Why aren't you playing modded Skyrim, user?

Why aren't you playing modded Skyrim, user?

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Cause if i wanted porn i'd just google it you fucking faggot.

Mods can't salvage this shit.

because im awful at installing mods

Skyrim has evolved from being a sub par TES game to being the best porn game ever made.

i don't understand why horny modders don't use their technical ability to make things outside their niche interest.

Literally just follow the instructions.

That's not fun

>"Why aren't these porn modders putting their skills into other things?"

I dont know user, what else can they do?

too brainlet to bother

The engine is a steaming pile of smelly shit and the modders are autistic and never finish ther work, sabotage each other or pull their mods from plattforms.
I'm fapping to better games and play superior RPGs.

animation mod?

oh my g*d becky

look at her butt

Just follow the instructions

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I don't own Skyrim, and I don't care enough to pirate it.

Why did you put belle delphine in skyrim

Because I'd have to spend two weeks watching my game crash, textures break and shit just to get a 30 minute fap off.

It's not worth the effort. If I could just download working mod packs to make my char looks like that, sure, but I can't. I have to start from scratch.

It is convoluted but you gotta make sure you know the fundamentals before attempting to install 10000s of mods, like load order, incompatibilities, requirements, etc. Just start fresh and carefully install.

Because no matter how much shit I shove into it it just get boring after 10 minutes.
I guess it's just not for me

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I end up wanting too many shit at the same time and can't arse myself to even change items ID in case they are the same, or fixing 2 mods because both change the file of how the character holds a torch for whatever reason
tried once, didn't even launch the game and got bored of modding it
useless one day someone uploads a folder with as many mods as possible and spoonfeeds me I don't care, and /tesg/ is too much into attention whoring for that

Skyrim, you say?

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Yeah i suck at following instructions too

I don't like Skyrim.

I am, but it does not involve sex. Nice looking females, sure, but no porn. Got real life for that.
>"must be hard to always watch and never touch"
No need to poison yourself.

>I end up wanting too many shit at the same time

You just gotta take it slow. Follow the instructions carefully, make sure load orders in proper positions ( important mods on top, mods on bottom override mods on top) and follow requirements.


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Besides adding injury to the game and maybe playing around with magic mods, the rest is quest mods and the odd foray into a realm of Oblivion.
Vigilant was made on a three year long fever dreams, I swear.

I would but I'm a simpleton

>be me
>looking at skyrim mods
>mainly just want some bug fix things
>see the porn mods
>try to ignore them
>accidently download all of them for "immersion"
>still didnt get the bug fix stuff
happens every time

There's no point.

because i'm too lazy to look up and set up what mods I want, and nobody is willing to spoonfeed me

Why the fuck are Bethesda the only devs who really have big mod communities for their games?

I am though.

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is there a place with videos of these mods?

Popular open world games that are really easy to mod

porn and autism

There are modlists online and Vortex will do all the heavy lifting for you.

Easy engine to mod apparently.
Plus their games are open-ended enough in a fantasy way that adding absurd shit really doesn't damage immersion much.

Why do I get banned / my threads deleted when I post that I have a wife and don't to masturbate to fictional characters?

because you dont "play" modded skyrim. You make some waifus install some custom animations and poses, play those animations/poses through some nav menus and take pictures for Yea Forums. It has as much gameplay as playing dess up with dolls.

Model design, texturing work, and animating.

I don't play it but I totally fap to it

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Your wife a shit

post more

PH has a lot of Skyrim porn vids surprisingly

they're putting new models and animations into a game with terrible models and terrible animations
but they're not fixing the bad, they're just adding sex

Modded Skyrim is only good for one thing and that's Curiosity

braps your path

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What is the point of this?

I know all that, I'm just saying it's not worth the effort.

Also I suck at skyrim slider-fu, which also is important

because i'm not a pathetic incel

Calm down Daymarr

Not worth the effort to try to mod this pile of shit into something actually worthwhile. I tried modding both versions a few months ago and every time something would just randomly cause the game to tear itself apart. It wouldn't even be the same mods, just things that don't overlap in any way would break and I'd have to wipe all my progress and start over from a clean install.

Because it's a photography simulator that takes hours to set up and has no gameplay

Like 30% sure that Spankbang has an entire porn playthrough as well.

You're right, with those skills they should make a porn game

I just play Honey Select instead.

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Some are definitely, but you can also think of this as a hobby. Which it is for the most of em I guess.

gameplay will always be shit regardless of mods, I can experience the best parts of Skyrim modding by viewing these threads
If I want actual content to fap to I'll play DoL

I'm not going to tell you to try again because it really isn't worth it but you should be using LOOT and Wrye Bash to organize and fix your load order so that shit doesn't happen.

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I like how she slowly notices shes being recorded, and kind of likes it

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>not playing a pure maiden survival game where every living creature wants to have sex with you
yeah you have no clue bud

Or work on a real game, or non-porn mods. Not even saying there's something wrong with porn games/mods, but they never seem to work on anything but lewd shit. Just kinda baffles me since the skillset translates to some extent

>gameplay will always be shit regardless of mods
Not true. I don't even use many mods, but my game is the RPG ever by far.

why has no one really experimented with making a new race other than "recolored elves" or "human but with cat fur"

Fucking pathetic.

I never liked how Skyrim porn mod's sfx was handled. Sex sounds never match animation collisions like they did in Oblivion or fallout.

Why is her arm like jelly.

Funny how you just posted this because I just went to 2chan to see if they are having another Skyrim thread and they are. They are just like us, they modded Skyrim too and they have bunch things there, like BDSM mods.


Because it's a tonne of work. You need to make that new model interact with everything in the entire game

How has no one made a repack with all the best fap mods ready to go yet....

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>mod in porn shit
"okay time to play the game"
>game sucks ass
>mod in gameplay fixes
>nothing can fix the gameplay
>uninstall and wait 2-3 years before trying again

Couldn't figure out how to set up CBP Physics so gave up.

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Probably for the sheer amount of modeling and texturing skill and effort needed to do so, including what a fucking mess it must be to get all that shit to work right with the game.

because I know if I go back I will eventually go back to masturbating to cat women.

This but Koikatsu

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Not him but I usually need a video guide because Im dumb

I probably will try again eventually. I'm actually playing real games at the moment so I'm not too worried about it. I remember attempting to use LOOT but it was being uncooperative with Mod Organizer.


I just mod in stuff like immersive jewelery, crafting/alchemy overhauls etc, stuff that adds some items (armors/weapons/clutter), mods that improve/change gameplay.
Enderal is a nice mod (now standalone, though suffers from Gothic autism).
If all those porm mods were combined to make Corruption of Champions knock-off for Skyrim, then, maybe, they (porn mods) would have some purpose... Otherwise, dont see the point.
All that talent and autism wasted instead of used to improve the game. Then again, im in no position to dictate anything.

Because it doesn't take a full week of intensive trial and error to set up porn mods in The Sims.

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Modding it to the point it's worth playing is too much work.

A lot of people have trouble with Mod Organizer. You really don't need that shit.

Attention whoring. He won't answer questions anons are asking, like which animation mod he's using, but he's going to make sure he posts more webms of his waifu.

You suggest manually installing mods or using a different mod manager?

Is Skyrim the most memorable game ever?
People will still be talking about it and playing it 30 years from now.

I still need to do this.

not with those shitty animations, no

>spend weeks setting up mods for skyrim
>finally play game for 5 minutes and fap
>don't feel like playing anymore

post-nut syndrome is cruel bitch

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why uninstall it

Everytime I try to mod it I get it wrong. It just never looks as good as the ones posted here and in order to make it look that good I’d have to sift through and test out the boatloads of mods posted on LL and some Japanese modders obscure tumblr or some shit. Why does LL still organize their mods as an uncatrgorized forum still? They need to set up a section of their page that’s similar to the nexus with some kind of most downloaded/top rated ranking

cause i'm beating up ninjas in ashina

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I keep trying but I just can't. It's so insufferably boring. I wish Fallout 4 had Skyrim-tier mods, at least that game has decent gameplay.

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I've never actually played skyrim before. Should I play it, and which version? Should I play it vanillia with some QoL mods/bug fix mods, or just go all out with lewd mods?

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