What are some video games about the American dream?

What are some video games about the American dream?

Attached: american dream.png (480x480, 67K)

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Every GTA game except GTA London, obviously.

GTA IV more than the others

anything with evil empire trope

>Land in US
>Everyone around claps as I leave the plane
>Plane explodes
>Everyone claps
>Barely escape only to get shot by the cops
>The cops start clapping
>Lying on the floor dying
>Get picked up by an ambulance
>EMT start clapping
>Ambulance takes me to McDonalds
>McDonalds employees start clapping as I enter
>EMT throws me on the table and force coke cola into my mouth
>The large cup starts clapping
>EMT throws 10 million dollar bill in my face
>People are coming into the store in droves to clap
>Die on the table with greasy french fries and burgers around me
>Everyone starts clapping

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Rent free

>pay retardedly high taxes for your healthcare system
>it doesn't even work

Attached: nhs.png (503x1065, 275K)

At least I don't get investigators at my door because I said the N word online


>tfw $30000 of medical debt with insurance.
>tfw the amount brits pay a year in taxes for just the NHS is way less than I’ve ever payed a year in insurance.

>game takes place in America

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At least we're white.

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>the reason for cancellation was not stated

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You can't declare bankruptcy on medical bills or student loans in USA though?

>A huge majority of NHS workers say they are worried about staffing levels, according to new survey findings that suggest a dangerous level of under-resourcing in the health service. Four-fifths (80%) of respondents – which included nurses, doctors and managers – have raised concerns about there not being enough staff on duty to give patients safe and high-quality care. More than half of those (59%) said no action was taken, despite their unease being voiced.
>Last year in excess of £140bn was spent on health across the UK - more than 10 times the figure that was ploughed in 60 years ago.
>Today 30p out of every £1 spent on services goes on health.
>Britain was placed on a par with Chile and Poland as countries still lagging behind the best performers in survival following diagnosis for different types of cancer.
>In England the financial thresholds to access social care are 12% lower (in real terms) in 2018/19 than they were in 2010/11, meaning fewer people are now eligible for publicly funded social care.
>About 400,000 fewer adults received social care services in 2013/14 than in 2009/10, as local authorities have had to prioritise funding for people with the most severe care needs.



I see that the resident mutt squad of corporate cocksuckers have arrived.

god bless ;-;7

What are some games about the 48%?

Since you guys are more interested in politics I'll give everyoje a tip. Voting for socialism is only going to fuck up the lives of yourself later in life and your children.

ok boomer

>mountain bike club
>got some shit from a tick
>journey across 6+ docs who tell i can see you are fucked but no idea how to treat it good luck boy
>still have to pay for this shit insurance
>get no help while financing someone elses health care who probably also get's scammed
>friend's mum stopped getting help after first year after a stroke
>newspaper says health insurance is sitting on mountain of money
>european dream
it's all bullshit

>these are the people calling you manbabies all the time

Attached: punch.webm (1500x844, 2.78M)

more than 0%

Look at all those nations you subsidized their defense capabilities to the US.

uhh jamie bring up the average lifespan of an amerifat

>Eurocucks SEETHING over free markets yet again.

what is the american dream, exactly?
Or is this seriously just a very thinly veiled pol thread.
Like you put a tiny worm on a huge pink hook and seriously expected to catch some very retarded little sardines who will see the worm on this obvious hook, but then hopefully think that the only way to the worm is by trying to eat the whole hook until he gets to the worm.

56? 56?!? Aww man, now that's all I can think about.

Private health care ensures you get the best and brightest because no doctor wants to DO IT FOR FREE. They get paid big money so they come here

>didn't hit the women too
Beta male.

this is now a sonychad thread

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>Daily Mail

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>not understanding the damages of Taxing 70%
The cycle continues. Kids born in 20 years are going to be exactly the same as millennials are now

Look at all those nations who has subsidized your national defense to the US.

>what is the american dream, exactly?
something that once existed but now is said in order to piss off europeans. which it works every time.

>Look at all those nations you subsidized their defense capabilities to the US.
American taxpayers are doing all the subsidizing, not they other way around.

Attached: nato gdp.jpg (780x439, 86K)

an unfortunate consequence of gynocentrism. equal rights have not yet accepted equal lefts.

number 1. Israel - 200 billion ameribucks a month
number 2. ??

>Whiter than you achmed!

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The american dream is that you can make it if you only work hard enough. In that sense gaming provides the perfect escapism as you can make it in gaming by design.

>im giving you 20$
>to shop at my store
>I also make 10000 times that 20$ as well
Get off stormfront, abdullah.

>Land in US
Consider yourself lucky

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ok boomer, time for your nap

Medical bills can be expunged in bankruptcy.

Ironically it usually costs over $1,000 to file for bankruptcy in America though.

Student loan debt is the only debt treated differently that can't be expunged in a bankruptcy.

Really you can just never pay any debt in America, and they can't do shit about it except lower your credit score and constantly call your phone.

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Does the UK only have one news organization. I was looking for other reports of this but every site just sources the daily mail.

yeah bud we'll stop doing that when more than 1% of people have 90% of the wealth ok?


It's not wonder with the Tories intentionally defunding the NHS so they claim it's shit and shut it down

Fuck off Guardian fag

UK "healthcare"




>Taxing 70%
we had this rate at one point in our country under republicans

>Kids born in 20 years are going to be exactly the same as millennials are now
Great they wont be racist idiotic pieces of shit like boomers

God that's sad
They'd have to rebreak it right



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seething amerifat had his daily workout copy pasting those articles

Can't they jail you for fraud? Or do you just claim that you intend to pay and they can't prove that you had no intention to never uphold the contract?

Why are people so opposed to having to take care of themselves?

>Great they wont be racist idiotic pieces of shit like boomers

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Americans are straight up psychos

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Imagine being so angry that you don't get the chance to have an operation that you start slandering other, better healthcare services with shitty news coverage

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>Great they wont be racist idiotic pieces of shit like boomers
hopefully they'll be more racist like gen z :)

>USA is still an occupation force in Germany and Japan
>Switzerland is neutral
>No contry needs USA's military aid
before you say anything consider that China wants to trade and Russia can't sustain a war because they don't have money enough

Okay then based on these lads, it sounds basic but I'd bet the dark souls series is a good analogy for the current state of the American dream.
Want me to expand on that? Or is it as obvious as i think it is

456667524 (YOU)

>Amerimutts ITT

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It's kinda hard to do when you're dying, so it's better to look out for each other

don't be poor and you won't complain about healthcare ahmed

some medical issues cannot be treated at home

yup, mohammed who brought his degree from pakistan hired to fix your arm because theyre understaffed because they imported millions of africans will have to rebreak your arm multiple times then add screws and more

and if you need to get it adjusted afterwards, prepare to have the adjustments canceled as well

>no money for healthcare
>plenty for israel
Really makes you think

>reading Fake News Mail

At least I’m not a brainlet who can’t tell true from “/pol/ wishes this was true”

To be frankly honest with you, I hope Iran AND Israel get destroyed.

Now show a graph about how many people die in hospital rooms in countries like Canada you fucking faggot.
Not to mention you are taxed up the asshole so you end up going bankrupt anyway.

>im retarded
>im retarded
Really makes you think. Get off stormfront and stop reading headlines.

Not all medical debt can me expunged by bankruptcy. Some times like mine will remain.

As biased as they are, they are still a better source of news than the UK leftist news organizations because they don't have to filter events through the lens of deluded normie morality.

>mfw Democrats eat themselves again in 2020

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>Ironically it usually costs over $1,000 to file for bankruptcy in America though.
If this is true, how can there even be a single person that believes in this country