Wolfenstein: Young Blood

Thoughts on the new Wolfenstein trailer? Seems kinda dope.

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>fps with 30 minute long cutscenes
Yeah, I'll pass.

I mean there is nothing wrong with that style of game. lol

>not even actual ww2 anymore
>no longer takes place in castle wolfenstein

I hate the tranny twins

is that max from life is strange

destroys the flow of gameplay.

haven't seen much outside the initial trailer but if it's anything like the last game i'll sit it out.

Jesus christ those dyke faggots are already annoying as hell. Fuck you for mixing Carpenter Brut's music with this dogshit
Watch there be a level where protagonists host a pride parade

>Seems kinda dope
Seems kinda nope XD

Yes it is you fucking retard. lol

>b-but Yea Forums told me the new Wolfenstein games didn't have an SJW agenda

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>seems kinda dope

Yea Forums.org/rules#global

"11. Advertising (all forms) is not welcome—this includes any type of referral linking, "offers", soliciting, begging, stream threads, etc."

Everyone else, you know what to do.

TNO wasn't that bad but even normies were put off by how much of TNC was SJW shit

What are the odds that one or both of the girls has or gets a black boyfriend?

You seem upset, want some milk or something?

You must hate Telltale games... lol

TNC was just as SJW as TNO.
It's just that no one here played it.

No I just want to play an action-based shooter not a fucking visual novel

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I couldn't even finish the intro of TNC without feeling physically sick from the amount of SJW propaganda my eyes witnessed.

Y'all nerds are so insecure. Jesus.

Not every game is killing floor, and Darksouls you know? There are different styles of games.... I thought Until Dawn was pretty good.

You know it's pretty funny to think about that SJWs react the same way to normie content, as you do to theirs. Yet you think you are so far removed from them.... LOL

I want a WWII game where I play as the jews


>muh horseshoe
one side gets people fired for wrong think and the other through either not enough power or not trying hard enough do not. If it were just people complaining then yea both sides are more or less the same but one side actually has the power to get things censored and people fired in the industry and beyond.

TNC also destroyed the fun gameplay from TNO in favour of hiding behind cover like a bitch

It's cute that you think it's one-sided. :^) Both y'all some tards.

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and don't forget no NG+ cause it'd would be too hard to go back and put some of those access points for the abilities you get later in the game which weren't very useful for the entire game anyway.

the people on this side couldn't even get dina fired despite her clearly being a pr disaster and unqualified to be a community manager for a megaman inspired game while the sjw side got a composer fired because he made some tweets supporting goofygoober years ago, there's a clear imbalance of power between the two sides. You're much to smart to understand any of this with your massive centrist brain though.

literally the only good thing about it is carpenter brut, and this game and its involvement are a stain on roller mobster

Just seems kinda the same as TNC desu.
TNC on its own was already getting mind-boggingly boring as you got closer to the end
not to mention the pacing sucks ass as well

why do you type like a faggot.

because he is one

VAs are trying way too hard to sound butch/tough. But I consistently like the gameplay/soundtrack of these games so I might give it a shot. I get the feeling their only gonna scale the propaganda up to 11, though. My most immediate issue is the story set-up. I get it, it's Wolfenstein, we're gonna be shooting Nazis but after Wolf 2 what the fuck is left? Their technical genius and No. 1 general are dead and they lost America. There's almost no Nazi regime left.