>Fatal Blows
>Crushing Blows
>Beautitul graphics and fx
>The goriest fatalities yet
>Returning Fan Favorites Noob, Baraka, Kabal, and Jade
>Thousands of customization options
>Crazy cool story
Mortal Kombat 11
Other urls found in this thread:
>Fatal Blows
>>Crushing Blows
>>Beautitul graphics and fx
>>The goriest fatalities yet
>>Returning Fan Favorites Noob, Baraka, Kabal, and Jade
>>Thousands of customization options
>>Crazy cool story
I agree with that, it looks really good.
But that doesn't make me any less disappointed in how they're wrapping up the female fighters, and not matching the same with the male fighters.
There's literally nothing wrong with skimpy clothing.
Don't forget the fantastic new character designs
wow this looks cool
Yep. Best thing is that it's realistic to wear this kind of thing in combat.
>You can see her fingers and wrists
Absolutely problematic. Cover this sick filth up.
Where the fuck is my boy Ermac
As long as I like the costume designs, I don't care if they are skimpy or not and I don't get the whole outrage around it.
Don't think it counts as combat if both sides die instantly.
where th FUCK is he
what a crazy new ninja; what's its element?
And yet it lacks the one thing that matters to fighting games: good gameplay
>No Mileena
It's shit.
Mileena is likely a crypt unlockable. Boon said unlockable and hidden characters are returning in 11.
day 1 torrent edition
I miss humanoid reptile. Not a fan of the latest ones they've been doing.
explain why, as Yea Forums doesn't play fighting games
you haven't played it have you
>stuff the dead bitch in the crypt
>just has a worm eaten female corpse model with tarkatan skull bones
>don't have to make it pretty because its a corpse
It's not confirmed but the rumor circulating in ghe community is this.
Are unlocked by completing the story mode.
Are unlocked via the crypt
>Shang Tsung
Plus 2 hidden fighters like in old school mk that require certain feats first.
This . and wait for modders to fix the game .
Do you really think? I thought they were gonna show all the characters before realease
>le bubblegum chick
>haha le quip
>le facebook!
All the base characters. Not secrets. We know for sure there are secret characters. That much came directly from Boon. How many and who are speculation from theorists.
Shinnok and Kronika are safe bets as both are in the story.
No Nightwolf no buy
Go outside a little buddy
same desu
Still a fighting game 90% of people will drop in a week
bomb fatalities exists.
Replaying MK Armageddon, 9, and X to prepare and refresh for 11's story. Just got up to X.
Forgot that Li Mei and Rain were in the story but not the game. Remembered Baraka in story and not game. Baraka made it into 11. Wonder if Rain and Mei make it in through krypt or dlc.
ebin maymay
True, but 90% is expected and still better than 99%. As long as MK has 4k players a day I'll be happy
This is every AAA game, not just some fighting game
I've played a few games in 300ms to really stress the netcode and it was still better than the shit I get in SF or DBFZ if I play at what is generally 200ms (with a friend in another country). 300ms was still ass, but wag better than expected and 180ms was still enjoyable. I guess Cali to Japan will be Skullgirls tier again.
>still no theme. using shitty rap instead
its shit
dear god how can you play with 300ms !?
>Viral marketing thread
>showing hands
You can't really, but I like stress testing beta. My goal is to always break shit
I like to think Baraka was meant to be in the game but they replaced him last minute with Alien
>using the same track over and over
no fuck off its better this way
When was that theme ever in the games?
I'm conflicted. I have played MK since around 3. If I recall from my childhood. (the first one I played had a hidden character that would show up in the middle sometimes)
I have never throughout my whole time playing mortal kombat given a single fuck about the females. I never saw it as a lewd game. To me it was that one game with all the blood nd gore. And it's still there. I could not give a single fuck about the "censored" outfits.
However, I understand and sympathize with people who're about about the changes, however I ask. If that's all you came here for, then why? I'm trying to really understand. For me MK was about the slow more nuanced gameplay it has compared to anime/juggler fighters and the fatalities. I never gave a shit about the female outfits.
Did you actually like the series? Are you speaking out only against censorship? Does MK really need to wind up like DOA where they went overboard and the game actually suffered for it and became nothing more than a snapshot mode for pervs? Do we really need to be sexually pleased all of the time when porn and games that are sexually explicit first and foremost exist?
I pre-ordered it because I just don't care. I'm going to enjoy the game anyway. But I feel the whole "censorship" backlash is getting as silly as the people needlessly censoring things.
Also no one gave a fuck in Bravely Default when the Minotaur was censored (which was revealed way before the Bravo Bikini thing) but well.. we all know what happened when Edea's outfit was removed or censored or whatever. Or the same with the cowgirl.
I'm not seeing much but double standards from people who never really cared in the first place.
Also before you accuse of my reddit spacing which in itself doesn't fucking exist, fuck you. I like to separate my thoughts you messy shit.
Why Armageddon? I thought it all got retconned after 9
The irony here is you're the same exaxt shit
>le mad boy
>haha le epic meme arrows
>le Yea Forums
Try to have more of a personality than "generic Yea Forums faggot" please
they NEVER used the fucking theme in any of the games, thats why people want it
This sounds perfect which is how I know it is complete bullshit
it was sold as the oficial soundtrack for 2
I agree
Combine this with the fact that Yea Forums always bitched about western game females looking fugly anyway
Armageddon still happened in the original timeline. It's not retconned. Raiden changed the course of time. Kronika is trying to restore the Armageddon timeline. It was supposed to happen. The entire plot for 11 is her trying to reset time to it's original course.
I mean it is mainly about the gore. Anybody who tells you otherwise is a liar. Since I was a youngster playing the old PS2 games watching the shitty 3d blood roll down the character models, I was hooked. Even still, there's not as many fighting games that show a character all bloodied up after a fight like MK does. Granted it's been a while since those old times, and now I think those PS2 games were kinda shit. However in the gameplay aspect I think they've grown just as much as I have since the reboot so I picked it back up.
They are a bit too conservative with the female outfits this time around but it isn't a deal breaker for me. If I want to jack it to fighting game girls I look for Street Fighter. It's never really been Midway/NRS's forte.
wtf, so are all games canon again?
They're hypocrites.
Op here.
I agree with you 100%
No one cares about bikinis in mk. The ones saying they do were never mk fans they are trolls.
I'll be real and as a hardcore MK fan I really don't care. Men in history, movies, and tv are more likely to be shirtless. I just wish Kitana, Jade, and Mileena show some fuckin form of tits.
This. It's not that's a it's a huge deal, it's that you're supporting the cuckyfication of the west.
Crushing Blows are stupid. They throw off your combo rhythm, and have goofy requirements like "use the same move three times" or "use as counterhit". That kind of shit is cool for Brutalities but in the middle of a match? This isn't Mario Party.
OP here
Stop pretending to be me you fuck
They always were.
Whoever told you they weren't didn't understand MK9. MK9 didn't retcon Armageddon. Armageddon is why 9 happened the way it did.
Does anybody of you remember soul caliber? Guilty gear? Skull girls? Or maybe dead or alive?
Why have you stopped paying them /v? And why do you think MK will be any different?
>le big ripped dudes is male objectification
Yeah man that's why every super hero ever is a muscle mountain in skintight spandex, it's because they're catering to women and totally not because men think it looks cool
>I preordered it
kill yourself fag.
Also nobody is going to read that blog entry you mongoloid.
Now if only NR got Robin Shou for Liu Kang.
>Haha she looks like she's missing chromosomes or some ugly failed passing tranny
>Costume gets changed so she doesn't have titty despite looking like a troglodyte
>all that broken English
Holy shit dude.
Literally no one cares. Not mk fans anyway.
its just the same retards spamming dont mind them
>paying money for Mortal Kombat: Gynophobia edition
The character designers are clearly massive fucking queers and are letting it affect the development of the game.
I forgot we live in a world where women can't be horny, Fabio doesn't exist, 50 Shades of Grey was never written, and Twilight never became a huge hit among women because it featured shirtless men. Well put.
I preordered it too my dude. The 99 dollar version too.
Stay salty. MK is GOAT.
It's not so much the changes as it is the blatant hypocrisy of their bullshit defense of it.
why would I be salty about you being a retard? It's not a surprise to me
>Fatal Blows
Just a fancy counterhit animation. Imagine being so desperate that this is a starting pro of your list.
>Crushing Blows
Shitty mechanics stolen from Tekken but worse, since tekken provides skillful use of it in rage drives and has no reset on wiff
>Beautitul graphics and fx
Ugly design and shitty animations make it obsolete.
>Returning Fan Favorites Noob, Baraka, Kabal, and Jade
It is just a fucking roster, not even most popular characters of the series.
>Thousands of customization options
Which will drain down to everyone using the most OP build on each character since NRS can't balance shit
>Crazy cool story
Time travel is an escape pod of creatively bankrupt writers
Not enough to pull this sjw shitfest out from the shithole they drove themselves into.
>because women never lust after a male superhero
Who cares about what women want anyway? All I know is Kotal lookin daddy AF with that bod so I'm happy.
>no rain
Haha! Get wrekt, faggots! this was supposed to be his time to shine, bros. It's just not fair.
It's almost as if you are a liar or something.
Post more One Angry Gamer tweets.
>Just a fancy counterhit animation.
thanks for confirming you literally have no clue on the subject, didnt read further than that
>you didnt pick correct past perfect tense therefore i wont reply to you
>but here have a (You)
Look at all the dudes in the game compared to the women. Why are they covered head to fucking toe if the devs aren't obviously terrified of the female form and need to hide every little bit of it behind dumpy leather outfits and power armor?
What a shit opinion. Try suicide, incel.
This is supposed to prove the devs aren't massive flaming homos?
What's the in-universe explanation for all female characters suddenly having smaller breasts?
>Just a fancy counterhit animation
>same image as previous threads
not sure if shill or baiting since she looks atrocious, but you need to step it up bud
I have not stopped playing SG.
Soul Calibur is for gay guys who want to fight like ballerinas. It only has two notable characters (Taki and Raphael). it's been coasting off of guest characters like Yoda and 2B because it isn't good.
wow a man dont have a shirt on so bad
what is the in-universe explanation for you to shitpost to bad
You clearly don't know what you're talking about. First of all lil' man, you got fatal and crushing blows mixed up. Second of all, CRUSHING blows are more than just some cool counter hit animations, very few of them are activated on counter hit. What it means is a move under certain circumstances changes it's abilities. A throw that is teched incorrectly does more damage, a string when used as a punish leads to a juggle, etc. Fatal blows do seem kinda lame with how their so low risk and zero resources, but they have said they plan on making them punishable in the final release at the least.
Our favorite autist is back bois
i can't be the only one hearing the announcer voice say "illegal" when picking Baraka, right?
>wow a man dont have a shirt on so bad
Are you completely ignorant of what the word hypocrisy means? I WANT the men to look like that, but I want the women to look good too, not like the Israeli trolls they currently are.
>an australian scumbag criminal
>hollywood mma showoff
>bruce lee
>sun god
>spic punk
>war god
its almost like every single one of these has a reason to show skin while
>blood ninja
>assassin bodyguard
>princess assassin
>special forces milf and girl
its almost like showing skin has literally nothing to do with their character
scorpion, sub zero and noob saibot arent "shirtless" either for a reason you fucking character design illiterate dicklet
You do realize they're not the same kind of male figure, right? Hot men in chick flicks are always lean pretty boys, they don't look like prime Stallone or Schwarzenegger.
You're missing the point, those kind of male designs weren't made with the express purpose of being attractive to women.
nice assblast retard
fuck off you assblasted idiot retard
>its almost like every single one of these has a reason to show skin while
Because you said so is not an actual reason, you know that right?
>wow look he mixed fatal blows and crushing blows haha such a dummy his point is totally irrelevant despite it is pretty clear that fatal blows are a shitty mechanic stolen from tekken
Kill yourself and take your "bicycle kick someone 3 times to make last one a crushing blow" with you. This is third worst degenerate mechanic after AoE and DoT damage in fighting games.
what a retard
Calling him an autist is extra cute when you are sperging out over women's fashion like a literal queer.
>Because we never see male superheroes shirtless
It's impractical to reveal skin in an arena full of weapons. Following their own logic, everyone should be wearing armor from head to toe. You missed the picture.
the developers clearly think so, unlike you I literally would never even have noticed because im not a retarded kid whose instant reaction to the character designs in this game were how much skin are they showing
nice mad idiot the post you made was that of a retard who knows nothing about the game he is shitposting about
>no Mileena
better that way .
how fucking retarded are you? I literally let your retard tier confusion slide because it was blatantly obvious that you didnt even know what krushing blows were regardless of what they are called, go kill yourself
whos that dude ?
>AoE and DoT damage in fighting games
Are you retarded? Wait given your post and the post you are defending, you most definitely are.
>Yea Forums is one person
Ugh, gamers am I right? So toxic.
Way to show off how fucking new you are.
Sounds like a seething poorfag to me. Get a job and have sex.
But user theres a lot of women playing vidya on twitch
You ran out of anything to talk about two points in so had to go straight to hyperbole. if that doesn't tell everyone how uninteresting the gameplay is I don't know what will.
The irony is you're showing how new you are. The truth is Yea Forums is nu-red.dit and an actual hugbox for retarded incel faggots and /pol/tards. And you don't have to be a lefty tranny to find the new influx of loud mouth horny-fags who do nothing but fap annoying.
Kill yourself you underaged faggot. Control your libido limp dick. Nobody cares what you fap to, and you're a faggot for literally wanting to express to other men online what makes you horny and throwing a tantrum over it.
It is proof you don't follow the game and are just here to shitpost because people liking MK and it being popular really blasts your zit covered asshole. Learn to wipe.
Take a shower. No woman will touch you.
go back to r/kappa and suck street fighter/tekken some more
I'm turning 23 next month. A bit young I know, but at least I'm familiar enough with technology to reply to posts correctly, gramps.
>this fucking redditera soaked post
Could you be any newer?
We are no longer allowed to have good looking female characters in western video games.
Why lie?
Bet you are an anime pedo.
I've probably been here longer than you. I've probably been here for way too long, but there's no escaping Yea Forums.
Would have a problem with the new designs if they at least kept consistent. Jade's new outfit looks ugly, and cheap as fuck. At least other fighting games try to keep their designs consistent to their original designs.
In the end, they're hypocrites for saying showing off skin in the battlefield is impractical.
>I must fap every second f-fuck le 3dpd I'm totally no obsessed with the f-female image and a total slave to it
Where is the connection between me having sex or throwing away my money on product that doesn't exist and even won't be in limited amount on launch and you being a fucking imbecile?
Heres your Edenian Princess bro
prob right. Try not to bump it next ime
>nobody is talking about how they hate the game so im mad
nice im glad she dont look like a man anymore
you forgot
>sjw faggot designing the characters
thats enough to negate everything else
also all those cinematics in a fighting game is not a good thing
That you think intelligence is based on the most banal of things and caring what other people spend their money on. The truth is you're just a butthurt faggot with no real personality so you act like le funny rage man from the funny oldfag pictures.
Incidentally, doesn't speak much for your intelligence. Also your passive aggressiveness suggests you may actually be poor and a virgin. That sucks man. Get out there and live your life
>and now here's where user uses the meme mature version of "NUH UH YOU" and says "p-p-projecting!11!!"
Yea Forums is tiny collective of idiot weebs and drama whore neckbeards who try to trigger the weebs by pretending to be SJWs.
Do you honestly think anyone on this website uses "incel" unironically? Hell, no! It's like people on Tumblr admitting obesity is a bad thing.
They just say it because it gets /you)s. How fucking stupid can you be when you fall for it every fucking day?
Jesus Christ this is why Yea Forums is always characterized as a shithole. Nobody fucking thinks, it's all repetitive bullshit and kneejerk reactions to kneejerk reactions
I'm probably still buying it but the shitposting is great. the devs are literal trannies
>anyone who isn't bitching about characters not showing enough skin is marketing
>wanting be a princess in a fighting game
Please remove your faggotry from the genepool.
wow you got him le smug anime girl
sure you're real normal
You're right, now she looks like a trap.
No bites
yeah i get it , you look like a land whale while you are forced to watch all this skinny characters . i feel you girl
>sure you're real normal
Doesn't exist. Gain a personality outside of Yea Forums lingo you underaged faggot.
>If that's all you came here for, then why?
That's a dumb question. The answer is cause we enjoyed that aspect. Also a strawman to say that is the only thing people don't like. I also think the OST is awful, roster is lacking, revealing DLC early sucks and the game so far has been pretty dull. Which is why even shills have fuck all to say about it.
>For me MK was about the slow more nuanced gameplay
MK has generally favoured rushdown
unironically based
get your salt out of here fag
>sure you're real normal
Man he really was right
This board is fucked
Thats why I saged
Read the thread trannies
get some new shit to say
Epic meme red.ditor. Let me guess, fappening brought you here?
>post some ugly twig trap looking bitch
Lmao faggot. Cope.
It's one anime pedo.
retards ran out of shit to shit on the game about so they need to find the smallest shit
>MK has generally favoured rushdown
Throughout the years it's varied.
MK2? no
3 and 4, yes.
5-7, no.
8, yes (rage mode)
9, varied.
10, yes.
11, no.
please someone
you get this assblasted after a single post . yikes
is the gameplay deep?
It’s mortal Kombat user
>DOA waifufags are actually demanding to remove the close up punches from DOA6 because they dont want to punch cute girls
this is why waifufags should never be taken serious
Extremely. Literally GOAT tier.
i like the new meter/wakeup system
Do you enjoy memorizing string flow charts? If you do it is kind of deep in a poor man's tekken sort of way.
Yeah, but not anything incredible. Characters certainly have enough tools to create and deal with situations, and there is decent combo variety so far. Both of with playing with variations should help.
But with so many tools being so unsafe it could limit what people do. It is a new fighter after all so shit will need some balancing, but some tools just far outstrip others. The falling out of combo thing is busted right now, you can even punish the character who was comboing you in some cases. This caused a few pros to stop doing full combos. NRS said they will fix it but who knows. Meter building is out the window as well seeing as it is auto fill. Wakeup game is super simplified as well, you all have the same small amount of options.
Have sex
>even MK threads aren't safe from Yea Forums's faggotry anymore
Fuck this shit. MK9 and MKX had god tier threads. You cunts deserve to die.
Can't wait to watch these faggots cry when 11 comes out.
Fuck Yea Forums
yeah no idea of what went wrong in Mk11
you know you want it
>muh tiddies
Bunch of fat, lonely cunts.
>heres ur modern character design bros
Kitana looks like shit. No, Cassie looking okay for a change doesn't excuse it.
All it proves is that they are doing this on purpose.
Wow it's almost like there's something the devs are fucking up that's making people angry. Also 10 had shit threads because it had the same problem but people weren't as fed up with all this bullshit as they are now.
Just wait until the game comes out and skimpy clothes are unlocked in the crypt, it will die down.
have sex
>Wow it's almost like there's something the devs are fucking up that's making people angry.
Fuck off, you sad twat.
I was okay with it because 10 still looked miles better than 9.
This is just bullshit.
How about you try and make me retarderan?
Please die
I Smex your Motha facking cocksucka
What a faggot.
Clearly you don't understand how Astartes are made
>meanwhile in japan
>its a game is good but Yea Forums is obsessed with le ebin culture war so every thread is doomed to be nothing but whining about SJWs episode
WOAH WTF Why isn't Kitana totally naked and dressed like a slut in that gif? TITS were always important to MK
I do, what about you?
i dont, i started reading about W40k literaly yesterday.
but tell me you dont want a space marine as a fighter
I love her new outfit.
Ok zoomer let me tell you , at that time that was pushing the limit of what a kid's game should be allowed to have . and the gore with is still present .
hmmm I could see one in a fighting game
>if someone gets laid then they stop wanting to see attractive characters wearing outfits that show off some skin
yeah naw you're fucking stupid
but da sjws! da trannies! They're everywhere and anywhere and they are in my games and inside me and ahhhhh!
Honestly it would be fine if the design wasn't so busy. There's random patches, plates and other bullshitt everywhere. Her undershirt being so prominent doesn't help much either.
The top right there is no better, dude, and the bottom two are only good because they aren't realistic and designed to be cartoonish
I haven't seen many people angry at the game outside of Yea Forums. It's literally just Yea Forums going apeshit about imaginary SJWs again. You guys are the alt right SJWs
keep the tears coming shitposter
opinions on baraka?
They are cute, but they are literally dolls. Jax's daughter looks like a more realistic African American.
Why do you keep making the same thread just to post the same images and screech about how much you hate Yea Forums?
Even had a guy ask about the gameplay and you could barely muster a word about it.
they fixed this because no one is talking about it , right ?
Don't like his new voice. It's just Reptile's, but copied and pasted onto a Tarkatan. His new look kinda bothers me, but it's a minor gripe. I'm just glad he's back.
>The top right there is no better, dude
check the full body
whats with the obsession with "realism" why does a game where there are ninjas, centaurs, aliens have to be realistic ?
He seems weirdly nationalistic for Tarkata, Why does he have a flag?
This your first NRS game, buddy?
Imstilldadaddy said that this game is shit. So I'm not going to buy it.
I wish his mustache was thicker.
>>Beautitul graphics and fx
>>Returning Fan Favorites Noob, Baraka, Kabal, and Jade
you gorgot Jaqui, who got over Takeda and gay Kung Lao
>>Thousands of customization options
no sexy outfits
>>Crazy cool story
The only thing this series has left is b8 material for this shithole.
Got a hearty chuckle out of me, user.
Cry for me sweetheart
are you fucking retarded? mortal kombat literally started off with digitized actors, its the one fucking fighting game franchise that literally tries to be photorealistic
>Beautitul graphics and fx
Beta was boring as fuck.
they are trying to be mature and respectful . +10 woke points for Mr.Beran
why is this a better skarlett design?
also, why is mk11 skarlett so ugly? who do they even think buys their games anyways? I thought Ed Boon was all about hot chicks and dudes tearing each other up, i guess you can't run from SJW culture in America. No but seriously, UMK3 had like hot actors and actresses for their characters, did the acting pool become more ugly over the years?
Please post their OG designs and not designs from the first MK you played.
whoa he nearly looks like the original actor that played him, kano, and quan chi.
nobody actually likes Sonya's MK9 design do they
I thing he is still like that but there's too many fags and trannies working at NRS right now
that jade costume there is trash
it's a matter of style. MK was literally born using real film actors and a graphic design more based on a cinematic experience rather than the anime arts of Japanese games of its time.
MK is still a western game. And to my knowledge there has always been a different aesthetic conception between Japan and the West.
If you prefer Japanese dolls, it's fine, but it's a different matter.
this is the worst bait i have ever seen
>men wear slutty outfits while women are covered like normal people
so this is how straight people feel
literally the kombat kast lol, couldn't have been more cringe, poor Ed wants to be done with it, the 90s was his time of pushing boundaries, literally made the government implement ESRB, forever Ed Chad Boon
mk9:too slutty
mk11:too modest
mkx:just right
ESRB had nothing to do with titties
Don't let these betas bully you, user.
Anyone else noticed how agressive and first to throw an insult are the nu-MK fans?
They are first to defend every controversial choice of producers and claim that they are so anti racism/sexism/whatever, yet they are first to throw personal insult as an answer for every point raised.
Is this the real face of being "progressive"?
How is calling someone for his opinion "virgin" "get sex" etc. any different than calling girls in revealing clother "sluts"?
This world is so fucked up and backwards
Have sex
>be skinnyfat 4/10
>decide to cosplay at a nerdcom
>wear a half-mask
>overdo the eye make-up
>make sure costume covers your belly paunch while showing off your fake tits
Shit replacements of xrays with a more awful system
Another awful way to replace xrays that shit on the flow, "dude a single cinematic punch lmao xD so epic"
Stages have less detail and look worse than x. All budget probably wasted on the story mode
Yet they most are lackluster( geras, sonya, jaqui, fucking kano)
The only saving grace, sadly they cant save the whole game. Since they push for shit like frost, jaqui, dvora, cassie and sonya even tho cassie is her replacement
Most are shit and dont belong in mk. This injustice shit should have never existed
yeah i know, but its one of the many things caused by Boon's existence.
even back then, they still got sexy actors, why aren't sexy women considered realistic anymore?
What do you expect ? they are all zoomer that think they know everything because they played Mk9 and X
i bet i'm more /fit/ than you. want to compare?
its because you shitpost in every thread about feminism and sjws let me talk about my favorite series you dumb cunt
Here is what Kitana actually looked like in MK 2. No cleavage, or underwear outfit. She shows arms and legs, that's all. I don't get why retards are pretending were the original outfits.
The only thing I notice is that in every Thread opened with good intentions for talking about the game, punctually a /pol fag arrives posting Burqa or complaining that his beloved Franchise is becoming unsexy.
Many players don't give a shit if Skarlet wears a desert hood, then comes the usual guy...
>bad animations
>zone fest since all the characters have a range attack
>awful bar to use super moves
>comeback super lmao
>short as fuck combos
>slow as shit
And the last one had to be changed since everyone called nrs out on how shit it was
>bad animations
>keepa posting the same customized jade thinking it fools anyone
>underwear outfit
are you blind user? shes literally wearing a leotard
so what's the fucking deal with these moves where characters break each other's skulls and organs and then keep fighting like nothing happened?
You now realize that underage b&s here "grew up" with 9
I'm fine with short combos and the new bar
Everything else is subjective so I can't really convince you
Also the animations are good, I don't get this meme
>post yfw no reptile
>angry about the truth
Ok kid
i played the beta
it's garbage
no sexy costumes and horrible gameplay? no thnx.
save your money and don't buy this pile of shit
Because in that case she was a real actress, even with the mask and all, they had still chosen her pretty.
Then came the 3D era, and the characters' faces were modeled directly sometimes without a real reference..
Mk 9 and 10 they were still very rough, but with 11 just look at this muddafukka or her .
They have improved a lot.
Except it's YOU who initiate.
You are in every single innocent MK thread trying go stir drama. Then cry victim when MK fans reply. You want the (you)s.
If you didn't you wouldn't bother burka posting. Need a safe space? Go back to /pol/ with your politics.
>animations are good
They are really not.
>ok with shorter combos
Oh ok a retard
explain the problem with shorter combos
>no ermac or kenshi
>no boobs
>half naked men everywhere
>shang tsung is dlc
>forced sjw shit everywhere
So if is not a real actress the characters cant look sexy ? they have the tech to make good looking characters hell just look at the male chars most of them look amazing why do they chose to make the females so plain ?
I'm glad MK purged their fanbase so people who just played the games to jerk off can go away and people who care about the actual game stay
shao kahn is a pre order character, why pay extra after release?
Already preordered the 99 dollar edition.
You clearly are lying about the beta. The beta alone is better than every other fighter.
>having sex cures all issues
Imagine being a braindead roastie, yikes!
And trannies should go back to RetardEra
more damage to catter the casuals
Almost no skill involved in connecting them
>The beta alone is better than every other fighter.
if anyone is lying it's clearly you.
nice joke if that was an attempt at humor
MK games after 3 were all bad fighters. only good thing about them was the gruesome fatalities and the nice tits. now that the tits are gone, there's not much left
nice assblast
No one cares about the game tho
Reptile should've won and I miss Smoke.
Why is she not a redhead any more?
Nice coping mechanism
Why do titty fighter fags exclusively post MK9 stuff?
He was born in 2011
is true , non of their "recent" games have reached the level of popularity that Mk 1 and 2 had .
thread reeks of dumbfuck zoomers. MK is the worst fighting series. only good MK games were MK1, MK2 and UMK3.
Even Ed Boon admitted there was nothing special about the fighting mechanics of MK. it was just the fatalities that made the series unique
No, it's not a thing of making ugly faces on purpose. Modeling a human face with credible expressions that replicate human feelings in a real way is very difficult and requires resources and time. iIt's no coincidence that motion capture is used in many contexts. But not everyone has that technology. Especially video games that focus on other things and have to use budget and resources in a planned way.
Even up to the ps2 era, Japan gave a lot of importance to "waifus", so they spent a lot of time making nice characters, while in the west it was considered a secondary thing.
Most trannies only post mk9 to defend 11. So this is a sure fire way to make them seethe and identify them
>no ermac or kenshi
So? We got Noob, Baraka, Jade, and Kabal in return.
>no boobs
Bullshit. Jade's tits are pretty big. I've not seen less than a C cup. And every outfit is skin tight.
>half naked men everywhere
Men usually don't wear shirts for fist fights. But even then you are lying Kabal, Sub-Zero, Scorpion are fully dressed. And all the rest have shirt variations in customizations so if you are worried about Jax making you cuck cock stiff you can put a shirt on him.
>shang tsung is dlc
A legit complaint, your only point here.
>forced sjw shit everywhere
Show me.
Maybe she's not even the same Skarlet of Mk9.
>wow this game is amazing
>ugh where are my videogame titties
fucking incels
>Even Ed Boon admitted there was nothing special about the fighting mechanics of MK
Though most whiners aren't MK fans. They were never buying the game and do not like MK.
name the fighting games where you are either
>in the top 500 ranked players in their prime
>have been in the top 24 at any offline tournament that wasnt your smelly backroom local
>are a relevant community personality/ influencer
>have been a developer/ commentator/ anything even remotely comparable that doesnt directly relate to player skill
if you cant do any of these, never expect anyone to take your parroted nonarguments seriously anymore
Red is too sexy aka problematic
Prove it.
MK is known as the best fighting game of all time and it hurts weebs.
The female body is a scary thing , thank god we have twitter and NRS to protect us
>stop liking tits!
>go have sex
Is this gay propaganda?
No one fucking likes the kombat kids, except for cassie. Just let it die already.
No one cared about the tits in MK you subhuman, it was all about the fighting and gore
Have sex and chill the fuck out
Why do you keep posting MK9? Did MK start at 9?
But the top models are better. Especially Jade.
>calling anyone else subhuman
Shouldn't you be dilating your mutilated dick?
What ? dead in less then 1 year and the competitive scene yeah lets not talk about it . Is not even the most selling franchise jesus christ take your fanboy glasses off
if any of these are you please never post in mortal kombat threads again
Taking away kenshi for no reason at all is pretty bad. And ermac too since we get old mang tsung and also having to waste slots in jaqui dvorah cassie and thw awful new character geras
Jade is still covered from head to toes( unless your a muslim and see a bit of tight and get crazy) most females have small tits and not even skintight suits can save them(see kitana)
Retarded answer. Most have little clothing for no reason since they are going for the realism way with womans might as well go for the mens too.
Gay characters, extremely powerful villain is a girl that has been pulling the strings since 1, cassie is the protagonist again
Kill yourself
its the only mortal kombat they know about
>everyone who disagrees with me is tranny
O b s e s s e d
is there still the guy who says Toasty pop out of the corner of the screen?
>took the time to remove the arrow on all of those
Maximum autism
pressing the backspace isn't that hard user
next time don't be a waifufag
>old mang tsung and also having to waste slots
>defending muslims
>not a tranny
Pick one, tranny
>taking the time to click all those post numbers
>then removing the arrow from each
>not hard
Autists love doing repetitive pointless things.
>Women are sexy but dress relatively reserved with the exception of Sheeva who is dressed like a barbarian
>Women are sexy with the exception of Mileena (whose whole gimmick is dressing like a whore) are sexy but dress relatively reserved
>Women are dressed like whores with no exceptions.
>MK10 & 11
>Women are sexy but are dressed relatively reserved
Why is she in a capeshit suit she doesn't come from a very advanced civilization i thought
it takes less than a second to press a button user
look I just did it again
you faggots find anything to get mad about
Honestly, seeing you seethe over MK11 using the same made up """argument""" for a few days makes me think that an average tranny is actually more mentally healthy than you
Have a good day shizo poster
(You) took the only thing they care about
Does anybody know how to activate scorpions crushing blows? I know his 2, 1 1 and 3, 4 get crushing blows but what are the rules?
>finding burkas sexy
Back to resetera tranny
>i acted retarded, but it was easy for me so you're the one who's really retarded
end you are life
seething waifufag
where do you rank MK4 out of all the MK games?
>cant even read
Im sorry that you are retarded
indeed, mudslimes need to hang on DOTR, but not a single character in MK11 is wearing islamic clothing you dumb nigger
>all this projecting
>still a tranny
I love how if you have a problem with this it immediately becomes about how you absolutely must jack off to every attractive female you see instead of wanting something nice to look at
You know your MK game is fucked when fucking Baraka is one of the best looking things about it
"Relatively" considering it's a fighting game. The clothing for the femninjas in MK3 had a large titty-window, but were otherwise on par with MK11 costumes.
Not even a single burka in the whole game.
But you dont see her shoulder is peeking?
>it's not a burka cause I said so
Great argument
Anyone who doesn't want to fuck new skarlet is a flaming faggot.
>t. oneangrygamer
nigger pls go
MK11 should just be renamed to Muslim Kombat
shut the fuck up waifufag
so a hat is a hat is a burka now?
Has to be nude to please you.
Fucking degenerate. Back to /gif/.
Was it really that hard?
shut the fuck up waifufag
skarlet is sexy as fuck in any costume except for the one with the hood (which makes her face look weird).
you don't get to arbitrarily redefine the meaning of words, faggot. that's shit SJWs do. kys
Muhammad you should seek help you have someone living rent free up there. Stop peeking at womens shoulders that haram
thanks for proving my point
>hats and hoods are burkas
Cause I said so.
>nu skarlet
Yikes. Look like the fag was you all along
>the "y-y-you are like them" argument
Pathetic. All to defend burkas. No wonder you like that abominacion called skarlet
Is really that hard to not oversexualize women and treat them with the respect they deserve?
she looks better like this
>If that's all you came here for, then why?
I liked the direction and source materials that MK was inspired by. Since MKX, they've been treating the game as super serious business and I don't really care for it. The writing isn't even good, or entertaining except for some of the ladder endings. MK11 just seems like to continue the of NEW GOOD OLD BAD. PROGRESSIVE SERIOUSNESS GOOD CORNY FUN STUFF BAD that MKX started on.
and i hate it
yeah, it's much more respectful to have a game with men performing gruesome bloody fatalities on women.
but hey, at least no cleavage is shown! women are empowered!
Imagine being this upset over a optional piece of headgear lmao
Disagree I like her pixie cut
girl you have your male chars all rip and half naked , those are some of serious double standards you have there
No the burkas are a burka, retard.
>you don't get to arbitrarily redefine the meaning of words, faggot. that's shit SJWs do. kys
>just because it looks like a burka doesn't mean it's a burka
>see you're the sjw now!
Get the fuck out of here netherrealm shill.
Also bring back Rain, Sindel, Ermac, Tanya, Fujin, Kenshi, Quan Chi, Reptile, babalities, friendship and toasty.mp4
Titty fags rekt.
Reminder. All titty bois are from One Angry Gamer.
I'm maining Jade to trigger gamer goobers.
don't be a faggot.
women like being sexualized as much as anyone else they're just upset when they aren't the specific one being sexualized.
that face have no salvation
you don't know what a burqa is.
>>see you're the sjw now!
yeah, well don't steal tvs if you don't want to be called a nigger.
MK3 female designs compared to 11 are 100 times better and emphasize thighs and proportions with the laytex costumes. MK11 females look like fucking nuns compared to MK3, losing the 80s aesthetic was a mistake.
Remove xrays entirely.
>defending shit looking characters and burkas since are "optional"
>"y-y-you m-mad"
Again really pathetic.
Show me the burka
shut the fuck up waifufag
Do you play videogames to play a game or jerk off?
you know pornhub and rule 34 are a thing right?
this upsets me more than it should.
fuck NRS, it's a tragedy that MK belongs to them
this, i doubt that fucking retard even played MK3
>""""fix"""" the hair
>actually make it worse and not even red
>dont even fix the awful looking face, the thing most people complained about
What were they thinking?
You want another dead thread? No one cares about nu mk. Not even their own general thats pretty dead
Who would you hand it off to user
>their general is dead
>"i-i-its not dead a-ahah-h-ha
It is dead as fuck. Filled with discord faggots that ruined the good threads on Yea Forums complaining about johnny posting
But they removed her hair thanks to incel bitching. Now it's that long hair which looks weird with her face but whatever, I'm sure someone will mod it to the pre-incel outrage version.
Funny. SJWs haven't actually removed anything I like in games. Incel bitching /pol/tards have
Rain combos in UMK3 and MK Trilogy was the peak of the MK series.
After that, I only cared about the tits and ass. Now that that's gone, I'm not getting MK11.
im sorry you hate beauty
I genuinely have no idea what your talking about waifufag
>emphasize thighs and proportions with the laytex costumes
the truth burns, doesn't it
>80s aesthetic
>Boon = cucked by his queer employees
>Kojima = delusional likely to bankrupt the company
Can it be based Yoko Taro ?
>>Returning Fan Favorites Noob, Baraka, Kabal, and Jade
>Bottom of the "fan favorites" list
>And the list stops there
>Thousands of customization options
>Crazy cool story like all the other MK, now with military fanwank
>CARY TOGAWA AS SHANG FUCKIN' TSUNG(DLC character that looks nothing like him)
Lol fuck off you shill
sad post
Talion plz I want a hammer explosion fatality
Reminder this is not her original outfit.
Someone from GameSpot claimed Ed Boon said off the record, "We originally planned bikini costumes but the millennials faggots we now have working objected too hard."
I hope her hair is customization. Her short hair is kute
>try to fix hair
>make it worse
What a bunch or retards
MKX was amazing but I still haven't played Injustice 2, and MK11 looks just as bad. I know NRS has always had shitty faces, but I think everyone looked fine in X while in I2 and 11... I don't know. They look greasy. And there's no particular design that bothers me, I'm fine with the new Sonya, and the new Skarlet actually looks good... it's just everything together that looks mediocre. And I hate how they're undoing all the progress they made in the new timeline by bringing back dead characters. It makes the story feel pointless. Also every character just looks like the play the same, nobody's really standing out as unique or weird.
No idea how. He has no moves and nothing to pull a brutal fatality concept from.
He's actually a bit too PG-13 for MK. Pennywise doesn't brutally murder people like Jason or the Predator. He's too subtle and clean IMO.
The goriest thing he does outside of shooting blood out of a sink is biting a kids arm off, and that's pretty fucking tame for MK
>original outfit
unless you mean mk2 i don't know what the fuck you're talking about.
You're using the meme wrong, dude.
did you really type out that stupid shit and try to defend the removal of sex appeal on the Woman on top of saying you bought it? your argument is weak and pointless.
There you go, that's the original outfit. Note it doesn't have cleavage and is far less sexual.
A retard i see. The general is pretty dead and youll know about johnny if you posted there
1. That isn't her original outfit.
2. How does that design not emphasize her proportions and her thighs?
guess I'm the only one waiting for the SFM porn
it's not the general's fault your a waifufag, user
This game is dogshit and the girls are ugly.
>gloating about discord
kys. seriously. the gift of life is wasted on you.
Her UMK3 outafit had the cleavage , good job proving you have no idea of what you are talking about
>y-your using wrong reeee
shut the fuck up waifufag
If a porno was made of MK9 Jade, would be the best pornstar to play her?
I would've said August Ames but she's no longer with us (Rest in peace).
What about Sonya and Kitana?
cope shill
I like to play games where women look sexy and appealing.
Its missing half the charm, the cool guys are there, but the sexy women arent.
This is dogshit.
>No Stryker
>w-waifufag a-ahahaha
Oh poor retard. Cant even answer
making up excuses to be a waifufag doesn't mean you aren't a waifufag
stop watching porn you cuck
He's in
i don't understand all the fags complaining.
i meant, yeah, the core value of mortal kombat is the fighting mechanics, but the sexy women is a nice feature to have on top of that.
It's like going to Hooters. yeah, the main reason you go is for the food and beer but Hooters would not be as appealing without the sexy waitresses
keep seething waifufag
shut the fuck up waifufag
the best thing ive seen in this game is the announcer sounds like the Quake 3 announcer.
>nooo dont call me out
>d-die just like the general
>1. That isn't her original outfit.
that's kitana's only outfit in mk3/trilogy. i don't know what you're talking about.
I mean, I guess? Nothing about that costume design is especially sexy or goes out of its way to "accentuate thighs" (proportions definitely aren't accentuated because of the boxiness of the mocap model). It's just a leotard. That's the point. MK costumes' purpose, except for MK9, has not been shameless titillation.
shut the fuck up waifufag
literally the more discords (and discord users) that die, the better.
Which came well after 2. The character did not start out slutty. Slutty cleavage and shit is not core to her design.
Aaahahahahaha. Poor poor retard and his dead general
He's a shapeshifter.
Have you even seen the 2017 movie?
>no possible moves
Just admit you don't want him instead of making shit up.
shut the fuck up waifufag
Well go and say that to the general. Its filled with them. Altought its pretty dead already
How in the fuck do they make a MK game where Johnny and his fucking daughter are the only two characters worth giving a damn about? I would say three with bald time lady, but it's a fucking coin flip if she'll be playable.
MK isn't hooters. DOA is.
His moveset would be limited. What would his fatal blow be? What would his fatality's be? He has a hand full of shots where he has a claw of some sort, that's about it. The main issue I see with him is he's not a brutal enough character. However, they could always take artistic liberty with the character.
do people get DoA and MK mixed up? MK has always been about the gore/fatalities. They didn't even have bikini costumes till the 3d era
If Pennywise were in MK, I want to see Art the Clown too.
Imagine Pennywise vs Art
They fucked up. They are fucking up a lot in this game.
They are literally all from One Angry Gamer.
The whole site is creepy neckbeards. Its disgusting. Nearly every article is about sex.
They are OBSESSED with sjws and sex.
>cant even answer
>muuuh doa
Rent freee
She looks like Stephen King on that picture. MK11 is the first MK to ever have attractive females.
>muuh e celeb faggot
looks like the OBSESSED is you lmao
>Nothing about that costume design is especially sexy or goes out of its way to "accentuate thighs"
Shit user I'm sorry, I didn't know I was responding to a blind person.
you make excellent points and my dyslexia is greatful
Pennywise is such a great villain and I'd love to see him in Mortal, it's only when my autist friends who claim he's just a straight up alien from a crashed ship that I sperg out.
the authers self-written "who am I" at the bottom
>About Billy D
>Billy has been rustling Jimmies for years covering video games, technology and digital trends within the electronics entertainment space. The GJP cried and their tears became his milkshake. Need to get in touch? Try the Contact Page.
god this is so fucking embarrassing
how do grown men get this retarded
not an argument
shut the fuck up waifufag
Jesus its the same guy posting over and over again. Are you a bot?
Just bring back the sexy women and stop drastically changing shit and making the female costumes ugly on purpose for the sake of it and it wouldn't have been this much fucking complaints in the first place. You had revealing outfits in the last game and you still do now for the men, even more so than ever before (Baraka). Bring it back and stop being a hypocritical and contradicting asshole.
Sonya always looked like a manly dyke.
>this is considered atractive
Such shit taste
>complaining about people obsessed with SJWs
>on Yea Forums
I think you took a wrong turn pal, Resetera is 2 blocks south!
don't buy the game. if the sales are bad, they'll understand removing tits and ass was a dumb idea.
the game isn't even that great. the beta sucks cock
>They didn't even have bikini costumes till the 3d era
look at this retard
>cant even come up with an argument first
LMAOO you cant be this retarded and seethe about doa
Juat like to call out retards like you. Nothing personal kid
you have no good argument
MK2 femninja costumes are *not* bikinis.
Don't @ me retard.
Still OBSESSED about an e celeb faggot
was there ever a mortal kombat porn parody made when MK9 was released?
id be surprised if there wasn't
It's the same meme posting faggot holy shit lol
>They didn't even have bikini costumes till the 0 era
fix that for you
none of the female costumes were "bikini's or "swimsuits". It was just the MK11 design team leader being a fucking retard. The new modern designs are just as "bikinis" and "swim suits" as the previous designs
Neither does you lel. Couldnt even answer that guy before starting to ree about doa.
They are. Cant beleive someone this dumb exist
islam is based though
i don't think so. 2011 was too early for porn websites to realize that they could cash in on sexless Yea Forumsirgins.
I just want 2D
>leotards are bikinis
Stop rewriting the English language, dipshit. Ideally, you should kill yourself.
It wouldn't even be artistic liberty though
In the movies
>20 feet high leaps
>mummy with bandage tentacles
>mantis claws
>size manipulation
>giant razor toothed mouth
>zombie hands from mouth
>giant fiery bird
>giant spider
He also throws basic punches and kicks.
Pennywise has more design space than Freddy or Jason.
If you don't like him that is all you needed to say. Claiming he has no possible design space isn't right though.
And you the same retard kek
i think you might be retarded bro
you too
Pennywise is dope. The primal incarnation of fear. Basically a god. The Turtle was love.
Nobody on this website understands what a bikini or a burka is
>doesnt know a swimsuit
Ideally you should shut the fuck up
Skarlet absorbs blood through her skin. Your move.
Stop trying to move the goalposts and just admit you fucked up.
>Imagine being retarded enough to believe this
not buying Muslim Kombat 11
he is trying to go back to shitposting
>y-you too
What are you a kid? Or actually stupid that cant even answer that guy and just seethe about doa?
>jade wears a burka
>"i-i-its not one i-its h-her super c-c-cool ninja hood, sh-shes a ninja right?"
nips were doing it, but western porn companies? hell no. We didn't see brazzers baneposting until over a year after mk9 came out.
look at this racist post. Unbelievable.
Back to One Angry Gamer you cretin.
>>jade wears a burka
it's not a burka tho
>moving the goal post
Im not. Ideally you should not do that since you already got proved wrong
This game isn't for you anymore wh*te males. Its for Black Muslims now.
>jade wears a burka
where is it
One Angry Gamer is down the hall kiddo.
So you going to ignore big dick Ron Jeremy cosplaying as Mario?
Why couldn't they make them into their OG costumes ? they weren't that scandalish , maybe back them but certainly not now .
shut the fuck up waifufag
I hate that fucking website and every /pol/nigger on it
whats with the obsession with Muslims with you people
seriously not argument.
its objectification and sexist. Get over it you altright retard.
Wow mature AND respectful. Just what I look for in MK.
He thinks it's a burka because he read an article on One Angry Gamer.
>Why couldn't they make them into their OG costumes
to give them to you later
>says the muslim on an English site
have sex
One Angry Gamer.
>Wow I can't believe the put a burka on Noob
Still obsessed
>proving my point
Lel how dumb can you be?
Ngl the Spider shit and gangbang were pretty fucking out there though
Sure buddy.
It absolutely is. You cuck. You are 13 and read One Angry Gamer.
shut the fuck up waifufag
tranny seethoids are out at full force this time.
Damn the obsession is real ahaha. Also still posting the modified jade
Assblasted that you got outted as a 13 year old cringelord from OAG.
Comeback when you are old enough to play MK.
stop spamming the thread with your pet obsession.
Fuck Scorpion is in a burka too. Fucking sjw game.
Oh yes. Out of arguments already i see little dummy
this shit is sad
Nah fuck that. I’m still really excited, MK has always been my favorite game franchise and I’m preordering the game. I can’t wait to fucking okay it and have a blast, while all the sad little fucks here pick a new game to bitch about because they forgot how to enjoy anything but misery. It’s sad really.
Oh no Sub-Zero is in a hijab. NOOOOO BOON WHY?
more like faggotman
>literally seething since he proved my point
Cant make this shit up. And atill obsessed about some e celeb faggot lmao
Also nigga most mk players are 13 years old lmaoo the fuck you mean by that?
So a famous actor , rich , badass , funny and in a incredibly good shape going around half naked is not objectification ? no matter how you look at it is a women /gay fanservice
beta is horrible. don't buy this shit game
i have no idea what that is. Stop suggesting people cant form their own opinions on things you sjw asshole fucking cunt.