Trying to clear Hybrid Saiyan's SBR. Should I hold out until I get my hands on INT LR Gohan?

Trying to clear Hybrid Saiyan's SBR. Should I hold out until I get my hands on INT LR Gohan?

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Probably but he is a really hard drop.

How in the fuck do I beat super battle road anyways? I can barely get to trough the second fight.

Forgot Pic. Of course I still need to dokkan my f2p lr and seal trucks but everyone has at least 2 dupes in them and I still get reckt? What am I missing here?

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The April fools update info is up in JP.

What kind Yamcha are we getting this year?

The baseball one and the two previous ones. We are also getting 8bit base goku and vegeta apperently

wish I had that gotenks lr
so easy to get that event

I got him recently with bojack, farming for nimbus medals and bojack crew medals fucking sucks. I wish his event had a rework like Bardock, instead of fighting 4 separate fights you fight one big fight against all members. Took me 20 minutes to farm the medals I needed.


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sbr is all about defense, your team barely has any

You have multiples of the same character. Kid trunks and future trunks are okay to duplicate but nothing other than that , or else it's not really possible.

What should I change then?

8 bit goku and vegeta are neat, hope they're good

Forgot pics.

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don't know what you have. phy vegito's great for it.
Also, what friend leader are you bringing with you? LR Gogeta would be best

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Your team is great lmao just rock with it, go double trunks rotation and double pan rotation and it should be easy as fuck

you serious? run ssj3 gotenks, transforming vegeta, eza trunks, lr great saiyaman, ssj gotenks, pan, and take a lr gogeta friend, you will stomp. but dont forget to dokkan gotenks and saiyaman

Not my units but a friend beat it with this op

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>LR trunks
I want that card so bad along with LR beerus

What items do I bring. I only have 4 slots

android 8 princess snake ghost usher whis

You're talking about AGL one, but is the PHY one worth the trouble of getting him?

I feel like all the LRs i got until now are lackluster.
Sayaman links with nearly nothiong on heroes team.
Majin Vegeta has poor ki and does uncompetitive damage imo.
Vegeta/Goku are awesome as hell.
Ginyu is just a poor leader for the rather poor Ginyu team.
Meta Coora is meh.
STR Broly is a glass cannon.
TEQ SS3 Goku is a glass cannon as well.
Mai/Trunks are awesome.

what's the optimal hybrid saiyans sbr team lads, I feel like I'm just short of LR PHY Trunks

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>Majin Vegeta has poor ki and does uncompetitive damage imo
Really untrue. In the right set up he can do monster damage. Also kind of funny you're high on mai/trunks out of all those.

Ult gohan
Lr bee pan
Lr prime battle trunks
Str waifu pan
Phy/str ssj2 gohan support
Lr gohan/lr trunks
Eza vegeta jr/eza goku jr (optional)

>str ssj2 gohan support
just f my ish up f am
that was one of the few wt cards I could have really used but didn't have the time to farm him, otherwise I'm optimal/still got the phy support ss2 gohan but ki is an issue on this team from the times I ran it

Out of all the prime battles, Vegeta's is by far the worst with giving me 5s and 7s.

That's also all I got from Vegeta, some times a 10, oi only got 15 or 20 once.

And literally just got another 7 lmao

I have 2 dupes on pan, since she is support what should I upgrade on her hidden potential? I guess shit like crits won't matter much

and another fucking 7

>In the right set up he can do monster damage

There's the problem, by the nature of the game you can not work towards this "right setup", you have what the game gives you.

In a SSBE Vegeta pure Saiyan team he's not worth having, the likes of UI Goku, new SSG Goku, Phy Broly, AGL Broly, Kale etc give me either more damage or utility while not being as "glassy" as Majin Vegeta. I'd pick the F2P TEQ Cabba (guaranteed crit) or STR Caulifla (80 % avoidance) over him for Pure Saiyan if i'm not forced to pick an AGL character.

Vegeta and Trunks primes are annying.

At least Frieza one gives bonus drops if you run Ginyu

Well in Extreme Agl SBR he made it a breeze with his damage which was way more than anyone else and I'm pretty optimal. It's also a great defensive team so I had no trouble on my first try.

That's because it had a campaign, Trunks and Vegeta will get the same thing eventually too.

>Still need to run Ultimate Clash one last time when it resets to get final LR Ginyu to max out his HP

Could /ourguy/ be right and LR Kefla be about to come out?

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Dokkan Fighter Vegeta
Lead: 'Vegeta Family' Ki+4, HP/ATK/DEF +44%
Super: Supreme damage, raises DEF for four turns
Passive: DEF +88% at start of turn; ATK +88% when performing a Super
Links: Saiyan Warrior Race, PFB, Over 9k, Saiyan Lineage, Prodigies, Royal Lineage
Categories: Pure Saiyans, Vegeta Family, Dragon Ball Seekers

Dokkan Fighter Goku
Lead: 'Goku's Family' Ki+4, HP/ATK/DEF +44%
Super: Supreme damage; raises ATK for four turns
Passive: ATK +88% at start of turn; DEF +88% when performing a super
Links: Saiyan Warrior Race, PFB, Saiyan Lineage, All in the Family, Infighter, Kamehameha
Categories: Pure Saiyans, Goku's Family, Low-Class Warrior

I finally did it lads

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Oh hey, guess what? Another fucking 7. One run left and my stam is drained. That's all 5 runs today with 7 medals, with the first one being 5.

Alright I'll try SBR again but I suppose I won't get that far without the super sayanman lr.

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I used my LR gohan but he's honestly not necessary, your team should be about to do it

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>Not Rainbowed
No you didnt. Get back to work scrub

Oh and just for good measure? Last run is A FUCKING 7.


Are they even any good?

Used em on E AGL SBR. They were useful.

they're a fine filler unit on an Android team or for ext agl sbr but otherwise no not really

I'm almost done awakening mine, what are some good supporting units?

Survived the first round without using items, I thogut this shit was 3 rounds but it's actually 4, wtf.

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>what are some good supporting units
For the androids? They go well with Super 17.

Android 16 is good too, especially for anything needing defense

>you had the Vegeta
LOL. before you go, show your entire Super PHY units. you may have better cards for SBR.
Damn, sounds really cool

db heroes banner WHEN

Super 17 has great defense too (-40% attack damage), and pretty good attack when he's built up.

I already did

I'm not sure that's actually happening anymore(at this time) since it's already known JP is getting Hit.

next week hopefully

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What do you guys recommend for me?

I play super casually so I don't really pay attention to the meta or anything. I focus more on cards I think are cool rather than what is explicitly strong.
However I REALLY want to get that LR Gohan. Do I have anything that comes even close to being able to take on a Super Battle Road stage 20 times?
I have my Ginyu Force to grind medals if I can possibly make a solid team to take it on with ftp units.

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No because the last fight in the HS category SBR stage is against PHY types.


>did a meme single roll
>got my third dupe of this bad boy

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Yo I want to beat majin buu sbr but I dont have the leader is it possible?
I have ev

>JP gets the formerly exclusive dokkanfest TEQ Hit banner now
>as well as an exclusive Universe 6 story event
>which gives them fucking farmable Hit and Champa units
>on top of a pretty good F2P Pirinia/Saonel Namekian unit and a ridiculously good F2P Vados one
I just want AGL Cooler or INT Goku Black.

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>And AGL Metal Cooler is on the TEQ Hit's banner for JP as well

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I was finally able to dokkan awaken my super Broly, all thanks to Beerus right here, now my team feels a little stronger.

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>He hasnt logged in 1000 days
I mean, if you dont have Phy Vegito, youre pretty much limited to Type Leader instead

>>which gives them fucking farmable Hit and Champa units
FUCK! Was that confirmed?

>780 stones in Sayain Day banner
>Still no transforming Vegeta
At least INT Vegeta is good r-right?

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I can clear the first round without much issue. What was your attack order against Vegeta, Nappa and Raditz?

They can potentially one shot Super 17 in his dokkan event but otherwise just filler.


The F2P new Hit is a PHY Type whose a drop card for the JP story event of U6 and the F2P Champa one is the STR version whose basically a copy-paste of the pre-dokkan awakened PHY Champa.

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>no tranformable unit
>did several multis on the vegeta banner
>even got Super Vegito on one of them
>STILL no tranforming Vegeta
>people are pulling him off of singles
Fuck dokkan

go to the subreddit for news

I got cucked so fucking hard. I literally SA'd him out a couple hours before Hit's event was announced for JP and I had him for 2 fucking years.

He's one of the best new units that isn't a dokkanfest exclusive like AGL Rage Nu-Broly, STR Rage SS2 Vegeta/Bulma, the newer Kaioken Goku's like the PHY and TEQ ones. That sucks user, I remember going 1500 stones on both the transforming Goku and Frieza banners when those dropped and getting neither but less than 450 stones I got 4 PHY Vegeta's, rainbowed my Gogeta, and got my first INT SS3 Bardock so I can have a proper SS3 category team now.

Now imagine the rage of global players. JP can save Grand and Old Kais to farm their SAs up while global got shafted again.

Should I go Movie Bosses or Full Power?

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What do you even do in this game? I only ever see team lists.

>Now imagine the rage of global players. JP can save Grand and Old Kais to farm their SAs up while global got shafted again.
I don't get it, what do you mean? I am on global. I just had some of the worst timing in history.

They put AGL Metal Cooler there because he's still fucking rare, and the next EZA event in JP will be the TEQ Golden Freeza one which requires the MMC/Freeza Clan category to beat it. And also because TEQ Hit's original banner wasn't very good. Only notables besides him were Jiren and UI Goku.

what else you want to see babe

Honestly I don't remember
Focus whoever you can and run as tanky rotations as you can, try to get bee pan to stun and heal and don't be afraid to use your items a lot

Team build and pop bubbles in a psudo-puzzle game. Really it's more about the team building.

I still dislike the fact that Elder Kais are so fucking limited

Story event is JP exclusive.

Team building optimization is fun.

movie bosses is super fun

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Movie Bosses def

I'm going to see if I can scrap one more multi before the banner ends, if not, I'm gonna drain myself on singles.

>Story event is JP exclusive.
Ok but it's gonna come to global eventually

>psudo-puzzle game
Are the people that say this genuinely retarded? Do you know what a puzzle is?

Its basically reverse Bejeweled. Instead of trying to get rid of the same color orbs, you wanna gather as many of the same together to feed your attackers SA

That's why I said psudo. It's a bit nicer than "a literal game of chance where you pop colored bubbles"

Grind so you can get better at grinding

PHY Broly and both, pick whatever Saiyan you want.

It's not even a game of chance, it's obvious how to get them to drop how you want, and that's still underselling it. I'm sure you fags don't even beat SBR.



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When does the new JP stuff drop? Isn't it already April 1st in Japan?

Roll to get characters, build a team that shares category and links you will need a good leader character for that, awaken them by beating a boss which you will defeat by popping bubbles of the same color so the characters can hit harder the more you get and finally just collect the characters just because.

Like, it's a legit turn based JRPG, the bubble popping is more than most console JRPGs combat where all you do is select attack or magic. These descriptions are so dumb.

I can't scrap one more multi, I did everything in the game at this point. This banner is shit and dokkan is too. I have no stones left and no stones to really get either.


Thanks, I put Omega Shenron there, because I still think he's too good to pass up.

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We're going to get all this stuff too dude

Holly fuck I actually did it.

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If you dokkan ssj4 goku then you should replace great ape turles with him and replace int gf with kefla since they're covered under the full power LS

Not for a few more days, it seems. The April Fools stuff is gonna drop before the U6 update.

Now I just need a way to beat all other ones and battlefield level 3

Please tell me how

Will do, thanks. I'm holding on for a retread of SSJ4 Goku's even, because I want to use my keys to farm stones.

I wonder who could be behind this post

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Gonna take a fat freezing shit on the Golden Frieza EZA

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I am this guyBasically try surviving the first encounter using only one of the items. Them you will have a shit load of items for the following fights. Focus on defense and use the Gogeta LR as second leader because he has huge ass defense.

I finished it with 2 whis and one sneak queen items.

Which category has advantage for Golden Comicreliefza EZA?

Best fucking category, a shame you don't have str ff freezypop

I have him, but I'm concerned he'll get hit way too fucking hard in exchange for his full passive

Most Malevolent Clan

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People are assuming Most Malevolent Clan since there's a category banner going live the same time the Golden Frieza EZA drops.

We're getting it in at least 6 months even though we should've gotten all this when we got Hit. There was no reason to only give us half of it especially on fucking Christmas. It's a real kick in the dick that JP gets all this for fucking April Fools day and we in perspective got diddly squat. GLB couldn't even get a decent banner for Hit and no celebration for stones,nothing.

>Have to run Stages 8, 9, 12, 13 and 17 of Hero Extermination Plan 4 more times to max out LR Saiyaman
Dokkan doesnt joke around with grinding

>JP gets Vados

Hey global, we brought you your favorite thing - disappointment!

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Now that I've beaten PHY ssb I was thinking on trying the teq one. Do you think the free teq giten from his event in worth it?

Have you seen the lr bojack awaken. You need medals from his entire crew as hell. This shit is kinda ridiculous. At least I can use keys for memory events. I am almost getting the last ur awaken from sayanman before the lr.

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SSJ3 Teq Gotenks?

>forgot to cover the name.

At least my account is protected.

It's pretty straight forward and the single events dont cost much STA.

Now those 96 million Zeny for Broly...

The joke is that you're wasting hours of your life grinding medals for an F2P unit, then in two years they're gonna trivialize your efforts by adding a category boost to the stage.

Nop. I don't have him. I have a bunch of teq units though but not many defensive ones.


Bamco is pretty good about account protection. Unless you know that user's purchase history and have receipts, they wont give you the account. I know, I've used them a few times when the cheat apk has gone out of date and I had to recover my account

Forgot Pic like an idiot

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You can do it user i have beaten all 20 SBR and now i want more stages, i don’t really have much to do in the game now but tomorrow will be fun with the april fools cards

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Man that blue teq goku really needs an EZA, he is so shit.

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New player, which team should i aim for?

Jesus that team is awful.

Im ahead of the game now, my beepan and kid goku are rainbow and ill get my 1000 login soon, you can do it user

Int goku took fucking forever since i just recently pulled kefla

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Only LR's I dont have there, even ones waiting to be Awakened, are Piccolo and Tien

what are you smoking? All he has to do is awaken Saiyamen and Gotenks then replace Kid Goku and it'll be fine.

PHY LR trunks is barely better than the f2p LR's. Hell, f2p LR Vegitables is just as good

Alright guys

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>happy that I have both TEQ SSB Vegeta and PHY SS Rage Future Trunks rainbowed with their EZAs
>Future Trunks in particular is a big deal because Future Saga and Time Travelers as well as Hybrid Saiyans category teams, especially on global, lack a lot of good or decent support units
>But this is at the expense of pushing back the release of TEQ Beerus and INT Janemba's EZAs
>And we don't get AGL Metal Cooler or INT Goku's Black dokkanfests due to the Saiyan Day campaign on top of that
God damn it.

Yeah but I just changed that kid goku for pan and the trunks + gotenks for transforming Vegeta and it worked lik a charm. I just beat it during this thread.

None, you work with what you got. Do some summons, get as many f2p cards as possible and when you get a decent leader you start doing events and shit.

>Max EZAed Gogeta, then Broly, now getting LR Hurclue

I'm not even considering rainbowing Hurclue because I actually want Zenni.

Is it better to run the str rage Trunks or the f2p LR agl Trunks?


>no rainbow
>no 20/20
Fucking casual they need it to even be subpar

No too mention how MANY fucking belts he requires just for one

If you feel like you haven't invested enough, reroll until you get Yellow Vegeta from the current banner.

Dont overdo it with the summons, your stones are precious.

The banner you roll on doesnt have everything in it, it's not fully random what you get. Roll on multiple banners to ensure you get a diverse team with many different cards. Patience matters.

You can farm the free2play cards.

God damn I'm glad I got into Dokkan early enough to get a even somewhat decent team. Dunno what I'd do if I didnt have my Fusion deck

>when you can tell a man is fat just from his laughing
Nano > DT

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STR Rage Trunks can stack his defense with his SA, and ontop of that his passive buffs his defense further with actual damage reduction the lower your team's hp gets. Once your down to facing one enemy on the field AGL LR Trunks isn't very useful.

Hercule SA 20 is around 150 million zenni think.

Still hoping Hybrid Saiyans get a transforming Gohan based off of the Boujack movie as a dual HS+MH category leader whose a 150% stat booster. Biggest issue besides needing more support units is the measly 130% attack stat.

But on the flipside LR Trunks hits like a monster truck while his passive works and even without is decent. You'd need the STR version with 2 dupes before I'd even consider him an alternative

Supposedly an update is coming the Strongest Guy in Galaxy event lending credence to this theory, because it's bringing a farmable SSJ2 Gohan

I have mine rainbowed and even before that with no dupes he was simply outright tanking shit.

Seems likely yeah. Almost all dokkanfest category leaders tend to have farmable units to max their SAs; Angel Golden Freeza, UI Goku, Jiren, Hit (now), Ultimate Gohan, Android #17, Android #21, the new transforming Vegeta, transforming Goku, transforming Freeza, etc...

>farmable SSJ2 Gohan
I thought they'd do a Cell Saga leader SS Gohan that transforms into SS2, so he can be used with the LR, and have the SS form farmable by fixing the Bojack event

Nah, or at least I hope not. INT version is the LR whose already still one of the most hardest hitting units in the game, the TEQ version is a support unit, and then the AGL version from movie 9 is also a support unit. The STR verison is also based off one-armed Father-Son SS2 Gohan and Goku as well whose a damage unit as well (probably needs an EZA). That covers all types except PHY ones and having a really good category leader whose base after dokkan awakening is the regular Super Saiyan form would be nice. We only have only one movie Gohan (youth) whose SS2 so it would add to both movie heroes category as well as the regular HS one.

I mean honestly what are you missing out on? These aren't important cards or anything. Anyway yea, they always have to make JP feel special. We get something first so then they have to give them something extra so they can't feel like we got a one up on them but even so it's not a big deal in this situation.

There's already at least 3 SS2 Gohans based off or from the Cell Games. And funnily enough now that I really think about it, there isn't a SINGLE dokkanfest SS2 Gohan (Youth/Young or whatever he's called) exclusive unit in the game, period.

Would I be able to beat SUPER TEQE SBR with this team.

I also have other teq units but none of them are rainbow ed and the only other unit I got that is decent is teq vegito blue but I feel like he would take a lot of damage. I also need to finish awakening that teq bulma.

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When is it gonna be a big deal? When are we allowed to stop justifying this shit. Everytime something like this happens it's always the same shit.
>we'll get it eventually
>JP favoritism is expected
>the content isn't important
What needs to happen for you people to understand that this bullshit has gone too far?

Unlikely. You mean going against Extreme AGL anyways? I don't see any support units there. SS4 Gogeta is amazing but he's pretty squishy unless he counters or SA's first.

Imagine not playing Jp like how dumb do you have to be.

You'd think people would have at least learned after Hitmas

I don't think I have any support.
I'll have to check the wiki

>reroll godly jp starter account
>actually studied japanese a few years and can read it
>still can't be bothered to maintain it and just go back to global
I can't do it man, I can't farm up all that shit again. Plus I would never survive on jp as f2p. They haven't gotten a break since the movie banners.

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>got AGI Broly, INT Paragus, PHY transforming Vegeta, new INT Vegeta, and just now got SSj3 Bardock all off singles

Multis are a meme. The 10th card is 99 percent likely to be a junk ancient SSR anyway.

I am also learning Japanese but I only know the basic stuff. Maybe in a year or two.

5 days until I can stop playing Dokkan.

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I pulled my fourth copy/third dupe of the new Vegeta from a single. Pretty happy about this, also got my second Jiren dupe off the TEQ Hit banner last year as well with a single too.

>rerolled on jp 300 stones kelfa drama
I'm mostly missing old dokkanfest, I beat every SBR

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Three years' about what I studied and I'm pretty intermediate. Can have conversations in it and read basic stuff but I wouldn't be able to read a newspaper or anything. Might pick it up again once I have more time in the future. I was pretty relaxed with it, more of a hobby then anything but still enough to pass a couple of exams.
Kanji is a bitch.

>I would never survive on jp as f2p
you still have farmable stones and can convert them into coins unlike 90% of f2p oldfags

>5 days until dokkan adds heroes cards to glb, gives them an awakening, a killer banner with gfssr and discounts to make up for the shit they just pulled with hit and then pulls you back in
>or not

>Golden Week means TEQ Golden Freeza whose confirmed is getting his EZA
>AGL Metal Cooler put back on a banner with the new Hit
>JP gets an exclusive story event with farmable Hit and Champa units
>They might also get an LR Golden Freeza or something similar
>Still no LR Merged Zamasu still
God damn it.

Kanji is a bitch but it is pretty fun. I have a test next week and need to practice this shit. I need to stop procrastinating but to study I need absolute silence but my dogs are annoying as hell.

No, I know myself. I couldn't save up for big celebrations
>Oh, Kid Goku! Gotta have that!
>Oh, Hit and Cooler! Gotta summon on it.
>Oh, Lr Golden Frieza, can't pass him up.
>Damn son, Lr Kefla, that's gonna be must.
>Ok, I'll just not be retarded and wait for the coins
And next year again they'll do NY into Anniversary into Golden Week true wombo combo again.
But not even that, the worse is the grind. I honestly can't be bothered to grind the ginyus again, or all the event cards, or the prime battles twice again.

template if anyone wants it

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The peppy gals Banner already had guaranteed featured SSR don't expect it to at least September.

I like being able to read, thanks

Any higher res of this?

>Running Stage 13 of Hero Extermination multiple times
>Only 1 fucking gohan medal dropped
>Out of 7 runs
Fuck you game, gimme my medals!

Got it from another thread an added the kid goku and vegeta, downloaded their thumbnails from
I could make one later.

Attached: card_1016510_thumb.png (250x250, 18K)

is this team good enough?

>Kanji is a bitch but it is pretty fun.
Props to you I can't put up with it, I love knowing it but studying it is the worst for me

>I have a test next week and need to practice this shit.

>I need to stop procrastinating but to study I need absolute silence but my dogs are annoying as hell.

What's a good phy extreme sbr team I can make

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Well you're going to definitely want to have LR Vegito Blue and STR Super Gogeta together, especially on rotations because they link up extremely well together and that enables LR VB to constantly get off his 12 Ki SAs to stack his defense and attack over and over. Jiren is also good, Toppo is a good support unit and an amazing linking partner for Jiren, STR Bluku also tanks extremely well, same with GT SS3 Vegeta whose defense gets stacked by 30% for 6 turns so it can be done over and over again. STR SSG Vegeta is good too especially when he has his guard enabled. Whose your mono STR Super leader?

removed the ones not on glb yet, my account is allergic to super teq types

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Also if Jiren's stun passive goes off, that basically gives you a free turn and a guaranteed critical from him.

I even said that it's bullshit myself, what are you on about. It is what it is. I said in another thread they're like the bratty spoiled little brother that must have everything their older brother has plus their own unique stuff. This is just a reality in general with Japanese products.

>Whose your mono STR Super leader?
Just Vegeta.
Absolute shit luck when it came to rolling for SS4 Goku.

Sorry for the brag post but I have nobody else to share it with, I finally finished all the Prime Battles.

Fuck them.

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Global player I assume

what team(s) did you use?

I know that feel man. I kept going for him on every banner before the 2019 New Years rate up one and then I pulled him after no luck after two years with a dupe in the same summon. Now I have him with a dupe, AGL SS4 Vegeta with a dupe and those two together linked on transforming Vegeta's team are insane.

Yes. I have the STR Goku Black whose better than the AGL version and kind of sucks we're still like 6 months behind JP as far as exclusivity with EZAs goes.

Still a few that i'm missing, some havent released on global. A few of the older cards haven't been featured in a while.

Attached: gets.jpg (427x557, 50K)

It's up

This team is FUN!

Attached: Et.png (703x792, 858K)

nice user, you even have 1 more gacha lr then me.
are they sa20, though?

Thought I had shit luck but this makes me feel otherwise.

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Damn that is a really good global

Namek Saga for all of them. You talking about SBR instead? I can give you my teams for any of those

Frieza and Goku are, I'm waiting on the campaigns for the other two for the drop bonuses.

Remember to save your Honey Pan's

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Is it fun? Like next to none ever has STR Super Buu as a friend leader set up on global or jp.

I'm only at SA4, I'm def not getting 6 more before 4th year

>tfw need just one more of her to get her to SA level 10
>never get any drops

I've gotten 5 since they announced she would awaken, I don't wanna jinx it so I'll just say I'm happy she already saved me 5 kais

Pink is what I don't have at all. Red is what I don't have on JP. Green is what I don't have on Global. Question mark is JP takes to long to load and I'm not gonna check if I have them or not. Everything else I have on both yay!

Attached: DFEs.png (427x557, 460K)

Rank 514 jp I see 2 Buus plus the ones I have as friends.
lots of people got him in the kid goku banner

Already rainbowed

Ok, but do you have 10 more for 20/20?

I don't really like honey bread unless it's a toast

Do you even get enough medals to awaken two to LR?

why are gacha threads allowed on Yea Forums but not e-celebs?

Yes but I dont know how to get more medals

Spending money will do that. I don't even go too crazy

Play Dragon Ball Legends.

Attached: Gogeta.webm (540x960, 2.87M)

The Kid Goku banner was fucking awesome because of how varied it was. I don't know why the hell Buu saga stuff was on there but I'm glad it was and the DB stuff was amazing. It's a shame that it just got dumped right after 4th anni.

>why is a videogame thread allowed on Yea Forums but not videogame threads aren't

This legit might be the most retarded post I've ever seen so I'm going to just assume its a shitty troll

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Can you consistently beat battlefield?

This could have been a great pc game if you take the gacha out of it and give it actual controls.

I would rather play Heroes.

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It featured db cards, super buus first return and the leaders that are gonna be "replaced" by the 70% Ezas.

They give out 10 total medals for Pan in missions. Only takes 5 to Awaken her UR

>my account is allergic to super teq types
next battlefield zamasu is agl type :)

I usually get stage 3 the first day a new one starts and give up because the last few bosses have bullshit mechanics and my time is not worth 12 stones. It's too much thinking and trial and error for me. I'd rather take a couple hundred shots at SBR than actually try on Battlefield.

Who are the Super TEQ stunners?

It's basically the same as a Pure Saiyans team minus Gogeta and Buu. I prefer my Transformation team to be full of Metamorphosis units as it's near impossible to die due to all the healing you do, especially with cards like 21 and INT Janemba on main rotation.

How do you even play this game? Is it even in English?

Talking about the second Lr

So it is 5 for tur and 5 for LR? I already have 10 but I will only be able to level her super to 8

This is the optimal RoG team, right?

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Hell no. Game has been shooting itself in the ass for months. Not even a year in yet and there's so much broken shit and they pump out banners every 20 minutes. This game was just made to suck whales dry and is not fun.

>Is it even in English?
It will be in 5 days.

Ahh, then no. Youll have to use Elders/Grands

>TEQ Vegito

off the top of my head - candy vegito, lr hercule

Teq Vegito is not bad if you dont have the LR. He gets a natural bonus to have additonal attacks

For damage yes
For sbr no

I have him with a dupe so he outdamages all the others, and links best with AGL Gogeta.

Already beat SBR so I'm all about APT and fun teams now

>vegito not rainbow
nah he's only gonna weight you down

>>Still no LR Merged Zamasu still
Why are you still on about this? You have an LR Black and Zamasu. Let's get a fuck ton more of LRs before basically recycling LRs.

Noticed I forgot to red slash TEQ Gotenks. Is it worth it to spend red coins on him nowif he's even available anymore even if I have PHYtenks or should I just wait until I get him natty?

SBR is the only event that does enough damage for TEQ Vegito's defense to be an issue, and I already beat that. At one dupe TEQ outdamages all the others

Then that team is the one.

Depends on how many dupes you have on the PHy one
Pretty sure he is gone tho

here's an idea for a category I had:

"Power of Oozaru" or something like that for the name.

It could be led by a GA Kid Gohan thats also a 170 atk Hybrid Saiyans leader.

Units in the category would be all Great Ape units, all SSJ4 units, Berserk Broly, and arguably berserk Kale

Attached: Gohan_(Kid).png (852x1136, 1.55M)

What would you recommend for Majin Buu saga SBR? Currently missing LR Vegito.

so pure saiyans + kid gohan?

>only 170 lead
We need more 177 or higher leads

Can you get enough medals to LR her twice?

>Currently missing LR Vegito.
Same, LR saiyaman is MVP

Attached: majin buu .png (1440x2560, 3.26M)

Yep. It would be more limited to justify the 170% attack, and would also include none-pure saiyans like GA Baby.

There's no precedent. I think 177% will remain exclusive to LR Goku/Frieza since 77 is the card's theme. I suppose the next thing would be what, 190%? 200%?

What is her drop rate anyway?

so then what the hell were you on about, her pre-grind already happened with her EZA.

Too broken, basically the optimal pure saiyans except for turles on 170%

The SSJ4s will get another category eventually, this is just my idea for it. It also doesn't include Paragus who's also optimal on Pure Saiyans I believe


Wouldn't that just be Ultimate Tenkaichi?

10% chance to get her in a fight. 1% to have her show up in the form of a '?' space

not a bad idea, I was thinking of what would be a good duel lead with ss4 since there aren't enough ss4s for it to be a big enough category. I'd like an all GT second lead though.

Keep your Teq SSJ3 Gotenks.

He gets an EZA event in the future that makes him better than Phy

then again this would pretty much invalidate shadow dragons, which I actually like

April 1st kino

I know. I don't have him on JP and forgot to check him off in my original post. I was thinking of spending coins to get him but he's not even in the shop anymore. I would never get rid of a TUR.
I believe I have 1 dupe in PHY is he still better than TEQ with just that?

I wish you could choose your title screen, I'll alternate between this and the original Goku Black one all the time.

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>Currently have 500k FP
Hmm, time to start leveling some of these units...

Depends on the team, TEQ is better on SS3 PHY is better on movie heroes
The first dupe is huge so stick with phy until you get teq organically

>tfw gacha has more SOUL than most AAA games

Attached: 1553494235679.jpg (1000x780, 99K)

If there's one thing you can give Dokkan Battle it's that the music has been fucking top tier ever since the original Gogeta/Janemba dokkan events debuted. Even before then the original generic battle music was catchy as fuck.

Cursed sounds

This triggers my ludopathy

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lol what? that is a terrible way to level up, save your points for the next celebration where friend summons can get you extra goodies suck as Grand Kais

>if you showed me this music a couple years ago I'd thought it was cheery and energetic and happy
>now it bring about me pure anxiety

Attached: 1548706251236.png (542x511, 158K)

Not THAT's something I wish I could change. The music. I have it off all the time because I got sick of the main menu music a long time ago and the early music before Dokkan events were still a thing but still often used for story events.

I hate the new summoning animations. I want the original back. Not only was the original faster but the new one likes to fuck your expectations by having Vegeta show up half the time yet no fusion occurs.

Quick question. Any of the current GBL banners worth pulling from? Or should I save my stones.

Do you have SSBE Vegeta?

Ehh,I have a few units I need to level and awaken anyways, like Transforming Vegeta

>every time I get vegito I pull the one featured I didn't want
>every time I get random people Goku goes SS3 and I pull the exact thing I wanted
Why are these even here?

Holly fuck lads, the April fools units are actually not bad.

Vegeta is a 44% vegeta family leader, his super raises defense for 50%, he gets a 88%def Unconditionally and 88% atk when firing a super. Wtf.

Goku does the exactly oposite

It always surprises me how fascinated people are with the music in this. How does that music not drive you insane? I turned all sounds off really fast. The only one I occasionally turn on is SFX for the active skill voice lines. It's a shame that has to come with the rest of the SFX though. They really need a separate option for voice. For active skills and to know if Vegeta is actually gonna fuse when he shows up in a summon.

Wish they'd do something else with the fp
>make friend leader that is a mirror of your leader appear
>add sleeping kais to friend banners
>stamina refills

these are coming to global, aren't they?
So is Goku's family category being added earlier also or is his leader skill going to be TBR?

I hope so.

TBR was because we didn't have the version update that added categories.

They'll just give us the category for this.


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Yeah they added Vegeta's family early for Saiyan day. I don't think To Be Released is ever gonna happen again. It was just their first time back then and they were playing it safe. GLB was already crashing left and right because of SS4s there was no room to add in experimental shit like that.

what a worthless card

Attached: file.png (840x480, 998K)

Then it's worth it for Vegeta.

Do you have SSJ3 Bardock, FP SSJ4 Goku, or SSJ4 Gogeta?

Seriously? Jesus that's way better than I thought considering I did it 20 times and only got her once not including the times you get her just for competing on a multiple of 10

He's great for beating up his son's prime battle at least

Attached: Screenshot_2019-04-01-00-50-38_com.bandainamcogames.dbzdokkanww_1554076257150.jpg (720x795, 248K)

Par for the course with prime battle units. They're collectors items

Agl trunks is a SBR killer, vegeta is just there

>Spent an entire weekend grinding him
>Not even a month until he got replaced

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That's actually pretty good.

Not being able to run him in the same team as transforming Vegeta really sucks.

I finally have the coins to buy a copy of Blue Gogeta, I fucking swear if he's gone for six months I'm gonna scream

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Tatabana will be the soonest he comes back

can i beat extreme int sbr? i just started palying

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Yeah man. You team is way better than the one I just used to beat it. Take a look at the thread

Just remember to bring ghost usher, whis, Android 8 and old bulma items.

And that's still an awful way, and hasn't been useful since the very first meta. You're supposed to use training items plus time chamber location.

Spirit Bomb animation for a .1% chance of getting all 10 SSRs when?

How many angels does Dokkan have? Is it 3 like Heroes?

Nothing special really. Free units have gotten much better for a while, these aren't a big deal.

I turn if off too but it doesn't mean that most of the Dokkan event music is really good. The only problem is how much you have to hear the same songs, which gets old with literally every song on earth if you hear it enough. I'm especially bad with getting tired of good music fast.

Again, he shouldn't even be used on any team you'd use the new Vegeta on. He's good for Battlefield and F2P events. Probably optimal for E INT SBR too.

Honestly thinking about it, it might just be Whis

So wait, you dont need units to feed in training anymore?

Vegeta's banner is amazing. But wait until the last day of the banner until we see what's coming next because we MIGHT(looking unlikely at this point now) get a Heroes banner with brand new units that have the potential to be top tier. Then you can compare which is better and judge it at that point. If it's just a regular banner like Goku Black or Metal Cooler then choose this Vegeta banner over it for sure. You'll build up enough f2p stones to do a couple multis on the new ones anyway before they go away if you want to.

Whis, and Japan just got a F2P Vados.

>just started playing
Did you buy the account?

Lol no, you can but you don't have to, and the difference they make is pretty negligible.


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Not sure about Vegito and 17, but the rest of those units had banners in the last month or so.

Old and busted.

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Well shit, wish I knew

She makes my pp hard.

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He's here to fulfill the prophecy.

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help me build a realm of gods team i just started playing

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For Super battle road or general use?


UI lead, all LRs, Phy Vegito, Gogeta

I have some work to do...

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One, he can't run all LRs if he's running the PHY Vegito. Two, the TEQ is better to run with Gogeta than the PHY or LR versions

imagine actually trying to beat sbr instead of modding it

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They should add a mechanic where you can combine two different units and Dokkan them both into a single unit.

Like Goku and Vegeta would combine into Gogeta, 17 and 18 would combine into a card featuring both, etc

>all lrs
>phy vegito

go back to facebook

>I deserve to beat end game content day one!
fuck the teambuilding amirite

Cool. Now I just need to finish farming the bojack medals and I'll finally awaken my bojack.

>playing the game
I know right? Who does this?
That breaks the gacha law. They could only do it with free cards and from a business standpoint it would just be a waste of time even if it would be a fun mechanic.

>go back to facebook
go back to /r/dokkanbattle

15 minute old account, build me a team

Attached: Screenshot_20190331-203319.jpg (1080x1546, 1.72M)

>It breaks the gacha law
Does it? Sounds like it would actually be incentive to keep pulling. It basically doubles the amount of cards you need to get the card you want

they banned me for calling them bitch niggers

It's illegal in Japan for that exact reason

all lrs,

>taking a phone game seriously
yeah you're super hardcore for trying a hundred times until you didn't get randomly supered for half your life by 5 separate units

Attached: file_17.png (431x445, 247K)

LR ss4 lead + str ss4 goku
Vegeta and bulma + PHY LR trunks
float bulla and phy eza rage trunks

>SSJ4 Vegeta isn't rainbowed
embarrassing flex

Oh you meant literal law. That's interesting, I had never heard of that


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>trying a hundred times
Guess how I now you are a rerollfag
Also if there's still 5 enemies alive use an item.

This is why you don't post while on the shitter

Have STR Black instead of PHY Vegito

Attached: freiza.jpg (1024x576, 50K)

All you need is PHY Future Gohan or INT Black

i was thinking about ditching black since i dont need more dmg and i dont care bout the links since i like to keep lr black for the heals and rotate him

insead i would take eza teq berus to link with lr beerus

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Imagine starting with shitty units just for some shitty moral "victory"

I'll gladly take my 69% LR Vegito and 69% PHY SV start over anything like that

Considering its mainly centered around PvP and both the original Red Gogeta, the nu Blue Gogeta, and Broly completely broke the game unless you whale, no thanks.

I've been playing since the piccolo and gohan banner
sbr is not worth the time and is literal random "difficulty"

Especially in SBR, if you can't get Ultimates constantly, you aren't trying.

Close but no. I would replace TEQ Vegito Blue with STR Vegito Blue and remove STR Black as his passive and SA are only going to benefit himself and LR Zamasu/Black.

i rerolled a account on jp and modded through everything and i got over there a fuckin lr ss4 goku, vegeta with a dupe and lr gogeta with a dupe and a bunch of other goods cards

long story short i dont feel like playing there desu since i grindied everything on global out already

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you are fucking retarded and have no idea how the game works
never post again

Because Merged Zamasu has tons of potential. If they made a fucking LR with Mai and a non-transformed Future Trunks as an LR there is nothing fucking stopping them from making a good Merged/Fused Zamasu LR. And Black is one of the most popular characters anyways besides Vegeta and Goku and Gogeta + Vegito.

He's actually really good. On the Extreme INT team, he tanks quite well.

Whatever you say brainlet. You can beat most of them with teams made of multiple f2p units.

Attached: too hard qq.png (1440x2560, 3.56M)

We need more events, like UI Goku/Jiren/SSJB Gogeta/Nu-Broly Dokkan events, where even a good team can die if they let their guard down, not SBR Wich might as well be RNG. Disregard Phase 4 of UI Goku though.

>I would replace TEQ Vegito Blue with STR Vegito Blue
The problem in doing that is you make Gogeta Blue significantly weaker by doing that, which is a huge blow to the team overall.

Who uses cheats past age 15?

How in the absolute fuck does it quote correctly but reply to the wrong post

It's only rng if your team is weak and need to squeeze every item.
So yeah if you are not an endgame player shut up

UI Goku, STR Godku, LR Vegito Blue, LR Black/Zamasu, TEQ Merged Zamasu, and either TEQ Vegeta Blue or Jiren. Also Toppo if you use Jiren, and replace Merged Zamasu out.

Why the fuck would you gimp the two rotations like that you retard

That's actually pretty funny. Are those cooler units evn good?

>all these supreme cope mod and reroll cucks
literally no point in playing if that's what you're on

>where a good team can die
you mean when you dont pay attention and dont use a support item or senzu bean and you get unlucky

You're legit retarded if you play a gacha game and don't reroll

Amazing f2p units and they are only SSRs

STR Rose/Black doesn't do shit for Super types so why the fuck would you bother having him?

>PHY LR trunks is barely better than the f2p LR's
What are you talking about?
He has ATK +120% and 25% chance to crit without dupes.
The only free LRs that get even close to him are LR Vegito Blue and LR Metal Cooler.

We get it. You like him. He already has a card that was top tier at the time/still good and a close enough LR. There are many more deserving than that, and yea Trunks/Mai is a terrible LR too.

They're passable at best but the LR Cooler Corps is fantastic and the AGL Dokkanfest Metal Cooler can easily be argued as one of the top 5 Dokkanfest exclusives in the entire game, he's absurdly good.

Why disregard phase 4 of UI? The last stage of everything you listed is pretty much the same. They attack every slot 50 times and can Super multiple times per turn. All of that should be disregarded. Good reroll deterrents and things that actually make you pay attention are unit locking, stunning/sealing, disabling evades, oneshots and the like. That's what we need more of and no more bosses that are just 5 different typed enemies that attack every slot and have high defense.

rerolling when you first start is ok, hype sheep deserve to stay cucked out of sbr tho

The only part that isn't fun is finding one of the other 5 people in the entire planet who run STR Buu.


check out this fuckin goyim


You'd have him on rotation with LR Rosemasu, who receives his buffs and activates like all his links. And who cares if the floater doesn't get his buffs?

Ultimate Clash is a way better end game event than SBR.

Attached: 2wwgrg.jpg (888x500, 87K)

>ay dawg let me start over every time some new cool units come out and have an absolute shit box where I can't compete 99% of the important events and waste all that time spent grinding rinse and repeat
You are the legit retard.

>you're retarded if you take the gacha out of gacha
Just play Xenoverse or something. If you aren't using your own natural luck,skill, or money to obtain characters and progress through the game then there is no point in playing gacha.


>Ultimate Clash is a way bette
you mean a snore for anyone with an account at 300+ days
The gt clash was absolute garbage

>t. slave of the shiny new thing

You guys are smoothbrains if you think rerolling means rerolling for every banner. i'm talking about rerolling once to start

I'm not playing a fucking mobile gacha game for the gameplay
I'll keep modding everything and there's nothing you can do about it

>TEQ Golden Frieza is, by far, the 100% type lead that has aged the best
>is the first one to get an EZA
>meanwhile, SSBKK Goku is still worse than AGL SSB Goku, a card that itself is already heavily outdated
Akatsuki is retarded.

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Yeah stage 3 is. The first two stages are just there to waste your time if you are and endgamer. if it were longer and more consistent with it's difficulty I would like it a lot more.

Why is he so good anyways?

>Why disregard phase 4 of UI?
Mistyped, I meant Phase 3

no one who rerolls at the start should be playing SBR or even know what it is

Still homosexual but a lot of rerollers do it multiple times

All in one

You are the
>mindless bubblepopping puzzle simulator xDDD

>170% leader skill to all stats
>Extremely tanky, lowers enemy attack
>Builds attack to such absurd levels he can break 2mil attack at free dupe level
>Has a giant transformation that's a free win for any stage it activates on
>Running his category means you get TWO of this absolute unit, and multiple potential transformations as well

He will be, he can always end up showing up even as a floater. Your starting rotation is never determined outside of anything besides RNG, you retard.

Best thing they can do for SSBKK other than making him relevant again is change his damn name. I don't know why they're cute with this stuff like SSBE too.

>A potential bad rotation means you shouldn't bother using one of the three best possible unit combos the category can even have
Do you fucking hear yourself make teams around the worst case scenario rotations? Are you stupid?

Are you mentally retarded?

Not him but I make my teams based around most if not all the units being able to work together no matter what, not a single rotation like some autistic mongoloid.


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No, that would be you, dumbass. Ask literally fucking any veteran of the game and they will tell you how stupid you are to suggest that you shouldn't run a unit combo that is otherwise stellar because they could start off on the wrong rotation

Is he rare? I started playing what was 61 days ago and got him in what I think were my first ten card/summons

Every veteran would agree with me, go suck DT's chubby dick, you piss-ant.

Then you make bad teams. LR Beerus and TEQ EZA Beerus link like shit with most RoG units, but together they make the best fucking rotation on the entire category that heals itself, takes no damage and shits out more damage than the rest of your team combined.

It's incredibly easy to fix rotations if you're not 50 IQ, but I understand if its too advanced for you champ

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Level 415 here. I disagree with you.

just run full power until you get a real lead

It's OK, but honestly LR SS3 is shit without a means to guarantee ki for him

Depends. Did you get Phy Vegito BLue, or Phy Vegito base?

Attached: PHY_TUR_SuperVegito.png (852x1136, 3.7M)

truth is based and the best thing about this game unironicly

EZA for TEQ Beerus isn't out on global yet. That's why his current best team is movie bosses, not RoG outside of JP.
Cope more, you seething faggot.
>level 415

I've played longer than you, kid

You're just embarrassing yourself now. Learn the game before talking out your ass

They will never change his name because that would be admitting defeat and show that they barely think ahead. They'll never hear the end of it. Other things they won't do
>they won't make an all encompassing GT category
>won't add STR SS4 Goku to SDS
>won't make a Piccolo(Kami) or Piccolo(Nail)

>truth is based
t. Datruth

My RoG team never had a failure and I've done the RoG category team without using STR Black in their category SBR stage. Lie more to yourself if it helps you cope, you delusional shithead.

>no augment
Nice bullshit.

>A Global player
Now it all makes sense

Attached: 1554064767716.jpg (375x500, 32K)

Uh huh, whatever you say faggot.

It's dumb though because they appropriately named Super Saiyan Kaioken Goku.


>level 415
>veteran on JP
You can't call yourself that until you are at least level 500, friend.

Attached: 1427003939404.jpg (640x360, 36K)

>no augment

His argument to me was
>Cope more, you seething faggot.

I'm expected to provide an argument to that? Absolute retard.


>like SSBE too.
SSBE is called Evolution, it's just he has to transform into it.

>can plan for most dokkanfest banners and other things thanks to knowing how the schedule typically breaks down from JP
>makes it a lot comfier and lost easier to know when to jump or skip certain banners

when metal coola hit global?

>Nu gogeta
He has good stats and mediocre abilities. Broly is still better.

Stop being a seething faggot then, faggot.

>got shafted on Gogeta Blue
>got shafted on Broly
>meanwhile, pulled PHY Vegeta 3 times
>tfw have to run pure saiyans without either of the new Brolys

Attached: 1548563695417.png (460x455, 346K)

Keep gimping your teams by thinking Rose is shit on RoG

He rapidly transforms into a Super Saiyan, he gets a big Ki recharge rate, can basically spam his ultimates, and his special skill lets him boost his attack blast and strike attacks, over and over. Which is why 99% of the time people just disconnect in rating matches when against him or Nu Broly.

Legends is definitely 100% not F2P friendly and their banners are coming out way too fast like another person said. Its a fun time waster but its not going to stay in the long game compared to Dokkan.

>Got three Brolys
>Shafted on Gogeta Blue
>Anal raped on PHY Vegeta

I should try my luck on the next one. Maybe I'll be spit-roasted this time.

>My RoG team never had a failure and I've done the RoG category team without using STR Black in their category SBR stage.
1. Proofs
2. What does that have to do with the topic

Game is over 4 years old, that planning shit is a meme anniversary, golden week, tatabana and new years never change date plus the banner change order/units too often on global.

Keep staying delusional.

late april hopefully

oh no he took 45 extra seconds to complete yet another dokkan event itemless

>1. Proofs
I don't owe you proof anything, faceless shitposter.
>2. What does that have to do with the topic
You are a brainlet.

>tfw share a board and discuss video games with people who play gachashit
Fucking hell, this board

Support stadia and mobage will fade away

>admitting Rose makes RoG teams better

>meme anniversary
That's why it should be a shared one celebrating the japanese launch for both global and nips in Janurary and again in July with global instead of one exclusive to each side
>golden week
Not really relevant to global players
Not what I was talking about

I meant the general way they schedule regular dokkanfests outside of the rising carnival ones

Not me faggot

>I-I totally did the thing I said, but I won't take a screenshot of the easily accessible record to show it, b-brainlet!

Why is someone seething over the fact that str rose + lr zamasu is a good rotation? Unless this said person doesnt understand how rotations work?

>I can't give a coherent response so I'm going to instead accuse someone of something I can't disprove them of saying anyways because my word at face value is worth more then there's because I say so
Oh I'm sure it was depressing when your father learned how dyslexic you were as a child.

If we had a stable /vg/ thread like FGO, it would be an issue faggot. Until then, youre stuck with us

Trollin' for replies

Their argument is that since you can't guarantee that you start with that rotation, it makes STR Rose bad.

He literally doesn't, his argument is that Rose doesn't buff the other units that he wouldn't actually be on rotation with, and "what if he starts out on a rotation with someone else" as if you can't FUCKING ROTATE HIM in that case

Because there are better RoG teams that don't need STR Black anyways.

R8 H8 appreci8
This is my main team, the only change I'm considering is LR Gogeta when he is available again.

>Unless this said person doesnt understand how rotations work?
Only been playing for about a month, how do rotations work?

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Legends has fucking insane powercreep, but surprisingly Gogeta isn't that game breaking. Cell and Broly are way better. Broly can ignore type advantage, heal himself, has ki blast armor on strike cards, he can force switches, he can cause faint, destroy opponent's cards, and gets stronger the more damage he takes on top of having the best stats in the game.

There literally aren't.

APTimal Realm of Rogs is

>TEQ VB + AGL Gogeta
>Str Rose+ LR Black
Floaters: UI Goku, UI Goku, West Kai

No one cares.

>I meant the general way they schedule
other that knowing what the main unit is (spoiler its always going to be a goku/vegeta or their fusion) the order of release and other featured units is all up in the air

You know when to expect the "meta changers" New years, anniversary and download celebration. So even if you don't know who the face of the 3+1 is it doesn't matter you will still be able to keep up if you save for them.
On the other hand if you want to summon for characters you like you are on the same boat as jp players since they are able to save untill they see something they like.
Planning is overrated.

>Realm of Rogs

thanks for the account

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My bus stop cares

>Only been playing for about a month, how do rotations work?
You probably already get the basics: Units come in rotations of three, and alternate each turn with the 7th unit coming in on the third turn. The first two units in a line stay in their spots, the third takes the place of that 7th unit. A rotation in terms of a pair typically refers to two units who want to stay together to be linked up at all times. So in your case, the two Gogetas would be a rotation that wants to stay together.

AGL ss3 is better in movie heroes AFAIK

You know they wont give you an account without GooglePlay/IOS receipts right? Thats one thing Bamco does better than FGO's DW. You have to provide receipts for purchased Stones, the type of package you purchased and the Transaction ID. Otherwise, theyll tell you to fuck off

He knows, he's just trying to scare the newfag. The fact you are familiar with the FGO account stealing meme should mean you're aware of this.

Not that user but I really don't care about damage numbers, its not my priority with my category teams. I have a 90% TEQ Vegito Blue but almost always bench him in favor of STR Vegito Blue because I like tanks. I like defense, I like healing, I like buffs, I don't care for how many times Vegito Blue can quickly build up his attack after a few turns and rotations into retarded high numbers, I like stability with my teams. He doesn't link well with anyone in RoG category outside of AGL Nu Gogeta and AGL SSBE/Transforming Vegeta, and I don't have either of those two. My Realm of Gods team paired under my and a friend's rainbowed UI Gokus, a 79% LR TEQ Black/Zamasu, 79% STR SSG Goku, 79% STR GoD Toppo, and a rainbowed Jiren, plus LR Vegito Blue is nearly 500k and I don't have an issue.

I like how it functions even without PHY Goku Black or STR SSR Black. VB is there to tank and tank over and over, TEQ Black/Zamasu is there to heal and tank, everyone else is damage and stunning in the case of Jiren. My only issue now is if with my rainbowed TEQ SSB Vegeta if I want to replace Toppo with him.

That new Cell and Gohan are the most bullshit units ever.
>Cell locked behind 7 step-up banner
>gohan locked behind tickets obtained from said banner
>cell regens, disables your half your abilities can't be hit when switching
>and has an ultimate that one-shots everything
I hate that motherfucker but Gohan is worse because of Legendary Finish. I have to be forced to watch this fucking animation and waste my time all because I get matched with some 12 year olds who go out of their way to get it every match.

Then play giant form not RoG.

Make me, nerd.

>Says he only cares about healing and tanking
>But refuses to run STR Rose when it would make his LR Black heal AND tank better
You make no sense

It's the most stable team in the game and has 75% uptime on invincibility, you will love it, defense faggot


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After what they did with this current patch, I am done with Legends, or at least until 1st Anniversary, but I don't have any hopes I can rekindle anything.

Ah, 2BH I only had that because I my autism wanted the Gokus to be separated from the Gogetas

I'll be sure to keep an eye on him then.

Doesn't the new Gogeta when performing his super attack almost prevent switching? Also he has ki blast armor when doing his super attack as well.

I'm not the same user you were arguing with, dude. And I only have one dupe in my Rose Black anyways, I won't use him unless he has at least two dupes in the Hidden Potential system.

You already have too many damage dealers. Add teq ssb f2p vegeta for sick Def and to link with that agl goku. I would remove either LR ss3 or that teq God goku

Thats not me man. Its someone else.

Most stable team is still Realm of Gods and Pure Saiyans, especially now thanks to the new transforming Physical Super Saiyan Vegeta, plus the insane buffs the category got with AGL Angel SS2 Goku and STR Majin Vegeta, as well as the LR SS4 Goku and Vegeta. No way.

Well at least you got the good one

I don't want to look at anything Legends for a while, but he has #1 in several stats post transformation, and unlike Dokkan he does count as a Sayian. Don't forget since he's SSJ1, he can be tagged with Bardock too.

why do people still believe the teq vegito has no defense meme
outside of sbr he takes no damage in later stages of fights where bosses actually do damage

Fuck this grind
I already sa 10ed the phy trunks and now i only have like 10 turtle training items

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You don't need healing when you are actually immortal.

Broly has it on his strike cards as well as his ultimate. Gogeta only has it on his super.

>And I only have one dupe in my Rose Black anyways, I won't use him unless he has at least two dupes in the Hidden Potential system.
That's ridiculous user. I assure you, you'd be better off with him than with the SSG Goku. Vegito Blue provides his own ki so it's no huge loss to efficiency, plus you get a full damned 50% defense boost and 3 ki at all times to your LR Black, plus anywhere from 25-50% additional attack from links. If it was no dupes I'd understand but 1 is all you need.

The one-armed red SP Gohan is basically Legends equivalent to an LR. The game is fucking stupid broken.

I don't understand. Its not like he improves the amount of healing the LR does, its always going to be a straight 15% with his passive every time he comes on rotation.

Because most idiots throw Potential orbs into his combo nodes rather than defense, so most Teq Vegitos out there are glass canons. Still better than Ohy Vegito Blue though

>Don't forget since he's SSJ1, he can be tagged with Bardock too.
So can Broly.

Plus he regenerates HP on his own and regens even more paired up with LR Metal Cooler.

I haven't seen a Blue Gogeta Super attack yet so I don't know. They usually switch to him, transform and bulldoze me. I don't mind armor or counters or whatever. Cell pisses me off because when someone switches to Cell, he has a special animation where he saves himself and the other character from getting hit. It really disrupts the flow and robs me of an attack that would work on any other character. He also disables one of your cards and I think doesn't allow you to switch for a while. He's just a real fucking pain to deal with, maybe if he had one of these things he'd be fine but no single card should have all this shit he's practically invincible.

>I don't understand. Its not like he improves the amount of healing the LR does, its always going to be a straight 15% with his passive every time he comes on rotation.
He's referring to the Giant category which with an optimal team is literally fucking invincible because of transformation abuse.

You're acting like him being in a team with Broly doesn't make him an even better option.

Why are you doing this? He's not gonna do damage anyway. He's just an orb changer, maybe he'll EZA at some point but that's all he's good for right now. PHY Trunks deserves to be farmed not him.

Giant team has 2-3 apes floating and then you have the leader plus cooler and LR baby who CHAIN transform when your hp is low.

He has aged like ass, I have him with 3 dupes and he needs an EZA badly.
STR SSG Goku gives a 40% or something attack boost to UI Goku, your category leader unit. He has first awakened which no one else on RoG does, because AGL SSG Goku would otherwise be UI Goku's best linking partner. As it stands, the STR one has the same KK mechanic with his SA (buffing attack and def) and giving UI Goku his best attack links. Sandwiched between GoD Toppo with his passive and doing his SA, a rainbow UI Goku in the middle, and STR Godku floating, they hit over 2 million right off the bat.

By Blue Gogeta I think he means the new blue transforming Gogeta from the Broly movie whose first special skill just transforms him into a Super Saiyan, he doesn't turn SSB. But once he does his super attack, he does prevent switching and has ki armor so unless you hit him with an ultimate Ki attack or dodge it, you can't stop it.

>Add teq ssb f2p vegeta
Unfortunately I was too much of a retard to know I should max out on a F2P character until it was too late, so Goku is the only one I have rainbowed.

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He's pretty busted.

That's what I meant too. I've run into a few so far. No Gogeta has super attacked me yet. They show up, transform then beat the shit out of me before I can respond. So I wouldn't know if he had armor or not since I've never seen it.

I hope UI Goku comes back soon, or they release another RoG leader. I've got plenty of units currently, but no leader.

If you manage to stall long enough, they'll transform, get a 20% heal, their unique skill card gives them a damage boost and reduces ki recharge time, and stacks blast damage, and then it just gets spammed. Transformed, his stats also go insanely high, so yeah he's pretty nuts.

What team are you using? I use androids and I have no problems with the new Gogeta. 17 can kill him in 2 combos.

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>Transformed, his stats also go insanely high
That's putting it mildly, when he's a Super Saiyan and paired with the right team like with the blue Bardock, he can even strike combo certain high tier or top tier units to death.

I like Legends but its definitely not going to survive long if they keep doing this bullshit of each new SP unit being more over the top then the last one, do do they even have Vegito units in the game yet?

Nope, they don't even have any blues/4s yet

This is the best team I can make. 18, Kale and Goku are a little lacking in the orbs department but I don't really use them except for Goku sometimes. The rest are nearly 100% across except for the IV level.

Goddamnit I'm rushing to beat the archive.

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SS4s will be top tier, you wait and see. Their like the premium Super Saiyan class in Dokkan and they'll be the same in Legends.

>AGL SS4 Vegeta links up perfectly with LR AGL SS4 Goku
>STR SS4 Vegeta links up perfectly with STR SS4 Goku
>TEQ SS4 FP Goku works perfectly with them as well as SS4 Gogeta