Based EPIC protecting their customers from games that are too cheap. Even tough their publishing division executive Sergey said that something like this would never happen with the EPIC store.

Attached: RCVhLWk.jpg (579x687, 66K)

Other urls found in this thread:



>galyonkin says that if there are price bugs on their store, they won't take the games away
>fast forward 3 months to now
>detroit become human is free for a while because of a bug
>epic takes the games away

You pay too much attention to those chinks

I speak 3rd world. Guy at epic said the store would honor price listing errors but the store did not honor them.

Steamcucks seething

Imagine being mad you didn't get a game for free when you can just pirate it after release

Why is it always Russians.

Just watch it on youtube.

Epiccucks buzzwording

Because interview was only in Russian.

that's right, Shu Wang, discipline him


>epic removes game from epic store users
>somehow that has something to do with steam
Rent free

I think Epic is legally in the right, and would be morally in the right had they not made a statement that they would not do so. But since they did and therefore have lied, I think they do deserve backlash over this.

Can anyone send link Archive of interview or statement were he said he will not do this?

>please help us spin our fuckup please please Yea Forums

It was in a livestream he had with a Q/A about the Epic store. vimeo.com/327554923
It's in russian tough.

>protecting its customers from a David Cage game

Steam keks absolutely seething

*pirates Detroit Become Human*
nothing personnel...

Attached: 59a59a8d79bbfd1d008b601a-960-480.png (960x480, 29K)

Fake News
Russia our are allies and they would never lie
How much did George Soros and Hilary Clinton pay you to make this post?