What do you think of my digimon Yea Forums?
What do you think of my digimon Yea Forums?
I think the big rabbit one is very cute. Good job.
No tits/10.
What Digimon game should I play to get into Digimon
>he plays digimon
t. ass-blasted pokecuck
I don't know anything about digimon but looks better than the few new pokemons that I've seen posted on this website.
Anything's better than that shit.
>more cucked than digimon
>Complete casualized garbage by a lazy company that hates their fans and without a single passion-filled person working for them
>Better than anything
loving every laugh
I never played digimon but am willing to try. Where do i start
>calling anyone a cuck after this
I still remember how the justification for this was along the lines of "well kids these days are on their phones all the time so who cares about all that side content :)"
Cyber Sleuth 1, New Order, or hell World 1
>what are physical copies
>pokemon course of action is to remove content because all kids do is play on their phones these days
It's still online just buy a copy it's not rare
>Popular series has a mobile game
Stop the presses
what the fug
cyber sleuth.
>He doesn't have maxed out stats for his friends
It's like you want them to die