Why do you hate gacha games?

Why do you hate gacha games?

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Medusa is so fucking hot, why isn't she more popular

gameplay is absurdly shallow and a good portion of the mechanics are purposefully obnoxious to force people to spend ridiculous amount of money on them

Their gameplay loops are boring and I'd rather have a rather than finished game that I can beat rather than an ongoing drip feed of GaaS content spanning however many years.

They're shit but I'm a loser so I still play them

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probably since anime-only watchers dominate content and she's barely in any of the anime, movies or OVAs

I dont hate them, just indifferent. there's nothing really to them that gives any interesting feedback/dopamine/adrenaline whatever. If I wanted to look at pretty anime girls I can just use google. If I wanted to play a phone game to pass the time I would play a simpler and more engaging game like one of those endless runner games or puzzle games. I dont have to worry about leveling up. Worrying about xp and my party is something I would do for a console or pc game, my phone just isn't worth the attention.

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she's playable in the musous, the most iconic rider, a prominent guda-o character and has two 4* version of herself, what more do you want

Because 99.3% of the gameplay is repetitive farming.

are you kindding
she's shinji's used garbage

They're boring, and all I care about is the porn anyway

Too tall for japs

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HF only recently got anime content and HA has none at all

>the most iconic rider

The completionist in me finds missing certain content either because you joined late in the game or because you weren't online for a certain period of time an obnoxious feature (though I could understand the rationale for why that is done). The rat-race/Red Queen Race aspect of the games gets tedious after a while and returning to the game after dropping it means not just getting up to date with the game pieces that you might have missed, but also having to farm up enough resources (or spending cash) to get a chance to even get certain items. It's why I stopped playing Shadowverse after a while at around the Blood/Wonderland meta. Just thinking about the grind that I will need to commit to just to play catch-up with other players just puts me in an apathetic mood with the whole ordeal.

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>spends most of her time on foot

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I play Dragalia Lost. I hate gacha games because I am a collector by heart and the game does not want me to collect.

Someone please stop me

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Shut up

They have no fucking content. You can "finish" the games within a day and the "content drops" only ever provides a few minutes of extra content at most.

Then you have people who excuse this shit by saying "Bro it's your fault! You're not supposed to play the game for more than 5 minutes a day!"

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Dude... what the hell is wrong with you?


>No Melty 2
>No Tsukihime Remake
Thanks faggot order.

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Post support

thanks for actively contributing to the downfall of this industry

That BETTER be the JP version, bro

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So what do you get for all that?

call your credit card company and block google play or apple, whichever it is.

What is there to like, they are boring grindfests that exist only because waifus

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It's kind of bizarre to me how whales are smart enough to have that much money yet dumb enough to spend it in such a frivolous way.

>gacha mechanics are just as cancerous as lootboxes
Why shouldn't I hate them?

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At least gacha has the decency not to have an entry price.

The more money you have, the less valuable it is.

They're not fucking games they're virtual slot machines.

I don't hate gacha games, just FGO for being the cancer that killed type moon.

1. it's not a game
2. skins and alts became separate products instead of unlocks
3. it's devoid of SOUL
4. go back to your general falseflagger

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The game play is shit and yet I'd drop a hundred dollars if I knew it'd get me the girl I wanted but I don't want to risk paying money and not getting the thing I spent that money for.

Fucking kill yourself retard.

can you pay me a quartz pack?

>1/6/19 - 79.99
>1/6/19 - 79.99
>1/8/19 - 79.99
Once a month is excessive at that price but this right here is straight up addiction. Call a gambling hotline.

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Free games can have lootboxes too, you know

The gacha is whatever, but I love Medusa

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The more active force of will you have (i.e. desire to do shit) the weaker your passive force of will (i.e. the ability to resist impulses).

imagine sucking NASUS's fat cock just because of Fucking 0s and 1s in .png form
do you post on the ERP general as well?

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this April Fools joke hurts

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The inability to play the complete game is what cheeses me off about gachas the most. Costumes, alt-skins and other frivolous gribbles are where I draw the line in terms of randomized lootboxes/pulls.

What's that supposed to mean?

I posted FGOs april fools joke in the FGO thread

What are some decent gachas/mobage that aren't resource intensive?

>but it's FREEEEE

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>first 4 seconds
I don't even want to keep watching.

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Because I can get the good part (the PNGs of anime girl tiddy) for free right here. Why would I ever waste my time on a boring ass maybe-a-game just to jerk off?

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I don't really, but all the "good" ones give barely any attention to their western releases, if they even have one.

hey bro I've never said it's good, just less bad

This is bullshit, I have barely any of either.

I asked the same question some time ago and I was told Granblue Fantasy is not too bad in that regard.

That explains nothing

It's a fake trailer, holy shit how much of a fucking brainlet do you have to be not to get it.

Filthy bandwagoning faggot.

By never touching gacha stuff, I came here out of curiosity as I know a lot of people who are addicted to it


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No. Play my game.

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Most richfags I know just had rich parents.

shallow gameplay depended on a rig system thats against you to make you want to spent money on it. i dont hate it though. i hate that so many people are into it and it damages the industry as a hole.

it looks way to good to be a april fools.

I tried it, but it breaks in my browser.

Thank god there is that doujin artist who drew like 10 different doujins of her.

are there really people on this website that don't know what tsukihime is

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Dishonest business model and shitty gameplay designed to accommodate that dishonest business model.

Hey, at least you got a lot of 5 stars to show off to your friends...right?

The 2016 invasion was fucking weird man.

>Dishonest business model
Honestly they are pretty up front about how shitty and anti consumer their practices are.

>Censored Mutt/Order
Play on the JP server you faggots.

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I dun know how to read jpn

I don't even care about Demiya lol.

>playing it at all

If they touch any of the lolis I'll just drop the game, like I give a fuck.

Rider is so fucking hot. Thank god there is that artist who drew like 10 Rider doujins.

I don't hate the idea but I don't spend money either. I enjoyed the F/GO story but I might tap out until we get to the lostbelts in NA.

Fucking die shill

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$60 dollars is chump change in gacha cuck currency.
Shit needs to be banned ASAP.

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if only the gameplay was any fun

because i have sex with women

>she isn't riding anyone

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gameplay being fun would only make the problem worse

>missing out on the story
>when the story is the best part of the game

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It's on a phone, I have shit luck, and I have a gambling problem so it's automatically a shit game despite it's really my fault.

>being a pathetic lucklet
should've quite while ahead lmao

>The majority of the western AAA industry is trying to get in on this kind of money but with actual game play
>The game play all sucks
>And they don't even have cute girls.

The absolute state of AAA gaming companies.

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i have sex with my boyfriend and i still like gacha
langrisser has authentic fire emblem gameplay. they don't need to change much and they could release it as a full game instead of gacha.

He deserved it

Yeah maybe if you understand Jap, otherwise it's pointless since you don't know shit. The story is half the reason to play even if it's trash a lot of time.

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How so?

mobile games>PC games>>>console games

Consolekiddies will fight this

Are you one of those people with rich parents and successful older siblings that don't really mind what you do with your life or money?

>all these gacha shills
Fuck off back to /vg/

deal with it consoleboi, this board is ours now

Pretty much any gacha game I've liked has died for me when power creep set in. Having to replace all my gear in King's Raid AND gain 10 more levels on every character? I'm out, that was way too much.

Brave Frontier, FFRK, FEH, etc.

>rape victim
>shinji’s cumdump

Miss me with that gay shit

>$320 in less than a week
You really wanted old man Hassan didn't you. Hope to fuck you got em user

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Fuck you Nasu, that one's just cruel

>Dogshit shallow gameplay
>Cringe animu tropes to pander to incels
>30 bucks for a fucking 10% chance of getting a shitty jpg of an animu grill
There is nothing worse than gacha subhumans

NO MOTHERFUCKER, THERES A GLOBAL SERVER NOW! Why dont YOU fuck off back to the japanese server and fucking stay there?
I swear you retards are everywhere now.

because they are not games lmao you fucking moron

>wrong Jeanne
>mfw as a completely f2p player I got Alt Jeanne with just two tickets and the best part is I didnt even want her

Turned out she is pretty good and now I like her.
Still fuck FGO rates. When I watch videos of other people rolling on youtube 99% of the time they HAVE to drop some bucks in to get the characters they want.

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I have sex.

weebs are the weakest race

They're not games.

>he plays gacha """"""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""games""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""
literally the entire gameplay is just buy lootboxes so you have a chance to unlock a gay anime girl. The entire genre just screams incel

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If anything, that's worse. Hook people in with a free entry to get them addicted. Once they have a taste they'll think "well, the game was free so if I spend X amount, that's not so bad", and the cycle continues.

don't say it often but sometimes I love my country
ban the digital crack

All the characters that I find cool or interesting are almost always terrible, and all the strong ones are invariably little girls in breezy outfits.

Considering how obnoxiously game companies have been pushing that stuff (especially with full-price games that encourage paying for progression), you guys are playing it a lot smarter than the rest of us.

basically the idea for our government was, if we can't justify letting kids get into casinos we can't justify this crap either

which is an uncharacteristically logical course of action for our normally dysfunctional mess of a government