'd like that, at least we would have some kind of confirmation of vergil dlc.

>Dan AMA
did he say anything noteworthy?


How can anyone think DMC 4 is a good game is beyond me and you need the ultimate shit taste to like it.

Maybe those points at the end before multiplication were just for Urizen fight while he did better at previous ones?

you spelt "2" wrong

He did his usual thing of being unable to hide that SOMETHINGS going on in regards to DLC and debunking the cold theory

>tfw found all orb fragments but refused to grab them

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But it's the opposite, it sounded like Dan had something to hide.

Ah fuck im a retard, it's just the animation for his teleport is just a little puff of smoke it looked off.

I watched the video, the dude never gets more than 5k in a fight

Get your eyes off the tits for a second and look at the rest of the picture and you may see.

Some missions just are harder and some easier to S. I dont remember having difficulties S'ing this on DMC thats all I've got to say.

>debunking the cold theory

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post a e s t h e t i c screenshots
he said that Capcom "has plans"

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>tfw finally royal released flying Vergil in Mission 19

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>on DMC

2 is not even that bad because at least you know where the fuck you are supposed to go among other things that make it a better game.

credo was good

Attached: dmc4_credo.webm (1280x720, 2.85M)

The tortoise and the hare

So, we don't know when BP is coming out exactly, right?


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Reuben and Dan will be at e3


combo autists love it

*blocks your path*

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>at least you know where the fuck you’re supposed to go
How can you be so stupid as to get lost in any of these games

that looks like the statues in yahar'gul

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>There are "people" who played with shit brightness like pic related and then complained about muh gray

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I want to treat her wounds and do naked cuddles with her.

>mfw misread SSS as ASS

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I don't think that 4 is super great either but you have absolutely shit taste if you think 2 is better.


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what are the chances Vergil just gets Balrog in the inevitable dlc

How the hell was I supposed to know that Nightmare could break that specific wall?

thats exactly how it looked like on my ps4.
im not complaining about the colour, but show me what it looks like for you

What does it mean when I see this and I don't even want to have sex but I want to hold hands and kiss?

I can defend 2 and shit on 4 for a lot of things, but nigga how the fuck are you getting lost in 4?

>- sparda and rebellion are objectively worse than DSD in every way mechanically so you don't need both
>- cavaliere R is objectively better than the regular version so you have no reason to take both
That's were youre wrong

Why do people shit on 4 so much

Replaying the whole game backwards as Dante was the only thing majorly wrong with it


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Person/s that made them should get kidnapped, locked in a single room and then be forced to fight these until the day they die. Even when they die, they should still be forced to fight them for eternity in hell. FUCK WHOEVER MADE THEM!

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>mfw did the same

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>can already "play" vergil by using cheatengine, his movement and attacks are just horribly bugged
>they already have most attack animations from the boss fight
It wouldn't take much work to make vergil playable.

so what happens when its not co-op and the stuff that was datamined was just alpha code that they couldn't finish into a final product?

they're not advertising co-op at ALL which is weird.

>why do people shit on 4 so much when half of the game's level design is bad
gee user I dunno

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this arm makes me horny

they advertise it as coop in the ps store atleast, i just hope mission 13 is not their definition of coop

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Need a Dante edit of this pic

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Actually interesting because Vergil dropped some William Blake before V did. The poems mentioned have themes of harmony/balance between two sides. So is the one that V says before he merges with Urizen. Good shit.

posters on them

A lot of people will be disappointed. Why the fuck did they implement co-op in the main campaign for only TWO missions?

Just looked up my own DMD S rank on that mission in total results.
Game scored me around 4.5k literally for all 4 sections of the mission, but I have 6.3k with no continues multiplier more some reason.
Yet, in another mission I have been scored almost 6k for all sections, but only got 6.6k with no continues multiplier.
Really weird. Not so tough after the patterns and weaknesses are revealed, tough guy.

the camera points right at it and it's like the 2nd fight after you first get the ability to summon nightmare, why wouldn't you summon him

Yes but Capcom wouldn't release him for free. Wouldn't you rather wait so he gets unique weapons etc than have the same shit over again?

WHat are you doing if youre not using nightmare every fight?

Old and busted, Nico is the new hotness

He got 6055 after the multiplier, which means he had 5046. He was just over the limit for what he needed. The fight against Urizen is pretty long if you aren't just using SIN DT. He had plenty of opportunities to get S throughout the fight and his average when he was going into the battle was 4500 or so. He did more then well enough to make the grade since he killed Urizen with an SS and Urizen provides huge amounts of style in all the fights that you can kill him, even in this one.

only does a few things better than 3. the improvements were even better in 5 so it's unironically a tech demo at this point.

>half the games level design is bad
I don’t think you know what this means. Backtracking was bad and those stupid gyro blades and shit were bad
>>he doesn’t know how to roll the dice
It’s still an unnecessary edition

I'm still missing 8 random blue orb fragments in the world and 3 secret missions.
I don't want to look them up because I'll feel like a shitter but god damn.

how is the level design bad?

just do a human playthrough where you can chill and explore the levels

I only noticed it was SSS not ASS because of you...YOU...

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Yeah, I won't deny that

This is understandable, with Dante at least.

Because, you see, the level design in this game is complete shit in 1, 2 and 3 it fucking wasn't. Fuck the forest

>give honest opinion
apply kill to self you stupid nigger

I can see why you think that but I don't prefer 2 by a wide margin either, the only things I liked about 4 were Nero, Kyrie, Credo's fight, Dante's gameplay and the frog boss theme.

Isn't there another blue orb right after a fight that you need nightmare for? If you use all of your DT you can't reach it.

Well a dream scenario would be for him to come out with his old moveset but some extended campaign DLC with Dante and Vergil in Hell introduces new weapons for him.
But my best guess is they'll probably just drag his old stuff back again with even more tweaks.

>stream tomorrow with matt and itsuno will have 2 other hosts plus britbong matt
>not showing off coop

really weird, yeah. We'll see how this goes I guess

Fuck outta here barry

Oh shit, I didn't think of that. But couldn't they have brought them to showcase each character?

You aren't being shown the score against Urizen himself. All bosses are their own section. The section scores don't have anything to do with the final score. They simply act as markers so that you know where you need to improve on. The final section displayed is simply how much you have going into the boss fight.

Me on the right

A Urizen/Qliphoth devil arm would be sweet, with some kind of tentacle whip attacks

Redpill me on the barry meme

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>2s levels weren’t shit
You didn’t play it at all, or that little bit of braincell you have had already forgotten about it, not that I can blame you. 1 also had a forest like that by the by

He would if retards like you reported and ignored, but no

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This would be incredibly based, but after like 3 years of trying to fight against April fools off-topic spam, I am simply tired.
I will just pop in to see what dumb gimmick they do, and then forget the website exists for a day.

I cannot wait for this

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You may be a shutter but you could definitely try learning to be patient and wait for him to actually attack before you dodge.
It's like you've got precognition and actively roll right into the position Vergil will be at the perfect moment. Lol.
Stop running around like a headless chicken and you'll do better

So what did you put down in the comments for the Survey?

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>no Gloria Angelo boss instead we get Trash cosplaying her as a plot twist
>Dante doesn't get any variation whatsoever for his bossfights
>what could've been third best rival (Nelo in 1, Vergil in 3) was killed and we never fight him again but instead every other boss
>Dante's styles are nerfed as all fuck compared to 3
>Nero lacks the complexity that Dante has, and his Devil Nringer doesn't do many things other than giving cool buster animations
Other wise it was a fun ride to me, just hated the Gyro blades puzzle and the fucking dice shit


This is what they did last time. Devilnevercry is a good Nero player and will probably be using him for BP. But most of the reason for playing other characters during the stream was simply to show off the missions. I can't imagine that they will play through BP with all characters to a certain floor or something. It makes more sense to show off co-op and how the lobby system will work before the update comes out.

Playable Vergil, Dante and Vergil campaign in hell DLC.

Being good

Asking about DLC and also that Itsuno is amazing and to let him do whatever he wants.

Newbies can't into Dante, and now that DMC5 exists, there are less reasons to learn him proper.
It's kinda unfortunate, but reasonable. Although deep down, these people should have enough self-awareness to realize they're crying for being scrubs.

I don't feel like going back to 4 for a while, but I still had many great times with it. I beat it a day before DMC5's release and the ending gave me chills all over my body.

That Vergil is cute

playable vergil

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Pathetic japanese dick sucker.

mini campaigns and Devil Arm/breaker dlcs

A severely autistic shitposter who the community has glorified into a boogeyman. Validating his reason to be a shitposter.

arms not spawning on DMD is a stupid decision

I didn't even know about the punchline skatepark because I only found it on DMD, so I ended up just doing gerbera into taunt over and over and over to slowly slide up all the hills

Based but I still like Lady

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I see, that makes sense since I remember RG him like a champ and keeping SSS the whole fight, so I expected more than 4.5k for Urizen.

>after the collapse of the Order, Nero would follow in Dante's footsteps and become a demon hunter. He is given a neon sign by Dante to form his own branch of the 'Devil May Cry' business. Nero seems to look up to Dante and considers himself lesser, shown when he considers whether or not he needed to be involved when Dante fought Urizen. It is also why he was angered when Dante calls him 'dead weight', since he considered Dante's words to be a reflection of his own abilities and works to prove himself.

>after he finds out Dante was his uncle, Nero resolves to prevent his death by stopping his fight with Vergil. When Dante and Vergil depart for the Underworld, Nero is given Dante's trust to protect the human world while he and Vergil remain in the Underworld.

>startup money for sons business
>son tanks business
>disapointed dad scolds son
>year end financial report excellent
>dad finally proud and trust son

It's really true, Dante is dad.

He'll get some kinda variant that's Urizen based

Thanked them, encouraged them to keep making DMC games and asked for Vergil/Trish/Lady DLC.

I'm super right. round trips is better than regular round trip and cavaliere R has armor and has the same damage/speed but also has an extremely overpowered new move

Is that a mod for Nero in Vergil's outfit and hair?

fury is hawt

Attached: fury.jpg (1920x1080, 231K)

>punchline skatepark


Hawt garbage

can you explain why? I'd like to know, I'll bring them with me if I have a reason.

>>imagine Trish getting pinned against a gray wall, that's the same color of her fucking boring bitch-ass character who imperonates moms becuase she's literally an unholy wretch with no dignity whatsoever...
...and I couldn't write the rest.

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It might be part of that "Everyone is Vergil" mod. I don't really know for certain.

Waiting another 11 hours for it to drop so I can play it co-op As Dead weight with my bro Dante.

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It was incredibly barebones compared to 3 with much more blatant backtracking and far less boss variety. It was also the game that introduced Nero as the main character, which pissed a lot of people off, especially since he had only one melee weapon, one gun, and the ez mode buster compared to DMC3 Dante's 5/5 weapon split and 6 styles. The artstyle was also a big departure for the series and I remember people calling it Final Fantasy like. It also didn't come out that long after DMC3, and they didn't build much on what DMC3 did(the amount they removed from Dante is much more compared to what they added in DMC4) so it left people sour.
I don't think it's a bad game, and I was defending it back when it released, but there are legitimate reasons why people didn't like it.

>playable vergil/campaign
>dlc weapons and alt costumes

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Absolutely based.

gyro blades, dice game, lost woods, long sequences where you run from one level to another one down hallways while nothing happens, the worst "big enemy demon" bosses in the series, how sprint worked and how much it costed in the original game, all the enemies being designed around neros mechanics in very blatant ways, having you refight bosses over and over like in DMC1 but unlike that game the bosses don't have new moves and the arena doesn't change up the dynamic of the fight (and you don't refight the best boss, credo)

there's a reason a lot of this stuff was given some attempt to fix it in the special edition

>S-Ranks on Prologue, M8/10 are a pain due to the Urizen fight screwing up the style system the rest of the missions have
>Furies and Hell Judeccas are annoying enemies because they abuse teleporting

Theres orb location where the game wants you to use punchline to get there.

>reduce brightness
>literally can't see shit
Go replay mission 9 if you think game doesn't have problem with visuals.

Attached: dmc1.png (1302x724, 571K)

That was pretty based by Vergil.

Mission 15 area that leads to a secret mission, you're supposed to ride punchlines to go up a slope but gerbera does the job better

Am I the only one that has trouble with Nero but not as Dante? Dante has a lot more to wrap your head around but actually executing things is a lot more straightforward. Balancing charge shots, knuckle and exceed is way too overwhelming to do on the fly.

You probably finished him too fast. Style is mostly calculated by how long you are in the fight. My last fight on SoS was 5518, stupid close to not getting it. I didn't take much time with the Urizen fight itself and I was going into the fight with a rather poor average. Something like 3500.

Absolute madman.

My game was fine when using the brightness setting.

Now THIS is my kind of rain!

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>mfw mobile poster that can’t download the porn WebMs on rule34
I just want to bust to Nico

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Based and Redorbed

you get a refill on nico's van and divinity statues dummy


Does it really depend on time? I recently beat Cerberus on DMD in less than 3 minutes just with RG and quadruple S and it showed 7.3k at the end of the fight. Or Cerberus fight just gives that much style points in general?

That's because you're underneath something/in something casting a shadow faget, it looks fine most of the time.

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Based and embarrassingpilled, you autistic churazy fucker.

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Foolishness user, foolishness. Why do you refuse to gain power? The power of a superior OS, the power of Android.

>4.6GB Download



Take the link and convert it to mp4?

>When DMC5 was still in development, Itsuno was interviewed for an episode of Archipel, a YouTube series documenting Japanese creatives across multiple fields. In the video, he talked about his age; at 47 years old, he was realizing that he likely only had a few more games left to create during his career. He said that he wanted to “hit a home run, hit it out of the park” before it was all over.
>tfw Itsuno is going to retire after DD2

your problem ain't real dude
turn on the computer, bro

What was the cold theory?

>itsuno will die in your lifetime

It's easy pz with a proper control scheme.
But I still don't like Nero nearly as much because of breakers management. It's so random, and re-equiping them is a chore.

>V and shadow literally blend into the background
>looks fine
Sorry, but no. Visual style is easily the worst aspect of DMC5. It suffers both aesthetically with ugly girls and mechanically when you can't see shit in combat.

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there was a rumor going around that said Dan voiced Vergil in DMC3 while getting over a cold, which is why his voice sounds considerably more nasally.


>He said that he wanted to “hit a home run, hit it out of the park” before it was all over
But he already made 3

We need a Embarrassing Verg and Imagine Lady version.

Attached: when senpai notices you.jpg (1969x1969, 554K)

But he already made 5

First dog I ever spent its whole lifetime with died yesterday. Don't remind me.

>“I feel like I’m maybe on second base or third base,” he says. “It still doesn’t feel like a home run just yet.”
He hasn't given everything, not yet.

If you could maintain SSS for that entire 3 minutes, then of course you would get that amount. It also depends on how good your average was going into the fight. For my SoS Cerberus, I had 5310 Average going into the fight and ended with 7100 after the multiplier. Spent most of the time in the S ranks. I can't wait till someone finds the style formula for this game. But yeah, if you think you need a boost to your score when fighting the boss. Get to SSS and just keep it for a while doing whatever. Shot E&I, taunt, get Balrog into Ignition. There are lots of easy things that don't do much damage, but keep style high.

>can't see shit in combat
who has had this problem? I can see everything clearly, you must be mashing buttons like a braindead buffoon. wouldn't be surprised judging from the pile of shit called your post.

Attached: do your homework first.jpg (960x917, 43K)

I see someone has recently finished Bloodborne huh-- I see it too, for we are born of the blood, made men by the blood, undone by the blood.

we must succ blood just like Vergil does

>round trips is better than regular round trip
Round trip does more damage and aerial rave has a slower animation in rebelion
>and cavaliere R has armor and has the same damage/speed
Thats just wrong tho
It has less armor frames as is faster.
>but also has an extremely overpowered new move
About as overpowered as any cavaliere move

the first dog you ever spent its whole lifetime with died yesterday.

I mean this exists but probably not what you're looking for huh...

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Your sacrifice will not be forgotten

did you at least get a cool nunchaku out of it?

To me those large enemies that teleport and can summon other guys are infinitely worse. At least furies stay on your ass and you don't have to chase them from one corner of arena to the other.

>Sorry, but no. Visual style is easily the worst aspect of DMC5.
Sorry, but you have garbage taste. If you want puke-inducing brightness and ugly yellow/orange, why don't you go play some DmC?

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To the DMCfags at RoR threads. You guys are nice and I hope you all have a pleasant day!

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anyone else having to wrestle a lot more with the camera in 5 than previous entries?
especially in mission 12 where some fucking genius decided to put 4-6 enemies in a small ass cave with growing pillars that further obscure vision

Will there be a midnight update for it

He is literally broken. How does one have trouble with a character that can snatch and trivialize all enemies? and also has a ridiculous amount of guard canceling attacks lol

Remember that you can de-clunk Dante by binding a separate button for each style action instead of switching styles and using one action button for all of them.

Attached: StyleButtons2.webm (853x480, 2.86M)

We need a refined pasta to go along with it.

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Attached: kenshirotears.jpg (325x400, 77K)

I only remember one instance of the visuals getting slightly in the way of combat, but that was Cavaliere Angelo's particle effects making it somewhat difficult to read his attacks.

>Round trip does more damage
not when you consider you don't give up your sword to hit people with, or that it lasts longer, or that it has much better tracking and will actively seek out secondary targets

>About as overpowered as any cavaliere move
it's a stinger that's also a launcher and you can do it in the ground or midair. it's also a cavaliere move that doesn't take a full second before the swing actually comes out

>mashing buttons like a braindead buffoon
No, I'm not. You have to be a fucking brainlet to not understand how gray/black enemies may blend with gray/black environment.

Attached: photo_2019-04-01_03-48-11.jpg (1280x720, 71K)

This is so slow who are you trying to impress with your mediocre gameplay?

Get out of my fanbase you filthy casual.

Commented about lock-on feeling less reliable at getting the enemy I want than in previous games, and asked for control setting like MH has, to enable directions during lock-on to be fixed instead of aligned to whatever direction is "towards" the enemy.
Paylining backwards because targeting chose something on the ground below and slightly behind me, when I mean to Split an enemy I'm comboing in midair and literally right next to, is annoying.

>goes to rule34
>first page webm of nico blowing nero
That didn't take long

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I hope it's at GMT midnight (just a bit over 2 hours from now)

Bet it's gonna be motivation and water....

I don't even get what's happening here, is this some kind of PC mod?

Charge shot should be held down all the time and Exceed/Knuckle is mostly timing based.

I still felt Nero was rather stiff compared to Dante. Don't get me wrong, on his own Nero is a pretty good action game character and fun to play but he just pales compared to DMC5 Dante. Really interested on how the BP plays out, in 4 it was much easier with Nero because Buster, Exceed and CS gave him so much easy dps but Dante is so well rounded in 5 he'll probably clear it faster than the deadweight.

The recovery frames on it are ENORMOUS though, and it can't be cancelled.

Honestly I wish Dante had his equivalent of Calibur because not having an air stinger is really frustrating.

That webm isn't making your case but it explains why you think style switching is clunky.

Lmao no. He was old though. It was time.

I wonder who's BP will be the easiest/hardest

You're just retarded fanboy who will defend literally anything even if it's an obvious flaw. DMC4 looked way better than 5. Everything was much more distinct and it had much more color.

Attached: fa4a0f4dc013909e256bb612abc9b332.jpg (1920x1080, 1.9M)

You fool!

Attached: 1552673418948.png (764x935, 886K)

Support for my old monitor so that i can play

>Posts trophy list
>Hasn't even got the Platinum yet
YIKES!!! my man. This literally proves nothing when you can just brute force your way through DMD with red and gold orbs.

i want to fuck him!

Attached: 1552249721252.jpg (1920x1080, 318K)

Oh dont worry we get it now.

Wasn't Buster fully invincible in 4?

Finally S ranked M12. Is trickster the most OP style in 5?

Just made something up on the fly that used all the styles. I had a more condensed one but I feel like I've maybe posted it too much.

Attached: TricksterButtonGunslingerbutton.webm (853x480, 1.56M)

Lol, I found the area that screenshot is from. It's literally from a part you run through for like 5 seconds to get to another section and it's also in like a small corner. It's not indicative of the entire level. But nice cherrypicking.

Attached: V.jpg (1920x1080, 567K)

But-- he said--

Attached: 1553997175679.jpg (254x199, 9K)


As soon as I disabled that bullshit automatic camera positioning, it actually became playable.

But I never had so many camera problems in an action game while that fucking shit wason.

>posting the one of two levels that had a sunset and not the 15 levels of white marble
>also being such a brainlet that he thinks a yellow or orange glow=artistic lighting

>imagine Dante getting pinned against a red tree wall, that's the same color of his fucking crayzee ass character who lusts for moms because he's literally an unholy Oedipal wretch with no dignity whatsoever, while at the same time the quarter-demon whoreson who suckled wannabe pope cock and had so much Sith jizz protein splurged inside his guts it turned him unga, is being diddled by his daddy up his puffy devil pussy, so hard the term "pull my devil trigger" gets a new meaning, and with his last whoreish, skanky, breaths he coughs up the crusty, hell-cum out his chad jaw, leaving his anus forever surrendered and his devil triggered to the brim

Attached: D2Zj6aiVAAEl4TP.jpg (1920x1080, 389K)

this, the later areas of the game are fucking ridiculous with how the enemies blend in

having to pay so much more attention to get basic visual feedback out of the game is almost as baffling as the loading screens between cutscenes/customisation/menusm you get the impression that parts of the team weren't aware they were making a dmc game

He's grown up now. More mature. His tastes havs changed.

Attached: 1552859104229m.jpg (1024x576, 61K)

Whole level is like that though. Beside those ugly catacombs.

Post your gameplay

Attached: m17rg.webm (640x360, 2.91M)

Sick B rank combo

Attached: 1553088784263.png (356x304, 226K)

[Spoiler] But you're being fucked, but you already knew that. [/spoiler]

Attached: 1553924997310.jpg (611x900, 98K)

I tried to watch live stream with Dan but I got too turned on by him so I got shy and exited it.
I really wanna watch it though.


Attached: 1553319756961.jpg (857x971, 78K)

i just did it by accident 20 minutes ago.
dumb hours are running strong

Attached: tumblr_po46fmMlSe1qjz6aao2_1280.jpg (663x579, 95K)

He is by far more broken in 5 than in 4. Literally tomboy can be spammed and kill entire mobs just doing the side to side move. He's broken.

go to the part with the death scissors/proto angelos, it's crazy how much the protos blend in

Literally pic related.

Attached: 1521989554610.png (1920x1080, 1.61M)

its shit

thank you user!

Attached: 1536193468248.jpg (631x658, 38K)

>and it can't be cancelled.
you can jump cancel the first several hits

Oh, I'm sorry to hear that.


Attached: 73783678_p0.png (1495x1615, 1002K)

Someone make this a thing.

>Imagine Vergil's power-hour sour weeaboo ass getting pounded by Arkham's Sparda insect cock, complete with Special Edition Barbed Tip™, as it reaches and cuts his intestines so hard and efficiently his thousand+ times folded Hiroshima Yamato seems like a butter knife Dante uses to spread Lady's pussy juice on his pizza, meanwhile hi seething hat-boner for daddy gets so strong he vows to feel the pleasure of a more powerful father-figure fucking his son so much, he births Nero, only to steal and fuck him with his own demon-arm up the tight, yet probably touched by the Fortuna-pope ass while reminiscing about what Arkham did to him and smiling as his raspy-ass Dan-Southworth-had-a-cold-but-not-actually voice is barley able to cough up: "So this is what the power of Sparda feels like!"

Attached: smugil.jpg (329x357, 14K)

>nero's jizz covered demon ass

Attached: 1547529908793.jpg (326x500, 18K)

>Nero is still Stumpy
poor guy


Attached: 1552937467131.jpg (1280x1281, 222K)


Attached: 8u29292.jpg (1920x1080, 492K)

>3 hours till Bloody Palace

Attached: motivated.gif (280x145, 1.83M)

uh bro, shit comes out 3 am eastern time.

not really. It's not the most bright area either but user-kun was specifically standing underneath somethinf that cast a shadow.

Attached: Buui.jpg (1920x1080, 782K)

>Devil Trigger on X
>Break Away on D-Pad
>Gun on L1

best nero control scheme

Attached: 1553472528344.jpg (388x375, 23K)

But you can clearly see everything, your image just blurry. Stop being retarded, user. DMC5 clearly made mistake with visual style. Trying to appeal to normies with muh dark and realistic artstyle wasn't a great choice for an action game.

Oh, who wrote this poetry?

Attached: vergil visibly scarred.jpg (123x123, 8K)

What is with Nero's duckface


Attached: ......jpg (225x225, 5K)

Blitz is twice the nigger fury will ever be. Fuck Blitz and whoever created that hopped up turtle

>What kind of pottery is this?!

Attached: 1553833053738m.jpg (926x1024, 131K)

Attached: 1553808013675.jpg (242x301, 23K)

Separate groups of fujos I guess.
One into incest and one not?

Coat literally more saturated and contrasting to environment than anything seen in 5, where they forgot the entire point of Dante's colour scheme design from the previous 4 games.

>Vergil uses Yamato on himself so V and Urizen can spitroast Nero

reminder this is the race Spurdo was trying to save.

4 is ugly. The colors are way too bright, and the bloom makes everything look like ass. 5 is the most visually appealing entry in the series, and 3 has visuals that make everything easy to read. I will say that too much time is spent in the apocalyptic city, but it's not like the actual look of the levels are the focus anyways.

The duality of fujos....the more you try to understand it the less you do apparently.

Attached: 1554007820891.png (337x481, 150K)

Vergil's last name is "Spardason"

Attached: download (1).jpg (207x243, 7K)

Jokes on you I ship anything and everything

Different groups of fujos, considering the kinds of retarded shipping wars that go on for other series

Killing things with the rose is fun

Attached: dmc5-rose.webm (1280x720, 2.82M)

Dante and Vergil Spardashvili

Are you my soulmate? My other half? lmao

t. chimpanzee brain brainlet
>- sparda and rebellion are objective
ly worse than DSD in every way mechanically so you don't need both
Helm breaker is now directional input
DMC5 has no reversal
If you're in the air, want to land fast to set up grounded moves to juggle your enemies (real impact, break dance, dance macabre, etc) you cannot do it.

>but muh ground trick
Ground trick and air trick has retarded recovery period, which didnt exist in DMC4. Reverse helm breaker clear the ground for you so you can do your land move juggle safely.

I need someone to deliver on some fucking Nero spitroasting, I don't care who at this point
Dante and Vergil, Vergil and V, V and Urizen, Dante and Donte, Agnus and Sanctus, Nico and Kyrie, just do it faget

>4 is ugly. The colors are way too bright, and the bloom makes everything look like ass. 5 is the most visually appealing entry in the series
Complete nonsense. 5 is just a mess of gray and black with same design of enemies. On occasion enemies have some gloving parts which helps a bit but good fucking luck trying to fight hell caina at the start of mission 8 where you literally can't see them because background is too dark and mob itself is all black. They clearly just wanted impressive visuals for cutscenes but fucked up the gameplay. For retards: not every location in the game is like that but a fair amount which is a problem for an action game.

If I could draw user, I’d do it for you in a heartbeat

Dante's daughter in DMC6 confirmed?

Attached: IMG_20190331_230757.jpg (1080x1085, 244K)

Attached: big funny.webm (512x288, 2.37M)

Stick figure it, you coward. No excuses!

How does it feel to know that V will probably never reappear in the series again?

Attached: D2_f9WHVAAEKksO.png (677x720, 661K)

good tips for this boss?

Attached: nightmare3.jpg (960x720, 76K)

Google a fujo confirmed.

Attached: curious.png (1450x658, 118K)

Is Balrog jab mash inconsistent to parry fury or am I just not mashing fast enough? 80% I can get the parry, but 20% fury went through my jabs through no fault of my own.

It's Dante Dante and Vergil Dante.

Great example from the webm above, by the way. See this picture - you can'r fucking see the enemy here. It just blends entirely. You won't ever have such problem in 3 or 4.

Attached: dmc5.png (1264x670, 1.19M)

Attached: summoned swords.webm (1280x720, 2.36M)

i really need this too, nero was made to be spitroasted

Attached: 1545989808829.png (719x813, 281K)

Feels good with abit of sad but I'm pretty sure others are either super sad or either outwardly or inwardly seething.

Don't give a shit in all honesty.
Griffon on another hand, is a different story. Give a birb back!

Attached: Dan_leaking_Griffon.webm (400x960, 2.93M)

The fuck with that damage? Is that on Human?

i was doing a victory lap don't judge me

most likely nothing else

Someone should make a proper DMC edit out of this.

Attached: 1552531952695.jpg (1075x597, 61K)

So is Gunstinger with Coyote-A any good?

>tried to cheese vergil with doctor faust on hell and hell
>he gibs me with one summoned sword that gets through GS's summoned swords
>the meteor's land while dante is kneeling over and kills vergil
>vergil's slash animation at the end of the fight happens but the dying animation/camera keeps dante in place and the camera doesn't change

>No weapons M11 challenge
>resort to jump cancelled rose tossing one enemy to death, because I didn't want to risk getting to the pre-boss checkpoint at anything below max health from a fucked up RG.

It's allright, but it breaks the flow for me personally. I use coyote for fireworks jumpcancel into EI capture and backshots

Attached: rose kill.webm (1280x720, 2.51M)

Vergil The Deadweight

>tfw no alibinofu

>Dan spoils that DMC5 is under development in 2015
>just a month later after it he shows his "friend" that happens to be a blue bird

Attached: when dan keeps spoiling shit.png (445x383, 148K)

Attached: 0tr.png (400x506, 334K)

Dan said Vergil won't be playable any time soon

Playable Vergil and alt costumes when

super costume has infinite rg

Retards thinking BP is gonna have anything more than the leaks

No, but it's cool.

You can S-rank the 12 mission if you keep the SSS style long enough while fighting with Urizen.

Attached: Devil May Cry 5_20190330201248.png (1920x1080, 1.03M)

This is what it looks like when you try to take shortcuts. Looks like shit m8, just learn from the bottom so you actually get how and why better players do what they do.

To you guys who are actually good at videogames, what do you get from beating Hell and Hell?

Cause I reached Mission 10 and I want to claw my eyes out and I know it's not even the worst one

Super costume also spoils the fun of a perfectly good challenge. And I'm not good enough to DMD.

You say that like Style Rank has anything to do with the complexity of the combo. SSS with Dante is easy mode if you know what moves shit out style points. It's basically Honeycomb Fire, IGNITE THE FLAMES, Motorcycle, done.

Attached: SSS.webm (853x480, 2.86M)

Has fujo gone too far?

Attached: 84-1553498587-1525745334.png (1195x660, 1.15M)

Mod for the hair?


DMD isn't that hard when you can pull off no weapons mission 11.

iirc spitroasting would be if Nero was sucking someone's dick while taking it in the ass.

pretty cool

People could just do it on Human. Perfect challenge my ass.

Can someone confirm to me, does SDT Demolition insta kill DMD furies?

>you cannot do it.
What about trick down.

Attached: 1g503ba.png (369x448, 107K)

Don't judge me Dante.

Attached: lady.png (1016x1374, 2.22M)

Yes it does. But sometimes they can start teleporting when you are beginning your demo therefore interrupting it and it can get tricky.

worlds longest EYAAH

Yes it does, but you need to get him in stagger state first.

For example, as soon as he respawn you can SDT which knocks him down on his belly and then delete him immediately. However if he's standing and teleporting around he's invulnerable and demolition will miss.

Yes, it's instakill against anything that's not a boss.

I got to fix that white line

Post combo

Attached: 1553882778204.png (635x988, 488K)


>1 hour and 30 minutes ago
>still up
based lady saying fuck the rules


Attached: dmc5.jpg (1920x1144, 434K)

So you might think, but thanks to the damage and health increases I got closer to dying to the single empusa queen in DMD prologue than I did to anything in RG-only M11 in SoS.

Yes but you need to hit him at the right time. For solo Furies it might be better to use Red Hot Night at the right time and save your SDT, if they appear in group fights Luce and a Judgement finisher work well.

to be fair my webm settings are a bit fucked and make things darker than they should be but it's not a whole lot better in game

>DMC5 has no reversal
What's this that he uses in the very first combo then?

Using this user's question as a springboard; there's not enough time to use Demolition with Quad S, is there?

Attached: tfw lady pic.png (1024x576, 392K)

I can't believe Vergil never had pizza before. The "I want the chocolate!" shit from DMC1 leads me to believe that Vergil was a pretty normal kid before mommy died.

thank you for your service

You get roughly 5~ seconds of SDT with quad S

for the Mission 11 trophy do you need to actually unequip your weapons or just not use them?


I can't be assed to do V's parts of those missions for all S.

Attached: V Danse.png (398x391, 77K)

Thank you, user

Attached: 1553652269119.png (540x300, 133K)

I dont blame you
I hate V, he is just not fucking fun and I dont look forward to the 2+hours of BP Ill need to do with him

No, you only get basic combo, stinger or ground pounce.

Even a short burst of Luce has too long of startup and recovery

>What's this that he uses in the very first combo then?
That would be Rebellion, look again.
But is still wrong because
>If you're in the air, want to land fast to set up grounded moves to juggle your enemies you cannot do it.
Just do airlauncher with DSD's summon swords and then helm breaker when the enemy is above your attack's reach.


Attached: dmc5midairrocketpunch.webm (1280x720, 2.94M)

No, you can't, demolition is literally like 0.1 seconds longer than quad S.

What would he think of the Sundae?

Attached: Bros.jpg (1280x1420, 394K)

>Those blood prision tower things appear in m12
>Fury can teleport out when it spawns in one
>Dante can't

alastor reskin for DSD

Attached: 1553757642250.jpg (800x800, 63K)

THE ABSOLUTE SHIT TASTE ON THIS ONE. Bruh, 2 isn't even better than DmC much less 4.

Furies jump through space time, Dante just moves really fast.

You need to have full custom unlocked and everything taken off.

What survey?

Brainlett? He switches to fucking rebellion.


Attached: 1553220955033.png (1336x1078, 1.87M)

As long as you stay in the air a lot you're fine in DMD but I can see why the increased health might be a turnoff for people.

He probably won't like strawberry much and will go for chocolate sundae.

Attached: xD.png (520x656, 349K)

>demolition is literally like 0.1 seconds longer than quad S
that's devilish

>still up an hour later
I suppose the jannies have already entered their bunker for tomorrow.

Attached: dmc5boom.webm (1280x720, 2.94M)

Empusa queens shouldn't even be able to hit you if you're cognizant user wtf they're literally only in the game to give you free style points.

Do we know when Bloody Palace drops?

Thanking them for lighting the DMC fire again and asking them to fuel it with DLC like playable characters.

>will go for chocolate sundae
Patrician taste! As expected of Vergil.

Attached: Choco parfait.jpg (2052x2902, 1.48M)

>Vergil trying pizza
>"Hmm. Something is missing. I know!" puts olives "much better"
>Dante's face when
>Vergil trying strawberry sundae
>"I don't like strawberries"

Attached: dead_inside.jpg (638x957, 69K)

Attached: f5.jpg (480x360, 31K)

he swapped to rebellion and used helm breaker without lock on
there's only a few moves that have reversal in DMC5, shotgun back fire being the first that comes to mind
you can't reversal stinger for example

Thanks, it was almost an hour since I'd thought about that.

Attached: 1553533901383.png (1920x800, 751K)

>not nastya zhidkova

Attached: 1928384.png (597x550, 791K)

Ah I see. Thanks for explainin that to me

Sorry for being a brainlet

>keeps spamming his scrips
Might aswell play auto, faggot

>Nero comes in
>"Hey, where's the pineapple?"

Attached: 1552477389491.png (522x508, 380K)

>I don't have a brother anymore.

Attached: 14021948982.jpg (1050x540, 75K)

Can't decide if I should sleep or wait and see if BP will be up.

Attached: 1487970699626.png (250x250, 36K)

this will be used for many, many years. I'm glad I got to meet its creator


Attached: 1431789961448.png (369x317, 69K)

Funny story, I actually thought something had gone horribly wrong with the macro because every time I would hit RoyalGuard or Trickster it would put me back into Swordmaster and execute a command. I was troubleshooting for like 5 minutes before I realized I had turned on auto-mode by alt-tabbing.

Auto mode is weird. It's just like, random action whenever you press any button.


right here

Attached: Screenshot_20190331-190658_Gallery.jpg (2560x1440, 1.94M)

>What else do you think they'll add?
Denuvo, which will make it run like ass on my toaster. I'm probably not updating, bros.



Attached: 1546242106002.jpg (1920x798, 119K)

Moondust is gonna be his happy memory if any of that ends up being a reality.

Attached: 153102942144.png (772x800, 276K)


Attached: 1554016736699.jpg (504x520, 119K)

>Vergil orders a blueberry sundae

Attached: 1552450275175.jpg (390x398, 135K)

Attached: download.jpg (1024x576, 162K)

It already has Denuvo right now unless you never updated. They updated it after launch to make the clean exe not work.

>Denove-free exe stops working
>Switch to regular, worse performence

How do I fight Furies as V?

>It's past your bedtime.

Attached: 1553035291537.jpg (333x349, 34K)

I didn't specifically for that purpose. Now it's all tumbling down.

Bloody Dante a cute

>Vergil relearning to be a human after 40 years of living off of pure demon power and mommy issues.

Can't you just revert to the denuvo-free exe and delete the two .pak files that patched out its functionality?

Or is the idea that those will also be integral to the BP update?

>people are only know figuring out the RE engine lighting bug.
It's pretty easy to fix

Yo so is co op definitely coming? I don't want to set myself up for disappointment but everyone seems so confident about it.

Attached: 1552280044916.png (600x676, 612K)

Now, listen here you Mandark sounding faget!
It's US, Dantefags who kept annoying about you the most. It's US, Dantefags who were most excited about your return. It's US, Dantefags who wanted your ass alive and reunited with Dante in the end. So, you better eat that fucking strawberry sundae and swear on your grave that it was best thing you ever tasted and wear a shirt that says "OLIVES SUCK!" Also, you still owe us "cash upfront", Mr. POTTERY!A

Attached: 140291482194.png (1280x720, 975K)

You can just delete one of the .pak files and use the clean EXE

Attached: noden.png (1863x549, 148K)

>vergil cuts his own sons arm off the first time he meets him
>son inadvertently saves vergil's life once, and then again intentionally.
Vergil doesn't deserve Nero! :(

You can right now with some console fuckery, you won't be able to if you want to play bloody palace. And it does make a hueg difference with a shitty processor, I tested.

>getting my ass handed to me on Elder Geryon Knight fight, in hardest difficulty
>failed 4 times, just start my 5th
>this song comes on
>beat his ass

Attached: 1553646956599.jpg (1920x1080, 423K)

>Can't you just revert to the denuvo-free exe and delete the two .pak files that patched out its functionality?
>Or is the idea that those will also be integral to the BP update?
You can for now. But only time will tell whether the BP update will break turbo mod and any other model swap/texture recolor mods because they all require denuvo free .exe

>you won't be able to if you want to play bloody palace.

>creeps into his son's room and wakes him up to inform him there's a demon to fight

Vergil doesn't deserve anything.

Attached: No brothers or sisters for you, Nero.png (1920x1080, 3.56M)

Not him but here you go m8ty. I'll not be style combo tier for ages if ever but I have tons of fun improving everyday.

Also how the fuck are people compressing these days. It took 6 attempts and I still fucked it up but gave up.

Attached: Whee.webm (680x383, 2.87M)


Is Dan Southworth right that it'd be OOC for Vergil to have a one night stand like Dante regarding Nero's mom?

Attached: 1552506629968.png (500x519, 308K)

>Also, you still owe us "cash upfront", Mr. POTTERY
Ah, yes. Thanks on a reminder, fellow Dantefag.

Attached: 1552881127435.jpg (1200x900, 566K)

he deserves to suffer

Does Quad S work differently in The Void? I'm getting the instant transformation but I thought you simply get a move or two and then switch back without eating your Sin DT or having the long recovery?

Attached: 1533461944693.jpg (326x307, 17K)

He deserves a D in the B

Yeah I want to know where his source is since this is the first im hearing about it

Nice combo, if you switch to EI immediately after Cavaliere air combo at the end, you can stop the enemy in the air, skystar to him and continue your combo

Just sleep so you can enjoy Bloody Palace with a clear head.
If you were extra impatient you could have just hacked it on the PC version.
Just relax.

calm the fuck down there Donguri

This is now canon. You cannot stop me.

You tell me

What's the difference between Cavaliere R and vanilla?

I don't know, but it does make sense that it won't run without an updated exe.

hope for the best, prepare for the worst

you have to manually deactivate it by hitting DT button before your free time runs out

How did she even approach him. How did Vergil not immediately turn away and leave
How’s she get him to stay long enough to NUTT?

Dan didn't want non-villain Vergil, yet ending of 5 seems to said FUCK to that. So...
>Itsuno's desires > Dan's desires

You have to disable it manually or it starts to eat the actual gauge. Keep practicing in the Void to see how much you can get away with.

>Also, you still owe us "cash upfront", Mr. POTTERY
The cash was all in the envelope, that's what up front means. But Morrison used it to cover Dante's debts.

Cavalier R has aerial dash attack that normal doesnt IIRC
Also R is a tad faster but has no armor on its moves I think

>tfw you go for fastest kills instead of styling
>tfw when you do max damage combos in minimal amounts of hits
>tfw you have to make up your own bnbs
why do i play dmc like i play fighting games?

Attached: not today son.gif (303x252, 2M)

can you tell me why you femshits even into dmc?

Attached: 1553103654059.jpg (640x508, 105K)

Attached: 0dman.png (524x599, 594K)

Attached: real impact 2.webm (1280x720, 2.58M)

Well, going by Vergil's gameplay, he really likes speed a lot. He probably used his darkslayer moves to rapidly fuck all her holes near instantaneously and came within .5 seconds.

Is BP coming in an hour?

>it's not out

Here's your rent. We only pay in stabs.

Attached: 1553369318056.png (1920x1080, 2.99M)

>implying he won't be a villain by running a better rival business than Dante

Attached: DMC5DLCHeader.jpg (1280x720, 95K)

I mean...

Attached: omae aw.png (1000x1000, 456K)

Attached: fem dant cens.png (3800x5200, 1.18M)

That's what you get for being European.

He still got to see: "Total world domination. Total world, heaven and hell, domination.", that he wanted.

Attached: YourReason.jpg (2048x1109, 145K)
I'm "ok" at best but sure.

I've been stuck on mission 10 all fucking day because I refuse to get anything less than a perfect run, why is this mission so fucked

Attached: good bey.jpg (244x320, 18K)

She raped him obviously.

Griffon was bloody fantastic.

Attached: 1553541251640.jpg (2127x1917, 239K)

Needs armor on the tiddies.

just to clarify I'm playing on Hell and Hell

Yes, it would be. That's why Dan said the woman must have been someone that had a great impact on Vergil and he believed that he cared deeply for her.

Attached: 73293332_p0.png (1087x705, 983K)

Dan is so dreamy

Attached: 1553888087660.jpg (1080x1080, 273K)

Makes sense. Just got it in a combo.

R has no super armor but gets Redline, Back-to-Forward Style, which is an Air OK stinger-type move that has a ton of recovery unless you JC it.

I'm currently writing a Cavaliere guide and I'm on the final stretch, coming up with example combos, and then I'll pastebin it. I'll try to include some sick Quad S stuff in there.

Attached: 1553575347551.jpg (1931x2145, 1.44M)

Attached: 1553832356727m.jpg (1024x1024, 191K)

2 hours

>4 weapons

the absolute madlad

Yeah but is that fun? You're also overcommitting to long ground animations that won't always translate well in a real fight.

Attached: air control practice.webm (533x300, 2.77M)

Oh can you? I didn't even think about that. I'll try it out. Right now as in right now

Attached: Fuck Grapple.webm (900x500, 2.89M)

>I'm currently writing a Cavaliere guide
Looking forward to it. I could use some tips. It's a cool weapon but I misuse it badly.

I thought Dan said it was OOC for Vergil to say "i had fun once" and it was so he changed the line.

Fuck you

Based, did you practice that for long?

Same, I usually use it after I get something stunned/staggered, kind of like Gilgamesh in 4.

What is a king to a god

......wait a second....what happened to Nero after being born? I don't know the backstory. Why isn't he with his mother? she left him or something. That's not very Fortuna-like

Took like 5 tries mainly because I never used the rocket surf hardly at all before trying this

Model swaps don't require Denuvo-free, only cheat engine table based stuff.

I appreciate the work they put into fixing Nero vs DMC4, but I still really don't like him.
>annoying punk personality
>can only use Devil Breakers in linear order
>only one sword
>only one gun
>wire snatch makes combat easy
>stupid-looking DT

I don't understand why we can't just have another 100% Dante game like DMC3? Style switching, Sin DT, and new weapons are more than enough to make him be interesting for a full game. Playing as Nero always feels like a downgrade.

Attached: nero.png (533x671, 708K)

>DMD Vergil
I can bully him all the way to last 10 percent of his health no problem, then he just rapes me

Attached: D2zUdesWoAAxae4.jpg (1077x1038, 69K)

Cant tell you how many times I failed that mission because the last grapple point has some weird trajectory so you have to wait until like the last second if you arent bigbrained like webm guy
Granted I barely know what half the fucking arms do because I pretty much never use them since I fucking hate disposable equipment systems

Giving me Nergigante vibes for some reason...why...

Mom knew he would grow up to be deadweight so she dumped him in an orphanage.

did you forgot his devil breakers you punk ass piece of bread

F ;_;

Attached: 677566E6-593E-418D-B172-C979D03750B9.png (360x450, 138K)

Nero's mother left him at the Order's doorstep and fled. He was adopted by Kyrie and Credo's family and trained to be a knight.

Attached: 1552856380190.png (619x800, 259K)

Think the downgrade is the point?
He's a tutorial character.

Same reason why we didn't let Vergil keep his kino 3 ending. Nero has fans now, and they would be disappointed if he's not playable.

Itsuno and his band of Japanese code monkeys cant even compete with a KH modder of ps2 game. What a world.

Attached: Vanitas Mod - Dragoon summon.webm (1280x720, 2.61M)

His windows where hes open is reduced greatly at that point and you have to guard break him for meaningful damage


Thank you for posting but I was just calling out the user who's shitposting about other people's combos without posting his own

You like Rainstorm a lot, I can tell. My favorite part of this is the little Kalina-Ann GS recovery hop when the enemy starts to fall.

>total damage 6 million
I respect the commitment but how many takes was it before you had one you felt was worth sharing?

Nice tho.

No, you listen dead weight

itsuno doesn't want to make a DMC game where a character he didn't make is the protagonist and dante is too complicated for brainlets because they can't walk back from the DMC4 mould of letting him have all his styles and all his weapons at one time

all of the non-DLC breaker moves combined equal only slightly more than one weapon dante gets in swordmaster, and half of those moves you can only do once

His DT shits on the rest with ease. Oni > transformers

Nero is the tutorial character and Bingo likes him.

Hi barry

All I'm seeing is weightless attacks and particles effect

Cowardly woman...Eva would be ashamed

Save Sin DT for that. Also, Round Trips, that move is great for bosses because it keeps pressure on them.

>only ones who unironically liked him were fujos on tumblr
>rest fucking hated him
>it LITERALLY took DmC shitfest for DMCfags to say "Ok. Perhaps Nero ain't so bad."

Attached: aha.jpg (708x654, 56K)

>danteautist crying about nero again

Not really, just pointing out that the rank on the right of the screen doesn't really mean much if you're designing a combo. The correlation between how interesting your combo is and your style rank is moderate at best.

That's still nice, though. I dig the foot/fist swapping in midair, I'm gonna practice that.

Does guard breaking only work if you have DT/Summoned swords in swordmaster mode or can you break it without them?
Because if you're going to say "Use cavaliere" then I'm gonna fucking scream.

Attached: 1553609308370.png (550x512, 176K)

She was likely a teenager too. Her parents probably left him with the order so nobody in town knew their daughter was a harlot.

I don't see transformers?
I mean the DTs are bulky but don't see too much mechanical.
Just look like glowing dinosaur men.

there's a lot of people who self insert super hard into DMC4 nero and his FUCK CHURCH LOL THIS IS SO BORING FUCK YOU DAD shtick

>annoying punk personality
I love it. Every main character so far falls into a different "type" of "cool" and Nero's style resonates a lot with me. He's my favorite.
>can only use Devil Breakers in a linear order
You can technically switch the order with strategic pasta breakers but the mechanic is more loadout-oriented to make you plan exactly what you're going to use during a mission and when you plan to lose any of your arms. I don't mind it, I'm always breaking arms and picking up new ones. A lot of times I don't even equip breakers before missions. The adaptive gameplay is fun
>Only one sword
It's a cool sword
>Only one gun
It has exploding bullets
>Wire snatch makes combat easy
You don't need to use it, especially not with the dozens of positioning tools Nero has now
>stupid-looking DT
I agree but all the base DTs look stupid in this game imo. Kaneko designs are still supreme


I did just that in my first playthrough. Also used Nightmare on that other one with V.

>itsuno doesn't want to make a DMC game where a character he didn't make is the protagonist
I call BS on that since he made 2 and 3. Agreed on point two.

We needed a resident autist now that the vujo is gone.

My go to is to start charging DSD round trip before he starts blocking, unleash them when he starts blocking then swap to cerberus and do a revolver or two
Requires 0 DT

That argument works in 4, sort of, but in 5 you get switched BACK to him after getting Dante halfway through the game. The idea that he's a "tutorial" character doesn't really apply anymore.

>locks her son in closet
>isn't aware that her other son isn't at home during the attack despite him playing outside, far away from home, for quite some time
>having any right to judge
I'm thinking no.

Straight>Uppercut with Balrog

Simple, the response to him, and his playstyle was overwhelmingly positive, despite what the loud minority of naysayers had to say. Most critics and journalist loved the addition even back in 4. This is a case of the minority trying to shape the narrative of the majority. Same thing happened with DmC. A few seething retards tried to paint this narrative that it was a total shitshow of a game, when really it was critically acclained and actually sold better than all the DMC games save 4.

I suppose it's less annoying, but it's also such a stale gimmick. Literally 4000 years old.

>Everyone I disagree with is a fujo and not a real fan
I made a mistake replying to another mentally ill Dantefag it seems. Some people aren't keen to hate characters just because they're not le wacky woohoo pizza man, the hate Nero got in DMC4 was always undeserved and I was always okay with him.