Epic literally stealing anime OCs

>Epic literally stealing anime OCs

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Other urls found in this thread:


And they made it works than the original, which is impressive in a way.



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Apparently this is because of DA's Terms and Services which gives them full rights to sell designs off.

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>And they made it works than the original,

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so DA's business model was stealing ownership of art, which im not super sure is really upholdable in court, but then again no artist aside from porn artists are going to have enough money to even try to fight it


Out of all the cool/good art in the world to steal why would they pick someone's shitty donut steal oc?

>identica a mi burrito

This, the same shit happens with pixiv also. Sadly they can't really do anything about it other than suck it up since going to court will just be a waste of money.


Pixiv does the exact same shit, except japs often read the terms and conditions first and would rather use Twitter than it.

because they can get away with it? stupid question.

Yeah, it's like the old newgrounds days when companies could order takedowns of anything and not have any trouble.

they can't though. I can see the devs inventing that rule, but DA can't do that.

Is that the new hot twitter tranny meymey of the month? No they can't and they don't. Wtf, tranny, respect yourself.

No they didn't.

Also stop embarassing yourself.

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Consumer licensing agreements are a legal grey area in American law and it's never worth trying to fight the high-dollar legal team of a major corporation when you're just a sperg who draws furshit.

fuck are you idiots saying? deviantart's TOS says they are allowed to sell your art and the rights to the art to anyone who wants it.
most likely a contracted company bought it and sold the art to epic as concept art

truly an epic post, upboated with a (You)

That's pretty fucked

and even if it gets brought to court, Epic can just say that it isn't a 1:1 replica and that it's just coincidental so they didn't "steal" anything.

>pixiv jews ownership like DA
Give a citation please. ToS specifically says all copyrights are the uploader's, and they don't even claim a "permanent non-revokable license right for marketing use" like every western uploading service.

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They can
It's the same way that if you invent something and come up with a patent, while attending college, that invention and patent becomes property of the school

>stealing the art of some teenage girl and making millions from it
chinese really are subhuman

This is just sad. Say what you will about Gaben he didn't do heartless shit like this. I wish Epic's CEO gets cancer

unfortunately we live in a world where no one gives a shit about art or even tries to understand so nothings going to come of this and billion dollar companies will keep getting away with stealing other peoples work

>stealing other people's works
>stealing games by bribing publishers/devs
>stealing your right to buy on your favorite store
>stealing your data and giving it to chinks
>stealing games from your account when you got them for free from their """"store""""
So, what are they gonna do next? Steal my waifu? Steal my house? Steal my life?

So much for that bigger profit share to creators, huh?

>little kids will forever consider any future drawings the artist might make of this OC to be fortnite fanart

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>commies stealing things and selling it to other people
business as usual I see

Literally EVERY dota 2 character is stolen OC. Pudge is the butcher, Lina is Lina inverse, drow ranger is silvanas or whatever you spell that name, naga siren is a naga siren from Warcraft, etc etc.
If anything valve is a lot worse. The only redeeming factor about valve is that they steal from big names and don’t bully small artists like Epic

post this on reddit
make use of them faggy whiteknights for something actually useful

blizzdrones are trully brain dead

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>What is DOTA 2?

It gets even better, the artist is 13 years old.
Unlike the floss lawsuit crap they actually are stealing from a kid this time.

Fuck me I meant worse but I'm a degenerate phoneposter please rape my face

Have you seen those "Best of pixiv" compilations, or those images used on login screens? Do you think the original artists get a cent of pixiv's revenue, or that they even asked permission?

It was years back when many jp artists walked out on pixiv. From what it remember it was a vague statements about them using artwork for advertisement or promotional purposes. They might have changed it since many big jp artist made a big stink about it.

I just tell it how it is. I’m not a blizzdrone anyway. Warcraft stole from warhammer. Having said that both blizzard and valve had the modicum of decorum to not bully defenseless artists. There’s a difference between stealing from a corporation and taking candy from a baby.

>They can
Sue them and see if they can.

I don't speak Uma Delicia, what's he saying?

TOS are cancer
why do americans respect and defend them?

Pixiv maintaining the right to use uploaded images in the operation of their service is very different from DA literally owning all art you upload to it and being free to profit off of and sell it at their discretion.
It's also literally mentioned in that guy's screenshot.

Legal protection. That is why "All trademarks and copyrights on this page are owned by their respective parties. Images uploaded are the responsibility of the Poster. Comments are owned by the Poster." is on the bottom.

He’s a 13 yo kid who came up with the character in the right and some faggot fortnite developer turned it into a skin. He’s sad because now if he shows his drawings to other people they say he copied it from fortnite. I’m not a moralfag but this shit is wrong, you don’t steal from children.

How the fuck you make a billion+ dollars but can't get a competent art team?

This is incorrect, the rights are handled by Creative Commons, not dA

>chinese stealing IP
>being surprised

are you aware of what the first DOTA is

mi burrito sabanero voy camino de Belén

except it isn't.the closest you've got to a rip off is pl who is basically khimari

obviously they're based off warcraft 3 units,but pudge for example even before his remodel dosen't look remotely enough like the butcher to remotely call him a ripoff,nethier does drow.

sure naga looks like more like her warcraft counterpart,yes lina has literally the same spell names,but you cant say the same thing about her design.

now on the other hand that fortnite skin looks like a literal rip off which i cant say that for any dota characters

And are you not aware of where the dota characters came from? You dotards are pathetic

The only thing we agree on is that epic is the worst. But you’re a retard in the way you’re vomiting up these stupid mental gymnastics to delude yourself from the fact that dota is all stolen oc

>Fortnite steals popular game modes left and right
>people are surprised that Fortnite aldo steals art

Fortnite has such a weird and inconsistent artstyle, it's even weirder to me that there doesn't seem to be "fortnite guy/gal" just like with every other popular shooter (tracer, masterchief etc.)

based DA making degenerates do it for free

Dota 2 is bases on a fucking warcraft mod. What do you fucking expect?


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I think a level of stealing is expected in any industry. But stealing from a 13 yo Mexican kid who would be happy with a hundred bucks and a mention in the credits is a new fucking low even for the Chinese

that they should actually have done all OC characters and not have any similar elements from the mod aka WC3 models

Well OBVIOUSLY that the characters were remade from scratch. Dota gets a free pass because it was a mod made by two guys. Dota 2 doesn’t because it was made by valve

where did they go after leaving pixiv?


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Sure bro, you got a few hundred grand lying around I can use for a lawyer?

>tfw we get a ayuwoki skin

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>Apparently this is because of DA's Terms and Services which gives them full rights to sell designs off.
No they cant.
The TOS clearly states they can use it for marketing and shit, but the rights to the image stays with the artist.
Its for times when they want to run tv ads or website ads and will show images off their site.


>Steal my life?
Jokes on them, i dont have a life!
Fucking Epic got OWNED.


Read and article quoting DA that they can't sell original works.

If you've ever worked in a large company, you quickly realize that anyone in a position of power is completely unknowledgeable about art. They don't care how good or original it is, all they see is dollar signs. And whats cheaper than taking a design from a kid that will have no chace of fighting it in court? To them having a "competent" art team costs WAY more than telling their interns to do it

Mostly twitter, but some artist are looking to move to somewhere else again due to twitter getting more strict on what is "approved".

>weird and inconsistent artstyle,
its called kitchen sink and is what happens when you forgo absolutely everything just to appeal to as many people as possible

I literally can't find this shitty OC. how can I even try to btfo chink lovers with no sauce? name doesn't help

video game companies can legally do whatever they want
they could rape your dog and you couldnt do anything about it

well since tumblr is also down, their option is like... meh, may be they can move to artstaion

You’re wrong. It has a very clear style, it’s what early teenagers like. It’s shit yes but it’s quite unified.


i found it after first google search, how the fuck you retards even use internet

Artstation deletes almost everything lewd involving lolis even if they aren’t naked. They don’t ban the users though, at least not the ones I know of. But they do delete the pictures


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the point of dota2 was to be as close to dota as possible

nah you dont know what youre talking about

pedos are degenerates and needed to be purged

DA better pepper their assholes because the EU is going to ram them dry if this is true


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What if you don't have a life because they already stole yours?

I think you’re the one who has no idea. The game is made to appeal to 13 yo boys. It’s the whole point of the style and it works

he was literally 12 last year
what you expect?


We got an article boys.

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Just so you retards know, DA doesn't have the right to outright sell off people's work without their permission
>5. Limitation Of Rights The rights and licenses granted to DeviantArt under sections 3 and 4 of this Agreement require DeviantArt to obtain Artist consent before DeviantArt makes any commercial agreement with anyone else to separately buy, license, re-sell or re-publish or commercially use any Artist Materials not in association with DeviantArt but as an individual work of art or as a group of works from a single Artist in isolation from any other works.

take an art 101 class then we can have this discussion

why are you so bitter son.

So the truth comes out. This was all a hoax to trick Yea Forums into giving gaming blogs more clicks

abuelita should smack this gay furry shit outta of him then

so Epic stole this design unless DA is this retard

Babby who took his first art class thinking he knows anything about the real world.

Yes which is why I work as an artist in the real world because I'm educated on the subject where as you arent.


>Step 1: Getting in Contact
Email certain reporters from RSP, IGN, Kotaku, and Polygon who report a lot on Fortnite or other such quick flash news games about this info.

We need multiple emails from multiple people to the few writers we choose to seem like we want them to genuinely cover the topic. Provide proof and link to other articles like did of the topic.

>Step 2: A Public Service Announcement
Let people on the Fortnite Reddit and other shit sites know about this too, stir up the hive a bit to drive even more criticism from people.

>Step 3: Rinse and Repeat
Continue the cycle until articles are made of the situation on a large scale, the communities will fuel the outrage long enough for a small reaction to occur.

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Remember some funny shit about this kind of thing.
Someone uploads an image to deviantart, someone else downloads it and uploads it to a site that claims ownership of everything posted. Original artist finds out, contacts this second site, gets told "tough titty, fag. It's ours now". And not a single thing they could do about it.

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why do you care

are we going to take down fornite with this? thanks to some OC donut steel from a 12 years old mexican kid?
there are probably several unknown stolen art, we gotta dig them out too

brainlet here, i still dont get this clown meme.
anybody can explain it?

fuck off

This explains Fortnite haphazard art style. How low can you go, Epic?

>chinks steal

The idea is simple and easy to pull off. It'd just be another pebble in the avalanche that is Epic.

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>dumb idea
>support for idea
>from frogposter

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>Mexican girls create some random drawing and a multi million dollar company steals it

Oh boy

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I fucking hate the Chinese so much.

post pics of Ruby Ramirez

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Cause we have the freedom to sue anyone for anything

what's there to explain?
is current forced pepe meme of the trimester

Dios mio

Dont bring her into this

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Tell that to the Artist that made the Adventure Time Totoro pic that DA sold to Hot Topic and the artist never got a cent.

He didn't even change the colors or anything, what the fuck. That's really all he would've had to do to get away with it. Fucking weird. Maybe the artist who submitted that costume design to the devs is like a sociopath or something who gets off on stealing designs from random kids. It's either that or he's braindead.

We never have had a real free market. Just different shades of mercantilism.

Not even the jews would sing this low.

So i went to le reddit and people are defending epic because
>it's based on folklore!
>It's DA's right to sell your drawings, no permission needed
>it's just a coincidence!


based drones defending corporations

They can, anything you upload on DA belongs to DA. They can sell your art and do whatever they want with it since you did agree to it when you made a account, thats why most people stopped using DA

Can we bring back dueling instead?

Wrong, that's incredibly illegal in both the EU and the USA.

Who said it was gone
Just shoot the guy first before he can shoot you and claim self defense

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4. Copyright

DeviantArt is, unless otherwise stated, the owner of all copyright and data rights in the Service and its contents. Individuals who have posted works to DeviantArt are either the copyright owners of the component parts of that work or are posting the work under license from a copyright owner or his or her agent or otherwise as permitted by law.

You may not reproduce, distribute, publicly display or perform, or prepare derivative works based on any of the Content including any such works without the express, written consent of DeviantArt or the appropriate owner of copyright in such works. (emphasis added)

DeviantArt does not claim ownership rights in your works or other materials posted by you to DeviantArt (Your Content). You agree not to distribute any part of the Service other than Your Content in any medium other than as permitted in these Terms of Service or by use of functions on the Service provided by us.

You agree not to alter or modify any part of the Service unless expressly permitted to do so by us or by use of functions on the Service provided by us.

This is what DeviatArts TOS, Epic is clearly stealing

Nah, he's just lazy. We've seen the same shit with Overwatch, same shit, even more blatant, with Bioware.

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Alright fuck this shit. Stealing from children just low even by jew standards. I say we report this shit. I hope to christ it's possible to sue these pieces of shit.

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There was probably some asshole on the artist team that passed it off as their own work.

>It's DA's right to sell your drawings, no permission needed
objectively false, see
This is from the DA TOS posted by

The Tali picture is fine.
The ending cutscene is inexcusable though

>from a kid
there's lots of rebbitors making skins left and right hoping that epic fucks them in the ass for free and they chose some kid's OC
what the fuck

>is a new fucking low
>even for the Chinese
there's no such thing as a new low for the chinks, it's just a bottomless pit and we are looking slightly deeper every time


I know it's never a good idea to link to reddit here, but could you do it, just this once? I really want to see this shit.

DA could probably sue on the spiclet's behalf.

>It's a coincidence
My fucking ass, the damn characters use the exact same fucking color palette for each part for Christ sake.

Interesting fact that you can edit uploads on DA and it won't change the upload date at all, but I really fucking doubt a 13 year old is smart enough to successfully pull a fast one on DA and Epic like that

Stealing art from a child, now THAT'S Epic!

The fuck's a burrito? I'm almost certain he doesn't mean the dish (or does he?).

The one time someone forggets to put "Donut steel"

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But for real why the fuck does she call it a burrito.

It's absolutely sickening, right? I despise this corporation so damn much.

That'd be pretty ingenious. Maybe Epic will use that excuse.

So any response from Epic yet?
Kek. You're right.

Or they just paid the kid some pocket change for his OC design through a shell company.

the title on da page basically says donut steel

el fortnite

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How much are we betting the journalists are going to sweep this under the rug because big daddy Epic is their latest championing piece?

Probably a slang for "little boy" or someone dear to them, like "my sweet" or "honey". That or just a slang for "OC" used on that kind circle the artist is in.

Another chang that would've been better used in the factory then trying to teach him english.

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It's a child and one of color. Not a chance.

what exactly was the goal of this post?

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It's an interesting situation. They could easily give the kid a bit of money and call it a day but that'll be seen as admiting to stealing. If they deny it, it brings attention to an obvious stolen art. It's easier to pay Kotaku to just not say anything and if they feel the need to, make it seem like it's a bunch of babies trying to being Epic down.

But not black though.

>DeviantArt does not claim ownership rights in your works or other materials posted by you to DeviantArt (Your Content). You agree not to distribute any part of the Service other than Your Content in any medium other than as permitted in these Terms of Service or by use of functions on the Service provided by us.
>implying Tim gives a shit about yurop when he's in the US
yuropoors never learn.

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nobody sees him as the mascot. The only real reason people would recognize that he's from fortnite is because of the artstyle.

never going to be heard of again after this thread

>It's a child and one of color.
His privilege points can barely match the huge paycheck of the Chinks.

And also female.

Why is he talking about burritos?
Does that have some secondary meaning to spics?

Couldn't find anything on r*ditt, got some screenshots at least?

Pretty much. The closest I'd say is whatever the pink fursuit is. But there's no consistency. TF2 has consistency, at least on release, Overwatch kinda wavers but still has it, Overwatch is whatever random shit the artists do that day.

>Fortnite is whatever random shit the artists do that day.

they're pretty hidden
people aren't paying attention to it


All Ep*c shills are massive degenerates.

Corporations have been doing this for ages and they always get away with it. Not going to be the exception, sadly.

>Datecreate 2019-03-30T20:25:51-07:00
>Datemodify 2019-03-30T20:25:51-07:00

Just a heads up, you all might have gotten played by a Mexican kid

>Y are people so offended when stuff is put in there game you should be honored
These people are scum.

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That was because the artist was using characters that Adventure Time/Cartoon Network owned. The artist had no case in that circumstance because they didn't have permission to use the characters.

As shitty as the art is, the kid has a case here. You don't automatically lose all rights to your original art and designs for posting it to dA.

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if some underage spic goes to chinese coal mines because he wanted to swindle $100 bucks of his minecraft server, it's even better

that's not the OP's picture though,
that's a different design of the same character, maybe?

English, do you speak it?

This shit goes both ways. It's incredibly easy to fool systems like this by copy/pasting that image into a new piece and saving it, thus making it look like the image was created today.

It's a supposed 'earlier' design from 2017 to supposedly prove it was always the original design of the kid's

would you be okay with someone stealing your work and making possibly millions of dollars off of it?

Can't wait for the Yong video where he reads some tweets and the deviantart page about this.

I was quoting one of the comments from the reddit link. Thus reacting with an exploding head in anger.



Based. Lolishit is just cancer.

The male one is inferior anyways

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Whether this is true or not, I'm sure it doesn't help that they edited the picture after the fact.

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The gloves are different. Obviously that makes it an entirely new design. :DDD

At the very least I'm sure DA can confirm what the original upload was

That's pretty fucked

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>This happens on April fools
Yeah I'll believe it. Sure. Yep.

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Back to redd|tscord with you.

Yup, it's just word against word before deviantArt gets involved, as they're probably the only ones who'll know.
Either way, whether it's a kid trying to get their 15 minutes of fame, or chinks stealing something, neither would surprise me really.

mexicans don't give a shit about april fools

No surprise there, Reddit is full of shills. You should see what happens whenever Monsanto gets in trouble.

This is the only way to make sure, but having them to step up on the issue seems rather hard.

>Chinese company
>Not stealing

Tim can't do this in the US either beandip

I really wouldn't put it behind Epic to pull this shit. They got sued over a dance move of all things.

And Overwatch steals porn and anime characters, how are these companies so damn unashamedly shit?

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Hell no, they've teased what she looks like for 3 fucking games and the result was just some woman shopped blue and with a few fingers removed?
Lazy, unoriginal shit.

>Overwatch steals porn characters
what's this about?

>it's just a coincidence!
Everything from color scheme, to the fluff shoulder pads, to the little tassels on his belt are copied. That'd be one hell of a coincidence.


>Overwatch steals porn
Gonna need a source on that.

The shillmods are in full defense mode now, deleting the posts.

I think the user is referencing Secret Plot. Just look up secret plot doujin, you'll find it.

>Epic is literally stealing from children
What the fuck are these guys doing? Are they just trying to become the most hated company or something?

Overwatch tries to BLOCK porn. What the hell would they do with stolen porn?

You really believe Blizzard tries to stop their fan art porn? Hell, they probably make some of it, it's the more cost efficient marketing you can get.

Yes, they do. They literally hassled artists and tried to get it taken down. It's also the reason Paheal calls it "Overlook" now.

>[UPDATE 8:45 am 1/4/19] – An Epic Games Spokesperson has responded to our request for comment and said, “We take these claims seriously and are in the process of investigating them.”

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>they're deleting the posts now
why do people use reddit again

i would feel happy about this

This? Seems like a fucking stretch to me.

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Or they just used those "takedowns" as an excuse to publicize the fact that there's overwatch porn. Or they just don't want anyone to make money.

They got sued by people that don't understand how dance move copyright works and the fucking backpack kid didn't even create his dance move.

That could should feel proud. He would never be able to make his drawing successful otherwise.

>Soulless bugmen crawl from their holes

50 cents has been deposited into your account.

>It didn't happen.
>Wait, it did?
>Th-then they had a good reason! It was a promotion! They were justified!
How much is Blizzard paying you?

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IIRC the backpack kid didn't sue Epic it was his mother that did it on his behalf and the backpack kid doesn't really care about it.

This is what you get for not making drawings that are triggering. No company would ever steal from you if you make that stuff, because the one that steals it will get hate and get called nazi or pedo.

There's some images in it that you could easily tell someone that's just Tracer drawn as an anime and they'd believe it. But I'm mostly saying this from memory.
Here's a more recent example.

Attached: e4c.jpg (3971x2946, 2.12M)

demo doesn't have a goatee

This is such a weak fucking connection.
>and has a grenade launcher
wowee alert the media

its a zoomer mentality
When i used to mod 10+ years ago and release shit i didnt care about credit and crap.
The idea someone was using what i made gave me a certain pride.
nowedays its all about muh copyright muh artistic effort

He will never get credit for his character ever again. Hell, maybe he doesn't even play fortnite. Having his art be called "fortnite fanart" when it's just his character is a slap in the face.

it's about a corporation using a kid's drawing you faggot
the kid's worried he will be made fun off because it would seem he copied his OC from fornite you reprobate

I was just interested in the
>Overwatch steals porn characters

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grow up

What a fucking retard.

That's a myth spread by people misinterpreting the TOS. Deviantart outright stated that the TOS doesn't give them the rights to sell user's works without permission

>but that one time hot topic stole that guys art work
Just a regular case of businesses stealing art without permission, plain and simple.

>left: cluttered design, has no personality
>right: simple, yet charming design. Oozes personality

Fuck off pedo.

Hello redd*t!


You're not gonna fit in well around here, redditor.

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And they all stole from LOTR

April Fools! The "OC" was made after the skin and you all fell for it.

It's a joke about how the skin looks like something that'd come from Deviantart.

inb4 Blizzard sues him instead lol

>muh reddit
Trying too hard

>be valve
>have a community workshop in which users willingly put their creations forward to be used for free
>when valve uses them they still pay the users regardless
>be epig games
>steal dance moves and "artwork"
>try to compete with the chad valve
chinks will NEVER win!


In this case I'm right though. I usually never call people redditors, but I had to make an exception.

Guys Epic stole another skin? Look at the date, there's no possible way you can change artwork without the date changing too so this has to be legit.

This guy should sue Epic.

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I can't believe so many people are falling for this fairly simple trick. It's really common and only fools the most naive of complete outsiders to DA.

This post has some mighty stilted English, very suspicious

charge your phone senpai

People just want to hate Fortnite and don't care if the thing it's being accused of doing is actually real. You could do this same trick with some Mass Effect character art and probably convince people to get outraged since it's an EA franchise and they want to hate on it.

Classic Yea Forums falling for the "master plan" of some brazilian kid.

Dang, I was going to start uploading my pictures to DA. Are my pictures going to be safe there? Also will you subscribe to my Deviant so I get the clicks?

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>Epic shills out in full force
I love how the anecdotal evidence is "well you can totally fake this because DA doesn't change the dates on an edit."

DA can quite easily pull up the required dates for an accusation this large.

Just send an email to Epic saying that the family of the artist are
>Reviewing their legal options
Apparently that statement makes big corporations shit their pants.
Yeah, they don't expect the average joe to be able to afford a fancy lawyer.
But what if you ripped off someone who just so happens to know a lawyer? The risk is there, and most companies take that shit pretty seriously.

Wtf guys it says "gullible" on your ceiling, look up before it goes away!

upvoted this post :)

Exactly, which is why I'm going to laugh my ass off when the kid gets called out by them.

Why south america all cheat?

Attached: coppy.png (1300x865, 469K)

At least the kid can just say that it was an April Fools joke and that he wasn't seriously framing Epic as having stolen from him when he gets proven a liar by DA.

gundam wing aged like milk

Are you retarded he literally asked you that same quesiton

Welp, fun's over. I enjoyed the shitposting but I really hope no one was gullible enough to actually fall for this shit.

kid stated that they updated the image to add watermark

This is pure capitalism, daily reminder that people have always created things, capitalism never creates anything, it just appropiate them and then turns human creativity into a commodity, killing any soul for profits.

>make original drawing
>epic artists copies it
>notice it and add watermark destroying your proof
I can see some kid doing this, I hope DA has a server log or something.
What a fuck up.

Attached: 1508992368373.png (455x527, 119K)

Yea Forums armchair lawyers, wrong at every turn

This shit has so many twists and turns goddamn

There's bound to be an internet archive to back this up.

comments from 2017 have the kid covered. the new date is because she put a watermark over it today. epic absolutely stole from a child.

Attached: 2017.jpg (1037x572, 60K)


Attached: 8260B9EC-0546-499E-8C3D-6368CD0D14AC.jpg (205x246, 4K)

Not Epic as a whole, whoever "submitted" that design should be punished. It's that IGN review copy thing all over again. I don't like how Epic is buying up exclusives but at least that's legal.

>Are my pictures going to be safe there?
>Also will you subscribe to my Deviant so I get the clicks?
Depends on what you draw.

Those comments don't prove anything either way though. If he did change it, there was still something originally uploaded on that date.

>Not Epic as a whole
how much money do you think they made from this skin? i'd wager a couple thousand, minimum. they profited from stolen material. that's generally jail for peasants like you or me, best case scenario is you owe all the money back.

apparently there's a older drawing of the same character in their other account. the kid also updated it with watermark recently tho.

Every single skin is stolen, theres not a single original skin

Could the Wayback Machine be used to try to prove the page's history? I'm on mobile, not very helpful.

I've got artwork from 2012 with a few comments on them from the time. Think if I changed it to a splatoon drawing that I could convince idiots here that Nintendo stole the designs from me?

I mean the date says 2012 and it has comments to "prove" it.

only snapshot is from today

Just tried. It hasn't been archived on any date besides today.

only ONE archive, and it's from today. the plot thickens.

Sorry, I won't accept pedo and weebshit just to fit in here with you, faggot.

Attached: e0236f.png (581x443, 116K)

The worst part is, as the original post in spanish says, he now can't use the design cause sites count is if copyright isn't his. He would probably have to sue and win, and still many sites would auto reject the drawing.

I tried google cache for both drawings and they've been 404'd but other pics from accounts are cached... are they smart enough to send request to kill the cahce?

Oh and if anyone notices the URL saying that it was changed today I'll just say that it was adding the watermark, the plan is perfect.

I'll draw whatever you want. Just tell me. Please subscribe.

Attached: guess.jpg (1040x579, 101K)

Lmao they really are chinks at heart

Why do Yea Forumstards pretend that a typo makes an entire post illegible? Did you not learn about context clues in elementary school?

crazy how you managed to phonepost on your computer

it looks like the kid used this as a template, and this was uploaded in 2016.

Attached: __theradioactives___f2u___by_basestation-da3ridk.png (557x655, 84K)

Attached: 7CE01242-F3F5-4C07-B05A-AA00E0C3C890.jpg (290x650, 57K)

>Not degenerate furry zoomer interns who are too lazy to come up with an idea for a skin, so they just steal the first thing they see on Deviantart during their lunch break

Fuck man, this is exciting, I want to help more when I get home. Keep digging, I gotta know if Epic is stealing little kids' art or if this South American DA kid is being a fucking cunt.

>or if this South American DA kid is being a fucking cunt.

it's too suspicious, out of nowhere, and way too smart of a plan for some random kid. a corporation stealing, especially one owned by the bug men? that's infinitely more plausible.

It's not April Fools yet

When the "typo" makes it a completely different word and changes the context, there's bound to be confusion.

The kid already credited that base in the first place deviantart.com/endercast/art/doodle-mierdero-686702832?fbclid=IwAR1rsNCLza6HqIQ_Eowf7A7tQ2no1e9uUyySXkQbrd4Qu_qwCHObDr6vSmQ

Pls be an April Fools post

That's why it's so fun. I almost want the kid to be a conniving mini-genius. Like Dora the Bond villain.

That makes the timing match up for the older picture. I was initially leaning towards the kid trying to pull a fast one but this makes me think it really was stolen from the kid

>Epic is allowed to do this because of DA ToS


They obviously need to come to an agreement with the creator, but you can't blame the entire company other than the person who stole the shit in the first place. Epic's art team shits out a very constant stream of assets, so some asshole stealing some no-name artists work and passing it off as his own and getting away with it was bound to happen since it's difficult to crosscheck every design they make.

Attached: 1551750272635.png (346x182, 145K)

Good artists copy; great artists steal.

Attached: Tim-Sweeney.png (400x400, 215K)

>1 google search of the url leads to it being from 2017

come on guys, help. we might be able to make an evil corporation pay a child for stealing from her.

Attached: 2017 pt 2.jpg (682x306, 53K)

Attached: Annotation 2019-03-31 193008.png (145x58, 6K)

Man, if this shit is genius to you then you should see the insane genius tricks I can do with inspect element.

the kid actually made the same OC twice, under two different accounts on DeviantArt, once in 2017 and again in 2018

>I just tested on my own art from a few years ago, but clicking "add DA WATERMARK" to your file when editing does change the old file name type when opening an image in a new tab to when you click "Add watermark".
Original file will currently be a huge wix link, but when I updated an old art of mine just now to include the DA watermark, it changed the file name to include today's date, so adding teh DA watermark will indeed change the filename that displays.
>Me Re-uploading a new image on an older piece did not change my File link to resemble one that changes the date at all in the image file. Re-uploading a new image kept it as a Wix Link when clicking "open image in new link"
Looks like re-upload doesn't change url but auto-adding the watermark does.
Kids in the clear. Some Epic artists is gonna get shitcanned.

Epic should burn for this, as well as their great many other crimes against vidya.

Are you playing dumb? Obviously SOMETHING was uploaded on that date, we just don't know if he changed it or not since then.

The method of faking it that people think he used is that he changed an old piece of artwork uploaded on that date to that current one, which doesn't change the date. Your post is literally proof of nothing either way.

Uh oh...somebody didn't hear about Discord's recent change

It's over.

Attached: Screen Shot 2019-03-31 at 4.33.38 PM.png (900x126, 86K)


Even so that doesn't prove whether or not it's the original art. He could have added a watermark to the art after changing it.

He's employed by Epic. The TCM(Tencent Militia) ensure that all employees must peddle whatever bullshit they want or they put the person into a mining camp as punishment.

You're behind. We already know a new image was uploaded. The artist claims it was to add a watermark.


Attached: 1531171646467.jpg (705x527, 247K)

you forgot
>it's a hoax he changed the images a few days ago to appear like the skin

If uploading a new one didn't change the url why would they bother with watermark? It just muddies the waters.

Wow, an Epic employee defending Epic? Unheard of

Shit, now there's no way I can ever trust what he says again. Of course he's going to lie to avoid having to mine for the rest of his life, who wouldn't?

So Elecast is their commission account. Shouldn't that mean someone commissioned them for that drawing? I dunno.

Attached: Capture.png (525x152, 8K)

as the other user said
i doubt the kid knew what he was doing and by mistake added the watermark to make it "official" that the drawing is his

Are you a 13 year old south american kid that still draws shitty OC's on deviantart?

If they say it did then it did. Doesn't prove it though. Maybe they just uploaded a doodle on the wrong account.

That guy is literally the publishing director for their store, makes you really think and wonder why he's posting under that account

guys pls.

Attached: digust.jpg (994x165, 81K)

Uh, can someone please verify if this is true? That sounds absurdly fucked up and illegal if so, especially since I'm pretty sure that Steam Spy guy is an American.

Surely a Chinese company can't force an American to mine in a Chinese camp... right?

WE ALREADY KNOW ALL OF THIS. Goddamn, read the thread.

best Hot Chocolate

are you being retarded on purpose

no, people think fucking steam spy said this, it's just some random furry.

the template this kid made the picture on was uploaded in 2016, so it makes sense

I think he's talking about the rules for partner servers being changed which doesn't effect like 99% of servers.

They've sorta fucked themselves over by adding those watermarks and changing the url date of the original posts; if they did indeed draw this last year. There's no way to prove that they didn't just modify the posts today with a drawing the just made. I'm trying to find any other information which can confirm that these images were the same pre-watermark.

Well hopefully enough of this happens so #deviantgate can kill that shit site once and for all.

Indeed. Everyone thinks I'm a chink now when I was trying to say Epic's design is shit and the kid's was better. This is what I get for being a phoneposter.

Attached: vidincated.png (1200x367, 173K)

That's actually completely false, so don't get your hopes up.

>a 13 y/o mexican kid came to tear down epic
who would have thought

Prove it.
You have 15 minute to post a single blizzard character made prior to 2011 that looks like a giant furry koala holding totem.

nah nothing will happen she has no money to challenge epic welcome to 2019

She doesn't, but it's getting some pretty good coverage

we can hope

That Digustedorite guy must be seething pretty hard that it wasn't his art stolen. He's commenting kind of rapidly over on there on DA

Attached: 582048-0540.png (300x250, 42K)

i guess its time for EPIC GAMES™ to use their connections with the cartels to take out this particular target.

can't do anything, doesn't show up on cache
it's basically up to dA what they want to say about it $$$$

Yea Forums will probably make something happen like usual

Attached: Elecast.png (981x117, 8K)

>Yea Forums getting played by a 13 yo Mexican girl like a bunch of video games

big sour grapes

So why are we supporting this kid? I know it makes Epic look bad but any other time, we'd all be shitting on their crappy sonic and minecraft OCs that literally have fag and tranny flags in the backgrounds but now they deserve respect as an "artist"? Are you guys that desperate for anything to blame Epic for?

I've also noticed that if you look at their other pieces none of them have the DA watermark, just the two pieces in question

why wouldn't we
one of these outcomes will clearly produce more lulz, and it certainly isn't the one where we support Epic

well it's one of those common courtesy things, like we wouldn't euthanize the mentally ill and autistic because it's inhumane, so instead we have to just endure your posting for the time being

Lmao chinese scum for every western thing There is a chinese copy

I really want Fortnite to fucking pay for stealing. They have unironically got away with it for so long and now that a 13 year old girl has a chance FUCKING Epic shills are defending it.

Imagine defending a multi-million dollar corporation. On top of that, a CHINK one.

Attached: 1550985150825.png (932x1080, 726K)

in the grand scheme of things, fags and tranny retards are only uppity today because corporations have started propping them up to make cash off stupid people. what makes more sens, killing the source of the poison, or the people that were poisoned?


do the right thing and step in front of an incoming train user.

>phoneposting in the first place

Attached: file.jpg (643x960, 120K)

I want to fuck this cute boy btw

I don't know, it just seems weird that all of a sudden a random furfag has your respect and you think it has rights now just because it's convenient at the moment. Kinda invalidates the whole "stealing art is wrong" deal when no one would care about this kid's shitty art on any other day, it's literally just because Epic's doing it.

You do realize if this is legitimate absolutely nothing is going to happen. They don’t need to “pay” for anything. They’ll either swap out the skin for some new skin and either give everyone who bought the old skin a replacement or refund the vBucks back.

Not supporting them. I just want to get some concept artist called out for being so shit they have to copy deviantart kiddies. Now that would be hilarious.

>So why are we supporting this kid?
To see how all this goes.

Attached: 1535179879806.jpg (500x376, 65K)

well I play mostly gachas so it's easier to phonepost

I'd be pretty pissed if 13-year-old me's cringy and autistic dA artwork got monetized without my consent t b h.

Just dropping to say that this is one of best thread we ever had on a while.

Imagine bending over backwards to defend le billion dollar corporation.

>DA comments on the OC
>"glad to hear your parents have the same blood, i relate to that"
Wait what

Attached: 1553236487741.jpg (480x356, 22K)

anything short of doing so is communism you pinko fuck

I didn't say that or anything about Epic. Epic's shit, but trying to crucify them over something no one here ordinarily would care about seems desperate as fuck.

>chink megacorp steals some 3rd world kids OC donut steel and makes huge amounts of money
>this is okay
I mean fuck fags and trannies but stealing from a kid is just low man.

Attached: 1552087357949.png (640x480, 485K)

Attached: 1525298725773.jpg (160x216, 7K)

Personally I actually like the design so it's kind of unfair for them to not have credit

>over something no one here ordinarily would care about seems desperate as fuck.
I'd always be annoyed at some company/people stealing some art.
Are you getting tired of propping up strawmen?

Attached: 1408413183794.png (1200x1200, 670K)

>lol look at this fucking dumbass get exposed by yours truly
Why are anons so bitter?

Just want another reason to complain about bug people

The artist is an utter retard, the art's already been stolen, why the fuck would you mess with the upload dates when it's your only proof by adding a watermark?

Kids are dumb. Fight or flight kicked in and he screwed the pooch

because the artist is a kid and kids are stupid

It was recently confirmed by an artist that adding/updating a watermark to the image, changes the url date (hence why it said 89th day of 2019), and the oldest version of this character comes from 2017, a year before the skin

Attached: endertest.png (1003x668, 122K)

He's a 13 year old furry.

Attached: endertest2.png (195x88, 4K)

Too bad adding a watermark won't stop anyone from using your overall design

My autistic friend drew this around that time, it's pretty close I must admit.

Attached: 2011-06-10_23-53-39.png (525x598, 45K)

unironic >she

Dude, she's thirteen. I was a stupid retard too back at that age.
Now, more so if you are being stolen by the biggest zoomer game on the planet.
I genuinely wouldn't know what to do either.

So I don't know how deviantart works, can it be proven that the kid just added a watermark and did not change the image in any other way?

Because chinks are worse than furfags.

>You fags eat it up

They could have scrambled to find a way to have the artwork protected (in their mind) so their gut reaction kicked in.

The problem is that they added watermarks to both those images today so the metadata shows both those images were created today. That means there is no direct evidence to show they they didn't just make the drawing today and upload them as edits onto pre-existing deviantart posts.

whats the point of pointing that out on Yea Forums?

Are you suggesting this is fabricated? No way.

>American Colleges actually do this

>there's no evidence! the artist messed up!
This can literally be answered with a single email to DA staff. Stop acting like idiots.

they fired the original art designer for Fortnite before the BR mode was a thing. Every asset added into the game since has just been a reproduction of guns and things that exist IRL.

Attached: download.jpg (300x330, 23K)

>Guys, you know what would be a good April Fools prank? If we have our company accused of Theft!
April Fools jokes are usually thought up by the Marketing Department, and Marketing department is super anal about Brand Health

This. There is no evidence, and everything is suspicious.

Sure. They won't do it, because they are lying for attention.

Well the official mascot of the game is the loot llama.

The email would just get lost in the endless deluge of kids complaining about stolen adoptables the deviantart staff must get on the daily.

What happens? Quick before thread dies

t. Disgustedorite

Considering the "games media" has publicized this story and Epic is officially "investigating" it's going to be answered and one of two things will happen. Either the kid faked it and nothing happens or it's indeed stolen and the skin will changed or removed, nothing more.

Epic can buy DA's silence and fuck over this kid. She fucked up by adding watermarks.

>Every asset added into the game since has just been a reproduction of guns and things that exist IRL.
For BR yeah, the PvE mode still gets shit like this.

Attached: Dym2cURX4AAVi31.jpg (1200x675, 58K)


>Yea Forums all coming together to try and kill fortnite
And I thought we would never do anything cool again

Google has the image cached on September 8, 2018. Now

Attached: 1528887040102.png (653x161, 24K)

Anyone who think this has even a chance of killing Fortnite is absolutely delusional.

After adding in Wick and Thanos, you'd think they would try to add in someone more well known than a mexican kid's OC.

Attached: reallythunkitthere.png (500x500, 117K)

Epic would never do something like this AHHHHHHHH

>Every asset added into the game since has just been a reproduction of guns and things that exist IRL.

Attached: D2p_4qXUcAEdlL_.png (512x512, 132K)

Aww shit there it is

I'm a retard, link to the cached version of the image?

holy shit

still, a little controversy is a good thing and if we're the ones to bring it all the better. Like someone else said, it's all just another snowflake in the avalanche.

It's fucking over. Chinks on suicide watch

Isn't that just showing the date it was posted? Trying to open up the cached Google page says it doesn't exist.


Whoop there it is

Dudes, you realize what this most likely boils down is that a single concept artist fucked up and stole a kid's art right? This is not some malicious act on Epic's part, the only thing the company as a whole did wrong is not detect the plagiarism and it's not a reasonable expectation for them to know what every single OC in the world looks like.

I'm surprised they don't add some of these weapons in BR to experiment from time to time. But they just use basic weapons

What is it about Epic going pants-on-head retarded every time they have some success outside of selling unreal engine? Same shit happened when gears was getting big.

Attached: 1552525398359.png (172x216, 39K)

reminds me of the marvel thing that copied a lego spaceship
including some of the studs

The cached page opens to a 404 though

No, the comment you see there is from today so that cache is misleading.

>chinks stealing ideas and designs
Nothing new here.

Fuck. This shit gets more complex with each minute that passes.

Attached: 1550096378570.jpg (681x736, 75K)

How much do they pay you retarded chinks to post here?

Attached: chin chong.jpg (223x349, 36K)

Epic is owned by Chinks, so the IP laws are meaningless in there.

Attached: 4e9[1].jpg (501x585, 40K)

>first stealing carltons/turks dance now this
once again chinese proving they have no soul

Isn't that because the dumb kid deleted the original?


the epic store is retarded but if you guys seriously think you aren't being bamboozled by some spanish-speaking retard, you're just as dumb as he is

BOYS I figured it out. They changed an older drawing. Check the google cached page of deviantart.com/elecast/gallery/66775818/Art from March 1st. The image they claim to have made was different.

Attached: Capture.png (926x548, 561K)

Probably, but the point is right now there is no solid proof the kid simply watermarked the image and did not upload an entirely new image

>Chang! You stole charactar from intanet?
>Okay that fine

The plot chickens

>this operation will kill Chink's project, Epic
Based and redpilled
Do it faggot.


Attached: 1538776660775.png (1806x2017, 2.98M)

I wish I could fuck you, user

Attached: 1552493459328.jpg (500x561, 85K)

The fuck is agender?

I thought the whole spyware scandal was bad enough and now they do this. Chinks are truly not human.

Attached: 1544450839241.jpg (298x300, 28K)

Reddit cries about things like the frost kings sword and vehicles being to op to the point they've gotten nerfed or removed. stw weapons in br would give them an aneurysm


link is giving me error 404

>but any other time, we'd all be shitting on their crappy sonic and minecraft OCs
yes, everyone on Yea Forums hates OCs and deviant art, but everyone almost everywhere hates fortnite and Yea Forums probably hates fortnite more so than a kid who made an OC just cuz rather than a game associated with the worst type of worthless human garbage owned by a company that is run by someone with fetal alcohol syndrome who is owned by the chinese.

Well fun's over

It's over deviantart.com/pyro-zombie/journal/That-thing-about-Epic-Games-stealing-an-user-s-oc-791941826

Here is the url of the original drawing.

Is this an elaborated April's fools joke?

Do yourself a favor and never find out.

Check out the outfit, the little jacket, the hair and even the shoes, there's also another drawing from the artist that is colored and slightly altered outfit that looks even more like Tracer with even similar colors and widowmaker is also very similar to another from a hentai game, I'll try to look for the character.

Attached: ccdn0099.jpg (867x1303, 257K)

It redirects to the "stolen" art, so is this pretty much proof the kid played us all?

>named Lancelot
Finally, another faggot with my name, that's Fucking rare.

This was the best April fools joke so far

I wonder if that's going to be the kid's defense, but nah, I'd say it's simple attention seeking.


Attached: 1541180418179.jpg (1462x1462, 162K)

>The obliterator is introduced instead of the heavy sniper
>fucking delete the head of a build autist from across the map

>founder's revolt is added
>unload your pistol into his face and you kill off an enemy and his nearby friend.

The butthurt from the spergs would be amazing.

Attached: 1535677891870.gif (200x200, 1.1M)


You're behind

The cached page is proof.
Massive url:
You just compare it to the current version of the page. The image they claim to have made last year was different.

wow it's like Yea Forums is the complete opposite, yet exactly the same mannerisms as SJW that they hate so much

That would be the perfect way to save face.

>views: 11,615 (11,376 today)


Attached: 318271da980706f7a18a811c3456a77d.png (633x758, 29K)

A gender.
means it is one.

I found suck epic dicks if they somehow include one of the OC from Tgt in Fortnite.

iirc it means no gender or one gender. Like some androgyny kind of shit. Either way it's fucking retarded lmao

Nope, the opposite actually, it's the flavor of tranny that claims not to have a gender identity.


Yo what the art just got deleted?

>The page you were looking for doesn't exist.
nice try pablo

What an idiot

Probably to cover her tracks since it's been proven fake.

This fucking kid.

>the girl deleted everything

It literally just got deleted like a minute ago.

>deleted her deviantart page

Attached: 1552611117918.jpg (390x398, 135K)

well, that was fun

epic wins again

Attached: 1521409645640.png (348x355, 175K)

inb4 she deletes all her accounts too
better get archiving fellas

It was a fucking April's Fool joke ahahahahahahahah

Holy shit Epic played you fags like a fiddle

The account is still there, it's only the actual "stolen" art that is gone.

>epic people went to her house and convinced her to delete everything
>probably and hopefully in lewd ways
Truly epic.

Attached: AYO_HOL_UP.png (867x766, 796K)

Terms and Services have no legal ground and in court they dont mean shit

She's fucking 13 man. Kids don't know any better. Give her a break.

She forgot to add: OC Do not steal.

she was lying

Sure if that's what actually happened but it's not and kids should know better than make false accusations. "Don't lie" is kindergarten shit.

Well I had the second image, the old gallery and new gallery page still open. Saved those pages out. The first image is saved in the wayback machine. Saved that page too.

No fucking excuse. If a stupid cunt acts like a stupid cunt, they should be torn down for it.

mexican girl is a false flag op from the US government in order to discredit Chinese-backed institutions working in the US

>it's okay to lie
Maybe in shithole countries.

Attached: _91408619_55df76d5-2245-41c1-8031-07a4da3f313f.jpg (660x574, 31K)

Yep, he's salty

>This is what I get for being a phoneposter.
Yep, there it is. Do us all a favour and don't post from your phone next time.


Even if this time was a mistake, this shouldn't change that you should always believe victims who come forward with abuse.

It's ok to lie during April Fools, yeah.

>a 13yo girl managed to troll Yea Forums, Deviantart, Reddit, Twitter, Epic Games and multiple video game news sites
Happy April Fool's day (it already started in Japan), Yea Forums.

Attached: 1550630289157.png (304x324, 106K)

Isn't that asexual?
that furthing itself is the gender.

Y'all just got April Fool'd, fools! And by a 13 year old Brazilian girl no less.

>Epic actually wasn’t in the wrong
ReAlLy MaKeS yOu ThInK.

It already started everywhere but the americas

Recommend a good file uploading service so I can put these pages online somewhere.

No, asexual is the lack of sexual attraction.

this "13 year old girl" doesn't exist

it's a fake account made by Epic. they then used the account to accuse themselves of stealing art.

after it is revealed that the fake account was lying about their art being stolen, Epic's perception by the public will increase.

it's a dirty trick they pulled because they're desperate to improve their image after the issues with the epic store.

Attached: parasect.png (250x250, 58K)

>Spanish tweet
We don't speak spanish in Brazil, user. Nois fala português.

Is it doxx time yet?

MEGA. Or Zippyshare.

she's colombian, retard

No one actually believed this shit lol. It was just an excuse to shit on Epic games.

It wasn't plausible on the slightest.

Omg, it must suck to be the artist that has to make stupid little sonic and minecraft ocs for literal years to fill this fake account with art.

Cala a boca Magda

>150 posts in until someone actually does the legwork
Fuck Epic, and fuck the Communist Party of China.

Not what I have in mind. I want a file upload service that is an absolute pain for people other than me to download from. Something that requires a premium account to get even a decent download speed on.

You're replying to someone who didn't know it was already proven fake

oi fellow sopa

Girl wins either way, she got a lot of publicity and attention for this. Negative or not. That's pretty much every artist's wet dream.

>nervously typing after being BTFO by a 13yo girl

Anyone else getting Jussie deja vu?

Me obrigue seu homossexual

Eae jovem, como vai a vida?

>not understanding a post you're replying to

Archived link because DA took it down:

Se eu to aqui, é porque não ta bem

Attached: cryin loli.png (585x612, 315K)

truly a baffling vocabulary.
No wonder trannies are always angrily confused.

then feel free to leave...?

You got played by a little girl, fool.

>quoting an Epic Store employee about Epic stealing


It has nothing to do with accepting, it's about not being a whiny moralfag particularly over make believe thoughts.