Remember that April Fools Day can be fun for many, but sometimes, the joke can go too far and hurt people.
Remember that April Fools Day can be fun for many, but sometimes, the joke can go too far and hurt people
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never ever goldentards
Too bad most of these games aged horribly.
>includes xbox live achievements
It's so stupid, I believe it.
Makes sense since Nintendo is sucking off Alpha Xbox for everything it can scrape the bottom of the barrel for.
>March 31st
>majority of the world has yet to enter April first
>places already jumping the gun on the jokes
Dude what the fuck that is NOT cool, website I never heard of before
I call bullshit. Give link
This hurts almost as bad as Pochacomi. I'm still fucking mad.
Iwata was the one who stomped the chances of a Goldeneye remaster/re-release happening, mostly because it was obvious that the Wii would get the shittiest port because it was the shittiest console (MGM was actually on-board and everything surprisingly), so Iwata whined about "parity" instead of the fact they released ex-Gamecube parts and called it the Wii
Unless someone at Nintendo wants to overrride his decision (lmao), it's never happening. The Goldeneye bullshit was one of many business decisions at Nintendo that made me wonder why everyone immediately tried to plant his dick in their mouth after he died
Of course its bullshit. They legally can't do Goldeneye.
>thinking nintendo is going to buy the rights to 007
its never happening
>It's an aussiefag with a bad april fools joke
Shouldn't he be busy getting killed by everything in his country.
Is MS planning to leave the console game or something? It looks like they're giving up all their console exclusives to be used by other companies.
>Rare Replay on Switch
>Cuphead on Switch
>Possible Scalebound revival on Switch
>Halo MCC on Steam
If we see Banjo Threeie actually release on a Nintendo platform in my lifetime I'll shit a brick.
Activision owns the rights if I'm not mistaken and the Goldeneye remake was straight up designed for Wii and ported to other consoles later.
>Is MS planning to leave the console game
Probably. They're really pushing Xbox Live as a cross-platform service now instead of actual consoles.
>With Goldeneye
got too greedy
Activision dropped the rights after 007 Legends bombed spectacularly, and no one has bothered to get the rights since. So technically no one owns Goldeneye right now, meaning theres no one to get permission from.
Huh. Well, at least they owned the rights at the time.
>tfw no Viva piñata on switch
Fuck this.
If you are hurt by a video game prank, you need to reevaluate your life
Never say never.
LOL, some people can't take it. Plus if you want to play Rare shit so much there's emulators and there's XBONE
it still not april 1st in america and europe.
there are april 1st jokes in japan because they ARE in april 1st. so yeah, this might, MIGHT be the real deal.
>the only Rare game released to PC was Viva Piñata
Fuck this timeline.
Microsoft is a software company in the first place.
I don't necessarily believe MC is dropping consoles, but it's not unbelievable, unlike Nintendo dropping out, which would never happen.
Too bad its fucking march 31st. What shithole 3rd world country is everybody in where it's April 1st?
i hear minecraft on switch has xbox live achievements so that would likely be the case if it had them at all.
Is this a bait or?
Goleneye 64 isn't even playable if you want your goldeneye fix get the wii game
>a game, let alone a collection of 20 year old ports not being available on a console can hurt people
>viva pinata on the switch
I don't think the world is ready for that much comfy.
despite nintendos shortcomings as of late they're going to be around for a long time and aren't going anywhere.
It would take a fallout 76 style fuckup for them to have any damage done to them.
Aussies ruin everything they touch.
Even if this were to be true in some timeline that’s some fucking uglyass cover
Not any time soon but probably in 10-12 years time.
>Rare Replay 64
That makes no sense since Rare Replay already had 64 games that weren’t DK64 and 007
Nigger what Goldeneye Wii fucking happened it was one of the few online wii games and it was more fun than the other consoles shooters because it had a non shit control scheme. Stick only controls is fucking cancer
You can't fucking start a joke the day before the 1st. The whole point is that the first IS april fools, the joke has to start and end on the same day.
This is bullshit either way.
bbut it says mar 31!!
Aussies are about 15 hours ahead of CST, so them user. Also the japs.
Americans truly, legitimately believe, with all their cholesterol clogged hearts, that any country that is not The Chosen Country of God Himself the Great United States of America is a third world country.
Cuphead will have them
h-haha good joke guys
American here and that's bullshit, our average non third world beliefs is america, canada, europe, aussieland and japan, everyone outside of that is 3rd world trash though.
>tasteless retards are celebrating MS for releasing Halo on Steam
>still no official PC release of Perfect Dark with M+K support
Every day that goes by, I hate Microsoft a little bit more
It wasn't about parity. It was about Nintendo games on a non Nintendo console, Iwata saw that as unacceptable and it's a logical, albeit disappointing, view.
Goldeneye aged like fucking milk. Trying to play that game again literally destroys brain cells. If you actually enjoy playing Goldeneye today you are delusional and unbelievable blinded by nostalgia.
Play it, only to realize and appreciate how far we've come.
The level design is still solid, the only things that aged poorly are the framerate and controls.
Perfect Dark with a sort of Anniversary Mode style update for a graphics swap button would be amazing, honestly. I think we're probably never getting proper PC ports of a lot of games of the past though.
You literally fucking run and gun and let the autoaim take care of all of it, why the hell do people have problems with this game
>the only things that aged poorly are the framerate and controls.
So the gameplay is shit. Thanks for proving his point.
You can play it with Keyboard and Mouse, and it still holds up.
Because it's the year 20XX and EVERY game released needs to have the exact same CoD control scheme across the board.
>a version of Rare Replay for a Nintendo console
>no Donkey Kong in sight
That's as big of a red flag as the copyright nightmare GoldenEye.
A PC port of Perfect Dark would actually make me use their fucking worthless Windows store. I would jump through whatever hoops they ask for it. I will never stop being angry that it STILL hasn't fucking happened. To say nothing of other great games MS holds hostage like fucking freelancer
Would you jack off a little boy on national television for a Perfect Dark PC port?
No, faggot
You're no true fan.
I thought it was the fact they got in a fight with Microsoft because Microsoft wanted an enhanced remake of it on the Xbox 360, Nintendo wanted a Virtual Console release, and both wanted exclusivity over it.
Your loss.
>hurt people
Good, they deserve it for being so gullible
what the fuck user
>you bought all those games on virtual console for nothing
>you have to rebuy every single game all over again.
What a great company
Stop it, Mr Hansen.
Honestly I don't really see Nintendo putting their games in a Microsoft owned compilation like that, even if they have been more chummy together lately. I feel like they'd want to sell them on their own terms and get full profit.
I've played these games so many times as a child that I never want to play them again. It sucked having only an N64 as a kid and having to replay Banjo Kazooie and Goldeneye for the millionth time. The N64 is the only console I actively shit on because of it being a literal no games console. I don't understand how Nincels still support Nintendo after the SNES other than it being some sort Stockholm syndrome.
No es fake.
>that time they remade Goldeneye for XBL Arcade but had to cancel it because of copyright issues
It's true, Nintendo themselves are bigger nincels than even the most hardened Nintendo loyalists here.
>games aging
Fuck off with this dumb meme
It's April 1st somewhere.
Good thing Iwata's incapable of making any decisions now then, huh?
honestly the only thing an emulator texture pack couldn't cover are the character and weapon models. everything else can be HD retextured
why not just play the original instead?
This is literally the first step to that dream coming true you retard. PD and Banjo 1 and 2 could come if Halo sells well.
It's an April Fools prank. What are you even on about?
why don't nintendo just buy the rights to james bond and make it one of their franchises. same thing they do with the olympics games. they need an fps in their arsenal. they need a mature game. it's the one big gap they have. FUCKING COME ON. DO SOMETHING NINTENDO. SPEND SOME O THAT WII MONEY. STOP JUST TREADING WATER ALL THE TIME. JAMES BOND. ITS STARING YOU RIGHT IN THE FACE
And who the hell is gonna develop it? Nintendo can't even make decent bing bing wahoo anymore, they're not suddenly going to be able to make competent shooters.
>if you buy [product you don't want] that'll encourage them to bring over [product you want]
I have seen that claim made so many times, and it never fucking happens. Fuck you shill. Halo is shit.
>they need an fps in their arsenal
Splatoon and Metroid Prime
>they need a mature game
I'm not really sure they do. That segment of the market is pretty thoroughly covered by the rest of the industry
well yeah theres that. they can't do fucking anything. takes them 10 years to make a zelda
anybody saying goldeneye 007 is a lying sack of shit
people still cite that liar IndieGamerChick because theyre so scared about stupid fucking Steve
Boco? Never seen you outside of Yea Forums
it wouldn't be a problem if nintendo consoles actually got proper 3rd party support. but they don't. they need to make their own shooter. they need to make their own mature games. cos they ain't getting shit from the rest of the industry. they need a real shooter. they dont even get shit COD ports anymore. they need to plug the gaps themselves. people are paying good money for their consoles and they're getting stiffed on the game selection EVERY TIME. I'm sorry but splatoon and metroid (where is metroid????) do not do the job. they're not shooters. metroid isnt even a game. it's just a logo
Only because it's true
They're getting flooded with indies and last gen ports actually. Sure you won't get COD or the new Asscreed or what have you, but they have no shortage of third party games.
It would take far, far more than that. If nintendo did not have enough cash on hand or investor confidence to make even a handheld console, their inhouse devteams would rather make a fucking game and watch or release games for dead consoles than make a game for another publisher and manufacturer.
>sure not the third party games anyone actually wants but stop being entitled
People who consume CoD, AssCreed, Fallout, GoW, and such and can happily enjoy their PS4 libraries. These third party "AAA" titans get 400% the lifetime gross of lesser titles despite being 1000% the cost. There's no reason to sell out for that kind of game, and nintendo have proved it time and time again with their endlessly growing coffers as Sony and Microsoft divisions flirt with disaster every time a major release fails to hit its insane expectations.
I'd be happier if it was NES-N64, I want that Solar Jetman.
>wanting AAA trash
Pleb. Regardless, even if they did get it, no one would buy it, so why are you whining? Hell the only worthwhile ubisoft game of the past 5 or so years was a switch exclusive.
What exactly do you want on the switch that you aren't getting? I suppose DMCV would be nice but I'd rather play the PC version than a gimped handheld version.
>Jet Force Gemini will never get the remaster it deserves
This hurts far more then it should
>Give link
Don't think he was in any of the N64 Rare games though.
The Fuck?
This faggot is here all the time
>Iwata was the one who stomped the chances of a Goldeneye remaster/re-release happening,
But the Goldeneye remaster HAPPENED you fucking troglodyte.
>Alpha Xbox
>When it was Xbox that came begging to Nintendo since no one bought an Xbox
Do Xcucks really think they're Chads?
Mario + Rabbids Kingdom battle had no right being 1/8 as good as it actually was
Can't you just launch your Wii U and play them if you already bought them? Nobody's forcing you to rebuy them.
Bros what do you think Hiro is planning this time
>It's already been 1 year since Mini
>It's already been 2 years since mergers
>It's already been 3 years since Google+
where does the fucking time go
Remake. The terms are used interchangeably for some reason but they are two very different things.
Hopefully they just do the merger again, /fitlit/ and /mo/ were boardkino.
I'm not telling you to go buy Halo in the hope that Perfect Dark gets ported, I'm just saying this is how stuff like this gets started. MS isn't going to go for an obscure title like PD right away. They need to see something like Halo sell well first.