2019......I am forgotten......
2019......I am forgotten
yes now go back to the trash
Not as forgotten as us.
>this triggers the OCD
Good. Now scram.
more like 2018, game barely lasted 4 months
This was the most incredible blunder on a fighting game ever.
Best fighter ever made . Fuck the scrub laden bitch made “FGC”
Cyberbots, Red Earth, or MvCI, which was the biggest Capcom fightan flop?
We need to avenge the fallen
It’s so perfect for that shit fest of a game
>FGCucks still can't move on from it like everyone else
How does it feel to be a sad pathetic fag that has to have two bad fighting games still rent free in your head?
>has the entire hype of the Marvel Cinematic Universe helping it
>STILL fails
how was it even possible?
Thank you.
That fucking hurt me.
>bad fighting game comes out that represents an awful turn for the potential future of fighting games
>not allowed to shit on it because if you are part of the “fgc” you literally have to defend all of them when it’s convenient
>rest of the time you shit on each other’s games
Justin Wong is shilling a mobile game ported to consoles. A power rangers game? Oh boy I can’t wait to be the red ranger—oh my opponent picked that? Now I have to be a weird grayish/black red ranger? Lame.
I'm actually playing it right now
to what end?
>no X-men
People want a Marvel roster, not a MCU-oriented roster. Ask fans if they prefer to have Cpt Marvel or Wolverine...
Real shame it had a bad roster and bad visuals I thought it was super fun to play. Especially Jedah and Sigma.
Can't wait to see you fags crying for a new Capcom fighter when writings on the walls show that they aren't going to fucking bother with the FGC when SFV is done with season 4.
See you fags in 8 years!
People don't want an MCU fighting game. They just want a marvel game with notable capcom characters.
No Xmen was a big deal and the roster was just mediocre. Huge change from the prior games on how it was played and there were just too many bad things to outweigh the handful of good things.
No shit.... fucking whiny entitled little bitches ruining good things for everyone else ... welp, it was fun while it lasted
Good. Last time they took a break they actually came back with good games. Or at least SF4.
The visuals weren't too bad outside of the story mode. The roster is the real crime. This game released like 7 years too early. Negotiations with Ike Perlmutter can only ever fail.
They have the collectors edition at FUCKING GAMESTOP for $50. Got one for a friend as a joje gift.
>when writings on the walls show that they aren't going to fucking bother with the FGC when SFV is done with season 4.
>writings on the wall
What about the literal fucking writing on the wall
The marvel side was just bad. Fucking Winter Soldier and Black Widow? Fuck outta here.
>FGCucks still proving my point
The Capcom fighter cycle never ceases to amuse me.
Better than Jump Force
I don't think anybody cares at this point. Capcom is making a comeback in every respect EXCEPT for their fighting game division. There's so many better options right now and more on the horizon. They have a lot to prove if they want back in the game.
Suck my dick nigger
Show us the plastic easter eggs!
Riiiiiight because eSports is soooo worth investing.
But user, Darkstalkers are not dead!
>I don't think anybody cares at this point.
Except for the seething FGCucks.
Remember that leaked "esports proposal" video Capcom made for MvCI, talking about how it was going to be in all the big tournaments? And then it never actually made it to any of them?
Capcom Fighting Jam
user...its time to stop.
Darkstalkersfags don't play their games user.
Sega themselves are actually doing a lot for Esports in japan.
Don't sleep on the fighting games division. They put Tsujimoto over it so for good or bad, it's going to change in some fantastical way.
Correct. It's so worth investing into that Capcom dedicated a 5th of their 2018 report talking about it and is one of the pillars of their future growth strategy. This reflects itself with the creation of another Street Fighter league outside of the CPT.
You don't know what you're talking about and were caught in a shitpost.
It's a good game though. FGC has no taste.
Nice torpedoes
Guess enough coins just somehow magically materialized in the machines to get them into the top 5 of the income charts three games in a row then.
Oh so you fags want CORE VALUES huh?
no, everyone agrees it probably has the best gameplay of tag games, it's just everything else.
Shut up idiot.
Why did they make it 2v2 when it should have been 3v3 or even better 4v4
>function vs function: functionite
the gameplay is amazing. But the roster, music, graphics, story mode, and release balance killed the game. It wasn't just dead, it was birthed stillborn.
If I recalled didn't you children chimped the fuck out so badly when they removed the ass slap? Whew!
I love those abs
>two bad fighting games still rent free in your head?
DBZ and Cross Tag?
what were they thinking with that soulless character select screen
>Arc Sissy trying to reverse it
That's some low hanging fruit there.
More like MCU vs Capcom, it's fucking bullshit I hope they make a real MVC 4 now that Disney owns fox
Yea Forums chimped out. Nobody else gave a fuck.
>N-nody gave a fuck about it outside of Yea Forums!
Nichegamer and the FGCuck websites would like to have a word with you.
I hope so.
And fuckin bring Jill back
I want to peek into the universe where this game was made with only X-Men characters on the Marvel side and see if the people in these threads still claim that the Marvel side of the roster is bad because it isn't representative of universe as a whole.
No, you fags burned the bridge. You rep what you fucking sow. Now go back to sucking Goku's dick.
Don't you mean the fifty Gokus' dicks?
This. Capcom is not the kind of company that gives second chances. If you don't buy something, they quit making it.
>When I saw Goku. I clapped!
[citation needed]
>FGCuck websites
Like SRK? You don't actually know what you're talking about.
Depend if Spider-Man will be there since he once was part of the X-Men
>smaller roster than base mvc3
>said small roster has baffling choices and barely any new characters
>fuck up balancing your main gimmick/addition to mvc3, so half the stones are worthless at launch
>scummy season pass
>fuck up the presentation/music, the one constantly good thing in MvC
>dude we’ll just add onto it we won’t abandon the game
even with marvel fuckery capcom just didn’t give a single shit
Still playing it tho
I know the roster had to do with dealing with Perlmutter but I'm thinking the music was Capcoms own fault. Like they thought "hey this cinematic horseshit is in the movies let's do that on our own"
even the capcom themes sound terrible
Here you go. Your actions are there.
Why would they? The X-men are way better than the Avengers
Muties are the niggers of the Marvel universe.
Reminder that 90% of the games content is literally copy and pasted from UMVC3 and tatsunoko.
Fun fact:
Captain Marvel is a frankenstein of Storm, She-hulk, Phoenix's, C Viper, Joe the Condor, and Ken the Eagle's animations
Gamora is a frankenstein of Jill, Wesker, Trish, X-23, Casshan, and Soki's animations.
Black Panther is a frankenstein of Wolverine, x-23, Felicia, Ken the Eagle, Karas and Iron Fist animations
Thanks for the citation
Have a more neutral article.
Mentioned twice. Then never again. Not the cause of a "chimpout" either. Because nobody care.
So much for your core values
Now post the Eventhubs one you hypocrite dumbass.
Is that thing supposed to be Rogue...?
>highest selling american comic of all time is x-men
>second highest is also x-men
Based, fuck muties
Nobody cared about infinity stones and thanos when this came out
member those faggot putos who were sperg pasta that shitrumor of UNCANNY MVCi!? which was just gonna add the Xmans and a few new characters nobody liked?
Suck mine, they had no intention of following anything comics wise here so for a video game playing audience like me Winter Soldier is "guy who punch hard" and Black Widow is "lady who can flip". Boring ass choices.
The voice actor deserves an award for being so goddamn unenthusiastic. It almost matches ME: Andromeda
I would have downloaded the DLC
The esports has been the only successful part of SFV, it is pretty clear that after 3 months with no info and now Ono tweeting this stuff it doesn't have much of a future. The CPT structure itself is useful, but according to the leaker who got everything about SamSho right Senjougahara__Hitagi
>Capcom isn't focused on SF5 at all cuz they have a shit ton of projects laid out for the next two years. The number of titles they will have for 2020 and 2021 is actually gonna be really cool like Viewtiful Joe 3
Jedah and Sigma had some good delivery.
Onos tweets are in line with him being replaced awhile back. But I'm not talking about 5 in particular. I'm talking about any Capcom fighter in general.
If they don't reveal new news at the end of this season we can just assume that this is SFV's final years before they move on to bigger and better things. But their IR was quite clear that Capcom has direct plans for 2019 and 2020 stimulation of esports.
Yeah but the others though? You had all that talent come back and they sound so goddamn awful
I just want marvel 3 to be alive again
They actually used the chorus effect on Jedah's voice like in Vampire Savior, too. They tend to nix the effects on Darkstalkers' voices in those crossover RPGs and such, but MvCI of all things got it right.
sucks that only until the end of its life cycle that most people came to terms that it was a better game than mvc2
Esports don't require a fighting game. But they can also easily just keep funding the CPT without adding anything to the game. Just keep that system chugging along and use it for whatever genre they see fit. With connections to elague, esl and similar Japaneses companies they can create events for all types of games.
There is absolutely nothing suggesting they have a new fighting game in the works. This is when the FGC can't keep its mouth shut about anything. The first SFV reveal was 2014, so you'd likely have a 2 year wait as well which rules out 2019/20.
It's actually kinda funny how they had Roger for Chris and TJ for Frank when they were both replaced in games that had come out within a year.
It's weird how the voice acting was worse for some characters that had their voice actors came back.
Some of the recasts were worse too like Dormammu and Nova.
Hm I guess you're right. I just find the thought odd that they would outright create a new SFV league without intentions of having future support when they're introducing a system that has picks and bans.
Whatever. I'm not a future man. I just read the reports every year and make up some mild conclusions. We'll be reading about future plans next year one way or the other.
what other esport game are they going to do? I don't recall any shooter, moba, or card game that they've shown in the past that will even be a semi-successful esport.
>I just find the thought odd that they would outright create a new SFV league without intentions of having future support
The thing you have to remember is SF League isn't anything special, next year they could decide to completely redo the format and nothing would really stop them. What matters is Capcom and the various esports companies now have a connection. Getting your foot in the door early really matters with what a lot of people are hoping will be an industry that really blows up.
>what other esport game are they going to do
They tried ages ago with that one multiplayer RE game. Really they could do whatever they want, not like SFV was even semi successful but they pushed it through anyway. Honestly I'm surprised they've never attempted some style of MonHun esports. Do what some shooters do and have teams playing separate games where they are scored on how well they do.
But my point is they keep the CPT as it prepares them for when they can get a hit.
>now have
This isn't new. Capcoms had its hands in the esports loop since 2015. It's only recently with consideration of it's inclusion in the 2020 or 2022 that all companies have started being vocal about it.
>windowed mode
You're dead to me, ya hear? DEAD.
The X-men are Marvel's best comics. In fact, outside of Spider-man and X-men nobody gave a shit about anything else.
Fuck that, they have tons of good shit like Daredevil, Blade, the punisher, fantastic 4, Thor, The ultimates and so on. The X-men and Spider-Man were just the most popular and still are. Just because they have the Avengers raping the box office it doesn't mean their comics are selling well.
>Viewtiful Joe 3
who gives a shit about Viewtiful Joe? Shit's gonna flop for the 3rd time in a row.
Spoken like a true pleb.
I haven't seen any of you X-niggers say a thing about Daredevil not being in any of these games when he has arguably the best comics to come out of Marvel.
Yea Forums here, that's objectively wrong. the X-men were iconic and at first they had great comics but for quite a few decades now many have dropped the x-men comics cause they suck fucking ass. Wolverine and company just happen to have a lot of staying power because of their designs and other stuff like the great cartoons and big marketing behind them. The Avengers had better comics for longer. Captain America and Iron Man comics were better too compared to the recycled shit that was x-men. Magneto is a good guy, magneto is a bad guy, jean is bad, jean is dead, jean is back, the whole team is dead, the whole team is back, everyone hates mutants, everyone loves mutants, xavier dies, xavier comes back, there's a cure for the x-gene, the cure is destroyed, ad infinitum.
That's what everyone says about any Capcom franchise that isn't Resident Evil or Monster Hunter.
Fuck off red batman
More of a Batman than the actual Batman.
Where's Bruce's sonar, huh?
What I hated the most were all those rumours of a Marvel Vs. Capcom 4 version with the X-men added coming out, and that I actually habeebed it.
Never again, Yea Forums. You've fooled me for the last time.
They just need to make a Capcom ALL-Stars game with 3v3, 5 characters per series, more obscure series with dlc.
Initial roster would have
MegaMan X
Resident Evil
Breath of fire
Devil may cry
Street fighter
Rival schools
Captain commando
Monster Hunter
Dragons dogma
Megaman (zero,legends,classic,exe...)
Final fight
And so on...
Shit would sell like hot cakes.
>The Avengers had better comics for longer. Captain America and Iron Man comics were better too
That's not even remotely true.
>Magneto is a good guy, magneto is a bad guy, jean is bad, jean is dead, jean is back, the whole team is dead, the whole team is back, everyone hates mutants, everyone loves mutants, xavier dies, xavier comes back, there's a cure for the x-gene, the cure is destroyed, ad infinitum.
Most of that is caused by Perlmutter trying to kill the franchise.
Seconding this.
Comics fans wanted less X-men. Nobody wanted NO X-men, they certainly went too far in the right direction, but MvC was still stuck in appealing to people who weren't comic fans but fans of the previous MvC titles, people who only ever touched a comic book in the late 80s - mid 90s when X-men fever was at its height.
we need to bring back marvel 2
Why the hell would Thanos need guns?
a proper port of the Dreamcast version would be ideal.
Do we?
Looking back on Marvel 3, it has a more satisfying roster, and it's not a big pile of reused sprite sheets.
Because modern Avengers comics are as bad as modern X-men comics
how many fucking ports do you guys need?
I'd miss spiderman and capt but then honestly a lot of mutants work well for a fighting game.
What happened to that supposed big update that was 'leaked', was that all some troll?
when reddit says capcom has redeemed itself the past few years
>was that all some troll?
>we will never get a game with both Black Widow and Crimson Viper
troll, the dream roster should have given it away. no way capcom would continue to sink money into MvCI
Hell yes. Fuck the Marvel shit, they're too controlling to have a properly crazy game. I just want to see Mega Man hit Amaterasu with a charge shot while Leon shoots X with a rocket launcher. Focus on the gameplay, focus on the style, and focus on making the roster as batshit insane as possible. Celebrate the full history of Capcom.
Can we make a do over and forget Infinite existed?
i opened a lobby today and it got full in like 15 minutes, people say its dead but its so easy to get matches
from what ive heard mvc4 is real, most of the "leakers" dont know much other than its supposedly happening. ken bogard said some shit about april, although he denied it he still kinda said it and even compared kof 12 and 13 to mvci and 4 in the comments, and he also leaked rashid and laura in december 2014
This idea seems so obvious to me, yet they haven't done it yet. They have characters designed some of the best in the industry and they would rather diminish them to alt costumes and whatever that DR3 DLC was instead of something substantial.
>Ono got kicked and replaced with Tsujimoto.
Monster Hunter Versus will save the fighting game division.
You vastly over estimate the appeal. MvC which obviously also attracts the marvel crowd has never sold that much. Most any MvC game sold was MvC3 with just 2.2 million, adding in ultimate brings it to 3 million but that was mostly the same people buying it again. You think removing half the appeal will make it sell better? When 90% of the franchises people want can't even get a new game